HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-10-7, Page 8••f'•+•+•4'.+,.l,.'1'•'P•+•'+•'i,+.+•d'0'M.+.,i.'1'v't'•'i'•'N•d'•'N•'i'•'ii•' . •
.5.•WIEN you buy a Kodak,
Brownie or Premo Cam.
Real eo=operation
exists between this
Store and the
Kodak eornpany
Here's an Example
era, we will send your
name on to Toronto and you will
• receive free for one year, "Kodak-
ery," a monthly publication issued
by the Canadian Kodak Company,
"Kodakery" is a real Magazine,
generously illustrated and alive
with readable articles on amateur
picture snaking. It sells regularly
for sixty cents a year.
.•j. Brownie Cameras $3.10 up
Kodaks from 511.21 up
• Bring in or mail us your Films
• and have them Developed and
• Printed in our store.
• +40+0+0+.4.•4e*0a-++•+0+6+0.5.•.00-teeeeseeeeem+.44+•-1.0444•4ID4.•4
H e
Beep them on hand
Celery and iron Tim e $1 1,
Rexall Laxative Cold Tab-
lets with Aspiriu 25
Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
Three sizes 05c 5oc t 00
itexall Catarrh Jelly—An ex-
cellent remedy for cell
le the head, Vic, Tithes 35
A. B. S. au C. Tablets
Bottles of loo 'Tablets 25
Hydrogen Peroxide
Bottles 25
Rexell Anriseplic Solution
:1 oz, bottles 25
Mustard Ointment Tins 400
Milk of Magnesia
Large betties 5o
Rexall Oreerlies
Packages 150 255 50
The Cutex
for the Nails
Culex Compact Manicure
Cutex Cuticle Remover
Cutex Nail White
Cutex Cake Polish
Cutex Paste Polish
Cates Cold Cream
Cutex Cuticle Comfort
Orangewood Sticks Each
The Store
Druggist and Stationer
ors {r TRMPLE'rotes Rheumatic Capsules and
$ t1 Raz-Mah for Asthma are sold by Jas,
Fox, local agent. Call in fora sample.
GET ready for Winter.
THANKSGIVING Day Monday, 18th
R. THoMsoN'S advt, sbob'd be read by
every farmer in the community. It may
mean many a dollar in pocket.
BRtjsszes Tax rate will be 35 mills on
the dollar this year. Increase is largely
due to oiling street and school and
County rates
WINGHAa1 Fall Fair, that was bumped
by bad weather last week, has been
postponed to Monday, 18th inst.,
(Thanksgiving Day.)
MONDAY evening of next week a
dance will be held in the Town Hall.
Raynor's orchestra w 11 supply the
music. You are invited.
A cement foundation has been put
under the house of Jno. and Mrs.
Meadows, John street, and other im-
provements are in contemplation.
AUCTION Sale of house and lot and
household effects next Saturday after-
noon, at 2 o'clock, at Wm. Perrie's
house Turnberry street. South, He and
Mrs. Perrie are in the West.
THE Picture Show threw open its
doors Wednesday evening of last week
and was greeted with a packed house,
standing room being at a premium.
The succeeding nights have also at-
tracted good attendance.
A birthday party was held last Monday
on the occasion of the 5th hirthdav of
Ella, daughter of Robert and Mrs, Far-
row, Elizabeth street, Brussels. The
kiddies enjoyed a fine time and wished
Miss Ella many happy returns of the
WOMEN's IN..'rITUTa—Friday after-
noon of thls week the ladies of Brussels
and locality are invited to an afternoon
tea at the home of Mre D. C Ross
from 3 to 5.30 o'clock. Ladies asked to
fetch their work. A musical program
will be rendered Fre of 25r,, proreeds
to be devoted to the funds of the fusti•
tote, Tarte it iu
COMING CONCERT,—Oil the evening of
Thursday, October 21st, Brussels Wn,
men's Institute will present a line Con
cert program in the Town Hall. Tal•
ent will consist of the Csuadten Big 4
consisting of Miss Ada Oldfirld,' so-
prano ; Miss Maud Buschlen, violinist ;
Frank Oldfield, baritone ; and 1. H.
Cameron, entertainer, They ehouitl be
greeted with a packed bouse, Keep tab
on the date,
who bas carried on a general black.
smithing business for the parr 47 years
on Mill street, Brussels, has dispoeed of
his business to 'rhos. Ritchie, who has
Spent a good many years with him, Mr.
Scott will not be removing from
town but will enjoy a good, well earued
rest. Of course he is not as young as he
used to be but enjoys comparative good
health and is active and intereeted in
everything that transpires. We wish
Mr. Ritchie success,
FORMER BRUssereez ,—A pretty wed•
ding was solemnized at the Danforth
avenue Methodist parsonage, Toronto,
at 3,3o Tuesday, Sept. 21st. when Mrs,
Annie Nicholson, daughter of Ino. and
Mrs, McCallum, Wingitam, was united
in marriage to George C. Olver, Rev.
John J, Coulter performed the cere-
mony, The happy couple spent a few
days visiting in St Thomas, Loudon,
Toronto and Springbauk, before return•
ing to their house in Wingham. They
have taken up residence in tite home
formerly occupied iry Uriah Shark oft
Victoria Street. Their many friends wish
theltn every happiness and prosperity.
FIRST snowstorm of the season put In
Friday. It was a
day—a reminder of
Benet) DowN A CRNT,—Commencing
' with next Monday bread will dropng
cent iu price iu Brussels owing to the ea
ductiou of fisur, 13 cents a loaf will be
the new rate.
THE Y. P. S. C. E, of Melville church are
asking the homes of the congregation to
l be n lleotedpnext week gin
town. We would ask those in the country
who have such materiel to leave it at the
manse not later than Oct, 16th.
WILL the person who took a ladder from the
yard of Mrs. George Jackson, Milt street,
kindly return the seine.
an appearance last
very disagreeable
what may be
Da. F. T. Baybas, of Toronto, will be at the
American Hotel, fh•nssels, on Saturday, Oct,
10th for eonsultnti on in Ear, Nose and Thront,
Appointments may be made at phone 88 ring
Hess and pullets for sale. Apply to Mss.
GEO. EDWARDS, Mill street, Brussels,
Pos SALE—*yearling Durham cattle, 0 pigs
7 weeks old aim 2 pigs 8 months old.
R. n. smevenSON, Phone 4226.
Lot 18, Con, 11, Grey township.
House end lot for sale, conveniently located.
Apply at Tan Pose.
Goon 100 acre fano for sale in Central part
of (3 ray township. Farm is well fenced, has 2
good well' and. good buildings. Possession on
.hors notice. Terms reasonable. .Apply et
Tan Poem Publishing House.
Co5PLa of 1st class end hand Ford Care for
sale. 13. ti, sonms., Agent, Brussels,
REPasesNTATlYe WANTS» for Brussels and
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Nnrseriee." Big sales ate to be made
in selling Nursery stook during the reoon-
strurtion period. A splendid opportunity for
a live ealeemen, Highest eommiesions paid,
handsome, free equilnnent, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to offer. Smoaa &
W RLLINOTON, Toronto, Ont.
Da, PAaxrn, Osteopathic, Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervone diseases successfully
treated, Visits restdenees. Consultation at
Queens Hotel,
0 r renewing his subscription to 'I'HE
Poet: H. R. Smote, of Waterford, Out.,
a totmer towusmau says 1—I often think
of the o'd town and its many pleasant
tlssoclann 10, 1 keep fairly well posted
on what is going on through your good
paper. Hugh McMartiu lives here and
we often have a chat about old frieuds in
Brussels when we meet. We are a l
DI En rN WINNIIEG —Last Saturday
evening, Mrs. John R Grant, passed
away at her hntne, (Ai Home street,
Winnipeg, iu her 84th year. She had
been to failiug health for the past few
years 11 ,t by good care and pluck on per
part she had pulled through serious at-
tacks. Burial took place 'Tuesday after-
noon 'Tile snl,ject of this tlotice was
twice married bur first husband heiog
John 1{av, who for a number of years
carried on'meleetrs iu Brussels and
sleeps its the cemetery here. J, R.
Grant and Mrs. Kay were united in mar-
riage over 45 years ago and removed to
Winnipeg in 1887. Mrs. Grant is sur-
vived by her husband, one son (Port -
Kay, Stratford) and 3 daughters (Mrs.
W. H, Kerr, Brnesels, an 1 Misses Nessie
and Jesefe, at hurtle ) The members of
the family were in attendance at the last
sad rites The long life of deceased
may be anmmed up as the embodiment
of industry, ltiudlinest, yivocity pod
tender syn pe11,y and love, possessing
reedy heed for every good work and
word of encouragement, comfort and
advice. See wee a loyal member of the
Presbyterian church and filled in her
long life so flint Its memory will be sweet
and evergreen. Mrs, Grant was born in
00•••0.00••0.• 4.1.00••••••• •••s••w•.009cs04•411.944.4.4*•••
* We will guarantee a prim delivered at nor warehouse, attar
s October 251h, of 1'rotu 20 to 28 cents per pound, tte:reeling to quality,
e up to the lUtl of December. After tltttt all advance o1"2e per lb,
• The eleditert•tutean breed and Minot ORS will nut command top
• prices, They should be marketed es broilers. However, for finish.
ed and milk fed, 2u per lb. lese Ulan for the heavy breeds will be
. paid,
• We have sanitary feeding b'ttteties wllieh do not take up
• much room, \Ve will sell tleee ettel,25 mete Just figure 5 potted
• chickens at 22c and S pound chickens al 0Uo and note the difference.
Phone 66 R.
0 o�Yc:xo••e0000000eoae•o•0000 a®000e000.•o•oso••••o•.oc.o
Top Notch Price for
I'1 have discontinued milk feeding nhicitens and desire to make
a special offer to farmers and inhere interested in P0181115
chickens, There le a difference in price of from ii to a cents
per pound in the Piniehed MiikPed (lltiellene,
11 Brussels •
NEwsPAPERDIZ.N of Perth and Huron
Counties will meet at Goderich Friday
of next week.
THE members of the Cradle Roll of
Melville cburch Sabbath school end
their mothers were eutert:,ined at Mel-
ville manse lawn last Monday.
Huou R. ELLIOTT, Brussels South,
has a tree of Winter Snow apples tbet
had a load of very choice apples. A
51 quart basket brought to THE Post'
was fisted to the heap with 23 of theta
and were a choice, even lot.
S. C.
WILSON has announced an
Auction Sale of Houshold Furniture,
3m. at his home, Flora street, for Wed•
nesdav afternoon of next week, at 2
o'clock. F. S. Scott will be the'Auetion-
eer. Mr.. Wilson and family intend re-
moving to Goderich in the near future,
See bills for particulars of sale.
THE RAaInLEaS,—Tuesday evening a
company of returned soldiers, designat-
ed as "The Rambles," appeared in the
Town Hall and gave a unique program
of song, story, instrumeutsls, dances,
samples of trench life, Bac. that caught
the audience. There is a "go" about
the show that is infectious and the talent
compares favorably with many a more
pretentions company. Notice was short
and advertising matter inadequate but
were they returning a full house could
1.e lately promised. Don't miss the
tive for Fall Term 1920 is as follows :—
Hon -Presideut—Rev. Mr, Mess.
Presideut—W, McDowell,
Vice President—M, Brown,
Secretary—J. teicVettie,
Treasurer—N. Shaw,
Critic -5l. Maunders,
Editor—D Walker.
Editreae—F. Stewart,
Pianist—el. • ilton,
Assistant—J. Messer.
Third Form Representatives—
E. Martin,
R. Grant,
P. Alderson,
E. Smith.
Second Foran Representatives—
J, Walker,
M. Hoover,
C. Dennis,
B Hemingway.
First Form Representative—
V. Anderson,
U. Bolger,
C. Strocbau,
G, Best.
i•1 tt
People We Talk About
ft ft
A. C. Dames is away to Winnipeg on
a business trip.
W. F. Stretton is in Toronto purcbas-
iug his Christmas stock of goods
Miss Edna McCall is ciphering out the
intricacies of the Telephone call board at
the Central office,
el, E.'Tretnaine, F. Kerston, bliss L.
Tietze and Mts. J G. Tremain, of De-
troit, were visiting at the home of ]no,
and Mrs. Long and Miss Winnie,
F. H, and Mrs. Gilroy and Barring•
ton 057001 several days in Toronto this
week, Me Doolin Is relieving at the
Bank of Nova Scotia in Mr. Gilroy's
Mrs (Rev.)leetgo on le renewing old
friendships after a sojourn in Denver for
the past 3 years, She is a good recon•
mendatiou for the cltrnate of that mucic
talked of section.
Miss Margaret McCall has reeigued
her position in the Centrad telephone
office and will leave next week for her
home at Wolseley, Sask, Mmes McCall
has been 14 years 0u duty here,
Miss Kale Deadrnen, nurse, is home
after au abfenee of 5 months et Torouto
and Elamihon, blr, Deadman also ar
rived from elerliu last week, where he
had been looking after his aplary,
R. M. Sinclair, who eyes so seriously
injured by Ru nu''o running him Clown
while rid ng his motorcycle in Windsor,
a few weeks ego, is able now to teatime
work once more, He had a close call.
Jas. and Mre. Walker, Wingham, for.
merly of Ilruesels, an non nee the engage-
ment of their doughtttr, Annie Maye, to
Alexander Adams, Torouto, marriage
to take place in the early part of Oct.
Fred. Lowry, of fort Huron, was
holidaying in Bruese's during the past
week, He was a farmer 'resident of
town being a son of the late H, C.
Lowry and a bro'her of George and W.
A Lowry, The visitor is a st-eet car
conductor aunt looks as if the job agreed
well with him,
Mtss Kite Menz'es is at Chicago I
where she attended the wedding of her I
neloe bliss jean Coutts daughter 051
Harty and Mrs. Coeur, formerly tilt
Brussel«, who on Sept melt became the
bride of Robt Small lluffnagle. 'I'Ite
happy young couple will be at home
after November ret at 241'8 Perry Ave„
Chicago, The bride hegnently visited
relatives In Brussels and the folk here
Will he a unit in extending good wishes,
Mips Addie Csrd'ff is back from an en
jovable visit to De ruit,
D. C. Ross was holidaying at Kiucar
dine, He hen been bitten by the goll
bug and thinks It is "it,"
F. Burchill is back to town from a
busy season in the Eastern part of the
Province in the lightning rod business.
The Fox family remove to Toronto
tbis week and are parted with by the
people of Brussels and locality with
genuine regret. Mr. Fox is eontiouiug
his drug business in Brussels as before.
We wish theta well in Toronto.
Alex. and Mrs. Stnitb, lobo street, et-
teuded the funeral of their ueice, Mary,
youngest daughter of Robert and Mrs.
McKay, of Egmondville, who died on
Sunday following an operation for ap-
pendicitis and was buried Tuesday of
last week, She was a fine young girl
and only 16 years of age.
Postmaster Kay, Stratford, and his
sister, Mrs. W. H, Kerr, Brussels, re-
ceivecl a telegram from Winnipeg lest
Saturday informing 'n them of the serious
illness of their mother, Mrs. J. R.
Grant. They left on the night train
from Toronto but Mrs. Grant passed
away Saturday evening. They arrived
at Winnipeg Monday afternoon.
Mss S. Carter and Miss Myrtle, who
have spent the pest year in Manitoba,
arrived back to Brussels last Thursday.
They were accompanied by Mrs. H. A.
Gorrell and daughters, Alda and My -
ran, of Oxbow, Mrs. G. will be better
known by her maiden name which was
Eva Cantron. She has been in the
West for past 6 years but is well re-
membered by many old friends. The
quintette are welcome to Brussels,
Church Chimes
Rev. Mr. Mann preached lest Sabbath
evening to the Young People specially,
on the possibilities of service.
"The Gospel according to you" was
the pastor's theme in the Methodist
church last Sunday morning In the
evening the motto of the Prince of
Wales, ' I serve," was the subject,
The regular monthly meeting of the
W, b8. 8 Melville church—will be held
on Thursday aftenoon at 3 o'clock.
Interesting paper, will ue given and a
letter from Miss Ada Ross, China, will
be read,
Weekly prayer tweeting in the
Meth 'dist church has been changed to
'.l'hureday evening at 8 o'clock, On
aecount of the Epworth League meet-
ing Monday tate week services were
too elope together.
Suudnv, Ucr loth, will be the An-
nual Misolonaly Thank -Offering meet-
, log in Melville Church, when Rev
A. E Armstrotfg, of Toronto, will take
I the services. ('ho evening meeting
will be especially interesting as views of
mission schools and hospitals taken by
Mr. Armstrong while travelling in
China, Corea and Formosa, as well as a
talk on the personal experiences while
there will be given. The meeting will
he in the auditorium. Presbyterian
church at Walton have withdrawn their
evening service,
Paving Main street has been laid
over until next Spring.
Mrs. Packer, et',, underwent au op-
efation in Listowel hospital,
0, \V. Schmidt, 10tH Don„ Enna,
met with an ttccidett5 on Monday
evening of last weelc that might have
UCCESS and Tude'.
pendence.—Do not
depend on what you
earn but on what you save.
The Standard Bank of Can-
ada can very materially assist
you to win success and secure
G. 11. SAMIS - - MANAOE8
resulted more seriously than it did.
He was getting over a rail fence when
the rail broke precipitating him for-
ward on his face. His pipe was in his
mouth at the time and the roof of his
mouth was badly grazed with the
stem of it. A small stick partially
pierced his lower lip causing ie 10
bleed profusely. While Me. Schmidt
1 a t h is otherwise nin-
las sore mouth eu
No Increase in Price
Notwithstanding. the enormous in.
crease in the cost of production, over
three times previous to war prices,
that great weekly, the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal, have
decided to accept renewals and new
subscriptions at the old late (1,50 a
year) from all who remit before
December let, 1920. This should be
good news to readers of that big
weekly. The Family Herald has been
vastly improved and is beyondatoube
the greatest valve in newspapers.
HIner—Housmos,—At the Manse, Watton, on
October 5111, 1020, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, Mr,
John A. Elision to Miss Fannie Houston,
both of Grey township,
MoNmr—Horamt—At the residence of the
bride's mother, 6lrs. J. bteHeil, East
Wawenoah, by Rev, 111, N, Armstrong, on
Sept, 'doth, 1020, Edna Marjorie McNeil, to
M r, W illlem D Flapper, son of Mr, and MI's.
John Hopper, 6th line Morris,
GIANT.—In Winnipeg, tet October Ind, 1020,
Jessie Hay, beloved wife of Jno. R. Grant,
formerly of Brussels, in her 84th year.
TD5SDAY, Orem, 12t1L—Fitte Hereford cattle
end other farm stook, implements, &c., Let 4,
Con. 0, Howiolr township. Sale at 1 p nr.
Mitchell Bros„ Proprietors, ee. W. Walker.
THURSDAY, 002, 14th,—Farm, Farm clock,
implements, feed, &c , S Lot 20, (Jon 18, Hal•
lett township, Salo at 1 p. m, The Public
Trustee, Toronto, F. 0, Scott, Auo, J. W,
Jackson. Sarnia.
TasenAY Oce, 10T11,—Fart stock, uncle-.
menta, &o., Lot 5, Con. 10, Odom town.hi p,
Nal,, Iutreservod at1 p. In. Jno. Rutherford,
Farm for Sale
Being South M Lots 28 and 24 Oen, 0.
Howlett township, Huron County 15814 acres.
5 acres hardwood, 4 scree cellar, about 10
sores river Pints, good peeture land, balance
let class working lend in high state of culti-
vation, Large bank barn with straw shed,
clamant stabling and hog pens andernenth,
Cement silo, poultry house, 2 houses, velum!
on premises. Daily nail delivery and Wroxe-
ter t" lephone. Lots of good water. Farm
well fanned Por pride and;particulars write
P. F. PAmat010, 68 Malakoff, St. Thomas.
Graduate DepParbmenb of OPphthallnology Mc-
Cormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Three
mon the post graduate course during past__yyeer.
Ryes correebly fitted with Glosses. Heed.-
aches, Itl$ttmed Eyea, Grnnntated Eye hide
and other I6ye troubles, oeneed by 1tye•etrnin.
relieved through properly fitted Glneaes.
Satisfaction Assayed,
Opbloel Parlor in Leckie bleak, elm door
South of Barrister Sinclah•'s office.
Office hours : 5 to 12 u, in.; 1 to 0 p, at, A Iso
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 20x ring 4
Opened p
+ aiiiidatileadiedstiAldebatiex"rti1ernbea'gt6gybaii910 l eat 0 061 00/10 9.6042.9 all i
u ° Store
'1'1-1E ?� a STORE
Weekly Store News
Ideal fountain Pens
And there are none better.
We have a splendid stock at
present in all the different
styles. Every pen guaran-
teed to give perfece Baliafaa-
After Shaving Lotion
Relieves levitation caused by
use of razor and aide in t6
keeping the skin io healthy 0
uo,iditiort. a0
40u per bottle 3
The Garden Court Toilet Preparations
Are becoming more popular every day. The line consists of
Face Powder '75c Double Combination (beam 50c Cold Cream 80c
Talcum Powder 85c Perfume $1,511 per oz. Toilet Water $2,00 •
Sold only at Penslar Storrs, nt
Talc Powd'- rs ourcare
hocetrn onesft
Garden Court
J. & J. Baby
Hudnnt'o Violet Mary Garden
Cashmere lloquet Butterfly
Penslar Rose Penslar Violet
Colgate's Baby Mennen's
Cod liver
$1,00 a hot,
The Famous Cod Liver
Blood Boot
Cough Cure
The Best
and Iron Tonic.
25C and 50C 6ai
Builds you up and
Makes you strong.
$ I,00 per bottle
AND HoOnsuoLD EPrxo'rS.—The under-
signed proprietor will offer for pale by Aum- Fall Wheat 0215 52 15
Moo at his former home Turnberry etreet, °ate 05 05
South, Brun6els on Saturday, October 9th, nt Pena 2 50 200
2 o'clock, the following property :-1 extension Barley 1 16 1 16
fable. 1 eideboord, 1 Raymond sewing mach- Butter 56 53
ins, 7 dining room °haire, 7 kitchen ohnirs. 2 Eggs 68 55
r'ocltin chairs, 2 arm ehnire, 1 drop leaf table, Hogs 20 60 10 60
1 small table, 2 bedroom suites, 2 bedotenda Hnv 20 00 20 50
with springs, 1 washstand, 2 d, ewers, 1 clock,
1 commode chair, 1 lounge, I einh, 1 washing
machine and wringer, B toilet seta, 4 or 6 yards Wood Wanted
of linoleum nearly new, 1 hanging lamp and W
other lamps, 1 book-anw, hand saw and other
toots, 4dos sealers,a quantity of wood. The • —�-
comfortable brick cottage and large lot will 20 or more cords of good hardwood, in either
also be offered, subject to a reserve bid, cordwood or shorter lengths, minted for the
Terms—Ohattels, cash ; for real estate made Methodist Church, Brussels. Apply to
known on day of sale, R. LIDATHERDALE,
WILLIADI PERRTE, I phone 87 Chairman of Committee.
F. S. SCOTTAuotionear. Proprietor,
We have in
Stock a
Range ot-
Ladies ' FI andffiter
ry; HE Public is informed that a choice new
stock of Gents' Furnishings, Tweeds,
&c,, is being opened up in the Holmes
Block, -formerly occupied by the Laundry.
Special attention will be given to. Gents'
and Ladies' Tailoring and satisfaction assured.
A call will be appreciated.
Re W. Ferguson
It will be to your Advantage
to see our Excellent Assort.
rent before Purchasing.