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The Brussels Post, 1920-9-9, Page 8
Ise,F t, .tl s: e',•" ":,:' �'-'•=`�n.,+e w�"�w n J n"4~,v--`4 ., 1�1 .A sJ 444044'‘'W,.S,Ftr'4'ti„tdsee S!i'tSE 4feer49'7•`'*'l, ' fY i R Ii T StoreG Re •i ▪ The Autographic feature tells when and where each picture was taken. Kodaks from S11.21 up Brownies from hlondey and Thursday we Develop Films. Tuesday and Friday we Print Pictures. Bring in or mail us your Films. We will do the rest, Every Good Time x AK -I• 4, it.: School Supplies i 12 B SVHTH rhe et,,‘,1...c,la Stare Public School Banks High School Books Standard Note Books Water Colors School Bags Scribblers, Exercise Books And all School Accessories. Housekeeper's Requirements Pure Pickling Spices Corks for Bottles Parawax, Sealing Wax in Tins Rubber Rings for Jars A fail supply. Druggist and Stationer 6 r • •••{.•4+•40+•-1.84•+0+64.+0+s 4• +e 4.4.44 4.0+6+.3.4-• .1.3•+d -h0464.• goal e Wm SEPTEMBER. SenooL bell summoned the students to study last Tuesday. There are numerous rural pupils iu atteudance. D, D, G. M. WILTON, Brussels, and staff are installing the new officers in the various I. 0. 0. F. lodges, in this District. HoatE•MAnE Baking Sale will be no at Public Library Audience room Satur- day of this week, from 3 p. m. It is in charge of the Ladies' Aid of the Metho dist church. See advt. SOME RADISH.—Tuesday a radish was brought tones POST from R. Thuell's garden that measured 13 incite• in length and about ix inches in circum- ference. It was a heavy draft all right. New Ford cars were purchased this week by Dr. McRae and Doc. Warwick, town, Wm. Hollenbeck, Ethel, and D, Johnston, Walton, from D. hl. Sco't, local agent, L. Williamson bought a I Fordson tractor and Oliver plow from the same representative and will now push operations stronger than ever. BURIED AT Tessa/Anne—Last Sunday G. C. and Mrs. Manners attended the funeral of Adam Case, an uncle of the former,Pride near Wiartodied last st Y. , aged ea veers. He was buried at Teeswater. Mrs. Case pre -deceased him by 4 years. They had no family. Mr. Case was the last of his generation. TAG DAYAT BRUSSELS FAIR.—The Fall Fair Directorate has given the W. C. T, U. permission to make the Fall Fair an occasion to push the sale of tags, pro- ceeds to be applied toward a fund for the eulargemeut of Willard Hall, 'Tore onto, a home tor young women who are employed in the Qtteen city, Read the advt, concerning it in this issue. Ladies will serve lunch at the Fair, don't for- get. THOS. LEATRERDALE DECEASED,—Last Saturday Thomas Leatherdale died in Toronto from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. He leaves a wife and daugh- ter. Mr. Leatherdale was a first-class artist and did a large business, 2 years ago he bad the first stroke, He was a brother to Richard Leatherdale, Brus- sels, Mrs. Landeaboro' and Mrs, S. Hog- gard, in the West. Another sister, Mrs. Innes, died a Caro Mleh„3 weeks ago. Miss Laura Leatherdale attended the funeral from town.Deceased was 51 years of age and had often visited in Brussels and was a fine fellow. KENNEDY—BALLANTYNE. — The mar- riage took place Wednesday of last week, at r o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Turhberry street. Braesels, only relatives being present. of Anna Lovette, eldest daughter of Tno, and Mrs, Bal. jantyue, to Rev. T. E. Kennedy, B, A., pastor of Ethel and Cranbrook Presby. terian ohttrohes Rev. A. T. Mann, 13, A., performed the aerernony and Miss Isabel Strachan, cousin of the bride, played the wedding march and also sang "When Song ie Sweet” while the register was being signed, There were no attendants and the bride was given away by her father. She was neatly costumed in a suit of brown Bolivia cloth with feather hat to match. After congratulations and dinner the newly married couple left on the afternoon train for a short honeymoon to Guelph, Toronto, Oshawa Imd other places, Out of town guests included :--W. B. and Mrs, Ballantyne, Emerson, Man. ; W. J, and Mee. Hunter, Oshawa; Thos. and Mrs. Roach, Holyrood; Jno. and Mrs, Kennedy and William Kennedy, Ripley. On their return Rev, and Mrs, Kennedy will take up housekeeping in the mouse at Cranbrook. TRAINS from the East h, ve been late owing to the Toronto ExtUbition. CONTINUATION and. Public Scilla Brussels, opened 'Taesday a m. Nu changes iu the staff. L. C. Ross and R. F. Downing took 4th prize at the Bowling mut nip eut nt Seaforth in doubles. Co:npetitiou was aeeu. A COUPLE of sgnaxes were in been Fri- day with a number of baskets They said business wee no good but would-be customers thought their prices too high. BxruiT Photo, finishing, Developing 6n a roll. Printing, any size, 8o'Arleen. Postage paid. JAOKSON STUDIO, Uh esley. 11.2 83 Seeking Pigs and Sows for sale. Will sell separate or together. BOY BENNETT, Phone 804 Lot 2, Con. 17, Grey. BUGGY Duster found. Owner mar have it by proving property and_aaying for this notice at THE Pon" Publishing House. Fon SALE, -Good senond.h'nd steel tire bug- gy. Apply to D. LwTtnsON, Plume 2510. Fon ,iTE.-Household furniture. Apply to F. DavitMON, over Ford Garage, Brussels, FOR SALE. -A Rued wire -wheel buggy with solid rubber tires, A. PARKER, Lot'' 25, Oon. 14, Grey, Phone 484 A LIMITED quantity of mirk for sale. Apply to Jouu STARLING, Phone770, 2 Helfer Cetves tor sale, ono part Jersey, 5 and 0 mon th. old. &mien W Rleiel aLn, Phone 5010 Graham's Survey, Brussels. 4 Good Durham Cow., for sale, 2 will calve in September Fold'? in October. Apply to Phone 41 14. R. 93Unnoon, ermmels. 5 Young Piga for sale. Lot s, Con. 14, Grey. ,Iona ALC00E, Phone 425. Cnitm's black corded silk gnat lost betwe'u John Hunter's, Ctranbrenk, and Cheater Balr- er's, 911 Con. Grey. Will finder kindly oblige by telephoning 5013 or 6.97. Oassseri BAKER.`,', 1)rr. nen. T. ISa .tse has just reamed from Boston, having completed a year of post.gred- nate work in Elm, Nose a d Throat at Harvard university, He will be in Bromide on Sept. 14th and 16th. Anpolntenents for consultation Coll be made at Biix Dr. Bryana has' located in Toronto and will limit his practise to diseases of Bnr, Note and Throat, WANTIAD Beard in refined home for 10 yearn Rid wheel girl, close to R. Cr, Chnralt end school. Reply stating tetwi to 111 lie J. II. PnENTICE, R, R, 1, Ethel. Fon SA1,E,-0 choice Single Comb Annan nneltei'ela, from heavy laying stook, D. DATInanN, Lot 0, Con. 12, Grey, FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot 1, Concession 2, Gray Township, adjoining Jemeatewn. For further partianlare apply to Sire. D. M. Comore, 17 Ridout St., London, Out, Fon TALE.--HOree, wagon and harness. Prices to snit, H. L. STEWART, Henfryn, P.EPRnae ''.v' Va WANTED for Brnaaele Nod Huron Cnnnty to represent "The Old Reliable FoothillNurseries." T3ig Bales are to b0 mode ao 1inn ion dock dnripg ue r nnn - aaet ncnud sl period, e n , .0 eplentd, ildaropportunity pafor a live salesman. Highers oommissions d07147mfne oitpomnffi e xErA WNLLNGmnN, Toronto, Oat, DR. Pemena, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervone cliaeases euoaeaefully treated, Visits reeidencee, Consultation at kueen'a Hotel, HE 'roof: norloxs Too.—Is tine En. trence Examination report of Brussels sebeol the pante of Grahme Stewart WAS reported among those who pissed but minus honors. On receipt of his marks he is credited with honors and we are glad to add hie name to the now eom- piete list of our school ail of whom took honors, The record is a fine one and should commend itself to all interested in school effair'. bliss Annie Geddes is the teacher of that department. SERIOUS ACCIDENT,—Ono day lest week as Ronald M, Sinclair, of Windsor, sou of W. M and Mrs, Sinclair, Brus. sels, was rifling on his motorcycle he was ran into by an auto and badly bruised by the collision. The motorist never stopped to enquire Si 10 damette dont. Barrister Sinclair went to Wind. sot. ns encu 50 the accident WAS reported. The patient Is making favorable progress we are glad to hear and oid friends here hope he will soon be as well As ever. U a41 tY it yl , :" l }whitey t.o le J Vettee it+. t. ,t tics, to tee etti rt h ee, Toon e PRIZE. —U C. Ross and A. S+r:ielinu. R. F. llownii'ii •-1mi Dr. While .0 lead, d t u ti',w ru, tout erne,, u in Scotch domes,a' Livutwet, lest Atuo- laY ,o ri It; OM (,tui fl is lith.,: and tie recline t uk 3 d pr z:, a pa'r ul electric toasters and the ether Bile:eels representative' t•Timed the 6+b uwerd Bt tiseeli. eeneralli" teatiagee to tine in the Kepi winning. CJMINO Ii:EN '.•-- bord Ower ' Pie Ric Friday. Fall Fah T.aesday and Weduesday next i ihndis- Church District ineetinr et Ripley rie..t Tueed.l' lencert tut 'Ibwu flail itljii eve' meets. Tag Day for Willard Hall, Toronto, ou Fair Day. Women's Institute Concert Oetcher 2 LSh, "Union" Harvest Elome, Ethel Circuit, Sunday and Monday, Sept. 12 & 13. Garden Party at Wm. Shoidice's, Walton. qth inst. MISCELLANEGus SHOWER.—Friday evening, Aug. 27th, at the home of Miss Hazel Lowry, a miscellaneous shower was given Miss Lovette Ballantyne by her girl friends. After having "A Flowery Romance" contest, mode 011 the piano and ukeleles, the hi ide-'o be was presented with n fishing rod with which she fi=tied many pretty gifts from behind the piano. Each gift was ac. companied with a rhyme containing good wishes and advice. Toe gif's consisted of cut glass, silver, china, linen, ahnminum, etc. Miss Ballantyne thanked her many flirt Iriends for the pleasant surprise. A tasty lunch of ice cream and cake was served. WINGHAM PLAYED BEAT BALL.—At the' 3rd and deciding contest between Wing - ham and Cargill Base Ball teams, play- ed here on Victoria Park, in the North Wellington League, 1Vingham tvon with a half innings to spare. They had the better batters and fielders too, although the score was close' enough to be most interesting and good ball was played iu streaks. Umpires Daum, Palmerston, and Rocker, Listowel, dealt out the law, There was a large attendance, over $250 being taken in admissions. Money was divided between the 2 clubs. Wiugham was whitewashed 4 times 'and Cargill got 5 applications. Morgan a id Thomp- son pitched good ball, Telfer relieving former in 8th innings. Catchers were Johnston and Anderson, who did their part o. k. Best team won. Conte a- gain. ieleSeergeat fi HONE ON .: I a h lice quality. .i• SUGAR ' • Mugar ac»4.u1 i�: nosy nn and we - .i. rats supply you withany grew :n h tilt' at rrttvitnnldc prieee. ,h Tty rt bag of our Royal House. t' hold Flour. ;sotto better. Our T. priree a,,t tight, SALT He BULK. Phone 43 W. J. MMle0ratcken e++++++.+++++++++++++++++++ Mrs, J, Little is making a visit with Toronto friends. Miss Lola Willis visited in Toronto during the past week. Mrs, 0, Cook, 'Toronto, was visiting Mrs, John Little, town. The ladies are cousins. Eleanor, daughter of lames and Mrs. Henderson had her tonsils removed last week. Miss May Armstrong purposes taking a Course at the Business College, Listowel. Bert Lot Wens been enjoying an outing to 'Toropi0, Niagara Falls and other points of interest. Rolph Pryne, 'Toronto, is holidaying at the home of his grandparents, R. and Mrs. Leatherdale, Mrs. Thomas Lott and Miss Lott were visiting at Whitechurch, Wing - ham and Wroxeter. Mrs. John Lott was away for 2 weeks visiting her old borne at Oshawa and also calling on friends in Toronto; R. Leatherdale is home from a visit of the past few tnoutlis with relatives in Winnipeg, He visited at Toronto en route, W. J. and Misses Amanda and Eva McCracken, Mrs. Fred, McCracken and Jack motored to Paisley where tbey spent Labor Day with relatives. Walter Rose and R. F, Downing were at Zurich on Thursday and witnessed the League Base Ball match with Strat- ford. Score was a tie, 4 4. Stratford won in a former game at the Classic city. Miss Edna Ritteuger, of Kitchener, was a visitor with Mrs. Fred, Wood as were Mrs. N. H. Good and Mrs. Mc- Dermott and baby, from British Col- umbia. Mises Anna, Mina and Clara Hunter left this week for a holiday with their brother, Rev. Wm. Hunter, ot Clark's Summit, Pen. They trill be away a crimple of weeks. Editor W. B, Ballantyne; of the Emerson (Manitoba) News and Mrs Ballantyne, have been renewing old frieudahips iu town. The former was a graduate of Timm Tose. Mrs, (Rev,) T. Wesley Cosecs, Ottawa, accompanied her sou, his wife and baby Kathleen to Brussels from Bryauston, and enjoyed a re -union with many old friends that was mutually appreciated, Mrs. George Baeker is back to town after au extended stay with relatives In Winnipeg nod North Dakota and looks fine. Miss Pearl Baeker accompanied her ou the homeward trip atter rpend- icg her vacation in the West. Last week D and Mrs Stewart, of Woodstock, N, S., were calling on old friends in Brussels. Mrs. 8, was Miss Mary Hroadfoot of other clays and has it wenn place in her heart Lor Bi easels and locality, 'Th,y look a run up here from Toronto where they had combined busi- ness and pleasure in their trip, Mr, S ewart is a hardware merchant. Both he and his wife credit golf with keeping them in vigorous health. O'd friends were very pleased to see them bolding their own so well, t1 People We Talk About t tt tt D. McGregor, Hamilton, is holidaying in town. S. Bailey and Fred. Wood were at Wasbnga Beach, 5 and Mrs. Weinstein and family are away on a holiday outing. Miss Lizzie Downing spent the past week with Toronto friends. Newton Good has been visiting with Merrier Wood for the past few weeks. Miss Edith McLauchlin,'Toronto was a visitor with relatives over the week end - Mrs. 0. M. Chowen and family are visiting relatives and friends at Oweu Sou ud. Miss Jessie Cunningham, Toronto, was here for a holiday week or so at ber parental home. Miss Inez McNichol, of TUE POST Staff, spent the nest week visiting rola• tives in Seaforth, Mrs. Russel Lowry, Chicago, hes been here on a visit at the parental home of her husband. Allan and Mrs. Babcock, of the Soo, are visiting with Jit:, and LIrs. Retina. Wien and outer friends. Mrs. 'Trueman Burgess, St. Thontss, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. (Dr ) McNaughton, Mill street. S Carter arrived hack from the West on 'Tuesday Mrs Carter and Miss Myrtle will follow before long. Miss Mae Lloyd, Winghem, and Mrs. Pelimau and children, 'Toronto, were visitors 'si + n with Miss Laura Leatberclale, Jacob and Mrs. Millin and daughter, Dorothy, Niagara Falls. N Y , have been visitors at the home of Jc,o. Sper- ling, bliss Liu. Colvin has been engaged as Milliner by Miss Inman for the coming season Mis'i Za:feldt has returned to Miss Ross' millinery rooms. Mrs. Russell Wheeler and little daugh- ter, Gertrude,. of Rencatdine, are visit- ing et the home of J. H. end Mrs. Gal- braith. Ladies are sisters. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and family were visitors at Mrs Wm Rnss' this week. He supplied Atwood Presby. tcrtnn emirate pulpit for several weeks, Mrs, Frank Mayers Batt Miss Buena. den McMurtrie, both of West Superior, Wis„ are visitors with Mrs, Chris. Seel, They are sister and noise of the hostess. Miss Edith Deaclman, B. A., leaves this week For Edmonton where she has received an appointment as instructor in Household Economics 111 the University of Alberta. Dr. F. T. Br •sus has been visitingin S Brussels since returnin from Boston. He purposes locating in Toronto and will take up specialist work and will no doubt do well Miss Pritchard, Harriston, was a visi- tor with Mise Elesil Stewart. The lat- ter Went to Galt to fill her position as Kindergarten teecher In the school there. We with iter success, Miss Dorothea Slalirtlyd will attend the High School at Listowel taking up studies for xst Class 'Teacher's certifi- cate, She passed the Normal Entrance but is too young to go to Normal, Joon Hargreaves and party, Toronto, were holiday visitors in Brussels last week. The former was a well known druggist here for a number of years and spent a busy afternoon calling on old friends, Dr, Harold Armstrong, of this locality bas opened up practice in Toronto, his office in the meantime being over his brother Glenn's drug store, en1Uer Oak- wood and St, Clair streets, Old friends here wish him A t success, Misses Gertrude and Doris Rose and Dr, Vernon Rests left for Fort William last Friday, They motored to Sernia and took the boat. The ladies Dom- inenoed their dales As teachers on Tuesday and Vernon as Dental Inspec- tor, • filen and Teams WANTED To handle gravel for the Good Roads System North of Brussels. .Apply after 0 p. m, to J. Henry Hoover, Road Ooulmissionet', Phone 2514 Gon, 11, Grey Twp. ' -tai.,.. e �. •`�.. Wheat ] el & , Certificates MTS Bank has special facili- 1. ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel as authorized by the Wheat Board. TH E STANDARD DANK OF CANADA 545 C,,itni, Surplus end Undivided Profit. $0,100257.12. BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Miss Edith Lott, Wingharn was visit- ing in town last week. Mrs. G, H, Samisod son, Finlay, were at Toronto and Claremont for a holiday. Chas. Howlett, Queen street. has been ill with an attack of pleurisy but is improving we are pleased to state. Miss Grace Thompson, of Tis POST staff, bas been laid up with inflammation In her eyes but is improving uicely. Miss Elsie Sperling, nurse in training at Guelph hospital, is enjoying a vaca- tion of a couple of weeks at the bottle of her mother here. Miss Mamie Hall 1$ attending Listo- wel high School preparing the way for ber Ist Clkss Teacher's certificate. We wish her fine success, Last Monday Ward Buchanan left for Trenton where he has accepted a position in a Butter factory. He is an experienced hand and we wi- sh him suc- cess. Misses Mabel and Maggie Garton and Mrs, Rutledge, brussels, were visttiog their mother, Mts. Garton, sr., at Whitechurch, who bas beep ill ; but we are pleased to be able to report she is improving nicely, Chas. and Mrs Bryaus, of Colborne, Out., are renewing old friendships in towu and locality, The former is a sou of Wtn. and Mrs. Bryaus and is Manag- er of the Standard Bank In his toevn, He was formerly teller in the Bank here and was well and favorably known. At Killarney Heights the following visitors have been e:njoyiug the hospi- tality ot W. F. and Mrs. Stretton :—W, C. Stratton, Lancaster, Ohio ; J. H, Stratton ami Claude and Mrs Thomp- son, Kansas city. They are relatives of the host and hostess. ) H Stretton is a Brussels old boy and Mrs. TI'ompsoo is his daughter. They were welcome to town, Mr. Thompson 10 Fuel Inspector on the Uuien Pacific Railway. 130R HAa11LTON.-At Bluevale, on August alt 1920, to Mr. nod Mrs, Robert Hamilton, a daugh- ter. M4RRIED KEINN EDY-BALLAimrsE.-At the hone of the bride's parent", by Rev. A, J. March B, A., ou September let, 1020, Rev. T, E. Kennedy, B. A„ Oraibrook, to Miss Anna Lovette, daughter of Mr. and Mr". Jno, Ballantyne, Brussels, STuOmHae-OUtrsINGa -At the Mane°, Wel- ton, byRev, R. A. Lundy, on September lot,1525, Mr. Stanley E. Struthers, Done- gal, to hiss Myrtle Umnminge, Munorleff. Car of Fertilizer HERE Basic Slag Price $30.0o per ton. Alf. Byrn ker Phone 5 Brussels •0•o40oso0•s••••••Oso•*O0• a6'•9b•6.OTei4Dm406s4,*••o©402© a • 4 • 6 e 4 1 a 4 • s • 4 • •v A e 4 4 4 4 4 • •a 0 • • • • • 4 4. • 4 b s. O 4 a Y ,t I: Y a m .- , l .':LL MILLINERY • • 0 0 4 e • • 0 d 0 • 8 • P 0 • 0 • M. E. ROSS BRUSSELS • 4 .asaaao•a+0OA44s••eo•s4mo+• ••••0•o••OOss••••••••••••• -*'-O'77`O®","Ymir•Ir IPTt„v"4,'W-w' OUR New Millinery is now on dis- play and will be found to be At- tractive, Fashionable and Fair Priced. As no Formal Opening will be held the Ladies of Brussels and community are cordially invited to call and see the Up-to-date Goods. ��,Iry�,y����� ��.r���wr,ry�y�y�b�u��.44/�,�f,p,p q �n�y1�,���lE�/�,�r,,�/A,�y p�x�„4 oaaai'gaNagilIQt4,Iiisago�AtDixgD press 30095YinessQ5L10�IF'idi111d fi 4Y m 85 85 d I. Sto l'L>Il: ekly Store News I Amateur Mout 3 e a s igo oZ a a"1 6s 9 tt a e 90 r a 85 5 cs c5 9, •A • 5 a r is • .e 0 0 YY 52 9, What about your Snaps ? Are you having perfect satisfaction in the treatment of then ? Our business in this department is steadily in- creasing. There must be a reason. We would like to add your name to our list. Per- haps you would let us develop your next film. Either dull or glossy finish, price the same in either case, Prompt Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Heinz Olive Oil Is the brand we sell and there is none better—Pute, Rich and very Pal- atable. Price the same as the oheap- er varieties— $1.25 per pint New Papeterics - Good Stationery is always a mark of dietioction. 0 u r stock at present is ' very complete, 25c 35c 50c tic OOc Good assortment. Tarlac 7,000,000 Bottles in 2 years The above figures represent the won- derful sale of one of our beet Tonics —Tattlers. We are sole agents. Hydrogen Peroxide Get the best. Ours is made by the well known firm— Perke Davis & On, 25e per bottle - Pett was on a sinking ship and was watching with interest the fran- tic passengers grabbing life preservers, putting them on and jumping overboard. "Shure” said Ire, "If every body le stealing I can too." Immediately he pialtedup n heavy pine or Iron and jumped overboard with it. Mouth Organs New stock again to hand. Splendid a8AO1'tmeut. See then. JAMES Fax DRUGGIST and STATIONER 0 r ssesseeessesesesse00 a0s00esseeSetsta00M e00eeeeeseeeessom DIED BROWN, -In Grey Township, on September 4th,10.20, Stolle G, Dunbar, beloved wife of B. Brown, aged 88 yeere, 7 mouths and 4 days. LEATnenoALR.-Tu Toronto, on September 4111, 1020, Thos. Leatherdale, aged 52 years. PAICL-Ia Grey Township, on August 00th, 1020, John Parr, aged 75 genre. PRLToN. At Brockville, on September 8th, 1080 R S. Pelton, proprietor of the Iro- quois News, aged 52 years. IN MEMORIAM HALL -In loving memory or our dear eon, Pte. Wm. J. Hell, 181st Balt„ 1ei1100 in ac- tion, Upton Woods, France, August 801h, 1018. God knows hos' much we miss him, More than loving words eon tell : Not n day have we forgotten him Since he bade ns his farewell. Daily in our minds we see him As we did 1n days of yore, But we hope some day to meet him On that bright and golden shore, -LUTING FAmnc n, 11107.1ER, SUUTE It AND BR°TRaRa, BRUSSELS MARKET Peas 1 855 Barley Butter 55 Eggs 68 Hoge 10 76 Farm for Sale Being IMO 23, Con. 14, Grey Township, con- taining 100 noree, 00 acne eleared and belanrs hardwood bush. Gond frame house end out- buUdinga, orchard, wane, &e. 0 miles to Ethel or McNaught. Immediate possession. For further particulars an to price, terms, .0 ,, ap- ply on the premises. Wal. PARKER, Phone 484 13. R. 2 Brussels P. 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. --In the matter of the estate of James emli- 1re, the Oldor, Into oftho Township of Gray, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, docoasori. Notice is hereby Given pnredanb to "The lie. Oiled Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors and others having define against the astute of the said Jamas Smillie, Who died on or about the 11th day of May, A. D. 1920, ere re - of September, A I1) ure10"20, to sennd by post preon or bore the 97th paid 0' deliver to the uudersignedl8xeeutora of the said estate or their Sulioltor, their Christian and enr- n5aea, addresses old descriptions, the full partionlare of their olninns, the statement of their necoants and the nature of the aecurftlre (if any) held by them. And further take nonce that after such last 2 85 mentioned date the wild. Executors will 1 26 proceed to distribute the aseete o1 the cleoeased Bamong the parties entitled thereto, having re• gnrd only to the etnrme o1 which they ebxll 20 00 men have notice, mid the said Executors will not be liable for the acid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the thus o1 snub distribution. Dated at Clinton this 26th day of August, A. D30.11192014 JOHN A. ITATAP, Walton' Exeauto ra AM TAYL R Boron WILLIAM O U W. B1YDClinton,Out. Solicitor for said Execuo rs, For Sale Splendid brio], house with Pentium, Two lots, 91'ruit trees. Inrnedinte pass°aetoc . Ap- ply to W, 0. MOK.ERUHISR, D 4 W roxelan FACT AbOUT V1ILLAD KAL The Home for Young Business Girls at Toronto Willard Hall was established to provide a suitable temporary home for youlig girds who had no homes in the city. Willard Hall ie centrally locat- ed at 20 (Retard Street Ilusat, in convenient wallting distance from the business district Willard Hallrovidea comfort: able bedrooms for business girls at minimum rates with board. Willard Hall maintains a large, bright dining hall, where three good, substantial meals are served to the girls each day. Willard Hall provides a reading room, music, room, reception room and pavlova where the girls may meet and entertain their friends, either.' giele or boys, \Villar11 Hall maintains sewing roolifa on Lite second and third floors, and laundry facilities in the basement, which the girls have the privilege of using for the nominal charge of 25 cents a month. Willard Mall tnaiutaice a girls' gymnasium, The ladies in charge of Willard Hall are experts 1 mann e- t home trent and letto in housekeeping. They know bow to "mother." gide, and exercise it wise 6uperviaion unob- te Iasi vett', These years is the maximum period of residence at Willard Hall. A. girl 16 considered to hove sufficient experionoe in three years to be able to look after her- self and let some other and younger girl have her room. For apace in Willard Hall is at a premium. 200 More Rooms are Needed The new building extension will provide rooms for 200 mora girls. We have a large list of applicants waiting. Our plans call for an ex- penditure of $150,000. The lot is cleared, ready to build on, free of debt and Incumbrance, The efforts of the ladies of Brussels W..(7, T. U. will be directed to- cvfuds the raising of funds on Fair Day, Septernber 15th, to help pay for this new building. Be generous, ''onngirls from Brussels and locality who plan to go to the city may live to bless the wisdom of your kindnese, W.C.T.U. Tag Day, Wednesday, Sept. 15