HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-10-7, Page 1VOL. 49 1VO, 15 111.50 a 52 00 if not sonpa"td f3RUISSDI. S, ONTARIO. Farmers; Accounts This batik began its career inR 1832 when Canada *vas largely an el Y I 1.0 n I , g ,i t. -rat country, ad n 'n s;' t - durl the iqh „,ght years of its life k has always given ' special attention to the care of farmers' accounts. We pay interest on savings accounts, cash your cheques, take care of your notes and make collections when due, Business conducted by mail if necessary. Paid-up Capital- $ 9,700,000 (servo 18,000,000 Resources - 230,000,000 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA le. H. Gilroy, Manager, BRUSSELS m® Now Adl,ertisements Local—Dr. Bryena. Kodakery—F. R Smith. For sale—R, B. Stevenson. Farm for sale—P. F. Potricic, Auotion Salo—Mitchell Brae. Deloo-LIgltt—H, G Darroch, Anniversary—Bethel Church, Clearing sale—Rlohard Pratt. New premises—R. W. Ferguson. OIilk fed chickens—R. Thomson, Anniversary—Ebenezer Church, Ladder lost—),Irs. George .Taokaon: i1SVAste paper0119 101. -mevie Y. o P O E. ffl istrict ears Blyth T. Coulter shipped his household effects and stable equipment to Wheatley where he will open out sale - stables. There was no service in the Metho- dist Church last Sunday evening on 1 account of the Preebyteriam Anniver- Anativrt'eaty services wets held in Sr. Andrew's Chuen Sunday, Oct, 8rd, Special speaker was Rev, Fin- lay Mat hewn', fl.inel'ord. David Flcod1' hod the ails totem*. while operating a rip-eetw at the plan- ing Mill, to have the index and second lingers on hie left hand sere' ed, Last Spring while A. 13. Carr wee pl'oparangseed for planting, 11rs. Carr (1eel(Ptl to plant , ant s1. u1s of the (. rout P e p that ht(c] been tubbed oft the +tatoes. Phis was (111110 in the MHO met the ie - Kilt Was it pull of pell1Lll('s of 1'xL'Pp- tionalh' fine quality They are Of I be Y Rural New ork variety, firm, white and mealy when conked, Henfryn Joseph Manua ie erecting a new cot- tage on his farm and when complete will be a real comfortable home. Thos. and Mrs. Kerr and family are away 011 n trip to Saskatchewan where they have a ranch also are visiting in Alberta before returning Hone, Bluevale Anniversary Services of Presbyter- ian church, 1310evale, will be held SUS• day, Oct. 171.11, this year. Rev, W. A. Bradley, Tees water, will be the preacher for the day and the set vices will be at 11 a. in and 7 p. tn. Special music at both services. Walton Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Button and daughters are ape:Whig a few weeks in Tor onto. Geo. Jackson and Geo. Dundas have returned front the West. The latter spent the Summer there. Mrs. W. Dennison has returned froni To'mito where she has been visiting for the past few weeks. At the Division Court at Brussels bast week the,juey awarded the claim of Humphries & Oo., of Walton, against Silverwood, London, relative to the weight of cream shipped to thein from here, Next Sabbath Rev, Int'. Craik, of Dawn Mills, a former paster of the Methodist church, will preach 00111- versay sermons at Bethel church, McKillop, at 11 al. m, and 7.80 o'clock. Musical and literary entertainment Monday evening, Seo advt. Tuesday afternoon two well known young people of Grey township linked up in a matrimnnal alliance, by the help of Rev. afr, Lundy, in the persons of John A. Hislop and Miss Nannie Houston. May their joys he many, The young couple will reside on the groom's fine farm. FINE SUCCESS,—Thursday aftertohn of lust week the annual School Fair was held here. The day. was not any to favorable but everything passed off fine and Was a marked success. There was a splendid array of exhibits and the 011'100 evolution of the pupils was creditable to thein and their in- eteuotors, The Lair this year was as good as any and was heartily support- ed by the different organizations, WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Leave your certificates with this Bank and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably be auth- orized by the Wheat Board abort the end of October. 121 THE CANAIIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 WAL'I'ON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager. +ssucetM,uewa®teses esoeceawenoeuen a YseWs9ssoC7&t;nev(da8csweeleGWeieeexsvca 0 0 0a o at- a 43 Head of Thor&'.fired Hereford the VINEEENNEETIEIMIESAMINIIMEMil WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT 0 n tat 4, Con. 0, Howick 1 1.+a 1.I 19 ss on Tuesday, October 12 O • iat 1 p. M. sharp, e o is0 a ri N Proprietors. s a ±,s(k0waosroemids/oaosoo000011•90* •SI•SS•i*ooso•0000.e.12,s b.S MITCHELL BROS. T,IHURSDA Y. 11CT013FR 7, 1910 Methodist Church Raniyersary ETHEL SUNDAY and MONDAY October 17th & 18th Rev. Mr, Johnston, Hohmsvllle, a faience et- Pus ( i t will preach the Sermons. Fowl Supper Monday Evening followed by an A 1 program. gar -Don't foil to take it in, See bills for further particulars. Mrs. James Fa"quhereon to here from the West, although she did not arrive In time for her mother's flume -- al. Walton Presbyterian 8ndeavo' will not meet Sunday evening but will go to Brussels to hear Rev. Mr. Arm- strong's illustrated Lecture in Mel- ville church. The stove of Richard Pratt has been sold to Walton Farmers' Club who gets possession early next Spring. In the meantime Mr. Pratt is holding a Otearing out Sale of his entire stock and all renders should take note of 1118 advt, in this issue and save money thereby. Ethel Gerald Palfrey, Detroit, is visitin with Chas, and Mrs. Cleaver, Mies Ella Mitchell was visiting las week with her sister, Hiss I. Mitchell Wingharn. ' The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church stet on Tuesday of this wee at the home of Mrs. John King. Roy Dunbar has returned to Toron- to where he is attending University He is taking a course as Mining Engineer. Rev, P. S.;0Ke11 exchanged pulpits on Sunday with Ree. T. H. Olarry, Kincardine, who preached anniversary sermons at Roe's (hutch. The community is very sorry to hear of the loss by fire of the fine barn and contents belonging to David Sealers also the separator' owned by Reeve McNabb. ANNIVERSARY.—Sabb011), 17th inst., Rev. ,L W. Johnston, Hohnesville, will preach to his old parishioners at. 11 a, tn. and 7 1n. Special music and a generous Thank -offering are experted. Monday evening follnwiug n Fowl Supper, from 6 to 8, there will be pre- sented a choice program. Addresses are expected front Revels. Messrs, Kennedy, 01�el1 and Johnston. Musical numbers will be rendered by Mr. Hanrnoreand Miss MadelineWslk. et-, Wingham, and Mrs, (Rev.) Hender- son, Toronto, formerly of Ethel, will contribute readings. Variety and ex- cellence are premised from the above talent. Everybody is invited to at" tend and enjoy the anniversary. Thursday evening the young people of the Methodiet ohnrch held a social after which they presented Jon, and Mrs, Allan with aflne rooking chair and serving tray. Chas. 1{(ulsnid read the address. Roy Hall presented the abed' to air. Allan and Miss Roby Cleaver Die tray t(1. alis, Allan. Alt'. Allan made a suitable reply. Follow- ing is the address, DEAR MR AND AIRS ALLAN—We, the young people. of the Methodist church, wieli to WPI - come you to oar village to night, We have become acquainted with Air. 2.11021 in the past few months end +11e eked he has decided to Beale down in Ethel, We have enjoyed, his company il( the Sunday 8111001, choir and League of our (-hurch and also through lite week have Pound hits a grind work Mad, genial, kindly and ready to ()bilge, We hope alts. Allan will find ilee new home happy and associations pleasant, As an expression of otic good wishes we (ask ah', Allan to aar.- 'tept this chair and oars. Allan this I.1 any, You 01111 sit in the rocking 011(111 in yew- dressing gown while Mrs. Allan brings you some breakfast 0n the twee. We hnpa yen may live hem l0 r lley 01ing then(, Signed on behnle of the yam•¢ ',envie of tour a111u'ch. (CHAS. IIANSULD, HAROLD LOVE, Mrs, Chas. Ford and daughter, Miss Nellie Ford, AI bion, 11drh , have been visiting with Mrs, Wrn. 1 ei(niter, Mee. le'a'd (e asieter of Mr's. Rekmier•, AM:Sa nne AND PR816PNTATION.-- I,(t9t Priddy evening the u1Fmilelw and adherents of the Presbyteries) Mime!) surprised Rev, and 11(9, Remedy at home of Robert Bremner and sweeten, - ed them with a fine Davenport, ac- companied by the following add/efts which e eves read by Mrs • George �e Kreuter :-- b We the t member's and art• hetent5 o1 the Ethel Presbyterian church, liavb met hero this evening to extend to you our heat'Liest cougratu- latiole and best wishes for your pima eerily, as you have entered 01) a Hew sphere of life, and We rile you m1 be- half of the congregation to accept this Davenport as a token of respect and esteem, and ttnet that you both may be long spared to use and enjoy it, We also wish to express to you, Mr. Kennedy, our appreciation of your services as our pastor during your so - intern with us. We have been spiritu- ally benefitted by your Scriptural teaching and trust that the future will bring even greater blessings to pastor and people. _Knowing us we do the efficiency of Mts. Kennedy as a successful teacher in our school for the past 8 years, we feel certain of her willingness and ability to assist In the varied functions of church work. Our prayer is that God in His Providence may long spare you to each other, to go in and out amongst no nzinisteriug to our spiritu- al needs. Signed of behalf of the Ethel congregation, ALICE' 110131 931, D. J. F ALCONEI%, AQGIE COCH:RANE, ALES. DUNBAR, SARAH HUTCHINSON, 8E0. DUNBAR, IDA BREMNER, MRS NICIAOLsON, W. T. SPENCE, MRS. A. DUNBAR, MRs. FALcooER. The recipients made apprnpriate re- plies in acknowledgment of the ad- dress and fine gift. Evening was en- joyably spent and after lunch the company separated with the hope that many happy season are before them, Cranbrook Victor Sperling disposed of the "Grauun" farm to 0. Fischer for the stun of $55,000. The purchaser' gets possession next Spring. lUr, Spar. ling will likely buy another fain', Edith, daughter of Harry and Mrs. Keys, of this locality, had the misfor- tune to break both of her Legs on Tuesday. She has had a very peculiar experience in this line in the fre- quency of the breaks owing to the brittleness of the bones. For piene of good sluff she has most of them beaten. Morriss Wm, Sellers has purchased 25 acres of pasturage from Time. Ellis, 3r11 Line, Belgrave was the centre of attrac- tion on Tuesday aftet'n0on in the Saho01 Fair. A player piano has been placed in the home of Wm. Setters that will no doubt afford many pleasant hours. Next Sunday anniversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist church, Browntown, morning and evening, by Rev, A, MoRibbiu, B. A., Goole. The singing in the morning will be in charge of members of the Wiugham A1Nthndist thole and in the evening will he lead by a Male Quar- tette from Brussels. The Somerville 200 acre farm, 5th line, has been bought by 111110,1 Ma- Vsttie, of brussels locality, who paid $5,000 for the property. lie will use 1t as a paetnee fat m. There is a queu- 111y of good timber in the place and a good been, Mt'. Mc'irettie will con- tinue to live in Grey township, SHOWER.—Prior 10 her ma1•tiage Mies Kate Slack, nolo Mrs Alex. Ring, was waited upon at hen Immo by het' girl friends Ulla they presented her with a generotna shower of china and silverwaare. Poetic ef- fuelons accompanied the gifts and it jolly time wee spent. A dainty lunch was served and nn1ny good wishes ex- pressed, The recipient replied in (it - ting words. Mr. and Mrs. King are now nicely settled in their new home and have the good wishes 01' many relatives and friends tor (a long and happy life. H AVING disposed of my store building I purpose Conducting �a Clearil gOlt SA l e during which the whole stock will be sold. Bat -gains will be offered and it will pay the public to take advantage of this opportunity. 10 per cent Reduction on all. Dry Goods (excepting Prints), Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Special Bargains in Wali Papers. Toms of halo will be cash with Produce taken as usual Richard Pratt - Walton Aupivernry Will be held 00 Ebenezer Appointment cfrlu ale Sundays, October 10 Rev. oar. McKibben, of Gerrie, will ptrench t 11 a. 10. . an( 17It 7p. r, i e AYIler ted that Winglearn 1Urniel1 2002lc. for theInm cite„ Gleet vice and the mato quartette, of Brula'l , will 'sing al evening Nl'vll`('• Lange 000glegat(Un8 and Itbet'al etTe'i hgo are expected. tou't forget 111e date, Oct, I(ll h. The flee 100 neve farm of 1V,n, Me- Oraeken, Ni Lot 18, Cott. "o, has been sold to Thos, J. Ellis, 3rd line, for the sum of $7,000. Ile lute got a gond place. Mr, and I121I% alrrtaoken will retire from farming and probably will eenxnve to Brussels. They are old and well known residents, TRACTORS,—Jae, Michie has put, - chased a alassey-Harris Tractor and large plow and is turning over the ground at a rapid rate. On account of the dt'y weathet it Is almost im- possible to use a walking plow. Clayton Procter also purchased a large riding plow from the same firul, Nothing succeeds like success. Carey The reguhu' 09101008 will be held to the afetltodist churches 011 Ethel cir- cuit next Sunday at the regular dome. Least Sunday anniversary servieee were held in Roe's church, Rev. aft. Olerry, of Kincardine, preached tine sermons for the 00011810(1. Petitions have been signed through the township asking for the suspensi of the Dominion Act in fervor of the Cn111(10 law, Nobody wants old King Booze beck again. Miss Bessie Smdt1, has gone to Allen Craig to attend the Virtue—Amos wedding, The bride was a former teacher in S. S. No, 8, Grey, and will have the gond wishes of many old friends for a long and happy Life. Last week James Parr, North grav- el road, sold his splendid farm coletain- ing 200 acres', to his son Levi, the price being $8,000. It is said Mr. and Mrs. Parr will likely take a well earn- ed rest in Brussels, Levi will do well net 1110 property. 300. Rutherford has sold his fine farm, Lot 6, Goo, 18, Elute, to harry Mc0ourt, who gets possession in the course of a fele. months. A clearing Auction Sale of farm stock, Imple. ments, etc„ is announced by Air. Rutherford for Tuesday afternoon, 19th inst. SCe000L. REPORT,—Report for S. S. No. 10, Grey for the month of Septem- ber. Sr. IV—Flora McDonald, Laura McDonald, Myrtle Hollonbeck, Wilda Speiran, Roes Speiran, Jr, IV.— Laura Patterson, Eldon Whitfield, Mabel (lux, Melvin Oarnochan. Se. III—Rate Stevenson, Annie Inglis, Scuttle Speiran, Victor Baker. jr. III—Lillian Whitfield, Doris Neebel, Leslie Whitfield, Nelson Whitfield, Bert Neetbel, Sr. II—Clifford Speiran. Jr. II—Pearl Carnochan, Russel Whitfield, Greta Baker. Sr. I—Wii- ma Baker, Wilda Baker, jr. I—May Carnochan, Arthur Neabel. Pr.— Alma Patterson, Isobel Speiran, Helen Whit field, A 01.—Lawson Whitfield, Stuart Evens, Nantes are in order of petit. A. Al. 111A1PHIaRSON, Tee0hel•, BAD 1+1RE.-1\'eduesday of last week, shortly after: the dinner hour, flee WAS discovered ab David Sandeas' lank barn, 10th Con, where Jno, Me- Nabh'e threshing outfit was at work nd so quickly ilia it spread in very bort order the flames were in full 0890991011 so that even the separator n Id tint in t be gat ('111. W. (3mfialil$ Lnyed at the job so closely he had to x1111(0 his exit through the granary as he lire and smoke had cut oft his scope by the barn doors. In addition o the tine bank bnrn 00x00 feet, a hay urn, (tri vine shed, pig pen, the SPAM. 1('5 01.0)1 11n(1 all the implements xrept a euft.ivator, veru 'lest'eyed. 'he hot see, auto and wagon were igot tit. Less i9 estimated from $7,000 to 8,000 oe more. Instiranee do t he owlet( 8111001 was $2,000, Theta ere ; $,1,800 worn( n1. new Miele- nenle and it, is doubtful if $(4,000 cull replace the buildings. In addi- un to Use threshing machine the ngine twat the door else got a great naming and WAS seriously dnmag.•d, whine eta ted work at. 10 a. nn, fee is supposed to have started lento epavk, Mr. Sanders is deeply sm. ethd8e(1 with in his serious lose, n,0re articularly so as he was tossed about n1,1(1h during past year by sickness, 11UN0Rs W. \V. Mclin.tN -Tire fol. wing presentation W119 made to a other -in-law of M1 s. G..11 Speiran, this township, by Oeillda, Ont. ople:-,W. W. M0130in Was tendered complimentary banquet by the citi- es of Willie la 1. 7i ' Ol to his de at } 1.l, p test r Edmonton, where he will be asvo. tied with his brother Ed. in the nnaggenelt of a large real mine, t'. Montan n has been 26 years in illin, during 18 of which he ha8 been socfated with E, Long Mfg. 0n„ 11112ed, and for tweeted ,yea's has en its Mecretary-Teeneun9r. He was ce-Pr18ident: of (he Board of Trade, uenb21 of the Board of Education, perintendent of the Methodist Sun. y School, and Vice -President of the ung lklon's Christian Association, was aggreesiv9 and active in pat - tic movements during the war iod, and at all tines a ue0Pnl 0101' 1. lie 2008131•eseltted with a hald- me five -piece silver service, the immanent being made byDr. thm' 131, Ar(1ngh nn behalf f the Netts. 3, H, Eaton, President of the and 01 Trade, presided at the ban • et, which WAS largely attended, and slleld in the Canadian Club rooms, nu a p c a e b n n 5 H w Gi e redline is P so to be of pe n se fo 1.!i+ m al Ot as Li be. Vi to 1 Tau cls Yo He rio per 201 90 pre Ar cit 130 qu WA 11, IsERR, Proprietor Anniversary Services at - Ss B�i, _ Nutt Sunday Rev. Mr, Ueai.ic, of Dam) Mills, formerly of Walton, will preach at Bethel Church, McKillop Ttvp„ at 11 a, in, and 7 30 p. rn. Monday Even;#ff A fine Rute1'tainment will he glv- en by well qualified talent- from Seaforth, aseieted by others, Admission 25 and 15 Cents Don't fail to attend this Anniver. 8a7'y and enjoy a good time. The Methodist church presented Mr. and Mrs. McBain with a cabinet of silver. They left for the West on Sept. 2101. U wens To HER REB'r,—A well known and highly respected pioneer resident of the 14111 Con. in the person of Jane Burns, widow of the late Duncan Mc- Nair, passed quietly away from time on Sunday, September 26th, aged 81 years and 4 mouthe. Funeral was held to Oraubrook cemetery on the following Tuesday afternoon, Rev. R. A. Lundy conducting the set vice, 6 nephews were pallbearers. Deceased was born in Paisley, Scotland in 1839 and came to Canada in 1853, They located in township of Blandford, Ox- ford 0om(y. Mrs. McNair was mar- ried to Duncan McNair in 1868 and he was :aided to his long home in Decem- ber 19013. 3 sots (Neil, John A., of Grey township and Donald, who (lied in 1905) and 3 daughtere (Mrs. Robt, Houston, Miss Janet, of this township, and Mies Jane, Toronto, survive. The subject of this notice had been poorly all Summer' but with her active spirit she was usually able to be about and was only confined to bed for 2 days. She had acted her part no wife, mother and neighbor In a true hearted manner and was high- ly esteemed fnr her good deeds and kind verde. loot many years she was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. She had resided with her son John for the past 8 years. Win. Matti», lately deceased at Brussels, 2008 a cousin. She was the last of her family, Moncrieff Ernest Turner has returned to Ham- ilton after a visit with his cousin, Mise Alae Inglis. Mies Wined(' Chapman, Toronto, de here on a month's visit with the latter, Next Sunday afternoon Rev. A, E. Armstrong, Secretary of Foreign Missions. will address the congrega- tion of Knox church here at 2,30 and tell the story of progress of Christ's Kingdon throughout the world, The services in Knox church last Sunday were well attended and the rnitii8tr'tatione of Rev. Aft', Rose were meat acceptable, His afternoon sub- jeet wee "God's crosses and life burdens" and in the evening "God's challenge fermi the harvest to a life of stewardship." Monday there was t, full house. An excellent supper was served to which full justice was done, The program was first-class, Mr. Ruses!! and hie clever young daughter, Toronto, captivated the audience in song and story ; Misses Ferguson, Walton, contributed a fine piano duet ; and Miss Secord sang a choice sn10 and acted as accompanist, Rev, Mr. Lundy was in the chair, $228 50 were the very satisfactory results. The congregation is forging ahead end deserver' to 1.120(100(1, Wroxeter R., R. Hands, Toronto, is spending a fele days with his daughter, Me8. D. t\L 19Io74vt,11. IDuluth] Munro, who has spent the Summer in New Ontario, is visiting at his home Irene. F. and airs, Kitchen have returned from a month's holiday spent at Tomtit() 11.1111 Detroit. C. B. and airs. Moffatt and Miss Edith have returned front an enjoy. abie trip to the Nest. Jim, and Mrs, Srnith spent the last week in Paris. They were accom- panied on their return by their son Cheater, J. end Alts. Huffer and Robert arid Mrs, Iiupfee are holidaying with rela- tives in Essex, They made the trip by motor, Methodist church anniversary ser- vices will be preached next Sabbath at 11 a, m. and 7 p. in. by Rev. Mr. Reyeraft, of Goderich. Ott the Wed, needay evening following a choice pro - gran) will be rendered by Clifford talent eon818ting of flute aucl violin eelectiols by J, L. Taylor ; solos by G. Robb and Miss Eakel ; readings by Miss Mauer ; with Mrs. Taylor as aaeolllpatlist. Don't miss hearing the fine program promised. The annual School Pair held in the school grounds Monday afternoon wee a (headed 91100089, Weather was favorable and a gee11t interest was manifested by the large attendance. The 4 schools entering exhibits were Nos. 8'1'ut•nbeery, 18 Howiclt, junior and senior department of 14 %roxe- ter, Pelee for hest r'epreeented school was won by No, 18 Howick, Miss Minnie Weir, of No. 13 was winner of prize fee an address, who took for her subject, Canada, Special prize for reading sees won by Mee Alba blue- grove, of No. 14. Exhibits were 1puell . better and more numerous than hest Year and the vari009 00nte9(9 were 01,tered into witlh a heai'tineea anti' viol (Intl wade there gn with a good swing, 1u the evening a Concert 114- det' the auspices of the school was given by Wingbaw talent In the Town Hall. Forelericle 3 ,n^w iron and 001.0011 10.1706 was et-. rifted atom; (11e 'l 11th mile of the Metuoetal Park, Harry Gibbon, who hae been some- what lu(1Ispoee(1 of late, ie feelxug con- eiderably better. A few choice young cattle front To- ronto were unloaded here during the past couple of weeks, Thos. Lindsay lute sold hie I00 acme farm on the 2nd Con, to a relative in the States for a big pi lee. Findlay Lvnn, of thie village, anti Mies Bertha Pyke, Gentle, were quiet- ly married on Monday afternoon of last week, They left on a honeymoon trip to Pott McNichol, the Soo and other places, and on their return will reside in Fordwich. George Ward, who conducted a butcher business here for a number of years, and moved to Guelph 8 years ago where he has since been engaged at the Agricultural College Farm, has been meeting with success, having been recently appointed to farm fore- man at the Coliege, At a recent meeting of the klowick Agricultural Society, Village True - Lees and the Athletic Associatiou, the Agricultural Grounds here were pur- chased by the Village sad will be con - vented into a town park. Present Agricultural hall is to be taken down and a new building erected which will be used as skating and curling rink and also for Agricultural Society's Fail Fair. Brussels Council The regular monthly meeting of Brussels Council was held last Mon- day evening, All the members pres- ent excepting Councillor Richards. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Following accounts were present - ea :— Wm. Hayoroft, electric lights $ 61 00 Thos, Kellington.................. 1 00 0. Riley, gravel.... ........... ...„ . 65 30 Jae, Kerr, gravel 32 66 H. Hoover, gravel 6 76 W. Cool(, work.,.,.. • 6 17 R. Oliver, salary ,.......,75 00 Brewer & Harrison, electric..,19 60 M. Fraser, roads 10 00 E. G. Plum, pole feu grader &c 4 50 Benson, \Viloox, Electric Light Co . 00 00 Ameut Bros., wood for Elec- tric Light fit 00 R. Thueld, rent and salary 145 00 C. Davidson, gravel 4,0 00 Geo. But, fixingputnp 1 60 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by M. Fraser that accounts as read be paid, Carried. By -Law No, 9 was read fixing the rates for this year as follows :— County rate $,1884 80 4 6/10, Local rate . 68655 00 146)10 Frontage rate , ,,,.. , 1825 00 8 3/10 School rate..,.,, 4612 00 11 5/10 School Loan 401 00 1 85 mills 6°% will be added after December 14th on all taxes not paid. On motion of Councillors Stewart and Wilton the Inspector's fees on the William street sewer of 580.00 was egnalty divided between Wm. Cook, the contractor, and the town. Oar- ried. Applicatinns was made for an ex- tension of pool room hours for closing to 11 p m , as picture show takes pool players at usual hours, As By -Law would require changing no action was taken. Whether outsiders should be exclud- ed from the town gravel pit was dis- cussed and it was decided that in the meantime no more gravel would be sold out or town. Council adjourned, Supreme Court The Supreme Court sittings in Go(le- rich last week were very brief ; being practically concluded in a few hours on Monday afternoon, Of the 5 cases on the docket 4 wine settled out of court and the 5th was not defended. Smith v. Smith and Somerville v. Somerville, both alimony actions, were settled. Overholt v, Station, an action for eeduc1•ion, was settled. Belcher v. National Shipbuilding Co„ an action for d11nnage8 to plaintiff's residence old forrlitues emitted by fire, also was settled. (look Bros, Milling Oo. (Hensen) v, L, H. Shepherd Grain, Bean & Milling Go. (Michigan) was an action over a deal in beans. J. L. Killoran appeared for the plaintiffs defendants were not represented. Judgment was given for plaintiff's for $2,000 and costs, Judge Latchford, who presided, was presented with a pair of white gloves In token of the fact that there was no criminal business to come before the Court. Crown Attorney Seager and ShetiO Reynolds did the honors and Hieo' L tdship toads suitable aaknow- ledgment, congratulating the County on its clean record, Population of Stratford has in- creased by 765 during the past year. Total now 18,87E 8 young Mitchell ladies, with 2 young gentlemen friends from Strat- fard, enjoyed all the (rifle of an auto - mobilo wreck note evening 1•eeently. Their car ttnrue(1 turtle and spilled the whole bunch, No 88ffofis Wary Was 4u91411104 by any of the party,