HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-16, Page 4febe Crit$seis rust
THURSDAY, S PT la al BE R ite ma.
• Now let ne ,lanare away Ian a good
/Tall trade.
ST. THOMAS puma' orente
leicke about milk at rf, cent", a qeart but
nebeGle5 night and lay to get wei
43 a quart " Porouto is not the eulv
gang that requires weaning.
question takes place ill British Columbia
REFERENDUIA vote nn the Prohibition
on October send. Ontario should have S
voted the same day had not some it Hu
enee "queered" the powers that he
RIGHT 110N, LORD FO 'nut goes to
Australia as Governer General end
CoMmencler in Chief by ‘krir,eirittni--111:
the Klug. Our sieter Cobol y lorgiug
ahead and is no discredit to the British
Wi beaul of a man who was full 01
murmuring and complaining because he
had to purchase a second supply of lend-
ing twine to tie up his super abundant
harvest. Verily he was a thankless
THERE appears to be colte an "epi
dernic" of weddings and June, the
bridal month, will have to look after its
laurels or September will steal recant
There are several o'her marriages p,o-
grammed for Sepiern ter before the
30111 day arrives.
A blithesome maiden of Rye, N ¥,
whose name was Either Light, was wee-
ded to 13 linel fielinee, tPieebeee.
The bride tipped the scales at lee
ponnde. (-Me was only tight in natue)
while Dan. couldn't do any better th
tee. It was a great purchase teouela
unless Esther ta es a uotion to sit on
her hubby hard and in that case we
wouldn't care to guarantee his chances
for along life. Dan. may coneider her
worth her weight in gold.
LISTOWEL policeman sought to pum
mel the Editor of the Benner because
his attention was called to the necessity
of clipping the wbiske, ; of the Public
Library laws. Some Of those office
holders are "glassware" and reqeire to
be handled very carefully and with kid
gloves at that. To point out an unper-
formed duty is to commit an unperdor-
able sin. Brother Blatchford will have
to take some private lessons from
Dempsey so as to be ready for "ecraps"
or else keep very mum in his criticism..
FREIGHT rates advanced last Monday
4e% in Eastern Canada and 35. ie es -
tern Canada, continuing to the close of
the year. Passenger rates also got a
boost eo% above old rate. Coal freight
rate jumps from to to 20 cents per ton.
Railway Board practically said Amen to
all the requests and gave little chance
for demur until the new scale is put into
operation, We wouder who really are
the owners of Canada. Is it the people
or the corporations ? ;Through our spex
it looks like the latter, if not SOO] a
profitable slice would not likely be cut
off the family loat the first slap. We
may be thankful if we are not disposses-
sed of all:our belongings at the ratielly.
bang pace we are travelling.
THE undue stuffing by political parties
that made the Civil Service appear more
like a heavy draft sausage than anything
else is undergoing a weeding.out pro-
cess that should be of service as to
economy and In numerous cases cut out
figurehead appointments that should
never have been made. It is quite prop-
er that enough help of the right sort
should be maintained to facilitate the
country's business but to load up evety
department with a lot of bogus and un-
necessary timber is a fake of the meanest
sort and such conduct should not be al-
lowed try any government. Because s
inan is elected to Parliament is no reasou
why be shout] seek to pitchfork into
office all his relatives near RYA remote,
Lop off the mouldering branches and
prune close too This is no gift enter•
PROPANE language in every clay nee
is an evidence of want of respect to the
Deity and His command and ac imposi-
tion on those who abhor its use. Is
use is also e direct violation of the law
of the land and any men who forgets his
manhood and wantonly uses the name
of bis Maker and his &wiener is liable to
peoseettion under the Statute and to
tle imposition of a floe. Men who open-
ly and flagrantly interlard their speech
with oaths should be stopped short and
told emphatically that noir talk will
not be tolerated itt tbis Christian land,
A person with a loathsome or infectious
disease is quarantined until officially
cleansed and a dirty mouthed man or
boy should be put through a fumigating
process by a good stiff fine coupled with
a warning of its repetition unless the
obnoxious practice ceases. The child-
ren of. this Canadian land have a tight to
protection from the blasphemous tongue
of some bletant individual who rnistak-
ingly thinks he is putting on a heroic
Stunt, He bas another think coming,
ea-ae.,;:ae:a.,,,e.e.av=ezeiaa-eoo--sa voeseaeeetaae.-.;:,-- '
ie g-eiect la ttf:.e ep flee • b ' 0444,1e.eek,a, ss.eese+matiesoetet4,1,44,e,
Th Vaal
Suhscriptiou Kite
inanitgement of 'atm PosT
lute been mak big' earnest en-
deavors by all reasonable means
to avoid him etteing the rate of
subseription. The illereitile of
42 00 will be unevoidable bow-
vete- anti the eber let, leen,
Avill Lenity into
10 1.11, nue all
Lions lime] befly renewed
if the. 5!) lat.,. is to he secured.
$2 00 per ;rem must he paid for
all siihsei 1)11 j012 in arretus rtt.
*101,21' date.
This rule %ill he strictly ob-
eOhtriblIted Sohlethleg Worth While 4.
to the cem!ort 0! telve".ere tarot:gal if -IC)
mountaine, but a!! the world'e
A elem.., quality,
ereetret tegincel eee fot
them is the right ol diseitveiv and
disclosing to the thirsty voyageur
a fountain of refreshment that Iia
existed singe these mountaina were
tam mea throueli vole:tide action, long
As Seen From a Motor Car, by
John R. Gran.
"Nov that the needs of the ranch
have been pretty well taken care of
fur the present, the orange trees
sprayed, the walnut trees pruned, the
plowing, harrowing and cultivating
done, the irrigation ditches and later-
als cleaned out and ready for use
when the spring rains have spent
themselves, what say you to making
a trip to 'imperial Valley, that new
inland oasis away belnw the surface
of the sea?" Thus spake this wealthy
rancher, who owns one of the fittest
high grade citrus fruit and walnut
ranches in the state of California,
but who believes that best results
physically, mentally and fin-
ancially are only obtained when
there is a judicious admixture of
Work and play. This seasonable
suggestion was made in their beau-
tiful city home, where they only
spend their week -ends, the call of
the great out-of-doors appealing
alike to both himself and his good
wife, who enjoys the coveted distinc-
tion of being a native daughter.
There was no disposition to argue
the point at issue and as usual two
great minds were in harmony and
sought the same channel. The novel
proposition was eagerly adopted. The
big motor car was requisitioned and
given once over to see that every-
thing was in condition to withstand
what promised to be a most inter-
esting though somewhat strenuous
outing. Such persons as I have
described always have friends, They
have a compelling manner, and
seem only to be best pleased them-
selves when they are giving pleas-
ure to others. Their capacious car
will carry seven comfortably for
short journeys, but as the proposed
one is a long one and through ter-
ritory unknown to any of them, it
was quickly decided that each of the
principals invite one, making four in
all.. Of course the lady's choice was
bestowed on one who was a real
mother in Israel and companion. One
who had many times and oft known
what true hospitality could 11121111, and
the remaining place was conferred on
a mutual acquaintance who 11021
saw the last obstacle removed and
the course cleared that he also might
realize what unselfishness really con-
sisted in.
We are away to a good start, the
tire for the night to enjoy sweet re.
ladies being of vivacious and con-
vivial quality kept up a merry com-
ment on every swiftly passing object
of interest so that time and space
were equally lost behind us, as our
efficient pilot safely and swiftly led
the way into new but pleasant paths.
The day is nearly spent, we are
already well into the mountains. As
the shadows begin to lengthen we
see a signboard which interpreted
says "Engineer's Springs." Who en -
• I have a choice stock of
3: '.;
that should be seen
fore you place your Fall ;
order. +
Splendid values in +
*.i. Waterproof Coats 1,
4: that, are anre to stall:4y, 3:
4. Mir +
. P. Fraser +
11:15V on and we I
th, 111221V1l1 .4 1,r,t pale :1, supply yeu with alai. van -
tic tete1102 teeee regien with + 11 • 1"1"4,
aad weeping birchee mid- 4,
ding to the breeze, az. the sun hides -a f"-" LO UR
ite face below our newly found hori-
eon and attracted by the murmur of 4. TI ft Ii,k" a nu,' 1 1"Sal II"11""
4. hoot Tele l'ite None Motet , our
It mountain ste eam our mentor. + pricee8 e
counsellor and guide exclaimed: "En- *
tarry for the night," and there was T,
Phone 43
no dissenting voice, After selecting +
the most . secure place available, * W. J. McCracken *
where the Whole world seemed to be +
tilted up on edge, we alighted from
our faithful motor car that, after
lunch Noting and pairitetion hal de -
p., ered ue thie peel, found
home 111 the hale.
Wood and water, the essentials of
a good camping ground, sre here in
abundanee. The two ladiee alt deft
to the preparation of the evening re-
past while the other two male mem-
bees nf the party gathered food for
the flames, anti soon we sat down to
the best meal of the day, while our,
campfire cracAed away merrily to
the music of the bubbling brook.
I should have mentioned that in
our approach to Engineer's Springs
earlier in the evening we spied a
house "sat upon a hill" like a watch-
man upon the walls, and not wishing
to trespass we crossed the stream,
not knowing that we were soon to be
visited by our opulent landlord, who
measures his estate not by acres, but
by mountains, In the light of our
cheerful lire we see him approaching
and with an assuring greeting he bids
us make ourselves at home and to
use the neat pile of dry brushwood
which he was generous enough to in-
timate was left there by him for just
such purposes. It may be that we
were made more welcome from the
fact that he recognized one of the
ladies of our party, who in some pre-
vious year trod this desert path and
like ourselves had selected Engineer's
Springs as a place to rest, and Ile
promptly invited us to visit his house
00 our return journey.
The weather was perfect, with the
stars twinkling in the midnight sky
and to the music of running water,
we were soon in the land of dreams.
The 'morning broke quite too soon,
and after a hasty breakfast we
started early, as we had a lung trail
ahead of us in real mountains. The
pure air is bracing, the roads are
surprisingly good, the weather is
propitious and everything points to
another delightful day. We are
learning something about a district
not known to us before. We remark
the number of motor trucks heavily
laden, especially 111 their journey
eastward. No opportunity to ascer-
tain the origin or destination of this
modern development in transportation
unless it be that the painted inscrip-
tions "El Centre," "Bewley" or 'Im-
perial" give a clue to that portion of
it going east. Occasionally we catch
glimpses of the new railway from
San Diego to Yuma. It had, a pre-
carious and uncertain prospect for
over twenty years, hope deferred
had made the heart sick of the San
Dlegans, but as everything comes to
him who waits, the lonely dwellers in
these mountains have now their band
of glistening steel and are upon one
of the great transcontinental systems.
Thus far in the mountains we have
traversed a state highway The Por-
tion lying before us 15 in process of
construction. Temporary and im-
provised roads take the place of the
permanent one. They are not so
pleasant nor yet so safe to travel on,
and unlike the old wine, the worst is
left to the last.
We ane slowly but surely ascending
higher and higher and are now near-
ing the summit of the mountain range
by never-ending spiral climbings. We
descend abruptly for short distances
as our motor car dances merrily
along on the narrowest of narrow
ledges, while we round the sharp
curves which seem to suggest danger
if not disaster, but our general trend
is to greater altitudes, We seem not
to he on the eartb, but up in the
heavens Mountains seem to rise
above mountains, their peaks are
nearer, the mists creep down upon
them and swathe them in et silver
fleece. There is a constantly chang-
ing outline at every turn in our jour-
ney, Surely these mountains never
looked more beautiful than now. The
clouds threaten, but the landscape
smiles, and range beyond range dis-
appears in the angry sky. Fine
gleams of sunshine fall suddenly now
and then out of the gray sky and
rifts of wonderfiufly brilliant blue
shine through the breast of the storm
that threatens to arrest our progress.
Another turn in our shelf-like road
and we catch a slanting glance of an
outstanding peak, The lights and
shades seem to play upon It in all
their rugged geandeur. All the colors
of the rainbow are chasing each other
down its rocky slopes and now the
benediction of the golden sun light-
ens up the landscape. We see in a
distant valley what resembles the
glistening of water. We are now de-
scending rapidly towards a new level,
We view the landscape at shorter
range, As we roll through deep ra-
vines with their golden light and
passing shadows, the birds are on the
Wing :and the cactus rises stately
amid the trees, wild floweradd to the
beauty of the landscape, the foliage
is illumined and glowing and the
most opulent of meadows seems to
sleep in a vale of sunshi»e, A back.
ward look through the gap we have
traversed sees the whole landscape
bathed In a dome of silver. Never
utd memory 10Se such a picture and
long as the Stars bold their courses
reka, 1 have found it t Here let us SALT IN BULK.
litinesele 4,, co
lin' On, 5! at
pass with its kalelelscopic beauties
will be recalled with pleasant mem.
We are again on a finished dor-
tion of the highway, running straight
as an arrow into the desert beyond,
which in the distance and still below
ui, looks like 0100211 silver. In a
little canyon we pass clumps of
cactus and the black ashes of old
fires, and through the unalterable
silence of the desert are making a
flying leap to reach the new civilize -
Holt of Imperial Vallee'. We have a
new realizations of what it means to
be "alone in the desert." The fine
powderlike sand lay in undulating
ridges, while again tall spirals of it
like water, spouts whirled across our
path and the very desert seemed to
be in motion. Thunder storms occa.
stormily are heard in the western
ranges, but here the rains seem for-
ever to be denied to the desert.
Our course, and that 'of the new
teilroad, now seems to converge. There
are signs ot improvement visible,
fields l elfalfa and herds of cattle
begin to eppear, the soil has less sand
in it, irtegiolag ditches intersect our
course, Man's ingenuity has provid-
ed what nature seems to have denied
this valley,
We spend the night with strict im-
partiality between Imperial and El
Centro Cities , The weather is spring-
like, the evening cool, but not cold,
We dare not try to remember that
we are over three hundred feetbe-
sea level, or we might be too ex- ;
cited to sleep. After watching the 10
lovely gray of the filteeed moonlight 4,
we close our eyes. Filially dawn aa -
peen., not as we foend it high in the hi
range. The sky was If A blue that f
was hard to endure.
! le
After parteeing of some ref.ashment u
we resumed our pottrney, but this time c,
going in the opposite direction. to .e -
peat, it may be. ore former exper-
4,1;1 !AfItt,.i tat' Writ A
flikha WhSt taniie let
ot the few refreshment ceeeees to be
found on thie portioe of the journey.
%Otero food and water 1115 °Haiti, I
able, We spend an hour there. A
dusky, noisy traveller apparently in
a great hurry ancl driving a light
car, came along. After a brief stay
he prepared to start, not knowing
what we had just conte through a
ehort five tnilee ahead of him, bet
he dirl not long remain in that bliss -
fill condition. A tall, lanky son of
:Mit with a bulging hip pocket had
an argument with him. Just what
he aid to him we could not make
out, but it sounded like "You
emaciated desert rat." That seemed
to settle it, but what the Buckskin
carried 111 his hip pocket may bave
had something to do with it, for he
W111 an (Aker charged with keeping
peace in the mountains and seemed
least pleased when be was called by
eitieial title, which he was willing
ti, alive was that of "Sheriff " rhe
1144 :dent sat amicably settled wae
toue,h enjoyed by the ladles, and to
illustrate how the savage breast of
even a 'Sheriff' can be soothedi they
si en had him in a group picture,
li..iking radiant in his buckskin, but
the picture shows the revolver was
now lit the possession of oae of the
pathetic compantonshi
After experiencing the conteament
that comes from hard work arid syin-
that the cleverly designed extensioa
P, 0111 motor
expert explained for the first time
couch, which could be suspended from
the running board of the car and which
we had used as a most comfortable
ed, was of his own designing, thus
disclosing to us resources within him-
self of which we had never dreamed
before, but he said in justification that
we should know that he was solving the
labor question and it was to make that
philosophy Workable that he started in-
venting. We have made good progress
today notwithstanding the incident with
the sheriff. We pass through canyons
and some rich valleys of !hulled ex-
tent, through a few apparently pros-
perous but small towns and once more
we drop gradually end gracefully into
ttifTIN T1111191111111,11.1
Tht 6vaforth Oreeam
the canyon at Engineer's Springs,
blue of a California sky. For Sale
where the little spring mirrored the
Again we are at Engineer's jorings losgle'nfrdililt bur' °leis' 17I5Art: t dwiinTe pfoTsts%"1(o..n. 1A.7
and are soon "at home" with our host Pisan,
turn. Ile was the typical product of NS'. a. lit cliElntfiRlt,
whom we promised to visit on our re- "'"'
his environment, a sturdy son of the Wroxeter.
Bull for Service
1.--2,end your Crc:ul, to dm Lreamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
T. weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars sec our Agent, MR, T. C.
_-).201)(1 231o, Brusse,ls, or write to
M CA I [ I
Seaforth Creamery Co.
44 4 •+•444444444444444.24 00 ..;•9 +0 +40 +.2 4.0 5044 0 5 0.540.00G+.9454
Following ie a list of the selinol faits
0 be held this year in flacon County,
ith the date of ertell
Ginn rle-Thursdity, Sep'. 18.
Sept. 17
Pommes 18
Cilhortie-Monclay, Sept. 20.
Sept..5.111 IC 1 llop-.Tuead ay, 21
011ionii-Wedneeday, Sept 22,
St Ifeleite-NVedionality, %mt., 211
IValton--Thursilite, Sept. :10,
Wroxeter-- Monday, Det. 4.
Helga ve-Tnesdity. Oct. 0,
Blitevale,,laelday, Oct. 8
oil, and though over eighty years of
ge neither in his appearance did he
ok the port or in his actions betray
to long line of milestones that lay be-
ind him. Ile told us of the death of
s life-long help -meet five years be -
Ore, and of the lonely life he had since
d. The ladies accepted the novel sit-
ation and especially as we were to
lend the night there, assumed the role
hostesses in another's house and in-
(Oon Untied on page 5)
ur re urn journey was without
perticula, Incident until we arrived
at a place callee the Devil's Dell
where blasting tat an extended scale
was constantle• going on, and after
cur experience endeavoring to pass
it on 41 narrow ledge, while all above
and around us loose rocks threatened
to come down upon us, we were will.
and MOMS
To handle gravel for the
Good Roads System
North of Brussels.
Apply after 6 p.
J. Henry Hoover,
Road Commissionee,
Phone 2514 Con. 11, Grey Twp,
Dates of Neighboring Fairs
Following ie the list ot Fall Fairs
in this district :-
Teeswatee ............, ..... Oct 5 0
Wingluun . .... ......... .Sept. 80.001 1
Blyth................... Sept. 20-21
Dungannon ........ . ...... ..... Oct. 7.8
Milverton ......
Sept. 28.24
.......Sept, 24.25
• Oct. 5.6
Sept. 2021.
.... „. -Sept. 28.24
Fordwiell a Oct.
Ailsa aig . .Sept 22 23
Hay field ....... ...... Sept. 29.30
ottnnbo ..... Sept. 28.ro
Exeter. ..,.Sept, 20.21
Hanover Sept 23 2
Harristoli Sept. 23-2
Rirkton ..... „a. ..... ....Sept, 80, Oct.
London (Western Fair) --Sept. 11-1
Mitchell Sept, 282
Ottawa (Central Fair) ..... Sept,. 10 2
142. Marys ... ... .... Sept. 213-2
Stratford .. ..... ,.... -Sept, 202
Tavistock ..,... , ,........ ..... Sept, 27.2
Woodstock Sept. 22 2
souneesseeees 4560000116/0004811 .15WWW3W01)(00060001•0000000090
cradles' fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman.
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
11$ comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another "just like the last ones."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part ot
the buying.
Women's White Canvas Shoes Reduced
All lines of White Running Shoes at
Prices to clear.
Good values in Fine Harness, Trunks
ill price.
and Sat -
man Bros.
Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia
The undersigned will keep for service, on SI4
Lot 30, Con. 2, mortis township, the thoroI.bred
short Horn Bull, Gain ford of Salon, No,
,410418s-- Sired by Gainford Aletrquin (1011890) ;
Dem al 'hired VII by Royal Sailor 080601 Pfs14
ieree may be soon on appliration. Terms -
510.00 for thoro payable at time of set,
vice with privilege to return. Grade 0054.0 1101
• Being Let 25, Don. 14, Grey Township, eon.
• Wiling Meer., Si 110124 cleared nod balance
berdwood bush Good ft ante house and out.
huhdincs, amino wells .5e. 8 miles to Ethel
or McNaught Immediate poweasion. Far
, farther pertinulars as to prim?. terms, , ap-
,t ply P1101,,' 424 ex WM PARKER,
14. 2 Brussels P. 0.
matter of the notate ofJamen
I Ile, Dia older, late of the Township
of flrox, tho County of Huron
Yeoman, doom -wad.
Notice iti hereby given p0492851 10 "The Pe.
514,11 2151-111,. of Ontario," that n11 creditor..
and others having claims againat the estate of
the seal James Sutillie who dird on or
about the Ilth day of Mar, A, D. 1020, are re.
quired on or before the 27th day of September,
A.11 5520, to gond bv nest prepaid or deliver
to the undersi gned Enron tors of the raid 0418)0
or their Solicitor. theit. Chriatian 'Ind tur•
21501N, addreases and deseriptiona, the 2,111
particalars of their claims, the statement of
their aceounts nod the nature of the securities
Of any) held by thew
And further take ochre that after such last
mentioned date the RXPellt•Oril Will
prneeed to distritinte t 110 11,."14 of the deceased
among tho parties en itl d thereto, having re-
gard only to tho C1101,14 or which they shall
then hew. ted the said Executors will
not he liable for the mid essets tn. any part
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claim nutlet. 5111111 not have been received by
them /It I41,,i:tine or H11011 distribution.
A Dilte1.11120at elinton Otis 26th day of August,
W. BliTDONE Olinton, 01,510,u
WILLIAM TATT.012, (311nton, )
Solicitor for anidExentoors.
e1000,49494400•••••ooceeeeeelt••• 0,11.6.04.+4.•••*•••••••••+.44144 •
1 TtZe Palace akery
i Fi-or Loaf of read
Bread is Your Best food -:- Eat More of it
Phone 32X
10 00010.10+4.04.0++4,.404.4..4.4. 4$404...04 00420••4•••••4.104,
41 4, 4545 .5 5 44 4.404it 4.4440.4545.41400 40 0,5 45.4.415104145454.4.5 4,454 40.4) • 4.-.5444.4.545
• Students
May Enter Any Time
• :
o •
• We give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors e
• who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are •
o meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under
o Soldiers' ()ion lie -establishment Commission. s
« •
tAddress the College for Free Catalogue, to either 5*
4, Stratford or Wingharn i
5 *
604,04:5415.5******************* 5 4 0 40 4 45** 04, 45 5 4 5 5 4 4 44055444
51001.51111151E9M0065059029 WROMMITZWA WISEICINIMIatelantiatalM1101•MIWWW
Ship yzsur Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank,
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue,
Brussels Coaniery shut Bra.
j Props.
roftwww:wwww.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.werev.r.6,0.5.24,...-4.,,,,1104 •