HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-11-4, Page 471-1 1:Mo .txn',MFw^ri.`r".s Abe trasseb Vost T'HURSO/VV. NOVEMBER 1, 1900 Boosr for the Brotherhood of men kind. It's to wiuniug ean•1•. BEGIN% to feel like the eeara z •Winter. 4 ',neva o• snow fell at Cob -.11 Thursda:- 0f In we .t Ind ternpera'dte. dropped very notice cite. Look up your Mite, heavy coats and rur:n• OUR 0nideseed opiuien is that t!!1 Johu Bull is a gentleman and the t' - lows who hurl iuvectives Are gents who have troll oil the tail of his coat. When j. B. kicks something has to move, THE Po T tc, p'eased to uole the well dery t 'arrrr,',•u that (erenBooth Bn, h of the :Sete:rtiuu Army, 011 te,.c:vin'e. It augurs well fur bet, er days when titles and towns honor such a fine type of Christian worker and theme taking part are great gainers in public eetlmluiou 1'v so dol a g. IT is expected the strike of the British miners will have en early settlement and the men get back to work. A Wage Board will be este ,'Embed to deal with differeuees without men foolishly throwing away months of time and wages in squabbling over tefies. WEATaRNI Canada Flour Company is credited with making 13.5 per cent pro fit in 1920, 14 4 in tem and 09.9 in 1911 Rather a good showing, despite the Canadian Wheat Board. Wonder whr' was fattening the pocketbook of the Company if not the consumer who was put in the sweat box to pile up profits for the manufacturers, Something wrong with the law. THE fate of Lord Mayor MacSeviney in bis determination to retuee food, is being pressed on other hunger strikers and they are urged to be rational and not allow their so called loyalty to desig. nate them as suicides. MacSwiuey lived 73 days from the date of his self inflicted refusal. It is doubtful if the carrying oat of any such program is worth while in strengthening the cause of the Sinn t'eiuers. DEAR :LISTER PANKHURST will quietly ruminate for the coming 6 months in an English prison for inciting sedition, It serves you right, Sylvia, you are old enough to have better sense. Experience is the best teacher, somebody efrirms, but notch depends on the thickness of the skull on the pupil's part. Miss P's letters got her into trouble and iu that case possibly the pen was mightier than the sword, BARBERS Sare putting up prices in +Chicago, asking $I.00 for hair cuts iu some places, and as an offset a cam- paign is said to be inaugurated of whisker growing and having your hail cut at home. How fine it would be to resurrect the old dishpan style of our •boyhood days, when mother held the shears, What difference would a few short hairs down your back make or a trifling pinch out of your ear be when you are saving money. Emergencies like this is where the bald headed gentle• men shine, BE on the watch, for a gang of petty thieves and robbers who are abroad in the laud making what they term an easy living. If such can he apprehended they should be saved the necessity of purveying by a residence in the County jail or a steadier berth at Kingdon, This old world dries not owe any lazy lubber a living when he has ability to earn it by honest toil. Don't be Eno ready to throw open your homes to every fellow who puts tap a sympathetic story. He may pocket your coin or watch or steal your Saud ,y suit b:,fore morning, KING ALEXANDER, of Greece, died from blood poisoning caused by the bete of a monkey. Sometimes people cast envious glances at monarchs and their thrones but there is very much of the human among the wearers of the purple and we guess there is no doubt of the correctness of the saying •'Uneasy lies the head that wears tate orowu," Many a fCing has bad to say Good bye to his crown by other causes than even the un- usual ;cute of a monkey's bite. Let us be satisfied with our own station in life and make it honorable and of service. CARuewrlER and Dempsey, who pro- pose to pound cue another, in Cubs, to demonstrate who call stand it the longer, must laugh to their mit over the silliness of the lavish proposition in promises to put up the cash., Just as long as crazy spores can get a gang behind them to supply the coin, to the extent of that period will there be pugs to rake it in, whether by the fake route or on merit. The banishment of such denloraliziug sport and making these peregrinating wind -jabbers get down to honest, hop - arable methods of earning it livelihood would be an epoch worthy of chronicl- ing, Promoters of such exhibitions should be told where tiney are at and Wanted 1000 I•3tisiiCIS gisfhdl, hea•. Oat:: lc:: to h.ich highest nl'Ir k 't ptice will be paid WALTER ROSE, Huron Speeiul1y Farm, Hrussole Phr'ue a ui, RSx asked to take off their coats and go to work. Truly the public etre easy wheel they can be caught by such bluff and pay out hard e.rrne,i dollars 1.4r huilics and their h,tkc1+ to latte0 noon, (' au,uliau l i1Ica t huuld brut Ilium. Dtwi'irk croakers, cranks and violat- ors of law the cause of Prohibition of the liquor traffic is advatyciug. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia gave it a good boost. British Columbia voted for Government control but it was a snatch verdict, obtained by means that the Courts will be asked to pass upon. Some of the cities piled up big majorities for the "wits," due large. ly it is said, to the foreign vote whose morals are not on par with the average born Canuck. Breweries and distilleries are closing up shop and turning build- ings into more useful and needful oc- cupations. Dominion Government is waking up to the fact that booze is not King in Canada and the rum runner and boot-legger will have to earn their living by a more honest pursuit than peddling bad grog at exorbitant profits. Law and order must be respected and the fellow who defies and violates well known statutes will have to take his "medi- cine," King Aicodol has had a long reign with a terrable trail but the day of deliverance is hastening, Let us aid it, Praise From Imperial Press Delegates The delegates from Britian at the Im- perial Press Conference have returned hone and have been publishing glow- ing accounts of their trip through Can- ada. They were greatly impressed by „liar they saw in this country. Tke boundless prairies, the expansive lakes the gigantic mountains, the great riv- ers the vast wealth of natural resources the huge industrial. establishments, the tremendous agricultural possibilties-alt these affected their deeply, but the greatest impression of all on the minds of the delegates was niRde by the peop- le. These generous tributes are numerous and unstinted. The energy„ vitalitf op- timism, self-reliance courage adaptabil- ity enterprise and the capacity for splen did achievement of the Canadian people are frankly recognized and praised. Of course this is all very flattering and it all the better because it is being said by others than Canadians. To accept some of it as being truthful and applicable is not necessarily self- conceit Every one of these character- istics is a worthy quality to be coveted and nurtured and if the people of this Dominion will strive to live up to the es timate placed upon them by their dis- tinguished guests, there is a glorious future ahead of 'Canada. The delegates also discovered that Canada is building not only for the present but the future, They found among the people a keen sense of the need of British capital and an increased emigration from the Britsh Isles. Lord Burnham has repeated on his return home the advice he gave while in Can- ada on this very point. "If you do not prepare for larger im migration," he fareseeingly declares, "1 fear that you will have a deluge upon m'i'll +'f pet'pl3 Ertl, llllitd4ll Elk IStill141 a5 you want Wein tv da, to agricultural districts will be hemmed up In taiga centers of population, such as Whnli- peg" These are wise words and worth pandering by the Canadian Department of Immigration. Criminal Calle Respecting Fires PENALTIES PROVIDED FOR PEOPLE GUILTY OF CARELESSNESS, -OB- SERVANCE OF LAW -NECESSARY APPARATUS MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN ORDERED BY AUTHORIT- IES. Amendment to the Criminal ;-„de which beemue law on Julie 6, 1910, and which provides penalties for carelessness resulting in fires Is not as generally known and its full import realized as it should be. Section 515 of the Criminal Code was amended by inserting the following sub -section: "(OA) Everyone is guilty of an in- dictable offence and liable to two years imprisonment who by negligence caus- es any fire which occasions lost of life or loss of property. "The person owning occupying or controlling the premises in which such a fire occurs or on which suck fire originates shall be deemed to have caused the fire through negligence if such person has failed to obey the re- quirements of any law intended to pre- vent fires or which requires apparatus for the extinguishment of fires or to facilitate the escape of persons in the ':vent of fire if the jury finds that such fire or the loss of life or the whole or any substantial portion of the loss of property, er would not have occurred if p S, e complied such late had been co with." p The Act was further amended by Sec tion 515 A which provides penalties for the refusal of any body or person to make alterations remove materials or supply apparatus with a view to fire pre vention when ordered to do so by the proper authorities. Only Two Countries Have Required Coal Supply New York, Oct, 16 -That the United States and Great Britain are the only countries assured of sufficient fuel to operate their industries is the opinion of Joseph A. Broderick, vice-president of the National Bank of Commerce. He says in the Journal of Commerce, that although a balance will be reached event ually between demand and production, such a condition will not arise in the near future. Neither shipments from new and remote fields nor the increased use of fuel Gil and other substitutes, will solve the problem for the present, Mr, Broderick indicates that et the present rate of monthly receipts not a single importing country in Europe or Smith America is receiving a supply which is even approximately adequate. France is receiving coal at about two thirds the rate which would be necess- ary to assure operation of French in- dustries at capacity; Italian receipts are about three-fifths of the estimated nec- essary amount; Netherlands is receiv- ing only one-thkd the amount of coal required by its industries and Norway is receiving approximately one-half, The situation is one better in the case of the other chief European and South American buyers in the International market "Only the United States and the Un- ited Kingdon] have reasonable assurance of sufficient coal to operate their Indus tries at capacity during the coining win ter," Mr. Broderick says. "To attain this security a definite limit has been placed upon the amount of British coal Opened up in New Premses THE Public is informed that a choice new stock of Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds, &c,, is being oeened up in the Holmes Block, formerly occupied by the Laundry, Special attention will be given to Gents' and Ladies' Tailoring and satisfaction assured. Ready-to-wear O er coats and Pants in v worth while goods. See them. A call will be appreciated, R. W Ferguson BRUSSELS St The distinctive Red Rose flavor, aroma and rich full strength is found in every Red Rose Sealed Carton. Never sold in bulk. 79 p,rme„rimmas..mco,w46u47110r••an.,a.Mvs, ,available for export and in tate United States exports have been automatically held in check by measures taken to as- sure domestic supplies. The fuel prob- lem is the foremost question facing the industry of every country of Western Europe except the United Kingdom. It is also to the fore in a number of count ries outside Europe chiefly those count ries of South America which have been dependent on imported coal. " The international coal trade is en- tirely dominated by the United King- dom, Germany and the United States. Not only is the coal supply of import- ing countries now dependent upon the mines of these three countries but there is no prospect for years to come of important additions from other sour- ces to the amount of coal available for the export market, British exports for the year con not exceed 25,000,000 tons with an addit- ional t3,000,000 tons for bunkerage of vessels in foreign trade. Exports from the United States much in excess of ex ports for previous years that is gross Saved Lives of Husband and Wife THERD Is a pathetic ltrstnnee of a llttle Toronto faintly, sadly handicapped owing to the War. The young husband suffered a ser- ious head wound at Passchendaele. Months later, he was invalided home to his wife and two llttle sone. But the trouble was not over. Vio- lent convulsions followed. • Finally the dangerous operation of remov- ing a bone splinter from the brain was performed, and the mat is re- covering. Just as happiness seem- ed within their grasp, the wife developed tuberculosis. Never of rugged health, anxiety and care had exhausted her strength. If her life was to be saved, complete rest was imperative. But the money- . To -day, thanks to those who back up the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, she is there, gaining dally under careful treatment, and before long the family will be re -united. Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spading Avenue, Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Treas- urer, 228 College Street, Toronto. Auction Sale INRES181tVED AUCTION SALE OF LTV - NS REY NA an STOCK, RICA, HA mans, Ronne, &o. -Ha vine disposed of their Livery Barn and 'Bun business the undersigned will offer for sate by Public Auotioo on the premises, Turuberi y Street, Rrusseis. On Saturday, Nov, lith, et 1 o'dack, the following property :-1 Meek ma'e 4 years old, 1 bey marc 4 years old, 1 tear of matched grey mares, 1 bey snare, 1 chestnut ma'e, 2 bay geldings, 1 brown geld- ing, 2 three-sortad sleighs, 1 two -fleeted sleigh, 1 top cutter with pole and ehufta, 2 Portland cutters, 8 piano box cutters, 1 puenmatic tire rood wagon, 10 steel tire buggies, 2sets double wagon harness, 8 seta double carriage harness, 12 eats single buggy harness, Extra collars and bridles. 12 good horse blankets, 10 Saskatohe. wen robes, 1 black bearskin robe, 1 brown bearskin robe,. 1 grey goat robe, 1 horsehide robe, 20 ruga end dusters and outer srtiales too numerous to mention Terms of sale -All sums of 810 sed ander cash; over that amount 8 months credit given on ftrrnichine approved bankable joint notes, A discoing of 8 per cent allowed for cath on credit amounts, F. S. 501 2T, ANDERSON BROS , Auotionear. Proprietors. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, I11PLE• t1ime% FUsNITnna, &O. F. S. Seott, Auctioneer, hes received instructions from the underet nett Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at NI4 Lot 24, Con. 0, Morris Twp , on Friday, Nov. LE, 1020 at 1 o'eloelt the following property :-1 gelding 6 years old, 1 snare 5 Years old In foal to Wm. tinge horse, 1 driver 0 years old good third horse suitable for wo- man to drive, 1 filly, sucking colt 6 months old, 1 dry oow, 1 cow due time of sale, 1 sow due in Nov,, 1 oow due in Fob.,1 cow due 2nd April, 1 cod, due May 18111, 1 cow due May 1st, 1 cow milking, 1 heifer 0 months old, 1 steer 16 months old, 2 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, 4 calves, 1 Row dile to tarrnw In Nov 10 chunks of pigs, 7 pigs 8 weeks old 0 pigs 7 weeks old, a number of white Leghorn mud Ancona hens aid pullets, n number of young cockerels, s guineas, quantity of turnips, quantity of potatoes, quantity of hay, 00 nus. Of oats with some pens and wheat, 18 bags barley mixed 1 Mae a -Barris goose wheat and bR y e y manure8discr rail mit nearly new, 1 InternationalBsll disc 18 dlsn Pe•til mit dri 1 nearly new, 1 Bissell disc nearly new 1 sl'.-ol burl , n'lor nearly new, 1 Frost; & good key loader nearly new, 1 MsflseyAitrrle cultivator, I seb4 eeotion her. rows, 1 Tudhnpe•Ahderaou, No. 21 single plow nearly new, 1 Front & Wood gang plow, 1 Aniffler, 1 Rtonebont., 1 root pnlper nearly new, 1 0008106s nenrty new, 1 steel wheel truck wagon, 1 rubber tire Muggy nearly new, 1 road cart, 2 cutters, 1 fanning mill, 1 wagon box with 6 inch shelvings, 1 hay rack,1 fiat rook for sleighs, 1 pig molt, 1 gi oval box, I eat orate lb. scales nearly new rack on smiles for Weigahing hay, 2 sets single harness, 2 sets double luarne•e, a number of wain hags, 10 rads woven wire 9011007 wires, 1 iron pump I water teak, 1 wheolharrrw, 1 galvanized pig trough, a qquantity of fem.) lumber, a taw bnerdsof One lumber, quenthe mr orchard wood, 1 Det,evel No. 12'', emu Separator near, ly 0545.1 cream c,,l , ants, Paps, 1 01 omrrtead range, Stove payee tom, 1 emelt box stove, 2 iron note,' mail box, I pear of hockey boots and skates,1 erose Mut saw, 1 Mond elm, 1 xxe, lantern, cont -oil eau, forks, eh .11.4, shovels, hoes, erow•bor and other articles too 010000r - ons to mention. Palo without reservees pro• prietar iv g:vh•g up farming. 'r,'ma,-All enms of 410.00 told miller cash , ever that anount 12 menthe credit given rn furnishing approved ln(nt notes. 4 per tent ,.(5 for con mi credit ntaolu1fs THOM, A. G5IASIY, Proprietor• 0 exports of 25,0(10,000, long and 7.000- 000 tons for bunkerage aright result in a corresponding shortage for American consumers. Required German teal delle cries are probably in excess of the sur- plus which Germany would have avail- able for export if German industry were to operate without a handicap. During the last ten years New York City gained 854,268 in population. More people live within her boundaries than in any state except Pennsylvania Farm for Sale Farm for sole eontnining 100 pores. Brick haueo, bank barn, &c, Hood soil, well leant - ad. For further psrtioulars Imply to Tun POW, Brussels. 18.14 Short Horns for Sale Short t Horn Huila for Hale 0 and 18 ,-1 TWO nT I'1. H 1 � • lfl re apply to months old. For fn taller sS rut npp y OLIVER aUHNbULI+ &BONA, Phones 2814 Oen. 10, Elroy Twp. 2015 t Brussels P. 0„ R R, 2 Wood Wanted 20 or more cords of good hardwood, in Dither cordwood or shorter lengths, wanted for the Methodist Church, Brussels, Apply to 11. LEATHERDALE. Phone 07 Chairman of Committee. Farm for Sale Being South ',i Lots 28 and 24, Oun. C. Howtek township, Huron County- 18818 acres. 6 pores hardwood, 4 acres cedar, about 10 acres river flats, good pasture land, balance 1st class working Imnd to high state of oultt• vation. Large bents barn with straw shed, cement stabling and hog pens underneath,' Cement Nilo, poultry house, 2 houses, school on premlaee. Daily mall delivery and Wroxe. ter telephone. Lots of good water. Farm well Penned For p,'toe and particulars write P. F. PATRICK, 68 Malakoff, St. Thomas. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- In the matter ofthe estate of John Dough- erty, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased. Also of Rebecca Dougher- ty, of the same Township, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario," tint all credit's and others having elating against the estate of the Reid John Dougherty, who died on or about the 10th day of November, A. 0.1018, and also of Rebecca Don hsrty, who died on or about the 28th day of Juno, A D„ 1520, are required on or before the 1011, day of November, A. D. 1020, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Robert Dougherty, at Walton P.012. 11. Ne. 1, one of the Remitters; of the said deceased, their Christian and alimonies, addressee and descriptions, the full particulars of their Malmo the statement of their 0000unt0 end the nat. ure of the seturit(os (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after such Iset mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dlstrlbnte the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re• gard only to the cln(ntn of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for tate Raid negate or any part thereof to any p01•eall or portions of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them et the time of pool, distribution. Dated this 26th day of October, A. D. 1020, ROBERT DOUGHERTY, SARAH 00ACHAN, Executors for John and Rebecca Dougherty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS -In the matter of the estate of Faith Ftatt, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, married wom an, deceaeod. Notice Is hereby given pureunnt to "The Re - rimed Mantes of Ontnrlo," that all creditors Bud others having claims egs(net the estate' of the said Faith Flatt, who died on or about tate 1701 day of March, A. D 15.0, ere required 011 or before the 10th day of November, A. D 1020, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the ne- dorslgned Executors of the said estate, Brus- sels P. 0„ their Christian and surname!, 011 - dramas and desori tions, the full 1:nrtloulnre of their chime, the statement of their no. opunts and the nature of the seeaftise (if arty) held by thele, • And further tako notice that alter Ruch last mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute 1110 ¢5001,0 of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re. gird only to the olahns of which they shell then have notice, end the maid Executors will not be liable for the suit Beasts or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose olam notice shell not have been received by then at the time of such dist; ibution. Dated this 10th day of October, A. D. 1020, DA DAVIDA VIS, 1. Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -In the matter of tho estate of Peter Mc. Quarrio, lata of tho Village of crus. eels, in the County of Hurons Gentle* man, deceased. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to "The Be• vised Statutes of Ohtorlo" that all e'edltors and others having claims against the estate of the said Peter McQuarrio who died on or about the 11th der of October, A, D. 1020, are required on er bnforo the ern; day of Novem- ber, A, D. 1020, to send by post prepaid or dee liver to the undersigned Executors of the said estate, their Chrtetian and surnames, addresses had drsrriptlons, the Putt particulars of their claim, the otetement of their accounts anti the nature of the eeeurllies Welty) held by them. And further take notice that atter shah last mantinnwt Act+: the Baia Exeeutore Will pro- ceed to dietrlbuts the tomato of the deneaoed among the earttoe entitled thereto, having to- g Kra. only to the clahos of which they than then have notice, and the told Executors will not he Mile for the said Assets or 10703 part thereof to any peram or persona of whose claim nrollee,.hall not have been received by them at the gine of sunb diatrlbtttlon. Dated lila 10th ds0 or fynttberDA. D. 1020. ANNIE PoXD13A1 604 Woo Marion, St., Toronto, W. T. MC xmauiure+o1' ruse adulate, +4,4°.+4444++0+0+.+4+044+++, .,_. d 9 ..Y., +••'0.w1•- M ,tom W�, illullaiK null hf wt,tjli$ laud' 'win WAN, taUyvtl, hiW a�ata, "Pidiiii.tlu Nt9pPluetllll f ?w Y?+rk, 'iuily'erd 1 n:,t :l tii city F and West farms, but a congtonloraUnn of former villages in 0626 when New Yotk was first including Harlem, Inwood, Washington named New Amsterdam, it had a pop ti - Heights, Molt Haven, Port Morris, Mel-' l:ttion of 200, Since then it has multi - rose, Fordham, Kingbridge, Spuyten plied 28,105 times, 1`i�OT'p0`i'1001t•�'T'Ss'i'7Ft: rsis 0y0'U.10'V4'4•eoT'te'mT4.Sles4,4iiY10'•r414'64 • ® 9 • • • a • e cheaper of 1 y 1 g e e + h •N \Vhy not protist I he dune house h'oni the e + urffnrutes of th elements f Ily 1 t oil or two• • • ohandle • •• • • 6 4 • • • • • •• •• • 6 • Rgent for the '+` Weiler. McClery Oil stave o to aid With the present olive of hunter good Pint is by far the e the two Yon n( ilea. our crop against hail by in- enettnce ; yon penteet yourself ngainat loss by insuring your Ouse againstre, e o nal 00 1 giving1 1 r of Paint? It is 0 very good iuveetureut t,i-day, even if 1'01151 does cost, More than i1 need lo, We and r. M4;1U0 �Jo>.' cent i1°ti�� Pura Paint • • • • • 8• Martin=Senour Varnishes and Enamels • • • • • • • •• • • oe•oo•eo 04400e0o040m0a ae+a•a' oeosososaoo+oso•+e+•••••oo and we guarantee this Paint with any Paint you want to mane, gin stand the wear and tear of the weather, and to cover MORE stn'I'are per gallon than any other Paint, on the Market. We also have the famous Its name is a synonym for gond Varnish and a mile name for Pounds, Enamels and every other kind of material the painter needs. Being in the business its likely we can give you emote useful in- formation in respect to that little job you 'maul to do in and around the house, and we will be pleased to d0 so. 44114, 4+044»0'. 44.4404046.604. 0'Fe•E•0444.144•04'O+9+00+0•1•04'e+0+ ' The Seafrf•l'rth Creamery • P eri' am • ted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test +• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. '1'. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to O Th . Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 1 • p0 • ef.+,0+4•44•40+444+0.41-1440040 43 f9FOi•4+O•••4'd@•Q,•ild+ 3 © 4r4,9+40•♦+•0 00•••44•400 404 04 •01•00444.440-00.0.0000 04•444 Students may Enter ; .fly Time 4, • • • • 9 / y4 II I C/ f/ V (/ 0 0 + Y r e • a a P • !O••rs069444®00.044:09040404,0040s00r1'e+044•eeb4't •aas•C••A31 We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give iudividual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers tinder Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wingiiam 0 e i •0 • 0 • O 4' + 4• 4, • '1• • 4• • ••F • 4• • a• • 4• 4' • • •• • 14,04 0 +0 .1. 0+II+0+•+•++t'4+0+A+ ••i-••i'••1.•'I' 0.44'•4'41+0+4'+•+4+1+••F • 6 eddmng ifts For the Bride We are showing a large assortment: of Silver Casseroles, Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets,. Butter Tubs, Mar- malades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat- ware in the up-to-date Patterns. Diamond Rings In stock at special Prieo-$25, $40, $50, $75 and $100. Call and see the assot'trnellt and eltye money. Wedding Rings A complete stook, all sizes, in the new style, and are most cmrtfln!tnble. Let us supply the Wedding Ring. Pt Kodak elk Means inoreaged plettam')' on thet ilnitday trip. Let us show you our complete line. .FREIE fnatruction and a M01161,15 Maga- zine to all purchasers, J. Ra WENDT Jeweler and Optician WROXi7TER ONTARIO + •+ • 6 4. 4 • • • 4 r el