HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-9-9, Page 1VOL. 49 NO. 1I SIt.so a Year In Advance
812,00 If not so palfl
mit0II811515flR8fmirlellem lllientellei llettlea -,
8nttflnfnnn mrf8rgun 8 of trio pppl
lee t
brings only superficial pleasures' which taxon
puss and are forgotten.
Thoughtful people are checking unneces-
sary expenses and opening savings accounts
where their Roney will constantly grow and
will bring contentment and security in the
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Cnpitnl $ 9,700,000
Roeoarooey :�- L280,000,000
F. H. Gilroy,
Thos. and Mrs. Inglis aro away to
the West for a visit,
W. L. Kress, Bank of Commerce
Guelph, visited at Monorieff on Sun -
Several pupils from this locality
started to Brussels Continuation
school this week.
Miss Minnie Barron has spent the
past week in Toronto. She Look in
the National Exhibition while there.
Last Sunday afternoon Oct. Seere.
taty Cooper, Clinton, gave an inter-
esting addrees no the Prohibition
movement in Knox church,
STORE BIIRNED.-Last Friday even-
ing the Moncriefl store and residence
attached went up in smoke, with the
bulk of the contents, Fire started
from some pause upstairs over the
store and got such a start that it was
imposeible to head it off and the little
time before the roof fell in was devot-
ed in trying to save the goods and
household effects, Mr. Rathwell car-
ried a Targe stook and did a gond
trade. We did not hear what the in-
surance was nor wllethee the store
will be rebuilt. Building belonged to
Me. McEwen, Wingham and was built
some years ago.
Miss Muriel VanZant, whose name
did not appear with the successful
candidates in the Entrance Exams of
this year, has received her certificate,
we are gind to stale. Oongratnlat inns
are extended to Muriel and also her
teacher Mies Robertson.
Our school has re -opened under the
direction of Misses McNair and For-
Mrs, W. Huether and 2'daughters,
St. Marys, were renewing friendships
in this locality.
The manse has been newly papered
for the incoming of Rev- Mr. Kennedy
and bride. It is a comfortable home.
Sabbath morning next Rev. Mr.
Stevenson, TuronLO, will preach in
Knox 01(010h ha ,the absence of the
This week Rev. J. F. and Mrs.
Knight and company were nailing on
relatives and old ft•ionde, They were
Miss Ida Hunter is attending to her
duties as teacher at the Hat vey
school, Logan township. She will
make a good teacher.
Service was held in Knox church
last Sabbath evening instead of ruorn-
iug. County Secretary Cooper, Clin-
ton, gave an interesting address on
the Temperance situation. Rev. Mr.
Lundy, Walton, also took part,
Harvest time brings expenses which must
be met with ready money. Should you
need an advance to help you over this busy
season, interview this Bank. We arc pre-
pared to help all responsible farmers. 90A
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
olomoosmormmomarloormum?esytom Top
Forci owners' Picnc
Sept. 10
Victoria Park, Brussels
A Welcome for Everybody and No Fee
A FRll.lil 010-N1O for Ford Oar owners; fur 26 101182 in ciroutn-
Terence, will be held on Victoria, Park, Brussels, l)' klay, Sept,
10th, Everybody welcome.
Tractor Demonstration fort hours in the forenoon by the Fnrdson
andOliv r Piow Invitation e vttattot to other firms t0 rornpeta ie extended,
After' a proeession of care, in which valuable prizes will be offered
for best decorated ear, oldest dr'her, beet Y lad
driver, &r„ :program
frog ram
Of Allele 'o Sports and Brill Games met+ wilt
be on the held 1
e P r'k in the af-
Park e f
No Admission Fee -only bring your Basket for the Pic-nic,
Good Band in Attendance
Whatever else you mist+ get to title Plo-nic and have a royal gond
time, See bill's for other particulars.
Next Sunday alt..tnoon Rev. Mr,
Sim peen, Ternnt0, will prnaoli in the
Methodist t huroh, Ili' is 002 02 the
General Conference office- es of hieth0-
diepx and will be well worth hearing.
Public nrhoct' reetuned 011 'l'uteeli1V
with the name etafl' of teachers,
13(085219 Fair will see a good crowd
from this neighborhood Wednesday
of next week. Tumidity as web for
those who have exhibits .fur the in-
side department,.
Thureday evening, of ;him week n big
Garden Party will be held at W. H.
Sholdieo'9. After Kipper which will
he cummineed at 0 (('clock, a fine pro-
gram will be presented, which will in.
clude efiee Lillian Jaelreon, viuliuiHL ;
H, McGee, Sw,Wit humorist, ; Rev.
AlcKeglrey, Clinton, a bright
speaker who will 1i8131He the I118h
gnestiou ; Seaforth Band, &r., Jt is
millet' auepicee of St. George's and
St, John's ehurohee, A good tune in
Mrs. H. Patterson spent last week
in Toronto,
Robert Rolotott is having his home
on Mill street bricked.
Mies Janie Howe is spending two
weeks at Mount Forest.
Gavin Davidson left on Monday for
a trip to Saskatchewan.
Wilfrid Musgrove, Hamilton, palled
on friends here this week.
A large cement and briek smoke
stack has been erected at the woollen
R. 13. Wendt and family, Windsor
were visitors with J. R, Wendt last
M. Llnwe and 900, lylex'ton, spent a
week at Dunnville and 'Toronto re-
Robert and Mrs. Blank have return-
ed from an enjoyable 2 months visit
in the West.
Boy and Mrs. Hamilton and little
9011, Detroit, are holidaying with the
termer's parents.
Mlaeos Mary Hnpfer and Evely»
Edgar, Toronto, are holidaying with
her parents near hPre,
Mrs. Wm. Hall, Bhtevale, has mov-
ed to the residence she recently pur-
chased from L. Brown.
Fred, and Mrs. Kitchen left on
Saturday for a month's visit with
relatives at Toronto and Detroit.
Work on the new cement sidewalk
is progressing nicely. Fralink street
and one side of Howlett street are now
Miss Elda IIaalewood, who accom-
panied her nephew, Alva, as far as
Denver, Ode on his Ivey to Utah, re.
turned on Friday.
Misses Winnif,ed Mum and Elva
Hupfer left for Winnipeg and Little
Current where they have 1oerl engag-
ed to teach 8011001,
'F•t•&q•.F•iL'•F•iF1'4 ++4+11 1,1 •Y3.4.1••F
,6x5 m
, 4•
Gee. M. Mitchell's
Millinery Parlor,
Main Street;
ETHrf L.
Friday and Saturday .i
Sept410 &11
Where a pleasing and attractive
display of the latest styles and
shapes will be Shown. Come
and bring your friends and
make this a special feataire of
the season for 011 the Indies are
cordially invited to attend,
Geo. M. Mitchell
Phone 2215
This Week
The Goderioh Fair ie earlie1' than
usual this year - Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, September
8, 0 and 10, The program for 41118
year is probably the best ever pre -
settled, 'l'he formal opening will
take pleat on Thursday, the 0th,
at 280 p.m„ wbeu Hou, Maiming
Doherty, Allni'ler of Agricul4ul0,
will give au address, Three will
be 4 track events, for good [motes
-Thtllsday-Fartnere trot or pace
(purse 8101)), 220 trot or pace
(purse $250) ; Friday -2:30 trot or
pace (puese 8200), 2,12 true or pace
(purse 8260 )
Other attractions are :-Blonein,
wonderful high -wire performer ;
John A. Kelly, Ventriloquist and
Comedian ; Special Exhibit from
Central Experimental Farm, Otta-
wa; Music by 33rd Regiment
Band ; Grand Midway features,
Note the dates and be sure to
visit the best District Fair in
Western Ontario,
Alias Rann and brother, Chicago,
spent two weeks with their uncie, R.
J. Rann,
A. A. Lamonby was a holiday visi-
tor in Toronto. Mrs. Lamonby, who
has been visiting at Dunnville, nc-
eompauied him on his return.
Mrs. Herman Morrison and child-
ren, Pilot Butte, Seek., who have
been visiting relatives in this vicinity,
left for 018011 Sound on Tuesday,
A, A. Esty and family, Buffalo,
spent last week in the village. Mr.
Esty was a former proprietor of the
Esty House for a number of years,
Millinery opening at Geo. Mitchell's
Friday and Saturday. See advt.
Rev. and Mrs, OKell and boys were
calling on old friends at Auburn 011
Labor Day.
Don't forget the School Fair and
gtand Concert on Sept. 17111, See
advt. elsewhere.
The ladies of the Women's Institute
will sell lunch and ice cream at Ethel
School Fair Fridayof next week.
There will be no preaching service
in the Methodist church hero next
Sunday evening owiu • to the Anni-
versery at Union. Rev, Mr. OKell
will preach at Mt. Forest.
Name - Made - Baking
oeweRE LADIES' AID of the Metho-
1 dist Ohurddli are having a sale of
Horne -made Cooking
Wortley Afternoon, September i lth
in the Public Library Audience Room,
sale to start at neelock, The ladies
of congregation are asked to donate
Baking for the Sale, and where pos-
sible please send Baking before 2 46.
A sewing meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Robt, Downing, Wed-
nesday evening, to prepare fora Buz
tear to be held later hr the Fall,
Ethel Farmers' Club
Has in stock a
quantity of
lnternati e real
Hog Feed
This is a strictly high grade feed,
Price 58 06 pet cwt.
J. K. Halls,
Sec.- Ct eas.
•••••0•00•00•0•++4,4,4044-6•14 eeleveVeaceeleasecteeti4a®ae40am4 •
s o
A Grind Concert will be held, under the auspices of the
Women's Institute, on the evening of the School Fair,
Friday, Sept. 17th
In the Township Hall, Ethel
Following talent has been secured :-
Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Knight
Milverton, will furnish Musical Selections, consisting of Solos and
Duets and Mr, Knight will giveanumber of R
enc)n n
Mr. J. G. Scott
a popular Humorous Vocalist, of Mitchell,
will also sing,
Local Talent will assist.
Program commences at 8 o'clock. Admission 86 and 25 cents
ilterThe ladiee of the Women's Institute. aucl eomuthnity will servo
Lunch at the Fair in the afternoon, Proceeds of afternoon and
evening go to tho Memorial Park Fund.
6e eesN••••••eeeee44m9044♦ 446••14s4444••••4i*444 •♦044
W. H. Tt: RR R, Proprietor
Miss Annie Bateman had the luis-
forth oe to fall and break her knee ce.p
Rev. R. Stevenson, of the Lord's
Day Alliance, will ennduet the 8rrvice
in the Presbyterian ehnr'eh next Sen.
lay after000(1,
„LA/Pt Sunday of , rn,tc.u, 111 toe 8111
'"0."'of Be•v. Mr J7# 1101)3', the Beta
Wee in the Prealeyt Brian church wee
taken by J, "7', Wond, Bt'u8eels,
The Social evening 1101(1 Friday ev-
ening, Aug, 27th, in the Meu-,o1-'iat
Palk, Ethel, by the Young People of
the Mathodisl oh(u-ch wag euj0yed by
We etre limey to teper1 that Robert
Cliiseeetie, 1(0 01,1 resirleet of this 1ura1-
lty, has been laid op Irmo au at leek of
shingles. His many frfeu,1s ;visit him
more ru11021 health,
Mns, W. N. Bunten DAt.t.isn,-Attm-
an 1110es8 covering the past 3 months,
following an operation for appendi-
vitfe, Stalls (L Dunbar, eldest rlangh-
ter of David and the Iate Mrs. Dun-
bar, and beloved wife of W. E. Brown,
remised to her reward 1114 Saturday
afternoon, agP(1 33 years, 7 months encs
d days. She wan born in thio locality
and was united in mart Inge .tn her new
bereft partner 3(1 yews ago, 2 child-
ren, Marjory 2,F years old, and Stew-
art, 0 months, are left ruotherlese.
Deceased's -father, fi brothers and a
sister also survive. Funeral took plare
Tuesday afternoon to Brussels ceme-
tery. In the aheeece of Rev, Mr. Ken-
nedy the service was taken by Rev.
Mr. ]Hann, Brussels. 4 brothers of
Mle. Brown, Alex, Dunbar and Roy
Cunningham were pallbearers. The
subject of this notice was a fine young
woman, ever ready to lend a helping
hand to any gond cause. Her demise
is deeply regretted and sympathy ac-
corded the bereaved.
Pa~ItsoNAte.-7. IL and Mrs. Balls
and family motored to Thamesville for
the week-etrd,-Geo. and Mrs. Kreuter
and Albert spent Labor Day with
Mitchell friends, -Mise Irma Mitchell
spent Sunday at her home here, re -
tinning to her position in 'Wingham
Monday. -S, 0, and Mrs, Howlett have
arrived home from an enjoyable visit
with friends at Brantford, Guelph,
Elora end lvlmira,-Angltst and Mrs,
Ethnic( are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. W. 8, Willis, Gowanstown,-Joe.
and Mrs. Daniels, Preston, spent
holiday at the homes of .Tohn King
and 0. Eelcmier.-Mien Ella Hensuld,
Holyrood, spent the weelc-end at her
home here. -Wm, and. Mrs, Flarity,
of Pontiac.,, Mich., are visiting with A.
H. and Mrs. Macdonald. -R. E. and
AJrs. Love and ehildren, Hamilton,
and H. and the Misses Moon, Ingersoll,
spent the week -end with W. H, and
Mrs, Love. -A, H. and Ales. Macdon-
ald and son and Wm, and Mrs. Fier-
ity motored to Wiarlon to spend the
week -end,
Brussels Fall Fair will be the meg-
n,t: to draw a goodly number ft'oh1
Helgrave and community next Wed-
Next Connell meeting will be held
al i;thel Monday next.
Tindall and Mts. Ritchie and son
Stewart, and Allan and Mrs. Fraliek,
all of Wingham, were visitors at
Robb. Carr's,
The new residence at Fred. Cardiff's
8th Con„ 18 ready for the brick
veneering. It will be a comfortable
home when completed.
Ales, A. Schell, of Jamestown, N.
Y., and Mrs, D. R. Tracey, Ohio, are
visiting Mrs. W. J. Sharpe, 11th Con,
The 3ladles are sisters,
Mies Jean Grant, daughter of Jas.
and Mrs. Grant, 13th Oon., has been
engaged to teach in Union School
Tut'nberry at a salary of 51000, She
will fill the bill o. k.
Mrs. Silas Johnston and son, Jim,
have returned after a 8 weeks' visit
with Mrs. Johnston's sister, Airs, Mar-
tin Kerr, of Birch Run, Mich. They
had an enjoyable time,
Ed. Ilam and his bride, of Axe
Lake, Parry Sound, were visiting the
1'ormer's aunt, Mre. McCallum for a
few days. They purpose visiting
friends at Seafo lh, Stratford, Tot -an-
te, and other pointe before returning
to the groom's home in Axe Lake.
Welcome visitors to the home of
7110. Broadfoot, 1611) Con., were D.
and Mrs, Stewart, of Woodstock,
Nova Scotia, the latter being a denggh-
ter, It is about 80 years since Mrs.
Stewart went'East. Their holiday of
2 weeks gave them little thne to
send in any
s Che
p yhad sit
many 00.118 on ther program.
Sabbath Harvest Horne anniversary
sermons will be pieaohed at 01 a. In,
and 7 30 p, m., by RAs. D. Wien, M.
A., Mount Forest, se -former pastor in
Union church, 11th Oon,, Special
100910 by the choir. Monday evening
a Fowl Supper will be served front 6
to 8 o'clock, followed by a choice pro-
gram, con8tstilrg of addresses by
Revels, Wren ; Me0otmick, Blyth ;
and Knight, Milverton ; Mise 1,, Jack-
son, violinist, and bliss McElroy, elo-
cutionist, Blyth ; Mrs. Knight, soloist
and local talent, Tickets 76 and 86
Join o PAtslt DECEASED. -While 69-
eisting in harvesting operations on the
farm of his nephew, Milton Parr, Cnn.
8, John Parr, aged 75 years, had the
miefortnne to fall from the ladder
c nbih i the
mow /v ie
the other folk$ to
u nn were in the field for
another load. He fell 14 feet to the
been floor, the fork
he v
piercing one of his ankles, Several
ribs were broken and he was intern-
ally injured otherwise and passed
away Monday, August 801)1. Funeral
took place the Wednesday following,
interment being made in Wingham
cemetery. Rev. W. E. Stafford, Brno.
sets, o0ndueted the service at the
home and Rev, Mr, Armstrong, Wing•
ham, at tlto grave side. Deceased's
wife died 10 years ago, D clone and a
Hardest Home
Union Methodist Church
Sunday, 12th Inset.
aL 11 a. 10, and 7,30 p. W. REV. L,
WREN, 61. A., Mount Emma, a form-
er pastor, will preach. Special tuueie.
Monday Evening
From 8 to 8, a Fowl Supper will be
served in the School Rooru, followed
by an A 1 program, In which following
talent, will take part :--
Addresses - Reads. Wren; McCnr-
rniek, Blyth ; and Knight, hi1Jver.
Violinist -Miss Talbert Jackson, Blyth,
Elocutionist --Miss McIlroy., Blyth.
Soloist -Mrs. (Rev,) Knight and local
Tickets, 76 and 85 cents,
Don't Miss the Anniversary
daughter survive. Jas, Parr, of this
tnwuehip, is a brother and Mrs, Jno,
Kerr, of Sault Ste. Marie, a sister.
Mr. Parr was born in this country and
had made his home at his brother's
in this township for some time.
Most of Lhe Morris schools opened
Sept. 1st,
Flax -pulling and threshing seem to
be the order of the day.
The Russell family motored to
Holme8ville on Sunday last,
Low MCCall, druggist of Chatham,
was calling nn relatives in Morris,
Jos. A. Bewley and son, Master
Arthur were visiting in Toronto last
Jeeas, 13. and Mrs. Kerney Sundayed
at the home of Robt. and Mrs, Miller
Mies Maude Bell to home from an
enjoyable motor trip with friends at
John McNeil was at: Wingham
Saturday combining business with
Mrs. Livermore, Olinton, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs, David Cook
fol' a few days,
William Miller, 5111 line, is having
his woodshed re -shingled, Ivan Mc-
Arter has the contract,
W. A, McCall, 0th line and sister.
Miss Emma left for u visit with Wes-
tern friends on Monday.
Mise Florence and Ruth Malcolm,
Galt, are welcome visitors with Mise
Alargar'et Kelly, 8th litre.
The Lord's Day Alliance was repre-
sented in Sunshine Church by Rev.
Mr. Fotheringham m1 Sunday.
Mise R. Walkinshaw and Miss Jean
Farquar, Clinton, were guests at the
home of Jos. and Mrs. Clegg, 6th line.
Pupils of the different schools in-
terested in Belgrave School Fair will
be kept busy preparing their exhibits.
Miss Minnie Anderson, Toronto, is
a visitor at the home of Jae Anderson,
6111 line, and with Wingham friends.
Ivan and Lillian McArter and Mise
Florence Kerney spent the week end
at Oromarty and had an enjoyable
Albert and Mrs. Backer and little
daughter, Janet Alberta, spent a few
days at tke home of Mrs, A, Oounon,
6tli ,
Itllseelinell and Mrs. Scott and Mies
Marion and Mrs. D. D. McKellar,
Cromarty, visited at John McArter's
fast Tuesday,
Miss Ida Cornish, Olintou and a
former teacher in S. S. No, 6, was re-
newing old friendships in and around
Oran Russell, Miss Mildred and Mr,
and Mrs. John McArter visited "Rose-
dale Farm,' the home of D. D. j14.
rjNlrelar,. RO, A.oRoar and two daughters,
Reta and Marion, of Winnipeg, were
visiting Jos. and Mrs. Bewley. Mr,
Suer is a cousin of Mr, Betvley's,
Welcome visitors came by motor
from Peterboto' in the persons of T.
and Mrs, Sproat and 4 children
to visit relatives in B
el rave end
Morris. Mise Sproat accompanied
Mem on the return trip to Stratford
.1, G. and Mrs. Sproat aud son 011es
nay, Stratford, and Misses Ruby
Sproat and Brown, Toronto, spent the
week ead with Mise Sproat, of Bel.
grave and Jae, and Mrs, Anderson,
6t11 line, The former is a brother of
Mts. Sprout and Mts. .Anderson.
hire, Joe Shaw, 3rd line, has gone
to Vancouver, B. O. to ac0ompany
her daughter, Miss Isabel, who has
been out there for the past month,
The latter'e health i8 not very satis-
factory but we hope she will sone be
fully restored. Miss Gertrude Shaw
is home from her position in Brussels
during her mother's 'absence to attend
to the hoaeekeepping,
Dr. J. 0, and Mrs. Johnson and son,
D, G., all of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are
welcome visitors at Smnineeland
Farm, 5th t line,
The former is
brother of the boat and this was his
boyhood honte. The vieit0rs came by
motor visiting Ci en route.
D, G. will
take train at London for Philadelphia,
where be i8 attending the School of
Fitmeneand 0omm0000.
'Z •
Tem, Simmons, Queen street, brought
a sample of potatoes to 'Tits P0s'r last
week 3 of them scaling 5 poundThis
is a great year for the Trish even if the
Emerald Islanders are still scrapping.
There will be no S'J.00 a bushel asked
this year for spuds,
aha0'ah Chin/ma
;Calmed Presbytery will meet in
Vaughan: on Tuesday, 5est inst. A W
Ni 3, Conference wile he belc1 the earn,
Nleivlde Sabbath rittlorm ,410. r, 11*
been meeting at 10 a. 01 , will 101er1 to
3 Il. co. next Sabbath and succeeding
Sunday moroiug last the pastor of (be
Methodist church gave a missionary ad-
dress on Brazil and at night subject wale
"'1'bo cause and cure of the world's uu
Rev. A. J. Manu, B. A., resumed hi.
pastoral dutfe0 het Sabbath in Melville
eburch after au ell/:,/able holiday.
Morning theme was"Tile 8t11u2 of a
look" and the evening 8011jeet "Steps iu
the downfall of Israel."
Next Sunday Rev, R. J. D. Simpson,
one of the Connexiounl ofecers, of Tor-
onto, will occupy the pulpit of Brussels
Methodist church at 11 a, m. and ; p. m.
He is a fine speaker, well posted in his
work and large congregations are Looked
ANNIVERSARY. -The Sabbath Sebool
anniversary services of the Methodist
church, held on Sunday, August 29th,
ere both successful andmost enjoyable.
One of the formerupils, Rev. DeWitt
Cosecs, M. A., ofr Bryanston, was the
preacher of the day and rendered fine
service. His sermonette to the boys
and girls in the morning was on the
Magnet and the discourse following
dealt with the story of Josiah. Choir
was augmented by members of the Sab-
bath Sebool and in addition to au anthem
Misses Marjorie Hoover, Marjorie Jewitt
and 0118 Armstrong took solo parts in
another selection. Both preacher and
choir did well, In the afternoon there
was au open session of the School.
Program consisted of well sung solos by
Miss Addle Sperling and J. Pack ; fine
piauo and violin selection by Miss
Dorothea Stafford and H. L. Jackson 1
character sketch of Solomon, Mrs. W.
Rands ; address an the Banner by Rev,
Mr, Cosens, both timely and instructive ;
and s few welcome words from Mrs.
(Rev.) T. W. Caserta Ottawa. At the
evening service the theme of the ad-
dress was "Safety first and always,"
being based on the text "Is the young
man Absalom safe?" and was full of
kindly advice and admonition. Miss
Addie Sperling sang a new rendering of
"Nearer my God to Thee" in good voice
and the choir sustained their reputation
with a suitable anthem. Offeringfor
the day totalled i28.so, which went into
the Sunday Schoo. treasury The return
of the Cosens folk partook largely of a
reunion and many a kindly greeting
was excbanged at the close of each ser-
vice. The sermons and address of the
former pupil were listened to with more
than ordinary iuterest and were deliver-
ed with an ability that commended them
to all, Mr. Cosens will be welcome
Ft.tx threshing is on the program.
LABOR Day was quietly spent, a large
number going out of town.
JAmas Fox, local agent for Temple -
ton's Rheumatic Capsules, and Raz Mab
for Asthma says these two standard
remedies are selling better every day,
LAST week Ben Walker went to St.
Catharines to t. ke a .position in the em-
balming and undertaking department of
Gobb Bros. He has hada lengthened
experience end should fill the hill, Mrs,
Walker and Miss Betty will follow
Balmsxns Pall Fair next Tuesday and
Wednesday. Its a leader so don't miss
it. Splendid Concert Wednesday night
in the Skating Rink by A t talent.
Clinton Kittle Band will play at the
Fair. 3 speeding events and a running
race on afternoon of second day. Read
the Special Prize List, &c., on page 4 of
this issue,
TAKE 11 IN. -Friday of this week is
the Ford Owners' Pic ole ou Victoria
Palk, Brussels. It is expected to be
largely attended. Tractor demonstra-
tion at to a, m at Lon. Williamson's
farm, immediately adjoining Brussels
on the West, Afternoon on the Park
will be devoted to athletic spots, Base
Ball, awarding of valuable prizes for
decorated cars, dancing pavilion, &e.
Wingham Band will give a musical pro-
gram. Hear Harry McGee, the Scotch
humorist, Messrs, Henry and Thorpe
&c. Everybody will be welcome. no
admission fee, only bring your basket as
it is a pic-nic, you know. So come and
enjoy yourself.
FRANIc Damson', who (poses re-
moving' to Florida, u
where be less an
orange grove, has disposed of his stock
of automobile accessories, oils, &c., to
Snelling Bros , of Walton, who have
opened a garage, The bending just
vacated was formerly the Central Hotel
and belongs to Samuel Carter, who has
been in Manitoba tor the past year but is
said to be rutending to return to Brus-
sels. Tax Po2T does not kuow whether
he purposes resuming the garage busi-
ness or not but he will not likely leave
the building vacant as it is a good site
and arranged for the avo0ati0» to which
has been carried on In it, Elmer Ewan.
who was the repair man, tnay return to
Toronto, we hear, to take a position.
Foto OwNBR's Plc-NIc,-Big time is
arranged for Friday, September Toth,
ou Victoria Park, Brussels, by D. M.
Scott, the local Ford Agent, A tractor
demonstration will be put on in the fore-
noon and a program of Bali games, ath-
letic sports, &c„ ih the afternoon and
a lively pr, limeade Cohoert in the
evening, g Wrogh
ate! Baud secured.
Good Pr'zes
will 118; u
g ve for best
decorated Ford car, best lady driver,
oldest driver, and also for foot races and
other stunts. The admission will be
free but 0501) person attending is asked
to bring their baskets for lunch or
supper. Fuller particulars will be given
by stnall bills but in the meantime every.
owner of aFord oar witbiu a radius of
zs miles is Asked to0ome to Brussels
Picnic on September loth, enjoy, the
Ind and have a good tilde.