HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-4, Page 7IN
r;rcrasr� a"��`. ! `''•'\`";r u�
After App le -Picking ,ifd � � �..;� i�Emli9E FANNING ..0 MILL' i
Y _ , ��
}s.- 'vr f The improved Fanning Mill of to•diayt' THE SANITYZ separates wild oats, Smut, and chess• ' OF
1Vjy lents two -painted ladder s Stroking through a treat ar no grain too dirty for the KlIne, Ca. t FARM LIFE
Toward heaven still,
, (F'. paclty 100 bushels per hour, Write
And there's a barrel that I didn't Sill for particulars. X IN N7 PANNING !
n ' Beside it, Suri them may be two or three TIIE SIINDAY SCHOOL L1i9S0N MILT• CO., 490 Crawi'ord St„ Toronto., The opportunity for earns Zito kand
M rk
V Apples I didn't pick upon some bough. wholesome thiiticfug offered t4 tltove r
in''� tiUV1;41AhIt 7TH i who are fortunate enough to live lit
Uv But I am done with apple picking now, Nature's Balance a Dedicate tele open country is one of the worth-'
Th esce of winter sleep is on the night, Principles of Christian Llving—St, One' while compensations a agriculturo "'
The scent of apples; I am drowsing oil, If all T
Watch the Buolovheatl buckwheat being an Irritant, but this Mail. (i: 1-7; 12, Golden Text, jle coyotes
cu ld patron all Sit dvionttdan. f'armded may have So dta
When the buckw'he'at crop is 'lvar- year from about June 1 to August 16 I cannot rub the Strangeness from my sight cuyetes the aoyotas would starve out) disadvantages cannpaxe to Ulla social'
we fed a bunch of nine i I g g p Matthew 0. 33, j 1
vested, it is essential it should be p• gs whole got from looking through a ane of glass and 'Sok-rabbits would than become al and financial advantages of other oc�
saved. The danger in heating is above buckwheat, scattering it well on the I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough 0; 1-18, Take Heed, Jesus would serious pest, as indeed they have in eupations but farm life gives one tho'
that of other grains, and it is neces- ground so it required some time for And held against the world of hoary grass., have Ills, followerssincere and modest, localities in which the coyote has been proper perspeetive for Sizing up the
sary that the buckwheat bin sbouhl them to consume it, We fed whey, It melted, and I let it fall and break. Ile gives no approval ar oncourage- eterminated. If all coyotes could out-' rest of. the world. This feet was ent,
b4 carcfutl wa ched. The danger Pig, were on pastors and ment to loud profession of piety, or run all Jack -rabbits, then the ask- hasized during the war and is even
y t and the n But I was well j i l P g
arises principally front dampivess at were supplied mineral matter, and to ostentation or boasting in religion. rabbits would soon be Exterminated, more apparent just now rotten tine
1 P s Upon my way to sleep before it fell, It ds the sincere and simple purpose and tine ca o
Lima of. threshing, Threshing Usually I they were as good as any prigs we have And I could tell and desire of the heart that God hon- y res would starve. But; whole world is in a state of unrest'
ors, and this conception of religious nature has provided that some cu•y-I and when the industrial and capital-'
occurs in late September, October, or raised, We have feel same BuelcwlteaC What ronin my dreaming was about to take. ones can outrun some ,
November, The weather is frequently to horses, and with oats at present fluty is always present in Iiia teach- jack-rabbita, sol ristie cl'as'ses are carra.ng on their war
darnp or wet, coneequentl,y the grain prices, buckwheat selling for $2.4:0 Rex Magnified apples appear and disappear, Ing, The kindly gift to one who needs, that there is always left some food of hatred.
goes in the this in damp condition. hundred pounds with little demand Stem end and blossom end, the prayer, the fast, are all beat done for the coyotes.I The businese man to -day is con
Grain us usually hauled iron the field just int present at those figures, one And evdry fleck of russet showing cleiw. in secret, and 'best done when the A thousand and one other d slieato fronted with problems that threaten
and if work is started at a fairly oarly can feed this grain in the dairy, pool- My instep arch not only keeps the ache, doer himself hardly recognizes that balances between Inning things are to the entire business structure, is partial
try mid to hors, makri.n It a art a£ It keeps there Is any merit in his act. Jesus be found In nature. The most inter- q p
licur to the moaning, there will be Y 6 g P ps the pressure of a ladder' -found. said, Let not thy left hand know what estin � cense uenee of the war upheaval, In
oufficient dew or frost. on the buck- the grain ration, and realize not only I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend. illy r.'ght hand death. Ile warns a %, and perhaps the mast import- like manner the laboring man also has
wheat to affect the efficiency of the Profit but save trouble and expense of And I keep hearing from the cellar bin against the s frit and manner of the ant, is found in the work of the tiny] his troubles in forcing the necessary
thresher. This will also cause damp- handling it. 1'he rumbling sound hypocrites, the play -actors, the pre organisma—•bacteria, molds, ate., adjustment o£ wages to fit living costs.
mess in the grain. tenders, In religion and morality, of. that cause decay, If the remnina of The man living independently on the
Of load on road of apples coming in.
Buckwheat should be abscrtegI from Storing tine Potato Crop. For I have had too much whirl there were not aecs a,f exp dead planus and animals did not ies farm, iron the standpoint of comfort.
day to day in the full, particularly if Who has not seen potatoes scooped antplea among the Pharisees of Ills coy, it would not be many centuries, and contenimlent Is probcrbly havr'ng
there has been dampness, about the, into a chlute into a grocer's storage Of apple -picking: I am overtired day, until all the carbonic acid gas In the' less w<,t•r: and trowble to clay than the
unthreshed grain, If this is the case cellar, and permitted be drop from Of the great harvest I myself desired. The model prayer which Jesus gave atmosphere would be tied up in thea worker In any other class. This is
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch I Isis dise!ples N: fi-12.) is short, simple remains of dead lant4 and lant life Iracausa agticultura as a profession is
,it should not be pieced too deeply in three to ten feet into tt bin, Such n , 1 plants, P p•
J and reverent. It begins with pet) would disc
bins, but better be spread so that it bruised crop under the warm, moist Cherish in hand, lift down, Suer not let fall, Bruns that clue honor may lie given to disappear for lack of its grin- on a more stable Iasis, year in and
can be shoveled. One should thrust cr:dar conditions comuvanly given, is I or all the name sd God, and treat His kin cipa:l source (if nouris'fiment, MOra year out, than any other profession.
his arm deeply in tide grain and this likely to allow severe rotting, The That struck the Parth, dum may come and His will be done than half the weight f the water -free The people of the world are gradu-
should be done not ill one place but farmer must reaUze that in the long No platter if not bruised or spiked with stubble, among men, and continues then with materials In plants is arbon, all of I .ally lining up Into two general classes:
at ditl'erent Points. In addition to this run lie pays for this rotting of his 'Went surely to the Cider' -apple heap the presentation of personal needs of I which is obtained from the carboniel those who believe in established gov-
I ❑sc it tiling spade with blade about product. daily food and forgiveness of sins and acid •gas in the air. Without plant life' ernment with equal tights for all; and
AS Of no worth. i to be kept train temptation to evil, animal life would be impossible, Use- I those who helitive in the destruction
fifteen inches long for stirring, Is not The sound dein i n potato is its One can see what will trouble IIow very simple and necessary ora teria, molds and other organisms of of government, and chaos. The acne,
Ing commences do packets, perhaps not hest protection against rotting and the desires and longings g
larger than a manes hat. This is apt handlingmust endeavor to keep the This sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is. g gs of the true doxy are thus the :iasis of all life on fair, intelligent thought Of Canadiran
to spread. It may start with a ai- "wrapper" intact. It is evident, Were he not gone, Christian as expressed in this prayer! this good old globe of ours. farm people will do more than an
Y p P. Just that God's name may be honored P P y
titularly damp treasure full of grain. the potatoes dug early, that the prob- The woodchuck could Say whether it's like his and His will be done, and that we other one thing to keep public sentd-
If the grain. is badly spoiled it is lout of preventing deep injury to the Long sleep, as I describe its coming on, ourselves may be forgiven and kept' Fall Plow the Garden. ment on an even keel during• this re -
dangerous to feed. If it is heated tubers with tender skins is difficult. Or just some human sleep, from evil and have our daily bread. The exposed soil will crumble up construction period.
slightly anal cooled before it cakes or Ontario potatoes are stored in ware -And how ver different the elaborate,
—Robert Frost. y ' through the winter due to alternating 6""-"'
swells, there is little danger int using houses or collars or are witted. Oc- _. _ _ complex, wordy and long-drawn-out
1 ._...�___ . _......._ freezing and thawing. The roughen- Our lVlii(fle98 Home Walks.
at for feed. We are using some now casional] requests cone to know with prayere which we so often hear in the g
Y 1 ago, the farmer must exercise care in �-�, churches to -day! ed garden surface will catch and hold The tnrtdrly season has now lost most
which find started heating but was ob- what a storage cellar should be fumi- / 3 more of the winter rains and snows of its•m uddiness around our home
served in time, handling, protect from frost, and pre- r' ��� 6: 19-34. Trjeasures. Ther a is p P
gated or disinfected. The warehouse vent deterioration. A common fault difference acral between laying u than would a smooth, beaten down buildings, wham permanent cement
Buckwheat may show no signs of should be cleaned of all c.d, rotting in the past has been to injure serious- that which is necessary for the main- surface, The slices themselves will: walks have taken the place of make-
in the fall, but when the warm I tubers and thoroughly aired and dried. Never try using last year's water- tenance of
ly by bruises or wounds. In add -:tion, good life, for food and l dry out, and when the season at which shift gravel, cinders, and unsightly
spring weather comes, much that is ho special disinfection fs necessary, I serious loss from rotting anises from glass solution for another lot of eggs,; shelter and clothing for one's self and I seeds can be planted does come, the''board walks.
dry will be in danger. Buckwheat that It would be better to spend the money warm, rnaist storage conditions. Be sure and take your own caaus dor, children, rand the 'hoarding up of furrows cart :he covered with the For years, during the spring and
apparently dry and in good rmii_ and 0!ule for false floors to provider The cardinal principle is to Provide battles to the druggist when yn g,t as a upon which one's heart islm•umbled, dry soil which is in excel- fall months, sticky clay mud made
tion may quickly heat and be_ome al good me for
than to try r its- waterglasS. It is better to furnish set. The former seems an impera-I tent condition for seed Sawing i
caked mass. Two nearby farmers felt infect the bins. Tine rotting argon- I ventilation and to ]carp the tubers cool, your own reee tucle and save money. ] tive duty and even necessity, foo much %and • life a season of c.we ca ,indoors us
y -
y g g The black heart condition which de- p neglected m these extravagant days. I thhech will ughtprotect from hewinter;
evaporation. well as cut. Now r t can walk dry-
entiraly satisfied the past spring that isms are- all about the potato, Theyi veloped so markedly last season may Earthenware jars are necessary to The latter is and has been one of tial the water caught through the winter;I shod in any weather to stables, powl-
their seed buckwheat was perfectly I are native to the soil. Conservation . preserve the eggs in the beat condition, I a sort of insurance a
be avoided if the turbos are well aer- chief causes of social ,injustice and saint dry sum -I try and log houses, garage, ice end
at dry. They it
it in the spring, and of the tuber depends upon the sound ated and do not get too warm, The The solution its made by using ate -'discontent. We must distinguish also mer. Fall plowing will also help to Smoke houses, etc. It is an improve
at t was perfectly coo., Two ]cit and cool, dry air conditions, _ part waterglass to nine parts o w r between the accumulation Gf wealth, control ,insects. Those that ass the ment? Just listen to the refrain of
or three weeks later the l potato even at the lowest offering of I P
grain was Large piles of potatoes should have this uncertain fall market, is worthy which has been boiled and cooked. Aiwhdher by individuals or by corpora- winter on the ground in crop zein- "Yes, Fes, Yes," from every member
spoiled, and they were compelled tol ventilation channels provided, either) gallon of waterglass will make enough tions, which is at once invested fn! nants will be buried so dee
of careful ltandlin I iii deepay that of our family.
)ray $4.00 per hundred for seed. I � by lattice work or by rows of mates. %' _ solution to preserve nifty dozen eggs. productive enterprises such as make they can not work to the surface, and "4['a began at the rear entrance by
came near having this experience. -I Potatoes tend to; sweat upon being put ( f `' As a little speculation better than for the common good, and that ac- those that burrow into the ground to mak a wide cement platform on
found a pocket perhaps about the size into storage. Ventilation is necessary For the Right, Every Time. oil stock we recommend putting down is mutation "Vhich for the either
r Ilea idle of escapeoutside to �
used mpeTatures will be which volv'Iciae can be driven for un -
of akeg. This was heating. I remov-Ito dry this moisture. Only a general I One boy I know used to stop at a about fifty dozen eggs now while theyr'Idle desires and the pursuit of use turned uR to freeze and perish. loading and loading, leaving room cn
ed the grain in that portion of the rule can be given, but potatoes should are worth around fifty cents per less pleasures. The warning is ad- "--Ic all sides for walloin This platform
fa.rmeT's house where a very inquis�i- , P g g.
bill, and stirred the remainder dally, be kept as dry as possible, ,yet avoid- five woman lived, She used to "pump" dozen. Sell them about Christmas tilne stressed to the poor as well as to the The sky at sunset is a huge palette was also extended into the corners at
If Buckwheat has become warm, and Ing shriveling, and should be kept as when quality eggs are high and scarce,, rich --a serious and solemn warning upon which angel children are paint- the aides of true enclosed Tch• to
that little fellow dry every fihme she Po
perhaps may smell at little, it will still near the freezing point as possible, could•. One da. ahs asked him some- Sell them for exactly what they are'I not to set the heart upon Such trea- Ing with their water colors, making make a dry lace for temporary
make chicken, dairyor ho feed. It yet avoid freezing. Y --water lass eggs. And let the unl sures, but rather Upon treasures in S P p cry star -
g g g q Po pretty things for the folks "down
will row. I have tested and thing cheat the Homo affairs, My i heaven, treasures of the unseen world sing of produces
g panted Pit storage its ge with t employed. Mamma doe n't want me to tell,,, fty breva to the customer that they. treasures of faith, and kindness, anc� home" to see. From this cetutt platform the wa'llcs
that which had heated a little but not It has the advantage with the ordinaryare better than cold storage eggs sold j
came bEdk the answer very quickly, self forgetfulness, and hope, and love. extend to the various uildmgs, form-
swellod However, I would advise the season of keeping the tubers better ill tits stare. If the eggs are sold' nor We hear a great deal in these days
but modestly and firmly, and that was If Thine Eye Be Single. The Re I ins mines and angles to lessen ivalk-
farmer to figure on sixty to seventy-) than the ordinary warehouse storage, seventy -live cents, that means $12.60 r y „ about efficient farmers. What makes,
five per rent germination. Buck and the disadvantt a that ibo totals the end of that woman a quizzing the vised�� ersdon renders aarrectly, The farmers efficient? Turnip, tug and to make the effect attractive.
�' % boy, She found out that he know profit, 1•ess the oast of rho solution and; lamp of the body is the eye." The eye % good f'�-I The walks were built to a height of
wheat which had badly spoiled ea•used are not readily obtainable for ship- where true Seale was between what the time of .putlnfng down and fishing; here rapresonts rho spiritual outlook, rows, Sowing good seed and making only about an inch Slows the graun3 I
a considerable loss iin a neighbor's mems in cold weather, should and whet should not 'ba told them out of the crooks. That's not' the way we look upon and regard the money hand over flat? These things level, so that a. lawn inow-er will cut
poultry flock, when fed. A pit should have a base of clean, much money, 'but there isn't muchlworld in which we live. If the outlook are all gond, but they do not fill the «
away from home and was bound to i the grass along the edges. The Eton, I
One should save the buckwheat in have
straw and if at all large should stand, 1ty it. There is no finer quality easy money in the business of pro- be clean and Sound, if it bo :free frons 1Yi11. Efficiency at its bast means cement walk was previously in pIaeP,
the bin. With flour at present prices, have a straw chimney connect with during food, and every dollar counts, unhealthy desire, and greed, and mere thinking right thoughts and doing
far boy d- girl than that ed uphold- Self -Seeking, winding slightly it
from the road an-
commercial feeds at figures now the base to provide ventilation. It is ins the i+i�ght always and everywhere. A hon has a bodily temperature o4 � be bright. But whole otholfe a lbs filled right livings; do being good and kind trance until it joins the cement porch
quoted, buckwheat is worth not less the custom to cover (lightly with dirt 106% degrees and she is protected by, g y and brue and helpful to those that l oil either side. The Siding The home is the ,boys castle, as well with covetousness and avarice and g of our
than $3.76 for dairy feed and not less until a snow -fall, and then complete as the mart's. The best, perhaps the a thick coat of warm leathers. When' lust and selfish passion, the whale lrffe need help. house is pebble -finished stucco, and
than $3.26 for bog feed, and perhaps the covering •with another layer of l the bird i,s well fed and living fn a will become dark indeed Uhat, together with our now walks.
gives a su'bstant'ial effect that afford,
a satisfying solace when our neigh -
bore are using their paint brushes.
The expense of our wanks was but
little more than the coat of the cement,
the work being done at times when
Tile workman were not needed for
other farm work.
C1�CdId1 Delight.
In you have tired of familiar candy
receipts, make cream delight, It is
delicious, and it contains only the
purest ingredients. To make a large
plateful you wily need tiro cupfuls of
.sugar, one cupful of white corn syrup,
one cupful of cream—or cream and
milli mixed—and *ons cupful of nuts.
Cook together all the ingredients, ex-
cept the nuts, until you car siting the
mixture from a spoon. Set the muce-
pan in cold water until the contents
crinkle when you tip the pan; then
manent agricultural prosperity, and may be present, but it must always be - � .. add the nuts and beat the whole with I
" t � the question of soil ferhtlity has a di_ secondary and subordinate, neves the a .perforated cake spoon until it is
ruling motive. ereant I
sect beacons on practically every asci- !ROOFING I y'. £the mixture cools before
cultural subject. It Is useless to spend Telco No Thought, The Revised! ,,Sou have whipped it 9ufficieutIy, itca5
time and money for the purpose of•N'ersion renders 'Be not anxious."! SAYE 50e It slightly; thou continuo to whip ft.
The word thought" in the English of
improving plants and animals unlesal Finally, pour the candy into a butter-
the soil fs ferb!le OU -011'911 to furnish a three or four hundred years ago often' $U ed pan, let lit cool and cut It into
• •i meant anxiety, Christ dopa not teach' l..(JO I
r—y am sufficient atmount of food for the rn I squares or slices.
.�_ ,that there is no necessity fur toll, far per 1.w11
4 former and feed far the ,latter, sowing and reaping and dngathoring,
"- ' ^ ar-•. Soil fertility may Prompt _
_ EIS who work outdoors meed �> y y be defined as ee-I but that with all this there should be � P Prof&teere.
paeiity to prodwee growths of nivel simple rust in the .goodness of the Shipment If profiteering moans taking all yOu
the comfortable warmth of craps to which the sail and climate of hoavanly Father, orae feeds the birds' can et end
y - i and cloi.hso the lilies, g giving as little as Pgsr
+ rho region ars adapted. It loos not � sible Trow about the man who n+*glocts i
�� depend upon any one factor, but upon Hero again the Injunction is to put v .r blab uUd,ings, who refuses to fertilize
L God first, to make Ili -in supreme, to
a nnnrbor of factors working togatltar, leis fields, and who cuts his woodlot
°ren „ seek before all in nays to do ad. nutty' �Eiii without making til.�il i,Sflf101 Uit(121P65'eals° _•- The aliisf of these factors aro: suffi-j Seek linen iia kingdom of tl-od. 1'hel "' g pisvision for the fu-
- cient plan flood eloments fn an avail- I beat things dt h r nn life will come Is -' ture? -
1 l e n i i i n] t
It Nh89Sle of t�IlEi best WUaI^'YdCI AS, able form, sufficient tvatar to 99}tveyl hill, who uts the kingdom of C.nd-
cast to �aC gsexfea fly, giving ®sls€r Send thoso clontents tq the roots of the first. No? nc.m8sarlly wealth, or YOURSELF THF JUDGE nit your farm mueltinet• , in shods,
w planus, proper soil temperature, and, tvolid.ly honor sr success, or even long i We Ship on approval to say station said fix it up in tip -lop shape finis win.
freedom with the warmth needed aufflclont air in the soil to furnish � lif.e, bu.t the :heat will ha his, Christ's I where there is an agotit. We saves -ter. A shell will cost some mora thwl
to protect against batter cola), l oxygen to the roots and to facilitator lane, as interpreted by Paul, is that. we RI I g - '�� aholtlgl he ''ClilIgPllt lin bn3hnC33, lot- I you 000 to $1.,00 a veli on Ready hoof• fsl'ntat'ly, but, the advance 9S building
Si'a'� g' ,� �� , �°a� C1E 5a1'y' eh4'nt?ri `:Ll changes in ilia Sail. Ing o f gnaxatitegd materials enenall h a; not been near-
s We make underwear in heavy �` ' � � A vent In spirit, serving the Lovd", It, E-5sr'RRAE0,11.1
qualitY, Yourself to b4 ly to great as that on machinery.
-- - —, WaLdf -'ill -?;6110, �`,Mpi; Iii iii'lktittitt' ig •- •�hit•lot of material ronilf-, the fudge after• in.
w0igli$a Eo>r rtbexa, uvesanen Sand E soctions +la ut, h ,ii , ponds upon rarnfall, but nota, it is tt4�a tlit4Y sr+vx,;mt1or, ail-spactitt( ilio ampleschildren. Sn tna Uacetnso wed by correct amountsEnc .,ngii are long c1.ud Indoor oceu-
a _ 4 J% t rl;aniC inti n ail l ,though that in.y come, lbs uTl 11m1n., a �j �r risk, catal4 ,ei® patlous in or>dew, Start at family reaal-
- , 1I L ii Plop iillayq, pengcr And NQdvem 1lunlanity, but o reit-I Tree Tey Snit«"„ al , i orale, Tit+ ei • ir..
1�!, _ ? .s. wrieer For free sample book. i , I madiods. Thee r.Pcre the cltf4 duty of foiled to tats lett•, nuttin fit hlp� r,on. g ten e y to sen�tion-
a t 14 $ a . whit prices itlT ora.: -lion and slot •!a robbing no orf our
i o the farmor in inaintainin sell ferill-I first, Any system, any Order, 'nv' ntd tto oaf 061 u;rd, "Sec & 'Vv 1
rs1 Ik is to SE that h i3: firm of c:ivin1ott life, bcusntes toren-' 14- lid«` v^''+ tlriit ills
S`)I'i�l(C��1'����D's l,llNITE� s' �;,, a., ., y f a tile soil is kept sup �.as sauip os, ila4 price of llnady � roto Sot B'M'iTvftlft' ,
now when ut: n >, rk first to de tho will ltaodu inti Particulars Of Irvas c ai clrati Baton whit
y r / fv.y+-' Plied with organic. matter acid ilio es- g
xz'itt®,N„v ti .y :. Ar, i of (IOd, when t':,;r tnnla tITF kiw nf, l)eifveryOffer,,, l l o luTkiaRne r€iuu
t5 seutial plmit food c,cunents. aloud from lIkkona, Scott, '1�ltaeksw v,
love 4uprgtnr, ''t,o, wen•lgcth eta ill
i. THC HALLIDA`J COMPANY, Ltd. St.evenvom, eren Cnrlyh,, On& 1llae,
_ to his mcil labor, tit relive love rs i'l:Ru
:� zc te a- Y r, nlfillin« ti f,he Itiw,' (o:i'a w.,I sn;l Factory Distributors, ey, Haw thein take i.i it Turnt slit
i > ' ;v % , Via%(; your school int least Once thla 6 , to
: ".,t a law for hummrdt.y to r;tu:une,l irp In HAMiLTON CANADA 'T-441110, Tiley MAY nsiss uracil, "stunt
o _ tit nth, If yon have children try to
tr Nti,4 � =Seel• ae+�� xs r , . 1 , .i r s ,• lovo, HIS kin i m 1e the t.-wo .r,ignty «m,. « n .« ««, r. they cdllnot fail to derive benefit freed
t na S sdAu3jd L '' -w mala it every week, but Bo once, g`'
and l1011YlTr•kel3 of 'love. ISS'UR No. +i4••-•'&0, the 'careful VI*sltfng.
mora straw and earth. Where on ,y way he cam defend it is to on true
provdsIsis to father and mother,—E. IV air, her body generates enough f Two Masters. The origin and exact;
Ase poultry feed it is worth as much for ventilation are not provided, a 6 beat to keep her feeling fine and then meaning of the word mammon is un
for dairy feed, and it ranks next to blackening of the hearts of the tubers feathers keep the heat from leaving known Augustine, an early Chris.
wheat in our experience for chickens. has taken place commonly in mild Some of your corn get caught .by too rapidly. A hen exposed to the tian scholar, said that it was a Phoeni.
It can be fed profitably ranging from seasons. the frost? Too badl The best market wind soon suffers from the shock clan world meaning"ggala," It may
twenty to fifty per cent. of the grain It is doubtless needless to say Lhat for it is through the hogs. caused by the feathers blowing out; have been used cis a tible of the god of
ration, Jt is usually advisable to feed only sound, uninjured tubers should be and exposing the warm skin to cold) wealth, Service Jesus declared, must
about twenty-five per cent but we put ionto storage. . A pretty and se'rvicable walk on a air. This means that windbreaks are bo single and tAole-hearted. We can -
have fed it as high as fifty per cent. Ontawlo's problems, tion, -is econo- lawn can be made of irregular flat useful on poultry ranges and draughts) not rondor to Clod divided alleglanue.
of. the grain ration to dairy cows, and mi4aldy to gather, store and market stones laid two or three inches apart, must not the permitted in poultry One or the super, God or gain, must
P p Y bo first and supremo,
it proved one of the best, nlslk pro- her vast potato crop. Whether the so that the grass can grow between houses. Fresh clean cold air ds health- This Saying of Jesus is a simple, di-
dneers. WV have road criticisms of mop is moved at once or hold in star- them, ful. to fowls. Damp unclean air Is reee and satisfying answer to the
unhealthful whether warm or cold,` question often asked in recant discus -
It ds not the cold air that causes sick -1 exons of social. questions, ,Whgt must)
tress in poultry flocks. The open -front, lietUthlalg colli motive in Un03: OUT Social a foss?r”
_- house is necessary because fresh aur Is a to be self or service? Is it to
_ pietans healthful poultiy and they cant be the making of proflt or gain, or is
stand cold if well fed and prateeted
d dpi to be the common good? ThS uas-
- _ Y Coni draughts. on becomes, simply, in the words of
f • aught t
_ I Jesus, "Is it to be mammon or God?"
For the Christian in the home, society,;
_commerce, manufacturing, trading,1
What is Fertility 7I everywhere, there can be but the one
Fertile land is the basis !for all per- answer; The motive of gain at profit