HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-8-19, Page 1,t 4
49 Per Annum in Aavarice BRUSSELS. LS. ONTARIO. TiURSUAY, 4%!'QUST 19 192o Pit. if., , .ERR, ProArietor
(tib: ^i -r y7„ire,
............ ,,n6,", ,-. '
The Opening
55 Old Broad St.,
London, England.
Providing complete
banking facilities and
personal attention to
busines's conducted be-
tween Canada and the
British Isles.
New Ad'i. rtisements
Tractor Demonstration.
Wanted—John Torrance,
Roney—W..7% McCracken.
Perm for sole—Wm. Parker.
F fano for sale—Wm. Porker.
School opening—P, H. Smith.
Tee Cream bricks—W. A. Grower.
So the went to the city—Willard Hall.
Department or Militia—Algona Piset,
Notice to Creditors—Wm. Martin estate,
Mi tr .ct ez�s
A. D. and Mee. MoOosh, Kincardine,
were welcome visitors at the latter's
cid home.
Mise -E11va Ramsay is home from an
enjoyable trip to the Northerly towns
and the city of Owen Sound,
Mrs. Wm. Keys and daughter, Miss
Eva, of Milestone, Sask., are visitors
at the home of D, and Mrs. Ramsay.
The ladies are slaters. ,
Idles viola McLeod hos been mem
arngr.ged by the Ti u.lora of the Turn-
bull ehof l ]Et
r (
UtlGrey .
at good inerrase
111 salary. This is a
real recommend, ,
in the elewnee of the pastor, Rev,
Me. Menu, the eervlcee at Johneton's
and iebenezet' last Sunday wet e taken
by Harry Hopper•, who discoursed
poinLed ly and profitably.
A number' from this locality attend:
ed the funeral of a highly esteemed
resident of this locality at one time in
the person of Mee. John Forrest. We
sympathise with Mi. Format and
I1lise Lillie Collis has returned home
after spending a week with her uncle,
John Gcrsalitz and other friends,
Mrs, U. Reis, Galt, is renewing
acquaintances in the village.
A Liainonby and family are holiday-
ing at Toronto and Duunville,
Dr. R. and Mrs, Montgomery agent
Sunday with Btuseels relatives.
Mee, A. McLean and 2 sons, laugh
and Kenneth, are visiting relatives at
Archie Phillips, Red Deer, Alta.,
spent the week end at the home of
Erred. Davey.
Miss Jeannie Rutherford, Philadel-
phia, is the guest of her brother, W.
A, Rutherfard.
Jun. and ales, Brown, Tnrnntn, and
and T. (4. and Me°s. Hemphill were
visitors at Bayfield this week,
Amongst those who left for the
West this week were Earl Ball, How-
ard Wylie, Chadwick Henning and T.
Jae. Allan motored to London this
week. He was accompanied on his re-
turn by his sister, Mrs, Bavington and
little daughter of Cleveland.
A quiet event took place at the
Methodist Parsonage on Tuesday laet
when Mies Lyla Kaake was united in
marriage to Wm. Porter, Mt. Forest,
Rev, Mr, Lymberner officiating, The
young couple left on the afternoon
train for Toronto wi ore they will
make their home. Mr./Porter, who is
a returned soldier, holds a good posi-
1100 on the 0. P. R,
A number of friends and members
of the Anglican Murrell met at the
home of Robert Earls, Howiak,
day evening to spend a social evening
with Mrs. Robinenn and daughter,
Miss Sophy, before their departure
for Humboldt, Sask. Mies Robinson
has been organist in the church for 10
years and the previous 20 years the
position was Held by her mother.
During the cdurse of tate evening the
following address was read by Fred,
Davey and presentations made by
Isabel Earls and Margaret Davey ;--
We, the members of St, James' parish,
regret very much your departure
from amongst ns. Your scrviaee es
organist and as members of St. James'
parish have been very much appreci-
ated. We will miss you very much
indeed and your places will be
3512.0111.4.112.36032.61.1.46.' ,121=13011102ftlifi064.131V
Bring your certificates to this Bank
and we will collect for you the initial
payment of 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL
authorized by the Wheat Board. 524
PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, 5. M. McMi1Ian,"tanager,
The Nowe ``i
papirey ,..134:11[01111
Hereby announce to their Cus-
tomers that they are moving
their Knitting Plant and stock
of Blankets, Yarns, Underwear,
Krait Goods, &c., to the Store
North of Douglas' Hardware.
Custom Knitting a Specialty.
Your further Patronage Solic-
The Howe Mfg.
hard 50 fill. We are gathered here
ton i ht to sny s.Farewell to trek
you,Mrs. Ro blean n to accept thaw
pin an11 Sophy this wrist Walsh as, is
echo+utbrance from ne. We sincerely
with you both many years of llappi-
nlese in year' new borne wiler-
ever it may be and miry God bless and
}protect you always. Signed on be•
half of the membere of the congrega-
GEC. PAUTLIN.) Wardens,
4)Id Walton 1oiencle herr, were vary
Holey t(1 heat' of the death of Alfred le,
Miller, managing Editor of London
Free Press. Hie wile, who was Miss
Louisa, 2nd daughter of the late
Richard and Mrs. Pollard, was former-
ly of this locality and is deeply eyrn-
pathizecl with in her great loss.
Walton captured the Red Ticket
and S20.00 in cash its let award in the
Standing Field Crop Oat competition
carried on by Brussels Fall Fair,
Harvey Hoover is the name of the
winner. Possibly people diel not
know he was a fleet class farmer es
well as Principal of nor Public School.
Oo ngratula tions.
Miss Alice Eakmiely is having her
Mrs. J. Cole was visiting with
friends in Listowel.
Miss Mary McLelland has accepted
a school near Kincardine,
Mrs, Wm. Slelnmon, is visiting
witb friends near St. Marys,
Miss L. Taylor and O. Lucas, Ham-
ilton, are visiting with 0. alit'] Mrs,.
Mrs. John Sanders, and Miss Lucy
Sanders Etre, vieiting friends (teat'
1V. a. Sanders has the chopper ie.
paired and is nnty ready to do rhnl).
ping or rolling.
A. and Mrs. Newbigging, and child-
ren, Toronto, were vieiting with D J.
and Mrs, Falconer.
Henry and Mrs. Penfonnd, Oil
Springs, were visiting for a couple of
days at James Pearson's. •
Dr. and Mrs, Blair, of Artbur, were
visiting Dr. and afire. Ferguson.
They were former Ethelititee,
Will all the children having plots in
the School Garden, Ethel, meet lore
deg evening at 6 o'clock at the school.
Congratulations are extended to
Clifford Ferguson who secured Nor-
mal Entrance and Met(iculatior at
the recent exams.
Mrs. Nelson Franklin and children
have returned to their home near
Woodstock, accompanied by Geo,
and Mrs. Addy.
Geo, and Mrs. Falconer., sr„ Jno,
and Mrs. Falconer and R. L. Falconer.
Culross township, spent Sunday with
D. J. and Mrs Falconer,
Miss McMurchie, Lucknow, has
been engaged to teach -Ethyl school
for coming term. Owing to decreas-
ed attenauce there will only be one
Duncan McKinnon and Clifford
Dunbar have gone to the West to as-
sist in harvesting operations. They
went this week and the girls are cry-
Ethel was well represented at the
League Foot Ball match between Lis-
towel and Millbank-Milveetou team
which was played on neutral ground
at Atwood,
The people of Ethel Methndist• Sun-
day school were delighted to have
Robert MoKay speak to them Sunday
afternoon. . Mr, McKay is always
made welcome in Ethel.
Elsewhere In this issue May be read
the obituary of a fortner well known
Methodist pastor who served .Ethel
circuit years ago and died ab Exeter
recently,wheae his home was,
Gen, asci Mee, Dane, aiocompaoled
by Mr. Dane's father, of Toronto
were visitors at the home of A. Mc.
Kee, Ethel. They were also calling
or friends in Elea. alts. Dane is lir,
Mc15,ee's sister.
Ethel Women's Institute will meet
Thursday afternoon at 8 at the home
of Mos. D. J. Falconer. Subject --
"Preparation of fruit and vegetables
for the table" will be introduced by
Mrs. H. S, Cole. Roll Call "Recipes
for fruit and vegetable salads,"
Everybody welcome.
W. Enitmier wee sainting with hie Dion : 34a Jne. 'Beep, T es Nee
parents. lest Saturday. He alas xe• Thos. Bolger and .
K Thos LLE •t•
tinned from bayinghnladaye in Hale imaged was a kind, morirrlly woo
fax, N. S„ and alsn visitant; with his who made and kepi • a large eirrle
brother-iu-law, L. Erwin, hid friends, Bereaved Hhare lo the
Mies E. McLelland has been engag- 5ympnthy of the rnuutnlnity.
edto teach a school near Branlfurd.
The section is very fortunate in secur-
ing Miss McLelland. She had 8 pupils
try the Entrance exam, all passing
with honors. One with highest,
marks in Simcoe Co. with nearly 200
Mei/ alid Tea EH 8EVD up-to.clate voters Het.
h e e' +-
e r) d is efi tilt 'i
A r1 I th <
S I 1 �
April 92,t
ticlg1,ravo Partnere' Club will .341103
Tuesday evening next in the o, U. 10.
H0511 and Mee, Cunningham and
baby are away to Purt Stanley for a
Mrs. Frank McDonald, Ham ilton. ie
visiting at the home of Jas. D. and
Mos. McNair,
Mrs. Agnes Lamont visited at
Guelph with J. W. Kerney and family
and Mrs, W. McCrea,
The weak end wee spent by Clifford
and Mrs. Shurrie, Stratford, at Wm,
and Mrs, Hollinger, 7th Con.
Barley and oat harvest still be well
nigh all cut by the close of the week,
They are great crops this year,
Andrew and Mra. McCormick and
family, Culross, were visitors at Wm.
Hollinger's and W. A. Larnont's,
W. L. and Mrs. Davidson and son
Stratford are visiting with relatives
and friends in this locality, They go
\]Vest this week,'
Mrs. Huffman and children, Calgary,
who have been visiting relatives het e,
return to their home next week. We
wish theta a safe journey.
A touring antomnbile has been pus.
chased by the Misses Dickson, 11th
Con. We hope they will get many
hours of comfort and pleasure ore, of
William and Mrs. Goesalilz and
John and Mrs. Goes/Ate motored to
Linwood and Heidlebueg visiting
their nephew and sister, 14[35, H.
F1'ickie, Drops are looking good down
in that country so they report.
afternoon of this week at 1 oarlock,
sharp, a Fordsnn tractor. and Oliver
plow will demonstrate all that
is said of them o1 Lou. Williamenn's
Nene adjoining Brussels on the West.
See it,
Too BAs.—Two night prowling dogs
visited the flock of Wm. Stevenson,
pasturing on the farm of Wni. Oakley,
le miles South of Brussels, and before
their depredations concluded 4 sheep
and lambs were kilted and 5 badly
worried. The barking of a hound
(said to belong to Btusesls) was heard
during the night but 15 was supposed
the canine was after a rabbit, Or some
anil(1(11 i❑ the hush. Grey township
will have to settle with Mr. Stevenson
for the lose,t He was about to ship.
A bullet or a gond cord to the limb of
a tree is the beet way to treat such
WARD. -1n her 84tH year, like a ripe
sheaf of wheat Mrs. Jno, Broadfoot
was called to the heavenly garner Aug.
'65.11, Funeral took place from her
late home, Lot 2, con, 16 on Monday
afternool to Brussels cemetery, Rev.
R. A. Lundy, Presbyterian pastor,
conducting the service, She was born
in Paisley, Sentience her maiden name
being Helen Benitdfuot, Came to
Canada with her parents when 7
years of age, 6 weeks being occupied
in the voyage on a sailing vessel,
Family located in Detroit, afterwards
moved to Milwaukee and then to
Chatham, Ont„ where deceased won
married in 1882 to her now bereft
partner. 2 years were spent in Kan-
sas after width they came to Brussels
locality where they lived continuous-
ly, Mrs, Broadinot was a devoted
member of the New Jerusalem church,
Besides Mr, Broadfoot and son
Walter R., she is survived by a broth-
er (J. D. Ronald, Brussels) and 8
sistere'(Mrs. R. Adams, Chicago;
Mrs. S. Massey, Detroit ; and Mrs. A,
Young, Scotland.) Friends from a
distance at the funeral were Jno, and
Mrs. Robb, Miss Robb, Wm. Broad -
foot, Mrs, S. Oar(lochan and. J. W.
and Mre, Walker, all of Seaforth.
Pallbearers were Wal, Sholdiee,
AFORDSON Tractor and Oliver Plow Demonstra-
tion will be held on the farm of MR. LOU WIL.
LIAMSON, Con. 5, Morris, (adjoining the Village of
Brussels) on
• Friday. August 20th
at 1 p, m, sharp, You are specially invited to be pres-
ent and see for yourself what can be done with this
most modern equipment.
A real farmer 81)ouicl not miss this oppot'tunity of setting rehab
the Fordson Tractor and Oliver Plow will do, We with to sat-
isfy you that they are in a data by tJlem5elves when etlicsiency,
up -keep and cost are considered, It will only be a short tante
until you will be an inve55(3 in this joint equipment, so come
now' and eee how they do the work.
SersDol't forget the date, Friday, August 20th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, Everybody welcome.
Some crepe Esti of here RniTered
last week from a beating down by
wind and rain,
Miss Edith Gnrsalile is vieiting at
her uncle's iu Lebaeon. Saul Bartlett,
and otber relativeq,
(troy Towuebip 0''o (0(1 met hti e nn
Mwulay .Cud reminded rt"D10 of the
old eesideuts of poet history when ail
the meetings were held in our city.
Alfred Ragman, A. I, Helm, Ed.
Williams Bud Capt. Lattimore, all of
London we0e here for the week enol,
With the exception of the latter they
were former"reaideutq of this burg at
various periods and still retain a live
in teepee
W. W. Knight, teacher of Mathe-
matics in Belleville Collegiate for past
29 years, bas been visiting1115 brother,
J. A1, Knight, of this locaity recently.
Both gentlemen last week visited
friends in Milverton, London, Pe.
trona, Sarnia, Windsor and other
points. The visitor was a former resi-
dent of this vicinity and is always
welcome back to the old scenes.
A Fuus WOMAN DIES — After a
heroic but unsuccessful battle for life
for several months Agnes Jane Scott,
beloved wife of Juo. Forrest, a well
known resident, was translated to the
Better Home Thursday of last week,
in her 00th year, Funeral which was
largely attended, took place to Brue-
eels cemetery Saturday afternnou,
Reeds. Messrs, Kennedy and Stafford
conducting the service, Pallbearers
were Mat., Phos. and Wm. Cameron,
Robs, McTaggart, L. Steins and D,
Brown, Mrs, Forrest bad been in
failing health for the past year but
patiently and hopefully spent tine
passing months eared for to let assidu-
ously by loving relatives and old
friends. She was born in Caledonia
and lived in 11011111, Wellington Co,
for several years. 86 years ago de-
ceased was married to her how bereft
husband and he, with a son and a
daughter, hold her memory as wife
and mother dear. After living at
Jamestown ten years Mr. and
Mrs. Forrest moved to Oranbrnok
20 years ago. In the church, Sunday
School, W. M. S. and everyplace else
where good work was to be done Mre.
Forrest was found and devotedly and
energetically did her part so as to win
favor with the people and commenda-
tion from bee Master, She will be
greatly missed. Wm. Scott, Detroit,
is a brother of deceased. The bereav-
ed have tbe sympathy of a wide circle
of friends.
H. A. McCall made a business trip
to Toronto.
Mrs, A. McGee visited relatives at
Wiugham on Monday.
Arthur Shaw is negating A. Mac-
Ewen with the harvest.
Miss Eva Duff, Welland, is home for
a few weeks' holidays.
Mrs. Wm. Hall visited with friends
at Wroxeter o1 Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Manley and daughter are
visiting with friende here,
Mrs. 5, Thornton, Wingham, visited
with Mrs. Wm, Thornton.
We are pleased to see J. ger-lardy
out again. He is looking fine.
R. Johnston and Wm. Duff each
shipped a carload of hogs last week.
W. 11. and Mrs, Hanley and daugh-
ter spent Sunday with relatives here.
R. Garniss is overhauling his threeb-
ing outfit and getting ready for a
heavy season's work.
Mrs. Jos. Pugh, Wingham, and F.
and Airs. Pugh, Toronto, were visitors
at Miss Pauls last week.
Mrs, Grace Snell has gone to Win-
nipeg where the expecte to spend the
next 12 months with Iver son.
Mrs. Geo. McDonald is improving
slowly. We are glad she is on the
mend and hope she will soon be a8
hearty a8 eves.
Both our Ministers are 01) vacation.
Last Sunday Rev. Dr, Perris, Wing -
ham, preached in the Presbyterian
church and Henry Hopper 111 the Meth-
odist church.
Mrs, Sanderson played the part of
the Good Samaratan on Monday when
she picked up a penniless boy starting
to tramp to his home at Toronto. She
bought him a ticket and sent hits on
the flier, He aura was delighted.
Wm Elliott is widening out the ap
peoaohes to the bridge getting it ready
for the now cement walk. air. Elliott
has done some right good work on the
boundary and understand he intends
to do lots more in the near fumes,
J, J. anti Mrs. Fell were visiting
with friends at, Seaforth for the week
Last week Councillor' Ynill lead the
way by having his Fall wheat thresh-
ed. Returns were quite satiefectnty,
George and Mrs. Haney, Wood.
stook, were visiting Edward and Mrs.
Nichol. Mrs. Haney, who was form-
erly Miss Annie Grieve, of Bruseets, is
a sister to Mrs, Nichol.
The trustees of S. S. No. 6 known as
the Anderson school, have engaged
Miss Mae Skelton, Brussels, as their
teacher. Salary will be $700, Miss
Skelton should M111Ce a fine teacher,
In the local oat Field crop competi-
tion conciliated by Bruesole Agricul-
tural Society, Morris township landed
3 of the awards viz :—John G. Speir
took and place, W. R. Moses 6th and
R. L. Nichol711r. They all scored
6 Voter Ceara—Cate are a great crop
this season in meet placoe. A sample
pulled on the farm Of Wilson Marks,
5511 Zine, measered a full 0 feet. It
was of exhibition at Tata Bat/mats
POST. coPros sets are for a big yield of
grain as well as etraw,
'1'o handle gravel for the
Good Roads System
North of Brussels.
Apply after 6 p. m. to
J. Henry Hoover,
Road Commissioner,
Phone 2514 Con. 11, Grey Twp,
Morris township has a great barvest
boost on just now. Crops are flue.
The Farmers' Sun of last week
says s—A Procter & Sons, of Brussels.
Huron County, helped the contest
along with their high-class offering of
Date, peas, barley and spring wheat.
None of the plants were record break-
ers, but all were beautifully headed,
especially the barley,
This week Miss Margaret Hall. 6th
line, went to Toronto with her sister
and brother Peter, who were here on
a vfait. They motored. Miss Hail
had a strenuous time in connection
with the long illness of her deceased
father, James Hall, and is well entitl-
ed to a good rest,
afternoon of this week at 1 o'clock
sharp a Fordsou tractor and Oliver
plow will give a demoustratiou of
their ability to do work on the farm
of L. Williamson, 531) line, adjoining
Brussels. There will no doubt be a
large attendance to see bow well the
work can be done. Take it in.
Henry and Mrs. McKay spent Sun.
clay near Listowel.
Miss Bessie MeQuarrie is hone from
Toronto where she has been attending
Summer School.
Mrs. R. 0. Rath well and daughter,
Elaine, are spending a week camping
at Deer Lodge Park, Bayfield.
Herbert and Mrs. Wood and alias
Edith and Jir, motored up from In-
gersoll and spent a few day& at the
home of M. Harrison.
The re -opening services of Moncrieff
church last Sunday were a splendid
success. Rev. (Capt.) Dodds, from
near Toronto, preached two very in-
spiring sermons which will be long re-
membered here. Miss Iva Harris,
Walton, sang very sweetly, "My Peace
is like a river," 113 the afternoon, and
"The Hymns of the Old Church Ihoir”
in the evening, which were very much
Standing Field Crop Wieners
Following are the names of the 7
successful competitors in the Standing
Oat Field Crop contest conducted by
East Huron Agricultural Society and
judged Tuesday of last week by Robt,
berry, of St. Marys :—
R. 11. Hoover, Walton....... 841 points
J. G. Speir, Morris.. ..... .....,..88 "
Herman Whitfield, Grey..—.81 "
R. L. Taylor, Grey .
W. R, Moses, Morris.,.,,.......80
0. Turnbull & Son, Grey 78 •
R. L. Nichol, Morris 77, "
There were 16 entries. In addition
to the cash prizes the winners have
option of competing at Fall Fair, Tor-
onto Industrial and Winter Fair,
Following is a list of the school fairs
to be held this year in Huron County,
with the date of each :
Dashwood—Thursday, Sept. 9.
Crediton—Frichey, Sept. 10.
Corrie—Thursday, Sept. 16.
Ethel—Friday, Sept. 17.
Porter's Hill—Saturday, Sept. 18.
Colborne—.Monday, Sept, 20,
McKillop—Tuesday, Sept. 21.
Olinton—Wednesday, Sept, 22.
St. Helens—Wednesday, Sept, 29.
Walton—Thursday, Sept. 80.
Wroxeter—Monday, Oct. 4.
Belgrave—Tuesday, Oct. 5.
Blnevale—Friday, Oct, 8,
Huron Co. Temperance Doings
Ata meeting of Che Huron County
Temperance Executive held in Girton
Friday of last week it was decided to
immediately circulate petitions asking
Dominion Government to bring Hur-
on 003105y under the Ontario Temper-
ance Act, and tine have a uniform
law throughout the Province.
The 0, T. A. (or Scott Act) had been
very satisfactory during ice enforce.
ment of the last6 years, but it will re-
lieve the County Council of some Fin.
armlet responsibility, and the License
Board of Commissioners of the Pro.
vines are willing to assume this re-
sponsibility if the O. T, A, is accepted,
The Ontario Temperance Act is a
splendid piece of Legislation and in.
many respects is more restrictive than.
the G. T. A. and the flues much more
The 0, T. A. will trot however be re.
pealed but merely suspended, as local
Option is now in many places) and
should the Provincial law be set aside
at any fulane time Huron County
would again be under the 0,'T, A.
To seedier this suspension it will be
necessary to get te petition of at Meet
25 per cent of the electors and the loo.
al workers will organize at once for
this aampaigu,
ing with "Importationfof Lig] or"dhae
Church Chimes
For tbe coining two Sabbaths Mel.
ville church pulpit will be filled by ltev.
le, L Ellison, B. A., Toronto. Rev. Mr.
Manu Is taking his work iu the env for
the same period.
Those who heard Miss Fairy Robb's
solos in Melville church when she was
here front St. Catharines, pronouuce
theta par excellent and piece her among
the cutuieg v• calists of the day whose
Ability will adore tate musical realm.
Rev. I. T. Strachan, B. D., officiated
in Melville church Last Sunday and gave
thoughtful and well directed sermons.
His course will be watched with no
small interest by the congregation as be
is one of the old buys who is making
"Lessons from the Anguls" was Rev.
Mr. Stafford's topic Sunday evening in
which Labor, Worship and Love were
dignified and eulogised. Mrs. Stanley
Wheeler sang "lust for today" in good
voice and Miss Dorothea Stafford rend.
ered like service in the morning most
acceptably. Miss Mae Wilkinson of •
ficiated as organist in 'the absence of
Miss Ida Bailey, who is holidaying.
Sabbath, 29111 inst . the Methodist Sun-
day School will hold its anniversary.
Rev. T. DeWitt Cosecs, M. A., Bryan-
ston, will preach at et a. no. and 7 p. m.
and will address the Sabbath School at
3 o'clock. He is a former Brusselite,
having lived in the Parsonage 4 years
when his parents, Rev. T. Wesley and
Mrs. Cosens, were here, It is 14 years
slues, they removed. Rev. Mr. Cosens
is a fine preacher and one of the coming
men in London Conference, He will
be welcome to the anniversary.
SWEET peas usually beautiful, out -do
themselves this season.
THE Ontario College of Pharmacy has
deprived a Fort William druggist of his
certificate for a second breach le the On-
tario'Pemperance Act. It is a salutary
warning to pharmacists who are tempted
to enter the saloon business.
Sheriff Reynolds has appointed Thomas
Guudry as Deputy Sheriff in succession
to the late A. D. Csmerou, The ap-
pointment is a very fitting one, Mr,
Gnndry having formerly been a Sheriff's
officer and being'familiar with the work
of the office. His official duties will not
interfere with Mr. Gundry's business as
auctioneer, which be will conduct as
cent amendment to the Motor Vehicles
Act is now in force and reads :—It shall
be unlawful to carry on motor vehicles
any lighting device over four candle
power, equipped with redeotor, unless
same shall be so designed, deflected and
arranged that no portion of the beam or
reflected light when measured extends
75 feet or more ahead of the lamp and
shall rise about 42 inches from the level
surface on which the motor vehicle is
SOCIETY NOTEe.-15 children have been
received by the Society since last meet-
ing held iu June, and the lime number
pt. e
lacedouin the
At homepr,sent Thethere Societyare iss
anxious to know of bomes open for
small boys, from 1 to 7 years of age,
write or phone the County Secretary,
G M.. Elliott. The interest taken in the
children by people in the County still
keeps up as shown by contributions.
These are just now greatly appreciated,
as the funds in the Treasurer's hands
are very low, The following are some
of the contributions received since last
months report :—Unity Sunday School
Class, Westfield. els no ; A Friend
St,00 ; the Nile Patriotic League,
540.58 ; On maintenance acct„ 567 7o ;
Wm. Sharman, fresh eggs, butter and 2
jars of fruit ; Mrs, Grover, clothing jam
and toys ; Miss M. Salkeld, pail of
honey ; G Lamb, apples ; Mrs. Chas,
Sauaders, clothing ; Mr. Lloyd, banan-
as ; Miss Edna Musgrove, to books.
Many others contributed such as fresh
fruit, milk, cream and e)eh for treats for
the children. Some of the contributors
were, Miss Murial Chilli's, Mrs. Jos.
Salkeld, M. W. Howell, Mrs. Little,
Geo. Porter, Mrs, A. Halliday and Mrs.
Trembley. The next regular meeting
of the Society will be held on Tuesday,
Sept, t4th.
As soon as Brussels Fall Fair is over
a hearty and united effort should be pro.
moted for one or more rousing enter•
taintnnents to provide finances to give the
Town Hall some very accessary interior
fixing up. The Council Chamber re-
quires it badly and the auditorium and
stage worse still. The Hail, although
somewhat antiquated, might be made a
cosy and modern appearing meeting
place without the expenditure of an enor,
moue sum. We would suggest the nam-
ing of a small Committee, headed by
Reeve Plum, to visit other towns with
up-to-date public Hails and see what
they are like and tbereby secure data to
go by. Then another Committee could
arrange for a program, deciding
whether local or outsido talent, date,
&e. Possibly a good ontertaibment by
the home folk, made up of vocal and in-
strumental lnusie, readings, dialogues
and other items would prove attractive,
with the object of the gathertug kept In
mind, Whatever is done should be a
matter of promptness and good fellow-
ship and with a happy Commingling and
a loyal response suecees would be sure to
fellow. What do you say ?