The Brussels Post, 1920-11-4, Page 51.4
e' erefita,
's 16,137 Oxman,'
WM, " PEl11OE
!Moe In the Post Office, Ethel. 30.4
n' (ls better men, in estiell me Jeschge
than any other Auctioneer in least Huron or
be won't obnrge anything, Dates and orders
can aiwaye be arranged at this oatoo or by
p 0ruu1AI upplloation,
1 V a Barrister, eollaltor, Oonvoyanoe,,
Votary Nubile, ko. Olnoo—Btowert'e IJluck
1 door Borth o1 Cenral lintel.
SolIottor for the Metropulituo
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, OBtoe oppodte
Flour M111, Ethel.
M,13„M. C. P., dS. O.
M. 0. H„ Village of Brussel'',
Pltysiofon, Surgeon, Acoonohear
C Moe at residence, opposite Mely lila Ohnroh,
William street.
narrletore, 8at:,ottore, Notartoe Public,
O81ee on the Square, Sou door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. Pnounrooy, X. O. T, L, Km LORAN
8. T. D. Conran
Vonge & Charles ate., Toronto
Prepares young mon end women for
employment as accountants, steno-
graphers, typists, private seeretnries,
cashiers, commercial teachers, &e.,
Salaries to start SIB to $:b par week•
where there are excellent opportanities
for advancement. Thousands of .good
opentnge occur in Toronto each year
andthe demand for our graduates 111
greater than the supply. Continence
any time. Write for particulars.
+++++++++•1•+++++ 4•++++++++++
jo EE + +
+ John diver
+ +
f has taken over the Deering Ag- a
ency and handles a full line of +
Fenn Implements including the
LH. C. Cream m 5c arato
The ''nip Cream Separator with
* two wide open cream outlets—
110 cream screw in the path of
the ceenm• See it when in town.
t The I. N, C, 8-10 and 10-20 Traatars
are among -the best.
The Deering Manure Spreader
+• With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
1 John Oliver
• o
re • •
1 O
+ All kinds for which the
• highest market price will
• be paid. See me before
you sell,
• Will call at
Y your home
• for them.
mCali the op—Phone 62x
++v''4.....„ ,00.4..04•....
Buts for Service
The undersigned will keep for Rei•vioo, nh 8,
Lot 80, Oon, 2, Morris township, the thoro'-brad
Short .Horn hull, palnford of Salem, No.
00418,.,. Sired by )3e1)tford Marquis )100800) i
Lam Mildred VII by Royni Sailor 1180501. Pod-
/eroo may be seen on application. tion. I.
p to fna_..
Totes -
810.00 f
r ,
$ or t) oCo • 1
t b oda ;turn. at tbno
eloo with privilege to return. Girona cows not
.11-4=4414. r..g S- f;• j„ 5,.('t,144-4414'sk
P 0 U L T R Y I
n” quantity
am ready to bur any
quantity of Lie Poultry m
for hich 1 =4 ill pay the
f• highest market price, T
+ - Will call at the homes
1 fur thetas. +
,p, Phone 2x Ilruetels 1
M. Yolltck
ii: ',worth League
Convention at Blyth
The annual convention of the God-
e1elh District Epworth League was held
in Blyth on Tuesday, October 26th. Al-
though the weather was most disagree-
able the convention was a great success
standpoint. The District president, Mr.
P, S. Savauge, of Seaforth, presided for
the day,
The morning session was devoted
mainly to the election of committees
and registration of the various Leagues,
Eleven Epworth Leagues throughout
the district were represented and a
splendid report of year's work was giv-
en by delegations from each League.
Seaforth was represented by a delegat-
ion of ten. Delegation to have next
year's convention at Nile was accepted
with hearty thanks.
The afternoon session consisted of
two splendid addresses given by Rev.
W. If. Graham of Sitratford,,and Rev.
H. D. Moyer of Godertch, Mr. Graham
spoke on Christian Stewardship, and
Mr. Moyor on Our Social Work. The
conference plan for 1921 was outlined
by the district president and a model
Epworth League service was held with
most appropriate musical selections.
The summer school at Goderich was dis
cussed and a committee to act in con-
junction with committees from the oth-
er three northern districts was formed.
The evening session was opened with
a song Service and the introduction of
the officers elected for the corning year.
A very inspiring adlress was given by
Rev. P. S, Dobson of Alma College, St.
Thomas on self -Government, also a
ndmber of excellent musical selections
were features of the service. The con-
vention was closed after very fine tri-
bute being paid to the officers of the
past year for their splendid work.
The officers elected for the conning
year were:
Honorary i
Pre dent—
S. Ander
oflint n
C o
Pre i
s dent—Mr, E. Savamge, Seaforth.
1st Vice president—Mr. E. Kilborn,
2nd Vice-president —Miss Errat
4 t Vice -president --Mr, F. Schwanz
Holmesvil le.
5th Vice-president—Miss E. Mooney
Sec'y treasurer—Mrs. C. Martin,
Conference representative — Rev.
Foster, Varna.
Sunday school reptlesentative—Rev.
A, 11, Milison, Auburn.
Cow Gave Birth
To Quadruplets
- The Moose Jaw Evening. Times, 0
Oct. 20th, published a photo of the
grade shorthorn cow and her quad-
ruplet calves and gives the following
story of this famous cow:—
A very ordinary grade Shorthorn
cow owned by Byron Code, of Madison
Goose Lake district, Saskatchewan, has
the proud distinction of being the chum
pion "mother cow" according to the
Inas, which Mr. T. I1. Wilson, of this
city, Who bough the photograph of the
cow, gives to The Evening Times Office,
All the other cows which/have claimed
records have been the proud possessors
of a cognomen, but we thing that Mr,
Code's cow, whether the has givett her a
name or not, should be christened
According, to the facts which are
given by Mr. Wilson this cow gave
birth to quadruplet calves In the
spring of 1 91 9, All the calves lived
and today are fine year and a half
old steers ,ated 'heifers. Twa were
mothered by their own another and
the other two were foster -mothered
by another of Mr. Code's cows.
This is probably the first instance on
record of a cow giving birth to four
perfectly formed and healthy calves,
l f
which hie
h I
have ivied
1n t adds ion
to this ret
kab[e feat
"Excelsior" has a record, whish her
Sisters in the bovine wOrld Can review
i vl(til riff l)i tt►lit' xati8 0114 hit; jli'ia
Deified till', code With niter calves. ' Her
record its giveu 00 The livening 'Gimes
is two the first year, two the second,
one the third, and four the fourth,
An interesting item in regard to re.
cord births by cows was clipped re-
cently from a Calgary erehange, whish
reeds Lady Eountifei; a cow owned by
Tony Stumpf, of :Maple Lake, Minn.,
recently gave birth to three calves, a
perfornieuce which many veterinarians
declare is without parallel in the bov-
ine world.
According to W. R. Drysdale, 2716
1 2t Ave,, Calgary, Lady Bountiful is a
piker compared to a cow owned by his
uncle, Wnh. Ritchie of Eintvale, Ont.
This cow which is eight years old and
weights 1,100 pounds, has given birth
to Ir, calves in six years.
As a two-year old site gave birth to
calf but next year came back strong
with triplets and since that has not fail-
ed to contribute at least a couple each
year. She has had triplets three nines
and twins three times her total for six
years being 16 calves.,
Here is her record for which Mr. Dry
sdale vouches.
At 2 years she had r; at 3 years she
had 3; at 4 years she had 3, at 5 years
she had 3; at 6 years she had 2; et 7
years she had 2; at 8 years she had 2;
total in 6 years 16.
Favor Hospital for
Town of Seaforth
Seaforth Oct. 21—There was a good
representation from the various church
es and organization in the town at a
public meeting held in Carnegie Hall
on Wednesday evening for the purpose
of discussing the establishing of a Ihos-
pitai in Seaforth. The project was favor
ably considered and a committee of six,
Messrs, Sutlterland, Neelin, Broderick,
Paskes, Brown and Merner, was appoint
els to ascertain the'cost of a hospital of
not more than t0 rooms, with the ap-
proximate cost of maintenance per
Exeter's Fire System
Among the Best
The new automatic pumping outfit
in connection with the Exeter Water
works system was turned on Mon-
day afternoon about 5 o'clock. Members
of the Exeter Council the Utilities
'Commission, Fire Chief Weeks and sev
eral citizens were present for the de-
m n trat! n
The pump with a capacity
of 225 imperial gallons per minute is
connected to a 20 h
operating at 16 h.p.
matically controlled
on at certain hours
the water pressure
to 45 pounds. when
reaches 57 pounds
mattcaily closed off.
tinous water supply
p. electric motor
The motor is auto
and is set to come
of the day when
in the tank drops
the water pressure
the motor is auto-
Tihis insures a con
for fire fighting
These/ did so eii'et'ivaft'1 filet tit; one
/word the blas!, For their work the
lutelev. only got 410. Oouelahlu
11'hi1' ',eel at is wotkiug uu 1 b mune and
A ry I in ,g has been Sell; ell through
FOR HIE the odict. It is 0111111U the saleYEIU?S era,lre�e opwraled in an onto, and it is
aurreDieil they may be the'a1ea ung
who on Thursday eight robbed the
stat on and the creamery at Ce,nteethe.
NoRo .yaof tooT:cubic.mornTat;'.
"PRiJiT fi-TIVI 5"
P. 0. Box 123, Parrsboro, N. 8.
"! suffered with Rheumatism for five
years, having it so badly at times I was
unable to get up without aseistanee,
I tried diliereut medicines 1 saw
advertised and was treated by doctors
in Amherst, also in my home town,
but the Rheumatism came back.
In 1016, I saw in an advertisement
that `Fruit-e-tives'would stop Rheu-
malisrn, and took one box and got
relief; then I took them right along
for about six months and the Rhru.
matiem WAS ell gone and I have never
felt it since.
Anyone who would care to write
me as regards'Fr+o.b-a-tives' I would
bo glad to tell them what `lPruit-a-
tives' did for me."
Contractor and Mason.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e,
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
I'ruIt•a-rives Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
and commercial use. The new equip-
ment has been installed at a cost of
about three thousand dollars to the
town A large saving will be made in the
present cost of pumping water as with
the gasoline engine it costs about 8.00
a day for gasoline while pumping in
the natter of fire protection Exeter
now has a system that is not surpassed
Much credit is due the local comm-
ission who have devoted a great deal of
time in the natter. The work of install
ing, ;specially the electrical part has
been supervised by Mr. H, W. Doerr,
hydro suet, of town and the work has
been done by town employees at a con-
siderable saving to the local treasury---
ASTER Tun 001x,— Safecrackers
were busy here dnrii,g the early morn:
ing hon n
is act
Cwith 815
from theli
att7 nr
tv estaaeoPBnt r
Bon h 0M
dole. Nothing WAS known
of the robbery until the morning
when E. Ratline, whose store adjoin
that of Bonthron & Drysdale, was go-
ing to his barn. Ile noticed that it
had been broken into, and that robes
from his auto had been taken, In-
vestigation showed that entrance had
!)Pen gained 00 the intt'tiwitre store by
cutting out a piece of plate glass in
the rear of the building, :rhes
tend been wrapped avound the safe to
deaden the sound of the explosion.
Why move to town when yon can
enjoy all city couveniencea in youe
farm or country home t Delco -.Light
will furnish every comfort and con-
venience of the most modern and up-
to-date gity residence.
Write, tall or phone and let us
show you how we can save
you money by installing Delco -
Light nu ynne fat m.
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
The Farmer Gomes to the city
driven hi to the lnoviss in the evon•
log. Twenty minutes or a half hour
at the 4,1081 ti, their ear Will bring
them in from ills Perrin,
The reason behind this greater Ito -
gummy le coming to town lips in inn-
twoved lithnr conditions on the farm,
There was a time nob so mltny years
ago when field work WAR innelt harder
on account of doing a gond part of le
by hand, and when the chores always
took a long time because they peere-
sented hand work entirely, Now,
however, pewee hue supplanted hand
wont to a great, extant, A great deal
of this" power le fnrnfehed by email
electric plants which are installed on
the farm and whirl) fut'nieh not; only
electric lighS but plenty of power to
do the pumping, Rtvreping, washing,
ironing, milking, churning and separ-
It is labor Raving of this irhtd tvllieli
has given the Partner anfl hie family
the opportunity to make Ili, most of
140siite84 and social advantages W be
enjoyed itt tlhe city.
There has been a geat deal said and
written recently on the subject of tak.
ing oily conveniences to the farm
home and a great deal 1108 been done
in Gbit dh'eetion, but it should not be
inferred that the farmer is waiting
pplt8eively for these things to be
brought to him. He is corning to the
city for the conveniences he needs,
It is no lenge,' a 'natter of the fast-
er having tiino for only occasional
visits at long intervals to the city and
upon sortie actual nr'ggent business.
He now comes frequently for all kinds
of pueposes, If you will ask city
merchants in all !Mee, you will find
that high grade clothing, fru•nishings
of all hinds foie the house and a wide
variety of other that clave articles nee
sold es introit to fanners as to city
people, and for that matter the farm•
and his family conn to town for en•
e t hl
tenanta much mtr.ia ,•
e foe 1 1>nRir, sae,
Stop outside of any emotion picture
theatre when the crowd 18 W1101119 out
and yen will sue much mote than af
sprinkling of farm people who have(
Ps e Wm. 'heeling un t j i rnht-
tinge. 9,t t/k: plttsorege 111 0.1.11/ err
25th, Edgar Allan young rend shins
Jennie Eti3e Mitchell, both of Sea -
forth, otitis is a dallght11' of Fred,
and 117rs• hlitrhell, who moved to
Seaforth Tanen the ride of lama Feb.
runty last, Attemlante were the
Alfeses Olara and. Margaret Thempsnu,
4111 line, air. and Airs. Young left
Thursday of last week for Seaforth.
after ep•ucliug a few days with
friends of 1110 beide 111 this locality.
Annivereary a>i•rvices of the Melho.
diet ±11,ureh 011 4iuhday were (tulle a
.,, :end the thaukntferWg
UUJ11Unted 11) 10110111 $2)0. -Special
preacher was Rev. 10/1110/1 Irwin,
leickuoty, who 111 additiurt to preach-
ing splendid sermons Un Sunday, gave
his very popular address on IIelitud on
Monday evening following, which
proved inepii•hlg ea •ve11 as interest-
ing and educative.
Mts, B. Herrington attended the
Woman's Institute Convention in
Loudon, last week as the delegate
from local soctely.
Josh, Snell has leased the Commer-
cial House barns and will now accom-
modate the travelling public who have
horses requiting stabling. Borns
have been closed since Thos. Coulter
left Blyth seine weeks ago.
Blyth Red Cress Circle shippped to
the Byron Sanitarium et London, 106
sealers, composed of 68 of f, uit and 38
of pickles,
W. Sims has purchased the block
now occupied by him from Mrs. Cole
Rev. Fe. Bell purchased residence
now occupied by k;, Hilburn, and
nwnad by Mr. Sheppard, .Hullat.r,
Purchase ;Wire for the property were
y$4000 00,
A. very pretty wedding MIR solsm•
nized at the home of Jas. and Mrs,
Suitt' ,1 ninthly SC„ on Wednesday
Oct. 20th at 4 p. in., when Elizabeth
Howlett, . sister of Mrs, Smith, was
united in wedlock to Win, John
Dickson, Seaforth. Geremo,y was
performed by Rev. R, J. McCormick,
After the rites were concluded a
sninptnnus wedding dinner was seev-
ed by the hostess, at which about a
dozen intimate friends were pirsent.
The happy couple left by motor for
their new home in Seaforth. Heide
will be greatly missed iu Methodist
circles in 1331yt1t.
W. Zilliax, Toronto, is spending a
few days with his brother in town,
Owing Lo 0, Zilliax giving up the
agency for the Dominion Express Co„
on and after November let., Dominion
Express business will be handled by
G. 0. Fothergill at 0, P, R, station.
A ftu:toly for the mlanufactute of a
special disc wheel for automobiles
will likely be started iu Listowel in
the near future. A number of citi-
zens have 8U11801.1 bed for stock.
While walking down the G. T. R,
tracks 00 October 15th, Arthur Bullas
felt. a stinging sensation in the back of
his leg,and to going to a s i eon
t t
u n1
a been struck
by a
A few minutesa
teviouJ Its
had passed a few small boys with a
gun but paid no attention to them
unfit he felt the pain in his leg.
Perfect•ICuit Mill, have purchased
the large reekleuce 0f Mee. D. D.
0001pbell, in the locality of their spin-
ning mills and dye house plant, and
purpose ER promptly as possible hav-
ing it renhndelled to serve as a house
and welfate house for female help.
Deal includes not only the Caulphell
home and acre of land abutting on
the Grand Trunk siding, but also two
small houses. Price paid was $6,000
and the company. hopes to get posses-
sion this mouth.
Lorne Vallance has been appointed
a County Constable for Petth.
Arthur Simpson, son of A. and Mrs.
Simpson, Sth Con„ was operated on
for appendicitis at Listowel Hospital.
Clerk Lochhead received through
the efforts of 13. B. Morphy, M. P.,
two German machine guns as war
trophies which have been allotted to
Atwood and have been placed in Val-
iance Bros, garage window for public
The Harvesb hlome Thanksgiving
services in St, Alban's Church took
plaoe on Sunday, Oct, 24th, when two
services were conducted by Rev, Mr,
Dunbar, who gave splendid discours-
es. Lislohvel nlloit• furnisned excel-
lent tnusie and church was full. Tues-
day evening a fowl supper was served
in the 0. O. F. hall by ladies of St.
David's church, Henfryn and St.
Alban's, Large crowd present and
enjoyed an exceilent tea. Ionic Male
4,1uattette, Brampton, gave an enter.
taintnent in the Music hall sod they
proved first class singers. Proceeds
itmonnted to $200,
of the pioneers of Elena in the person
of Lemuel Pelton, after' two weeks'
illness, passed away at his home on
Main street, Atwood, on Monday,
Oob. 18th. Mt, Patton was the son of
Stephen and Sirs. Perron and wee
born in County of Oxford and came to
the township of Elute When IS years
of ago. Behr• of strong stature and
willing mind he was early in life
actively engaged Y en at g g l in Menem, work,
particularly as narpottet' and els 80nn
els aiecutfistanees permitted he pur-
chased Lot 5, Don, 5, also tot 4, Con,
6, Elora, With Itis portlier in life
labored assiduously and with shill un-
til he was one of Ialtna's noted dairy.
men, ()fa busy nature, fall of energy
anti ambition he in these early days
began the making of pumps and atter-
weeds became a distinguished pinup
manufacturer. The great majority of
farms in North
t contained one
or more of h1')bill tear 1= Ierne
He was -
P i
easeful in all his u h .r i
t de tole lie
S' , m
staunch Liberal in politics, enjoyed
amusement and was an enthueiastie
bowler, In 186S he married Margaret
r -•Y w., vr+,.,. ro i. v ✓^eve--rr..n-..-cvw- .n n.. .r.a r
.-r,rY�r•.,rw.J•�... v,e"s^a^.r;. vo vH .r•w
Li AVING disposed of my store building T purpose
conducting a Clearing -out Sale during which
the whole stock will be sold, Bargains will be
offered and it will pay the public to take advantage of
this opportunity,
10 per cent Reduction
on rill T)ry Good!, (r1vr.epting f1lintt), Boots, Shoes and
Special Bargains in Wall Papers.
Terms of Sale will be cash with Produce taken as usual.
Richard Pratt - Walton
Hamilton who shared his joys and
sorrows and ably assisted him in all
his undertakings. Besides his widow
lie leaves to mourn his loss, a son and
3 daughters, (John, Detroit ; Agnes,
(Airs, John Mu rrison), Mina, (Mrs.
Chas. Fullerton) Toronto, Belle, (Mrs.
Hugit Porter, Atwood ; 2 sons and
3 daughters predeceased him—Sproat,
Annie May and Lawrence in early
life ; Jane and Maggie, (Mrs. John
Roger) in maturer years. He was al-
most 82 years. A kind husband and a
loving father, truth was the inspire-
! ion
0f tele life alai he was most,
atraight-fnrwarrl in all bnaineen. Hie
word was his Mond Mineral 8P/vied
was nondncted by Rev, W. D. Mc-
Donald at the horns on Wednesday
and remains were interred in Elms
Oen tte cemetery, Pallbearers were—
J. B. Hamilton, Ivy D, Smith, Jas,
W. Dickson, W. Bel), Geo. Loch-
head and R. A. Thompson.
Mrs. Holt and Miss Bolt left last
week to epend the Winter in Toronto.
Managers of Knox church expect to
pay off $1000 on the mortgage this
Dermot and Mrs. McEvoy left on
their trip to Vancouver where they
intend to reside.
.4.5 year lease of the ground has
been secured from the 0. P. R. by the
(loll Club.
A boys' club in ennneeiinu wit/ 51.
Georges church has been formed, un -
dee the name of The Trail Rangers.
Hydro Electric Power Oommiesfon
has ordered the town to reduce pres-
ent load by 25 per cent owing to
shortage of power.
d•b0000 b•0m4•.•000.0.•0••'1 .4.4.N4 4. 4.4.444••,404.••••• 4s
•- The •
�- .lace Baker I
o Wiohss to announce that the price of Bread has been reduced
o 4• •
R Nice Range of Cakes, Pies aid other Bakery Outputs
: Phone 32x W.E. WILLIS
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••0•••••®•00®000.0•
and may now be obtained at 13c for a single loaf 00 2 for 25c, •
•••+••+.•.000•h+0o•e004.101O.Q0NM•.II.•q+.PN•s•eoo•A O
Service Station - Brussels
Raving purchased the Garage belonging to Mr. Sarni.
Carter, Turnberry street, I am prepared to attend to a.
the wants of owners of Automobiles in first-class style. •'
Service Station for all makes of Cars. Will keep in
stock, Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories of all kinds.
Satisfaction assured.
Call at the Garage or Telephone No. 9x and your
wants will be promptly attended to.
Will be glad to greet old Customers and get acquaint-
ed with 114W ones.
Ears C. Cunningham, Brussels l
Cream Vi/anted
ammommuntimpl asses mm isommarprel
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt SeArice Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques` for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice ,each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not waft to discontinue.
Brussels CramerytSecu�artBr05,
fTro p+