HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-16, Page 7BA
A Series of instructive articles constitelling, when completed, an
entire course on baby hygiene and care of the child up to siX
or seven years old. Mothers are urged to read tho articles
no pnbliehed, and cut; then': out for future reference. The
information has boon prepared by physicians who have made
the welfare of the child a life study.
Habite and Training. •
Habits aro the regult of doing 1.11
-swum things a great many times. If
a small :lotion is repeated often
enough, the peraon does it withou
thinking, and it becomes a hahlt, If
the hebit contioues for n long timed
it may heemne very diffteult to break.
It is het that a baby •should have
only good habits. Sametnnea ho learns,
01 nit e teirhe hhn a bad
These Lad habits should be corrected:
as soon 113 possible, or before they be -1
come difficult -to correet.
Pacifiers -One of the bad holdt
which is taught the baby is that of
sucking a npasifier" or other object. 1
The baby dces not teach himself thio
disgust ing practice, and he rhould not
have to :toffee for it. The pacitier,
never is really cloan and may carry
germs of diactme to tha baby's mouth
All pacifiers ahould ba destroyed
How t Get be Most for Your Money When
You Put hi P]uni
By a Competent Plumber.
What I wont to tell you in thisi thing is to lotoile the three fixtures,
artlele is how amci can get the most' chtet, lavatory and bath tub, so that
Of Interest to Investors.
Vaneouver-A door factory la to be
conatructed at Mission City at 0 eost
of approximately $1:;0,000 to be known
213 the Caned:an Western Sash and
Door Company, The company has
hoot organized with ti copitol of $250,-
Porcupine -The recent diseoverms
'Jur your money when you buy plumb -I the outlets will be as doe together on Hollinger and MeIntyre indicate
ing for the farm home, more espeohilly I as possiblethat there is much development work
' •' . e• . ,
for the email farm home Aloo I want! Firat determine wher th il t 1 ill t f • 0 1 ' bi
The idea cam) to me on reading to tlave it
why e. eve 1 s a pays$ Most come up. 1 his -can be on the rubies; and this Is expected to con -
Ing outside Wall if it is more convenient sidcrably .merease are reserves.
there, for Wig empty ex- Toronto -There lies been a t. mei er
1 i
many treasures, azul that most of
19-21. He r 1110 I M.
The Camphor Chest.
"And here," Alice said, "is the cam-
phor chest. I wonder if it will BOOM
half as wonderful to our daughter
It did to us, Dana, I used to think
Aunt Mary was the richest and the
most enviable person in all the world.
I realize now that there were not s
the twelfth to the fourteenth, Earliei
efforts at stolid Mg and walking should
not bo encouraged. A child never
:build be urged to stand and walk
especially if he is heavy. Ile will
want to :demi and walk of his own
aecord so soon as the little legs are
strong enough to benr his weights
Learning to Talk -A child learns to
talk by hearing older people and other
children speaking, At first, speech to
him is but a jumhlo of sounds
foreign language is to us, Later he
begins to learn that certain Sounds
mean certain people or things cr
It is very neccaaary that he ahould
1.110 these words and sounds correctly
sookon and that when he begins to
talk he should hear correct English.
Do not 1,1Se the so-called "baby talk" in
speaking to a child. Otherwiee he will
earn 'it and other improper methods
of speech, only to have to unlearn
them later with much effort.
mecIately and no such object coo
should be pot into the balm'a moall
r anyunde015003211 121'102(.
The baby may teach. himself to suds
hio rhumb mid fingers. Continua
suckina of the thumb, like sucking
will spoil the natural beauty
of the mouth by eau ,dnit protrulting
of the upper jaw 11214 101-11). It also
eauses csmotant flow of saliva and'
1(11 lo the AMP.; ammo 31101%,
To 5(100 1111 thumbnaoking, farten
a wooden tongue &Tn.:- colna,ned
at a dill4 .4101.0 I Or piece of
wood padded with eloth or ootton on
the ina• le of the 30 (25 over the
sleeve. This will prevent tho child
from bending his 10121 00 get his hand
in his mouth. An aluminum mitt en
to prevent Dimon sneking, has been
designed, which mny be purchased at
most drug storm'. The use of this
0(500002111discomfort and is preferable
to other methods. This treatment
should be continued day and night
until tho habit is entirely cured.
Some babies may be taught to con-
trol themselves during the day by the
end of the first year. To do thio, it is
necessary to give. the child opportun-
ity at regular leervals and immedi-
ately after each meal, and on rising
and going to bed.
To cure lack of control, first ask a
physician to make a thorough eXamin-
ation to determine whether there is
Home condition which needs to bo eor-
roeted. Also to examine for adenoids,
enlarged tnnails, decayed teeth or
other source of nerve irtntation. Any•
physical defects discovered should be.'
Limit the liquids taken at the last
meal at night. Take away the pillow
and raise the foot of the child's bed
several inches. Provide an alarm
clock and set it twice each night, one
at about 10 and again about 2 a.m.
Requite the child to get up. This
treatment 0110014 be continued every
night for a month or longer tintil the
habit of voluntary control is substi-
tuted for the involuntary action.
Cryin.g-A child may bo taught to
ay when he is only a few days old.
He likes to be held and welted, -When
ho is put down he cries and so he is
taken up and carried, He soon learns
that if he will only cry hard enough
some one will come and get him.
A child needs a short period of crsr-
ing every day to -develop his lungs,
but the habit of crying to be rocked
or whenever denied anything should
be corrected promptly. A baby can
be broken successfully of this habit
by letting him cry it out. Oncer
twice will suffice. •
Learning to Walk -The average.
child begins to want to stand al; about
the tenth month and to walk from
to tell yonIbP I i
e e so s ae s ore or ntar g pro( uc ng
Evils of Intemperance, Proverbs 23:
10-21, 29-35. Golden Text,
Prov. 23: 21.
or eepting at such times aa water ia dis- able revival of interest in the oil stocks wiaa The.1.1,1- .Y '1 n' and Ile 'then' Wel.° a 00 intri°31e V011103 bilt
pupil. that il ac er us a ( resses ES, 1 anma that wail,
Aunt 'Otlary gave me that bit of Hindu
some articles .011 the building
small farmhouses. The plans, as a
building them at the minimum cost.
rule, are achnirable. They offer
arranged homes and auggeations for
meld Pipes should never be run on an out- on in
side wall in cold. climates, So keep of which were favorites with Toronto life. By winel ill e •
this in mind.
eharged from a fixture, but water here. Aceumulation aeems to be going
Elk Basin an.1 North Star, both ima guide 'him in the right way c -,f
.t. » is he meatta, no
embitaillery from the chest. It was
.. tiro propOsed - I
e may ieulca -e wodom never had such a t ir,11 es 1 del
but almost always there are details Then locate the closet as near to the market is now looked for in Interne-
t:a:le:a seine montho ago. A. bigger doubt, thoae who drink exceaaivelY,
choicest possession for years."
like the gluttonous parsons who cag,
in the plumbing arrangements that
soil ontek as possible. The pips con- tional Petroleum, following the an (lu-Lan aretregerded"g,.o.my
too niush. The drunkard and the "There canbe 't tilla.h left in it now
showinsufficient study of the p001)- netting it to the stack is four inches nouneement of an agreement by whichg
cross manta to reach the pipe it will
',trimmed the rowsy, or azy man, all a 0,1, wilco Wo were notrried-
ld as alike, and are Dana replied. She d gave to.
ave or
lem. Perhaps it's only the man who in diameter, and if it in neceeeary to this company will take over the Trop- ;al or ,o, o th II
really installs the plumbing who sees
the faults in the design and who mean extra expense ininsertinghead-
Oh, I'm os glad we ean keep
knows how to rearrange the work so
es, era, and also a weakening of the floor has not been affected to any extent 2)101h
ess am
g sometime; been the vire of" vitt there ..o. in it, any -
structure. When you place the tub, by the slackneas in the woollen trade' very clever and skilllra
'ul men, and aue
a .. ' wnY•
the (J.1.1 pitme just ita it is, to oome hack
s o.
as to get better results with ls labor •
nd a smaller amount of piping. - tarn the outlet end toward the soil in the United States. The United times of very strong and courageous
feat Oil; company. e P Y., when we wermos! We'P have to fill
Such habits of life breed inefficiency,: it again10 11) ch11400.1.„
The Canadian Woollens Company carelessness, and weakness. Drunken- , • ,
Suppose your house is an old one, pipe, and you will shorten the waste States woollen companies have been Bitt,. inesdtably, eyen 11 such to sunnoora! It WOLA1 11711T 1)0011
it I rings In its tram :legenet:a-i dreadful to have the olieot anywhere
and that'you now have only a well in and supply lines five feet: obliged to elee up a number of their t.filSe8' 1 f
P , and eg la . axeopt hare. think' :t have
orders. A very different condition Is qualitieg of manhood. Evert the "
off of unit, cf.-me
on o all the finer imps:5E-4 oem toon „ , ,
owers d r -
thoo knew whore Amit M alwayg
the r I ' th Sometimes, when an old building is mills owing to the falling
The key was not in the lock, but
cage with the woollen yarn end of the
len mills. This is particularly the ors, though apparently hatonle-aa, in
the experience of the Canadian wool- erato use of wine or other citron°. liqu- !
business of the Canadian Woollens produeas in very raany oaaes the moat
actual experience tender to Excess nem
like littlo girls, ar.t. Mont on the
kept it11 0 1. it. pad 'then the
house: Find oet how much ev,ater it being remodeled, it is found that the
space between floors and ceilings is
will flow; that is, measure the amount
very Ihnited, owing to the old -fashion -
of svater you can draw without lower -
ea construction which had split logs
tho water level. Keep on doing .
it until you see the water going down for joints, and these laid somewhat
ossele toe chest lift,' out
together. n conditin it Company and the contracts on the "um °us rcsu
Other J '
a mark, and ou will have aewnd -writera before the the "tremoire4" with (11 tender fooncom.
below y
Toys -Since a baby wants to put
asonablv accurate knowledge of the is possible, if the room is over a pan- books ate said to be sufficient to keep time of Christ recognized the name 1Amst
1, this way, They ahould be wa.shable
los those that can be used safely in
everything in his mouth, his toys 111115. e try or other chamber which "would not all machines running well into next fact. They "Drink not wine unto
Poses. Then if you want to provide a
amount of water you ha -lo for a/1 pus haea its appearanco spoiled, to hang year. It la also atated that the entire drunlsonness, and lot not drunkaorteos bood hog. and cm veil frtall Turkey,
51 and should have no sharp points or water supply to your barns as well ag the pipes under tho ceiling and then production of the plants have been go with thee on thy 110:17.. work. (,.;,hainz,.;,1,,,..t1i1o,f,,har.,,,,,ar.1,11o,,yfazuniti
cover them by a false ceiling made of provided for for Fume months ahead. Mall (hat a purdicard shall no.t.
come rich,
corners to hurt the eyes. Painted canvas, metal, or malpboard. London -It is stated here that the hath desttaae
articlee or hairy ancl woolly toys, also, manv " "Wine tirunit largely is bit- ,ruP11"- AT than l'"71t. 1 them man a
able to handle the amount of water
outlet ends of the fixtures close to- petition securitie will be readily ab- confliet."
or objeeta small enough to be swallow -1 If there ,is any possibility of the gether is that in most cases the water sorbed by the public. The Eng,lish do not tooeh wine at all. lest ye ain in -Why. it'i Auot Mory's Wririnol
ye would live soherly, pieho'l it cm,
given a small child,
ed are unsafe and should never be. well being Polluted by seepage of supply pipes can be run along the share of $25,000,000 issue of 8 Per words of outrage, in sighLirg, •Ind never „11, dia3,7,.
drainage from barns or other sources
A. littby should never have too many of pollution, either look for a new baseboard. If this is clone svith iron cent. cumulative and participating' alanlers, and in tranastreasiona of -the wa lona, To
pipe, and they are carefully fitted, a stock of the British Empire Steel Cor-' commandments of God, rthd „I t, .Un,t want 1:v0
toys having loose parts such as balls available. Another advantage of keeping the offering; of British Empire Steol Car- d' d 1: .1 . 1 •
torn ss of soul with DrOVC -Al ion ano 71" !'' - - ul a 1 ur, and Allots
0( lIlOoll pins or a silver teaspoon or tin cup by proper drainage arrangements.
toys at one time. A handful of clothes-; source of supply or remove the danger neat appearance is secured, and the poration has been successfully under- - •
; befere your tint." tatat aiotm
: word ('1 Auto 11111". 11.' 'he a. ti
n -
pipes are opeo for inspection anti re- written. er of to -day may, thermoro, p ead very
willmease just 01 121001) as an expels- Don't take chances. A competent pair, and are kept from freezing much
sive doll or other toy. It is a good plumber can apply a color test which easier,
plan to have a box or basket in which ; will remove all doubt if pollution is
Laundry Tuba Savo Labor.
to keep empty spools and other house -1 suspected.
hold objects with which the baby may
Moral Training -A little child does
not know right from wrong until he
is taught by older persons. He follows have to use mechanical moans of rais-
his own fancy and lets his little hands ing it If you cannot get it to run
and feet do mischief, not knowingn to your place by gravity, it still may
that ho is doing anything which will' be worth while bringing it in. Gasoline
cause others or himself to come to engines and pumps are moderate in
You know best what you need for
watering your stock and taking care
of your dairy requirements. But plan
the location of your troughs or hy-
drants so that the pipes will be pro-
tected against freezing, and so that
they may drain freely without making
a puddle around them. If they must
bo outside, use anti -freezing hydrants
which drain the water back after
using, to a point lower than that to
which the frost will penetrate.
Locating the Kitchen Sink.
When you look for a place to locate
your kitchen sink, consider these
points: It should be far enough away
from the stove so that k
11 there is a spring which Will sup- If you can spare the room, by all
ply water to your place by gravity, means install laundry trays. They save
pipe the water from it. It -will provide much back -breaking work, and do
a more certain supply, and you won't away with the necessity of lifting
water out and in. Buy good trays.
Concrete trays are cheap, but are
liable to crack. Soapstone trays are
next in price; they last well, but tire
not so sanitary or attractive in ap-
pearance as those made of porcelain -
enameled cast iron. Perhaps you can
find room in your kitchen at the end
of the sink for the trays. Perhaps a
combination of sink and tray would
suit you better. When they are set
close like this the cost of installation
is much reduced.
The place for a bathroom is near
to the sleeping rooms, and its en-
trance should be from a hallway. If
you need a wash-up room on the -1M
floor, it will cost you less than a hun-
dred dollars to plate a close and lava-
tory somewhere near to the back door.
Try to arrange it so that this room
will be under the bathroom, and your
extra cost will be little.
at 11 111 comfort. It Should be located, heatIlind
Wolienfa you001110
bathroom, 11
ipf I ayl.nfor sys-
notthein front of a window, but, if pos-
sible, along a wall at right angles to tem is to bo a warm -air one, even if
it, so that the light will be unobstruct- you plan to heat the whole house by
one register, go to the small extra
ed. If placed in front of a window it expense incurred by placing a sop.
is hard to prevent pipes from free- arate register in the bathroom and
grief. For this reason older persons
must be ready to guide the baby and
teach him the right method of be-
But that does not mean that he
should be forbidden continually to do
this or that or the other. A child
ahould have, from his very early in-
fancy, the opportunity of -choosing to
do things himself. If he is not allowed
to do this he Nvon't know how to rea-
son and choose for himself when he
grows older and is obliged to do it.
On the other hand, it is necessary
for a child to learn obedience, and a
wiso mother will train her child to
obey; not, however, to obey a com-
mand "because I told you to do it,"
but to obey because it is a pleasure
to do so.
Harsh treatment or punishment has
no place in the proper upbring-
ing of a baby. If a baby's in-
clinations lead him in the wrong di-
rection; some one Must be at hand to
.gnicle him into another and better one
and to turn his eager interest and his
energy toward something that will
amuse but not harm him. This is the
golden rule for the training of babies
and one which applies to the training
of children of all ages.
Would you when men in hostile ranks
' are thronged
Be always right? 13e always with the
Fire Prevention Day, October 9,
has been .set aside -by the. Governor-
General as a day, to emphasize the
great loss sustainhd every year in
Canada through fires, which are for
the most part due to \carelessness.
Extravagant eleiths and
exaggerated statements
may sell tires -but they
can never make tires give
mileage or service.
About Partridge Tires
little need be said. Their
reputation for durability
and dependability under
all road conditions, justi-
bes the statement
"You can't buy
better tires."
1'1,1' Aso, .1 51121400(2 0k4 4,,
65 TherNome
ing, and If the sill is low you cannot
use the pattern of sink with the
integral back. This style is the most
attractive and easily kept elean, for
there are no joints in it to collect
grease and other matter. Then, also,
try to arrange it so that the waste
pipe from it will be within as short
as possible a -distance of the main
soil or waste pipe.
If you can spare El room on the bed-
room floor for the bathroom, locate
it there, Don't forget that the bath-
room should be planned with the needs
of old people and children in mind. If
they have to come down -stairs in the
dark to use it, much of its comfort
and convenience is lost, especially in
times of sickness.
A bathroom can be arranged so aS
to occupy a very small space, but this
detracts from the appearance and also
from the convenience in using it. If
only a small room is available, study
the location of the fixtures carefully.
From the point of economy and ease
of installation the most important
also one bedeoom. Thqn, if you have
need to isolate any member of your
family in a bedroom because of infec-
tious disease, you can do so with the
assurance that the air of that room
is not being circulated throughout the
This is the chief objection to a one
register and return air heating sys-
tem. We se easy to overcome it that
it's no objection. But select the fur-
nace and the style of register to go
with it -so that the top of the furnace
will accommodate the two additional
pipes and 611 them with warm
when required. It can be done all
You will nine to use a central heat-
ing outfit because it is really more
economical, and because the temper-
ature of your home is more equable
when you have it. Stoves warm the
rooms in which they are placed very
well, bet they do not give the comfort
that a positive circulation of warm air
does, And it is a comfort that all
of us want,
Crop Rotation.
"The maintaining of the farm in a
condition free from weeds and keep-
ing the moisture -holding power of the
land as high as possible are factors
that are of prime importance. A crop
rotation, therefore, that is satisfac-
tory makes proparation both by get-
ting the soil in right shape and by
cultural methods to -hold that mois-
ture as well as it possibly can be held,
by storing all the moisture that comes
"Another advantage in crop rota,
tion is the conservation of the fertility
and the maintenance, if not the in-
creasing, of the fibre content of the
°o1a1kearly all farmers are following
rotations. They geb into the habit of
following :tome kind of a system, and
if you are handling some land year
after year you arc b01.1114 to llaVO soma
kind of a scheme worked out, Un-
fortunately we have too many farmers
with a bad scheme -a bad rotation,
What wo want to get introduced 08
-every fared is a good rotation, and
what is a good rotation em one from
is not necessarily tho best rotation on
another, That we appreciate Ode Is
shown by the fact that we have on
trial on our experimental farms some
twenty -odd rotations in the West.
"I think the most important step in
progression to be made on these p151111.
les is the introcluctinn of a better ro-
tation. Wo have a rotation now, but
it is a -bad one. What we want to do
is- to change it and put a better ono
It id: t a dolts. It. ssono,, to be
Tho details of the new financing, i1. ancientanationan, and ' high authority for may at least 1,:eneee a rec-eel. Loek he(e, 1)2111!"d very
is understood, are being withheld until the, even if tbe no danger of Dna e
lool:d over hor souoin's Antoi-
tho several Canadian enterprises here excees to himself, by his o
altstinerme he or.
which are to form the 00510310 of the 'will refrain from putting temmation -woo :ma thay :dlr. sha ao,c,2d.
ambit:oils undertaking formally pass, in the way* of others who :nay •••°' "I dG11.1 know-npeoplo Lefore our
1.' ' day. I suppose. But do you realize
upon them. I weaker. See Rom. 14: 18-21.
29-25. Who Huth Woo? The mere wh.a .- !el Iv •b oi of f• VI
pet is expected some time this week,'
Definite announcement in this res..'
; "Who hath (or who aait.11) ch? Who
Pteral rendering
01 the liebr8W is Annt .7).'1.ar.ad.t.: faCh. a1 Zi.ntaroher when
but in the meantime, it is understood
, hath (or saith) alas!" Oh. and alas, .Lni Fellt
ows stole t•.oeity dello nof
, rom
that ne,gotiations are in Pmgress '0; and strife, and complairtem and Loinbar,l's store -don't you? And
terests to underwrite the share of the. eyes, are the lot of thoae who drink. 1401., 101 Canada with prominent fmaneial in -i
'Jim Fellows back with the
wounds without cause and redness of here. ten years after, is Aunt Mary's
issue allotted to Canada. 1 to excess. 1
It is regarded as probable that the, The mixed Name ma prepared by . . ' (barest And heris N.ancy Carter. Do wife and baby, and his eyes
latter wit). be on a more generous scalel ding
tandi- ,
various aromatic: litoba
as -clear aa the sky. I knew he'd make
than at first contemplated, owing to! spices for the purpose of henahtening
the adverse exchange conditions pre_ I the flavor and increasing the Streitgata you remember that slow, wkward
veining. of the wine. lalcispero, deseribing the Nancy? 'Nancy Carter up for 11104l -
Assyrian practice, says, "The wines, dne for her baby sister. She's going
even the most delicate, are not drunk to make a fine Ns-omand "
in their natural state; they are mixed The eoualos looked at eaeh other.
with aromatic and various drugs, Nancy (lamer. nurse, had laid down
which give them a delicious flavor and
add tenfold to their strength. This ,
"0 Dana: ' Alice cried,
her 1'" ' I, • tl s - ••
ite in, ranee ir -e a ear,before.
Coil Ulf 41e0) operation is performed M the hall,'
under the eyes of the revellera. An!
lie- ''''...%-e-e.e.• "zee
Dana nodded, her eyes shining
•eunuch standing before a table pounds through tears,
in a stone mortar the intoxicating. sub- ` "She was the r!chest woman," she
The Sleepy Shit).
stances, which he moistena from time saki softly, 'She gave immortal
The Sleepy Ship's ready to sail away, to time with some essenceHisvimth-
gifts--faith and hope and love. If we
Manned by her willing crew; . '
can teach our little denghters, Alice!"
Her captain:is waiting 090)1 1120 bridgo, empliorste (i.e., wine jars) into tin
mese bowls of chased silver which'
rades 'have poured the contents of e
"Oh, let's try)" Alice cried.
_ a
Ready, my dear, for you. reach to that- cheats. As soon as the
P '
Soon, down the rivet called rock -a- perfumed paste is ready they put Makingnthe Most of smite.
bye -oh,
some of it into each bowl and care-, The penny
Gently ottr craft will glide, is again very popular,
fully dis•solve it. The cupbearers- and it is a flosver that gives .full value
Then out on the shimmering slumber
sea, Is red. The description is of wine -leems of a
bring the cups. draw out the wine, and ,
serve the gueSts." The wine when it
11 shade,from pure white
fos all we put into it. The great double
Borne by the evening title.- at its best, when it is most attractive. to the darkest red, add to the love -
The eepy
It is red, it snarkles, it glides -smosith-' lines of any garden. There is a. very
Ship's S1
ready to sail away,
Her hold with stories stored; -
117 over IM and tongue, The Revised gond market for the blooms in most
Her crew is waiting to break them: ena vrse 3.renders,
out, "Whthe en ,last clausof plate. But whether you SOH them or
. t goeth down not, you will never regret planting
smoothly." Its attractiveness and its
When once you are aboard. pleasant flavor hut conceal its poison, them. Spring is the best time to plant
Furry folk? Fairy folk? Willett shall which is like that of the eerpeut. The
them, but the bed should be prepared
it be? intoxicated person sees strange thlngs In the autumn.
Goblin, Brow-nleor Ell? (see Rev. Vers.), end out of his 4j_s- ' One thing th remember is that the
The Sleepy Ship's cargo is large, my
things. He becomes. giddy and -anus- It is a very heavy feeder, and needs
torted fancies he speaks perverse: peony does not like to be disturbed.
The Sleepy Ship's ready to sail away;
And you may choose yourself.
dear, -
drunken sleep he eongratulatee him- • , .1 1r
eess, When he awakes ' ' '' ' to -
it 10 wort g e .1 g a
eater! es one afflicted with sea -sick -
top and blooms of a good clump, So
; plenty of elan' food support the
1 Tule to •ive th so' ao
Her decks are never trod self that he has not felt the blows •
preparation, as we will not want to
By any but you, as a paseenger' may have inflicted upon him. He de- which S01110 companion or adversary move the plants for several yeaes.
Bound for the Land a Nod, clans that he will seek the wine yet I mix with the soil to a good depth,
again. I plenty of well -rotted manure 10111 a.
Eliminating the floor Cow. 1 fresh manure will burn the plants.
( liberal amount of bone meal. Only.'
well-rotted manure can be used, as
The object of cow testing is to givel This bed will serve the plants for sev-
eral years. .A. top -dressing of manure
the dairyman accurate knowledge as
to the production of milk and fat or and bone meal every spring will keep
each cow in the herd. • It is readily; them at their host. The flowers front
these will be much super:or to hall-
notadmitted that the average cow does;
produce as much milk as she is'
stared clumps.
with three to five eyes, or the estab-
Ion can buy the divided champs
capable of giving, and many dairymen I
keep one or more cows that do not'
lished ;clumps undivided., You got
even pay for their keep. Cow testing.
more varieties foe yonr money by tale -
shows which eows are worth keeping;
the divided, and in a yeal' or two
in the herd' and gives evidence against; ing
those that should be eliminated feem' these will be nice clumps. They etart
Where silvery sands of the Slumber
Shine in the moon's bright beams -
The Sleepy Ship's sailing to -night,
The Sleepy Ship's daddy's old rocking -
Bound for the Port o' Dreams.
Wee Maid,
Daddy, the willing crew.
The captain that's waiting upon the
Is daddy's love for you.
And daddy's fond heart is your cabin
sage fare
growth early in the spring, end any
Yew: kiss, on his bristly lip,
Tho ticket that's good for your pas -
On board the SleepY Ship. ing," bulletin 88, Dairy and Cold Stor-
the herd. "The progress of cow test -1
disterbanee then checks them severely.
in, and that es what wo are trying to age Series by A, H. White, B.S.A.,1 There ere a great many varieties,
but I have found IOW M000 bealltihl
' gS10100:Swtollrakttolllrieyk ofusjinblez beesetlytmovns
than SOWS Of the old favorites, ,A
reach at this Conservation meeting. Good Seed to Increase Crops.
ront which to save heifer calves Set:111411 Price does not necessarily Meal
If we -could get that change -if wo What good seed meanthe future herds. Frequently,s to Canada f
these! the best flowers, for most of the el
could get the fanners of this COMItry WAS very clearly shown by a few flg- guesses are not correct, cows which; favorites are cheaper than the neve
thinking along that line, the changing tires submitted by Mr. L. 11, Newman, have good conformtion a
• I pre nob al.. introchictionw
s, If you eld 111511 ft
from the three.yeav rotation in the Socretary of the Canadian Seed .Grow- ways the best producers in the Iterel,, 110011Y farm it would be well worth tho
West or form -yew: in the eastern part' ers' Association, at the Conference on
Dairy Records will do away with guess 14-11'.
of these prairies, includingm
a sumer,Soil Fertility and Soil Fibre, held at work, and the 13111111)411 03115 safely select -----"'":"--- -
fallow in each case, and considering, Whinipeg by the Commission of Conhis best COWS for M.00(11214 purposes.
- Utilization Is Conservation.
all the possibility of our hoed or mild.' servateon,
The bulletin, "The Progrees of Cowl The tree that tomes to nuiturity In
vitted Me, we shall have done morel Until spring Canada requires ap., Testing," may be seemed free upon, the forest, deeays, and falls to the
for agri•euftere in theee provinces than proximately 65,000,000 bushels of seed! application to the Publications Blanch,' ground, only furnishes feed for ineeeb
any' other convention or In eeting of grain and 0,000,000 bushele of seed" Department of AgrieuRure, Ottawa, pasts and fungi which eleetre,V Other
men has ever dello in the history of potatoes, or about 8 pet' rent, of her In addition to giving the essential ob-; trees; the fruit that ripens, fstlie tie
the Pralries."-Prom address of Dr. average production, juts et eow testing, it outlines the
the ground and rots benefits tee
.1'. Ii. Grisdale, ut Conference on Soil; About 41,000,000 acme aro ammally1 details of organization and gives some' one; the surplus fish that is unutilized
POrtilltn t W111140g
! planted to these crops ie Canada. An of the results obtained, which &ewe by melt serves no useful'pureosei bub
increase •of but one bushel per amthat many farmers have increased tho the utilizetiop of the teee, the frulk
Canada'e 750,000 farms have an av-' of this area world add npproximatcly production of their herds :front 80 to suet the fish is pure con.servatiee, t1
erase value of $10,000 and a produc- $80,000,000 to the wealth of the eenn- 76 per cent. and some have doubled the other heed, we transport to Lit te
tion of $8,000 per tarn I try. One of the ehlef metliwie et in- the herd avevage in a few years,' Superiov--as -eve did in 1018-4* 'e
10,085104 p1'ncllotion is ly 1115 lum (tI Wherever cow tatting has been follow- 000 bushels of weed seeds Welt ;dile
Be not among those who find a use general use of seed of house, braed-' ed for a few years, a decided illeraitae tupied (Tate in ears equivalent to ft
'rot the Take aftei they have used the, ing and of varieties boffinsuited to in the evreege production of each tow train over 20 mhos in 10111/ is 1114
broom. . • the districts where sown,
. Will be found, eorieervetion in any shape 95 ono,