HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-26, Page 4gbe trnosels vast 1tluktIUA,'. AURUMas r•i-o H EAyv snowfalls lire plopnray-d tor next Winter. t4(9 was a hairnet year ter teeer.li n Fire lusurance (: emi;auies, the best in 25 year's history. Perbaps the rates will come down. SOME of our American ecnlsitle will be 'Vetting fidgety until after he P;eaiden- tial Election as to whether they are with the "ins" or the "outs" in office. ONTARIO never looked be' ter from au agricultural standpoint than it does to- day and the prospects are re assuring. We should be a thauicful people, Ir looks as if there should be no empty bread baskets durlcg the coming Winter in Canada, as. the results of the harvest appear to be very favorable. FREIGHT rates boosting is not going to bele out the transportation business The consumers will be the fellows wbo will have to do the settling in the end. 6 vacant seats in the Dominion Sen- ate, Don't all speak at once brethren. We nominate Phil. Bowyer, Ridgetown, and David Caution, Clinton, for 2 of there. 1$0w go ahead witb the other 4 It's uo use coaxing us ss we really are too busy and too young. VILLA, the stormy petrel of elextcan history, has promised to "be good" and will retire to private life in a place des- ignated by the government. His sur- render will no doubt be a cause of thanksgiving unless some other high handed fire-eater takes up the torch end goes at it. The Mexicans appear to be built on the same lines as the scrapping Hiberntans, who are only at Peace when they are at war. 4'd na touched some of the high spots in his career. ONCE more the Country is up against the nonsensical ruling of Educational Department in the matter of 3rd class teacbers. Notwithstanding the short- age of teachers and the necessity of em- ploying all in sight Trustee Boards are held up by the regulation iorbidd;ug the engagement of the 3rd Class Many of them do excellent work too, The Mini- ster of Education should cut out the rule or else cut off the granting of a use- less privilege that is demeaning to both teachers and trustees. Time for a change we would say for surely the absurdity of the situation should be patent to all by this time, REPORT says half a score of men, and a few.women, shame on them, are dead anxious to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. If a good barrel big enough could be arranged they might all go over the same day and end the nervous strain. Possibly if some of them could have hoops put round their head it would cute them of their folly. There's no difficulty in going over the cataract, the rapids will look after tbat but the valuation put on life proves their opinion of it to be a very cheap thing, hardly worth the cost of the barrel in these days of high prices. The minions of the law should lay hold on these silly navigators and see they get a good steady job that would benefit their family or the State and by such action give a hint to those who appear to be desitious of attaining fame by a wilful waste of human life. dmoimmestmon DON'T get speed crazy and try to run your buzz buggy a mile a minute. One bad accident, in which some unoffend. ing party may be marked for life may he the victim or it may be yourself who will go on crutches or possibly be taken charge of by the undertaker but who- ever "gets it" chances are the situation could have been prevented if common sense had been the predominating char- acteristic. Because some member of a suicide club takes a chance to try to clip off 5o or 6o miles an hour is no reason why you should go bug -house and at- tempt to equal or outdo his record. A Car may prove a great convenience and comfort as a vehicle of transportation but good judgment and a shrinking to draw sick and funeral benefits will do much to dissuade the fellows who just touch the high spots to profit by the ex- perience of others without testing out to its culmination the work of the speed artists. BUILD 'UP THE SMALL TOWN—.It is high time that all of us paid more at- tention to the building up of the little town and less to make the overgrown city Large, The little town is home --or should be, It needs our support and we are the people who must give life and power if it Is to have either, The big city cares nothing for us. It will if it can pull your dollars away and lure our boys and girls into its whirlpool, but that is the only use it bas tor us. The little town needs es and we need it. Hall's Corners may not make as large a dent on the map as NOW York, but it really means more to us, and we ought to help make it somethingg to be proud of. Why not get over the idea that the bright future of Canada lies in the great cities 7 If does not. The future Which lies 1n the cities is shop worn, smoked, ditty and unclean. 'Pile true • future Iles in the country and 1n the little towns. Back them up and make The Adolescent School Act The Adolescent School Aet regarding which a proclamation has Just been is- sued by the Ontario government is in tended to protect the child during the character -forming period of 14 10 18 years ut age by extending the period el Schooling in cases where children 01 this age are not in employment it pro - 'vides. Every adolescent between 14 and 16 years of age shall attend school for the full time during which the schools of the municipalities in which he re- sides are open each year unless excus- ed for the reasons hereinafter mention ed, The obligation to attend school und- er this section shall not apply to any adolescent if he is unable to attend school by reasons of sickness infirm- ity or other physical defect. Be is excused on the authority of a home permit or of an employment ter tificate as hereinafter provided; He has passed the matriculation ex- amination of an approved university or has completed to the satisfaction of the Department of Education a course of study which may be regarded as the equivalent of the requirements of such examination. He is in attendance at some other Ed ucational institution approved by the minister. The school attendance officer on the request of a parent or guardian may grant a permit to work in or about home or to engage in any gainful oc- cupation. No adolescent between 14 and 16 years of age shall be employed from 8 a.m. to 5 a.m. unless he holds a home permit or an employment certificate Provisions is made for half-time scho l ing and the course of studies designed while it is provided that classes provid ing part-time courses of instruction for aoolescent shall be in session for the same number of days in each year as the high schools of the province and that such classes shall not open before 8 a.m. nor close later than 5 p.m. A significant clause affecting the municipalities reads as foIiows: On and after such date as may be fixed by the Lieutenant- Governor by proclamation every urban municipality with a population of 5000 and over shall and any municipality or school section may through the authorities named establish and maintain part- time courses of instruction for the ed- ucation of adolescent between 14 and 18 years. Provisions is made for the reimburse went by the province of municipalities establishing classes of this kind. The act is intended to promote a higher type of citizenship and to lessen the danger of boys and girls going wrong at a period of Iife when the dang er to them is greatest. it answers in part the demand for an increase in the age for compulsory school attendance but does not go far enough. It would be better for the state if every child could be kept at school until it had reached the age of 16 thus giving the child by reason of a higher educational equip- ment a better chance -to achieve success in life, SCHOOL FAIRS IN HURON Following is a list of the school fabs to be held this year in Huron County, with the date of each : Dashwood—Thursday, Sept. 9 Orediton—Friday, Sept. 10. Gotrie—Thursday, Sept. 10, Ethel—Friday, Sept. 17. Porter's Hill—Saturday, Sept. 18. Colborne—elonday, Sept, 20. McKillop—Tuesday, Sept. 21. Clinton—Wednesday, Hrpt 22, St. Helens—Wednesday, Sept. 29. Walton—Thureday, Sept. 30. Wroxeter—Monday, Oct. 4. Belgrave—Tuesday, Oct, 5. Bluevale—P'rlday, Oct. 8. Dates of Neighboring Fairs Following ie the list of Pall Fairs in this diettect :— Teeswatee ...,,. •..... .......... .... Ort 56 Wingbam Sept., 80 -Oct. 1 Blyth ..••. Sept.. 20-21 Dungannon ..................... ..... Oct, 7.8 G(srlerich...,. .... Sept, 8.10 Seaforth.............. Sept. 23-24 Milvel'ton . Sept. 24.25 Palmerston. ..... ........• . Oct. 156 Listowel opt 15-16 Attvoo(l.. .................... .Sept. 20.21 Luckuew.... ..... -Sept. 23.2.1 Fordwich ........................ Oct. 2 Ailsa Craig , .Sept 22 23 Bayfield ..., Sept, 20 80 Brussels , Sept 14 15 Dru co bo........................ Sept, 284:9 Exeter. Sept. 20.21 Hanover... ...... Sept 23.24 Harriston Sept. 2+3.24 Kirkton..... .......... ..,Sept30, Oet, 1 Londnu (Western Fair) Sept. 11.18 Mitchell ......... Sept, 28.29 New Hamburg ,..,.,,,, Sept. 9.10 Ottawa (Central Fair).,Sept. 10.20 St. Marys s .... ........ Sept. StratPm• l...... Tavistock Sept, 27.28 Termite (fah Nat) Aug 28•Sept. 11 Woodstock ••. ,• " •."".ept, 1.4.15 Sent, 22.24 IWmmeeeesleeenee$e ees tasa'>o0000 Aero CUSilhill I inner 'NTS 1 alio ;:,1.1 bp,t •1 Et c1 aiinert91 L3[11155815ei Some of their Commendable features toe • 90i Made of pure Bata Rubber. • Double the mileage of yuur e e easing, ag Does away witli pnnettilts. • No blow -outs. CNo eels.• 9 No toad delttya.as • g Every Motorist should use the Aero YManufactured in Wingham. r 11 See the Tires and get prices for iit. 4 Ibis eliminator of the troubles 3 from H S 'G. C, MANNERS, Brussels, _ g The vary thlntr you have boon g Bi looking for, g B ti 0000esesse eeeeeeBYw:tasetee.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ROASTS HIS BEEF 0 O SEATED AT PIANO 0 O 0 0 Berlin, Aug 13—Schumann's 0 0 Traeumerei can cook an egg; a 0 0 dance from Chopin will boil a 0 0 course of peas and turnips; Ca- 0 0 valleria Rusticana will roast a 0 0 side of beef and Wagner's Works 0 (O will cook a whole meal. At least O 0 according to Die Post, an inven 0 0 tor has developed an apparatus 0 0 whereby the waste energy devel 0 0 oped in piano playing is used in 0 0 an electric cooker. Tests give 0 0 tteal ave results it was alleged, ed, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Constipation Cured By Christian Science --o-- Sev'enRy five people out of one hundred can be cured by Ohristiltn Science methods, which proses the great power of bhe Mind over the Digestive Apparatus and the fre- quency of Nervousness as a cause of Consttpution. When these methods fedi Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are recommended, They aa'e purely vegetable and do not Gripe or Ir- ritate; many people have found them excellent for Headache, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Gas on the Stomach, and many other evils that are due Ito Constipation. Where there is Extreme Nervous- ness and you are "all run down" and "tire easily" it would he Just as well to take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy along with these Pills, This com- bination goes well together and re- stores the good health of your younger days- The Heart action be- comes nonmlaa the Nerves take on new Lite, Power and Vigor and the "human machine" becomes full of "pep" and vitality. If yon are tired of sickness and have 10st the Power, Ability and Nerve Force to do your daily work and your Nerves are all Shattered just give these two Remedies a trial and we will positively guarantee beneficial results. Go to your dealer to -day and ask for Hacking's., and do not take any other kind for if you do you will be fooled right at the start and yon will not get the results that we guarantee. Hwoking'a Liunit• ed, Lis'Wwe1, NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of William Martin, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes o coterie,' that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Martin, who died on or about the BM clay of July, A, D. 1920. are re. quired on or before the 15th day of September, A. D. 1920, to Bend by post prepaid or deliver to Samuel Wilton, of the Village of Brussels, in the Coity of Huron, at Brussels P. O, one of the Bxsontors or enkl deceased, their Christian and em•nonns, addresses and de. seriptions, the frill par Centers of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities 111 env held by them. And further take notice that after such lost mentioned date the said Exeoutore will proceed to distribute the aesete of the deoeaaed among the parties entitled thereto, having re. sand only to the claims of which they ahnn then have notice, and the said Bxeoutors will not be liablefor the said assets or any part thereof to any per, on or persons of whose claim notice almll not hove bean received by them et rho tiros of such distribution. Dated this 171h dayofAutnst, A. D. 1920. RBBBCCA tr:\RTIN, /Executors, SAMUEL WILTON, i Voters' List 1920 Municipality of the Township of Morrie County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I have transmit• tad or delivered to the persons mentioned is Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Nets Aet, the motes required by said motions to be 00 transmitted or delivered of the tilt made, pureaant to said Aet, of nil persons nopearing by the last revered Assessment Roll of the Municipality et Inactions for members of the Legislative Assembly and nt Mutdelpal Diee• Botts ; and that time said list Wall first posted up in my offio01n Morrie, on the 241h ren of August, 1920, and remains there for inepeoilon, Blasters are called Upon to examine p m e rho said lire and, t any in to ane it any ether orrora are found therein to taro immediate prcoord• toga to have the said orrora oma sated accord• ing to IoW Dated thla 25th day of August 1920, A. MAOBWlsN, (lark of Norte. 1T MORON FALL FAIR US'ELS Tuesday and Wednesday 1920 tc&15 Speeding Contests 2.25 Trot or Pace - Purse $125.00 Hobbles allowed, Mile heals 2 in 3, Purees -50, 25, 15 and 10 per rent 2.50 Trot Purse $100.00 Mile heats 2 in 3, Purees -50, 21, 15 and 10 per (lent Local Trot or Pace Purse $50.00 Hobbles barred Purses—$24.00, $16.00, $10.00 Running Race m Purse $20.00 Purses -810 00, $5.00, $3.00, $2.00 Committee reserves right to name starters in last, two races, ATTRACTIONS ]ST 2ND 75 50 50 25 50 25 I30Y.S RACE, wider 14 years, 100 yards BOY'S RACE, under. 10 years, 50 yards GIRL'S RACE, under 15 years, 100 yards 75 GIRL'S RAO1S, under 10 years, 50 yards 60 BEST FANCY DRILL by School Pupils. Not less than 12 nor mote than 24 persona in each 5 00 8 00 2 00 Pupils and teachers admitted free to Fair. POTATO RAOlt ON HORSEBACK—Three potatoes for each competitor will beplaced 100 yards From starting point. t. Oon netitors stand l Y h n e tnnuut end ride to fleet potato, dismount and picic ail potato, remount. and tide back to starting point, dismount and put potato iB pail—repeating the operation for each potato. let 81.50 ; 2nd, $I.00 ; 8rd, hoc. No entrance fee. 3RD 4T9 25 2,5 26 25 25 2,5 25 26 Special Prizes THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA offers $10 00, divided :-1st $000, 2tel $4.00 for the best horse and buggy owned and driven by tt farmer or Partner's son being resideut of the Townships of Grey or Morris, THIS STANDARD BANK offers $10.00 for the best exhibits of cattle, divided :—let, $5.00 ; 2nd, $3 00 r ltd, 32.00. A. 0. I3AI1KER otters 50 lbs. Jewel Fluor for 1st prize and 25 lbs. of Jewel 11;.1"1: for 2nd prize for the best, broad baked with this brand (bunt'. A. 0. BAEKER offers 98 lbs Hour for heat 2 loaves trend hatred front Purity Elour. and 50 NH. flour for best. 2 loaves bread baked fermi Golden City Flim. Float• to be purchased from Mr. Baeker. GREY TWP. OOUNCIL offer 3 prizes of $7 00, $5.00 and 83 00 for the best Baby Beeves exhibited at the Fair. Exhibitsrestt•ieted to persons under 18 years of age and residents of Grey. Animals meet be raised and fed in 1 he Township. BROWN BROS. CO., Welland, Ont., offers $5.00 wattle of stock (winner's selection) for best Bus, Apples exhibited. Apples to be sent to don• ma promptly at Welland, Ont. after the Fair. G. W. GIBSON, Wroxeter, offers prizes of 33.00, $2,00, $1 00 for best 1920 Horse Onit, and $3.00, $2 00, 31,00 for best Mare Colt 1920, sired by Scntah Bobble. A. L. STEWART t feels 312.00, divided :-1st, $6 00 ; 2ncl, 4 00 ; 3rd, $2,00, for best Dairy Cow open to patrons of Shamrock Creamery, 13, S. SOOTP, Miss Morris, Dr, Hamilton and M. Bloch offer prizes of $4 00, $2.50 and $1.50 for best sketch representing a. poem, open to Conl•inualiou School pupils. AMISS KATHLEEN WILTON offers 76c, 500 and 25c for best Sheet Oolor Work, open to Room II pupils. MISS FLO. BUCIIANAN rffers 750, 50c and 25c for Prettiest Nosegay arranged by pupils of Prima'y Roonl themselves, MISS ANNIE GEDDES offers 75c, 50c and 25c for beat Pen and Ink Map, (spelt to pupils of Room III. 0E0. TelOMSON offers 50 lbs. Five Roses Flour for best two loaves of Home-made bread. JAS. 13ALLA.NTYE offers 31.00 for 2nd prize of Horne -made bread, DONNING BROS. offer $2 00 for best collection 0f Poultry. W. H, K17RR ivill give THE POST for a year for beet two loaves of Home- made Bread ; and THE PosT for a year: for hest 3 lbs. Butter, WILTON & GILLESPIE offer $1,25 as 1st and 75c as 2nd price for best collection of 6 lo 10 Snap Shots open to pupils of Brussels school. MRS. JANE TIHOMPSON offers goods valued at 82.00 for beat Collection of Preserved lei uits. A. STRAOHAN offers $2.00 cash for best Collection Asters, 4 varieties. GEO, R. WELLER offers $2.00 .for lady winning most let Prizes itis Ladies' Wnrk, JAS, FOX offers a piece 01' ',throws Ohina valued at $2.00 for one winning greatest number of let Prizes for Flowers, OIIAS POPE offers $2,00 as first and $1,0048 2ucl prize for best Oollect,ion of Vegetables, JOS, QUERRIN offers $10.00 for beet 10 lbs, Butter, sane to become his property. W. P. FRASER offers $1 00 for best pair Single Gtimb R. I, Reds, Gook, e1 el and Pullet. SOCIETY offers $8 00 as 1st and $2,00 ae 2nd prize for Ladies' Driving Contest. W, J, AICLRAOKEN offers 32 50 as let aicl 81.50 as 2nd pr ize for best ttvo loaves of Breadmade from Royal Household Flour, DR, WHITE offers $1 00 for hest Barred Rock Cockerel and Pulls[. - BAEIfL'R BROS, offer $2 00 for best Fat Ileifeir, P. R, SMITH afters $1.00 for tat and '750 for 2nd prize for best Collection Potted Ferns and Potted Tuberous Begonias, not lees than 5. CHAPMAN 13ROS, offer a $4.00 Open Bridle for best Buggy Horse. Clinton NI Known Kiitie Band Will supply Music for the Fair. Grand koncert in Skating fink WEDNESDAY EVENING FIRST-CLASS TALENT The Ionic Male Quartette Worth going miles to hear, Mr, Esplan, Canada's Versatile Comedian The kiltpe Band, &c, ' GE01 MULIIOON, M. BLACK, President, , Secretary, P ettri•••,, I'8-t•s'$'t PO1x61-t0*9+ifd'9-k 6'r'Yt'±!•t,0-h.'S•9•t'4+Pi•3•h4 he•t.iC•her•r • � e eaforth Creamery er c.r�,...,,,.,, Jls,.®rna.- •---__. I/4441Wi Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we call give you thorough satisfaction, We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova•Scotia. • •4 i For further particulars see our Agent, MR.,, T. C. McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to ; • e14. • "�lL.e.wr,tw1 Amsn�. Creamery CO!? SEAFORTH, ONT. t 4046404Se4 B4 a$•P+^o4o-•6444 44.2 +4t••40i-9+efr, 53-1.l 2rlrra.4,46.304g,0 DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Bpdnrioeay eilloh.o CanadianNotice to NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned that ex members of the CanadianlCx- pedttimlary lemma who are entitled to ,old who l regeire postdischarge dental treatment moat submit their applications to the District Den- tal Officer at time g�rrty,tdgaartera of the District in which they roaldlr31, or before tat Septem- ber,1020 Appliontlbns for dental treatment received after let September, 1020, will not be oonsidered. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST (#rsduata Department of ophthalmology, Mo. Cormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Three 1110n tdtn post graduate course during past year. Byes nnrrectly fitted with Ghanian. Rend. aches, Inflamed Eyes, (Granulated Eye Lids and other Bye troubles, canned by Bye•etrnin. relieved through properly fitted Glasses, Satisfaction Assured. Option' Parlor In Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair's office. Office hours ; 9 t0 12 0. m • ,l to 0 p. m. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Phone 24x ring 4 4.4.4++++÷÷-1.4.1-1-1,04.44.4•44++++6 (Sgd.1 BUW10015o0'1t88102, 1, 4' De mt Intaer Ilion and Defence. + 1 y M M Ottawa, August U, 1920. Note—Newspapers will not bepaM for the advertisement If they !apart it without author• it from the Department. (H Q. 21141-1.22). 8.2 To Contractors + I have a choice stock of Tho municipal Council of the Township of Morris is asking for tenders for the construc- tion of the Mills, the Sellers, the Kelly, the Beane and the Birkby Drains. Plana, esti• metes and profiles at the Cleric's residence. The tenders will be considered at the Council Meeting in the Township Ball, Monday, Aug, 4• Both, 1sW0. W. ELSTON, Reeve, A. MACEWEN, Clerk, R. R. 5, Winghaul. Box ii, Bluevale. FRIN SUITINGS Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for H. S. No, 8, (Trey. town - shin. Enron County. 2nd Ohms Professional, Duties to commence in September. •Appli• rants to state qualification, experience and salary. 0E0Mn't'AG(GAR'r, Soo.•Trees„ Brussels RR R. No. 2 Bull for Service The undersigned trill keep for service, on RA Lot B0, (hon, 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bred Short Rorn Bull, Gainford of Halton, No. 90418=. Sired by Gainford Marquis (100890) ; Dant Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 1180501. ?ed. igree may be seen on application. Terms— $10,00 for thoro'-bred,, payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to return. Grade cows no( allowed. THOS. PIER0B, Proprietor TWEEDS WORSTEDS PANTINGS that should be seen be- fore you place your Spring order. Splendid values in Waterproof Coats that are sere to satisfy. W. P. Fraser Toiler Brussels 6o0AG90444.000V40040440®e,04444444©44.40000040060461 0 e 6 w 6 4 4 0 cv 0 0 6 • a° 0 4 0 A 0 Students May Enter Any Time G/dG.airedd We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. 0 Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either 's Stratford or - Wi ighani 40 U 0 4, • at i OC444Nr4400444►44440N4b404 o6006664090666e456464004964 C re.,.. m nted Ship yLur Cream Direct to .the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques, for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. IrussekU,Br Cmrywrt as I�te Props.