HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-30, Page 4Vi magets GM A Deadly t—traliei Ir”
±HURSDAY, 11, lible le. ore
, Dower knock bet boot yero
KIN rAttir•;:i• k ';t1 ,g eed t
firOlInd With a ilitnutaiiiity deeelor-ri
year neighbv will b eet
WW1 oet Backwerti•looking Preimei Mines es eonipued edit. Britaiu s
Forwaid•loc•king viewe, We ,ok our relder, to judp'e which 15
I ilia.
Arthur filetgetert ossPi' °geese
'A utile
•,,r ell tuture ie
ahead of Can-
ada it we only
keep our
heads and ser-
iously believe
the doctrine
't • o f w o r k.
Work, after all
is the normal
ee. • 'condition of
"CARRY 50111 W13 lunch" is tb s'og 11teeeetee,
of uumereus Omens:au wee, to
tbe cafes aud restaurants for their ex.
orbitant rates,
DAME Nature has certainly cut rat the 1
chance of $7 00 a bushel for potatoes th s
season. Once in a life time is often
enough to -sap such a top notch figute,
; '00
TRANK,OWING Day — Ordef-ln- 0— man, 1 mean
Count:II—it:staled for feloe,lav, °cermet ; ever, man,
18th, aud will he
a "1111s"g1115111 111111'1'1Y' 1 and it is the ',est answer to Socialistic,
Canada has a good right to celebrate the
Blshoviki and Soviet nonsense.
day with a real thtinkaRiVIllg 5pirii.
Ihe great task before the people of
probably as never bel•.re.
Canada k to get back. not to old con-
ditions, but to old-time sanity of
NOBODY Will shed a tear if the sugar
thought and aetion. to get beck to our
speculators fled their holdings., have lost
old high standard of living and char -
of their sweetness when the hot.
acter, standards handed down to us
tom dropped out ot the rnerket
peeeecie "f !he by our forebears. We have been living
built largely on tbe for the past six years in an highly ab -
newspaper hol 1 -up that has been ex
perieneed and .till exists by the manipti- normal and artificial age, and the soon-
batiou of the mills.
er we get to normal conditions the bet-
_______ ter it will be for us all.
The plain duty of the hour is to
WHERE are the reports of the numer•
ous Government Commissious. the, have think straight, to take a good square,
been appointed to be in level It the clear-eyed look at ourselves and our
results are no more prae"eal than p •st conditions, and to resolve that we will
history records they are like a for Wl•
loon that somebody has stock a pin in,
witb the d fierence Met the cos' of the
two are incomparable They limb col
lapse however when the wind gels out
I. is abont time the Governments die
their own searching and serutiniz ng
without farming it out to anybody.
TAKE part in the congregational sing.
iug of the church you attend and stece5.
teen how he:Vet it is 10 youreee sod the
service. It is a very important avenue
to a great many blessings that will be
missed by those who 'refuse to employ
their musical talent. Your talent can
be polished up by use but not by per'
milting it to (hy no uuder a bushel.
Got a hymn boo and go at it next Smi-
W RAT has become of tbe old Base
Ball nines who plaveti just for the fun of
the ga-ne ? bottle of the American
Courts that have been trying to untie
legal scraps between club managers and
players affirm that Base Ball, as played
in some places today, is as crooked as
racing and boxing and largely by com-
mercializing tbe sport. If some crank is
not paid the scary he demands or is not
let go he slumps on the job that be may
ge bis aequittel. &c. Many a foul
exists that is not recorded on the ecore
tend. The old home nine had many
fine points in its favor and gave just as
much fun.
know for a surety the wisdom of every
step, that we will have none of the nas- end. No etTort ORD shore it up much
ol the political theorists and longer. If there be any who feel in-
agitetors, that we will not be led astray
by any ism or theory; resolved that by
hard, honest, intelligent endeavor, by
less extravagant living and clean,
straight thinkine, we will work out our
eleeed• George. +ea erogteee
• eleeere, et e eiele
....,ne raze heve teuget •
tor the eew world. Hue-
drede of thousands have
died to establish it, 1.1
we fall to honor the pro.
• nese given to them we
dishonor ourselves. What
does a new world mean?
What W3$ the old world
like? it was a world
where toil for myriads of
honest workers, men and
women, perchaced no1.thine, eelter hill
0qualor. pen Lay, anxiety and wretched-
ness. —a world scarred by slums and
disgraced by sweeting. where unempley
molt through the vicissitudes of in-
dustry brought despair to mulititudes
of humble Melees; a world, where side
by side with want, there was waste of
the inexaustible riches of the earth.
partly through ignorance and want of
forethought. partly through entrenched
It we renew the lease of that world
we will petray the heroic dead. We
shall be guilty of the basest perfidy
that ever blackened a people's fame.
Nay, -we shall store up retrihution for
ourselves and for our children. The
old world must and will come to an
How are Fall Fairs to he boosted ?
By every farmer in [hi community be•
coming a member and pledging, as far
as possible, to back up the Society furth-
er by a gocd entry list. Townsfolk have
a part to play too by making displays of
various lines ot goods on Fair clay.
Almost all tbe Fairs are generously sup-
ported by the latter in special prizes and
membership canvasses but a hearty co- features now on the program and the support of his family.
ordinating of tbe mem and country is purchasing public will watch the pro- The mother most have been resident
required to put the "zip" into the move' gram with a very live interest. Henry in Canada at the time of the death of
meet that will surely spell success if a Ford played the tat violin in the orches- the father of the children on whose be -
fair trial is given. A Fair is not like a Ir sounding the cheering news and half the allowance is to be made, and
windinill—it requires more than wind to many others are now joining in the for a period of three years immediately
make it go, chorus. Lumber, food, clothing, sugar, prior to the application for an allow -
dined to maintain it, let them beware
lest it fall upon them and overwhelm
them and their households in ruin.
It should be the sublime duty of all
salvation, keep pace with all that is without thought of partizanship, to
best In this new age, and recommence e up
the work halted in part by the war, and help itt "1"'he the new world,
where Weer shall have its just reward
in which we were succeeding so well,
that of making this a great nation of and indolence alone shall suffer want."
happy, contented and prosperous peo- (SicL) D. Lloyd George, in "The
ple," — Arthur i'vleighen, at Colchester. Future.,
WHEN wheat takes a noticeable1W1t her s' Pensions
drop a mel
noticeable peculiarity is that bread still
upholds the increased figure. It teem
into the see -saw game beceuse wheat
rose skyward and for the self -same rea-
son it shoulcl comedown wben the mark.
The granting of mothers' pensione,
so long urged upon the Ontario gov-
ernment, has now passed into law, and
a commission has been appointed to
et falls, It is about
three times the price
administer the Act, the personnel of
of the "good old days" when the 5 cent
loaf, delivered at your door, was tbe
which ought to secure public confide
ence. lion. Peter Bryce, of Toronto,
whose philanthropic work is well -
SATURDAY, October oth, is Fire Preknown, is chairman; Mrs. Adam Shortt,
vention Day, by way of calling attention • of Ottawa, is vice-chairman, and the
other members are Mrs, W. P. Singer,
10 the removing of any apparent cause
tor fires, safeguarding and improving Major T. JMurphy and. Mr. A. J.
appliances to fight a fire and by word Reynolds . Unlike most government
commissions, there is not the least
and deed seek to reduce the often wan-
ton destruction ot valuable property and suggestion of political partizanship in
causing loss of life where it might easily its make-up,
be prevented if care and forethougbt had The newly -formed commission has
been practiced. The law is very strict now issued a memorandum for the
105 10 offenders and a person is liable to 2 guidance of applicants and beneficiaries
years imprisonment for such negligence. under the act, which ought to have
Read the advertisement in this issue re. wide circulation,
terrine to October 9th, and join the Applications are considered ooly
a:resat-1e. Fire toes in igig, exclusive of when the mother of the children is a
forest fires was $to,514,232 for the 9,336 widow, or the wife of an inmate of a
firss. , hospital for the insane in Ontario, or
of a man who is permanently disabled
PRICE -CUTTING is one of the new I and incapable of contributing to the
&c„ are already taking a drop and pre- mice.
WHAT is your hobby ? Does it pro- war rates will obtain in many a line it is Tbe mother must be resident in One
dace a crop worthy of tbe time and said. Some factories are dropping Off alio at the time of the application tot
money you spend ou it or is it simply hundreds of men and there ie great an allowance and must have been living
that much time easted ? The State necessity right now to exercise good in Ontario for the two years immediate -
does not piece much value on the ea- judgment, economise and plan for the tv prior to this date, '
grant or the non-proclecer but features days to come, In this way Canada
numerous possibilities to the folk who should not feel the brunt to any metered
will take off their coat. roll up their degree, es compared with many, a
sleeves and with right goodwill .en- country, when the slump arrives, Many $
1 1 4
'5 35 150
something of genuine service and tbe,1•
deavor to lift. How is your leisure time a dollar will have to be conserved that
spent? It should be made count in was spent with a spendthrift hand due. *
record of what has been accomplished
by the proper use of fragments of time
is most encouraging to those seeking
advancesnent, Be a lifter,
PREMIER DRURY and members of his
Cabinet have popularized 1 themselves by
attendance at pie -cies, Pall Fairs aud
other commonplace functions. Tbe
common people no longer set the M. P's
and M. P. Vs ou tbe pedestal of long
ago but regard them as Callow Canadians
who will best serve their day and genera.
tion as they meet and mingle with tee
people and thereby, by a. very practical
method, acquire a good idea of the needs
of the country, what ought to be cut.
out apd what should be cut -in. \Tobin-
bility was feared by the Premier's Ardent
admirers would be the rock on which he
would shipwreck but he is acquiring a
caution and terseness, coupled with a
high genes of honor that is holding his
supporters by his side. To -day the
catering must not be done to the rioh
and the seecalled great but to the labor.
big the war but while tbis is true every +
body's motto should be—"Get busy and 1
keep busy."
Wroxetor Council
Ca n ad a's
Overseas Trade is
Sea -borne $1,046,000,000
Land -borne $1 305,000,000
More than half this land -borne trade
is ultimately sea -born.. but in Foreign
Every pound of Canadian products shipped
from a port outside Canadian territory
retards our maritime growth, weakens our
national prosperity and places control of a
part of our sea -borne commerce in the
hands of a competitive nation.
The Navy League of Canada,
111spv>, 'gi44/A,10,74404,4144) owel44NITIIN110140%
Th Soaforth ,Cream4.1
i '4'am
• bend your Cm reato the (..rearnery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your Patronage knowing Witt we can
give you thorough satisfaction,
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
t it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
: ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia,
4- For further particulars see our Agent, MR. '1'. C.
1; McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
I +4 1. • +•-•.64 6,-• 6+6+644 +.04444 ee fee.•443 19449
The mother must continue to live and local boards is necessary toward
in Ontario with ber dependent child- this end. Satisfactory reports of the
ren so long as they are receiving an health and general wefare of the child -
allowance. Any change of residence , ren must be received if the allowance
must be reported at once, is to be continued,
The neither muet be of British sub- 1 This act does not state any fixed
led by birth or naturalization or the sum or schedule according to which the
wife or widow of a British subject. payment of allowances will be made.
The 'wither must be a Sit and proper The commission, however, will fix the
person to have the care and custody of maximum and minimum allowances
her children. . which will be granted, and each -family
The mother must have two or more will receive individual consideration
of her own children under -14 years , within these limits. Allowances will be
of age living with her, and must show : granted in accordance with a cost -of -
that she cannot care properly for them living budget prepared after due study
without the assistance of an allowance I of the present assets and resources of
under the act. Where a mother has the family and its needs. No allow -
two or more children, even if they are ances will be paid before October 1,
b • 'Arad for in institutional • 1920, and time wilt be required for the
The Importance of legislation of this
Class In order to enable mothers of
small means to take care of their child-
ren has long been generally recognized
and many States and Provinces have
Stalled Tenders, addressed to I he Pin.titinnler
General, win be received at 01 111 150 MINI noon
on Friday, the 22115 day of (Mutter, 1020, for
She conveyance or Ens M..f0,117'0 Millis. 0110
proposedenntruet for four years, six times
Per Woelr. over Brussels No, 5 Rural Route.
from the Postmaster General's Pleasure.
Printed notices containing further informa-
tion 00 to 501151 11010 of proposed Contract
may *10 110111 Red blivnk fornet of Tinnier may
lot obtained at the Post Offiees of HI assets,
Walton, 5510,10.0, Nineveh,. Ran f two and at
1110office of the Post Moe Inspect tor, Gond on.
Pool Odle" Inspector's Oflleit, London, 151)1
September, 11125
(NIAN 18 R. Ifis.11 1412,
120 Post Office Inspector,
Farm for Sale
Rettig Lot 25, Con1-1, Gmy Township, con.
tabling IOU Corea. 03 acres cleared nod balance
hard wnod bush. Good frame house end tint-
building:5, orchard, wells, 150. 5 miles to Ethel
or MuNanglit Immediate possession, leer
further peetallelale Ile 10 pefee. noi, Co., lit,
ply on the premises. Wal. PARKER,
Phone 4114 11 B. 2 13,'e1, P. 0.
taken legislative action with beneficial
results, It is to be hoped the expel'.
ience of Ontario will be equally satis-
nealist Tendern, 5)11)CH4.01141 the PO,Itelfee
flee, al. ,,Ill het..01001st Ottawa 1111111 110511
on Frothy. the 24111.1 day of October, 1020, Inc
the einiveyance of His sidesty's Malls, on a
propoinni Contract for font' score, 015 times
Per Week. over liruisela No. 4. Rural RoUte,
from the Postmester General's Pleasure
Printed notices containing further intermit.
Hee te4 to conditions of proposed 001151001 11107
be atien end titanic forms of Tender may be
obtained nt the Post Ofilees of Brawls, Web
ton, Belgrave Nineveh,. Nen( ry 11 nod at the
office of ilia iteit Office illeelieSee, London.
Post 011100 inspentor's 011Ine, London, 10t1*
September, 1020
12-8 Pist Oillce Itspector,
Bull for Service
The tonlersigned will keep for aerviee, on Si'
Lot 85, 00n. 2, Slorris towitshio, the thoro'-bred
Short Horn Bull, (lainford of Salem No.
—11114 III Sired by Gainford Marquis 1100815) ;
Dam alildred VIl by Royal Sailor (15560). Pedi
igree may be seen on application. Terme-
91.0.0D for thoro'-breds payable at time of ser-
vice with privilege to return. Grade cowe not
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 4.
o T • 40
. al 4:i,,ce akery o
the..5. 0
0-0 0
homes, it is (mite legitimate for her to investigation of each particular case be- Fo r L
make application for an allowance in fore payment can be expected. So fax •
order that she may make a home for as •possible, applications are -Consider- ;
The members of the Commission do celved.
ed in the order in which they are re- • Bread dour Bast Egad Fat ware af it
them. 11.
IIJ • •
not wish applicants to be considered as The act might be called a Widows' • •
applying for charity; rather, the, Pension .Act, for such it really is, no j, •
mother, when in receipt of an allow. woman being considered to come un-
:ince, is to be regarded as an employe der its provision who has a husband
cif the Ontario government receiving alive and capable of supporting her, •
remuneration for services rendered in • 0....e.•••oe•0000.4,N.0•64.0.0 4'4'4'+8.4'4'4'4'A.04'4'4'4'O08
Dates of Neighboring Fairs
the proper care of her children.
The mother, as an employe of the
government, must not only satisfy the
commission of her fitness to receive 1
an allowance at the time of her appli-
cation, but she must satisfy them that
she is fulfilling the trust which is be-
ing placed in Iter, and co-operation with
the official visitors of the commission
04'06 di, +Odd 0.49.0490. 494904'diad9404+54e,‘,Goe.e4,4'5ove
Following is the list. of Fall Pairs
in this disteict ; • Students May Enter
Teeswatee ...,.. .,.... .. .... „... Oct 5.6
Witigham ..... , .... ..... Sept. 30 -Oct. 1
Dungainion ,, ,„.. Oct, 7.8
ReitcMser Oct5 6
..... • • Oct, 2
Ieltetton .Sept, 80, Oct, I
o ••••aeoeseesse Jecaoseeenotestea 00100.M90006100001101110••••00011
e W
cradles' Fine a
O 0
a 0
49 Shoes. e
e a
O e
o e
O 0
o " q- , Handsome to the eye
6 Artistic in design.
a a
First-rate workman. le,
9 6
9 ship. a
O e
Made to wear and :
en. IN•reekeee
rewire. el keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
l 1:
• gi$ comfort, very durable. :11,
6 When you discard
O 0
r; them you want another "just like the last ones." 0
a a
ai Then our prices are not the least pleasing part or :
the buying. •
- Wornen's White Canvas Shoes Reduced in price. 8
a All lines of White Running Shoes a.,p Reduced
S Prices to clear. a
aao Good values in Fine Harness, Trunks and Sat -
8 :
6 chels
. Chapman Bros.
0 Next door to Pank of Nova SCotia 6
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
SEM 11
Regular novtina or wrwcptpl. Con
ell wee held at 8 o'clock in Council -.1r-wlear-wp-Nrwrw-orwr -
Chamber, on Sept, leth.
Present Comminute Howe and I have a choice stock of F,
that should be seen be- $
fore you place your Fall T.
Davey, Reeve Doeglas in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Davey and
Following accounts were tecei yea :—
Gen. Town, Inemance. ... . . .8 24 00
Thos. 13rown, 2 dope on grades' 8 00
ewe Young, work on roads 8 00
$ 40 00
Motion by Howe, seconded by Davey
that accounts be paid and orders
drawn MP HAMA. Cervied.
moretmoney Dcoidct y
passed Alead. Oar-
Waterproof Co
ats $
080)511)byevey, getepeedid ti •
Howe that fly -Law N 6 to harrow
tied. that are enve to satisfy. :11;
Motion by Howe, seem' ed Isy
Davey that (*melon A. Gibson he ,."4
giVerl $1500,00 part payment on con- +. W. ID. Fraser 4.
tenet. Omelet!.
elation to adjourn, Davey an cl Tailor Brossols
ing masses whose interests requite great e l4owe, caeetee,
01 •Ic. 44+++++++++.1-14++++++++
care in guiding and guarding. D, M. MAcia.vzsu,
ny Ti e
: We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors 0
00 who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are :
o meeting with success. We aro training Soldiers under .
Soldiers' Civil lie-establishtnent Commission. •
t address the College for Free Catalogue, to either 45
• Stratford or
t et.t<3054545044.044.0415.6440.4.4444.444, 5e 000atoo4�5 00 0 00 a 9 4)44644
of 0.6191134
4101i010110M0100 VICEE919156=0 WatelMMIlaffirarirliffi
Ship yi.;ur Cream
Direct 'to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay»
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to diseontinue.
Brussels Cr nmery stC!,lLIlrosI
I. •