HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-9, Page 7Fseret:hman Tells Secret of PALLID HEELS Long life. M. Jeno Pinot has written numerous volumes on et-l011BM: subjects and has Met coinpleted a treatise on longevity which embraces the results of twenty years of study, says a Paris despatch. Ile cites scores of chaos of Europeans who have lived for more than a cen- tury under conditions and in tem- peratures not greatly different from those !tore to -day. Moreover, 74, Fi- t s travel- ling e std nearly 'ala old i Fl - not 1!i t 1 70 ye Y S ennstuntly, according to his friends, he is as sprightly as a youth of 21. But let him tell his own story; "It is very easy to live to be 100," he said. "First, when you reach 70 don't begin Lo fear death. No ono! mast say, 'I ala nearing the end.' On the oenlrary, keep thinking that only 1 half your life has been passed. En- deavor to live in an atmosphere of con- i stunt auto -suggestion, instead of suf- fering from a false idea of death, "But this is not enough, Keep your interior and exterior organiems healthy, Keep the skin free from im- perfections• Learn to eat and to drink properly, Drink less and less and eat less, Masticate thoroughly, Above all, do not neglect to pass ten minutes in gymnastics every morning before breakfast, "That is all. Take plenty of pleasure in life, bttt do not abuse the plea- sures." hT, Pinot called attention to the fact that religious history is filled with in- cidents where such routine as he advo- cates prolonged life, for the saints achieved more than double the usual span, Solomon's Riches. The extensive ruins of ancient forts, temples and goel workings in Rho- desia have given rico to considerable.i controversy from time to time, some archeologists contending that they are only 400 or 500 yeare old and other Bolding that they date back to at least 2000 years before the Christian era, i and that Rhodesia was the Land of Ophir, mentioned in the Bible at chap- ter IX and X of I Kings. It is noteworthy that Milton, in "Pe -radii -to Lost," book IL, speaks of the Ilugel Michael leading Adam to a hill of Part—Oise from whose top Ilis eye night there command where- ' ever stood CIty of old or modern fame, from the walls of Cambaln to * * * Sofalo (thought Ophir) to the realm of Congo, and Angola, farther south. The theory has been advanced that if lthodcsia was not actually Ophir, it was at least the "Havilah" whence the gold of Ophir was obtained and which was so much in evidence at Solomon's enteitaiament of the Queen of Sheba. if this theory Is lorrect then Sofala of to -day would be the site of "Tlinr.;hioh," the ancient seaport of "Havilail," and the outlet for precious stones, metals 01111 other merchandise. Ophir being situate in all probability on the southern coast of Arabia and constituting a dtstributiug emporium rather than the place of origin of these things. Perfects Airplane to Explore Africa. A new type of hydro -airplane, .oper- ated by three helices, has been com- pleted and will be marketed soon by Jean Latham, son of Hubert Latham, who two years before the war met his death while hunting in the Congo, says a Paris despatch. Scientists here prophesy that Mr. Latham's invention will greatly tenni- tato exploration work in the Interior of France's colonies, as it combines three great factors—speed, carrying power and comparative lightness of equipment, and furthermore is able to use the smallest streams in case of asaident. The cabin contains room for four passengers as well as compartments for reserve supplies of petrol, food wirelecs apparatus and machine guns, all of which are in a birch back canoe body. All the machinery for the opera- tion of the craft Ls above the heads of the passengers. In trial tests the tydro-airplane, car- rying throe tons, mounted half a mile in four minutes, a mile In eight minutes and three miles in thirty- four minutes. The speed test showed a maximum of a hundred miles an hour, which was easily attained. MEAN ANAEMIA New Health Can be Obtained by Enriching the J3lood Supply. when a gi/1 in her teens, becomes peevish, !telecom and dull, when noth• Ing seems to interest her and dainties do not tempt her appetite you may be certain that she needs more good blood than her system is provided with. Before long her pallid chcoks, frequent headaches and breathless- ness and Heart palpitation wi11 minim that she le anaemic, Many niothors as the result of their own girlhood ex- perience can promptly detect the early signs of anaemia and the wise mother does not wait for the trouble to de- velop further, but at once gives her daughter a course with Dr, Wlilimns' Pink Pills, which renew the blood sup- ply and banish anaemia before it has obtained a hold on the system. Out of their experience thousands of mothers know that anaemia is the sure road to worse ills, They 1/now the difference that good red blood makes in the development of woman- ly health. Every headache, every gasp for breath that follows the slightest exertion by the anaemic girl, every Pain she suffers in her back and limbs it you have not taken • iroaches are re a I the best steps to give your weak girl new blood, and the only sure way to do so is through the use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills, New, rich, rod blood le infused into the system by every dose of these Pills. Prom this new rich blood springs good health, an increased ap- petite, new energy, high spirits and perfect womanly dovelopmert. Give your daughter Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and take thein yourself and note how promptly their influence is felt In bet- ter health. You can get time pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail post. paid at 50 coats a box or six boxes for $2,50 frani The Dr, 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Cut flowers will keep fresh much longer if an inch of the stem is slit before petting them into the water. Lightning struck a telephone run- ning alongside a Scottish football - ground, causing so great a concussion that the players were thrown to the ground. 5* Metal Honey Comb. "Comb foundation" (originally the invention of a woman) is a familiar commercial product nowadays, being made of beeswax and turned out by 0 simple, machine that somewhat re- sembles a elot/102 wringer, Rectangular sheets of this material aro placed iu the frames of the bee- hive, and, being already laid out with suitable foundations for the coils, they relieve the bees of just that fetch work, tho industrious insect% having only to build up the walls to such height as the, spacing of the frames permits. A new idea, said to have proved entirely enece5sful, fs that of making the foundation sheets of aluminum in- stead of beeswax. 'When tho metal has been brushed lightly with melted Wax it servos the purpose just as well, the bees being quite content to build upon it, Ono advantage of the telumi- nunt sheets is that they are not fragile. (1we11 Setllld, Canada's yetlitgeat City, claims to be the only place in the Dominion which hasetwo' V,C.'s tall of its own ---Colonel "Billy" Bishop, the famous aviator, 'and rs5'gt, Tommy 1I011ne5, V,C. ,._. �....�..� . In Japan straw is converted into bags for grain, shoes for the feet, raincoats for the body, roofs for houses, paper mats, screens, beds and numerous other articles. M !nerd's Liniment For Dandruff. Stiff Hats Protect Miners, All over Europe, in. the alining tricte, underground workere are re - (Mired by their employers to wear stiff hate. In Franca and Germany these head coverings are eunmmonly of papier 11100110. British millers wear ecift-pad- ded cape, or eometimos tight-fleing caps of sole leather rosarnhling a jock- ey's In pattern. This style of head- gear has saved many a "pitman," crawling through a low coal bed, from the 11111101100 of It broken head by en- counter w11h a rock. When the subways of New York and Philadelphia were in process of eon- etructiolt the engineel'e and lnborerr, to safeguard their heads, allowed their !lair to grow very 1011g and wore Yale hats or demi-fitting caps, In the Lake Superior district at the present time the miners usually wear stiff hats. 1n metal mines such a protection 1s epacially valuable, A small piece of rock falling dowel a *shaft may kill a man if it strikes him on the head; but a stlff hat may save 1110 life. Ernpire Press Delegates in Evangeline's Land. Five continents were represenlod at the unveiling of the statue of Evange- line, Grand Pre, NOVEL Scotia. Nearly all those present belonged to the Im- perial Press Conference party, and the unveiling ceremony was as erformed by Lady Burnham, who said: "Evangeline is the beautiful concep- tion of au American poet whose verses we learnt to read on 1)0111 sides of the Atlantic when we were children. his- tory has shed another light on the Acadian story. We see to -day that British policy was not as black as it was painted, Whatever may be the truth of this story, as a woman, and an English woman, 1 shall always regard it as one of the most painful episodes in our annals. Thank God those cruel old clays lie behind us forever, and from tho fate of Evangeline hes sprung a great wave at sympathy which has been carried on the heal- ing hand of lime. It is a good omen that tho beautiful 51111, God's healing band, should be resting upon us all to- day, who are here to do honor to that sweet woman. Under those rays in your wonderful land so full of beauty and promise the old hatred is dead. I have now tho groat honor and privil- ege of unveiling the statue of Evange- line." The statue, which is of bronze, is the work of Ilenri Hebert from a model by his father, the late Philippe, private property and 21115 adornment Hebert, a descendant of the Acadians of whom Evangeline was one. It is a magnificent work of art, and was presented to the Park at Grand Pre by the Dominion Atlantic Railway, which is now part of the C.P.R. The Story of "Annie Laurie."' To meet folks Annie10,7))1ee has been nothing inure Thee ,n ,1, a1, fuel Lady Demise' emit; 101 17 tt lir:, t,cal rhap- sndy. But witbist tl tee begrimed walle of the 01.1 :,l xwr1een house on the River (':rift., in dust ri.:•shire, lianas ttheporirait of a 0, 11111 about P11010 charms the world Ilan been singing for throe.-gear:eri of a cen- tury, Those nllfemil1'ti' with the his- tory of the picture would not reeog- uize the delieete features of Annie Laurie, which bus been hanging in flue lineae of her (ethers for 200 yc lc, and. which Inspired William D ugi; s to write the uri(iltal poem of 'Aenin Laurie." But William was a soldierrather than a singer of sweet words, and he was accused of being a wee bit indelicate; and beeenso girls of those clays were net accustomed to even the baroat hint of familiarity, hletory says Annie Laurie jilted !him and wed an- other. However, a century and a quarter after William's time, Alicia Ann Spot- tiswoode saw the poem he had writ - tan, and which hall been given by An- nie Laurie herself to Charles Kirk- patrick Sharpe, who placed it In his collection of versos. In 1834 Miss Spottewoodo saw the verse, changed several lines and wrot the music. SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all hu- man help before the mother realizes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera Infartum, dysentry and colic are most prevalent, Any of these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the sum- mer mother's best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Largest Statue in World. What is to be the largest statue in the world is being built by an army of Japanese workmen on the isle of the Cow's Head in the Inland sea, which has been called the Mediterranean of Japan. The isle of the Cow's Head is is a work of private enterprise. The figure will be that of St, Nicht- ren, who founded the sect of Buddhism that bears his namo. In the wooden model the saint lies asleep, facing whovor sees him, his head pillowed ou a block and his left arm extended along his side. The trees and scenery of tbe isle of the Cow's Head will pro- vide an excellent sitting for the enor- mous statue, that is to be cut out of the solid rock front this model, The Colossus of Rhodos, at ono time one of the seven wonders e£ the world, is said to have been 120 feet high, a small thiug compared with the statue of Liberty, that stands 151 feet above the pedestal in New York harbor, But the Japanese statue will be of even greater magnitude. Following the line of the natural rock it will be a re- clining figure 240 foot long, and there- fore that much more impressive than the Buddha at Pegu, Burma, which measures 182 feet from head to foot. Lachute, Que., 25th Sept., 1908. Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Gentlemen, — Ever since coming home from the Boer war I have ,been bothered with running fever sores on my logs. I tried many salves and liniments; also doctored continuously for the blood, but got no permanent relief, till last winter when my mother got me to try IiIINARD'S LINIMENT. The effect of which was almost magi- cal. After two bottles the sores com- pletely disappeared and I have worked every working day since. Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH. Dainty Lingerie 9625 9518 Transfer Design 9475 No, 583 9620—Ladies' and flfissos' Sleeve- less Nightgown. Price, 25 cents. In 3 sizes; small34, 80; medium, 88, 40; large, 42, 44 m 01 s. bust measure. Small size requires 3% yds. 40 ins. wide. 1,IcCal1 Transfer Design No. 583. Price, 15 cents. 931318—Ladiesr Brassiere. Price, 20 cents. In 9 sizes, 84 to 50 his. bust. Sizo'30 requires 1 yd. 18 ins. wide. 9475—Ladies' and Misses' Petti- illoomero. Price, 25 cents. In 3 sizes small, 24, 26; medium, 28, 30; large 82, 34 ins. waist. Small size, 1% yds, 40 ins. wide. Poison Ivy and Virginia Creeper. There is a very simple and easily re- membered way of telling poison ivy i from the Virginia Creeper, which it , very much resembles. Tho poison ivy Le a throe -leaved affair; the Virginia creeper has five leaflets to the loaf. That is, if there am five leaves grow- ing in a cluster, ono for each finger and the thumb, you may handle it without fear of being poisoned. It there are throe leaves growing i11 a cluster lot it alone; it is poisonous. As is generally known some people seem to be immune from poison ivy. They can handle it without 111 effects. Others aro so susceptible to the poison that they aro infected if they go near a plant, (welt without coming Into con- tact with it. The poison of ivy is a volatile oil that irritates the skin of many persons—so volatile, in fact, it is flying off the plant at all times. Of course, where the plant is bruised, there is a greater flow, This poison is easily overcome, how- ever, by many things. Alcohol rn1)b0d on the skin immediately will render it harmless, It would be a good idea for campers or those having occasion to bo in the vicinity whore poison ivy grows to carry a lotion of some ]rind Containing alcohol, and to bathe the exposed parts quickly or frequently. Butt Where the poison takes effect the thing to do Is to see a physician 'at bnee; do not depend upon home 1•enle- (Bes or take the advice of others dim the phystelnn 111 regard to the trouble, These patterns niay be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. The High ''°rice of Sugar makes one welcome foods which ere rich in natural sweetness. e t —the ready-cooked cereal requires r10 added sweetening, for it contains its own pure grain sugar, developed froin wheat andbarley by twenty hours' baldng. Sprinkle Grape -Nuts over ripe fruit or berries and you'll save sugar. ISSUE No. 15.20, SIMMER ASTHMA HAY f' IEVZR --sleepless nights, constant sneezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing 1— brings relief, I'ut up in cap- sules, easily swallowed. Sold by reliable druggists for a dollar, Ask our agents or send card for ifree sample to Templeton's, 142 King St. W. Toronto, Will Show Quaint Coaches. A collection of historic coaches, some lent by the Government and others by private perlon,,is to be ex - tatted at Olympia, Landon, during the international horse show. Among the fatuous vehicles will be the last London -York mail before the building of the railway and the London -Roches- ter coach In which Dickens travelled habitually. There will be seen also the original sedsn coach in wllicli Napoleon capitu- lated and the posting chariot which was used almost exclusively for carry- ing eloping couples Over the border on the way to Gretna Green. Other exhibits wil bethe Duke of Wellington's post chaise., in which he travelled while conduettug the Penin- sular War and the Waterloo cam- paigns, and, as a Contrast, ti e original "Deadwood Dick" coach drawn by six mules. The only early Victoria., tandem in existence w'i11 also be shown, as well as the original brougham designed by Lord Brougham, if it be founi possible to move 1t. MO;4EY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Distinctive Button Worn by Deaf in Holland. For tbe protection and greater ease of deaf persons in Holland a society devoted to their interests has intro- duced a distinctive button to be worn by those afflicted. A small white disk is bisected by a vortical red stripe, the white ground at the sides bearing the lettere "S" and "I1," initials of the words "bad hearing" in the Dutch language. Buy Thrift Stamps. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes." Easy directions in package. "CORNS" Lift Right Off Without Fain � ii l� Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- ly you can lift it right off with fingers, Truly 1 Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and'the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. co varualulegnvv.........nennwn ,rneracr,'e rlo2set 1)014 2smodlom ,crook oa DOB DISEASE'S and Vow to reed Hailed Free to.any Ad- dress by the Author. 2{, Qiaq Glover Co., Sas 118 west Slat Str.,et Now Pork, U.B.A. 71.111...:11,61L 113.11%01.1111.4 beton. NUM FROM @IERE & i1ERE Q J , An Overlooked Opportunity, "Ld111an," said mother severely, "there were two pieces of rake in the pantry, and now there is only one How did that happen?" "I don't know," said Lillian. "It must have been se darn that I didn't sae the other piece," The Choice. "But I don't like title cold boiled mutton you've served me," the new boarder objected peevishly. "Doesn't one have any choice here?" "Certainly," the landlady responded. "You have the choice of eating that or leaving it alone," Resigned to It. They had just become engaged, when the fair young thing said shyly: "I have a surprise for you, dear. I can cook just as well as I can play the piano." "It doesn't matter, dearest," said the num, who bad heard her play. "We can live in a boarding house, you know." Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper "No man over fifty should run to catch a train," said a coroner recently. U 1i` uKui-F SOON GETS YOUR FLAIR Let "Danderine" check nasty scurf and stop hair falling out To stop failing hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several ap- plications the hair usually stops com- ing out and you can't Snd any dand- ruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color. Classified Advcrti;sct' ram sarin (111u1t 1 SILVER J1LAOI{ 2)0117Pru1000 r jectce8, need fires., ltothwt41, :Ont. C1'1Li' W,RaTT21D, ... TT .:I1,I'3I) Uo$1'IrAI. TOAININf CJ school for Nurses, roglstared, Wore a 2S years' nuurse to students.; artlllation,. with Mt. sinal Hospital, ,New York Cllyi scholarship for Teachers' t10llego; un1" Terms provided; beautifully equipped, new plant; one hour's ride from New T.,rltAeirlrees Sup erinfendent 01' Train" Hag He+haul, fart Chester, N.Y. Never pour boiling water over fish • in the kettle, as it breaks the skin; lower the fish Into the water. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative l t� Accept "California" Syrup of lrlgd only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stow- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." In terrole r sa on face which taode alae sore and i.,(),")i. reare0(1 fawirpe,..t••'O-”g .ndwcadfsl_ared. Could not fled oval eucl made feel unoi; r`nt. Tra0b" 2 i tnO 3100 the i ce 1:1=I C• ... end Oxa using 2 cakes of Scop and 21.= of Oita:- izrara atgere3 etee--see of 11,1s3 Gledya 1F mtcl,1Z.11,3, aaeale,Ont. C am Gasp, O7 , and TUE. carr � crud r•-inteia shin pnCiby, tahin mird`brt and idea health oft=whm allelm fele. Soap 20 , O:eS.semt 22 sari. Me. Sold Sioroegiont :.Bomiair,-s. rnoarY ie*i'au Lymens, Limited, St. Peel SS., OOortreul. 1 Cntieura Soapehivoo not o0traag. )NLS D. TABLE1S 'MA,RAL'ij Not Aspirin at ,All without the "Bayer Cross" Tho name 'Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Cobert, only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu. prescriherlbyphysieluns for overnice- retain, Lumbago, R1lc1mrtiem, Neia teen years and now nada in Canada.. tie, 'joint I'ailu,, 111,1 Fain ccrar:ell . Always buy an unbroken package Tin boxes of 12 teblete cost 1' 311 of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin which a few cents. Larger "Bayer" pa,1cr:. ,o4. • Those is only 0110 l'ispirin--."Bayer"•--You nateet any "Bayer' Aspirin la the trade mark (roalatored In Canada) of Barer 8ren rlwr rf 1l'cne- accticacldeeter of Salle:01carld, 11hllo it is well known that .krylrin 810.,,2 haver mannfactarc, to assist the pnbno saainat imItattona, the T51.101 ni 1:arcr ).'1-11570P 1111 bo stamped with tii.lr general trade man, the ^Y.aysr Cross," , :116=16 :r -414 HE freshness, and flavor, of ANCH'IR PLUG is not equalled, nor approached by any other chewing tobacco. That 3s why. .ANCHOR PLUG is supreme. idow„��Arii..K:'`"r.