HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-9, Page 4bniece, tie T`HURS'DAY, cher 1teelbkk 9, rt., 10 CRNT a P0111111 a; u ie lannileey' spite the efforts of no, teftn't,, sed •sholeselers. Ican', ,•om-e ally too ;:( r,t I;e.orzAe. or n dose beim; , repr:•^rnna- tion of what Ireland Klands for a tiler Would probably be rhoree' appropriate at this jllneture. Tera women of the Honed States wilt be entitled to vole at the coming P& 100' dential '- dential Election next November. I1 will make a noticeable difference too Ion may be sure. Terra firma m toes 40 YEaxs ago butter sold at 12 cents per pound ; eggs 9 ceet + d, zoo coo Potatoes 35 cants It bushel We nerd WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS, LONDON not tett you what lies to h: peed today ••Wu, .. ., ... , for the same very necessary arti1 leo furesee.ese eta tee.::arFa e.,,tee esee„ez,Ol oiy, the household. • Baguets for the Editor ? DIRECTUM, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y '� Following 0I''e cnitn. o1 tho taffy ro- nueeks "f THE 1'us•c's peat ere : -- TILE Poa'i' is 1 1•:ip±ht, well edited weekly and we :vtelt it tit, its genial paced a mile in 2 or} last week, That's going some but the practical valine is not of much account. A. geed horse that can wheel a buggy along the htgbway at 8 or ro miles an hour serves a better pur- pose in this work -a -day „orifi. editor enol her 40 veers of prosperity. Clinton Nows•Ibr'i A 2 headed match is one of the new inventions which will do double du'y bt• _Conor et tlatiot.s 10 Bre, P H, breaking it in two after the fist service Reu, +chn has rel=lpleted his 40111 g Year a+ editor of Tai': BRUssELs Pose.. It would require to be made of hotter , ale was editing THE Pose. before stuff than some that hove been on the market, which were so brittle it wos next to impossible to "strike a Tight" without a number of attempts. MENNONITES in Swift Current Ineatit Y. Sasketchewau, have d,eeided to (moiety with the goverument eelln 11 pulley anti send their ch1Llren to 111110113, "('hill should end a nasty wrangle and place the children of these people in a hotter future diaus who are position as re Caux u u readyand willingto be law abiding g people. BOLSHEVISM is a cancer that will eat n the life out of any man who en , . (facts this•widespread disease, It is rot only a menace to any land but sure death to real brotherhood, and modern) advance- ment. Europe has already proven how far short it comes of the necessary el. ements of fair play and individual rights and 1ibe-ties. what should be done with it ? Hit it hard and often, trap it in its inception and give -it no quarter where it attempts to carry on its insidu- ous and infamous program, BOOSTING the Bell 'Telephone rate is not being received with that welcome acclaim that the Company appears to think should be the case. This is the day of the telephone and by some means it should be cheapened in service rather than any attempt to add to' the cost of this important utility. Some say Gov- ernment ownership is the cure but a few of these experiences were mingled with wormwood and gall, The latter was stere in evidence. THE POST sounds a warning note to direliet husbands that should be taken into serious consideration, A Mrs, Russell, of Boston who says her husband cannot maintain her and their ry child- ren offers to raffle him off at $5 oo per ticket and if this plats is not a success (she asks that 20,000 tickets be sold) theo she figures the next best thing would be an auction sale of hubby. It is said that the husband is not opposing the proposition but rather desires to have a hurry -up call issued. It your wife tried to sell you what would he a fair price? LAST Huron Fall Fair will be held in Brussels next Tuesday and Wednesday, 14113 and rsth lusts., and will be an extra good one. Get a membership ticket and make an exhibit, The Directorate cannot clo it all no matter how well they plan. Every member of the 3 or 4 ad- joining Farmers' Clubs should be on the list as it is right along their line and was originated for the special benefit of the agricultural community. Despite this fact there have been scores of folk who have never been on the membership roll and consequently were never exhibitors. Let 192o be the exception and give the Fair a big boost. Marr, order business tai the big stores in the cities is one of the best routes to kill out the towns and villages. There's only one once to this sort of bargaining viz to spend your money at home with the local dealers One (rause for the de- partmental stores flourishing is their voluminous advertising, both in the newspapers, and by pamphlets and price 'late. They are not spending their thousands annually just for fun but are no doubt teaping large results from tbis expenditure. Sometimes the local bus). ness man says "We could have given just as good a bargain" but if 11e don't let the public know of his bargains then he must be at a great disadvantage when it come to matching men who play pub- licity as one of their strong cards end reap correspondingly large advantages, There's no guess work about this matter its a self evident foot. many of ihl• 30.1.e0111 Pdt3018 of porno Collins were born. IIB surely 30 the lhuidy of u: all, and here is one el the yennl:e;t ul' tee. yenegetels wishing you success for many VOWS 111 mule in setae' Snnetttm stmeta'itlt11, Bro. Kerr. - Wirt ghatu Ad Vatter,. The )'1Cpneit,a' ext, 1111'; h ,11y veto, gratid:altone to W. Il Kele on having enutpleted hie 40,11 veer :LS Editor and Proprietor of foe: i)iL0SSIliLS Pus'r, one of the r:ewsie.st end beet edited weekly papers in Oula)in. 40 years 1 ne Newel (1 and ' t 10014 time I( I k f 1 Itis perhau- with the gtetre advantages the youth of this geueratinn have fallen heir to, we may sae (wise a country editor who will nut gave wed nett shine those editors or country papers whit started et n'lt Me, Km 1. f tt }n and a he last. Wem h• i. maw t 11(1)10 al 11113 %VP very 11111011 don ht it..- llurnh Hepeeitrn. \V. H. Kett Inas eempteled 40 ports as publisher 111'1'trE BRUSSELS POST and now is the "Daddy' of all the newspaper 101011 in filo oe, every other paper in the County having changed hands at least once clueing the 40 years. 42 years ago 11r. herr and Idt. Pettypiece, proprietor or The Free P1 4188 were chtims together in the good old town of Atrthristburg, Anti coincidently, 31t•. Pettypiece is "Daddy" of all the newspaper 11)011 311 IAnlbtO11, all the ether pipets having changed bat,ds ul.e M. orae tinier since he purchased The Epee Press. -Feleot Free Pies. 40 years-alnioert a half century -of editing a newspaper in the one little corner, The clergy may see one little side of life, the doct.01' gets a glimpse of the inside of life and the lawyer dabbles around the outside. 1e is only the editor who has the privilege of seeing every side and knowing all the joy of the paster, the pti11 of the physician std the gnib11100 of the lawyer. Bre'r Kerr of THE BRUSSELS POST 171(0 just tanttnuneed 11111.1 he has held the helot of the bright little chip ctalled '1'I1E Fuer 1'ot' 40 years. Ye Gods 1 Think of the joy of seeing the dollars rolling in, the pains e0118ed by absconding debtors, the wretch who stops his paper liec•(use he tl led to get the editor to clam his neighbor, ntth- nut mentioning "my name." The editor of THE POST is still young enough to See a joke and appreciate It and so is still open to all these l'eollogo, Long may he remain to make the town 11a3py by his ntei)y quit ks,-- Seafnt Lh News, W. I -h Kerr has completed foi ty years as publisher' of THE BRtTSSELI3 Pose, and now is "daddy" of all the newspaper men of Huron, every other paper in the county having changed hands at least once clueing the forty year's. I11 referring to the anniver- sary, the editor of Tim Pose' t0eneiun- ed Home compensations for the 1a)11e of the years and one of them is that he has had a pretty little town to live in, The editor of The Signal was in Brussels for a few minutes the other day -the lust tittle he had ever been ill that to w11 in the Stemmer tiltl8- and was surprised and delighted to see the beautiful streets and the many handsome, well -kept residences with their air of eubsta11tiet) comfort. I3rnssels must indeed be a good town to live in, and we do not wonder that, Editor Kerr has found the years 31115 - sing swiftly over his head. On the other hand, Imagine what it would be like to live 40 3(08,1 ft }n 81)000 places you know -in a place like -well, say, like Clinton 1 Proposed Detroit -- Windsor Bridge COST- Estimates at ,$28,000,000. Capital of $10,000,000 'now assured in Detroit, 'Tunnels to provide similar ac- commodation would cost $60,000,000. SiZE-- plans are for a suspension bridge of 1,770 feet span, carrying two roadways, two sidewalks, two street car tracks and four railway tracks, Clear span of 100 to 110 feet for pas- sage of ocean vessels. APPROACHES -Railway approaches will be one mile in length, With grades of 1A % or less. TRAFFIC •••-- Number of passengers now clussiug the Detroit River at Win- dsor is about 10,585,000 per year; motor cars. 521,950; motor trucks, 73,000; teams, 16,060. About 1,700,- 00u freight cat's cross annually. Hope to Pay All Creditors of loan Company in Full Financial Expert Experts Every Standard Reliance Claim Will Be Met. Toronto August 23, -The Standard Reliance Loan Corporation inquiry will be resumed in September or as soon as possibe after the long vacation at Osgoode Hall. Col. W. S. Dinnick may 1101 be ex- amined again as his health is said to be poor. It reported that he has gone to England to live. g t 'Clarkson According o P C. 'Cta son the � financial expert the receiver hopes to pay creditor depositors and debenture holders in full, but liquidation may take years He does not look to shareholders to receive anythingon their investment. Creditors under $25 have already been paid off and con siderable "compassion ate allowances" made, The liabilities at the time of liquidation were: Deposit ors and deposit receipt-holdors, $1.248 000. Debenture holders 34,024,573. The share capital of the defunct cor- poration was given at 32,644, 020, Dates of Neighboring Fairs Following is the list of Pall Fairs in tltis district :- Teeswatet .,.,.. ...., .... Oct 5.8 Wingharn Sept. 80-0et. 1 Blyth Sept. 20-21 Dungannon ......................... Oct. 7.8 Goderieh...., Sept. 8.10 Seaforth.......... ..... ..... . Sept. 28.24 btilvertcm . Sept. 24.255 Palmerston Oct. 5.8 Listowel .............. ...........Sept. 155.18 Atwood Sept. 20 21 ........... Sept. 23-24 Fordwich .. Oct. 2 Ailea Craig .Sept '2223 131ty(i lel.Sept, 2930 Btussols '301)3 1415 Dl umbo ,.. Sept. 28-29 Exeter. ..........................Sept. 20.21 Hanover ........................ .. Sept 2324 Harristou Sept. , 5.24 Kirkton . ......... .Sept. 80, Oct. 1 London (Western Fair). Sept. 11.18 MitchellSept.,8.29 I New Ilambutg........,,Sept. 9-10 Ottawa (Central Fair) Sept. 10-20 St. Narys Sept. 28.24 Stratford. ..... ........ ..... 20- 22 Te visto:k ...... r Sept, 27.28 Tnrm,tn (Can. Nat.)...,Aug28 -Sept. 11 Wellesley .................. Sept. 14-15 Woodstock Sept. 2224 Constipation Cured By Christian Science • -o- Seventy five people out of one hundred eau be cured by Oluristiun Science meethods, which proves the great power of the Mind over the Digestive Apparatus and the fre- quency of Nervousness as ; cause of Constipation. When these methods fail Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are recommended, They are purely vegetable and d0 nett Gripe or Ir- ritate; many people have found them excellent for Headache, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Gas on the Stomach, and many other evile that are due to Constipation. Where there is Extreme Nervous- ness and you are "all run down" and "tire Oaslly" it would be just au well to take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy along with these P11RS. 'Phis conn- binatfon goes well together and re- stores the good health of your younger days. The heart' notion be- comes n01101t1) the Nerves take 011 new Life, Power and Vigor and the "human machine" becomes full 01 "pep" and vitality, If you are tired of sickness and have lost the Power, Ability and Nerve ]hose to de your daily work and your Nerves are all Shattered Just g'i've theme t>wo Remedies it trial and we twill positively guarantee benciieiat results, Go to your dealer to -day and ask for Hacking'•, and do not take any abhor kind for 14 you do sett will be fooled right -wt the start and you will not get the results tilat wo guen,antee. I:Xouking'tt Lirairti 1.1stewei; 7;4 m o $a w4 fir4,in,1c 1�sti,v, 44'111, nto...21 ?y td;t~e "$t.'44it HURON FAL �. f eeuz i' fe'th Or‘at t ?1 Tuesday and Wednesday u.�n-vvvv.• sura •.+.•-•,. w�a.....v+....i.r.. Speeding Contests 2.25 Trot or Pace - Purse $125.001 11ubbles allowed. %tile heats 2 in 13, Purses -50, 25, 15 .sail 10 per cent 2.30 Trot Purse $100.00 Utile heats 2 in 3 Purses -50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent Local Trot or Pace Purse $50.00 Hobbles barred Purses -$26 00. 316 00, $10 00 Running Race Purse $20.00 Purses -$10 00, $5 00, 38.011, $2 00 Committee reserves right to mate starters in lase two 1 ache, ATTRACTIONS BOYS RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards R01"S RACE,, under 10 years, 50 surds GTItr,'la BkLIJI, melee i6 year8, 100 yards 'i5 50 25 25 GIftL'S 11 ACE, under I11 70018, 511 yards 60 26 25 25 1310131 FANCY 08I1.1, by Sebum Pupils. Not less than 12 nor 10011 thiol 24 persons in each 5 00 3 00 2 00 Pupils and teachers admitted free to Fair. POTATO RAGE ON HORSEBAOK-Three potatoes for each cotnpeeit.nr will be�1 placed 1UU Yolds trona starting gremit. nt, Coulsti ors stun(by s an )ick uppotato, bo'se mount and ride to fll, l elute dismount d remount and tide back to starting point, dismount and put oato in pail -repeating the npetation for each potato, 1st $1.50 ; 2nd, 31 01) ; 3111, 50e. No entrance fee. IS'r 2ND 31trr Pree '75 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 Special Prizes THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA alters 31000, divided :-•lst$O00, 2nd 34 00 for the best horse and buggy owned turd driven by a farmer ur farmer's son being resident of the Township; of Grey or 11orris, THE STANDARD BANK. ntfers $1000 for the best exhibits of cattle, divided t 1st, $5 00 ; 211d, 33 00 ; 3rd, 32 00. A. 0. BAlia{PR offers 50 lbs. Jewel Flour fur lot prize and 25 lbs, of Jewel Flour for `god prize for the best bread baked with this brand of flour. A. 0..BALKER offers 98 lbs. lime for best: 2 loaves bread baked from Purity Flour. anti 50 lbs. flour for best 2 (naves bread baked from Golden City Flour, Flour to he purchased l'rotn Mr, Banker. GREY TWP. COUNOIL offer 8 prizes of $7 00, $5 00 and $8 00 for the hest Baby Beeves exhibited at the Fair. Exhibits restricted to persons under 18 years of age and residents of Grey. Animals must be taiaed and fed in the Township. BROWN BROS. 00., Welland, Ont., offers 35.00 worth of stook (winner's selection) for best Bus. Apples exhibited. Apples to be sent to don. ors promptly at Welland, Ont, after the Fair. G. WV. GIBSON, Wroxeter, offer., prizes of $3 00, 32.00, $1.00 fur beet 1920 Horse Oolt, and $8 00, 32 00, $1.00 foe best Mare 0011 1920, sired by Scotch Bobbie. A. L. STI.LVART nifete $1200, divided: ---tat, $600; 21d, 4.00; Sed, 320(1, for best Dairy 0nw open to patrols of Shamrock Oreamery. R. S. SCOTT, blies Morris, Do. HatnilLon and M. Black offer prizes of $4 00, $2 50 and 31.50 for beet sketch representing u poem, open to Oon tinuaeion School pupils. lt1155 KATHLEEN WILTON offers 75c, 50c and 25c for best Sheet Color Work, open to Room II pupils. MISS FLO. BUCHANAN nffers 75e, 50c and 25c for Prettiest Nosegay arranged by pupils of Primary Room themselves. MISS ANNIE GEDDES offers 75c, 50c and 25e for best Pen and Ink Map, open to pupils of Room III, GPO, THOMSON offers 50 lbs, Five Roses Flour for best two loaves of Home-made bread. JAS, BALLANTYE offers 31,00 for 2nd prize of Home-made bread. DOWNING 13ROS. offer $2.00 for beat collection of Poultry. W. H. KERB will give THE POST for a year for best two loaves of Home- made Bread ; and THE POST for a year for best 3 lbs, Butter. WILTON & GILLESPIE otter $1.25 as lot and 75e as 211d prize for best collection of 6 to 10 Snap Shots open to pupils of 13111sse15 school SIRS. 3ANE 'THOMPSON offers goods valued at $200 for beat Oolleceicn of Preserved Ft nits. A. STRACEIAN offers 32.00 cash for beat Collection Asters, 4 varieties.. GEO. R. WELLltR offers $201) for lady winning moat 1st Prizes in Ladies' Work, JAS. FOX otfei s a piece of Lirnoge China valued at $2 00 foe' one winning greatest number of 1st Prizes for Flowers. CI'IAS POPE 0130008 $2.00 as first and $1,00 as 2nd prize for best Collection of Vegetables, JOS. QU1111U 1N offers 310.00 for best 10 lbs. Butter, sante to become his property, WV, P. FRASER offers I$1 00 for best pair Single Lomb R. 1, Reda, Cock- erel and Pullet. SOCIETY offers $8 00 as 1st and $2.00 as 211(1 prize foe Ladies' Driving Contest, W. J. MoORAOKEN niters $2 50 as 1st and 81.50 as lid hies for best awn Moves of Bread made goon Royal Household Flour. DR. WHITE offers $1 00 for beet Barred Rock Cockerel and Pullet. BAEKPR BROS. offer $2.00 for best Fat Heifer. P. R. SMITH offeree 31.00 fm 1st and 75e for 2nd pt'ize for beet Oollection Putted Ferns and Potted Tuberous Begonias, not less than 5, CHAPMAN BROS. offer a $4.00 Open Bridle for best Buggy Horse. Clinton Well Known Kiltie Sand Will supply Music for the Fair. nand Concert in Skating Risk WEDNESDAY EVENING - FIRST-CLASS TALENT The Ionic Male Quartette Worth going [tiles to hear, Mr.lEsplan, Canada's Versatile Comedian The Kiltie Band, &c. GEO. MULDOON, M. BLACK, ,C I't:sidetlt. Secretary. Send your (._ tcatii to the Li't1ilii:ry thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Servi('e and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. \ Te will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, usulg the scale test to weigh Cream sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two wet'ks. Cheques payable, at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, hof' further particulars ser, our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to I44+4'4'O+41)04+4'44''4'4'0100 40 +0'5'(0$34 i t?33 tIcE 0•Is'•Gtv-.:se'. The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTIH, ()NT. 1' 2 1 4 SCHOOL. FA181 tis 1-J1180N Following 18 a list of the school fails : LO be Mild this Teat• in 111111(111 County, with the date of 00(41 : Dasalwond--Thursday, Sept. 0 Oredilon- Feld ay, Sept. 1(1. Got Pie -Thursday, Sept. 10, Ethel -Friday, Sept. 17. Porter's liill'-Saturday, Sept. 18 Ooliewne-Monday, Sept, 20. hlel(illnp-'lhlssctay' Sept. 21. Ulm nll-Wedlleeday, Sept. 22 St, Helens -Wednesday, Sett, 20 Walton -Thursday, Sept, lin, Wtempter -Mnndnp, Om, d, Belgrave-Tuesday, Oct. 5. Bluevale-Friday, Oct. 8. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- In the matter of the estate of William Martin, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. is hereby nn +ora ant to 11`.11110Re. Nd Statutes e+ Iv t y6 ) i tt 1t or Ontario" tied: ell creditors vises Hal ) ed th d others having c Stsr manna," the estate or the said Beth 111oln, who diel on e. about the Orth day' or July. A. D. lade, are r, A. 0 011 or before the post day aiSeptember,1'deliver 1 , el I sand by peat prepaid or deliver to Coon Wolof S the Village of Brussels, in the County ty ec Huron, at Brussels ao P O , Christian the nd surnames, of said deceased, that - Christian sod Purnumee, nrldresses mud de- scriptions, the full particulare of their stain's,. the etatem ant of their accounts and the nature If the securities (ir any) ]geld by them And further tsars 00100 that utter such last mentioned date the said Executors will pi -000W to distribute the assets of the deaeased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shell then have notion, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said nsseta or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 17tH day of August, A. D. 1020. P,ERECOA MARTIN, /cantors. SAMUEL WILTON, f Bull for Service • The anderaigned will peep for service, on 03.g Lot 00, Oon. 2, Morris township, the Moroi -bred Shot Horn Bull, Gainford .of Salem, No. =90410=. Sired by Gainford AIarquia (100800) ; Dant Mildred VII by Ways) Sailor (15039). Ped- igree may be seen on application. Terme- 510.00 for thorn -breds payable at time of ser- vioe with privilege to return, Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIEROE, Proprietor MAUDB 0, BRYANB OPHTHAL.MOLC GIST Graduate Deportment of O lithalalnlogy, Me- Oornliotr Medical (tollega, Olilong,, III. Three 111ou1),0 part graduate euln•so during past year. 81yor co •really fatted with (l lasses. Head. aches, Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Eye Lida and other Myo tronbles, caused by Eyo-atrab,. ; relieved through property fitted Glasses. . Satisfaction Assured. Optls1 Parlor 111 Leckie block, one door `:0511, of l3arrister Slnelnir'8 °aces I 0(11,0),oars: 011112,, ul' 1100 p. nl. Also 1 Wednesday and Halurda,t evenings. P11o1,e 2,1x ring 4 ':4.4+4.7•'t•d••t'-b•f••F'e•C••i'•a•d••i-'F✓r•hd•++.14 •P ? s -r tit -.a • tx a, >,7 f 't ' t M V RS t' I have a choice stock of 'b TWEE iI S WORSTEDS PANTINGS 'F 4- h Ithat should be seen be- fore you place your Spring ; order. ,i. 4.4 4 Splendid values in 4. 4. .} Waterproof Coats tthele cru 001'e to satisfy. 4 4. W. Pa Fraser o. Tailor - Brussels ,� a. +4.+.1- .•4'4'4'@ ++++b+++ 66.6.66066660006066,664.0,66.6.06604,4,6644 -6,64,0.064.66...0.8 3 o o Any ny Timee Grt a _ / 0 a es 4 o ! i/ rl s a i'- a b L to At, v 6 0 0 0 :;t I t (0:44ok000 i'i®COQt044440Pi®CPP0 a1100'.1'54041'11.10 < 6406 040 4 1' 1, t t34a4,E•'btNVw7 Students May r P We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or Wingharn Crea eic�+ra'z�eamrttsa anted need Ship y:Aur Cream Direct to the Brussels Ore;d mery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and ytlu will not want to discontinue, Brussels Crqemery StevProps"t Bros.