HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-19, Page 3FIGHTING CYCLONE CLOTHES FOR THE
Navigator in Plane Describes
Thrilling Descent to Cahn
and Sunshine.
An observer in an airplane describ-
ing lin (+l.pei•ien eo in a ;;toren thous -
nude of feel above the earth writes:
-The tky was strewn with the rcln-
nant5 of 11 lftorntlIg cirrus, as the (111(01)
hoax made carefully but swiftly on the
wings ct a wenn wind.. Eight flume -
and feet Were retched with tete Illerest
effort. The salient features of the
('L•untey+.dc could be picked out, with-
out iii : cs. Tho air had a lenity
t:i.ge but it was such as the eye could
'eec tl tin .ugh, and it gave ne immes-
sine of the moisture with which it
must 1tilre been heavy. It 1+eemecl
w, m tied brilliant and es the into
full♦, thiel the d1011. sly away wid the
Is; s, hrlu1"!
A till((? Sign That the Blood l9I A murmur of rynlpatbcltic applause
WW'atery and lmpt?rte. . greeted stool the wish.
i 1n whit le" confesr e 1 the traveller,
P001110 WIt11 titin bloo•l are mush' "1 1.11 an unholy desire to join, Some -
010110 anbject t0 11nad,tchns thIu full- � tii.i..01 1 du get Bred of scheduled„
irleolotl P0"4'°'.4 end Ilin (0110 of
anaemia that afflicts groping (11(10 is
011nost always ltr'1'nmeanied 11 • head•
ethl4, to(((ner with elctul•b.ace of
the ligeetive °reams
et/believer you have rn ir.tant of re.
curring he ,rise hes and pallor of the
Rice, they show that the blood le titin
:(u 1 your e forge rho 1Li b:, ciirectee t.n-
vaed bnilrhl g up your blood. A fair
treatment wilii Dr. \ illitlm:i' Pink Ile elle sit
Pills will tie this slut holy, unit tete Aust hb .Ucit
rich red Mewl made by these, 1:1115 will Ailti ..ay:
remove the heed r11e
More dletu_h ._n; to the health aro Co Wong
c111(0(11 by their bleed then most pewee
\4 ith you!
have : ide.1 of. 11 ne:1 your blood hly job's done!
le trope:: elimi, tit, nervee stiffer
from leek (1' neuriehlne0t, and gnu Random r tom Remv^.'x'i15o. .
may be troubled with inOellnitit, need- To is a 4 heietla:1 iii no musee 1=amn
tis, neuralgl:l or sciatica. '1l cl s 11(0. T.I. P. L. 1heppard.
( 3" 5 net from
may' �` subjr..et to strain are t 1 ternan13:11ed
:Meet of us are Inial;ug. ,
anis Sett easy Have a l raise rh oma• t c,l n oilier.^„ bat from lack of
n: C5.£i 926e teem fir lumbago. If your bond 1:1 o''o11trter. lir. A. (:1. llardil:er.
chine throbbed its way flu' u+,^,l1 it two thin and yea begin to .11ow symptosis 1� mina will tell his wile everything
wenn stip
II111 fl 1 mill' Ito neat the duties of b'ys to their
j jj i 1,
VV +
t Ili J: Jt mothers," cried the old woman wrath -
Door -Steps.
A doer -1.1(T
Ithc,ul 1 he ntmule
Tu face the \Vont
190 the t
When le men
is lhreuelt
tee sus go down
streams !levo+^d back 1)001' 0533—Bay's Stolt (en:.kerLar•i.oe of any of 11e,e disorders, try building in tie world except 1(0w meth raaney
e Wit.cl : c reen, trmiaersj. Price. c5 cents. in sizes, ftp the blued with Dr. \1 Sllinms' Pink he h1 getting. —Indy Astor, M.P.
"Sulue time must have el(110011 be- 6 to 14 years. ,size R rermires '2' Pills, and Its the blood 1s restored to • People are nut saving half as much
fore the pilot, In twisting the craft yds. 311 !ns, wide, or 1se ,;ds 5i ins. Its normal condition every symptom as they should, (.Everyone should save,
new direet!ou, caught a wide; t lr' [ ct' Ms.of the trouble will disappear. There from, the Wilco -boy to the millionaire.
are here people who owe their pre- _..Sir Robert Kindersley.
hnnlg far coat. :.1 30.. „1
g1ii11pFE o a r p 1 )'telt of hvlde; waastb and and inside pocket, to
1 t..,nd to a
f livid
ur )Ic•^ray 1 PI* r, :r.s, h ole.
clouds which had crept up from the 0202 Boys Suit (kniekerbockel' sent state of good health to Dr. Wil- 1 have no patience with model
smith. It had nom quite un110ra
tried trousers). Price, 25 cents. Ins sizes, name, Pink Pills titan to any ether young men. Model young men delight
l v tltun,ler, but although the sight Wast; to 1-i years. Size s'requires 23 yds. medicine, and most of them do not their mothers'hearts and ruin their
not attractive there seemed ((,11her 3t; ins, wide, or lee yds. `'.i ins. wide; hesitate to say so, wives' tempers.—Alr. Edgar Status.
c. 0 0 for sheet( u0r need for a prem(-; lining for coat, 1 1 yds. 36 ins, wide; You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills 1)itileulttee exist only to be over-
ture descent. Even the growling : lining for trousers, ?* yd. 00 ins. wide• through any dealer in medicine or by come; anything that presents 111111 ul-
ranlble of blunder at a greet dietauce, I These patterns may be obtained (11011 at 50 cents a box or six boxes ties is generally worth the effort Epent
welch came at last, failed to d itwit- 4 from your Local McCall dealer, or from for 32.50 from the Dr. Willinlue Medi- in their solution. --I11. Hon. A. J. Bal -
tea, and the airplane soared on with , the McCall ('n.; 7(' )✓end street, T0-
cine Co., BrodtVille, Ont,
rento, Dept. \l• .
bracing Wires singing and the engind
in deep, fullthroaterf roar,
Storm Burst CL'ddeniy.
"Then, without further warning, the
storm 11ro10e in full fury. A n(1311ty
(11(111' of thunder, which seemed to
deafen 00(1 deaden and elme51 shake
the machine out of the shies, W110 he- of meteorites.
companied by a wild burst oe hail and These bodies whirl about in the
Old Ocean's Bed. Irish Punctuality.
To an enormous extent the bed of The following story is the expert.
the ocean is covered with lava and encu of a woman who travelled a good
Pumice stone. Still inure remarkable deal 111 Ireland before the World war:
is it to find the floor of the ocean, Although she was naturally pnnc-
coeei'ed in many parts With the dust tual, she had grown a trifle careless
through familiarity with the easy-go-
ing =liner in which time tables seem-
ed to be treated. One day site arrived
at a small country station just too late,
but she was so nearly on time that she
could net at first believe her misfor-
tune. Site dashed frantically down
the platform, waving her bag and um-
brella; bet the train glided away just
ahead et her, gathering a speed that
left her at last hopeless, breathless,
and a good deal abashed as she real-
ized the spectacular quality of her vain
sprint. She turned, panting, to en-
counter the station master, who was
holding out a magazine that she had
"Sure, titin," he told her sympatheti-
cally, "'tis no wonder ye hurried,
ma'am—and a grand race ye made of
it—with yerself near enough at the
first of it to set yer little rut on the
step, savin' only the width of a pig's
ear. They'd not be having the hearts
of men in thirst not to stop for yo. But
that's how It is, ma'am, once folks do
get bewitched with the word 'punctual:
Punctuality he hanged, says I, whin it
interferes with politeness and the res-
pact due a lady! Meself -would have
held the train for ye a mhntt, and no-
body the worse, the days whin I ('an
me iugine; but these new lads, they
stick to the time -table, worse luck,
and a fine nuisance they make of thim-
selves, And thin well knowing there's
not another train to Bantry the day!
I'd not blame ye, ma'am, if ye writ a
complaint to the management. 'Tis
scandalous I"
Although the traveller did not com-
plain, she admits that she found his,
point of view consoling. Much to her
amusement, it was her ((Mane short-
ly afterwards to hear it emphatically
echoed by an old Irishwoman who,
loaded with bundles and baskets and
carrying a live cluck, missed a train
much as site had done, except that the
old wonlaul's run was a waddle, and
what a bystander picked up for iter
was not a magazine but a squawking
and flapping duck. The old woman
turned upon those who had gathered
about her an eye of incredulous indig-
"And the ley that drives the 10(1410
mo 00011 sons" site proclaimed, "Black
shame on mint for desarthl' and aban-
donin' his mother, and ]the 1nowin'
well the thrnin I was to take and the
state of the ro'd and the lameness of
calci Ma,;it's forefut! • Nivel* wud I
have believed that my b'y Thaddy
could play his mother such a 111(10lcl"
"Whist, woman, he couldn't help
himself!" some one suggested, "He
had to run her on schedule."
"And if schedules are to be allowed
rain which hashed the machine Il' '('01-
lesely and mule it toss from one :true
to the ether like a cork o11 the surface
of the sea, 1n a steaming cloak of
rain and mist it was impossible for the
eye to see the ground. .
"Peal after peal of thunder follow-
ed in swift succession between vivid
flashes of furious summer lightning.
The heavens had opened to pour forth
the accumulated passion of centuries.
At nearly 7,000 feet up' it would be
euloidal to descend into thee' unknown
and unseen. Which was safer --ah• or
Iand? To the pilot, anxious almost be-
yond endurance, came the thought,
common to every flying man, of fire in
the air; and as if to confirm this hor-
ror a flash in a moment illuminated
the whole machine as though it were
caught in the probing beam of a
searchlight at night, The sky was
rent from vault to horizon by a vivid
Weak of electric fire. The indicating
fingers on the navigation instruments
oscillated Wildly.
Quivers Like a Wounded. Bird.
It seemed the hist moment; but it for fifteen minutes or more.
passed, and still the machine was air- At first the streamer is a vivid green
worthy. The hail still tore fiercely at or scarlet streak. Presently it as -
the fabric of the planes; the machine mines a enaky form, becoming more
wins becoming more and more un-
serpentine and irregular until it
stable; but it still slummed on.,DoWn
below a cloaca of vapor made it impost
Bible to -see the earth or to eight a
atretch of ground whereon to laird.
The thunder broke with unabated fury
at regular intervals, and at each on-
slaught the machine quivered like a
wounded bird.
"If the pilot continued to fly on It phorescent. Air currents blow the
could only be a matter of moments tube about, producing the snaky ef-
before all control of the craft would feat.
be wrenched from his hands. It was Ovservetions made simultaneously
equally hazardous to plunge down ill- from stations far apart have proved
to the sea of mist in total ignorance of that the average meteor when first
the lin ot the land beneath. But to the seen is about eighty miles above the
latter "arse only could a shred of r surface of the earth, end disappears
hope cling. The engine therefore was from view' at thirty miles. In other
suddenly shut off and the nose of the Words, it travels fifty miles before the
atulospheric friction burns it up. This
friction, it is reckoned, raises it to a
temperature of something like 3,000,-
000 degrees, so that, vilest of large
(leavens like miniature comets. and
are for the most part broken into in-
numerable fragments.
We aro all familiar with these hea-
venly vieltants as shooting stars; but
it has been only lately discovered that
this cosmic dust forms layers at the
bottom of the deepest seas.
Between Honolulu and Tahiti, at a
depth of 2,350 fatboms—over two
miles and a half—a vast layer of this
material exists.
Falling upon land this impalpable
dust is indistinguishable, but, accumu-
lating for centuries in the sea depths,
it forms a wondrous story of the con-
tinuous bombardment of this planet
by cemetery bodies.
Ask for Minard's and take no ether.
Meteor's Trains.
when a "shooting etas••' passes
athwart the sky it leaves behind it a
shining streamer. We do not notice
the fact, but astronomers say that the
streamer sometimes remains visible.
v itnishes.
Belief is entertained that the meteor
leaves behind it a tube -shaped layer of
highly heated ale, which expands and
Is finally dissipated. The atmosphere
along its track is electrified by the
transit of the celestial projectile, and
is thereby rendered brightly phos -
machine (11000ed.
"I3y the altimeter, watched fever-
is1110', the crescent of a few thousand
feet seemed to take many minutes. In
tete thiole of a swirling mist a 'sudden size, it has no chance to reach our
and violent contact with the earth was
elementarily expected. But down—
dawn; until at what seemed the criti-
cal seeen1 there came a sudden in-
rush of steady grateful air from a re -
glen of smiling content and peaceful-
ness, with the earth a thousand feet
below, There was no sunshine, but
there was also no storm. It had been
a cyclone of the tipper regions only."
What Size Do You Take?
Few people understand the mean-
ings of the numbers and sizes on. ar-
ticles of clothing.
In hate and caps the size Is one -halt
the sum total of the long and short
diameters ot the head. In other words,
if your head measures 13ytht., your
size in hats Is 6%,
The size in gloves indicates the num-
ber of incises round the knuckles when
the hand 1s closed,
TIte length in !aches of your foot is
the'"number" you take in sociis. In
women's hose 'the length of the leg 10
usually three times the length of the
If a woman's foot measures 310., her
Mee In shoes is 2. Every quarter orf an
inch above 8% increases the size by
A man with a footellin. long should
wear size 7 boots, The size 1110reasee
be ono in Query %in. In teen's foe(-
Paderewski could play the piano
when three years old.
Her Soldier.
Dear and young, here's the prayer I
pray for yeti
Heaven be full of new life and play
for your
Swift its an arrow, light as a swallow!
So 11117 We find you, boy, when we fol.
'Jlill!IIII,I!IIklCilll l!!!1111111!!IUIIIIIIIIIIIillllllli!rlll5l!IIGIIIL'!III!Illlpllil;,Iil'Jl:, ill'iho;h:.!n1 4ilb!i l „nil11l11.1l!r„Iu•ull(11iI111111i1ill!liliil!!
Cut Down the Stwar
by eating a cereal that contains its
own sugar self -developed from
grain in making—
As a breakfast or luncheon cereal with cream
or milk; or sprinkled over fresh fruit or berries,
Grape -Nuts adds to the meal's please e -"-acid
is economical,
Buy from your grocer,.
No one will ever persuade me that a
girl who cannot do housework and
conk well is anything but a fool, and
Net a dev11'o trap for men folk,—Rev.
Walter Mitchell.
At the first sign of illness during
the hot weather give the little ones
Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours
11e may be beyond aid. Those Tab-
lets will prevent summer complaints
if given occasionally to the well child
and will promptly relieve these
troubles if they come on suddenly.
Baby's Own Tablets should always be
Rept in every home where there are
young children. There is no other
medicine as good and the mother has
the guarantee of a government analyst
that they aro absolutely safe. The
Tablets are sold 13 medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a bot from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
—sleepless ilil;l!ts, constant
Sneezing, streaming eyes,
wheezy :--
brings relief. Put. up in cap -
sales, enoily f. aliuwcd. Sold by,
rellsl'1(1 drug, rats for a dollar.
Ask our agents or sand card for
free sample to Templeton s, 142;
King St. W., Toronto. •
Plant Pick -Me -Ups.
A Limn and garden machine of great
ingenuity 13 (lots being tested in the
.•cath of England,
Its thus I n ie t l beetew a pick-lus-
up of 11 r c,.1,1'pe''t ted meet stimula-
ting ewe, to every .,'-eel plat into the
As 11 di W1( ar e, :t punctures a
little hole,drops la a siege seed from
one cyllieter, and simultaneously a
pirel1 of 81 steal 11 1)ure from an.
oilier. The hole is immediately filled
in, and from • a third cylinder falls a
pinch of pow(erel lisle, which en-
courages the benellcient bacteria that
assist growth.
If elopes aro justified, the machine
would save a fourth of the usual
amount of seed and an immense. deal
of artificial manure,
A Small Price.
At last little Freddy was allowed.to
visit grandpa all alone. They were
great friends, and had long waited for
the great day.
Freddy had the time of his life.
Grandpa Saw that he wanted for noth-
ing. The small boy ate more cream
buns in those three days than he
would otherwise have done in three
years, While his pockets bulged all the
time with sweets.
But there 0011105 an end to every-
thing, and Freddy went home again,
pale yellow of complexioul and lau-
guid and feverish. Mother promptly
sent for the doctor, who ordered him
to bed, and sent hint some very un-
pleasant, but doubtless healing, medi-
Grandpa Canto next day and was per-
mitted to creep upstairs to see flow
the suieerer was faring. He found
the small boy lying wan and pale on
his pillow, bat eaccived a watery smile
as 1t welcome,
"Oh, grandpa," said the weak little
voice, "I've been awfully bad—but it
Was worth it!"
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you got your
money back.
Montreal, May 29th, '09.
leinard's Linimept Co., Limited.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Gentlemen,—I bog to let you know
that I have used MINARD'S LINI-
MENT for some time, ar$1 I find it the
best I have ever used for the joints
and muscles.
Yours very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedestal
Dancer of Canada.
What Kiss Microbes Do.
"You claim there are microbes to
kisses?" she asked the young doctor.
"There are," 11e said.
"What disease do they bring?" she
"10Palpitation of the heart."
Minaret's Liniment for sale everywhere
Careful Hubby.
They hadn't been married very long
and, strange to relate, both their birth-
days fell on the same elate, Da al-
ready he had learnt a thing or two
about the shopping propensities of the
fair sex. So he tackled the subject al
presents manfully.
"Darling," 110 said lovingly, "we
mustn't have any secrets from each
other, now, must we?"
"No, sweetheart!" she cooed gladly.
"well, ducktest," he went on "if you
will tell mo exactly how touch you in-
tend to spend on a present for me, I
shag. bo able to worst out how much
I shall have left to buy ono for you."
Father (endeavoring to blend in-
struction and ,amusement): "Yes, cilia -
then, Mr. Lloyd George saved hie
country, just as Joan of Afro saved
France." Bright ^Child: "And when
are they going 10 burn Mr. Lloyd
George, daddy?"
If you want to make life a harmony,
hit the note "Do!"
In some districts in Siam a girl who
reaches a certain age without finding
a husband .is required to wear a label,
and thenceforth is a more er less privi-
leged person, under the special care
of the king, who is bonnet by ancient
custom to find a 'husband for her. The
royal matrimonial bureau has less dif-
ficulty in arranging matches than
might be expected, for it works on a
very simple system. A prisoner .in any
jail in the kingdom may gain freedom
and pardon by marrying one of the
king's charges, and as many eagerly
take advantage of the right as there
are available freedom -bringing maids.
Whether or not the man is already
married is of no consequence, as one
wife is not the legal limit.
A. good life is nothing more than
a lot of days. lived well,
ISSUE No. 33--'20,
For a few cents you can save
your hair and double
its beauty
atom loft&YEr'i1"ttaa
Tho Irish of It.
Mary . "Sure, Mike, yell) a bey af-
ter nee own heart."
Me y -"But ycz Won't get it."
How He Felt.
"h1d illy husiwr•d appear to miss Inn
(luring the meeth I was &Ivey, Mala':"
Relied a matron.
"Well, ma'unl, et f1'st he was in very
high epirits, but al:out a week ago he
became Icee cheerful, and yesterday,
ma'ein, hon 00110 jest miserable."
Poor Cow,
Tho eevcnteenyecr0111 daughter of
a city linin was vleitieg 1, fame for the
first time.
She immediately became interested
in the prize cattle, and asked many
Ono evening, just at duslt, as the
girl was standing at the open door of
the farmllc;lse 10Ik111g to the manager,
there came the low, mournful note of
a cow.
"Just listen to that poor cow," said
the girl, "mowing for her colt"
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
Doesu t hurt a let! Drop a litho
"Freezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short.
le 70u lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation.
Amorloe'a donees Dog IIemedieo
hook on
wad H&t.'- to rood
Mailed Fran to, arty Ad-
dress by the Author.
IL Ding C016061.. 06., itt.
118 West 81st ('street
New Tor$,
Classified Advertisements.
x one ai>!t
Voiced. Rood Bros., Bothwell, out,
M 111001, sl10)il 0 woltTF1 '11WOt
.L7 doBnrd, et sixty -Ave cents. ;ler.
nor t. Kitchener.
u11 HAI,1.._-leo XIfo1N1) Pitpq,i
g Hann:rel wlnidli3 to Rat d0mothlnf'
gnad, wrlle lv, 7. 1 4 (ytl, I1ewlnanvill1
Three persona out of every four in,
New York City were ern under slim
Loan oft 1"see hr,th itself and friend,
""California Syrup of Bibs" -
Child's' Best Laxative •
Accept "California" Syrup of irlge
only—Iook for the name California on
the package, then you are surd your
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver end bowels. Children love
Its fruity taste. Full directions 011
each bottle. You must say "Cali -
Very Itchy` and Burned.
Troubled Six Weeks.
"Our daughter's face came out In
a rash that we were told was eczema.
- Her decoke got sore
and she rubbed caus-
ing loss of sleep. The
breakingout was very
itchy and burned so
thatI had totiegloves
on her bands to keep
her from scratching.
"This trouble lasted about six
weeks before fused Cuticura. I used
one largo box of Cuticura Ointment
with two cakes of Cuticura Soap
when shelvas healed-" (Signed)Mrs.
11, Stares, Blenheim Rd., Galt, Ont.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cum are ideal for daily toilet uses.
3oep 25c, Ointment 25 and Sec sold
throughouttheDominion. Caaadlan'DPPot:
Le��ns, Limited, St. Poul St., Montreal.
d,+).•t.: Cutkura Soap Acmes with ,talee.
Not `Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"!
To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of delightful "Dan-
derine" at ally drug or toilet counter
for a few cents, pour a little in your
hand and rub it into the scalp, After
several applications the hair usually
stops cooling out and you can't find
any dandruff. Ilelp your hair grow
strong, thick and long and becomes
soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and
For Colds; Pain, Rhenlnatism, Aoh- pa lege c-taich contains complete M-
ing Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- realties. Then you are getting real
rltis, and for headache. Neuralgia, Aspirin --the ,genuine Aspirin pre -
Toothache, Earache, take Aspirin scrib it by phveleit0'-3 for
mover nnle-
arked. 'with' in
the Mae "leaver or item years. Avow made in Canada.
you are not taking Aspirin at' all. I Handy tin hates eontaming 1:.' tab-
Accept only ',Bayer 'Tablets of( lets cost but a few cents, 1]rn(1(11 a
Aspirin in an unbroken "Bayer'' also sell larger "Batter" racleiges.
There is only ono d1spieln—"Bayer"-•-'Sots must say "Boger"
.Aeplrtn to.the trade mark (rcgistcrod la Canada) of lla^rr 1tanu"acttlrc of S otto-
a.o•ticacidester of ball1Ylicacid. Wile it fa well known that Aeririn mount Mira,
manufacture, to roseit the public arulurt Sr itntl ns, nu, r t •s 111' .30;.r C1,npany
will bo stamped with their general l,a10 .:lark, t , ''011,,., Erol.,."
,- Pkzfr
.;r 2
test selected leaf --
Skillfully manufactured—Delicious flavor -
Ever fresh and lasting