HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-26, Page 84, dY F. R. The School Opening i AOd4•i'•b+i`4,+•dt*• i.•+4'14+ •h • ♦ • With School Opening al hauti your attention is naturally turned to what will be needed for that n • casion. Our new stock of school supplies has been received and we think we have managed to assem• .. bee the newest things to he had io • Scribblers, Exercise Books, Ac- cessories, &c., as well as the big- gest values going. * High School Text Books d• We have the complete List. • Standard Note Books. Drawing Porttolios And the Re -fills for these, 4 Milton & Bradley's Water Colors • and Art Brushes. % Public School Text Books Where changes have been made we will have the new • editions. Golden Rule Books t For Supplementary Reading, se- No, r, 20C No, 2, 3oe • • No. 3, 350 No. 4, 400 4 Drawing Books and D. Envelopes Black Covered Exercise Books 4. Crayons, Water Colors, Drawing Pencils, Rulers, Rubber Eras- ers, Lead Pencils, Slates. &e. Waterman's Fountain Peas School Satchels and Leather School Bags. Your orders will have Good Attention. Make' Your Breakfast haste Bettet LOUR break= A. feat tastes better after you use Klenzo. Get 'a tube to,try today. There is a ✓ ew sepsation awaiting you-, the Cool, Clean Klenzo Feeling on your teeth and tongue. It Isn't merely n taste. It's a tes- timony of clean - ✓ oss -doormen that is imparted -to the tiny, little teats nerves, inning them of stale secretions that make your mouth feel hot and sticky. Tootle Brushes at 20e. 25•', 35c and 501 F. u SMTH Druggist and Stationer •••r +'N+♦+0+•-1•♦•F►•1'$+++4.1'O•i•P•1.4+,+.4.0++++++4'6+++++++ +6f0 The Store • •• • • s 4• • • ••N • • •. ♦ Y ♦ t- 0 • • 4• • • 4• Total Netas Bence DAYS are shortening, Din you notice us blushing ? THE POST will boliday next week, LIGHT frost last Sunday nigbt. Dm you cut or pull your wild carrots yet? A number of the Public schools will open Sept est, SCHOOLS open in Brussels, Tuesday, September 7th. THRESHING comes on the program now at the Flax mills. It's a dandy crop both for fibre and seed. MONDAY, Sept, 6th will be Labor Day and a Public holiday. Places of busi- ness will be closed. NEXT Council meeting Monday, Sept, 13, on account ot Labor Day holiday fall- ing on the regular date. BRUSSELSFallFair Tuesday and Wed` nesday, Sept. 14 and 15• Get a Prize List from Secretary Malcolm Black. BRUSSELS Continuation and Public Schools will re -open for the Fall term on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, Get ready to be on. band for the opening day so as to secure a good start. THE POST WILL HOLIDAY. -Next week THE POST will take its annual holiday and consequently there will he no isase until September gtb. Office will be open for receipt of subscriptions, adver- tising and job work. DOING WELL. -Wilfrid Willis bas pur- chased a modern dough mixer and also added a small engine to run it in con- nection with the Palace Bakery. THE POST is pleased to note these evidences of growth and we hope the public will continue to show their appreciation in the tangible way they have since he opened up bhsiness, Mr. Willis also bought a car and will be better able to serve outside customers better that) ever. He is an up•to•date baker and is pleasiug the people we are glad to state both in bread, cake and pastry, "Jack" Hewitt is proving an able as• sistant and with Miss Lola Willis wait. ing on the customers rounds up the agreeable trio. TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION, -Last Y Fri• Demonstration Fri- day afternoon the Dam ns tration of the c Oliver t plow Fordsou Tractor and O v twin Was made on the farm of Lou, William- son, adjoining Brussels. It was a busy time to be sure but about 3 acres were plowed, under the direction of Mr. Bradden, London, nssisted by D M. Scott, the local representative, and it was pronounced by those competent to judge to be o. k. The combination will solve one of the problems facing the farmer and ownership would enable the performance of a large number of other utilities as well. Another demonstration may be announced for the near future. The tractor and plow fill the bill. FORD QWNER'S Pic -Nle. -Big time is arrange for Friday, September loth, on Victoria Park, Brnssels, by D. M, Soott, the local Ford Agent. A tractor demonstration will be put on in the fore- noon midst program of Ball games, ath- letic sports, &c., in the afternoon and probably a promenade Concert in the evening. A fine Band hfis been secured. Good Prizes will be given for beat decorated Ford car, best lady driver, oldest driver, sed also for foot races and other stunts. The admission will be person person attendin free but g is asked to bring their baskets for lunch or supper. Fuller particulars will be given in next issue of Tim Poses but in the meantime every owner of a Ford car within a radius of 25 miles is asked to come to Brussels 1:'ie.nio.00 September rotit, enjoy the fun and have a good time. AUGUST will terminate next Tuesday. SPECIAL meeting of I3russels Farmers' Club wi;l be held Saturday evening of this week. See advt. in this issue. BUSINESS places closed up For an hour while the Wiugham=l'eestvater Base Bali game was on at Victoria Park last Monday. THINK IT o K. -A number of folk have expressed themselves favorable to improvements a'. the Town Hall and are ready to "lump in" and boost the pro- ject. Away she gra:: WANTED Board in refined home for 10 yearn old sebool girl, close to R, 0. Church and school. Reply stating Senna to Mu. .7. H. PRENTICE, B, R. 1, Ethel. 10 sucking pigs for sale. Lot 1, Con. 8, Grey, Phone 2118, JNo. WORK. Pon SALE, -0 choice Single Comb Ancona cockerels, from heavy laying stook. D. DAVIDSON, Lot 8, Con. 12, Grey. FARM Fos SALE.-Behlg Lot 1, Concession 2, Grey Township, adjoining ,Tonestown. For further partiollars apply to Mrs. 1?. M. Commie, 17 Ridout St, London, Ont, Rosana tire buggy for sale, only run 6 months Jolts Rona, 0th line Morris Twp. Phone 186. DAD 1 Be sure and bring home a City Dairy brick of Ice Cream. You get them at Willie Grewal's Restaurant. WANTED. - An Assistant Matron for the Huron County House of Refuge, duties to be. gin let September. Applications, personal preferred, renelved by ,TOHN TORRANCE, 8.2 inspector, cliutnn, DOHERTY Pt ANO. good as new, for sale. Fumed oak finish. Apple to War. PARKER, Lot 26. Con, 14, Grey. Phone 484 Brussels R. R. No. 2. 8-2 FOR SALE. -Norge, wagon and harness. Prices to suit. H T.. STEWART, Henfryn. 7 heed two year old cattle for sale, Apply to Wroeoa MARES, 0th line, Morrie 4 York Pigs Ane weeks old for sale. Also 1 sow with litter of 7 three weeks old. Phone 4228 Lot 7, Con. 18, Grey. REYasaENTATIrE WANTED for Brussels and Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Numeric," Big sales are to be made in aelihlg Nursery stock during Ilse recon atructian period. .A splendid opportunity for a live salesman, Highest enmmlaetmle paid, handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit and ornamentnl stock no offer. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. Ds. FARBER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases mem..alahly treated, Visits residennea. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. DROa NED AT PORT SS't•ANLEY-'l'ne3- da of Iasi week Herold Scarlett Lall• d n, lost his life in Lake Erie while boating in a canoe at Port Stanley, an- eompanied by a young lady friend, The boat upset and af•er doing heroic work in keeping his companion afloat lost his own life. He was only 20 yams of age. The body was not recovered un'il Saturday morning when his tether, ex -Alderman Scarlett, round a oil the beach about 3 miles from where the ac- cident occurred, Harold teas teller iu the Bank of Nova Scotia, Brussels, for a while and teas a fine young fellow whose sad death will be greatly regretted. WELL DONE -THE POST IS Well pleas- ed to ohroeicle the fact that W. B. Strachan,B. A one son of A. and Mrs, Y Strachan, Brussels lies tt ' ed the R , , p AIP much coveted honor Fellowship with the Actuarial Society of the United States and Canada 'There were 5 from the U. S. but Mr. Strachan was the only successful Canadian although many tried, hence the attainment will be seen IS no small one. It is 9 years since W. B, went to the Queen City, where 4 years were spent at Varsity, specializing In the line of Isis choice, For past 5 years he has been with the Itnperial Life Insur- ance Company enti is Assistant Actuary, The new honor Will open bis way to a wider sphere and already ne has tempt• log offers with Uncle Sam. We extend hearty congratulations and wish him' the success his ambition points to, ,14444-1444++++++++++++++++4 HONEY .1 cheese ren they. SUGAF ., Bug)u' etsteo) la not oil and we + can auppty yon With any ,101115. lily ttt reasonable prlre•t 4, .1. FLOUR . 't' 'fly a bag of our Royal Hones• f` hold Flour, None better, Our ,+1, prices are tight. SALT IN SULK. Phone 43 W. J. IVicCracken 1.+44+ ++++++++++++++++++++4 +4 James Fux local druggist, agent for Temrleions Limited has samples of Rheumatic Capsules, and Raz -utak fur Hay fever. BEE list of Special Prizes and attrac- tions for Brussels fall Fait' on page 4 of this issue, Make your selection and go after it. CARD OP TIIANKe.- We desire "to thank tbe many friends who by word and deed helped us hear the sorrow of our recent sad bereavement, MRS. A. BRYANS AND FAMILY, DRUGGIST TAS. Fox has opened up a new drug store in the city of Toronto and is well pleased with the introductory experience. His son, Stewart, is associ. ated with him, Brussel;: business is be- ing carried on as usual. THE Methodist church horse shed often has a jern•np time accommodating, the public. Question of some small re- muneration for the convenience, to ba applied toward taxes, electric light, lamps. &c., is mooted and would he only fair to the church, THERE WILL Sooty BE - Fall Fair campaign. Millinery Openings. A wind-up to holiday season. An exodus of school teachers. Evidences of lack Frost's bites, Fall advertisements of bargains. No $r.so a year Weekly newspapers. Next Wednesday Miss Florence Buchanan will be a guest at the wedding of Miss Essig Bezer, of Stayner, who is to wed Ernest De ' or'me, of Detroit. Ceremony will take place in the Metho. dist church. The coming bride visited Miss Buchanan in town. Latter was on the teaching staff of Stayner school when the friendship was formed. THE comfortable borne of S. C. end Mrs. Wilma, Flora street, Brussels, has been sold to Robert McKinnon, of Grev township. Rumor says the Wilson folk may remove to Goderich to embark in business. Mr. Wilson's going would necessitate the appointment of a new Division Court Clerk and Mrs. Wilson's place in Melville church would not he easily filled. We have not heard whet Mr. Wilson proposes doing with his grocery and restaurant here. Miss E'hel Burton, Goderioh, WAS visiting at the home of Mrs Alex Hunter and calling on old friends. It is 73 years since she left here when she "'footsie"rt n was better known Burton, , She has developed into a fine young woman, thanks to Co. Secretary G. b'1, and Mrs, Elliott, who took a deep in• te test in her and took her into their home for a umber of years and then secured her a piece with family Saunders,of e the fat) v of Mr. h County town. This was her first visit back to town. AMONG THE BEuT THINGS TO CoaIE ARF.: - Hydro. 2 or 3 wedditiea. Brussels Fall Fair, Sept. 14'15 Drop in prices on many commodities. Fall Fair Concert, Sept. 15. Dandy program. Clinton Kittle Sand at Fall Fair, 22 members Methodist Sabbath School Anniver- sary next Sunday. HAWK-MAW-AMENT. - On Saturday, August rash, in the vestry of Augustine church, Winu+peg Rev, Pidgeon offic- ia'ed at the wedding of Miss Margaret eldest daughter of Philip and Mrs. Ament, Brussels, Ont., and Arthur Hawkshaw, son of MT's, Ann Hawk- shaw, of Lucau, Ont, The attendants were bliss May Beringer and Cline Scott. Atter a few days in the city, guests at the Royal Alexandra, the young couple spent a week et Banff be- fore taklug up their home in Hussar, Alta-, where Mr. Hawkshaw is manager of the Standard Bank. Mani' old friends in Brussels and locality will wish Mr, and Mrs. Hawkshaw many happy, prosperous years iu their new relation- ship. Mr. Hawkshaw was teller in the Standard Bank, Brussels, for several years and is well known in the communi- ty. t . The girl friends of the bride in Brussels presented her with a fine silver flower basket with their best wishes Mr, and Mrs. Hawkshaw will be at home after September 1st, FINE TALENT. -The Directorate of East Huron Fall Fair ,hes engaged First-class talent for the Concert in Brussels Skating Rink on the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 13th, viz the Ionic Male Quartette, of reroute, who pre- sent a repertoire and costumes that places them in a class by themselves. In their program are classical, s'anclard and humorous quartettes, duets and solos. 'Their character songs in ' On the Sea" in sailor costume," The Mal. lion Musketeers,„ g dressed as guards, Southern Melodies die el es and "The s as Negroes g o old Brigade" are fine, Jas. Esplin, Canada's Versatile Comedian, will also be there in comic mega, impersonations, dramatic readings, castanet solos and pianologues. If you never laugh don't attend as many of his numbers are chock-full of fun. The Concert will be the bit of the season. Plan of tbe rink will be at Pox's Drug store. Watch for the opening sale of seats do as to get a good one, See lithograph of talent and the program later. Don't mise the Fall Fair COOcert as it will be No, x in every respect. Tell your neighbor about it and If you aro not married bring his wife or daughter along, The Kiltie Banti will play, The Post Huhseription Mata The management of `L'1Tlt Posse has been making earnest en- deavors by all reasonable means to avoid iucl'etseiug the rate of subscription. The increase of 8200 will be unavoidable how- ever and on October let, 1020, will come into effect. 10 thomeantime all subacrlp• Mons must be promptly renewed if the 81 50 rata is to be soctu'ed. 82,00 per year must be paid for all subscriptions in armee at above elate. This rule will be strictly ob- served, I People We Talk About #2 $t- tt Jos. Wilton is home for a short visit, Arthur McGuire Is away to Merlin for a few weeks. Miss Mae Wood is enjoying a week at Wasbaga Beach. Miss Mary Ross is visiting at Detroit for a week or so. Miss Jean Armstrong, Toronto, is borne for a short holiday, Robert Work, Toronto, has been holi- daying in town and locality. Miss Verne Walker and Archer Grew- ar are holidaying in Loudon, Fred J. and Mrs. Wood and Merger spent the week eud at Hanover. Miss Lizzie Bryass is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Feitd in Owen Sound, Miss Violet McGuire. of London, is spending a few clays with her aunt. Mrs, Walter Rose and bliss Louise have been visitinglfriends at Ingersoll. Mrs. Duncan McKenzie is renewing old friendships in Walton and Communi- ty • Annie Ross has been poorly but we hope she will soon pull up to better health. G F. Semis eombiued business with pleasure in a trip to 'Toronto for the week end. Misses Florence and Ruth Malcolm, Galt, are visitors with Miss Edna Mc- Call, Queen street. G. R. Rankin and daughter, Marguer- ite and Georgia, of Elora, were visitors for the week end with A, and Mrs. Mc- Guire, Miss Maude. Brock and Miss Pearl McPherson, both former school teachers were renewing old friendships In town last week. Miss Annie Bartliff, Toronto, formerly of town, is here at present filling her post of duty as nurse at the hone of W. A. and Mrs Lowry. We regret to state that Miss Aussie Budd, John Street, has been seriously i11 during the past week from heart trouble but is considerably Improved at the time of writing. Rev. George and Mrs. Jewitt, Wyom- ing, and sons E. W. and G, G., of Tor- onto, spent a tens days at the borne of Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, (the former's mother) and with other friends. Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Parr, of Har• molly, visited with Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and other ft lends last week. Mrs. Parr will be better known as Miss Ena Jewitt, before her marriage, having visited here fre- queutly. Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. Brown and Mrs Robt. 'Thomson, Misses Minerva Jolles, Verne Walker and Isabel Strach- an motored to St. Marys last seek and enjoyed a fine time, The latter was at tbe wheel, Nedby and Mrs. Robinson and 2 children, wbo have been enjoying a holiday in Brussels and other point; hi Ontario for the past 2 months, left for their home in Edmonton this week, We hope they will come again frequent- ly, and Mrs. Wilson, of Harrow, Essex County, have beau enjoying; a holiday visit. The forester is an old resi- dent of the community for years and is able to spend some pleasant hours re- trospectiug with old friends Mr. and Mrs Wilson have spent the pest few Winters in Florida, of which c.)untry he tells many interesting tales, He Is an uncle of Mrs. S. C, Wilson, of Brussels. A V INGS, Thrift, Independence all these . are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the same objec- tive-PROSPZRITY. The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain it, los THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Miss Beth Kerr, Toronto, is home for a short holiday. Mrs, Ranam, who lives with her daughter, Mrs, A, McGuire, has gone to Loudon for a visit, Misses Belle and Sara McLaucblin, Torouto, are enjoying a ltolidey with their sisters in town. Miss Isabel Black, of Owen Sound, is relatives i holidaying with r eIat es ]d friends in a f t town and community, Mrs. Skelton and Miss Mae were heli Baying with relatives and friends in Kincardine and locality. Mrs. (Dr.) Fred, Bryans, who is spend- ing the Smnmer in town, was at'I'oron• to fora few days this week. Miss Hazel Lowry has been enjoyiug a visit with relatives at Gorrie and old friends at Weiland and other points, A. and Mrs, Yolleek; 'Toronto, are here on a holiday at the home of Alex and Mrs. Yolleek, Elizabeth street. The men are brothers. Mrs. H. L. Jackson is taking in the sights and scenes at Windsor and De. troit, H. L, now wishes he bad taken the Short Course in Cookery. Mrs, Robert Francis and daughter Miss Lorraine and Miss Helen Trete, all of Oshawa. were visiting at the berme of George A. and Mrs. Best, Turnberry street. Mrs Francis was a former resideut of Brussels. BORN Fonsemn.-At Frobisher, Saab , on Angnst 18th, 1020. to Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Forsyth, a daughter. GALDRAITe,-In Brussels. on August 22nd, 1920, to Mr, and Mrs .7, H. Galbraith, a eon, L01911.4.. -In Brnasels, 0n A ugnst 20th, 1920, t0 Mr. and hers. W.A. Lowry, a son. PEARSON.- In Grey Township. on August 12th, 1020, to 54r. and Mrs, 7.T. Pen -son, n daughter -Ina Elizabeth, MARRIED 0041.M.50 - FI90HER: At the home of the bride's parents, "Riverside Form," on August 511i, 1020, by Rev. T. B. ffennedy, Mr, H. W. Chapman,. Brussels, to 81100 Barbara E, Fiedler, daughter of Mr, and Dire. F- Raddetz HAwIa0Aw-ANENT.-In Augnetine church, Winnipeg on August 14th, 1920, by Rev T.ealie Pidgeon, Mr. Thomas Arthur Hawkshaw, Manager Of the Standard Bank, Hussar, Alberta, to Mimi Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Amant, of Brussels Ont. LAMosie-SnssoN.-At the home of the bride's slater, Van000vor, B. C., by Rev, F. Hardy, on August 11.01, 1920, Mr, Samuel B. Lamont, Barrister of Avotliea, Sask., to Miss Laura A, Shannon, of Vancouver. IN MEMORIAM • GRUEL In loving memory of my dear hug. band, Sergi. Frank Stewart Gerry, 727004 110th Perth Batt„ transferred to 4 0, M. R's, killed in notion Aug, 287111918. In the bloom of Life, In the pride of his manhood doye; Bo, like our Saviour, shed lila blood, That others might be saved, The flag he loved hes wrapt Lilo round And where he Bee is holy ground. Wlva AND BAnr MARGARET. For Sale Splendid brick house with furnace, Two Iota, 0 fruit trees. Immediate posseaaton, Ap• ply to W. S. MOKIDRCBER, 0.4 Wroxeter. The Howe Mfg. Co. Wroxeter Hereby announce to their Cus- tomers that they are moving their Knitting Plant and stock of Blankets, Yarns, Underwear, Knit Goods, &c., to the Store North of Douglas' Hardware. Custom Knitting a Specialty. Your further Patronage Solic- ited. The Howe Mfg. Co. WROXETER, ONT, ameSeetagi • • • • 80 C9 N 9 9 8 6t • e e e 0 • e • • e P Heinz Olive Oil. fa the brand we sell and there is none better -Pure, Rich and very Pal- atable, Price the same as the cheap- er varieties - 81.255 per pint ,00a lelogoSIRCR' 4040 Dst�,FGt9t+$0;! iS400 4R1J:6f0Cv34$9E�➢i tAGtpt( 2,0 cm' s , ru Store THE `d/: STORE Weekiy Store News Amter Phrito Work What about your Snaps ? Are you having perfect satisfaction in the treatment of them ? Our business in this department is steadily in- creasing. There must be a reason. We would like to add your name to our list. Per- haps you would let us develop your next film. Either dull or glossy finish, price the same in either case. Prompt Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. a e A • s 4. • • • 5. • s s e • e e e • •JAMES S DRUGGIST and STATIONER •••e•••©•e•e•e•••0t4seasees©oeeeeeee•eee•eeeseee8eeeee New Papeteries Good Stationery is always a mark of distinction. O u stock at present Is very romplete. 25c 36e 60i & OOe Good assortment. Tanlac 7,000,000 Bottles in 2 years The above figures represent tbe won- derful sale of one of our beet Tonics -Tarlac. We are sole agents. Hydrogen Peroxide Get the best. Ours is made: by the well known firm - Parke Davis & Co. 25c per bottle Pat was on a sinking ship and was watching with iuterset the Fran• tie passengers grabbing life preserver's, putting thein on and jumping overheat d, "Shure" said he, "If every. body Is stealing I can too," Immediately lie Molted up a heavy oleos of iron and jumped overboard with It. Mouth Organs New stock again to hand. Splendid assortment See them, •: a 1 h? n 5 • • • CO 9 e • • •e 9 • •il se �Il a n �I • • to • ♦ ® • Nn� 0 • •Y • • • • O I • • • • • • • • • • O • 03 •• • • • • • e • Farm for Sale BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Being Lot 28, Con. 11, Grey Township, col- Spring Wheat tntniug 100 acres. 00 Beres cleared and balance hardwood bush. Good frame house and out- Peesse buildings, orchard. wells, &e. 0 Hiles to Ethel y or McNaught. Immediate poaseaalen, For flutter fnrther partteulare as to price, terms, &c„ ep- Begs ply on the Aremiaes. W M, PARRIR, Hogs Phone 484 R R. 2 Brussels P. 0, Wool 41 56 2 00 2 10 855 1 25 56 18 18 t1 05 211 0 2 85 1 26 66 68 t8 ?9 There is a Reason why the Ford is the Most Popular Car in the World : Itate o less t o purchase. a .4 It sells for morif you want to sell or ex- change. Itgets you thea gets r and you back. It costs less to repair. There are about, 8,000 Service Stations in Oanatla to give prompt Service to Ford Patrons. D. M. SCOTT, FORD DEALER - - BRUSSELS 1 j1 M •FT�tiF 988080(20 -,e(00980001660•' •00••®•e(l6e0®eee•6••e•••tile e .1 Finec`tt *Ladies' • • t7i • • to e la O • a 0 e 9 • 1B 0 ID to (0 O e 11 g O e O ID a W 9 53 t9 0 tr • s e r+ K e • a • • e • e O A hBros. • •M••••iMis�•it)•���i01)�eee•�•A«Ats••.�s��e•A1•A•YS4•li • Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman. ship. P Made to' wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another tr just like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part ot the buying, Women s White Canvas Shoes Reduced in price. All lines of White Running Shoes at Reduced Prices to clear. Good values in Fine Harness, Trunks and Sat- chels. Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia e • •i • co e • • • • • • • • • to • e • 1r