HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-19, Page 8P X 04.1100•'t'6i•1•A•i•040 betel. r'i"1•t' • 'D 4 •• -.94.4 i'4444.+Wl•+b'C*-4•0•F=s•rrMN a' F. R. SMITH The Store School Opening With School Openiug at hand your attention is naturally turned to what will he needed for that oc- casion. Our new stuck of school supplies hes been received arld we think we have tnanaged toassem- ble the newest things to be bad in Scribble's. Exercise Books. An- eessee s. &c , ae well a:• the tee gest values Konig. High School 'Peet Books We stave the complete List. Standard Note Rooks. Drawing Portfolios And the Re -fills for these. Milton & Bradley's Water Colors j and Art Brushes. Public School Text Boosts Where cbergee have been made we wi'l h•,ve the new editions Golden Rule Book.. For Supplementary -Rending. No. r, aoc No. 2, 30e No. 3, 351 No. 4. 40e Drawing Books and D. Envelopes Black Covered Exercise Books Crayons, Water Coors, Drawing Pencils. Rulers, Rubber Eras- ; ers, Lead Pencils, Slates. &r. Waterman's Fountain Pens School Satchels and Leather School Bags. Your orders will have Good Attention. The Makes . t t Breakfast. lams Better OUR break I fast tastes better after you( use Klenzo. Get a tube tolip today. Theta la new oensatian awaiting you the Cool, Clean Klenzo Feeling on your teeth and tongue. It isn't merely a taste. It's a tes- timony of dean.. Bess—cleanness that in imparted tc tho tiny, littlo 'taste nerves, freeing them of etalo secretions that make you, mouth foal bot and sticky. 1 9 • 4 • •` •H Tooth Brushes at Zoe, 25e. ,, • F. R. SMITH t? Store Druggist and Stationer • O O 4. 4.4+•'F04.04.04.0t444+$+4.4e+•+. •}'O+4.+41444434tb+6K-.4 4+9+O+O Vasil 11 etas t m FLAX hauling to the mills is now on the program.. DoN'r borrow THE Pos'r when you can get it at 6o cents for balance of 192o. OWING partly to the increased freight rates local coal deliveries are soaring in price. A Ford touring car has been purchas- ed by Geo. A. Best from D. M. Scott the local agent. Bacons Fall Fair September 24-15. Clinton's well known Kittle Band bas been engaged tor it, REVOLVING electric signs are exhibit- ed in the windows of Miss Bryan's office I and Geo, R. Weller's hardware store, GET a Fall Fair Prize list, if you are not already a member, from Secretary I Black, Fair will be here in less than a month. ON account of breaking a shaft at the Ament factory •.Y tar an undesired holiday had c to be taken while repairs were being I made last week. SOME property owners complain of the trespassing of boys and young men after harvest apples. They might at least say "By your leave." Po1'AvOEs are a great crop, turning out 14, 16 and even 18 to a hill in some i cases, The stalks run all the way from 4 to nearly 6 feet in length. QUITE a dearth in the supply of fresh , milk and in most cases the purchasers have to go for it. There should be a ' good opening for an up-to-date dairy i business. No it was no oannoede, "Billy" Cook was just blasting rock on the route of the William—Albert street sewer. He ' E will well nigh finish the drain next week, barring the 9 catch basins, IF you want to see how property can be beautified, under adverse circum- stances, take a look at the flowers and greenery at the Electric Light plant greatP a e. frontsg It's improvement and R. and Mrs, Thuell deserve credit, some tuty Poss e of the of THE b reader' s POST Last week failed to recognize the portrait of Miss Frances 'Taylor. daugh- ter of R. L. Taylor, Loudon, and fer- merly of Brussels. Miss Taylor, who bore the name of •'Coochie" when a child, has developed a literary ability that is attracting attention. She is a member of the London Daily Free Press staff, 'rake a look at page 6 of THE POST of August 11th and see if you re- cognize Miss 'Taylor. She won the Manitoba Free Press prize for best poem on Manitoba's loth anniversary against toxo competitors. A SAD BEREAVEMENT.—The people of Brussels and community were sorely grieved Monday forenoon to bear of the sudden decease of Elaine, the winning tittle daughter of Dr. E. E, and Mrs. Bryans, of Toronto. She was staying at tine home of her grandmother, Mts. Alex. Bryans, Queen street, and had been apparently in the enjoyment of good health. Monday morning she was sick at her stomach and bad a vomiting spell and passed away in a few hours. A physician was called but the little lassie succumbed, aged y years and to months. She was a general favorite and her unlocked for demise has evoked deep sympathy. A message was sent to Toronto and Mrs. Bryans came tip on first train but of course /ine had pass- ed ed away before her arrival, Funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, Rev, Mr. Mess conducting the service. In- terment WAS made in Brussels cemetery. The bereaved share in the community's sympathy. br. Bryans got here on Tuesday night's train. AN addition has been built to Robert Sheddau'sstable, Queen street. J. HRwrrr's (baker) runabout was not big enough to take tris family touring hence he sold it and bougie: a McLaugh- lin car of more ample proportions TORONT;) Fair OprnS August 28111. Read their advt. on page 4 of this iF- sue. It is a great Show all r'gbt. A bumper attendance is counted on this ear. Ruining tire buggy for :-ale, only inn 5 months Jong Rolm, 6th line elorris Twp. Phone 105. DAD : Be sure and bring home n City Dairy brick of Ice Cream. You get them et Willie Grewar's Restaurant. r WANTED, — An Assistant Matron for the Huron OCep ty ger. of Refuge, ti duties to rel po err September. Applications, NCE, preferred, received by JOHN TORRA NCE, 8-2 Inspector, Clinton. DONERTY PIANO. good as new, for sale. Fumed oak finish. Apply to Wm. PARKES, Lot 25. icon: 14, Grey. Phone 434 Brussels R. R. No. 2. 5.2 Fon SAt.n.--Ilor9e, n' Stan and harness. Prices to snit. H I NrswART, }leufryn, Ikead two year old cattle for mile Apply - to WmSnN 31ARs,Orh line, Morris. Gann Durham 3111ch sow for 'tale, 8 yenr9 old. snpppo'ed In coif ('itAN Riri'sr, Jaynes street, Ilrussrls. Phone 50 ring 8 Pori SALE.• -Durham grade cow, 7 years old, dine to freshen this month. ROSNEL culotte, 4th line Morris townt-bip. Phone 1"111. 10 Pigs 6 weeps old for sale. Phone 474 R. R. No. 2, Breaamis. EOe. EoBssTaON. 4 York Pigs live weeks old for sale. Also 1 aow with litter of 7 three weeks old. Phone 4226 Lot 7, Con, 18, Grey'. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for Bn,soels and Huron County to represent" The fad Reliable Fonthill Nurseries.' Rig sales tv e to he /nada in selling Nursery stoelc during the recon- struction period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman. Highest commissions paid, haodu,ive, fres equipment, large line of fruit d omen/Kara stook offer. STONE its WELLINGTONT ionic Ont. DR. PAUKSS, Osteopathic Physioinn, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases sueoessfully treated. Visite residences. [owttltntims at Queen's Hotel, ENGAGEMENT Walter Hai land sed Mrs , :mit h onnntitres the en- gagement -ga cirri nF their dea, i r, Cored ] c - r I r Wilfrid NI nerd 1', S son k•n ) e r I E h 1 .O .l.tn I d c 1 of the Tate A. A f.rx and Mrs. Cox, Toronto, the wedding. to take piece early in September. Mr, Smith is an old Bruaselite. WHOPPERS —5 ''Irish GUIs" (l'om the gsrden of Robert Thuell fervid their way to THE POST Tuesday morning, They were dandies and weighed nearly 31 pounds owl were tit to capture the red tick, t at most Fall Petite We will forgive Mrs. '('linell for sending a note saying:—' I thought I'd send you a sample of your National Emit" jest that yeti might see bow an Englishman can grow Them in a cellar bottom (re- ferring to their lot,)" Some. thenoun'rsw FACT:, — The folic with"pt A car wi11 soon be in the great 01in010y. Brussels Fall Fair will be a whooper. You can help it by your exh'bits. The 'town Hall interior requiroe re- juvenating Will von lend a bend? "Brussels the Beautiful" Is no cun- ningly devised fable but an undoubted fact. ibis community needs Hydro light and power and there should bo 510 more lost time river parleying or sue zing. Oiling Tttt'tncerry street solved the dust question and las been a great cont - fort t .all liven thet I 0 ou s ee o sa gt v nothing about the preservative Arleen. tapes, Anybody idle these rush dors most he poorly or undesricus of accepting A job. Between harvest rush end the shorthandednesa of men labor has been• at a premium, +044.1÷1-1.4-14444.1.444-1.+++++++ 1-1.4.1••I44•r-!'4443•'t'3'•1+r•1'•!= HONEY if; A elde', wieldy, '4N SU GAR " k T Sege'. eeesoO l' [IOW 01, ,t 1:1 �'t 1. 1 supply ru vitb ors .i(1',1 - Y Citi a, .,.,a.ii„ l,,J,. x + F 1",Oi4.dl F T 'I's y a nate til' .01 Royal fisi�'.e {, ,d1, hold Flout, Nuue better, Our ,p + prices are tight. SALT IN BULK. Phone 43 * W. J. McCracken te+++•$•1,•1v1•-1'41 r•1•'1F'0'3-fid•'h•i"i••1••4"N•9 bV C, t. C' will :ave luutli .tt But, sets Fall l+au on Inv Silo,, ground'; A number of Brusselites went to At- wood 'Tuesday evening to winless a League Pont hill Mate!). WHAT Alvin cutting that wild carrot crop ? It is soon gni ug 10 over -run the village unless hearted off. 'TEEwwA7'F:a News ay:eek Ilewitt mutated up trent Binss=es ls w—lill a ttCW 45 McLinehhn and spent the week eucl a i' 'a; ilea and '1'F.1I PLETON'E Rheum t C C { Ft a Raz mah for Asthma are sold hese by James Fox, local agent, Call iu for sample. READ every advertisment and save money. Il people have bargains they are going to tell you about them, hence I rt a es week, keep onthene v y OFFICERS were in.tailed in Western Star Lodge, I. O- 0 F., ldrusse's, last Monday evening. D. D. G M. Samuel Wilton took charge of the work, assisted by the staff I'HE sprightly trotting inane Topsy 'Dodd, owned by i, H, Galbraith, town, was sold to Ivlr. Tucker, Exeter, at a good figure. 'elle former took a speedy stepping mare on the deal. She had been quite sick during the past week and uufortuna'ely died, BRUSSELS equities were not in the win- ning very deeply at Wingham races al though the best time made has been duplicated in past coutests. There was a big crown from here attended and the races resulted quite successfully, good weather favoring them. SEVERAL Brusselites witnessed the Listowel—Milverton intermediate Foot• ball contest in the former town. It was a tie game, no scoring being done. This match is in the m mals The out- coe of the closing Tames has been unique and almost unprecented in the matter of tie matches. INSTITUTE.—Friday afternoon of this week Brussels Women's Institute will tweet at the usual hour. Mrs S. C. Wilson will discuss the question of "Housekeeping 5o years ago and mod- em methods of doing it " Attend and tell what you heard about the problem half a century ago ? BITTEN By A DOG —Tuesday as Sam. Weinstein, Brussels, drove his car into the term yard of Mrs. Ramsay, reth Con. Grey, he was tackled by a dog who sprang at him and bit him on the face. A doctor cauterized the wouud and Mr. Weinstein is about as usual. Ile was fortunate in getting off as well as he did. The dog will likely be put out of the way. TRAcrui AND PLow,—A speedier method of turning over the soil is in line with the rush of today farm life. 'rhe tractor is a servant in hauling the big Oliver plow is solving the problem. A demonstration of what may be ac. oempliebed by this combination will be giveu Friday afternoon of this week at 1 the farm of Lou Williamson p.m„tin . e - s Ani crowd in ex- pected Brussels. adjoining g 1 � •r7 0❑ tractor acted to see what the 1'0l n o and the Oliver plow is capable of doing in boosting Agriculture. D. M. Scott is the local agent. See advt on page 1. NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA.—Daring the past week A. R. Wilmott, Toronto, representing the Navy League of Can visited Brussels, in the interests of bis work. He kiudly invited a number of the business men to lunch last Monday at the America° Hotel Feld after enjoy- ing an excellent spread discussed the gneslion he is so much interested in. In a concise, clever manner he gave facts arid figures concerning the Nation- al project and solicited assistance along the line of the movement. Probabilities are au effort will be made on Trafalgar Day or possibly Fall Fair. Mr. WilrifOtt v P was heartily thanked for his address and his courtesy. To STOP GAMBLING PaAC'riCEn.— The County authorities, under direction of Crown Attorney Seeger, are carrying in g on a campaign to stamp out the gambl- ing practices n n i e nnection with race mete and other tulllc gatheringsin the County. At Brussels and Wi° ham races bookmakers'and owners of own er gembling devices were warned off, and when Fall Fair season commences atten- tion will be paid to the sideshow feat- ures with a view to cutting out those of a questionable character, There has been a goad deal of laxity in connection with such features In the past, but there is now to be a tightening up all round. t1 People lyra Talk About St tt tt R McAlpine, St.. M'rys, make a boli- ness trip to Bens els this week Brien and Rennin Field, Owen Sound, are visiting their Grandmother Brieos, Orville and Mrs, Habkirk and dangle ter, Isabel, Whlgbarn, were in town or Wednesday, en route to IvicKiliop, It was Civic holiday in Wiugllam, A good photogravure of Rev, H, W. Aviion, the new Methodist pastor at the Metropolitan church, Regina, and formerly of this locality, appeared in the Morning Leader, of Regina. Dr. G. L Ball, Toronto, and Luther Ball, St. Marys, made a hurry.call on a few old friends in town this' week while motoriug to Winghatn. They were former well known residents, 9 d al- ways welcome. James Thuell has gone to Shaunavon, Sask., where he will take his share in the harvest fields. John Bet eman, bound for Govenlock, Snit , was his travelling, companion, hoth ticketed by H. L. Jackson, C. P. R. local agent. Miss Addie Cardiff is ebjnying a visit whit old friends in Kincardine, Mien emelt twee Dolomite, Toronto, wt vl, tint 'tn Rewrite. Harte elm. calm kobin+est Queen :'erect, was visiting with Sealolth Treads, Mies Addie Sperling. Is home for a chart yap:Ulan She is a stenographer in Toronto Bert Lntt wa. rambiuing business ani pleaar• ,u ,tip to 'Toronto and vitro[ pater-. ,rite: t; loretrce 1. rwson. Clinton: i3 -risiting her steuern Mize May Arm- 'stroug Flora efreer George Suchen:el. B A. lett for Swift Current last Monday, where he is engaged in teaching Alex. and Mrs. McIntosh arrived home last week from an en -lovable trip to old scenes iu North Dakota, Miss Merearet !'eerie has secured a position sit teacher on the Innisfall Sack. stuff at a salary of Orono. le, and Mrs. McCool, Clintou, were visitors at the home of their cousins, R, and Mrs. Thuell, Tnruberry street, Elmer and Mt". Ewan and baby are o'l'ofnntoihi, swell. The former will lock after automobile business while away, Mrs, Drake, Seaforth, and Walter White, Minions, Man., were visitors at the home of Mis, W. W. Harris, Queen street. G C and Mrs. Manuers were visitors at St, Mary's enrtineidently took in the welcome tendered the new Premier Meigheu, Wm S"g n R E'eaDOr Mr., Jac>..o and Blyth, have been enjoving a holiday with relatives and friends here and at LWrnx''er. Thos, Davidson, who hes not enjoyed robust health for years, has not beers even well as usual, We hope for im- provement. Leslie Lamont, B A. Toronto, is here for a heldayfhg building up muscle. He is studvi ig law at Osgoode Hall and is in his end year. Misses Tessie and'Teenie Dennis, Mc- Killop, were holldavers at the home of their grandparents, Alex and Mrs. Rose, Brussels Harold Lowry is away to Haileybury with a car of horses. He should soon become acquainted with that trip if fre- quency counts, Mrs. McPherson, Detroit, was visit- or at her old home, john street, diving the past week She ams formerly Miss Mary Friendship. Miss 011e Armstrong, toaeher at Ac- ton, is here on a visit to her parental home, She has just returned from en outing at Washaga beach. Alfred and Mrs Baeker, T. H and Mrs. Hewitt and Dr. Hamilton were visiting at St. Marys last Monday taking in the Meighen Reception. Mrs, John Lynn and son, Waleervtlle, are spending a holiday at the Former's parental home, She is a daughter of Philip and Mrs• Ament. W. H. and Mrs. Hellowell, Toronto, were visiting here lest week. The Tat• ter is better known as Miss Mabel Thomson and was a Former Rrusselite Mrs. Weller is back to town after a visit to her mother, who has been ill. She is in her Sn's bttt wonderfully smart for a person of her Advanced age, F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy and Barrington are away on a holiday of 2 weeks, the most of which will be spent at Wasla,'a Beach. D. S. Rudd is relieving at the Bank of Nova Scotia in Mr. Gilroy's stead. Bert. end Mrs Nixon, Winnipeg, and Jno. and Charles Mcettcbeon, Detroit, have been visiting Sylvester and Mrs, Fox. Mrs, Nixon is Mrs. Fox's sister and MaCutcheon Bros, are brothers of the hostess. Miss Hazel Stewart has accepted a position as primary Klndergsrten teacher At Galt and will commence work next mouth. She will no doubt make an excellent teacher and we wish her 011.'Ct5a Mrs. Fletcher Sperling was visiting t at London and St. Marys. At the latter r she attended the reception accorded her nephew, Premier Molghen, by his old hone town folk on Monday It was well done and reflected credit on the community, Mrs (Rev.) C. E. Stafford, of Fergus, is a visitor at the Methodist Parsonage. She is the mother of the parson nasi }vas a former resident es pastor's wife over 40 sears ago. 'Phe passing rare are dealing kindly with Mrs. Stafford, we are glad to state. Mex and Mrs. Latunnt and baby. Isabel, are spending part of their Vaca. tion web relatives stere. They go to St. Mares where Mr. Lamont takes the resposible ptsitiou of Collegiate prin• ci ah The St Marys folk will find them warthy oftheir t cit• best treatment, Misses McCracken and Misses Annie Meuzles, with W. J McCracken as chauffeur enjoyed a short visit with Rev. and Mrs. Wren, formerly ref gels al Kincardine. Mr, Wreu is filling the pulpit of the Methocliat church At ihi t' Kincardine for mon while taking g ltds holidays from Mount Forest. Mrs. George Wilson,Calgary, Mies Lovell, Detroit, and rs. Gordon aid son, Woodstock, were welcome visitors with T. E. end Mrs Whitfield, town, The former was a resident of this com- munity when she took an active and capable part as organist and choir leader in Union Methodist church. Ethel 011. cult. She is just as busy, we are glad to hear in her (tome city. .DARN TO sAv'r.- Everyman, woman S. • aetataEll ae ilk& DG3.'lfi OVOI,Z,aavasaasaamecaseecsoo4YSOtI seLe,C' St 4' and child. can save. Every one should save, Every ambitious person does save. The Savings Department of the Stanbrd Bauls' of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save, 201 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. 5A01IS - - MANAGER �.� . r�.Yf t th•'�'�tiiw�a''t•.rt�L', iS The Saskatoon Star says 1-13. 5. and Mts. Scott, of Brussels, Ontario, are guests of C. and Mrs, Buck at their Pike Lake Sumtner home, Finlay, sun of G EI and Mrs, Semis, has been having a wrestle with the measles and has been under quarantine which will expire ou Saturday. Harold Currie, who holds a good position in the optical departgtent of the Simpson store, Toronto, Is taltiug the good of a vacation of a weeks by vi'tit- ing relatives and old lriencds here' J. 1.,. and Mrs. Trane, of Tecumseh, Mich., end Mrs, Carling mid Mrs's Jean Turuut°, were welcome visitors at Councillor M Fraser's. The first men- tioned and Mrs. Catling are brother and sister, respectively to the hostess. BORN ' DUNBAI.—Ill Grey township, on August 12th, 1020, to Mr. and Mrs. E. .3, Dunbar a daugh. ter, Mary Elizabeth, hA TiGrey ton biS, on Augustlst 8511, 1920, t -D and Mrs. Stanley Meehan, a daughter—Dorothy 1 Jean. Mr. MaLAp tughll—Born to Mr. 5., inn. a W. MOT.anghllr, 802 Siurcae St., Winnipeg, on July 28. twin daughters. DIED 135YAN2.—In Brussels, at the bone of her grandmother, t(gers. Alex. Bryans) on Aug, 18th, 1020, Elvirn Elaine, only daughter of Dr, E, E. and Elvira 13ryene, Toronto, aged 7 year's and 10 months. Fon]test.—In Oranbrook, on August letlt, 1090, Agnes Jane Seott, beloved wife of ,alio. Forrest, aged 69yearo and 2 months. YELLAND —In Exeter, August 0th, 1020, Rev, J, G, Yelland, aged 77 years, 2 months and 2 days. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Notice to ex•members of the Cnnadtan Expeditionary Force. N()TICE is hereby given to all concerned that exannmbers of the Canadian Ex. peditionary Formc e who a re entitled to an d who require pead •har,,e dental treatment must submit their applications she Dia r! t Den. tal Officer at the Headquarters of the District In which they reside on or before idtent- bar,1020. Applications for dental treatment reoeived after Tat September, 1028, ;will not be considered. (Sgd.t EUGENE F1SET, Major General, Deputy Minister, Militia and Defence. Ottawa, August 8, 1940. Note.—Newspapers will not be paid Mr the advertisement if they insert it without nuthor- ityy from the Department, (H.Q. 8801.1.20. 8.2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—In the matter of the estate of William Martin, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. tr ran to "The Re- e Riven pursuant t otioo is hereby v N y P gqntario ” that all oeeditore d Statutes hnn O INo v the others having claims rl n, who the estate of bs said 011. day f July, who died of e. about the 80th day of July, A.D.Sep ere er, A.1) of or before the poet day al September, boll 1020, to sand by Haat age of or deliver thSamuel 'Wilton, of rhe. etin It u Brueeto Ps, i , the County Executors of Hnron, at Brnsaels Pei, one of the nd.Su' a said eesess that- Ohrietlun aril ammnmps, addresses and de- scriptions, r ie tlar of their claims ,tions the ah n t t s sora gg the atntenient of their nnaonnta and the ufttttre the feau r teles 14 an held by them, of t y) And further telco sa ausi that after such lilt pea aetl td loteh ba end ameba of the de will din nig the Par tlest entitld tw of Miringggae . tord only, to the claims of which they shall hen have notice, and the said Executors w111 not be liable for the saidassets or any part thereof to any person or peraons of whose olalm notice shell not have been received by there nt the time of mob distribution. Dated this 17th day of August. A. D. 1020. I liB10rt0A MARTIN, 1ExsoutorN SAMUEL WILTON, i So She Went to the City Hit wanted to learn Stenography and earn her own living. n loci Haver been in a bigcit before. Sh 1 b y When the train got to the station she was bewihlorerl, "Nobody had come to meet her, She had not thought that it would be lilte this, Where would she go ? And ;Mat then the Travellers' Aid Officer of the Women's Ohriatian Temperance Union decided she needed help, "Come up to Willard Hall to -night, We'll straighten out everything in the morning," said the Traveller's Aid when she had heard the story. Willard Hall, .Garrard Street East, Toronto, is Hie llaa(1• quarters of Toronto District W. 0, T, U. it was established and equipped as a- friendly home for young gills atal'ling life in the city °s1 their own resources. lint the work has grown. The building is now too small. 9 a • • • e 0 • S • • a • 4. • a • • • • • s a • • • • • • • • • • • • Fox' fi % rug Store Ti l Ii �� STORE Weekly Store News Arnater rheil -;r What about your Snaps ? Are you having perfect satisfaction iu the treatment of them ? Our business in this department is steadily in- creasing. There trust be a reason. We would like to add your name to our list. Per- haps you would let us develop your next film. Either dull or glossy finish, price the same in either case. Prompt Service. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Heinz Olive Oil Is the brand we sell and thet'e is none better—Pate, Rich tuisi very Pal- atable. Price the same as the cheap- er varieties— S1.25 per pint Hydrogen Peroxide New Papeteries Good Stationery ie always a meek of distinction, O u t' stock at present is very complete, 25c 350 50c Be 001 Good asset talent. Tarlac 7,000,000 Bottles in 2 years The above figures represent the won- derful sale of one of urn' best Totice -Taulac, a 4. ry a a a • • m 0 • a ae tm • a • • • • • • • We are sole agents. a t! • • t9 rJ • • e • • d m at • e 0 ea 0 0 0 • a • 0 • • Get the best, Ohre is made by the well known firm— Parke Davis & Oo, 25e per bottle Pat was o11 a sinking ship and wan watching with interest the frau• tic passengers grabbing life preservers, plating them on and jumping overboard. "Shure" said he, "If every body is stealing 1 onn too." Itumediately he picked ttp a heavy piece of iron and jumped overboard with it. Mouth Organs New stock again to hand, Splendid assortment See theta, JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER scao6iomoaosoosaaaEasocevaaop•aoaso moo•••aaoseaos•aaa Farm for Sale Being Lot 25, Con. 14, Grey Township, con- taining 100 acme. 90 nares cleared and balance hardwood bush. Goad frame house and Out- bnildings, orchard, wells, &o. 8 miles to Ethel or McNaught.. Immediate poaeeesion. For further particulars as to price. Pelona, &0., ap• Hoge on the premises. W a1. PARSER, - Wool Phone 484 R. R. 2 Brussels P. 0. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat $1 95 $1 85 Spring Wheat 2 10 2 10 Oats Peas 2 85 2 95 Barley 1 26 1 26 Butter 66 66 Eggs 68 18 se 18 76 18 28 1 1 1 1 1 There is a Reason why the Ford is the Most Popular Car in the World : It costs less to purchase, I I for ore if you ant to sell or ex- t sells o mw chane. g It gets you there and gets you back. It costs less to repair. There are about, 8,000 Service Stations in Canada to give prompt Service to Ford Patrons, D. M. SCOTT, FORD DEALER - - BRUSSELS w,wren.,ams.a....-.,,..a...... mgaga--.:r..- 6P •c aassooa®m0, a t'.yeeesoccea ei a araosooeeesaaos otae••aaoa 5. •, it -u r.-q+n .. 5 w.,. dswk xi>:, iii J ! a a sj.ft • Fine ti -� • { 5 � Tal• �, �„ O es m a �'•� Handsome to the eye a •m rtis is A ' t design. it F st rate workman• 0 O l ' . , Yk ship. Made to wear and 1 tt ;!*(� keep their shape. ret (e1 rr Beautiful finish, easy,�'°`` S of comfort, very durable. O When you discard 0 them you want another " just like the last ones." • • Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of ▪ the buying. 69a w • • • • • a a a CA ca • Women's White Canvas Shoes Reduced All lines of White Running Shoes at Prices to clear. Good values in Fine Harness, Trunks chels. Chapman 00 in price, Reduced and Sat - r• re 0 i1J ca t5 0 • 0 c3 0 O • to a rs a s 0 e, B 0 • a • t) a 0 2? ,It • i1 8" • • w • • • 0 • • • 54 • • e • too WO0••aeetaeaso••••••00a•••••••••i•N4la••••0111•••Ma•4 • Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia r <ti