HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-19, Page 61.1
on't Trust: to Luck
'When. ordering Tea, but insist
gettL.1the reliable,..
The Tea That Never )2s :a:> upon is
.r4c,tpk„ GrLCI'l or F i.i; ad Pe.0 : its Only,
L �t�l
�l; P SA1iU L A. r> RIF.1.';.
`tees Cawthorn went on with
the Leen, like ,nen }oath to tura ,
serious toees loose. Marian, busy
housewife, w ifs had t left the room. Burl-
ing...t.c vires a chair up ':afore her and
leaned forward. The tall: cf the other
men emale to her only iii fragments.
Burliagame knew everybody. The
Co,gi,s.ntan from lea_ town? He was
talking to him Iast night at the club,
He called her celebrity by his tir.et
"Out home," she smiled, ':we think
he appoints the Presidents,"
He threw back hie heard and leashed.
"You sheet. don't you?" ire nAed.
"I'm fatal T a _. Mr. L'ur , -,,,me."
"Did you contig a gun
"No; nor t B;wie knife nor a tallier
—only: ow -
eem.' teetaa. he added, his le:n:•r-
ing gaze searched ler iirelit eyes.
"You shoot quail. don't yeti?"
"I've shet thiaes: pheasants in
"Last winter—D nil and I," she
"Last winter? I shot pie^=ants in
Arizona myself last winter. and 11du't
know you were anywhere about. Well,
you must have a gun. There's a
twenty -gauge in my rooms in Wash-
ington, I'll seed a telegram to -night
and the gun'll ha here to -morrow,"
He rose and leaked against the
table, looking, down at her.
Have you seen my setter, Glad-'
stone? You know Steve's dog, Frank,
has always put it all over every dog
we could tiring cut here. But I've got
one now—well; it'll be a different
story. Gladstone walked away with
the Eastern chanmpionship this f, ll,.'
Steve, where's the phone`.'
Stella looked up suddenly. Caw-'
thorn's eyes were upon her face. He
had deepset, gray eyes, There was'
distinction in thein. They must have
recorded many a strange picture. They
were young eyes, too—unspoiled, you
would say. There was a boyish sort
of eagerness on his strong, sunburned •
face. He must not have paid macs at-.
mention to the Ioan after all. He must
have been looking at her all the time!,
Thee= which Burlingame had sent
for rams out next morning, and in the
afterneen he and Stella and Cawthorn
hunted over rolling hills of broom
straw and through woods of pine and,
oak. From the first there was rivalry,'
;chidt dog would ford the most
covey-. Frank er Gladstone?
As ft:r Frank, he didn't seen[ to
cart, veteran that he was. His chief
interest seemed to be that ".tella'
Wield go home with. a pocket fel or,
birds. Time t i tgaia the three ells;
• vaneed on coveys, Stella in the middle;
tine and •hain she missed; but al-
ways out of the confusion ahead same
Frank to her, a bird, killed by one or'
outer of the rum, in his mouth—conn
straimiti t, her, hie eyes glowing with,
"I didn't kill him, old man," she
laughed over and over, "Really I
But eeeh time he stood in front of
her, bila hanging from his mouth, un-
moved. Hie yeas. were yea, hie nays'
nay. She had to take the bird to get
rid of him; even aft'.[ 0L, 1lacldo•ne 00'
he Waited wain she had rlrnpr.erl it in
her peeket. Then, satisfied, he tura
eat and gall :mr1 off.
And he won out, too, won out over,
a rival who hal taken champ:onto.-,:;.
When at ,unset the hun`rre turned
home, the creme ether], Frank five
coveys, Gladstone tit et.
"Earle's dog has an unfair adven-I
tage;" declared Burlingame; "he
knows the country.'
'Stella gi need at him quickly, li^r
head tilted ITe v s frowning a bit at
the doge, .,till scen'ing the fields lir,-
Side the road. She had been right—'
things must go tnie man's way.No alibis, is trams" sail C'. -i
, Bixrlu Caw -I
thorn, "We've hunted t iLh h:in before,
The mold old Frani: was made in- is;
broken." -
"I thought I could hit them," swirl
Stella ruefully. "Tho Arizona,
pheasants made a target like a barn
door compared with grail."
"You don't need to hit ern," assured.
"I really think you got a few," con -i
soled Cawthorn.
They were riding straight into site'
huge ball of the setting sun. Their`
balk ceased. Gradually elle quite pen -I
g�:l?veness of .purple hills and col,1,i
lengthened shadows fell over Stella's ;
frit. They passed a Boor ell house, I
man -chopped Wood in a littered;
and A sallowwon:an on the tumble-
p hem with nor-'
` aitch regarded t
tow, disapproving eyes. A boy with a'
1i1140 or pine fagots had started to;
doss the road,-R:,.ggcd and wistful
o stared up at them. Cawthorn
rapped behind,
"Like 'births at the house?" Stella
heat'tl him tide,
"Yes, sir." The boy's voice was
shrill llko se girl's,
Rolla turned, her gloved hand. on
her horse's mem. (nwthern had lean -
el down front his saddle. Re was
n -0t et. ,tied to r'
1t it rl It .:1 e3:her-
it t' -
i, -,t ; tate t .1 e: ten o1 the giallo v 1R)
1.11 eh:ur;ed front c?i:
01 t, lm t to ett c, t t .>
(u1i0 ..t, Casthotn." mine! Burl-
1 r a e. "Time for n• the covey if
1 Fe to ;•y", L:. ,ti, GI:ale:totie t
Every y window w"ts aglow when they
ren Qteri home. The other guest; had
arrived ten: ;t:rrnecn It was long
meet i?7i int ht when R.:1la went tp
oars, 1311 , u with the el'1 f t h . ,,i
(:tale: tnretell w!, h Parti Led
led her, tt s ii. ,:ha had i -m rat
e,1 tho n er i.uenr It wee to tt him
teat w nc'. in their eveningel e
Ivo? a.lt4e,e,1. lie had foll� ti,1 Stela
to the feta of the stairs. He was be -
^le to male up for that lost time
:.r Ai•,zi)tta, he said, his cent .ilin'g
eves deep in here.
The door of 11er room was ajar.
Before her fire +toned Frank. She
smiled down et ]riot •as he lay humbly
prowl bf>re her and raised iris eyes
: her, his 1111 wagging self-eot152itu:-,
ly aoross the rug.
"That's all right, old man," she es-
eured bin, "Tins :s your fire. I'll
leave my dear open. You 001110 up
hero any time cu want to, and stay,
til bedtime. Olt, I was proud of you'
this niterneen! What do you think of,
ore—some ohot, eh??'
Site drew up a rocker beside hint
He had accepted her assurance; he
knew no guile; the matter was settled
—this was his fire.
"01.1 bran," she asked, "which of;
those men do you like best? Dad says
you knot[:"
He rolled his eyes toward her, held;
their there a moment, then turned his'
gaze to the fire. The afternoon's hunt
was going through his head.
"Oh, you brake me feel lonely,
He looked up. at her apologetically,
He tapped the rug with his tail. Then
once nacre he s utlied that fire iii whose
end'.; }:e seemed to see endless hunting
fields, e s tr •smphs. He was un-
aprroa -^:ala:, Girls' affair,
geg e fa`:•s, _ He wee a mighty
F•c7 ... o''i nar.ci,;r, that was a
week c'.- pi _ _ ;u;- past, Each
^ -a• "part: oat
far .'nu e ''1 or a ride Each
evening v 1- it them back under
its shelter:tie eaves with a grave, ripe,
`rtpartial courtesy, and llstene:l in-
dulgently to the laughter that eehoed
in it.� generous halls and rooms.
Burlingame stayed on from day to
day, business could wait, even foreign
loam: he transacted necessary details
by telephone or telegraph, then die-.
nurse, business from his mind,
He was a fine horseman, and he and
Stella rode all over the country in the
crisp. clear winter air. Burlingame
was full of keen observations of men
and [:omen, particularly of women[
Stella'tt repartees were spiced with a
Charming unconventionality. Their
laughter rang out as they galloped or'
lateral aione', and Stella returned
f:•-rm the titles flushed and glowing.
1'1:vtlrortt was a walker; So was she. -
The hills and woodlands were teavere--
r 1 by winding dry paths. full of sun-
lit surprises.He said striking, solid:
things. He had dents more than build;
r'� 1
t st , . t ,. 111 ,urea. t le places. He had
t G dad t't. e eettti31 .aspects and cus-
11 s of those places. He narrated
with 1'?? strokes as he swung. along,
There ova" an expans:renes about
hila like the horizon, of her own'
er uric:., and a humor that laughed
not at people but with them.
I. t Burlingame who spoke first
_before the geek was out. He anti-
stella had ridden out together with
their guile and only I3urlingalve's set-
tee The dee might have birds for
all he . tt.':;, His mind, like his eyes,
was conrentt•nted ou the girl's faro.
She jerl•ed her horse hack, her
cheeks flatting, and looked ]tint 1eva1
in the eyes.
"1'11 have to wait, ?Tr. Burlingame.
A girl---I--must have time to tli'nk."
' It does not call for thought',"
There was a push of impatience on his
face a; if he were not ueod to Icing
put off. "T / em et rytliing you need,"
he plot:i e 1 "From the Rest time I
save you I t . 51oI you.
"Really, I11 have to wait ---to think
--I dolt kuow."
"Let me settle it for you, Stella!"
Again site drew her hers° hack,
"All right," he. laughed confidently,
"rill the time you want,"
She del not- tall[: to Frank that
e's c s she
night; she onlypatted ]n.. !tell n h
H„ rind was filled rill!
put him out, Her e t i
n r urns of a home on en exclusive
Washington avenue, I;urim„•rm1',4
frr nds were people of distinction, and
she ,lite, hcreolf the centre of at brit-
liant society. Long after the tee. t of
the house had grown quiet she lay
awake, looking at the moonlight that
foul across the floor, her life parading
itself before her like a stately pro-
(To be continued next ieaue,)
Minard's Lin}ment used by Phynlelans
conselnus." \Vo ours c lvas only know
perfectly, he roulette us, Mean timings
that we have done so oft en that we
have learned tit do theta onto:atatfeatly,
That It, the w y with the laSee and
ants. When you aro cons:eious of
knowing a thin_;, he says, you do not
knew it abc;c'Itttely,
t ° a tiµ * ,9iy ,, ,, •i�r; '- �^ '!here is infinite hetet. t, memo100
Study Your Children. If you plan to enclose your •e•t'. tuitl slinntlaticn to hz t 1 it fa tr1i 'rV•
mdali this fait, give thought to 110100 mg our phut[ and :wheel brethren.
Titer ' et many act slain it nowt—.cr:.,:utart witndarvs. They do not t eel The world in a groat deal ht r;ei', mare
days that children are spoilt; taut t•, be removed in the �uitinr:rt}u e --
-- varto,l and more rvon,ttnfla than any
there ire far n d1} iter'.. nl t_,te;t t,tiitt tit tri r:'de aP,ouc 0tf??' petty round of hitelt rcu'I:,ty tool
asters d. ntg;ed h beim ousunl 1 10?!!1er
stood then by ever-inOtl c , slit : n u a they're nighty handy
wnttl tt , 1 err : t,orver or 1i int??; t?
Some Pc:+t'lr :coin to tl -alt cL::.1t , uot,., ,acre'., ,l''<5tC?tII'if'.y 11%iCnk3Gtnta o n Sl ipn
should r le si t ❑ tr„ i th cemlt lt,, Leek verandah can conceal its e,
t .. + h i,,,,r they -:t lee, lt,• Afire.
i1 I, g;:u, age, }:ail, e ,•nd Iain-
Common euttFit ,re sinnuldertn^
though ems c::u:l reaby love a little' box w rasa
tai?d i ••, r,,,;c•t, � de ed appliances lianae in :rat attiiu' M [trey on board strip. , h: malty
I. tt, s Ittrh the n...: t�1 the home can tete;: are crnipititivet Mantles 4,
r: r t as wt 1, lite 1 t -s
t make. The t -,e ino t y fr . a spontaneous n
11rt in , t, mai alai t, v, t t i - e•et: buyll:ln, erased it Mame large
es trip up ti •! 1::1.1:0,11 iliamanta 1'
gar.=iliac Thee. We t.•wa trot he! The Iai:a d;r<pva Hind.timed,ties of cool in c! .e c tat ;c•rs.
r '..i e t we n t:;t t "Her r .taro, T. etc , ani,}, "is Ili.a It is said th:: rc is not name e d:,n:;er
to het t aetne , 1 .11,? ma lit et, i And she k. I 1 B: t front 0ur11 a ere; h 1111 + on an
.1; fa' eft 14 yell t ain::1 _t . ye t d troll of 19t�c'1 ... ,1:. fast protective
stat:1 i 1 we wee; t , ,11)11 them to ,tit, so That
ball.! + ,:'',it -.:^!4., •::c'.iii,u ,,n c,ir: i 'lit^tc tL• t w: s her non : Le .:..: t, ca. urn t, t , t ttludN ,',
1 t,tal eh. -i,_ t I Ell hltimi Port '':colo he kind the the eau t o nioul',or. Then the
1 ie .t } l:e t -t 1 h t; t o f .i 1 c^, ,tett 1 tit' P t t'nn cr i llatuea w It w It'i, whit•}t
i.t-t.a11 c . ,t,r I_ r = 3 a!a 1' .v:11 it u, at l s,:e r.c:as 1.1 ^' a,1 11y 0•1t'' to c•,ti11 11•i tt I1 e.
t, 1 c 1: tnc•t of a'.:, het Ahnes F.veu ht v:, l n ;liths etre Qui.
1411, w + It e, r t na ? '
:e ?• ' �nwtt, I dc,n't ice o; }.y t;•e irGra sntnnh4:•t:un fire la int l.,lf so
tall,!, t leeet an,at• aa.cnts t t sweet- root es (Inc twee elentn•e•1 by lantts-
uty }ra: ' end dismay. � had to 1.::•: her. Tito: e t t 1� .eta- 1;
y est gill wh, came and ,jut begged for' men. This is illustrated uy the ex
,.om t sett are far n:t 0 t -n eve t ' ,ere. o? the captain of the Twin
a:11 ethers, and mem, n1. c care is a moor. S1:: had the loveliest color' 1
l and the rtcst stunning ltat—simple. twee rs, engtt4''tl :ome yetu's age 10
1 1 1 woo :a. r Lte must the wheat trade between San b'rutcis-
t a t f easy „} c e. .'ai :c and you know, hut 00 r)n0. I know we. ,., �` ! ,: 'all �aUlel lla l"t' 1 ia' yel;ia). I3 -at co and 1:ivcrp".c'i. The vessel was r0-
• t Ae. (4,n;:reu hour• a r,._, .tin.'t"nt ntri.na; fat to the latter port with a
of see-paes end vii 1 e..„,e,•y teat, aloes mother wrote end oilers i Elie Brown
1 our room as seem as she hnand she,
thou:mad tons of coal in the hold as
1 play.
oil. They ]it,ve the ti. .t, t., was coming. She comes from the, ball,.:. dust after she -rounded Cape
play, loth i is h try aP, i [:get to :ti where mother lives) when alts Flora it wee discovered that the coal
pie their r4 ht: that ea anal! get was on fire.
our own. was a girl. I believe her mother arra,
There was 0 "team mime en beard,
nine wort at s, heel together. And
Sometimes t,a it is the parent who, r- tend after cl" t the lower tintelt i
having sl owe so oar.. e and poor en 1.4"t11t- tad y:c'd be tote:n'ue t, ha"'
hcr'n the house, that Oa Browns were. 1It° crew Ilaruled rho hold uttltl the
example, really deserve the print=h � 0111, had sett1o, about .i.1:-.:;:rd
uer Peet lot: or
• :ulnas, We permite .ta.;t n}m oat only tin .tend yon altveys en: d depend a_a on_ in the water. No oro was frightened
at showing, our children w:rtli-v:hi!e I think she wants Ler to 1 c .. in. u ,nod every one teas confident that the
exam les of truth :a:d sweet -09., but. mice in my lite. Eliza Brown an in-' sale would be safely thought into port
we mast rent,•i. lhi the debt c` gr:t,_ifluc^acct" at ::1n Frtnlc'tec.. tall was made at
tt,::e eve owe to there. 'Its queer about names, isn't meds I.,�)paralot, het net e than eleseited rho
i \Fiat about "faetl:er;' 1rao co::iesl -nose tz,rcd. I know a girl named'shlp.
ler. le wz;:ria isit his work, ar.;l finds
Beryl Mae. It sounds like a film stat',1 The vessel was seventy-two ditya In
his ani.-•.. 0., and weariness smoothe1 cl'rcetit it? And elle looks like one,'reaching San Frnnetseo from the
away I,} elle magic touch of the little,' Site has such thrilling <adcen:urea• I Hort., and all that time the cool burn•
nestling figure in his arms. Hort often wonder if anybody with a high It obl?y ed, and little streams of eureka coeld
does "mother" learn to forget the hard sort of forehead—like Eliza Brown's—' he seen little
through the uncles to
lessons of life and the apparent':, un- ever has adventures,' ,the deck I,rriving Rt San l'ranclsco
endir.g work of the day when at even- "most decidedly not," Janata replied: tire Twin Brothers sailed out on the
t:de she looks down at the little, rose- positively. "Nobody could who loops mud flats and was Hendee! until she
flushed, sleeping face, that brings like Eliza Browm:'settled alntcet even with her tipper
Two days later Janet, white and deck. This extinguished the tire.
such blessed peace to her soul, and
makes her feel that, after all, even terrified, was staring at the doctor.' The appearanee of the vessel after
thedrudgery Mother `t] theflth 11 the prettyfair 11 f
drud ei- • has been worth while. G er tv: t influenza—mother!: er, a s was 11 r ev c once o
Let us, then, study our children and And no nurse to be found! W'ty, they; what a ship may etu•vlve in rho tvay
must have one—they must! of fire damage, In a dozen places the
bottom had burned through. and ell
that was between the crew and the
deep sea was the thin sheet of copper
Putting up the children's lunchesI bottom. The weight of the coal acid
used to he Such abugbear at our You'll have to follow directions exact the pressure of the water kept about
house until my husband bought the]y, but you can do it. You—" equal strain on both sides of the cop -
new white enamel medicine closet far "Can I help?" a quiet voice asketll per sheeting, and it had not broken
the bathroom and put the big golden "I've just heard Billy told me. I'oi thrdngh, although it was little thicker
not at all afraid, and I'm strong and; than an ordinary tin pan,
can obey orders.'
The doctor and Janet both had turn-
ed. Tho doctor's face cleared as he
met the steady eyes.
"You're in luck, young, woman." he
iesipline ourselves, if we want to be
ideal fathers and mothers,
Preparing School Lunches
The doctor shook his Tread.
"I don't ]snow where. There are
families that are all down with it—
and no daughter or maid in the house.
oak one up in the kitchen over my
table. It always used to be such a
sentry emery morning looking around
to see what there was for their bas-
kets. Now I can put un ail three in
Seaplanes to Hunt Whales.
Bueine s nen at Aalesuncl, north of
Bergen, Norway, intend this summer
a very iew ntinu' , In the first place, to use seaplanes for seal anal whale
I keep on handl in the top shelf little told Janet, hunting in Denmark Strait, between
ala of putts me:as, cheese, fruit, Throe weeks later, when mother Iceland and Greenland, says the Na -
s ry, ate., fel emergencies, tied was out of danger, Janet made her ttonal Tidende. The first machine will
confession to Rose. probably be sent np in r, week or so,
never is =nth a cat :t: trGph if thee_ ,"She just worked night and clay. Many ships are already 4n the strait,
i; net enough chicken irft fromtitC1 dlurc.
aThe doctor says she saved mothers
t o make sartdtcChes with.•
are pas ages of cia`e?, 5101104 incl life. She was steady all the time Keep Mtnard's Liniment In the house.
nuts acid a jar of hof.l cantly for sur -
I was so frightened. She could
prises when there is not any dessert, bulge all over if she wanted to, I'll
There is always a curl of waxca parer never, never forget it as long as I
and two or three very sharp knives live.
that are not to be toucher! for any- Beryl Mac,Pose relied thought -
thing else. fully, "went haus scared to death
A small write tin Lox site under the when there was a etas° where she
cupboard, and in it I keep the bread bearded."
for the sandwiches and the s}mel° The two girls looked at each other.
ekes or cookie: that 111take for theme. They did not need words,
beady knows what a Savin, this er-
tan;cnient is in time and worry uatil The as Huneanra Side d P carats.
they try it. The boy of the family In a recent book, Royal Diaon main-
s: uld easily make a little cupboard fey tains that plants have "a lturaan side."
this purpose, Of caarae, it }s wise to Ile tolls or plants that walk, plants
have a lock to the door, or you will that fly—or tit least use airplane: to
sties some of the thing:, you have enull, their seeds to fly, of plants that
counted on some dray, fish, that keep servants and dtmeetic
Int teals, that use animals for ttane.nor-
Fixing to the Verandah: tation, that forecast the weather and
If the verandah need,a fu:blametarl tell the name of clay and accomplish
'•nein„ up each as a ne fl,r c•;
many other marvel:[ that seem to ape
neve then sag;estto.ts sheen
be inters: talgt human intelligence,
t \4e know, of cotree, that plants ere
A cement filer marked o[f in "tile" not really "human," as that term le
usual.,: understood, and that they are
squares. or n floor of any of the so-, not even on a par with the atrintais
called "tile" floorings, tr'hi1i1 are easy that arc consider rn tar beneath tit.
on the feet ant vert durable, would be 13111 it is admittedly hart to tell just
a pe ie o ,, inion, It's much ca= e 1,„e In draw the line between Plants
to,'to,, ,', i y attra,tive, and if preeeeenoel animate and men, arta the more
ly laid will 'est virtually forever, one studies rotors with an open
New pa'.:r.; in square effort, v•412 mind, [hie more there doe,' sesta to 00
heavy square hex railing to har;ucni:n',' acme sort of httcllig;chec and te0lin
permit the placing of flower Lr :re ;u (mermen to all living tiring-,
rellinfhl in 5100(10.0.' time :tit i flat ':;tmrel Butler, 411 one of hie hooks,
rertra,rhl. t"ps can reatifly l,o p',"tr, I in:detains that both lat'mis and ail•
over time tc.ilini.s m vv tile,•. or r ar:' nreh ectuelly fie ens -e:,. nt,gl:'gnnre,
the bo: c,. :1101,1.1 bar Wen I:n ;l an 1, est nlo1ely of a human cult, but in
altew far r r ret (In.:111E17e. satao jY.trtlon:dm above the human
A shaf phaco n t, r:;n.l it <r:131111, He accounts f, -.r all such
railing ,•l cat .t fent frcut t}t, them t,a l el:meets a,Es those meatianea t:beee by
a ft:at: w;dc i ills ,[',,'ret h' • i.h „•' 5 1L,iriag that the plaits know exact.
Melt as a Panics t --acrd ie ealalgS. ly what they are shunt --ti tt they do
handy for lon,hs,t 3lcnorl r t t what they do because, in tau course of
zine, neweeattees. eta , f, dell' pit'd lung r t 1 elireteel o;per inieutatinn, tired
along the 1 mate t 1 r r:,' let & I- Lata Palma that that i,t the best way
venient height ?. e.oat l ,tl £or home' fur them to get along, Likewise with
it:,r flower pate, 1 c.Lc n• t: Otto cltieken 01'03101; an MI,
1f You'd 1(1:•! in 11%%'' are i, , 1?g;bt be ea; t, beettnse the chicken has
en the veran!"tit, ,re..r heady ,,,ata cdsn let:rne'i. exactly how to do it, with a
arrange to e.• r c..:r.: 3 cl •:ter detlititu l:utpeee In view; and the egg
cot! ^t the teitme awl met stn a tarn treatee a chicken It nese tire.
0010)1y make e pretty tart fro. 1; it •'t egg bion' i l;y oft -repeated experleace
cretonne 01 r" ; tt h iritic,- a;. t, how to go about that v.o:rierful
with your t r id:.i elshicna, Ansa 1 leela The mann I,i'Oiin;as en oale be••
of Plloches.t„ .1:0 r: ;0 heeler tee. tee' eau• e it wants to do It, end knowe how,
aka lc y” t t 1 e •,f eagles, erd I' e ltry Bring plant kir ea all abent
in Dant 1 alt: lli, 1 ,. , t'11•71'.:11 1:, 1131,1 bo a, an.i produces flew 01% eapectally
the ear t l er r t 'h ft t 1,rignrd to attract thein and have
tie aril td!c c f it 1,, Low , 1 1•1 pas t', .3.1 dist; ibule ata pollen,
over that n cr the e' ga, e hero, You'd l The knowledge of the plant or anl-
itnd it, bol r; tit• 0:11041y tutfl to til the note perfect, Butler
—4,1,1, Gf ct,.000, :.i 0, teat, argues, because it is bo Largely ."un,
Qui Yaur Ft, et t'•lrls In Half by tfolntl
lottettee Ural t:
7'ho Allen FOte FOWriter Purl/for 0".,
I.InUtc/i, 2/ Caine/w1 Gt./ rlirotrto
Bulk Quiets
Not A Blom 11"
the perfcct
7 hrcx,:"a.'.7r4.1(0FP•f• brrcn.
+t1 pitr.itonenott
ti .a Iyf 11111 t l lx. r tr r s'o'n
1., ltsa,' eGtartly
Conce,i-J, Rr„1' cos
n:rntral color end corrals
grcnvy e%1:1 t. High:y ani I t4 •,
tscd with be-teft I r 53
n cur.atirrea �t tet ic? Sia
Your 'Unveiling enuip-
tne» t is not rrmnletr,
without an AutoStrop
A c katka start r,.art .6 ,F
the day !
Out ofY our bed and shaved
in three Minutes. This is
AutoStrop Razor service.
Easily stropped, easily
cleaned—nothing to take
apart or unscrew. The only
•safety razor that sharpens
Any dealer will demon-
strate the AutoStrop Razor
to you, guarantee satisfac-
tion, or refund of purchase
AutoStrop Razor
—sliarpens itself
Only $5.00—complete with
strop—twelve blades in an at-
tractive assortment of cases to
suit any purpose,
AutoStrop Safety Razor Co,, Limited
Autestrot, Building, Toronto, Canada
Wit. ,t•
The Shaving Service for Every Man—Eve;ywherra
OU would say that the man pictured
here was well••to-do. His smart
appearance gives an air of Pros-
perity that is a distinct asset in his
business and social life.
Now imagine him with a couple of day's growth of beard! Who
now would guess his prosperity. He no longer holds his head
so erect!
Yet a few swift strokes of his keen -edged Gillette, and he is ready
to face the world again -sure of respectful attention !
Are YOU depriving yourself of far more than you can imagine by
delayi g the purchase of your Gillette Safety I-<azor?
Do you realize that there is something more than easier shaving,
time saved, and a smoother chin coming from• your investment of
$500 in a Gillette?
Look prosperous—it is the first step towards. being prosperous!
Make a pod of asking your Polon dealer to show you sornd
GILLETTE Safety Razor Sels, including ibe teen) "Rig Fellow" at
$5.00 the Set
MAGE IN 211:
511OWN rrlF” -�'� "''NroRtD OVER 723
u . -:r lsuez civ +a=f iaa
"" IN r1i ::.t AIR
Observer Describes Thrilling
Battles of Final Air Offen-
sive, Avg., 1917.
The seritote eltempt to raid
,t1tbe t Ilett <,f ''/,oirpclins, which
etI na 1tri; dt lu A,tgttot, ,lirl7, to des'•i•!btd
lit 1 t nrticht pnblf .tread in c.on i .,'tion
• wa:l tete ,,oning of t!t.:.','rn 1 d,lbi-
tit .t at Olympia, Lu,. Inn, Tho writer
The cantina of Mc Zeppelins was
quickly to ua tenet a to our 0Ir ht•
ttut t on t o 1 c n L to i t i tont
an i ,,+nn( 1,13-1 rd t!itw 11 Ilea ef air•
craft hen l lett, the sir and. away
tilt to et t h of the r tints,
trier, i ; t] ...t tt t t e lilt'•
boat .or
lac : had
l,tt 111 :rn W. -IEE 1113E I t 1
w,ut t,he.t. t..'4 uad i c'ltt ,l.'and no
111,4*0 1,1.aty stat for lampieg tl•.:m
t•icne if for any cam:, they had to
e1':lte down 10 the sea.
As our machines, in. air &r&or te 11:1
alarm of "Zappe reported," 1' ee•ma' 1
fru' out to sea on thole se:deli,lout
weather began to blow upland add to
their difficulties. 1Vhtil, thick weenies,
and nt;5ty rain storms 'all added to-
gether to ulai:e flying over the 003 a
dangerous task, and hunting cm. Sop.
pelins In the ditrltneea 1111 altno,t int-
poeeible one. IBut file skill and per-
t:0'0011)1,e of the aitnl'•a ant tha
t:,nohnoss and reliability et their ma-
chines and et:g0110G-won in the end,
Zeppelin is Quickly Set on Fire.
The Zeppelin fleet was elglitcd end
tome of OUT in:tclthtes cL. cd t
UM It 10a0 a two sever tad .tint:
fitted with Rolls—Roy,t n: rue that
tackle3 the fr:a Zeppelin. 11- pilot
gnlc'ltly ieelired :t [:ever:tale vas:tlett
for attack and the observer 10111
fire: The flatten was .hurt mid sharp;
the first few rounds te,k effect and a
small flame was aeon to censor :rid
run flickering along the pert side of
the ship's envelope. Quietly tit,[
flicker leaped to a grist of ll::n,e that
swept along tate side of the airs:tip,
and In a felt' seconds site was :,blaza
from stent to stern, tier bow swung
upward for a moment, then dipped
down again, and the atr"ltip, enveloped
In a roaring torrent of !tont,, went
plunging down toward a layer of thick
clouds 5,000 foot below.
As she fell these clouds caught and
threw back the lurid reflection of the
blaze and lit up with quivering waves
.of hot, red, glowing light the wltolo
circle or sky, tho Zeppelin destroyer
machine, and the Lwa men in it lean-
ing out overside and staring down
fascinated to watch the finish of their
handiwork, Next instant the rem:line
of the airship plunged clown into the
clouds that closed solidly over her,
shutting off the blazing light and leav-
ing tho airmen circling over a dta;k•
uess that by contrast was black as
Second Foe Craft Is Shot Down.
Meantime tate other raiders wore be.
ing pursued, and a second 000 wad
closed with and brought to action, and
again the machine that overtook het
was a two seater fitted vrit.lr Rolls'
Royce engines. This Zeppelin also
was shot down, according to the eva
deuce et both pilot and nbporver on
tiro two seater, although unfortunate-
ly there was sante hitch or delay in
erupting then[ with their cietury.
The reason for this eras perhaps
that where the first Zoppolht clo:,troy-
er retuned at once and made a roport
which was at once pablici}ted, our sec-
ond machine after tho action had con-
siderable difficulty in finding a way
back and only made a lancing far
from tete air station and too late for
report to catch up to the first In publi.
cation. The second Zeppelin wits pur-
sued and fought a good many Willes
further out to .'sea than the fleet, and
. thick, rainy weather made It hard for
the pilot to pic'k a comae and find the
land, 1Ie reached it at Mat and made
a succeasful descant triton his petrol
was running down to its last gallons,
Just Fancy!
Potatoes collora grow larger than
nnarblc; in Greenland,
111 rho interior cit an ordinary piano
t.ncu. ," '.boat n 11.10 of wire,
Spain has fewer dally newspapers
than any other European country,
Lees will vack over 0,000,000 flewors
in gatherlag one polled of honey.
A snail, ern twling without a pause,
woea:l occupy fourteen days • and tiro
110»1' el tt mile.
Althoug10t,h:tht'o is 01 steady dent^mcl
for long human hair, the clippings
ere m mens heath -11200 no eolniltei'Cta?
New York 'museum ems a specimen
of the largest bird's egg in tho world,
that of the extinct appy:anis of Alexia-
gascar. With a Atoll anoeighth of an
Inch illicit and twonty-six inches in
circumference ,it has a holding capaci-
tyoYtwo6llc s,
A naw mol}god of cltcolthtg faros in
miring tri by mane of boxes of fine
rock elute suspuuded across tits roof
of the tunnel. Any shock clue to an
exploeion is sufficient to mtit:4e thorn to
break n any front their supports, and
tho ifnolydivizlod duet faila into the
passage turd prevents the flames from
If you would sea deep you must
climb high and look clear through,