HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-26, Page 3CANADA'S LARGEST TELESCOPE IN D.C. SECOND LARGEST IN THE WOLRD EQUALS BEST. Was Built for Dominion Gov- ernment Just Before the War Started. It will be news to many to learnthat near Victoria, B.C„ is an astronomical observatory possessing a telescope white for some time was the largest and most perfect of its kind In opera- "tion, and which Is still a good second in point of size, while equal to the best in efficiency, In order to peer farther and farther thin the depths of space and to die - cover the true nature of our universe, it is nese=nary to use more and more poll/milli instruments, For a number of yeas the largest telescope in Cana- da wen at the Dominion Observatory aar".)ttawa, It is 15 inches in diameter cal about 20 feet in length. It leas AUTO SPARE PARTS for most makes and models of oars. Your aid broken or worn-out parts replaced }{rite or wire us describ- ing what you want, We carry the largest" and moat oomplete stock in Canada of slightly used or now parts and automobile equipment. We shin anywhere 1n Canada. Satis- factory or refund in full our motto. Shaw's auto Salvage Part Supply, 823.931 Dntterin St, Toronto, Out, I Profit by Parcel Post. After four years of selling direct to consumers by mail, I have learned that the parcel -post system is one of the biggest boons that has ever coma to country, people, providing they use it intelligently, I have also discovcr- 1 I tieement. The repeat orders are the w�^ 'result of quality products neatly packed and shipped. They look ap- Potjeing to the L ., ''tater when he re- ceives them, and they Baste jus: as good as they look. �^^ ,Bain° things, of course, can rot be distributed by parcel -lost, but it pays to deal direct with everything that can be chipped by mail. BABY'S GREAT DANGER MAIM HOT IllATIIER More little one.; die during the hot weather than at any olltor time of the ed that advertising pays big profits, year•, Diarrhoea, eysentry, cholera as I have used it extensively during hifantuni and stomach troubles come the past few years, without warning, and when a medicine I began selling by mail on a small is not at hand to give promptly the scale at firet, because I was a little short delay too frequently menns that dubious of its feasibility. But after the child has passed beyond aid. my doubts were dispelled, I gradually Baby's Own Tablets should always be added to my line of mail products.) kept in the house where there are The mail plan of skipping saves me young children. An occasional dose much expense in marketing; besides,' of the Tablets w111 prevent stomach I get better prices for my goods by, and bowel troubles, rr if the trouble this method, If I sold my productscomes suddenly the prompt use of the to retailers I could not expect so much Tablets will relieve the baby. The Trib- es consumers are willing to pay,- ' lots are sold by medicine dealers or by My plan also saves consumers some mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. been mad continually from its erec- money, as I can afford to sell for a Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, tion in 1805, lint the need of some- little less than retailers ask for the Ont. 11)11(1 greater wets felt, and in 1013 the same products. In addition to the Cioverinee::t Elated en order fer one money saving, tom. Inners have the arse The Farmer. larger then ray then in existence, vantage of getting strictly fresh Ile loves his hearth, and seldom von - goods that have not laid around the TM Typos of Telescope. stare a few days before they are sold.' urns rar Beyond his placid homestead on the Now there are two distinct types of Everything that can be shipped by at the upper end of the tuba a thus,my l astomers through advertising. Simple his wants, few his ambitions teleeeopee. In one type there is placed parcel -post I sell in this way. I get hill; through vshlc]t the light from rile baso• n.iring the spring and summer, when are; shorter length). Price, 25 cents. In fill if a "Damascus blade" will stand his business prosper: etdy holy 'lames and is thereby can- vegetables are in season, I rail a small' Itis sturdy hands prepared his needs 7 sizes 34 to 46 ins, bust measure. as much as a good modern band saw "Oh, Yee." replied the traveller; "he verged to a faces, or, to form an imago ; rdvertizoment once a week in the local' to fill. Size 86 requires 5 yds, 40 ins. wide; or the spring of a cheap clock. Cap• is looking well and seems to be doing of the body. Such a te!escnpo le ca ile+l . rapers, telling of some vegetable that Days pass, and find him ever in the contrasting, 1 yd. 85 ins. wide. Width, per can be hardened by modern meth- well." 1. lee yds. ods to equal any specimen that has "I am filed to hear that," replied the a reflWctnr. S7 the second typo there ; is ready for the market, and soliciting fields; These patterns may be obtained employer, "Ile was an old friend of Is a concave mirror at the lower end! The evening sees h'm in exhausted from your local 11ir,Ca11 dealer, or been Ieet to us by tare ancients, of the tuba. This is of glees, silvered orders. This is all that is necessary,' sleep; Many arta that are said to he las: mina when he was alive; he died six • for after the first sale to a customer: from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,' are simply abandoned because there is nontls ago and rho bu iness was an the front curllcc•, not the back as' of oeeh vegetable, I get enough repeat, Month follows month, and seasau to Toronto, Deft. W. f i ordinary !netting. glass Upon season yields; this the light falls, 1 • t11 oar b lr andmy TWO Cl'IARMING DESIGNS `-�1 ly • 9616 0274 Tran>;ter Design No. 10.15 • heads Now is the time to get rid of iti • Nature is pulling for you-- The warm weather's here— 1 This is your chance—, grasp it—take T empleton's Rheumatic Capsules Get it out of you system the casiest way Sold by reliable druggists for a dailar. Ask our agent or write us for n :roe sample, Temple - 'ten's, 142 Icing, St. ., Toronto. s9 Many "Lost Arts" Are Merely FROM HERE &11tERE l Stuck Up. Johnny startled his mother by ask - lug, suddenly: ' Mama, Is there hair oil in thls bot- tle?" ""Mercy, no, dear!" she exelalmed, "that's glue," "Ohl" said Johnny. Then after a short science, "Perhaps that's wily I can't get may hat off," Unjust Suspicion, A proud young father telegraphed the news of bis happiness to his brother in these words:—"A hand - Abandoned. solve boy has coma to my house and Tradition credits the ancients with claims to bo your uephew. We aro many "last arts:'. It is still cannon doling our best to give hint a proper to bear people say that means un- The known to us must have been employed The brother, however, failed to see to erect the pyramids, that the Da- no point, and wired back: --"I have marctls blade 1s beyond the power of no nephew. The young man is an Im- modern cutlers, and that the art of pastor.'" hardening copper died with solve little ripped the Traveller. brown Aztec. In point of fact, larger stones than A businena man emplaced a traveller any found in the pyramids have been who thought reports were of no ac- lca ettrrierl across ecunt. He sent in one showing sever- 8616—Ladies' Drees (37 or 35 -inch qurrried in A1ner , length from wr.ict!ine). Price, 35 cents, the sea and erected is buildings in al calls that be had made. In 7 sizes, 34 to '1+i 1115, bust measure. England and France. If any one carol When he got back to the hes.ti eOk' Size 3tl inquires 894 8i yds. 86 ins. wide. to pay• Por rho cost there are plenty of at the end of the weak his employer Width, 1,b yds. McCall Transfer Design No. 1015. Price, 25 cents. 9274—Ladies' Dress (instep or contractors who would build a dupIl• went thro^ttgh the reports with him, cats of the largest pyraolid and not and said, "I notice you called upon Mr. take eo very long abuut. it. It Is doubt- Brawn. Did You find him well? Is n an no modern need of cultivating them, closed. You must have made your re- orrile a exhaust e. supply of than He carries on his task to sow and j and others not even abandonee. but Port from an old directory." u ro 1 Par l,dcular ll I dispose. �i pp� �1 ��q ��yy thus brought to 0 Tecate Snell a toles• 1the :ill .I dispose of my poultry: No glory (� iA 16IV FOP l III, lil�4�'�I;1�! aro employed every day and improved ' cr•pe i» a reflector. The telescope at in the same way. I raise lacks, geese _ s.:_ --'_-a. sin.-..;".. Ottawa ix a refractor; that at Victoria kiwi I and chickens. Of course, they must be fame, u reflector. The refractor c . the hind dressed and packed in ice before ship The warrior's guerdon, scorns his we are meat eccustolued to. indeed, ping, but the higher price I get for rustic brow. ^ rofrecters could nut possibly be Lr,,d a them more than pays for my trouble. as huge as the lnrgect rellectors' I Breezed poultry always brings better The contract for supplying the tnir- prices than live poultry, and during rim and the other optical parts wits ! the holidays I reap n big harvest lien eiveu to the Brashear Go., of Pitts-' lay products, burgh; while that for the mounting Dulling the late fall and early win - was given to Warner and Swassy, of ter, dressed wild rabbits are another source of income to me. I have more orders for these than I can fill. Hick- ory -nuts and butternuts are easily great mirror. On the second attempt shipped by parcel -post, and I usually the disc was successfully east at the sell all that I can gather. I never ex - melee of the company at Charleroi,' poet to get rich from the sale of nuts, but the best part of their sale is that they are largely profit. Attractively displayed and neatly packed wares, and the superior qual- ity of my goods, are my best adver- Cleveland. This was in Octubc-r, 1013. Immediately an order was sent to the St, Gobain Glass Co., of Paris, France, far the glass disc required for the l;eigmm; and by groat good fartuuo It WW1 shipped Froin Antwerp a few days before the declaration of war. It ar- rived in Pittsburg early in August. The glasworks were wrecked by the Germans' soon afterwards, When it was received the great disc was 73%¢ inches in diameter, 13 to inches in thickness, and it weighed nearly 6,000 pounds. After six months of work apon it, the edge had been cut truly round, the lower surface had been made flat and the up- per surface had been hollowed out ta- to epherical shape. At the edge it was then 12 inches thick, at the centre 1L1 inches, and its weight had been reduced to 4,540 pounds, !'leen begun the'process of "figuring" the surface. By this the surface is changed from a spherical to a parabo- loidal form. To get this shape about one -thousandth of an inch of glass had tc be removed from the centre of the mirror, and less and less as one ap- proached the edge. While the great mirror was being hara organize fantasias in honer of the France for the rest of their lives. slowly fashioned the massive and con- Arab sheiks of the region. The t lteiks By a network of small oasis garri- come in to attend then followed by sons and desert patrols, recruited great retinues of turbaned and splen- from the desert tribes and mounted 00 Exploits of sword or pen may win a name— But not the humbler conquests of the plow . Yet I would hail him super-knight,— who dares Do battle with the vary earth, and airs! The Harvest. Others, I doubt not, if not we, The issue of our toils shall see, And (they forename and unknown) Young children gather as their own The harvest that the dead hall sown. —Browning. Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. eeph g Desert Chiefs Friendly By her successful protection of the with the power and the generosity of caravan routes France has earned the France. Not content with these manifesta- tions of friendship, the French Gov- ernment makes it a point to invite the native rulers of the lands er its control to visit Ftrance opceccasionally as the guests of the nation. Escorted by French officers who can talk to them in their own language these goats. Colonial visitors in their outlandish As showing the constant effort that costumes experience the delights of the French officials make to establish Paris, are dined by the President of friendly relations with the natives it the Republic at the Ely -see Palace, re - may be mentioned that several times ceive the freedom of the city at the onch year the commandants of the Hotel de Villa and finally return to French posts along the edge of the Sa- their own lauds friends and. allies of gratitude of the people of the regions that border on the great Sahara. Many of these great trado caravans are literally moving cities. They sometimes, consist of 12,000 caramels, to say noth- ing of horses, donkeys, sheep and pUcnted mounting had been construct- ed at Cleveland. It is a triumph of mechanical engineering. The moving didly mounted retainers, and with the the tall, swift trotting camels known reit:; v,•eleh 45 tons, and yet it is so same enthusiasm with which an as Mehari, Franco has made the Sa- niccl balanced that the current from American countryside turns out to see Karan trade routes, if not as safe as an or,linary electric lamp, passing the circus. Fifth Avenue or Piccadily, certainly very much safer for the lone traveller than certain streets of Chicago and Paris. 1t has long been the fashion to hold tip the Northwest Mounted Police as the model for all constabulary forces, just as it has been the fashion to extol the English as the model colonizers, but when you consider the smallness of their numbers, the .vastness of the region which they oontrol and the character of the climate and its in- habitante, It is contended that the blue ribbon in this regard should go to the lean, brown faced, hard riding camel men who have carried law and order into the furthermost corners of the great Sthara, throneh a motor, is sufficient to move it promptly into any position required to observing any object in the, sky. Fulfils All Expectations. Tia mounting was completed in Races with valuable money prizes are arranged for the visitors' horses, and before the sheiks leave they are presented with ornate saddles, gold mounted rifles said sometimes with May', 1516, and during the fellowdng cermet, of the Legion 2 Honor. su diner it wee shipped to Victoria. In return for this hospitality they The observatory Is on Saanieh dill, willingly agree to capture and eurren- 700 feet above sea level and eight dor certain fugitives from justice, to 01:105 from Victoria. The B.C. Elec.- warn the more lawless of their tribes- tria Railway passes along the foot of men that the plundering of carevane the hill, and a flue road, ono and a 00151 cease, to furnish quotos of re - half miles long, to the flatnniit, was cruris for the native cavalry and to built by the B.C. Government, One send in for sale to the remount de- eectien of the mounting weighed 91% pertinent Et large number of desert Dans and twelve horses were required brad horses. Ilost important of all, bo pull the truck carrying it to the ob- they go back to their tented homes 501101ory. The sheet metal observe- in the desert immensely impressed tory building and the motfiiting Were completed In tho autumn of 1016, but the great mirror did not tante until 13 months later, The instrument has boon in use over two years, and it has fulfilled all ex- pectations, The staff of the observe, tory consiets of: Dr. J. S. Plaskett, who was for some years at the Uni- versity oP, Toronto and later at Otta- wa; W. 17. Harper, whose home was neat' Geon Sound; R. le, Young, of Blabroolto, noar Hamilton; and H. H. FIns.kett, son of the director, manic beautiful photographs of some of the heavenly bodies have been t, leer, but the telescope is chiefly lined 111'• ehotogrephing the 5900110 of stars, in this way deternsiuing what sub• sinners are in thee° stars and also the speed at .which they aro meveng to were or trent Ile, Pungent and aced tastes are per- ceivid by the tip of the taigas; the ntrd,L'o tastes sweets unci bitters! while the back and lower weds taste fatty substances. t, v , s Sat at its best after ��1l' t lin > a full P twenty ty i inu1s tes ; ai 1:L14 a vial made 04;5',3+ of P e ttfSCa'A is hard. t y ' 11,?z;'i i•' ;. Pre atmo� � P !tiiuff1AiotheA.Corm, is made nip ck as *.a.'� jl�i\1t;.".G gink,71the cilia. 1n.' - eon AL d -.acuCrOCer' ea harm.ali ' DELICIOUS ana The Only Real Nerve Tonic is a Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood. "If people would only attend to their blood, instead of worrying themselves 111," said an eminent nerve specialist, "wo doctors would not see our con- sulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks. More people suffer from worry than anything else." The sort of Thing which tho special- ist spoke of is the nervous run-down condition caused by overwork and the many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers find themselves tired, low-spirited and unable to keep their minds on any- thing. Any sudden noise hurts like a blow. They are full of groundless fears, and do not sleep well at might. I3eadaches and other nerve pains are part of the misery, and it all comes from starved nerves, Doctoring the nerves with poisonous sedatives 1s a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich, red blood, Therefore to re- lieve nervousness and run-down health Dr. Williams' Pink PIlls should be taken. These pills make new, rich blood, which strengthens the nerves, improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful. If you are at all "out of sorts" Yon should begin taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, You can get these pills through any dealer iu medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broelt• ville, Ont. Writing Letters Miles Away. A wonderful typewriter has just boon tried far the first time between Newcastle and London. That sounds odd, as if it were a motor -lar, but this typewriter types its_lotters hundreds of miles away. It is a new form of telegraph instru; miont, and as the key of any letter is tapped, this letter Is printed on a paper ribbon by a little lettered wheel, ,whose movements are controlled by the electric currents scut front the instruments. The keyboard is just like that of an ordinary typewriter, and forty words a minute can be written in York or Glasgow by a man tapping his ma - chino in Birmingham or London. Their Wireless Wedding. With the bride at the ciuuoh and the groom In a battleship, what is believed to bo the first marriage by wireless is reported. The bridegroom, Mr. John 11, Waite - man, fa a sailor on board the 11.S,S. Birmingham, and the bride la Miss Mabel Ebert, of Detroit, U.S.A. About 1,000 miles off the California coast, the ship's chaplain read the ritual received by tho .hip's wireless, while Miss l;belt and her friends were assembled in the Flet i`resbyterlan Church, Detroit, Here the Rev, C. E. Mali telephoned the bride's answers to ft talr•,1111,11. of- fice, to bo transmitted to the Greet Lakes Naval Traie,ill;; 10111un and thence flashed on to the battle:hip by wireless. It is usually 'the man who doesn't know the secret of snores who is willing to impart it to others, An old aline can makes a !,rood rat- trap. Place bacon rind, cheesec-a, l;- ed walnuts or other good halt in the bottom, and set tho 01111 in a likely place. Once .inside the can, the rags will have a hard session to get out again, upon. MONEY ORDERS. Sweet Potatoes. The sweet potato may soon be a much more common vegetable in our markets than heretofore. Its season has been restricted by the difficulty of keeping it for any length of time in storage_ Unlike the white potato, it began to deteriorate as soon as it camp out of the ground. This trouble 1s understood to have been overcome by new metho de of curing, and plants specially designed for the storage of sweet potatoes have recently been established at many points in the Southern Staten, The sweet potato, of emirso, is not really a potato at all, but a kind of yam. It is, like the so-called "Irish" potato, an American vegetable by origin, Wise Men Say That luck Is only a short way of spelling pluck. That the day's mile can bo shorten- ed by prefixing an "s" to it. That to make good resolutions is all right, but it is better to make geed. That to get things coming your way it is first necessary to go after them. That every dog has his day, but it's not every dog that knows when he's having it. That if you will learn the true mean- ing of the word N•0 -W, you will soon be able to spell it the other way— W-0-N, Country Rest. Not only in loud hymn•and psalm Is God's love sung. Within the calm Of lush upon the fields and =ore A holy anthem ewella and soars: Tired feet trend out a sweet delight, When paths of moss come into sight' Spent hearts sing silently; dim eyes Turn looks of matzo to quiet driest And souls a -weary city -pressed Send God dumb thank for country rest, elinard's Liniment Co., Limited, Gontlemen,---I have used 31IN- ARD'S LINIMENT ea my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every -tiny ills and accidents of Ilea I consider it has 110 equal. I would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle, CAPT. F. 11. DESJARDIN. Schr, Storke, St. Andra, Kamouraska, Rough on Browne, The Browne family possessed e whole sheaf of umbrellas, but they wore all in sad need of repair. One Morning on his way to the sake Browne tookthem all to be mended. At lunch time he went into n restaur- ant, and on leaving ebsenternindedly wanted off with a lady's umbrella; Site overtook him, Ito apologized pro- fusely turd vete mod It. In the ev e.l'i'O ho caned for the 11n1- leelle. (ignite IlP boarde•1 a street car, and fatted Messer/ sitting opposite he 1.1dy of the lunch -Lima e kale, Ellie leaned ever mud whiepored, dramatically — "1 l nmatically;— I say, you've had a good day, haven't you?" • Good stuff sells at a pod pries, When poor stub will not sell at all. Vire escapes -wore used in Paris as long ago as 1761. When it 001,10s to jumping, the toad has the college athlete beaten to n O. 7 ISSUE No. 84---'20. Pay your out -of -Lown accuunte by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. The Bog of Allen has an area of about 240,000 acres, and extends into four Irish counties. Some men will pay $200 for a bind- er, use it two days in the year; 565 for a planter, use It two days in the year; $130 for a wheat -drill, use it a few days. Meanwhile their wives rub, rub, rub on a washboard all day long, fifty-two days in the year. A power -washer will do its work as well as a binder or any other machine, and is quite as necessary. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Classified Advertisements: c*i rag /4.1011 CIi010.0 SILVER, $LACI AliWl�pp13 Foxes• Reed Pros•, Aothwalh Eking 11 Qat. Followed by seven curdy and o GPd,4 eyed children, the lady with the rid . lips entered the restaurant and looker! round for a suitable table. An obsequious waiter ahowed hor to a comfortable corner and offered her the menu, anticipating a large order and a substantial tip, "Let me see! Beefsteak!" murmur•t ed the lady thoughtfully, Theo she: turned to her eidest daughter. "Steals! for you, Bertha?" she asked, "Yes, please, tea." "You, Reginald?" "Yes, please, ma." And so on till her seven offspring had plumped for beefsteak. Then she. spoke to the waiter: "Bring me a nice, wcll•eooked steak and eight plates, please!" The astounded menial—good phnese, that!—gasped. "Didn't you hear me?" she demand). ed. • "Yes, ma'am!" h0 gasped. "Only I was thinking that ff your family sat' at that table next the lift and sniffedll - 'ard, they'd get more of a meal." • Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere) Lawn tennis only came into exist. ence in 1874. DOUBLE to . IT It GF -YOUR. HAIR !`Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves t 1 � t /IPA `<` S• mss. In a few moments you can trans- form your plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or• toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan-, derine" for a few cents. Then moisten. a soft cloth with the "Danderine" and draw this through your hair, taking, one small strand at a time. Instantly, yes, immediately, you have doubled; the beauty of your hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous, and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil is removed. Let Danderine put new life, color, vigor, and brightness in your hair. This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and failing hair and help your hair to grow long\ thick, etrone and beautiful Accept "Calitorblc " Syrup tit sign only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your ehlld Is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels: Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." datorlca'e 1''loneor rion. Hameed :Gook e11 DOG DIS', SE a and now to ='oed Matfett Prop to, any Ad- dress by the author, E. Cray G1loner Co., 'Sue. 118 Weat 31st fltroot Now York, U...1. Know The Joy Of A Be&u fit Complexion Han. And hands They may be yours if you snake Cuticura Soap and Ointment your every -day toilet preparation.; 7ahe Soap cleanses and purif ee, thoOint- mont soethea and heals redness: roughness, pimples, and dandruff. Soars 25e, Ol,itmen8 213 acct 11:'3c. Sold throughout the a:Anion.C:n1dienDeaot: VaiakaP, Limited, St. Paul Sr., Montreal. • Cutieurn Some clam et; trtt,v,et meg. LT /i�.' MR. D k[ ��!pt kfv,lj it , F':,g!I�ain Not Asprin at All without the "Bayer C.'oss" )r1et1�� For Colds, Pain, lleedgdic, lr*eural package welch .eontahln complete di - la, Toothache, l:rr.:vhe) and for tooahns. Then you are get ing real Rhelun0tir. n, Lnmba„o, 6110tiea, it11u Aspirin :the genuine Aspirin tstic, to c 1np>rtv marked with the,,ribel by phpnnta,ua for over mac.yc0 name itoor 3,011..r3 not takingteen yawl. Now 1110621 ht Canada. depitin at til. 1 dandy tin boxes containing 15 tribe Accept may "Beyer Tablets of lets cant but a few collie, Brtl$310ts Asl,lrbi' fa en unbroken "Bayer"+ai'o ne;7 larger Bauer,packages, The a is (4 17.47 ono Aa,^xrin•J" xleyer"w .'.°ave 1101102 say reeeAyyeee' fiat ei, tethe 1.ido111artcfin rrr11,. C!ann0t1 Gf111O011(01t10311,ne01Litn^p, neofen td.r:,er of Snliry[i .•. 1 t. \t: -• 111f well 11100, 1:01 AnEetiu r, 081,5 Mau nittlln 1o(Orr. 15 0PPIPt no Imbue r1t 11 t Il1tt!l.la11' ;the fab ata of a+tfer 000et4 . 07111 be et0.1111Att With tholr (000:,.1 t:•1 15 ria .3aynr vtetc," ..