HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-30, Page 5• • 1 o THERLAND & SONS LIMITED NSTARRAVII WaTf..10 WM. SPENCE JNITb..IYANOEB AND ISSUER or MARRIABE mac In the rest Office, Ethel, 304 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AIJOTION• A. • BBBwill hell Jur better rheas, to better mon, In leso time and loos (Margin than any ether Auctioneer In Moot klean or he wflo't charge ann.. Dates and orders eau always he arranged at this otliou or by ecru nal application, T. T. M'RAE m. o. P., 418. 0. M. 0. 11., Village it BIN • Physinitt, 81trimen, Arcot., .ir 1 flo 1 reoldenoe, apposite Moly4.1huroh, WiUI street, P110110FOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Bo•eiters, Notaries Public, &c. Office un the Square, ana auor from Hamilton Street, GIODERIOR ONT. Private fond:, to Joann; lowest rates, W. PROUnr002, KTI.1.011/N a. J. D. Dooms Sam eifiSteill .> Is prepared LO pay the highest price for • • • • • WOOL Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. 4 • • • • • • • 4 4 0 44 • • Highest price paid. Seeme • • before you selt.• • • • \ ri t e et Phone 890 • • • • • • Highest Cash Price for Live Poultry and Hides I SAM WEINSTLIN • Mir L STREET BRUSSELS ',0iss•664).604.41, AGENCY 4. + 4. + 1 + 4. 4. ., 4. Joh; + + 01 aver , f 4. + + + + + + , + + 4. + 4. 'I'lle only Cream Separator with $ two wide open cream outlets- + no cream screw in the path of * the cream. See it when in town. + I: O TheI, H, C. 8-18 ad 10-20 Tractors 4. O 4. .1. are among the best. + .1. f * O The Deering Manure Spreader 0 * • With the wide spread and very light in draft. * BLIUSSELS has taken over the Deering Ag- ency and handlee a full line of Vann Implements including the noted • I. C. Cream Separators + .1* f+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joh I Oliver ocso+e oe••••• *sod*** Special Notic • Motor 011 AND Extra Castor Machine Oil FOR SALE • ASK FOR PRICES H71 L Stewart HENFRYN • 44 04 00 • 4 • 4 4 • 4 4 • • • • • 4 • 4• 4 4 4 4 4 4 • "r14235*-41w4AM' SItillait °AI 40.14 s 44 • Chalk:e Of '1 O( ;MaEI is Very iniportant ' -,ELLIOTT ekei4P-Wei-4,1,0 Yong:n.4: 07liarleo 444.,17c,rontz rpplAtation ?Or IMO:grade werk '-tnaP Ia %plot1101y clean and will i1°`1Pi1377'A44 .„td4,40iagg„1-Yme4.. 1 rti4supply. Do not tool with educe. trreulue, you lobo. It ,o1w,,,y8 0 Wit.° 5-tVeg.glieyattlnirrtto tot Veto. ?...4 W. ELLIOTT, PRINOIPAL Avizumev(20,-ariva,,,Ird,,a0a& gull beta's Ittlat4 Represents Huron, County. 1,x -warden J. N. Campbell of Elyth wI alerted a District vice-president 01 1110 fln lan 1 Hydro Radial Association at its annual meeting at Hamilton last week. Departmental Exams. Stratford was the centre for this dis- trict which includes Harriston, 'Clinton Seaforth, Mitchell and the surrounding districts, for those who failed in their mid summer exams. The pupils finish- ed writing on Friday last. A New Poultry Book. A new book, entitled "Canadian Farm Poultry," has just been published by Macdonald College, Que. The book Is well bound, neatly printed, replete with practical information and is well illustrated. It Is the first Canadian poultry book to be offered to the pub- lic, the nominal charge of 50c being made merely to cover cost of printing and mailing. All phases of chicken raising are discussed, emphasis being laid twilit the development of winter - laying strains of the more popular com- mercial breeds. The book should be of timely service to all who keep chick- ens and should influence the develop- ment of the Canadian poultry industry, which has assumed a remarkable growth within the past few years. A copy may be obtained by sending 50c in stamps or postal note to The Bursur Macdonald College, Prov. Quebec. Huron Pupils at Normal Following are those from Huron Co., who are attending Normal at Stratford: Rebecca Armstrong, Wingham Elizabeth J. Baker, Cranbrook, A. Baxter, Goderich M, Myrtle. Bennett, Wingham Maria Bennett, Venhatn. Iva G. Carr, Dr.agannon Phoebe Congram, Holyrood. Mary C. Crosbie, Seaforth Myrtle .A. Deems, Wingham Sadie M. Draper, ClintOn Vera M. Waist, Seaforth Mary M. Haugh, Wingham Mabel Sarah Hogg, Seaforth Leona Holland, Beechwood Mary 1. Jeitersom Auburn Luella E. Jobuston, Auburn Violet Kilpatrick, Dungannon M. Irene Kratiter; Brussels Mabel 1. McQuaid, Dungannon Edith A. Mogridge, Auburn Edina L. Reid, Walton Dorothy C. Roth, Wingham Edna P. Scotchmere, Bayfield Ella Sowerby, Goderich. Lizzie Sowerby, Goderich Dina M. Staples, Walton Ruby L. Taylor, Varna Annie E. ThuelI, Brussels Marion G. Tigert, Sheppardton Grace G. Tucker, Winghain Jean E. Turner, Seaforth Agnes Walker, Clinton Kenneth L. Ashton, Gerrie Arnold H. Glazier, Clinton AUTUMN Along about this time of year, when the season's nigh to fall And the shadowed medder pasture hears the Bob White's twilight call, There's a thought that come a sad- denin' that another year is gone And Lite morning's gettin' nearer with the mysteries of the dawn. Youth is piowin' and a-draggin' and preparin' of the field; Age the harvest and the reckonin' and the meaSurin, of the yield. Youth is sowin' and the mowin', and the plantin' of the hill; Youth is sun -rise; age the night time of the whistlin' whippoorwill. Youth is morning; singing sheperds with their flocks go pastureward; Age the gloamin' and returnini and the lowin' cattle herd. Left aside, the mower's rutin' and the binder's in the shed, And the summer's sue is sinkini in the heavens overhead. Work for Man IS at the garnerini for the day is well along Toward the Ume-a-tellio' fireflies and the hidden cricket's song. It's a thought that comes a saddenin' that another year is gone And the month's getting nearer with the mysteries Of the dawp. I illiCILA14D GEDDES Perhaps .the surest way for Sir Auck land (ieddes to be 4( disappointment as British Arotaaactor to the United Stat • ir him 4 briiiin:.t 7,ucces'a, mf 4. clic Enitz.h puri;, • s;-,ps.:t it ,A li1. The brit': it public 1;,. rather ::.;...ptiefit .f at ea.o 'uses. 1( 11 WS 0n;'. out cif a family in a generation it is satisfied, 'although Lite history of the Cecils hardly supports the belief that genius i5 111 likely to he transmitted. Nevertheless, the British public .when 11 thinks of Erlc, Auckland, Ewan and Mrs, Chalmers Watson three brothers and a 11 44 all important fact- or; in the 4.4444 211 1 1111.1 past few years r ooloicd to think that one or uvA flynt 111-. bc,:n Sir Eric was the first brother to leap into prominence. Ile came from no- where to be one of the dominating tigures in the War Cabinet, Sir Auck- land has been Minister of National Service, and more lately Minister of Reconstruction. Ewan operates a large steamship company in the Mediterran- ean, while Mrs. Watson is command- ant of the Woman's Royal Air Force. The American Post. The British people have been tauglit, by unduly nervous instructors, that the position of 13ritish representative in the United States is one calling for almost superhuman tact and transcend- ent ability. Their view is that the ideal Ambassador would he either Mr. Balfour or Viscount Grey, or perhaps Lord Reading. All have had important mis- sions in the United States, and both Mr. Balfour and Lord. Reading made a profound impression. Lord Grey was not so fortunate, put the fault was not his, Perhaps much of the astonishment that has greeted the announcement of the Sir Auckland Geddes choice was due to the fact that Viscount Grey, the most tractful and diplomatic of men, had Just returned to England af- ter having failed in his mission. It may very well be that Sir Auckland will be a great success, that he knows the American people and American poli- tical conditions better than ambassa- HtLPIES '0111-11 RHEUMATISM lib lot* "hr011-a-Ti.a !he I cult Metkffie at 14. lo Loa.,,,s, 00.1, "For over three years, 1 was confined to hr.d. with Rherimuticm. I trealnd. with doetors, and tried nearly everythin441 without benefit. I tried "Fruit -a -lives". Bilbre I ha r/ n-1 ha hn r 1 saw ntArnvente 1,1; Ilte pain W444 4xsier and the swe!ling started to go down 41 continue.1 taking this font '21)14 11443110, improving all the time, and now r can walk about, 1.010 111111.4 and do light chores about tho place". it LEXANDER MC:1110. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa. dors who might be supposed to out- rank him in finesse and discretion. American comment upon the selection has been favorable. Sir Aukland has an American wife. He is no stranger in the United States; and he is known And liked in Canada, Scotch and Athletic. • Sir Auckland Geddes was born in Scotland, and was educated at Edin- burgh University, London Hospital and Freiburg. His father was an engineer whose work took him to all parts of the world, and brother Eric saw the light in India. Both boys had a taste for out of doors and for sports, as their physique today will bear witness. Eric is somewhat bullocky figure. Auck- land, while tall and spare, not to say gaunt, has a tremendous pair of shoul- ders, which contrast with his scholar - like droop and the professional look that is .enhanced by eyeglasses. Both played on the London Football team. After graduating in medicine, Auckland Geddes became demonstrator and assis- tant professor of anatomy at Edinburgh University and later on professor of anatomy in the Royal College of Sur- geons, Dublin. From Ireland he came to Canada as professor of anatomy at McGill, How Ile impressed the stu- dents there some of them ;night tell. His reputation at any rate stood very high, and today lie would be reckoned among the best half-dozen British au- thorities on anatomy, Soldiering a Hobby. His professional duties were not strong enough to keep him out of the South African war, for he enlisted as a lieutenant in the Third Highland Light Infrantry. The experience gave him a great interest in military affairs, which he pampered as a hobby, according to John II, Henderson, in the New York Evening Post, and "literally rode it to France in 39414 with the rank of inajor," There lie served on the Adjutant -Gen- eral's staff and almost immediately dis- tinguished himself for his executive ability, something that had hardly been expected of a university professor. 'In 1916 he was sent back to England with ASK A USER ABOUT There's Nearly everywhere you will find a satisfied Deleo-Light user. These users in expressing their satisfaction show that Delco -Light is the electeic light and powep plant for anyone wanting gond, dependable eleetrie service, Write for Catalog - H. G. Darroch District Agent, Listowel a Satisfied User Near You THE RETURNED SOLDIER How He Feels About Farm Conveniences. The boy who has come bank Lo the foam: from the army has bad a great experience. If he's been over to Franee, he's come back (wet flowing with pride In the American way 01 doing things and pa1ricide:1y in .A iv:er1ca:1 rnethods of larmmg, When he was billeted in a small 'Trench village with the rest of his battalion he saw the crudest, kind of farm implements used, He saw the baek-breaking tnil that is ileCOSsil Med by the leek of modern fapin equip. ment. And for the first time he reali- zed what it has wally meant. to the Arne:lean farm, not only in the mat- ter of comfort and leisure, bet from he standpoint of moth:Minn and pro- fit as well, to have Ameriean faein machinery to help with t he work. 'Elle army has taught, him the mine of living Nowenienees. too, When he first went to camp in this eonntey he Missed home cooking and lots of the olcl-fashioned ceinforts he had always had, 8011 (44 100114 something new,- eleetrie lights and twining water. Wherevet NVPIlL in e511017, -his own gnat t en, the Y. 111, (1 .A,, the camp theater or the visitore' bruise, he found bright, clean electric light burning, al- ways ready for instant, use, on 01.• Off at, the touch of a buttam. When he got up in the morning he 101in1 lim- ning water to witeli in, hot and cold. lie learned how (Inc it feels to take a cold shower no turning not in the morning or after the day's drilling is done. 'Phe returning farm boy is mighty glad to get back to he old home and to take it the old life, but, for the comfort, 001141.11101(4 41141 health of the Whole family he's going to be 10 mighty strong advocate of eleetric lights, running water and 011 )153 other modern eonyeuioncee, (ltdraft4o Ihigteittf,Uttliflti tt,1 a. th.; admittt:al that thi; 2. "I.usliy" job. 11 114 volved hardly less work than that of Miallor 11 MLI/Iiii(41%, but work never ha; had an, teric,rs fur it Auckland Geddes. it ccr.ccidca That he rude -a:15ement4 lie 1.44, C..B and 11:7 0 E. When ill. irtaion:J C.}4.,,11'444111L:lit 5142 10111144, lrii4cidabd WIA) 0443 ter of National Service. lie was then called upon to enter Parliament which lie did as unionist candidate for the Basingstoke division of Hampshire. Many Important Posts. It was 41 the crisis of i938 that Sir Auckloni rn!rfortned his most 101.41114 service in ./10.ing to bring to bear thd 101 4"0"'t 30 men 3.111 indYtry of the , nem 3v. It Ir. twee ,1,e4 of hp,: that he poNsesses 1112 tare gift of 11131: ing whatever work he is engaged upon popular, but while this may he so, it is also to be said that Sir Auckland raised up a host of critics, After the war he was entrusted with the important post of Minister of Reconstruction, which again involved great labor, and after holding it for some time he expressed his desire to retire from public life and accept the Presidency of McGill, which had been offered him. On Lloyd. George's urging he remained and be- came President of the Local Govern- ment Board, which has great changes in view, amon5 them the establishment of a new Ministry of Health. Now comes the crowning honor of the post at Washington, and if doubts are express- ed as to his being the best available man, it cannot be from any scepticism as to Sir Auckland's ability. He calls himself a Canadian, and it has always been a belief of 'Canadians that they understand their American cousins bet- ter than do the folk of the British Isles. Canadians particularly will be "pulling" for Sir Auckland to make good. Great War Finds Way into Books In Public School Grammar and Composition Takes New Form: Modernized -Oral Work is Vital -And its Import- ance is Recogniezed by the Authors of the New Text Books. • The sunburned girls and boys, with fresh memories of long carefree sum- mer days now restless under starched collars and uneasy under the rules and regulations of Public school life need nut worry about "grammar" and "composition," 'I his year a brand new text bthfk is being Issued throughout Ontario called the Public School Com- position and Grammar." This is filled from cover to cover with material so different from old standard, text books that to call it radical would not be am iss. The new text book is compiled by 11, W. Irsvin B. A. a teacher at Harbord Collegiate Institute and aided by Mr. Andrew Stevenson of London Normal school who was partly responsible for the Incorporation of the grammar. It is being published by the Copp Clark Company. According to Mr. J. E. Wetherell editor of text books there are four dis tinct features of the book that make it entirely different from the books formerly used. In the first place it is pointed out the elements of English grammar a knowledge and correct ex- pression of thought are introduced ear lier and are incorporated in the various chapters on composition at the pro- per stages in the development of the subject, Then oral composition has been given a paramount consideration al all good teachers of English recog- nize the fact that the ability of the pupil to speak correctly and fluently is of the first importance and is the best for written composition Willa has too long almost monopolized the field. More to Live Topics. In the third place Mr. Wetherell says less attention has been given than in former text books to themes for es- says based on mythology poetry and general literature and more attention has been given to topics connected with the activities and observations' of the eplups. pupils and with recent and current ev- itThis last is one of the features that will tend to make the text book popu- lar with the pupils. Gone are the prosy tales of musty ages and in their places are bright stories of the late war. and those things which the children see every day. Sprinkled liberally through the book are reproductions of many of the best pictures from the Canadian War Memorials at Ottawa. As a basis for a lesson in the intro- duction and conclusion of a story is the graphic account of the way Maj- or MacDowell of the 38th Canadian I3attalion won his Vittoria Cross. On another page is shown a picture of 4/44'4,1'r'i:444,;W/4444444-Z444..,1vvio1/41/4,K4,4/,:;AelOoe4i4, 44 sPtiv..o4AC4,440 I Does it Pay t • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • WiLh Trog4,-.0r ea: g. -a1 1,';11O 1141° 4..44144stpez (4. i ;1.1,4 in • ..,I• 1.2 LI 7114 In. .,.frunry . 44111 7,•44.1', 11 i (('.1151,' 0951r42•1 1144.- WI4y ( 1, ,..,„ 1. ,,, .4 4.4 I alfillf,ti..PF 11 114' , 14) 02.11,A1•41.1 pi II 10'6 Of P1514/14' It i4 fi col iiivestmcnt 4., .1, , 4. ,, .1 Paint does cost, 40011. than 41 1444(411. 121',. 11444441. Martin=Senourpure • Cr Cr t'Y 4 4444• Lula we guarantee this Paint with any Paint you want to • • • Martin'Senour Varnishes and Enamels name, gto stand the tv.,nr and test of , ORO I.OT. And LO 1)141.1r 4.1()1tE Fanfare pci (11,r ,.! on the market, We ((Ism ha,. I 14411.4./'• Irk 11111114 (445 synonym lot good N'arni411 and itani) In 1'((hI 1112, Hintuirls (111(1 4.901y other kill.' ((1411(1 4,51 111.- painter needs. Being in the business its likely we van give you sortie useful 10- f :nation in reepeet to that little job you iotroll 10 do in SIld around the houses, and WP Will 11. til (In NO, • • 44• 0 • 4i, • . Geo. R. Welleri, 'mq„elr;vr0'11"Settive o o .. • ••••••soe ¢ oes eras ass. .4 coo -a (4. C4..I.Z.I..":•1 6 <1 4,4.1, 0 .I4CP0'>0.40444, 4.41.00 Canadian troops rushing out from bill- ets when the orderly corporal has cried "Mailupr" From this picture many a boy and girl will be asked to write a little story. Toronto Twelfth on Roll of Cities Toronto is North America's twelfth city inpopulation The assessors popeia tions 01 Toronto and Montleat compare as follows with this year's eensus polo ulations of American cities. New York City Chicago Philade!plila Detroit Cleveland St. Louis 'Boston Baltimore Montreal Pittsburg Los Angeles Toronto San Francisco Buffalo Milwaukee Washington Newark Cincinnati New Orleans Minneapolis 5,621,151 2,701,212 1,823,158 993,730 796,836 773,0(40 747,923 733,826 706.600 588,193 575,480 512,812 508,410 505,875 457,147 437,414 415609 401,158 157,408 380,498 000000000000000 O 0 O SAVE YOUR COAL 0 Mr. H. A. Harrington, Fuel Administrator for Ontario in a statement on Saturday said the coal shipments to Ontario had decreased since the strike began last week. He says that the Pro- vince cannot make up the short- age, as since the beginning of the year the quota of coal due daily has not arrived. The short. age now is about 300,000 tons. He strongly urged every per son to conserve their supply as much as possible and to start fires as late as possible. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111•111••••••••••••••ealleag onowisIne.nia 0 o $ o + 0 4.. O t O $. O + O T. O $ 0+ 0 + O ++ 0 04 O T. +2 0 + The Post Subscription Hate The nottlagemont or THE powy 11414 11011 loathing earnest, en- d1say.,1 s by all 1,-itsolinillt. manna 3,0avoid 41.4 vit. int; 5114 yule of (11111401 11,11). The int -Tease of $2110 Will la. mutvoithilile how- et-t,r anit on Oetober 11t, 1920, will (sone lino ',In -a. In 111' au 4411/401.11)- 1.1t.118111.1r1 lo. I.14.111ptly 1.4/1444114 1 1,, (51 511 rah. is to he .1,0111 44. $2.001)1,1. year 1111141 be paid for cli subsei ipi ions in art -eels at above date. This role will be strictly ob- served. SCIIOOL FAIRS IN HURON Following 1.. IL liNt a the oebool faits to be held 11114 yt-al Huron County, with the i1111P Pauli IV roxetei--Mooday, Oet. 11(1pi , Oct 1. itinerate-- FrItlay, 1)t. 8. •••••••••••••••••••••••••* PO U LT RY WA NT E D and teady to buy any quantity 14 Live Poultry for which I will pay the highest market price. Will rail nt the hones for th em. M. Yoffie"( Phone 2x Brussels sr, .4. 4. 41. •44 4 - •Is 4. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,er...-IlloreetWitille400111101111•MMI4 •••••••••••••••••••••••.4.04 4+04'4•4"4•0+0•44•444•44•44••4.44•44• • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 4 • • • 0 Wed d g its For the ride eammmum We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles, Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butter Tubs, Mar- malades, also large a.ssortTent of Cut Glass and Flat- ware in the up-to-date Patterns. Diamond Rings Wedding Rings In stock at special Price -$25„ A complete stock, all sizes, ht $40, $50, $75 and $100. Call and the new style, and are roost smeetyhe assortuient and save nomfort able, Lot no supply th onee Wedding Ring, 71 Kodak Means increased pleasure on that. lloliday trip. Let 1.14 show you nue eon:piety line, FREE 14444 f515'( and 40 lonthly MInga- Z1110 all pi:relief:ors, J. R. EDT Jeweler and Optician WROX TOPER 0NT/11.110 1144+40+++.444,0f0+444441.404.4 44+ 44,44,4#4 .4 + • 4.4e4-4014 • 9 • 44• 44+ • 41• • • 4. 4.41• 4.• • •