HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-10-14, Page 1VOL,. 49 NO, 1 $1.60 a Year. In Advance i6^a•A0 i1' :int se paid .dmonarrurea maratoM,auc= to 1. !1 : A Sure Increase Stocks and bonds or real estate may depre- ciate., in yokes, but A Savings Deposit, even if not added to by Fresh deposit;;, will always increase. Open a Savings Account to -day in lin THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Paid-up 8 0,700,000 Reserve - - 10,000,000 Resources • '230,003,000 F. H. Gilroy Manager, BRUSSELS 1 New Advertisements Fur found -Tun Pow, Card-Jnmea hiojadaean. Brevet pin lost-Tnrc PoMT, ' Yarn for sale -Red Cross. Colt for sale -J. W, Somers. Stoves for sale -J. G. Jones. 1:House for sale -Grover Gill, :House for sale -Joe Nicholson, Form wanted-Robt. Wilson, Ewes for sale -Win, Hollinger. Potatoes wanted -Leitch & Son, Notice to Creditors -James Hall estate. Notide to Creditors -John Parr estate. Delco -Light -H, G. Darroch, Steers for sale -R. McAllister, htoney found -Thos. Walker. Honey for sale -G. A. Deadman, Special Services—Rov. R. A, Lundy. ookly store news -Jos, .Fox. Tho Palade Bakery -W, E. Willis. Hisao± Stbas Bluevale Harvey Haney, Brantford, spent the week end with his father here. Whitney Stewart visited his broth- er Howard at Henfryn on Monday, bRUS'SEL,S. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1929 Mrs. bleAllisier and Mre, Doyall, Wingham, visited et Geo, Mowbray'e last. week. "There will ho no preaching service in Methodist rhnrnh here next Sunday on account of anuiventers, services in Presbyterian rewrote Sunday School at 2 30 p, in. Jamestown Titers was nu service in the John - sten church last Sunday on eccuunt of the anniversary al, Bruwntowu, Btu•oard lure moved his family La Londuu where be is employed. We wish them well, They have not sold their fru'rn here. J.;and Mrs, Colwell and Miss Lil- lien Andrews (nurse), Frauk McCut- eheon and Mrs. W. I1. McOutaheon, of London, were guests for the week end at the borne of the .tatter's son, J, 3, McCuteheon. Maven t:tr., - At "Sunnyside Farm,” Lake Shore toad, Colborne township, the residence of the bride's parents, a charming autumn wedding took place at high noon Tuesday, Sep- tember 28th, when Elizabeth, t w e Jean Elizabeth only daughter of Alex, and Mre. Olute ton, was given in marriage to Hugh Roy, only son of Mrs. and the late Henry Mason, Seaforth. Ceremony wee performed by Rev, eta MacAuley, assisted by Rev. Mr, P Hilton, House was taetefully decor with autumn foliage, pints -and white asters, Bride entering the drawing room to the strait)s of the wedding march played by Miss Marjorie Adams, of Poole, was given away by her father. She was gowned in white satin, veiled with silk net and trimmed with pearls and lace and wore the regulation wed - cling veil and orange blossoms and carried a bonnet of Ophelia roses and wore the groom's gift, a lavallisr of pearls, Bridesmaid, Miss Eva- Keene, Dundee, WAS dressed in maize satin with silver ribbon trimmings and wore a corsage briquet of pink pom- pom asters and maiden hair ferus, Flower girl, Margaret Smith, neice of the groan, was prettily dressed in pink, carried a basket filled with an- emoyes and ferns. Gronm end groomsman, Hugh McKay, Toronto, were both overseas men. Groom's gift to bridesmaid was a bar pit) set with pearls, to pianist a cut -glass flower vase, to Hower girl an English sovereign he had carried in Femme, and to the best. man gold cuff (inks, After aoogr'atulations wedding party adjourned to the dining room, where a dainty luncheon was partaken of. Not the least interesting part of the after-dinner speeches was the reacting of the announcement of the engage- ment of nue of the guests, Miss Lil- lian Whiting, and the officiating Clergyman, Rev. Mr. McAuley, The happy couple took their departure by motor for London and Buffalo, amid a shower of confetti and good wishes, Bride travelled in a navy blue suit of tricotine cloth hat and furs to match, Numerous and costly gifts, including substantial cheques, attest the esteem in which both are hold. They will reside in Toronto, the groom being connected with the Orvit Service. Miss Clanton was a former teacher at WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably be auth- orized by. the Wheat Board about the end of October. '220 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 -.WALTON BRANCH, J. Al. McMillan, Manager, Opened up in NewPreises THE Public is informed that a choice new stock of Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds, &c., is being opened up in the Holmes Block, formerly occupied by the Laundry. Special attention will be given to Gents' and Ladies' Tailoring and satisfaction assured. A call will be appreciated. R. W. Ferguson BRUSSELS the Bryane school, let Con. Grey township, and will Neve the gond wiehes of (he people of tide locality, BelEravo We are glad to see Rev, Mr, Ifaw- kins able to be bank to hie regular work last Sunday after' his sick spell, John Clegg has gone to make hie home with hie eon Joe, 5th line Mor- rie, on account of the recent demise of Mrs, ) Clegg. o In L h absence of the Methodist pastor, who was attending a big Cou- vention, the evening eervrce wait 10 charge of W. H. Willis, Wingham, Women's Institute will meet pert Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, 0. Wilkinson, 4th line, Morris, at 2 80, A wipe will be given by the hostess and Mrs, W, Procter is re- sponsible for the music. Tea will be served, Ladies invited. Next Sabbath services will be held in the Belgrave and Calvin Presby- terian churches at the usual hours, Rev. Mr, Lundy, of Walton, the in- terim Moderator, will preach. A union meeting of the Elders and Managers of both churches will be held in Belgrave church next Sabbath at 10,80 a, m. TRINITY BA0AAR.-The Ladies Guild of Trinity church held their sale of fancy and useful articles and home-made baking in the Orange Hall while the judges of the School Fair Were making the different awards Tuesday of last week, Every- thing was Bold making it a decided success, realizing the sutra of $130,00 which goes to finish up the window fund in Trinity Ohureh. Many thanks to the people for their petrau- age, The ladies deserve very hearty thanks for their activity and indnetry in bringing about such a practical re- sult. Trinity congregation gives them loyal support, THE SCHOOL FAIR The Fait was held Tuesday of last week, 5th inst., and the day was fine and cool. About 10.30 automobiles began to corns in loaded with child- ren and their exhibits. Quite a dif- ferent way to what the exhibits were bronght 25 years ago to Belgrave Fall Fair. Clasen were all well fil- led. Roots and vegetables were excel- lent, the ehilclten having taken great pride in their different plots. In the poultry seotion the cages wore all filled, nearly equal to London exhibition. Live stock was represented by some very fine colts, calves and hogs, Nature study competitions were keen and large as 50 kinds of wood and leaves were shown, Drawing, Writing and Art filled one side of the Foresters' Hall, Many Hue drawings and good writing were there. The judge suggested that the compositions be published in the newspaper. In the manual training section there were steam eugines, windmills, aero- planes, milking stools, handsleighs, baskets and many other articles which amused the children. In Domestic Science Class great interest was taken, especially the cookiug and butter making, the win- ners of the butter class being 3 boys. In the Sewing °lass some fine work with the needle was displayed which was a credit; to the girlies of the com- munity. The Flower display was not far be- hind large town HortioulLured exhibi- tions, Some fine fruit was shown Methodist Churches Anniversary ETHEL SUNDAY and MONDAY October 17th & lath Rev. 14hr, Johnston, Holmesville, a former Pastor, will preach the Semites, fowl Supper Monday Evening followed by an A 1 program. get -Don't fail to take it in, See bills for further particulars, otatfides WANTED Two carloads of White Pota- toes to be delivered at Ethel Station. tCar thi+ liiu week. 1 Car next week, Highest price in cash or trade. A. Leitch 84 Son Phone 52I0 kite eqnal to the old time Belgrave Fair, FAIR NOTES 200 automobiles were counted on the streets. Itis said there were 8000 people in Belgrave that day. It was a day long to be remembered by the children -Oct. 5th 1020. Preparations are already on the way for next year's Fair. May it be even a greater success. The President, Secretary and Treasurer were kept busy answering the kiddies' questions in placing their entries. Many happy fathers and mothers ware congratulated after the prizes were awarded and men and women cbauged many a pleasant remark. Many thanks to Mr. Stothers and the Bruce Representative and, their staff for their kindness and good judgment in all the different classes. The $5.00 special prize for pupil tak- ing the highest marks in the schools connected with the Fair at the last Entrance Exam. was won by Jennie Wigbtman, We congratulate her, Walton The McDonald Flax mill is at work hustling the crop. Mac. is full of en terpriee. Sabbath next Mr. Savauge, Sea - forth, will preach in Walton Metho- dist church at 11 a. m. and at Bethel at 3 o'clock. Next Sunday morning Mise Bessie Lovell, a returned Missionary from Africa, will speak in Duff's church, It will be the annual Thank -offering of the W. M. 5, GVednesday afternoon, next at 3 o'clock, Walton Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Jno. Berry, Mies Humphries will intro- duce the topic 'The nutrition of a pre-school child," Everybody wel- come. St. George's church were quite sue, prised to learn of the proposed re- moval of Rev. Mr, bless, to London, but as he feels duty calls him that way we have to abide by his going but will poet with him with deep re- gret. Armour Dundee, who has had Geo Dundee' farm rented on the 14th Oen,. of ItIc1Cillop, has announced an Auction Sale on Monday 25111 inst., as the proprietor of the farm is re- suming farming after 3 years absence from it, The latter has sold his home here to Armour, who will take °beige of the snail route now run by Dan. Steles on Nov, let, Mr. Steiss is go- ing to busy himself at the flax. JOHNSTON-OLARot,-A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Juo, and Mrs. Clark, Wed- nesday, Sept. 22nd when their second daughter, Florence J., was united in Marriage to Jolts Alfred Johnston, of Stanley. The bride was given away by her father and was becomingly dressed in a gown of white satin and georgette trimmed with beads and embroidery, Promptly at high noon the young couple, who were unattend- ed, took their places beneath an arch of evergreens and flowers, Rev. R, A. Lundy officiated, Only immediate relatives were present. After signing of the register all repaired to the din- ing room were ample justice was done to a sumptuous dinner. The young Top Notch Price, fi' r LK FED HICK[ nINGSIESSIREEM WE have discotrbinuee milk feedingchickens and desire to make a special offer to farmers and others interested in raising chickens, There is a difference in price of from 5 to 8 conte per pound in the Finished Milk Fed Ohiokene, • We will guarantee a price delivered ab our warehouse, after October 25th, of from 20 to 28 cents per pound, acoo'dtng to quality, up to the 10th of December. After that an advance of 2c per Ib, The Mediterranean breed and Minoreas will nob command top prices, They should be marketed as broilers, However, for finish- ed and milk fed, 2c per Ib, less than for the heavy breeds will be paid. We have sanitary feeding batteries which do not take up much room. We will sell these at $1,25 each. Just• figure 5 pound chickens at 22e and 8 pound chickens at 30e and note the difference. Phone 66 R. Thomson Brussels W. H', KERR, Proprietor couple begin married lifo on the grnom'o fine farm, South of Varna and are followed by the good wlahns of a boat of friende, • W, A. McCall in beak from an on. joyable viii. of 4 tvn(.lr 1 to the West fle visited Edmonton, Catgury, Gads- by and mbar pointe and had a flue time, Mise lemma McCall, his sister, who accompanied him, has remained with her sister, labs, Archie Thomp- son, at Gadsby. Alec saw goodand bud crops met relutivee and old fee a t ods but atter all tlniuks) Huron Comity' geed enough for Trim. Rio brothers David and Jaines have u gond business at Calgary, Wroxeter Donald Pope and family spent Sun- day at Holyrood. 01100 Hazel VanVelsor, Oshawa, is holidaying at her home hete, Master Jack McLeod, who was seriously ill for a few days, is rapidly recovering. Mt•e, E. Cardiff and children, Bruit - eels, spent Sunday at the home of Geo. 1P. Mrs, G, Wearying has recovered enflioiently from her severe Illness to return to her home from Wingham hospital. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Harkness leave this week for Cornwall where they will attend the marriage of their son, who leaves shortly for China to en- gage in missionary work. Miss Bessie Lovell, who recently re- turned from Africa and has been visit- ing her mother and relatives here, gave an excellent address in the Pres- byterian church Sunday morning. Mies Lovell spent 4 years in the mis- sion fields, Sucreseful anniversary services were held in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Olysdale, Ford- wioh, was in charge and preached to large congregations in the morning and evening taking his texts from John 6.03 and Phil. 8, 18, 14. Special music was rendered by the choir, who were etiolated by Ringler bunt!). eve, Listowel. The Woman's Institute have $300 they would like to give to a Rink fund. They would also like to see the Rink started this Fall. At a meeting held recently a committee was ap- pointed to look into the matter. Hustle up you fellows on the com- mittee" or 1.+'otdwich will beat us. Lusts - HAZELWOOD.- A pretty Autumn wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, 50 Snm- merhill Gardens, Thursday evening, October 6, when Kathleen, only daughter of the late Rev, J. H. Hazel- wood and Mrs. Hazelwood, Was mar- ried to Captain Stafforn Lusk. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Bruce Hunter, el, 0., assisted by Rev. Wm. Sperling and Rev. Joseph H. Locke. The bride was given away by her brother, Dr. J. F. Hazelwood, and looked charming in white taffeta and Georgette, trimmed with Belgian lace. Her veil was of embroidered net, with a wreath of orange blos- soms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses and maiden hair fern, Miss Oarabelle Lusk, sister of the groom, played the wedding march, The house was tastefully decorated with ferns and fiowers,- After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served to about fifty guests. The young couple left on a motor trip to New- York, the bride wearing navy blue tricolette, with seal coat trimmed with sable, and smart hat of brown and gold. On their return they will reside at 250 Bloor street West Tor- onto, The bride is a neice of our townsman, W. C. Hazelwood, Ethel House and lot for sale in the village of Ethel. Good frame house, drilled wall, Dement cis - torn, some fruit trees and good barn and stable. Phone 227. Gaovstt GILL, Ethel. S. Howlett is assisting with the fruit 01101) at Winona, R, McKay spent the week -end with friends in Lietowel. Geo. and Mrs. Ecktnier, Jamestown, spent Sunday with Ethel friends, Mrs, 13, S. Scott, Brussels, addressed the Mission Band Saturday afternoon. E. and Mrs, Ackert and family, also Miss E. Henault], Holyrood, spent Snuday in Ethel, J. K. and Mrs. Halle and family spent Sunday with friends at Mitchell and Stratford, Mrs. John Stephenson accompanied them, The first Basket Ball practice, under the management of the Community Club, will be held Friday evening in the Presbyterian church shed, The Missionary Society of Ethel Methodist church were the guests of Roe's Missionary Society last Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs, Joe Pearson, where they had an enjoyable time. le, J. Bishop and sister, Miss Lizzie, have returned from Weston, where they spent the Summer looking after their uncle, 'Henry Welsh, and aunt, Miss O. Welsh, whose health hasn't been very good of late, Rev, C. Tate, Bluevale, took charge of the services in the Presb terian churches et Oraubrook and Ieth el last Sunday in the absence of Rev. T. E. Kennedy, who was conducting en- uivereat•y services at Indies' church, near B1nevale, Tluueday afternoon of next week Ethel Women's lustit.nte will meet at 8 o'clock, at the home of 111re. 5, 5, Cole. "The 20th century farmer's wife" will be the enbject end will be introduced by Mrs, J. M, Slemtnon. A gond attendance stoped for, I). Milne was judging cattle, sheep and swine at Fall Fairs at Hepworth, Colliugwood, Streetsville, Tara, Price- ville and Port Elgin. Ab the latter town grain, fruit and vegetables Wee his line. He reports the Fairs as ex. eellett with large crowds ettenein . He also eays there were no fakirs el - lowed at Hepworth, Tara Or Port HI, SPECIAL thanksgiving AND Thank -offering y1 sEriviGES Svnday,Octl 1 Dun's Church - Walton . at 11 a, in, Knox Church - Moncrleff at 2.80 p. m. Miss Bessie Lovell A returned Missionary from Af- rica, will speak. The annual Free-will Thank - offering of the women will be received. Miss 0. Forester, Kincardine, and McLean Young, Paisley, spent Sunday with R. and Mrs. Hamilton. Friday evening the first social under the auspices of the Ethel Community Club was held in the Temperance Hall. A short program was given including a brief outline of the principles of the Club for the Winter months, after which a social time was enjoyed by all, 12 new members signed. Don't forget the Methodist church Anniversary Sunday morning and evening. Rev. J. W. Johnson, of Holmesville, will preach. Monday evening following the Fowl Supper a choice program will be rendered. Mr. Fryfogle, Wingham, the well known violinist, has been added to the musi- cal bill of fare, Morris Township Council will meet next Monday at the usual hour, John Anderson, who bas bean visit- ing here has gone to Wingham, en- route to Weston. This week W. H. Oloakey, Toronto, is renewing old friendships in this lo- cality. He was a former well known residen t of the 6th line. Mrs. VanOamp and Mies Nora, are home from London. The latter is making a good recovery after her recent operation. Thos. Ellis has sold hie farm, on 8rd line, to Joseph Charters, of Blyth. Price paid was $4.500. Mr. Ellis moves next Spring to the Wm. Mc- Cracken farm, 4th line, which he bas bought. After an interesting stay of 4 months around Castor, Sask„ in the Mission field of the Presbyterian church, Earl Anderson, 5th line, is home and is assisting on the home farms. We welcome back to Morris town- ship Mies Senora M. Gourley, Brook- lyn, Ont., who became Mrs, Alex. Mc- Ewen, on September 27th. May Mr. and Mre. McEwen enjoy many happy, prospetous days is our wish. Cue day recently Mrs, Mark Car- diff, who with her husband has been visiting here, had the misfortune to fall against the dresser and broke a rib. The accident caused delay in their plans of leaving for the West but she 18 getting along nicely now. Memniet0NIAL,-The marriage took place quietly ou Tuesday, October 5th, of Miss Hilda Muriel, daughter of the late Frank and Mrs. Buchanan, Wingham, to Elmer Lewis, sou of 0, B. and Mrs. Wilkinson, 4th line, Mor- ris, in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends, Rev. Arm- strong officiated and the wedding march wee played by Mise Mae Lloyd. The bride who was given aWay by her brother, G. E. Buchanan, Toronto, wore a smart travelling suit of navy blue with hat to match and corsage boquet of roses, Miss Norah Smith acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was supported by his brother, How- ard. After the buffet luncheon the happy couple left by motor for Toron- to and ether points. THE POST joins their many friends in extending hearty congratulations and wishing them great joy and long years of hap- piness and success. SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY, -Last Sunday the anniversary services were held at Ebenezer Church, Bluevale circuit, and were marked by large congregations, excellent sermons, good music and generous contribu- tions. Rev, A, McKibben, B. A., Gonne, was the preacher and gave two well planned, practical discourses that 511on1d stimulate people to be alert and earliest in the eervrce of the Master, Morning theme was "The Church," the text being Mph, 5, 25.27, and in the evening the interesting query was "What is your life ? James 4-10. 1111. McKibben will be welcome back to Browntown. F. llanmore and W. H. Willis, both of Wingham, contributed . well sung solos in the morning and a Male. Quhntette, consisting of H, L. Jackson, W. J, McCracken, S. Wheeler, A. E, Hersey and W, H. Kerr, with Mrs. Jackson as organist, was in charge of the =Meal exercises in the evening, Congregational singing was ggood. The enliversary Thank -offering totalled about $70.00. A choice die. play of flowers was in evidence, The . pastor, Rev, Mi. Wilson was greens- Ing at Lurknnw on Sunday, Rev, Fulton Irwin (=duet anniversary cervices at Gerrie. Potatoes are a great crop, As an example S. Forbes had 110 bags of fine Murphies off f of an acre and some of them tipped the scales at 31 pounds. teeny Arian Clara McCallum bas gone to Stratford wheto she hat, accepted a position in the store of H. (.4, Rankin. Stanley and Mrs. Meehan and daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh A. McCourt, Monkton, Edgar and Mrs. Lines and son, Osmond, Carth- age' spent Sundry with Emmanul and Mrs. Stief, The 100 acre farm, implements, crop, Sec, of Wm, Parker, 14th Can„ has been Bold to Arthur Hull for the sum of $10,700. He gets possession on Nov. 1st. Mr, and Mrs. Parker may make their home at Milverton, retiring from active farming, The W. M. S. of Roe's church enter- tained the ladies of Union and Ethel on Tburedry at their usual Mission- ary meeting. The meeting wee held at the home of Mre. Joe Pearson. The ladies of Ethel assisted in the pro- gram. Miss Leila Vodden gave an instrumental which was much en- joyed, Mrs. M. J. Slemmou rendered a beautiful solo in her usual good style. After the meeting the ladies enjoyed a tasty lunch. OSIxuARX.-With deep regret we record the death of a splendid young woman in the person of Mies Jennio Mclnule, daughter of the late Robert and Mrs. Mcinnie formerly of 1st line Grey township. Deceased was born and received her public school educa- tion in Grey. Upon removal of the family to the West, Mies Mclnnie graduated from Saskatoon BusInese College and for a time was a teacher in a Regina Business College, Later she held a good 'position as steno- grapher in a lawyer's office. During the past Summer Miss Mcrnnee had assisted in the household duties at the home of her mother at Davidson. Sask., and was apparently in her usual good health until two weeks prior to her death, at which time she was stricken with a rapid decline, and passed away on Sunday evening, September 28th. Miss McInnes was a regular attendant of the Regina Me - Ara Bible class, of a cheerful, buoyant disposition, she was beloved by all. The funeral was held on Wednesday, Sept. 29th from the home of her sor- rowing mother. Robett, George and Charlotte, of Davidson, were present also John, Arthur, Reubenand Oliver, Windthoret. The floral tributes were beautiful and were a silent token of the love of her many friends, The bereaved share deeply in the sincere sympathy of neighbors and friends iu Grey, and her early demise eeeme to tell us "Truly in the midst of Life we are in Death," Why it is Good ;to be British j "Trafalgar Day," October 21st, will be celebrated in every school through- out the Province, and the Navy League of Canada is offering $100 in prizes for the four best stories written on "Why is it good to be British." The particulars of the competition are 1- Prizes.-lst $50.00 for pupils,of the High School and of Upper Schools, also for boys and girls who are educat- ing themselves through home lessons, 2nd, 525.00 for pupils below the High School grades in Public and Private schools. 3rd, $15.00 for pupils -below the High School grades in Public and Private schools, 4th, $10,00 for pupile below the High school grades in Public and Private schools. Not less than 200 and not more than 500 words, Read carefully the last paragraph of Archdeacon Cody'ead- dress to the annual meeting of the Ontario Division of the Navy League, - May 12th, 1920. This appears on page 10 of the printed report, a copy of which you may have on request. Study carefully Chapter 21, of The Navy League Reader -"Flag and Fleet." This reader is endorsed for school reading by the Ontario Department of Erducation. Its valine is best expressed by Admiral Earl Beatty, who sa e,0-- "To read Colonel William Wood's "Flag and Fleet" will ensure that the lessons of centuries of war will be learnt, and that the most important lesson of them all is this, that as an empire, we came into being by the sea, and that we cannot exist without ,the sea." This will help you to understand a little of what Archdeacon Cody means when he speaks of "world peace and world freedom." Now write a short story of nob less than 200 and not more than 500 words, telling hi your own way, what event in the "Flag and Fleet" Chapter you think best explains "Why is it good to be British.' That will be the title of your essay. You will find many mush events memtioned in the chapter AO: - The break-up of Algerian slavery, The protection of the Greeko from Turkish murderers, The safety of Canada's coasts, and the freedom of her shipping, The guardianship of ,British oitizefte in foreign lands. The saving of India and Egypt, eta., etc. Remember, it fit not the boys and girls who say the most, nor who tell their story in the nicest way who are sure to win the prizes. The prize winners will be those whom the judges consider feel most sincerely what they write, and who taste the Moot pains to express themeelveo clearly and aechirtately- i