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Walt Mason tot
Care of :Muter Truck.
he engine ought to be taken care
as an engineer cares for the loco-
iotive. It ought to be kept clean,
Prase and aluminum parts ought to
be polished. The daily test for oil
level Is already Habit with most drive
ere though many of them neglect this
because "she will run all right for to-
day, and I can get the oil on the road."
Fifty tents worth of oil waiting to be
put in the crank. ease may cause fifty
dollars worth of wear. One should
never economize on oil. Use the best
engine oil money can buy, use it free-
ly, this is, change the crankcase oil
often. Don't go by the calendar or
even by the mileage; Test the oil
weekly. The writer knows of dozens
of instances where trucks have been
run for thousands of nines without
any engine work being done because
the oil was changed as soon- as it
showed signs of being a poor lubri-
cant. All oil will get dirty in service;
it accumulates carbon and sediment.
The more carbon and sediment the
less lubrication, or better, the more
inefficient the lubrication. Take a
weekly sample from the crankcase,
allow this to settle in a glass or bot-
tle and note the relative amount of
sediment to liquid. The detail of the
lubricating system should be watched.
There should be no leaks, and if there
are they ought to be detected by low
oil level in the tinily inspection. The
gauge, if there is one, must always
work right. If it becomes erratic in
its action take the first opportunity
to find out why. In a pressure feed
system worn bearings will eauee a
drop in an pressure which the driver
may blame on thin oil or a bad gauge.
Aside from oiling, there are tight-
ening and adjusting jobs on the
motor. The fan belt slack should be
tested monthly or whenever the op-
portunity is afforded, At the same
time feel for play in the fan bearing.
A truck operated over rough roads
needs more attention than one work-
ing on smooth boulevards. Engine
holding down bolts, that is, the bolts
holding the engine to the frame,
ought to be tightened if possible.
Sometimes castellated nuts and cot-,
ters are used, but where they are not
a wrench should be used to attempt to
tighten the nuts. Detachable cylinder
head nuts should be tightened once a
month and at the same time the nuts
that hold the cylinders to the crank -
.ase in cases where this separate con-
struction is used.
Look fur water leeks about the rad-
iator, hose connections and pump.
This should be done weekly.
The ctu•buroter should not bo touch-
ed unless it need adjustment. Igni-
tion eahles should pimply be tightened
at the terminals and any worn or
cracked insulation repaired. The igni-
tion unit should get a monthly clean-
ing orad that is all, Inspection at that
time will determine if the interrupter
points Incrworn evenly, and if they
are they should be dressed clown and
The driver or workman should not
tinker. IIe should examine for loose-
ness, maladjustment or wear, and if
he doesn't find any he should not try
to do something. The driver can get
into the habit of looking under the
truck when it is on a dry street, so
as to find out if there are any 'cake
from the engine or other units. The
driver should be trained to make in-
spections at definite intervals. In the
morning at a certain time he should
make very definite inspections of
certain parts of the engine; at a eer-
taiin day he should make his weekly
inspections or do the engine cleaning
and so on. He might be given a print-
ed card for daily, weekly and month-
ly inspections, so he merely has to
check off the various items,
Watch the Wheels.
A cracking sound coaling from the
hub indicates something wrong in the
wheel bearings. Unless this is prompt-
ly attended to a burnt up wheel bear-
ing may result and there is danger of
what drivers call a "hot box," which
is likely to lock the wheel on to the
axle or burn the axle in half, per-
mitting the wheel to roll off. Imagine
what would happen if this should oc-
cur on a clown grade with a heavily
loaded truck. When this cracking
sound from the hub becomes audible
the driver should put his hand on the
hub and if he find's it hot he should
carefully examine the bearings. Pro-
bably he will find a couple of the
rollers cracked or broken. If this is
so he should drive slowly ane care-
fully to the nearest place where they
can be replaced,
In Towing.
Whenever it is necessary for the
motor truck to tow another vehicle or
itself be towed the driver should be
careful to hitch the rope to sone part
of the frame and not to the axle,
which may be bent or broker.
British Wool Stocks.
A statement by the director of raw
wool stocks of Great Britain shows a
total of 2,005,554 bales of govermnont-
owned wool on hand. The quantity of
conil,:ag merino wool which is still
available for solo is 796,579 hales.
This stands out in strong contrast to
what has been generally supposed as
being the stock of combing wool, cloth-
ing and carbonizing stocks being sen-
sibly less than half the quantity of
combing wools still unsold. The
statement shows some very significant
totals, and the merino combing wool
available far outweighs both the cloth-
ing and carbonizing stocks.
Some very eignificant figures come
under New Zealand wool. The stocks
in the United Kingdom ports are 217,-
688 and the stocks in New Zealand
amount to 841,937 bales, all these be-
ing New Zealand wools. These totals
represent 559,625 bales, virtually a
whole New Zealand year's clip. These
are all crossbreds, there being ne mer-
ino New Zealand wool returned at all
.n the stocks held by the government.
Tho stocks of unshipped Australian
crossbred wool are very considerable,
amounting to 657,852 bales, and if the
New Zealand unshipped stocks are al-
so added, we v 999,289 bales of
mained unshipped in Australia and
New Zealand last June 80.
Quite Right.
Teacher—"What ds it line feathers
make, Tommy?"
Tommy—"I don't know, ma'am."
"Oh, yes, you do know. Now think,
Flee feathers make fine--"
"I really don't know, ma'am;"
"Yes, you do, Tommy. It begins
with the letter 'b.' "
"Oh, yes; beds, ma'am!"
Equal Partners.
"Look ye, man, why haven't you
cleaned and polished my boots?" ask-
ed Dean Swift of his eccentric servant
John, at a tavern where they had just
roared the night,
"What's the use of polishing such
things?" asked John, doggedly, as be
held up the -boots, discolored and
grimy as when they were taken off the
night before.
"Very true," said. the Dean, and
without further protest he put them
on. Then be went to the office and
gave orders that no one should give
John any breakfast. Ile partook of
his own, and directed the hostler to
saddle the horses and lead them to the
"Mercy!" cried John, when he found
the Dean ready to start, "I haven't
had my breakfast yet"
"011, replied Swift, "I can't see the
use of Your breakfasting; you would
soon be hungry again."
John could think of no answer to
such an unexpected application of his
own sophistry, so be maintained a
stoical silence.
They mounted and rode on, the Dean
in advance, reading his prayer -book,
and the servant following at a respect.
fel distance.
"Hark ye, my man," said a stranger
after he
whom theymit to hadobserved
"andyour master
two closely, "you
seen to be an uncommonly sober pair;
may I ask who you are and where you
are going?"
"We are as near saints as we can
be," replied . John, with melancholic
solemnity, "and we are going to heav-
en, I hope. My master's praying, and
I'm doing the fasting!"
A new bathroom convenience is a
tube that sterilizes and protects a
toothbrush from dust,
I drive my car wait 3etdoi kt care, all laws and statutes mind-
ing, and only pause anon to swear when balky valves need grind-
ing. I drive upon old fttsh•ioned 11nes, as though a speed cop
fearing; I honk my horn when danger signs before me are
appearing. I put my hand out when 1'd turn, so !.hose behind
may know it, and doubtless they remark, "Col -darn! Ilut he's
the cautions poet!" Twelve miles an hour is what I hit, when
I go forth to travel; my wheals don't fill the air with grit, or
throw up ehunks of gravel. A man so careful, you would say,
must dodge all kinds of danger; but one is crippled evory day,
and I'm that pilgrim stranger. Day after day they bring ole
home, home to my weeping nieces, with compound fracture in
,niy dome, and organs shot to pieces. The speed fiends go their
crazy ways unhurt, and still go faster; the reckless drivers
spend their days unseratched, nor know disaster. But I, who
follow all the rules, am markced, for daily slaughter; and when.
my present poultice cools, they'll put on one that's hotter,
Somebody Near You. .
There is someone who is actually do-
ing the tiring that you are dreaming
of—eome one who is no better fitted
or equipped than you are, but he is
actually doing the thing you are
dreaming of. There is some one not
very far from you, who would make a
great big thing out of the chance you
are throwing away, because you see
nothing in it. There are thousands of
young men who would think they were
"made" if they only had your chance
to melte good, your chance for an edu-
cation, where you think there is no
chance at all.
There is some one not very far from
you, my friend, who could annihilate
what you have regarded as impossible
obstacles to your goal, net very far
from you there is some one who is do-
ing verymuchbetter than you with
half your chance, some one who is
making great strides with material
that you would turn your nose up at.
There is some employee not very far
from you, right row, who is opening
the door above him which you think is
too securely looked to yield to your
efforts. You can't see any way to the
place above you, MI' some one not
very far from you will see in the posi-
tion you are scorning, an opportunity
which you do not see.
There is someone actually doing
what you are dreaming of, there is
someone, right now, taking the big or-
ders, malting the big sales which you
are dreaming of making. There Is
somebody, right now, with, perhaps,
much less opportunity than your own,
making the big records in salesman-
ship, in stenography, in business man-
agement, in manufacturing, which you
are now dreaming .f doing.
Not very -far from you, there is
somebody actually doing the thing
that you are going to do, there is some-
body right now doing under what
seems to you very unfavorable condi-
tions the very thing that you are go-
ing to do when conditions are just
Oil From Corn.
Corn oil is a far more important
product than most people imagine.
It is derived from the germ of the
corn, which at the mills is thrown out
in the preparation of meal and hominy.
Were it ground up with the ureal, the
]atter would not keep well; it would
aeon turn rancid;
The germs thus separated are
pressed for the oil, which has many
valuable uses. It is good for table pur-
pcsos, whether for salad, for frying or
for shortening. In the manufacture of
soap, soap powder and oilcloth it is
largely employed; and by a vulcaniz-
ing process it is converted into an
artificial rubber that is extensively
utilized for overshoes and automobile
Air for Motors.
Before long we are likely to see
many automobiles driven not by gaso-
line but by air propellers like those of
Experiments are being made with
such sir -driven carts In Europe, and
they are said to have worked out very
satisfactory. The power utilizable in
this way for a vehicle on land is so
groat that It has been found practic-
able to run freight care of railroads
at high speed with an air propeller rn
front and another behind.
A New Canadian Lake.
At the Canadian National Exbibition
were shown sample blocks of one of
the newest wonders in the scientific
world. They are four inches deep and
a foot square and come from a lake of
tipsem salts at Basque, B.C., a few
miles from Ashcroft, on the Thompson
This medicinal lake, like Trinidad's
marvellous one of asphalt, is solid.
You can walk on lt, It covers seven
acres. Until three miners stumbled
upon it three yeras ago salts had been
classed by scientists as a mineral by-
This lake of Epsom salts is 99 2-100
pure and stays pure to a depth of 41
feet. How much sleeper is goes its
owners do not know. They drilled that
far, then their pipe ran out.
When the snow melts from the
mountain sides its curface Is covered
six inches deep with water. This, ly-
ing on the glistening salty crystals,
quickly becomes brine. Then the sun
evaporates the water and all that Is
necessary for shipment is to score and
lift off in thick cakes the crust that
has been formed. Even the two one-
hundredth per cent, foreign matter
analyists found in the lake's substance
has medicinal value. It is only disin-
tegrated pine needles. Spring's fresh-
ets prepare another seven -acre' pan,
and the lucky miners and their busi-
ness pals harvest $75 a ton for what
a few years ago, even when salts were
still a by-product, marketed at $0.
Honor Canadian Dead,
Cenotaph erected by the I,O.D.i9, at
the corner of Portage and Main
Streets, Winnipeg, in memory of the
men who fell in the Great War.
A good plan to ensure the correct
temperature of the room in which a
piano stands is to keep a growing
plant there. So long as the plant
thrives any changes there may be of
heat and cold are not sufficient to
affect the piano.
Head Buckets S i
I Make Japanese Shudder
Despite the fart that Japan le wide
!Mike tart progri ssia e many of the
o1d time custa013, espe dally 111180 01
110111e and fancily life. change elowly
'l'lre people of the int crier are Very
simple and primitive; the style of liv-
ing in must of the villages is exactly
am It was hundreds of years ago
Except in the vicinity of the coast
cities a country bride stUl decorates
her hair witli nunie',n8 shell and met-
al phis, and her dower is incomplete
wltheut a set of epinning and weav-
ing implements. They may never be
need, but they must be a part of the
dowry. One article, however, is never
included. It would be considered a
very bad omen to take a flat box on
account of its resemblance to the itu-
bloke, or head bucket, which wart an
essential article in the household of
every warrior of feudal times.
The kublolce is a round, wooden box,
entirely different in shape and make
from any other box in Japan. The
bottom, which locke like a flat, wood-
en plate with a narrow rim, has in
the centre a sharp, hardwood. spike.
The cover is a wide strip of thin wood
curved around a plain top, and it fits
closely over the rim, hiding it entire-
Although every samurai owned a
ltubiolce, the warlike mission of ninny
of them was, of course, never ful-
filled. But it was desirable, in those
days, to be ready. Unpreparedness
Implied a taint of cowardliness and
the mission of the head bucket, al-
though gruesome, wus honorable so
well as tragic.
At that time a political offender of
samurai rank was not arrested and
tried. lrteteaa he received by the
hand of a court messenger e, moet for-
mal and courteous note intimating
that it was well understood in court
eireles that he always would retain
the honor of u Alike samurai.
The Samurai knew at once what
wee meant, and, sanding a return mes-
sage of formal thanks to the lord for
his honorable gcnereeity, Ile quietly
settled Itis affaire, bathed, washed his
hair, donned the white death robe and
then, with all the customary sere-
monv, he accepted the "honorable
death" by eontru!iting hari-kart.
ilia head, wrapped in white paper,
wee placed in the kubioke, a white
listen cloth with his crest was laid
over the top and it was sent in the
care of a trusted retainer to the court.
After being seen and identified it was
returned to the family with courteous
expreesions of regret. and sympathy.
In olden day`} the head bucket was
always kept In a high, narrow closet
with eliding doors, clone to a certain
alcove that is considertil aa the place
of honor in every Japanese house.
Now, however, it is frequently tuck-
ed away la a half forgotten corner of
the store -house, or, as in some of the
country homes of the northern pro-
vinces, put to the prectleal use of
bolding coils of hemp, ready for the
twisting and spinning that occupy the
sert•unts during the long winter even-
ings. The head spike males it es-
pecially convenient for the purpose:
there is, in fact, a similar arrange-
ment in a flax box. It is that simi
larity which makes a flax box too sug-
gestive to be included in a dower,
where only good luck emblems are
Talking Shop.
It is invariably a term of reproach;
It would seem that to bring one's busi-
ness to the fore in social intercourse
and invite another's Interest in it
merits condemnation. Yet what an
increase in dullness• there would be
if the embargo on. talking shop was
literally observed; what innumerable
yawning listeners: Talking shop is as
inevitable as speech about the weath-
er, and usually it is far mord interest-
ing. Whether it is a merit or a de-
fect depends almost entirely on the
way in which it is done. The shop
talk of the inventor of a machine may
be more tedious than teat of the man
who merely operates it. The invent-
or may confound and overpower you
with a recital of the mathematical
formulas and mental processes by
which he arrived at his creation; the
mechanic may win your interest by his
account of the reactions that the ma-
chine produces on him.
No one is more attractive or agree-
able or winning than the person who
talks shop in the right way—with a
perception of its humorous aspect and
its place in the scheme of things. Such
a. talker makes you feel pleased be-
cause he Is confiding to you the
phases of lite and work that interest
him meet. IIe does not seem annoyed
by your ignorance of his subject or
contemptuous of it; instead he is flat-
teringly eager to vindicate its import-
ance in your eyes, humorously con-
scious of its importance in his own,
and sensitively alert to any indication
that he may be tiring you. When you
are in the company of one who talks
shop iu such a manner, you are pretty
sure to enjoy it and to respond with
advances from your own little shop.
And what a pleasure it is then to find
a listener so understanding and ep.
People who pride themselves on
never talking shop are likely to prove
in conversation "faultily faultless,
splendidly null." The matters on
which a man's hands and brains are
chiefly engaged are those with which
his lips should be most competent to
treat. But remember that 1n social
intercourse there is no monopoly more
abhorred than that of conversation,
- +b
Ingenious Freddy.
Freddy had successfully pleaded
sstomach-ache to keephim
tense away from
school, but his mother became sus-
picions when, just after the school -
bell !tad stopped ringing, his friend
called for him to go for a swim.
"But you can't go when you have
stomach-ache," protested mother.
"That's all right," said Freddy, un-
abashed; "111 swim on my back all
the time."
Metallic arsenic, running $200 in
value to the ton, has been discovered
on the Queen Charlotte islands.
Likely to Represent Canada at Geneva
Hon. Charles Murphy, Minister of
Juetice, who is almost certain to be
one of the Dominion's representatives
to the Assembly of the League of Na-
Items of Interest.
The King and Queen bud a inert Qn-
jcyabie trip to Seotland and Wales and
were received with immense enthuse.-
arm in both places, an enthusiasm
which extended to the Princess Mary,i
who is becoming more and more popu-
lar every day. All the royal children!
are the admiration of the public, and 1
their popularity has eensiderably Add-
ed to that of the queen, who has;
brought them up with such cave and
superintended their education to thea
smallest detail with zeal and attention,
* * * 4 *
The assertion that King George is
a direct descendant of King David may
find some confirmation in a wonder -1
ful genealogical chart preserved at
Hatfield House, wherein the ancestry j.
of Queen Elizabeth is traced bare!. not 1
merely to the Psalmist but to Adam. 1
As far as the nobility of England
have concern in the family tree the i
coat of arms in given in every case,
but is necessarily abandoned long be-'
fore Methuselah ie reached. The chert
measures forty-five feet, and is be-
lieved to be the Iargest genealogical
tree in existence.
4- 4 4
The King made history by taking
part in the regatta of the Royal1
Northern Yacht Club. This was the
first occasion on which a reigningi,2
' monarch has raced his own yacht in 1
a regatta on the Clyde. fila itleje ty
is 41 enthus:astie yachizm1u, 411,1 as
Prince of Wnles was a much more free
quent visitor to racing in different
parts of the country than -hien heavier
duties of State now permit.
Holyrood is perhaps the nest un-
comfortable of all the royal reeidea ees.
Hence It is that since the time of
James I. few of cur moner, h s have
cared to live in it. Queen Victoria1
cordially disliked the place, and de -1
Oared, after her first visit, that the
would have preferred to have stayed'
at the Calton Jail, just opp..nite, witch'
is a modern imitation of a mediaeoa
Of British monarchs named George,
the first lived sixty-seveu years, the
second seventy-eeven yearn, the third
eighty-two years, and the fourth sixty-
eight years. King George V. is now
Greater London, with an area of 119
egnare miles, bas an average popula-
tion of over 41,000 to the square mile,
compared with Greater New York's
average of 10,000 to each of its 300
square nines,
Whenever the mercury drops to zero
at Beaver, Pennsylvania, the old town
clock begins striking, and keeps on un-
til the caretaker climbs the tower and
muffles the bell. This ]las been going 1
on as long as the oldest inhabitant can
remember, Expert clockmakers, who
have been called in from tine to time,
say they do not know why.
Mr. John D. Rockefeller is said to I
have made $150,000,000 of his colossal
fortune out of oil; his brother Wil-
liam, $100,000,000, and 3. II. Flagler
and J. D. Archbold, about $05,000,000,
1 withingeneration, each; while a ono aHo the
Company, hs
Standard O4 C n pa y, n 'hir started
with a capital of $1,000,000, wore pay-
ing $80,000,000 a year in dividends.
There is in use in France an electric
substitute for the barber's scissure, It
consists of a comb carrying along one
side of its row of teeth a platinum
wire through which flows an electric
tiurrent. As the comb passes through
the locks to be shorn the heated wire
instantaneously severs the heirs, leav-
ing them of oven length and sseling
the cut ends as in the ordinary pro-
cess of singeing with a taper.
I -MouwHT'
`j'FIERt,. WAS
Wrrai h1$
i\E'( Po?,
-fHArt FINDiNf
WoFfM IN Pitt
"REG'LAI FELLER S"—By Gene Byrnes
W ORM s t s'Pose.
',Ott ets
4 4 4 4 4
The Duke of York, I am told, is'
left-handed, but this does not in anyi
way interfere with efficiency. IIe can'
write equally well with either hander
and is an esecelleni, shot. Ambidextrous!
rather than left-handed is the correct'
description of cur newest Duke.
x * 4 * *
When you next read the headli :e,
"Premier aess tiles King," you might
like to recall this little story of the
first time King Ceorge ever met a
Prem cr. It was in his nursery days -
it is just as well to begin young --and
Queen Victoria, Mr. Gladstone, and a
party of distinguished guests were sit-
ting round a table in the time:leg-
room, diecur'inti :weighty nlattere. All
went smoothly till Mr, Gladstone sad-'
direly felt something brush against :aide;
foot. `
"Heavens above ns, madam." ex-),
claimed Gladstone, "there 18 eche
thing under the table overhearing our"
He bent down and dragged met the;
miscreant, who proved 1.0 be a smal
boy, trying to Side his face in his,
The Queen burst out laughing. and;
said, "It's of no consequence, Mr. tetad-.
stone—he is only my graceless r•.'reed-'
son, George!"
The future King, bad been up to
some mischief in the drawing -room
when he had heard the party ap-
proach,ng, and in order to escape
punishment had hidden under the
table, He has listened to many Priem
Ministers since, but never under si0,1-
ilar conditions.
4 4 * 4 4
Somebody who has 'mewl: Mr. Lloyd
George "intimately for over forty
years" has been writing about kis
meals. "Ills diet," we are told, "is
simplicity itself. He dislikes anything
new-fangled in the way of food, lie
just loves the plain dishes to which he
hasleays been accustomed. A boiled
are oliva •s ,
e a milk-pudding,v
ceptable. He has a moderate appe•
tite, is always ready for his steals,
but refrains from dinner when be la
going to make a speech."
4 * * 4 4
L64, the Zeppelin which had a some-
what stormy trip to Pulham rceently,1
had a narrow escape during the war.1
She was attacked after raiding this
country, by Captain Cadbury, D.1i'.C.,'
and the rear can set on fire by illcen-1
diary bullets. After a tough strugglel
the crew succeeded in extinguishing
the flames before they spread to th&
gas -bags, and she got home all right.t
China Utilizes Water Power.
China's great commercial water
highway, the Yang-tze-Kiang, is to be
put to work. To keep the river ale II
ways at flood level, and, ineklentally,1
to get rid of rapids which interfere,
with navigation, seven dame will be
constructed, The project content - I
plates, the development of 91,000,00'0
electric horsepower, and will cost $400
flute is the first important water.'
power development undertaken in j
China, whose industrial future has 14
wonderful outlook in that direction. I
For, thanker 10 lis, lofty mountain
ranges, the Flowery Land has far ,
greater water powers available than
any other country in the world.
The Jewish gear }begins en October
3rd. ']"heir next year will be the ,year,
5682. �l