The Brussels Post, 1920-10-7, Page 5JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS
GritdiF,lLd',Lf (1)JP"2iZSIG
WM. uSPEf If,Jg'
Ince la the Post Otaoe, Ethel, 10.4
• teen, will soil for better prices, to
better men, in lase time nue less charges
than any ether auutioueer In East Bunce or
ha wue't charge uuythiug. Dates mid orders
can always he arranged at this etllae or ny
pera aaAI upplioatlon,
M, t1ler(), i—
• Barrlatel', tletlolter, ()pure r,
Notary North
, deo, rano•-•9 towart's I)lo(k
1 dour Ser lh of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Haut,
Honor graduate of the Ontario veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Unice oppo9its
Flour M111, Ethel
M. B., M.C. P., diS. O.
M. 0, H., Village of Wassail,
Physlolan, Surgeon, Aceouoheur
l' aloe at residence, oppcelte Male lila Ohurrh,
\ylllinm street.
Barristers, So'.•citore, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, „ad door from Hamilton
00DERI01.1 ON7).
Private fund: to loan et lowest rotes,
W. PI10t1DWWMT, 14 0. d. L, li0Lr:oneee
H. J. D. Oooxs
rM�pwrieu"i.,0,vm'iviv.Av<SvSrisY.L aai�It�'(Yi
The Choice of ai ++i
Sc loci
-t ^'
is Very Important !
l G(�iU/ Ll9 ELLIOTT
vongo & Charles Ste., Toronto
Poesosses a reputation for high grade 7
Work that is absolutely clean and will �.
1'(:Inatn s0. 'ir,4lla lo the reason the de-
uutnd for our graduates is five times
our supply. Do not fool with educa-
tion. 4f you do you lose. It always 0
pays to get the hest. Write for Ottn. el
toque, Enter any time. a2
:�rsi' z�'Pzuav�awaa+ret
4 John Oliver
+ +
+ has taken over the Deering Ag-
+ ▪ ency and handles a full line of 1.
•t+ Farm implements including the .T.
+ noted +
* ▪ L H. C. Cream Separators 1
+ The only Cream Separator with
1two wide open ereauo outlets— '1'
+ ▪ tthecre+m�trew SeeittwheninFth totvo 4+•
$ The I. H. C. 0-10 and 10.20 Tractors
4. are among the best. +r
$ The Deering Manure Spreader +p
I With the wide emend and very 4#.
light in draft, +
• John Oliver
fxtra Castor
• • Mchli�•
B•• a a011
• e
N L. Stewart
a i'1FNFRYIN 4
400t4444*, 0 A • 4+ 44 s4••••4•*
Trip Called Off.
The proposed tit, of members of
the Ontario Legislature to the North
'Country has been postponed. Ilon. Ben
fait Bowman circularized the members
of tate House to ascertain hoW many
\v0uld like to go and less than 50 per
gent could; make its
.p,p.t,.ip.l,.f,.t.'L.,1.'t..l.'p,(..p+,p+ ii•g„l,444:
+ H
•'" 1 am r('arty to buy any f
7 quantity of Live Poultry +
: for which 1 will pay the
1 highest market price. m
Will call at the homes
for them.
1 M. Yollick
,}, Phone 2x Btu sets
.1. d.
f ou i ,il cbm incl#
')'here area few properties in town
badly over -run with a crop of weeds.
These should be cut and burned at once
or a bigger harvest is assured for next
Hon, R, II, Grant, Minister Of Edu-
cation, proposes a commission to in-
quire into the losses sustained by the
publishers of school books in carrying
their contracts during the war.
Larege Yield of Fall Wheat,
Ontario farmers harvested approx-
imately 18,274,000 bushels of fall
wheat this year, an increase of 3,000,-
000 bushels over last year. The yield of
oats is 128,000,000 bushels, as against
78,388,000 bushels last year.
New Post for E. J. Zavitz.
E. J. Zavitz director of forestry, is
to be appointed superintendent of
woods and forest and entrusted with
supervision of the reforestation work of
the Governnjent.
Observe the Law.
Some car owners are deliberately
heading for trouble in not keeping their
cars ighted according to statue. Don't
be surprised nor displeased if you are
asked to pay a fine for this non obser-
vance. You have been warned often en-
ough and shown ho n
leniency N
on the art of
the administrators of Iaw. Don't tres-
pass on good nature.
An Auto Accident.
On Wednesday evening of last week
while Mr. C. E. Tuckey and family were
returning home from London g o on on In a Ford
car the auto took to the ditch at the
bottom of the Lucan hill and the radius
rod was bent. Rev. E. G. Powell carne
out from Lucan to take the party back
with him. While returning they collided
with another car. Miss Bernice Tuckey
was cut in the head by a piece of glass
from the windshield. .
Osgoode Hall.
Seaforth Creamery Co., vs. Rozell--
R. S. Robertson, for plaintiff. W.
Proundfoot, K. C., for defendant. Ac-
tion to recover $2,000 for alleged slan-
der. At trial judgment, was given
plaintiff for $200 and costs and judg-
ment for defendant's on counter claim
for $200 and costs. Appeal argued.
Judgment reserved.
Autumn Fires.
isn't there something very pleasant
in the odor from the burning of just
crumbling autumn leaves? This is the
time of year when a whiff of leaves
burning comes on every breeze. They
are lighted mostly at night, but in the
daytime they are
seen, too: Just
word of caution, taken from the fore
marshall's book, might not go amiss,
however, for often small children are
responsible for choosing the spot and
for caring for the fire•
Watch the Electric Iron.
Now that Fire Prevention Day is ap-
proaching special emphasis needs to be
laid on the danger lurking in the elect-
ric iron, an article now in general ]rouse
hold use and a frequent originator of
fires. From tests it has been found
1 fire will break b a out 'n from 15
r to
19 minutes when the electric iron is
left in circuit on a table or ironing
board, the time interval depending upon
the surface material. Until the en-
forcement of legislation requiring fire -
heated attachments on all electrically -
heated appliances, freedom from fires
due to this cause must, therefore, de-
pend upon educating the pubic to a
recognition of the danger.
Speed Collections.
County Court business will be lessen
ed and that of the Division Court some
what increased as a result of new re-
gulations a person could not be sued in
the division court on a collection
charge over $GO but this amount has
been increased to $120. A promissory
note action In excess of $200 could notl
not be (heard in the division court, but
now an actionup to $400 can be tried
without taking it to the county court
Similarly there is a ,change in regard
to contract suit. A charge can now be
heard in the division court up to $200'
instead of $100, ,in view of the. fact the
division court in the city sits once p'
month and in the county every two
months collections can be handled
with greater speed for county court on-
ly sits twice a year,
O 0000000000'0000
1 ANRIATV7th1 r.)A`1•
Ottawa Sept. 24 —An order 0
o in council gazetted this week for 0
O rnelly nettles Monday, October ()
Lr 11 as Thanksgiving Day and urg O
O e; the Canadians to observe that 0
O day as one of :peeial thanrsgiv 0
o ins, a^+
o an.,
tiiiiili'Cr 0CIOOi)fttifi t.v
Major & Mrs. Crichton
Thumb -Nail Sketch of New Div-
isional Commander.
In taking charge 01 the
Loudon Division, Major
Crichton is returning to
one of his old batlle-
grouncls, for he was
isional Odicer at LoDivn-
don eleven years ago.
The Major has been an
Officer for twenty-nine years, coming
out of Gait in 1891. Ile is Scotch by
nationality, his native town being Sel-
kirk. When a young man he was al-
most persuaded to join a Highland regi-
ment, but decided to emigrate to Can-
ada instead.
Feeling lonesome on his arrival in Galt
he attended an Army meeting, Captain
(now Colonel) Turner was in chatge of
the Corps then, and his attention was
attracted to the newcomer from the
first. When testimonies were called
for, young Crichton got up and sang
1 solo in broad Scotch, 'rhe energetic
Captain soon pressed the new comrade
into service, and thus his thoughts were
turned into the direction of Ofiicership.
In the earlier part of This Army career
he was stationed at Toronto 1., Mom
treat I., Cornwall, Kingston and Pem-
broke. In 1894 he was sent to New
foundland, and as a District Officer had
charge of the '1 rinity Bay and Grand
Sank Corps and Districts. During this
period he was married to Ensign Mary
Rennie. Returning to 'Canada, they
spent the next ten years in useful lab-
our as District Officers in the Maritime
Provinces and the Bermudas.
Varied Experiences
t+. in 1906 they were moved to West-
ern Ontario, the Major being first
Chancellor of the Pruvince and then
Divisional Officer at London. Service
in the immigration Department was the
Major's next experience, and then he
was appointed Chancellor of the Pacific
Province. This was followed by a terns
as Assistant PropertySecretary art Pro at Head
quarters. He also had a brief experi-
ence as Trade Secretary, and was then
sent to Halifax as Divisional Comman-
Mrs. Crichton entered the work from
Aberdeen (Scotland) in 1887. After
service at three British Corps she was
transferred to Canada in 1888. She
had command of the following Corps:
Watlaceburg, Bothwell, Listowel, Win-
nipeg 1„ Portage la Prairie, Calgary,
Brandon, Prince Albert and Nanahno.
Sent to Newfoundland in 1894, she was
placed in charge of the St. John's 1
Corps and district, with responsibility
also for the Training of Cadets.
Fire Visitation Day
The Governor-General has by pro-
clamation set aside Saturday October 9
as a day on which to specially emphas-
ize the great loss which Canadians indiv
'dually end collectively are sustaining
Dnnn remember embec the days before
we had telephones or automobiles, the
days before the movie carne into exis-
tence, the daye when electric lights
were used only in large public build-
ings and in homes of the very rich ?
They're not so far back in the datk
ages at that. Scarely a generation, in
When the mnclernizing changes did
take place, the cities )vete the Heat to
bent)!, )rirst the telephone, which
inn �'fllees and Tanto' ies, business
pl s n, oe"eral and finally private
..,", N. n,1, easy rnmmttnicaLion with
ash ether. The eleott'lo lights,
p .,meg 101(11 the telephone frnru
sod public buildings to private
tesidrtiees. Next. the ittito u bile, be-
ginning with the aid "nnr•itugers"
that, chugged ttlung the streets and
sallied frequently and at Lite most in-
convenient pluses, And lest of all
the movie, which has grown to ate
present prnpnttton from the "nicicle
theatre' beginning, While all of
these things came hest to city people,
it is geatityhig to note that they are
now nearly as 00171111011 111 the elnllttly
Se in town.
Telephone lines were extended quite
rapidly, until now practically every
foo in house is in easy communication
with neighboamond )nth the otter, a
9reae jut praveuhent ever' the days
when ie was necessary to hitch up and
dtive several miles in order to deliver
a' short message or teansurt some
sten l oral t s, '7 t
s r e b s as Then, as soon as the
autnlhobile'had been proved practical,
as soon se there was a fate ehailee of
expecting It to run severn] miles with-
out atten,ticn and to get along with-
out constant eepaire, 11 )vas taken 1.11)
rapidly by the farmer, until today
there is scarcely a tomo without its
car and many with trucks and tree -
toes as teeth
lileoteic lights acid the movies ware
late in coming to the country, hot
their day tuns finally arrived, The
ratto elenttnu pltt nr has been developed
the pont wheiT it gives rouhp1nLe
eleceele set vice, light everywhere
and lent of ower for pumping,
plenty N ,
1 L g
milking, separating, washing, 'tweet).
mg and attae kinds
of farm tacit.
And these same small Ideate have
O -E8 REP UE ro
liar Ysurc of Suffcrag ;,til: Dee-
pep.iee this ?mit ftircdicinc Cavo Rofof
917 Dorton St., Montreal,
r'I am writing to tell you that Iowa
my life 10 Truit•a•Lives' for this remedy
relieved me when I had abandoned
all Lope ofeverrecoveringmybean h,
I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia. I
had it for years and all the medicines
I took did not do me any good.
I read something about 'fruit-a-
tives' being good for all Stomach
Troubles and Disorders of Digestion
so I tried them. After finishing a
few hoxes, I was entirelyrclieved Of the
Dyspepsia and my general health
was restored.
I thank the great fruit medicine,
'Fruit-a-tives', for this wonderful
500. a hox, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -byes Limited, Ottawa, Oat.
through destruction by fire at a time of
high building costs and acute scarcity
of material. We are burning buildings
at a criminal rate. Our fire loss of last
year, viz., $23,500,000 or approximat-
ely $2.90 per capita, was the highest
per capita in the world. In Ontario
alone 5804 dwellings were damaged or
destroyed causing a loss of $1,753,333.
There were also 747 farm houses des-
a 1055 of $1,189 g obf
o which
$557,736 was insured. Matches were
again responsible for the largest num-
ber of known fires 1148 in Ontario
originating therefrom. Practically every
fire due to matches is the result of care
lessness, and this cause )night easily
be almost entirely eliminated. The ob-
ject of Fire Prevention Day to for the
education of the people and fo put an
end to the careless use of matc.ies cigar
and cigarette stubs, etc. It is therefore
deserving general support.
Deanery of Huron
Annual Convention of the Deanery
of Iiurnn was held in St, Paul's
chut'elt, SVinghgnt sot Tuesday, Sep-
tembet 23rd tvhetr f"llnwing ogram
was successfaly raffled not :—
Morning Session—Holy Oounuut-
ion : celebrant, The Rural Dean As-
Electricity for
Every Farm"
The Rest Thin for
the Farm
F. F. Thiellte St Son, 1t..0.
1, lliel, Wis., write concern -
their Delco -light plant
"We have an automobile,
but if we heti to give up
either cur auto or one
Light, the auto would
mighty quick,"
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
Complete Electric Service
hada possible movie Iheat 1Ps in every
count! 7 viltnge.
ElLLrinity is titsforce which has
thtee6 the onalttry pven with the
t.ity's enjoyment, of every modem
«' ,r -;a�-ra•,;4.w;;..:.n�:.,..w.a. ..:.'ic>;..... ..-..�E..0 �;wrc�,...�r,�art.-aw .x,�.,-;s,r.-a'+;rvr'n:,.
4tehi fae+e +404r'1^'74+401rrR 'see L •
Vve P
I n Potatoes
} `vJAiyirix
For !,.•hich Highest Mar-
, 1:et price -.:'ill lw' paid
* For furlhee part killers rltll
Phot,• -1:3
W. J. McCracken
o.i•ilanl, Rev. W. 11. Ilewiuor„ Mori
ing nt' Chapter iris itemote) gruerul
business, Meeting of 1)eunery \Vr-
tneu's Auxiliary (Sunday Sebuot.)
Prayers, Rev. T, I1, Brown , R'^v. 1),
D. Douglas.
Afternoon Seeeion—Opening Play.
ere, Rev. H. S. Janes. B. A, genet til
business, "The Young People and
the (il rete," Rev. S. b„ ,McKegevy.
Diacnssion led by Rev. et S. Hardy
and Rev, IL U, Mesa. "The Advent
Jlissinn," lire, 1 G. Clark, Lot don.
Dissension led by Rev. A. A. Tramper
mirk Rev, 'P- H. Brown. "Wolk in the
Far North," Rev, W. G. Blaekwell,
Dundalk. for 7 years 11 iasionary at
\V11.ile Hose, Yukon.
Evening Se sial --Opening Prayet-s.
Address—"The Mission of Healing,"
Rev. it. 0. Hlagrave, D. D , 'Toronto.
Maitland Presbytery
Preehytery of Maitland met on
'Tuesday, Sept, 2181, in St. Audrew'e
church, \Utuglnttut.
A. call front Southampton to Rev,
A. M. Boyle, lielgrave and (Idyll],
tuns enstained and Mr, Hoyle snvet-
ed hie connection with Itis cline ge
ole Sunday last, Rev, R A. Lately,
Walton, was appointed interim
lfnderntor of the ea/limey.
Rev. De. Pewit•, \Vingham, and his
elder were appointed auditors for en-
sllitig year,
Presbytery ,lnmiott-o11 fallowing
ministers for the vnraimciei in the
legn and church ofices : Lnr profes-
sor of
soonf tnnIc +iir9 and homiletics
Knox 011egein
Toronto, Rev, Rolbeet
Johnston, D. 1) Mount eat': for chair
of Systematic theology in Robertson
Uollrge, F,dmnritot, Rev. Gen, 0.
Pigeon, D. D., Toronto ; for the new
chair in Presb terian Theological Col-
1 l-
Y g
I eSaskatoon,Ate' [.
eg ,t. 3 A. Bettis,
Tot onto fur the enennt shaft' to
WesUuinistet Uollrge, \rnneoneee, 13,
0., Rev. S. 1,, Becket, M. A., B. D.,
Moose ,law, Sask. • roe chair of reli•
gious iustrur.lion, Knox College, 'Tor-
onto, Rev. W. J. Knox, AI. A., Len.
don, Ont. ; for editor of The Presby-
terian and Westmintster, Toronto,
Rev, G. S. Carson, D. D., Retiree,
editor of the Halifax Presbyterian ;
for business tnanagee of the Presby -
t', Ian publIcatinns, Toronto, Rev. Jas.
Rollins, B. A., Prterhoro, Ont.
On the (natter 001 the recetnmende.
Lion of the General Assembly to the
tniaimum stipend of $1,800, the. Cleric
was ordered to prorate a sufficient
mutate!. of the pamphlet "'I'he Mini-
mum Stipend" an that One copy multi
be Bent to every family in the Pres-
Reeds. Messrs. (lilunnee and Tate
%neve appointed to represent the
Poesbylery on the exeentive of the
Young People's Societies,
Methodist District Meeting
Financial District Meeting of Wing -
ham Dielo let was held in the Metho-
dist eh r i+ Ripley, nt 'Tuesday, Sept.
14 01.
At morning session the allotments
for various circuits for the Oonuexion-
al futlde were assigned. Reports from
the circuits upon the District re Aliu-
taterial support were very gm -Drying,
large peeeenta a having derided to
pay at least the minimum of $L500
(exclusive of horse keep $1501
An iuspililig lest ttie which tmrealed
the etreug appeal which the church
and the preaching of the Gospel sill!
makes to young men of ambition, lay
in the fact that: Albert Lett, Bruesele,
sought atiniissitin into the ministry.
Although blind ft on birth hie aim has
been to preach the Gospel and by ems -
:vended effort lie has aleadp taken
his 3rd year in At Ls at Queen's Uni-
versity, The dislt•irt, meeting tool; no
direct iteLion brit with the expte.s1d
hope that Some I'nrtn of Ohtietiui
service would open to lir, ett o r -
ed Mr. Lou tet continue his studies.
At afternoon session Gent ge J. Title -
/nail Principal of Stanstead Wesley-
an Uollrge, Stiunstead Que., presented
the work of the Education Depart.
0114111, and els" replreei1h'6 1111. other
Onnnexinnal Departments, The com-
mittee nppuiuttd to confer with lir.
'Pt nenuut veootnnteutl that the various
Ounn(•xional field days be left to local
Rev. R. L Basking, Bethel, gave an
address upon "Lltetcession," showing
the vital need and itvportaocc of
prayer in the extension and work of
the Kingdom of Gnd,
F. Rev, 1. S 01ZP11gave lurid a Heel and
thoughtful address upon "Ohristian
Starvat'dshi o" tvlrirh to ighL be summed
up in two words "Fait hied Setvior,"
At evening session, under the awe
piece (pt1 the Religions Education De.
p!aftneent, addressee wets given by
(leorge J. Teueuuto and Rev, Denman
In both addresses emphasis was hitt
upon the importtauoe of pt eaten! ef•
forte to ruin and to hold the young
men and women to the ehurclh and
the Kingdon of (fad, A solo render.
ed by Alies Adelene Moloney, Ripley.
was greatly appreciated.
41 t1 ntentiou should 1e made of
the splendid entertainment provided
by the Ripley ladies for dinner and
6.9446.4'4• ds6t•A•8:4,44A04,44/440W44.844.••••400
R.Weiler, AMgeCnitar1foDr IIth5et
floes it Pay to Paint 7
With the present. price of lumber good Paint 18 by far the
cheaper of the two. You protect your crop against hall by in-
surance ; you protect yyourself against loss by insuring your
house against fire. Why not protect the same house from the
influences of the elements of nature by giving it a coat or two
of Paint? It is a very good investment to -day, eren if Paint
,)nes engl more than it 1101(1 to, We handle
Marti n=Senour Puure aPaint
and we guarantee file Paint with any Paint you want to
tulles, Rto stand the wear and tear of the weather, and to
cover MORE surface per gallon than any other Paint on tbe
market. We alae) bee» the fetuntlt
MartinR ieflol1r Varnishes and Enamels
Ile name i•(a eynooym Fut good Vermeil and a safe name for
Valeta, l:naluels and every- ether kind of material )tie painter
Being to the business its likely we can give you surne useful in-
formation in respect to that little job you intend to do in and
around the Clouse, and we will be pleased to do so.
Mins Lena Livingstone left for
Nobleford, Saelc„ where she will re.
Airs. (Dr.) Blaticall is somewhat
improved and hopes are now enter-
tained for her ultimate recovery.
John Denholm is seriously ill at his
home,'Dineley St. He was seized with
a spell of weakness and has since been
in a precarious condition.
Anniversary services in the Metho-
dist Church, Sunday, Oct, 17110. Spec-
ial preacher—Rev, L+', P. Arlustrong,
Speci'tl singer—blank Oldfield. Spec-
ial mist ing 8500.
Miss McLeuo
1, who has been em-
ployed in McMnrchie's Bank Por the
past few years left for Egmondville
where she will reeide for the present,
Miss Mary McMurchic is at present
assisting her father in the Bank.
Frank Oldfield, baritone, Toronto,
will sing at tbe Methodist Anniver.
Gary eervinP9, 011 Sunday, Oct, 17th.
D. D. Crittenden is confined to his
home nursing an injured leg; the re -
stilt of a fall while at hie work in the
Henry Johnston has purchased the
stock of harness, trunks, hand bags,
etc,, from iris father and has moved
same to his grocery store.
'IVO). Taylor secured let prize in the
carriage class with his mare at Sea -
forth show, Jas. Iieffrou 8805 award-
ed Id in the Roadster class and Jas.
Brown, won End motley in the 2.30
Peter Me 'n
1 g),art, a )ifs•long resi-
dent of Exeter, and father of G. E.
McTaggart, town, passed away at his
home Saturday night, Sept. 25th,
after many months of suffering from
((armee. He was aged 78 years.
Burning the Nation's Wealth 1
The Torch of Carelessness
The Wolk of Fit e Prevention should appeal to the Farmer,
who is at the mercy of the Fire Demon ; and to every Merchant
and Manufacturer who wishes to preserve the continuity and non-
interference of his business.
Fire PreventiaN Vleek -Oct. 9
to remove all Ftre Hazards and take every possible precani ion to
Prevent Fire,
aerutnulnIions sn
of waste material rnLbieh.e
box .e. u•na t
1 1 weeds i d
, nn
i hhous that creme disorder.
Ontario Fire Prevention League, Inc.
in affiliation with
The Ontario Fire Marshal's Office, Toronto
414••1,•+.44+•+.+44•4414444444 •+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+••t-
Weddng G Ifte
For the Bride
We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles,
Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butter Tubs, Mar-
malades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat-
ware in the up-to-date Patterns.
Diamond Rings
1n stock at special Price—$25,
$40, $500, $75 and $100. Oall and
see the assortment and save
Wedding Rion s
A complete stook, all sizes, in
the new style, and are moat
comfortable, Let us supply the
Wedding Ring,
Pi Kodak
Menne increased pleasure on that Holiday
trip. Let us show you nue complete line.
FREE instruction and a Monthly Maga.
zine to all parohasere,
Jeweler and Optician
SV RO:l l
4444+40+++++•+.44940.44+.44,4* 444+14+•+.0.444.444+144.4444