HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-10-7, Page 4trl"be a r''tt oeIs g i PI,111112SI.las\ , ti.' I't11s4i 4 1 lo.,, BLYTH FALL SHOW Splendid Weather Helps to Matte a Very Successful Fair Blyth hada very auccessfui iii fair on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, the weather being ideal and the attendance Large, The inside department t;•; r,- sot I. well filled as in previous years, but the quality of the vegetables and fruits was excellent. The baby show caused a great deal of interest and there was keen compe- tition. The results were; -1st, Mrs. °t Wilson's twins; and, Mrs. M. Bell; 3rd, ; Mrs, E. BentIey. fid^fid+44-b+ ++.1" t+it et+1•^1' ,1'114 LADIES' WORK na-. v•i °,e Iii ^'Clow yr tJ t-. e-. Vttb..v.,e, :w'i.�. o.d 4• o,a . rtAty M t h,ingste"4, t5 4. VATLliPHUOF • C�AT The Best su this + The Wingham band furnished a high grade of music and in the evening the Redmond concert company gave a first., class program before a packed house. Speeding Events. {, The speeding events resulted as fol- lows:- ^?' Free For AIL Nile Boy (McNeil) t 1 Tramp Fast (Gray) 2 2 Maggie McKinney (McDougall) . , 3 3 Aft. Iri1t';eta FM' salt. :at 4 4 r.,nt;,gl bedr4ioo atajapon Vlt Faintly n 1 and , batlrnlorb lest Mts flow rig Al.Livingstone baby's honnott, M 1 ivinp font D Symington; camisole M. Livingstone sirs. Howrie; crochet 3 pork in silk M. Livingstone; crochet quilt I Grieves, Mrs Howrie, mochet t ort is r ell - LIard; r51 Lt inq toile, eau l,a tidte5 work S pie,.es; At 1 is t }: Mrs. T ambiyn: child's dress �iarliet , j. l t^r a Atrs. TamUlyn; croch:t '1' It �. lace civ t •-t s. Howrie, D. Sym - r, . seta embr idered 11r 'i .,,,ll. t, �1�ri. liti,l,rxtuni, infill CPh- . ;re, .11r,. Ilo,yrie, Airs. N. t.:uming; eat- : br„idrr\ „n silk or satin, Al. Living - sone. 1.). .bSymington; Kensington ent- r broidery, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Ilowrie; Roman embroidery, Mrs. Tamblyn, M. + • Livingstone; corset cover, M. Living- j stone; netting, Mrs. Howrie, M. Living- stone; crochet c^rset cover, M. Living- stone, C. Gardiner; pin cushion, Wal. tor McGowan, M. Livingstone; handker- chief case, a1. Livingstone, Mrs, How- rie; glove case, M. Livingstone, Mrs.. -I'amllvn; work bag, M. Livingstone, Airs. Tamblyn; fancy apron, 14rs. N. Cumilia„a J. Pollard; gents mitts, D. Symington, Airs. Howrie; lioniton or W.P. Fraser point lace, airs. Tamblyn, M. Livinv-' Per Gent Reduction Guarantee goes with every Coat. Now is your chance HrnssPls 1 + 3 Three Minute Class Repeater (McDougall) ...1 1 4 2 2 Jim Hal, (Brown) 3 2 3 1 1„ Barney Wilkes (McGee) ..2 3 1 3 3 Rena (MeNall) 4 4 2 dr Following is a list of the prize- winners: HORSES General Purpose - Team mares or geldings, J, Colclough. Agricultural -Brood mare accompan- ied by foal, A. Taylor, T. Colson, W. Ross; foal, horse or mare, T. Colson, W. Ross; gelding or filly 2 yrs. J. Brigham. T. Colson; team mares or gelding, Menno Jackson, W. A. Dale, Gray Bros. Heavy Draught -brood mare, accom parried by foal Gray. Bros; foal, horse or mare, Gray Bros; gelding or fitly, 2 years, W, T. Grieve; gelding or filly a year, J. Brgham; team mares or geldings, W. Grieve, Grav Bros.. Jas. Brigham. Heavy Draught Clyde -Brood mare, Gray Bros; foal, Gray Bros.; two year old filly, W. A. Taylor. Judge- Jas. Archibald. Carriage -Single horse in harness. W Taylor. E. McLean, J. Foster. Roadsters -Brood mare, T. Colter, J. Ellis: foal. T. Colter. J. Ellis; single driver, L. Lott,Jas. Brown, Jas. Hef- fron: lady driver,A.Sloan, Brown;n; sweepstakes, Grav Bros., L. Lntt..ludge C.. McGreg,r. CATTLE Pure Bred Durhams - Mitch cow, Medd Bros, J. Barr; two year old hei- fer, John Barr 1 and 2; 1 year old heifer, Medd Bros., J. Barr; heifer calf, T. Taylor, Medd Bros.; bull, T. Taylor, Medd Bros.; herd, Medd Bros, Grades -Milch cow, lviedd Bros., R. Harrison; 2 year old heifer, R. Harrison J. Denholm; 2 year old steer, R. Harri- son, J. C, Heffron; i year old heifer, R. Harrison, Jno. Denholm; one year old steer, J, C, Heffron, Jno Barr; fat steer, Jno, Barr, R. Harrison; fat cow or heifer, R. Harrison; three stock steers, 800 itis or over, Jno. Barr, J. C. Hef- fron; best animal sweepstakes, Medd Bros.; herd, 2 steers, 2 females, R. Harrison .fudge -J. Cowen. ., SHEEP Shropshiredown-Aged ram, J. Bri- gham, W. Ross; shearling ram, W. Ross; ram lamb, W. Ross, Jas. Brig- ham; pair aged ewes, W. Ross, Jas. Brigham; pair shearling ewes, W, Ross; pair ewe Iambs, Jas, Brigham, W. Ross. Any Other Kind-Shearling ram, L. Caldwell; ram lamb, L. Caldwell; pair aged ewes, L. Caldwell; fat sheep, Jas, Brigham, W. Ross. Judge -Jas. Snell. PIGS, Yorkshire -Aged boar, Jas, Alton; boar, Jas. Alton; sow, Jas. Alton, 1 and 2. Tamworth -Aged boar, J. Grieve, J. Alton; boar, J. Alton, J. Grieve; sow, J. Alton. Improved Berkshire -Jas, Alton won all classes. Judge -Jas. Snell, POULTRY, Geese large breed, J. Jackson, J. Pol- lard; ducks, J. Pollard; Hamburgs, blk, J. Weymouth; Hamburgs, penciled, J. Weymouth; Leghorns, white, D, Laid- law; Plymouth Rocks, barred, H. Fraser 1 and 2; bantams, J. Pollard, 'Judge -George Bentley. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Crock of butter, Jas. Alton; 10 its butter in 1 Ib prints, J. J. Pollard, R. Wightman; 5 tbs butter in 1Ib prints, R.Richmond, J. J, Pollard; Two 2 ib loaves home made bread, R, Wightman, Mrs. N. Cuming; Two 2 Ib loaves brown bread, J, J. Pollard 6 doughnuts Mrs. A. Bennett, J. J Pollard; short bread, Mrs. A. Bennett, J. J. Pollard; Canned fruit, J. J. Pollard, R. Rich- mond; 3 glasses jelly, Thos. Sloan, R. Shortreed; Five o'clock tea, Mrs. N. Cuming; Fruit cake, J. Grieves, Russel Richmond; Light layer cake, Mrs. A. Bennett, Cecil Cartwright; dark layer cake, J. J. Pollard, John Denholm Jr,,; heaviest hen eggs, M. Livingstone, J. J. Pollard; extracted honey, 3, & F. Laid- law; maple syrup, R. Richmond, Mrs. N. Coining; grape juice, Alice Gillespie; tea biscuits, W. McGowan, Mrs, N. Cum ing; buns, J, 3, Pollard, R, Wightman; Two pies, Mrs. N. Cuming, J.J. Pollard; lunch for workingman, J. Grieves, Mrs, N. Cuming; ginger bread, J. J. Pollard; pair dressed chickens, 3. J. Pollard. Tomato catsup, J. Grieves, Jas. Alton; Mixed pickles, J. J. Pollard, 3. Grieves; pickles any other kind, J, J, Pollard; home trade hard soap, Walter McGowan 3, Grieves, Judges --41C, McClelland, of butter, chickens acid soap Mrs. Jos, Stothers and Mrs. Jas. Watt, for balance of this class. GRAIN Bus. red fall wheat, W. Cunningham, .1. Alton; white fall wheat, Robt, Short - reed: Six roved harley, J. Alton; white oats long, Alton. Jas, Cuming; black out;, J. Alton: small peas, W. Cunning- ham, large peas. J. Alton; timothy seed 4, Alt' : , W.(lunoingham; six best stalks i.:nsilage cern. J. & F. Laidlaw, T. H. Taylor. ludee-Jno, Potter. ROOTS Collection garden produce. J. Grieve: white potatoes, W. Gray, J. J. Pollard; red potatoes, J. Somers. J, 3. Pollard, ame potatoes, W. Gray, ,l, Sorters; round potatoes, Fred Toll. J. Somers; held carrots, J. 3. Pollard: garden car. rots Tong, J. Cunning, 11, Fraser; garden carrots short. C. C:artwrigitt, A, Gilles pie; swede turnips, F, 1'o11. J. 3. Pollard ;turnips a o,f., J. Somers, J. Barr; beets table use long, E. C. Snaith, J. Grieve; beets, table use round. J. J. Pollard, Jas. t.'uming; sugar beet nt;mgolds, T. J. Pollard. J. & 0. Laidlaw; mangold wur- zels glrbe,J. J. Pollard; mangolds wur- /els yellott, R, Shortreed; pumpkin, J. Grieve, J. Denholm; squash, J. Denholm J. Sneers; red onions, 'Wm. Cunning. ham; silver pickling onions, J. Grieve; white field beans, W. A1. Scott, W. Cunningham; hen .1.J.Pollard, C. Cartwright: ,aulitlower, C.Cartwright; tht• celery, J. Grieve; field corn dent, R. Harrison, J, Cuming; sweet corn, J. J. Pollard, C.Cartwright, Judge -E, Lear Fruit Variety winter apples. J. Somers, C. Cartwright; fall apples, C, Cartwright, T. Bradnock; baldwin, T. Sloan, T. Bradnock: kings, J. & F. Laidlaw, T. Sloan: northern spy, T. Sloan, E. C Smith; R. L Greening, T. Sloan, J. J. Pollard; ribstein Russett, J, Somers, i. B. Tiernay; Golden Russett, T. Brad - nock, R. Richmond; Seek -no -further, E. C. Smith, T. Bradnock; Spitzenburg, W, McGowan; Wagner, J. Alton, J. & F. Laidlaw; Ben Davis; T. Sloan, J. Somers: Gravenstein, E. C. Smith; Blen- heim Pippin, T. Sloan, 3, Somers; Tal - man Sweet, T. Sloan, E. C. Smith; Mann J. Sooners, W. Cuninghame; Stark, E. C. Smith; Snow, R. Richmond, J. Barr; Ontario, 0, Richmond, W. McGowan; box any variety apples, T. B. Tiernay; Wealthy, J. 13. Tierney, 3. Alton; Can- ada Red, Jas. Alton, E. C, Smith; Col- verts, J. & F. Laidlaw, J. Alton; Alex- ander, T. Bradnock, C. Cartwright; 20 07. Pippin, J. Somers, 3. Alton; am v. named, ,1. J. Pollard, W. McGowan; col- lection of apples, E. C. Smith, 3, Som- ers; crab apples, T. H. Taylor, E. C. Smith; winter pears, named, T. Brad - nock, J. Alton; fail pears, 3. Alton, R. Wightman; tomatoes, C. Gardiner, J. J. Pollard; Collection grapes, Mrs, R. M. 1lcKay, J, Grieves. Judge -D, Cantel - on. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Collection begonias, W. M. Scott; geraniums in bloom, C, Gardiner, W. Scott; hanging basket, Mrs, R. M. Mc- Kay, Alice Gillespie; window box, C. Gardiner, Judge -Mrs, Metcalf, CUT FLOWERS Collection of dahlias, A. Gillespie, 11, Fraser; collection of asters, 14, Living- stone, A. Gillespie; table boquet, Mrs. 0. McKay, 'C. Gardiner; gladiolas, Mrs 0. McKay, ,fudge -Mrs, Metcalf. FINE ARTS. Animate, single it• gronporl in n'l, Ai Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; animals in water color, M. Livingstone, Mrs, How- rie; collection of pierced brass, M. Liv, ingstnne; collection of pen and ink sketches M. Livingstone, Mrs, FTowrie; collection of china 6 pieces, M. Living- stone, J. Grieve; collection of china in lustre, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; collection of paintings, Iva. Livingstone, Mrs, Ilowrfe; collection of water color paintings, Ni, Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; fruit or flowers in nil, M, Livingstone, Mrs. l!owrie; fruit or flowers in oil, M. Livingstone, H, Fraser; figure painting in water color, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; amateur photo, Mrs. H. Tarn- blyn; hand painting, M, Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie, tandaeape in nil, M, Living stone, Jas. Tiernay, H. Fraser; land- scape in water color M. Livingstone, Mrs. Tamblyn; ornament or vase, M. Livingstone, J. Grieves; hand painted plates, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; pencil p drawing, .Mrs, Howrie, M. Liv- ingstone; pastelle any subject, M, Liv- ingstone; painting on glass in oil, M. Livingstone 11.Fraser; sepia, M. Living- stone, Mrs. TTnwrie; crayon, M. Living- stone, Mrs, Howrie; beat sketch of Huron County, Mrs, Howrie, M, Lava ingstone Judge --a. Telford, stone; Norwegian work, s:'1. Livingstone Mrs. Howrie; Irish crochet, :1L Living. stone, Mrs. Tamblyn; knitted quilt, J. Grieves, Sirs. Tamblyn; knitted lace „n cotton, J. Grieves, Al. Livingstone; fancy wool shawl, Mrs. Tamblyn, D. Symington; kitchen apron, 61. Living- stone. J. Grieves; lunch set. Mrs. Tam- blyn; lace handkerchief, .5l. Living- ston, D. Symington; laundry bag, M. Livingstone, D. Svrnington; dressing sack, A1, Livingstone, Airs, Tamblvn; nicht gown. Al. Livingstone, Mrs. Tani- blsn; mount mellick emboiderv, Mrs, '1;urblvn, M, Livingstone; man's work shirt, 3. Grieves. Al. Livingstone; nov- elty in fancy work, `i.Livingstone, Mrs. Tamblyn; set table stats. Mrs. Tamblyn, D, Symington; set doylies, M. Living- stone, Mrs. Howrie; patch quilt in cot- ton, J. Grieves, Mrs, Tamblyn; patch quilt in cloth, Ars. N. Curring, Jas. Grieves; pillow case embroidered, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; punch work M. Livingstone, Mrs, Howrie; quilt any other kind, ,1..1. Pollard, J. Grieves; rag mat hooked. D. Symington; rag mat braided, Al. Livingstone; rag stat any kind, J. Grieves; sideboard scarf, J. Grieves, D.Symington; sofa pillow, Mrs. Tainblyn, D. Symington; collection tat* tine, A1. Livingstone, C. Gardiner; table ears. piece, Mrs. N. Cuming, Mrs. Tam Myn: table cover, -Mrs. Tamblyn, A1. Livingstone; tray cloth, M, Livingstone, Airs. Tamblyn; tea cosey, M. Living- stone, .Airs, Tamblyn; towels, Al. Liv - 1: astme, Airs, Howrie; table oentre piece colored, J. J. Pollard, AI, Living- stone; Woolen sox, Mrs, Tainblyn, Mrs. Howrie; Woolen stockings, Airs. How- rie; wellachiaa Work, Al. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; comforter, J. Grieves; knitted sweater coat, M. Livingstone, J. Grieves; pull over sweater, C. Gardiner, Al. Livingstone; crochet work with fancy braids. A1, Livingstone, Jas. Den- holm; ladies house dress, Mrs, Tam- blyn, Mrs, Howrie; .pair curtains, M. Litingst„ne; collection kitchen articles, t:. Gardiner, Al. Livingstone; corona- tion braid work, Mrs, Tamblyn, M. Liv- ingstone; crochet purse or hand bag, J. Grieves, D. Symington; boudoir cap, D. Symington, M. Livingstone; serving tray, M. Livingstone; collection of ap- parel made from old garment, Mrs. Howrie, Judges-Mlss McClelland and Airs. Dunbar. CHILDREN'S COMPETITION Work clone by children, W. Cunning ham; crochet work on wool, Mrs. How- rie; crochet work in cotton, T. H, Tay- lor, W. Cunningham; collection of in- sects, W. Cunningham; 2 strings beads, W. Cunningham; wash cloth and towel, Mrs, Howrie; school lunch, 11. Fraser. Judges-Aiiss McLelland, and Mrs. Dunbar. SCHOOL CHILDREN COMPETITION Write the letters, J. Barr, Kenneth rowan, U, S. S. 12; divide figures show ing work, IL Wightman, S.S. 12, Flor- ence Slater; map of Ontario, J. Grieve. U. S. S. 12; write one verse of poems, H. Wightman, Hazel Petts, Florence Rouse; best collection of wild flowers M. Livingstone, C. Gardiner; collection water colors, M. Livingstone, Cecil Gardiner. Judge -Mrs. G. Telford. CHILDREN'S COMPETITION Peck potatoes, H. Wightman, 3110. Denholm jt.; six garden carrots, U. S. 0. 12; six swede turnips, J. J. Pollard, J. Denholm jt.; six round beets, H. s••••••••••4:4064:00000090:640.0 • a LIVE V 4 o •' j © Ship. • • a keep their shape.• • • 0 $ a3 )fylicit .• $ d i ° (�l , r* vivo Beautiful finish, easy o • WANTED •o comfort, very durable. ° d S I 3 When you discard • All kinds for which the © hem you want another "just like the last ones." • highest market price will a Then our prices are not the least pleasing of • be paid, 'See me before $ I a i you sell, 6 s°1 the buying, 1 Overseas Trade Keeps Ganda Prosperous --'- V1' 1T'kora busy Wagrca^ good -,ForT6Ts offluont To Win World -Trade We Must Develop Our Sea Heritage Our Ports Our Men Our Ships Trade must flow East and West and Overseas -- Shut off this Dominion from the seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a nation. The Navy League of Canada 14 x.. *::^:r :vra,c- Wightman, U.S.S. 12; one pumpkin, L Denholm, Wes, Bradnock; 1 squash, J. Denholm, J. Pollard; two citrons, E. 3oltcell; two heads cabbage, J. J. Pol- lard. 14.0.5 12; six ears corn, Harold Wightman, .1, J. Pollard; collection of flowers, Wes, Bradnock, U, S. S. 12; twelve tomatoes, J, J. Pollard, Judge- E. Lear. SPECIAL PRIZES Women's Institute -Best collection canned vegetables, R, Richmond, Airs. A. Bennett. Women's Institute -Best cake and half doz. muffins made by boy under 16 years -J, J. Pollard, Ilarold Wight- ntan. J. A1, Hamilton -tin of Poultry Food, ••••601000.0-6000,0400064.04 be t-as{sawa 069 :6•040aac.u' 6•4O c e n m e e 4 A e e 5, • 4' 9 0 a • • a e 4' 1 UDR AND Garage Service Station - Brussels Having purchased the Garage belonging to Mr. Ham]. Carter, '1'urnl, fry street, I am prepu,rWd to uttetatl to the wants of owners of Automobiles ill first-class style. Fervice Station for all snakes of Cars. Will keep in stock, Gas, Oils, 'Pire9 and Accessories of all kinds. Satisfaction assured. Call at the Garage or Telephone No. 9x and your Hants will be promptly attended to. Will be glad to greet old Customers and get acquaint- ed with uew ones. b e e 4 0 a b e 0 • e 0 e 0 4 • • • e • EarI Co Cunningham, ' Brussels • 04ag04.044400.00o•00040,4seas 04004t49.4••ee•0040•♦4••4♦• � oma®esa+t+g®mm ,gist®m®oear>im•�x ••••••• 0 eCacdres i ,rine Shoes. a ���l�r ski a m�la7�nr"3' sin.. -`:l. a 9 +'' a(lr7r f} Handsome to the eye G ::,t Artistic in design. • •. First-rate workman- 0 --- '' Made to' wear and ,a; ee Women's White Canvas Shoes Reduced in price. + •Will call at • o 0 All lines of White Running Shoes at Reduced g your home e °� Prices to clear, • • for them. S 1? Good values in Fine Harness, Trunks and Sat- • ♦ o chels, •• : G 2 Gall iiij 2x �•• •• �,•PI IMILL, S'1'RJtET BIaUHSELS •40•••♦40o♦0.0•••••••••••• cegale,,e seemeeme••6'Dci eseessi••Nese••••••••seemesessesse • • • • 9 e 0 r •I • • 0 • e • • • p • Bros.• ° Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia to • 4"t-+4'+t.+F• }Wfi4rr8: 4't.'.11•'t tri`1:.+* •r♦•N••x4.'t*+ 1101.4.'r44'4a•ew The k aforth Creamery ereamWaiters s.vru,y t- .maoaar•mwor illMeny,me..o sank. r� lamArb..+e.IIII,p,12ii SHOSIMEMIRIONO0 4, Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gi'v'es you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we Can give you thorough satisfaction. •� We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two • weeks. Cheques payable at par at rank of Nova Scotia, • •• For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to 'F • The Seaforth Creamery Co. + 14.4444'+0i-41+44-G4G+44P0♦+C4•a+4+V •+0+44334'4'4+Oei+•ie'! SJ✓AFORTH, ONT. e' 0 • • J. J, Pollard, J. M. Iiamilton, tin of International Stock Food for best herd, Medd Bros. J. McC, Dodds -pair leather work boots for best grade cow with calf at foot, R. Harrison. J. C. Iiefron-for best pair yearling grade steers, 3. C. Heffron, Dr, W. J. Milne -for best baby under one year, Mrs, J. Phunnn, Mrs. 111. Bell, Ars, -E, Bentley. Win, Moore & Son -Oxford ware pie plate for best Agricultural foal, T. Colson, Jos. Stothers-2nd prize for best Agricultural foal, Win. Ross. Poplestone & Gardiner - for best sweepstakes draught foal, Gray Bros. Canadian Bankers Asso, prize -John Denholm Jr, E. Watson & Sons -Sweepstakes in roadster class, Gray Bros„ L. Lott. Minor Locals. How is your address label marked, Equinoctial storms have been on the program and weather forcibly reminded us that the good old Summer time will not last for ever. The cold spell set the stoves going in many a home some breaking in on the Winter's coal supp- ly. Monday October 1Sth, will be Thanksgiving Day in Canada. The Government has declared Mon- day, October ISth, as Thanksgiving Day, and all are asked to observe it as such. Canada has an abundant harvest and many other things to be thankful for but it is hard to agree to pay $21 a ton for coal. Where the Lord provides he provides abundantly but where man manipulates the result is rotten. Farm for Sale Bring Lot 20, eon. 14, Grey Township, con- taining 100 acres. 00 acres Bleared and bnlanee hardwood bush. Gond frame treuse and out- buildings, orchard, wells, &u. 8 miles to Ethel or ,At•Naught Im met Into possession, Inc further particulars as to price. terms, ,5C„ ap- ply on the premi'es. W M, PA lig DB, Phone 434. R R 2 Brussels P. 0, Bull for Service The undersfeucd will keep for nervier, on 11.4 Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bred "hurt Horn null, Gainford of Salem, No, -00118* Sired by @ah,ford Marquis ``1008501 : Dam Mildred VII by Roynl Sailor 1180asi. Ped- igree fluty he seep on application. Teruo: - Me 00 for thoro'•hreds payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not allowed THOS, PI00015 Proprietor P 0e••00600••,C♦•0600••0••O•• 000♦♦♦000•••0••♦••♦000••♦O • 4 • the F` apace Bakery d • rtor Loaf of Bread 3 is • Bread Your Best Food -:- Eat More of it J e -- . 6. GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS u O ♦ • a Phone 32x W, E. WILLIS • 6 0044040006444'00940606666eee 6060,600006.600.00.006•06•64 v00e4•44004)0•♦00•00640044000♦0.040000404e•444Pt•m•••4 Students may • • Enter Any Time • ��� j e e 16J, 4416o. 4/. '. . • P. 9 �- • • 0 O 4' 0• lw 4, e We give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors 6 who give individual attention to pupils, Our graduates are • meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under oSoldiers' Civil Ile -establishment Commission. • Address the Ooltogo for Froo Catalogue, to either • Stratford or Wingham t 0C 0•00000644000044.000.4••• ,, 00444,044 e• A 4, c ' _ • s 00♦4♦sO it m,0... Cre..m Wnted Ship yziLyr Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfat,,trlr•y Returns We furnish you with Cana and fay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- mint of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and y�ut will not want to discontinue, Brims Civ' t ler Stewart Pros, Y Props,