HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-16, Page 8ees+04-1"leie44,0*41+•+4eieeereeete+,1-e•teeee1ee4.'b4Yd D *4.44,444.+•4.44.
.the 25ito.'y?'
Every Good Time is a Gond Time to
ii The Autogtaphie feature tells when and where each picture was taken.
Kodaks from $11.21 up Brownies from $3.10 up
Yq. Monday and Thursday we Develop Films.
Titesday and leri.l:t;• we Print Pictures.
+ Bring in or mail us your Filrns, We will do the rest.
School Supplies
Public Sebool Books
High School Books
Standard Note Books
Water Colors
School Bags
Scribblers, Exercise i2ouk s
And all Sebool Acer''urit".
Pure Pickling Spices
Corks for Bottles
Parawax, Sealing Wax in Tins
Rubber king.. for Jars
A tali supply.
S 1 T4{
0! i •
Druggist and Stationer •
he Store
+.+.4.0.1 -.+.*•+44'•+.444..4- • 4-.0 +,+,+o+++4.++4.4+4+44.++++4.+•
fart Xlaos sterns
WIN MR apples are a short crop.
SUMMER Asthma and Hay Fever Rem-
edy at Fox's Drug Store. Zez-Minh is
guaranteed. Free sample nu rtquest.
FALL Millinery.
SEPTEMBER half gone.
LOCAL and District news on page 5.
LONDON is the point of attraction this
week to the Western Fair.
495 tons of coal was unloaded at Brus-
sels in the month of August.
A CAR of live poultry was shipped by
R. Thomson last week Lrom Brussels.
speedy pacer, took and money in a lively
race at Goderich Fair last week.
Tax POST is published a day later than
usual on account of Brussels Fall Fair
falling on Wednesday this week.
QUITE an acreage of Fall wheat has
been got in around here, the satisfac-
tory results of past harvest giving it
a boom.
A number of Base Bali fans were at
Palmerston, Stratford and Wingham as
spectators of matches in the Wellington
Co. League.
AN interesting story of a motor trip
through California is told in this issue
by John R Grant, Winnipeg, formerly
Postmaster in Brussels.
TENDERS are being asked in this issue
for the conveyance of mail on Rural
Routes 4 and 5 from. Brussels. Present
Courier is ID. Denman who bee been
looking after the work well.
WOMEN'S Institute will meet Friday
afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the home of
Mrs, James Ballantyne. The topic,
"True Hospitality" will be taken be
Mrs. A. Strachan, Roll call. "Tasty
supper dishes." A cordial invitation is
extended to all the ladies. Music.
AUCTION Sale of Household effects on
Thursday 3oth Inst., at a p m., at the
borne of Misses Hunter, John street.
See bills for list and other particulars.
The home bas been sold to Mrs. T.
Davidson and the Misses Hunter will
move to apartments in the Stretton
THE Willing Workers of Melville
church will hold a sale of work and
home-made baking in the Public Lib-
rary second week or November. In
preparation for this a donation shower
of useful articles for personal wear and
household use will be held on the manse
lawn on Monday afternoon, from 2.30
to 5 o'clock and in the evening from 7
to q o'clock, We trust that all the
Ladies of the congegatiob will contri-
bute to this work.
PRESENTATIONS,—A number of the
friends of Miss Nellie Fox, now Mrs. A.
G. MacDermott, called at the parental
home prior to tbe wedding day and pre-
sented her with an elegant silver teapot
and silver stand with their best wishes,
An enjoyable time was spent. Melville
Church choir and Endeavor also asked
Miss Fox to aecept a choice set of Sher-
bet glasses and silver teaspoons as a
memento of tbeir regard for a highly
valued helpmate who will be greatly
missed, Miss Fox appreciated the gifts
most highly.
5vu Amenteesex.y.—The home of El•
ton and Mrs, Rotel!, Rattenbury street,
Clinton, was the scene of a pleasant
gathering on Wednesday evening, Sept,
rat., the guests of honor being Roy and
Mfrs, Plumsteel, and the occasion being
the fifth anniversary of their wedding.
About 3o guests were present, and the
evening was spent in games and social
chat, concluding with a dainty lunch
and the presentation of a handsome
carving Set and other valuable gifts to
the guests of honor. The gathering
broke tip by singing "Auld Lang Syne,'
Mrs, Plumsteel was Miss Bezel Rozell,
formerly of• this locality, and old time
friends hete share in the congratula•
BROKEN LEG —George Maybury had
the misfortune to have one of his legs
broken at the ankle. He was working
in a factory near Sandridge iu which
there was an explosion resulting in
above damage. It was 7 days before he
got it properly set. We hope he will
soon be o. k.
COUPLE of int oleos 2nd hand Ford Cara for
sale. D. ti, SCOTT, Agent, Brussels.
Ommen'a Coat found on the gravel road be-
tween Walton and Brussels. Owner may
hays it by proving property and paying for
this notice. Tam P085.
GTRL6 wanted at Brussels Central Telephone
office, Apply to F. 5 Scots
Ohnirman of Board.
WANTED.—A reliable lady to do light out-
door work. part or fall time. Earn from $10
to 025 weekly. Well known firm end business
already established. For further particulars
apply to BERT LOTT, Brussels, or Phone 20x.
Lyase Binding Cheln lost last week an the
Oth Line Morris twp. Finder pleaee notify
Phone 1610. Ronin. wiOBOL•
ESPei'r Photo. finishing. Developing On a
roll. Printing, any size, 8c epteoe, Postnga
paid, JAnReGN 9TUDID, Obc.eiey. I1-2
88 Sucking Piga and Sows for sale. Will sell
separate or together. Ray BENNETT,
Phone 604 Lot 2, Con, 17, Grey.
BUGGY Duster found, Owner may have it
by proving property and paying for this notice
at Tam Pos'r Publishing House,
2 Heifer Calves for sale, one part Jersey, 5
and 6 months old, JO6liPn Wa1TFIELD,
Phone 5619 Graham's Survey, Bruesela,
6 Young Pigs for sale. Lot 6, Con. 14, Grey,
JOHN ALCoaa, Phone 425.
FARM Foa SALE.—Being Lot 1, Concession 2,
Gray Township, adjoining Jamestown. For
further particulars apply to Mrs. D. M,
0007i000, 17 Ridout St., London, Ont,
BnPaEeENTATIVE WANTED for Brussels and
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Fonthill Nurseries. Big soles are to be made
Nursery stook Burin the rearm -
et selling pe t g
O live lea period. A splendid opportunimmtsetona lor
alive salesmen, Highest commiae oS paid,
hnddsome, free equipment, large ,1ne oY fruit
and ornamental stook to offer, STONE 8r
WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont.
1 DR. Paeans, Osteopathic Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of eneh week,
Chronic and nervous diseases succeaifully
treated. Visit
IQueen's Hotel,
MATRIMONIAL, — "Sanity Brae," the
home of Jas and Mrs. Fox, William
street, was the seem of a very pretty
wedding Wednesday, September 8th, at
bigh hoop, when their daughter, Nellie
McLean, was united in marriage to
Alexander 0, MacDermott, of the Stand-
ard Bank, Chatbam. Rev. A. J. Mann,
13. A.. performed the ceremony. Bride,
who was given away by her father, wore
a white satin gown, with overdress of
georgette, hand embroidered, end tulle
veil, and carried a sbower bequet of
palest pink roses. Wedding March was
played by Miss Jean Fox, sister of the
bride, and Miss Katherine Ament sang
"Constancy" while the register was be-
ing signed. After luncheon Mr, and
Mrs, MacDermott left for a trip ou the
St. Lawrence ,and Saguenay rivers, the
bride wearing a suit of navy trieolipe,
with small taupe bat, and a seal anti
mole Scarf, tate gift of the groom. On
their return they will reside in Chatham.
The out-of-town guests were :—Mrs.
Stewart (grandmother of the bride), Miss
Maude Stewart, Stewart, Harry and
Alex. Fox and Miss Vina Bowman, Tor-
onto ; Miss Bessie Fleming, Galt ; Mrs,
Myles MacDermott, Vancouver ; James
end Mrs, MacDermott, Elmvaie (the
groom's parents.) The wedding gifts
were choice and well selected, Mrs,
MacDermott will be greatly mieeed in
the community but especially in Mel.
villa church choir and Endeavor Soolety
iu which she took a moat active part.
Mr. MacDermott spent several years iu
Brussels in the employ of the Standard
Beak and both he and his bride take
ar of fertilizer
Bask Slag
Price.$3o.00 per ton,
!l n Elaek r
i Phone 5 Brussels
C Linter
Tau Pos'r is prepared to sup-
ply the various styles of
Counter Check Books on
short noLies,
Samples may be seen and
prices ascertained by calling
at otic office. Yon can buy
as cheap from us as from
any company.
Let tis have your order,
with them the good wishes of the com-
munity for a long, happy and useful life.
WHAT about Hydro coming to Bius-
sels ? Why dou't we get busy 7
LET your bead save your heels, Some-
times.a minute of "think" is worth an
hour of "hustle,"
FARMERS' Sun is to be issued as tri-
weekly at the close of 1020, 7 per cent
dividend has been paid to shareholders,
Church Chimes
Rally Day in the Sabbath Seli:Dla will
be held Sunday, September 25th.
Rev. Mr, Mess was at London this
week attending an Anglican church
The salary of the Methodist pastor.
Rev, W. E, Stafford, 5, A , has been
increased to $1500, plus horse keep, for
this Conference year,
Dr. Margaret Patterson. Toronto, will
give au address in Melville cburcb, next
Sabbath evening, on "Christianity and
the Nation." She is a good speaker,
and is well worth bearing.
Tuesday of this week Rev. W. E.
Stefe nd was at Ripley attending the
District meeting of the Methodist
church Wingham District, Albert Lott
was the lay represeutative.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Simpson, Tor -
0010, ot�e of the Connexional officers,
preached in the Methodist church here.
Iu the [Horning be dealt with tbe Super-
annuation Fund, taking as bis text
Dent 14:27, showing how valuable is
Moral contribution even in economic
rating. It was a clear cut address, pack.
ed full of:fine things and will be 7a good
fruit bearer. In the evening the sermon
WAS founded ou Rev, 22:2, and showed
bow large and important a place the
church fills in touching all phncea of
community life. He urged activity sad
the doing of practical work in helping
the great cause of the Master. Rev.
Mr. Simpson will be very welcome hack
to Brussels.
i$ #
People We Talk About $
$� ft
r Earl Cunningham is back to town.
Miss Fleming, Galt, was ;Ute guest of
Mrs James Fox
Mrs. Geo. Lowry is home from an en-
joyable visit to Toronto.
M Yollick was in Toronto this week
attending lewlsh festivities.
Allan and Mrs. Coehraue, Waterloo,
were visitiug here this week.
Frank Davidson took a motor run to
Flint, Mich., during the past week.
Mrs Geo. Jackson visited last week
with friends in Mimico and attended
Toronto Fair.
A. D. and Mrs. Owens, Meaford, were
visitors with Wm. and Mrs. Robb, '1'he
ladies aro sisters.
Roy Ryckman, Hensall, has taken a
position in J, Fox's Drugstore, Brussels.
We welcome him to town.
D. and Mrs. Hswman, Collingwood,
are welcome visitors with B, S, and Mrs,
Scott, The latter is a daughter.
Jno, Engel, of Hastings, Mich„ has
beeu renewing old friendships. He was
a resident of Brussels for some years at
one time,
Mrs. W. H. Merklinger, Hanover', is
holidaying in town at her parental home.
Mr. Merklinger 1s attending Ottawa
Fair this week,
J, W. and Mrs. Hunter and D. and
Mrs. Kenney, Detroit, are renewing old
friendships in Brussels. They cote num-
erous changes,
Mrs. Pao. G. Skene, Toronto, le here
on a boliday vis't. It is et years since
she removed from Brussels, where she
was a well kuowo resident.
Rev, D. Wren, M. A., of Mount For-
est, was calling on old friends over the
week end, He preached at tbe Union
appointment, Ethel circuit, last Sunday.
W, and Mrs. 1•lartry and son, Ryer-
sou, Seaforth were visiting in town and
locality this week. The former was
judge of Flowers at the Fall Fair Tees -
Lorne and Mrs, Stephenson and son,
of Belmont, are here on their vacation
calling ou relatives and friends, They
were former residents, Mrs. S. being
Miss Katy Manning before her mat.
Miss Irene Caveuegh, daughter of
Mrs, (Dr.) Cavanagh, formerly of Brus-
sels, has accepted a position as teacher
of stenography on the Fleming Beeiner,s
College staff of that city, We wish her
C. E. and Mrs, Stone, Canuington,
and 'Phos. McCrae, from the West, are
renewing old friendships in Brussels
and locality, Mrs, Stone is s sister to
Mrs, Jas. Speir, 'Thomas street, and
'Choc McCrae a brother,
Elmer Ewan has accepted a good
pesitiou with the Ford plant at hill.
waukee, under the management of Dr.
Fred. Gilpin, a former Brueeelite.
comeepoi 1. C. awl MC':, Riehtttle
t mere to Hamilton the, week when:
Choy purpose matoll g their borne.
They carry with them the good wishes
of fliusaelltes curl the countryside. Mr,
Rleherds sold his fine home to J, G.
Smith, of Dand, Min., but still retains
hie block of stores, that will beep him in
touch with the town's doings,
Mrs. H. B. Churchill and daughter.
Noripe, arrive home from an extended
and most euloyeble trip to the Pacific
coast. The illness of the wee lassie from
an attack of t iphent lever, at Moo omin,
delayed the return for it few weeks.
Uncle Sates domain was also visited
and a goodly section motored through,
Brussels Fall fair a Fine Success
The annual .Exhibition under the
auspices of the East Huron Agrieul-
Leval ,Society, was held Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week and was fav-
ored with Summer weather.
Inside department bad a llst of fine
exhibits, although reduced. in quantity
in some classes, probably one reason
being the two weeks earlier in the
Elate from the olden time and conse-
quently striking a busier season as it
relates to the farthing community, In
other Sections, notably the Ladies'
Work, the space was overflowing with
chnice exhibits.
The Judges spent a buay afternoon\
on Tuesday in making the awards.
Report of Wednesday's Fair, Con-
cert, & c., will be held over until next
week to accompany the Prize List and
other completed particulars.
Directors will meet at 2 p. m: Satur-
day of this week, 18th inst., in the
Council Chamber to check over the
list and receive a report from the
Secretary -Treasurer. On the follow-
ing Friday, 24th insb., Treasurer Black
will begin to pay the awards and may
be found at the store of Walker &
Black from 10 a, in. to 5 p. 01,
Brussels Council
The Council of Brussels met last
Motelay evening in the Connell Cham-
ber. Preeeltt, Reeve and Councillors
Wilton, Richards,
i horde Fraser and Start.
Minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted.
On motion of Councillors Wilton
and Stewart the following accounts
were passed :—
Chas. Pollard, 75 loads sand at
$1.50 $ 37 50
Jas, Henderson, uuloading tile,
&to 7 85
Jain. Kerr, hauling gravel at $7
per day ... 81 50
R. Oliver, salary 75 00
R. Oliver, diemfecting 17
houses at 82.00 84 00
Anderson Bros., hauling fire
engine1 00
W. Conk, unloading tile. 10 00
Chas. Riley, teaming...... 16 88
S. Watson, work with team,5 82
F. S. Scott, insurance on Hall40 90
R. Thuell, salary ttnd rent 1.45 00
By -Law No. 8, authorizing the bor-
rowing of $10,000, at 0 per cent intet'-
est, to pay current accounts until taxes
are collected was read 8 times and
passed, -
Reeve asked as to Stretton street.
Ie will be graded and gravelled to af-
ford a better driveway for the flex
mill use.
W. Conk made a request from Coun-
cil for 8100 for blasting rock in cum
struction of William st. drain. Met-
ter was left over until next meeting
when plans and specifications will be
in evidence.
Applicatiou was made from J. T.
Wood for a release from any claim the
corporation mighthave
on his busi-
ness 111 ease he wished to move his
plant. Council decided they had no
authority to grant it without refer-
euce to the electors,
The question of the town securing
more standing timber for fuel was
dealt with and Committee will lnter-
view parties haviug bush to sell.
Wood already cut will be got iu from
bush and balance of timber cut,
A claim was put in from the Pro-
vincial Government for $82 balance of
annual license fee foe theatre (our dear
old Town Hall.) $8.00 had been sent
by Treasurer. Council thought beat
to pay the demand although 11 prac-
tically wipes out a big share of the re-
ceipts for the Hall.
Alfred Baeker discussed the &ain-
age question with the Council as it re-
lates to the G. T, R. drain and his
storehouse. The matter is to be en-
quired into and in conjunction with
G. T. R. will be investigated and prob'
Wheat Certificates
T1 -IIS Bank has special facili-
ties for collecting Wheat
Participating Certificates, the
initial payment being at the
rate of 30 cents per bushel as
authorized by the Wheat Board.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits
ably better outlet secured by removal
of whatever obstructs,
Council then adjourned.
Such is the sentence imposed on Wm.
Marsh, of Wroxeter, by His Honne
Judge Dickson. Marsh was sent up
from Wroxeter for trial on charges of
incest and criminal assault, his victim
being his own 9 -year-old daughter.
The term of imprisonment is to be
passed in Kingston Penitentiary. In
passing sentence His Honor comment-
ed on the enormity of the offence and
the frequency in this county of Simi.
lar crimes, He was determined i:o
stamp it mit, No trim wine necessary,
the prisoner pleading guilty.
NOTES.—Mrs, D. 111. McTavish is the
guest of relatives in Toronto.—Harris
Hamilton and family, Toronto, were
recent visitors at the home of John
Hamilton.—Mise Francis Edgar, Re-
gina, le holidaying at her horse in
Howick.—There will be no service iu
the Methodist Church Sunday even-
ing owing to anniversary services be-
ing held at Salem.—Visitors to Lon-
don Fair this week are George Leckie,
Fred, Davey, Herbert Patterson,
Lorne leaake and Nelson Willis,—
Miss E. Hicks, Teeswater, renewed
acquaintances in the village recently.
— John and Andrew Miller, Listowel,
called on relatives hero Thursday,
— Mgrs. Geo. Wearying, who under-
went a serious operation at the Wing -
ham Hospital, is recovering and we
Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster
General, will be reoelved et Ottawa until noon
on Friday, the 22nd day of October, 1920, for
the conveyance of His Majesty's Moils, on a
proposed Contract for four years, eix times
Per week, over Brussels En. 5 Rural Route.
from the Postmaster General's Pieeeu•e.
Printed nobfoes containing further informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed Contract
may be seen and blank forme of Tender may
be obtained et the Post Offices of Brussels,
Walton, Betgrave, Bluevale, Henfryn and at
the office of the Post Office Inepeotor, London.
Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 10th
September, 1020
12.8 Post Office Inspector,
Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster
General, will be received at Ottawa until noon
on Friday, the 22nd day of October, 1520, for
the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a
proposed Ooneroct for four yeore, nix times
per week, over Brussels No. 4 Rural Route,
from the Postmaster General's Pleasure,
Printed mottoes containing further tuforina-
tion as to oondttions of proposed Contract may
be seen and blank forms of Tonder may be
obtained at the Post Offices of Brussels, Wel-
ton, Balgrave, Bruevale, Menfryn and at the
office of the Post Officelnepeotor, London.
oa1Inspector's Office, London, lour
12.8 Post Office Inspector,
+•4.4.44••4•••G•••••e••••• ••••••+•a••••4.40•••••09c3Y e
UR New Millinery
on dis-
playy is
and will be found to be At-
tractive, Fashionable and Fair
As no Formal Opening will be held
the Ladies of Brussels and community
are cordially invited to call and see the
Up-to-date Goods.
86$200aitad'irklialaR3aiii6ODPiaaaeaei" ataii,IctfiO essa1daavYstirvaar atisas,'Ci a l
Fox's Dru Store
Weekly Store News
Amateur Phut
What about your Snaps ? Are you having
perfect satisfaction in the treatment of them ?
Our business in this department is steadily in-
creasing. There must be a reason. We
would like to add your name to our list. Per-
haps you would Jet us develop your next film.
Either dull or glossy finish, price the same in
either case,
Prompt Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Olive oil
Is the brand we
sell and there is
none better—Pure,
Rich and very Pal-
atable, a Pt'ice the
same as the °beep-
er varieties -
81.25 per pint
Good Stationery le
always a mark of
distinction. O u r
stock at present is
very complete.
25c 85c 500 & OOc
Good assortment.
7,000,000 Bottles
in 2 years
The above figures 0
represent the won- •
, derful Bale of one •
of our best Tonics •
—Tanlac, •
We are sole agents. •
Get the best. Ours
is made by the
well known firm—
Parke Davis & Op.
25c per bottle
Pat %vas on a sinking
ship and was watching
with interest the fran-
tic passengers grabbing
life preservers, putting
them on and jumping
"Minya" said he, "If every-
body to stealing I eon too,'
Immediately he picked rip a
heavy piece of iron and
jumped overboard with it,
New stock
again to hand.
Splendid assortment
See them.
• eatmeaeoag.e'9 •'eemeet 494erispa•••oome•e••••••eoco•••e
trust will soon regain her former
strength.—Work on the sidewalks
has come to a stand -still owing to a
lack of cement,—Arthur Rae has re-
turned from Toronto having received
his discharge from a military hospi-
tal, where Ile has been receiving treat-
ment for a disabled leg since his re-
turn from overseas.—Mrs. Juo. Drew,
Sunderland, is visiting with her broth-
ers, Arthur and Aldred Wearring.—
Reeve Douglas and Mrs, Douglas
motored to Toronto last week,
Bnrnxe.—In Morris township on September
9th, 1920, to Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bryans, a
SMreu.—At Cereal Hospital, Sask., on August
22nd, 1020,' to Mr. and Mrs Hugh B. Smith,
n ser.
WfITTAnD.—In Brussels on September Ofd,
1020, to Mr, and Mre. B, Whitbard, a dnugh-
MCODSietome—Fox.—At 'Sunny Brae,' by
Rev, A, J. Mann, B. A., Mr. A. G. Meaner-
matt,of the Standard Bank, Chatham, to
Minn Nellie McLean, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Jaa, Fox, Brussels,
Fall Wheat
$2 66
2 85
1 25
19 75
$2 70
2 85
1 80
20 0000
Heifer Strayed
Strayed on the ppromisee of the uudersfgned,
Lot 27, Con, 18, Grey township, on or about
Sept. 1st, a 2 -year -olid heifer, roan to color.
Owner Is requested to prove property, pay ox.
pensee and Mks her away.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology. Mo.
Cormick Mediad College, Chicago, I11. Three
months post grndunto ronrae during pastear.
Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses: Hyead-
aches, Inflamed Eyes, GranulatedEyeLids
and other Eye troubles, unused by Eye-atrain,
relieved through properly fitted Glasses.
Satisfaction Assured,
Optionl Parlor in Leckie block, Ona door
South of Barrister Sinolair'e office.
Office hours: 9 to 12 a. in, ; 1 to 0 p. m. Also
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 26x ring 4
Canada Can
—Reduce Her Taxes
—Pay Her War Debts
--Keep Workers Busy
—Make Farmers Prosperous
By Selling Her Surplus •
Grain, Frul,
Dairy Produce,
To the Nations of
The British Empire.
The Key to the market is
The Navy League of Canada