The Brussels Post, 1920-8-5, Page 8boak as You So
Here's your first stop—right here at the store.
We have just the Kodak you want for the
Motoring Trip—compact, easy to work and
Autographic—each Negative may be dated
and titled at the time of exposure.
Kodaks from $11.21 lip
Brownies from 2.10 up
Films Developed and Printed.
Water Glass 99 Paro-
E Preset per wax
20C 30c lb.
Full Line
Fly Pads fl
i Swatters
Sticky Fly
5C each
- ---
or", Store
Druggist and Stationer
. �ewe.µ +.4,-,+-`. G.k R wen t' Jiee w.,,..Saen.,,."'nw'
.t;AiC...,,.3"":t.:r,.... ."�tv.�"`.`-.'�,.-.-.tet+.+:.,::.''�'S. �.+��$'� .-•+•�''':'.t�3.d'v�%J.•..«.,
34z 3ti 44les S$4 .$ 4e tMa44atg.oftN A lei go ail itti•?tt ig hetnIt; Nil! to isle
'll Amen w aIali to be 'u'tiliu ! in the
S I handling o1 the tin crop 1 here are
I Au!•i- ® 1„,,,,,,,,,,?,,.
u v tin o ah. ad but This
IRS 0 wau1.
0 14nh.n.ty ono]iig W. it. hall stave all
8 illllslrated 1 L'eture in the Town 11 ll in
Inner Tires
• the inter i s a of the NsvY Leagoe of
te Gondar 'tett tough leek of proper ad.
4 vertisiug the atteudanee was not large.
8 Hr,•.r' S i,rcita 1- ate —A sample ct
6 4, the :5 acre"- of ter stay on the „Cam;,
:i rite ;m al:, ',.t
Borden farm of Pullip Arent, Brue•-
•• at :i id b eels, we; brou;h, td Tar POST On Tues -
i day It. is to t . eat for seed autl heads
ftem E. Manners; iirasselz. ri measure all the way up to 8 inches,
t 4 Manners; 1 1 B Woudr tut t>ruwth and snok1 yield oar-
s d respond ingly wlie•t It come; 10 the
• threshiug Mr. Amens is'ortttuate and
Some of their Commendable Features • • the South East part of Gray township is
malting a grent record.
Made of pure Barn Rubber, LONDON (ENG ) COLLL+GE OF MV IC —
ut ble Lite mileage of our Tuesday u. I 'h W. A. H. Howell
ll t S y i J Y 3
oaefn,. I Canadian idian exuniner for the above world
I1oese away with pwletnrea. • renowned college, was iu Wiughatu and
dNo blow -Huta, s tile f,lluwing young ladies were success.No rim nota, 0 ful le p-usning then various examine-
No road d,days.
0 tions-Pettlofotle Pruunty—Ada Cor-
a Q bet, N,rd, Beeleto Kuthcrine King,
EveryMotorist should use the flora • i int clam. Elementary—Eva Rtutoul,
® Alice Williamson, Aluriel Red 10 td
g Manufactured In Wingham. 9 Gracie Curtis, Wrier sle till class Inter
0 See the Tires and get prices tor ® mediatr -•Vaud hell, Brlgfavc 111 Class.
s [hie eliminator of tire boll' les iy Singing—Adeleue Iduouey, Ripley, 1st
u9 front e, class All these are pupils of R. T.
m G. C. MANNERS, Brussels, t6 Cowell, Wingham, who 10 gradua'e of
e 44 the Ceelege, and local representative for
to The very thing you have been til I the 01111e.
,� looking for. 8D
• 2
•N-1.0+0+0+•+O+•+O+@+0+0+0•FQ .... .. . _ .,..
Prat elm !tam
LIGHT frosts.
SLAY the weeds and do it now.
WINTER wraps have been in fashion.I
A few weddings are on the program. I
Tint PORT Telephones are 31 and 32.
Catch on ?
60 cents in advance gets THE PONT to
Jan. 151 0921.
THE measles have well nigh run their
course in this locality.
W. F. Stretton is having a garage
built at "Killarney Heights."
JOHN WRIGHT was the leader in ripe
home grown tomatoes, this season es tar
as Tun Pose has heard.
IF you see a ycung girl with a badly
burned ueck it ntay not mean She was nt
a grimmer reeurr. See may be pulling
UNION Sunday School picnic Thurs-
day alterncon of this week in the David-
son grove. Everybidy welcome who 1
brings lunch.
MRs. Wee MARTIN had the misfortune
to fall at her home Last week that gave
her quite a shake up at her advanced
age. We hope she will soon be as
hearty as usual.
A big crowd went from Brussels to
Blyth to their Celebration on V ednes-
ctay of last week. We congratulate
Blyth on their success and on their prac-
raytical wisdom shown in their Memorial
GOLIATH CLOVER— Leslie Tlluell
brought THE Poer a sample of sweet
clover cut on Ament Bros. farm, 7th
Con., Morris township, that measured 7
feet 9 inches. It was more like a little
tree than a stalk 01 112y,
Tao attention of manufacturers,
wholesalers and retailers is called to an
advertisement appearing on page 4 of
this issue from the department of Cus-
toms and Inland Revenue. The public
are requested to read the advt. and
govern themselves accordingly.
HARVESTERS' Excuasloxs,—Advance
announcement bas bean received tbat
Harvest Excursions will be run to the
Canadian West over the C. P, R. on
August nth and 18th. Going rate,
:ers.go to Winnipeg ; returning $2o.0o,
General conditions are same as last year,
See the advt. on page 4 of this issue,
CARD of THANxs.—We wish to thank
the kind neighbors and friends for help-
ful deeds and kindly words bestowed on
our late wife and mother. To say they
were appreciated is feebly expressing
our gratitude Mrs. McQuarrie often
spoke of the kiuduess manitested.
Yours truly,
No change iu the personnel of Brus-
sels Continuation or Public School staff,
Splendid work is being done by every
member and is a great setoff to the as-
cending salaries, Brussels school has a
worthy record, complimentary to the
pupils and instructors alike, The teach-
ers turned out from Brussels School
number into many scores. Good ones
too and another "batch" le on the way.
PROPERTY SoLn.—Councillor I, C.
Richards has sold his fine residence,
Tnrnherry street, Brussels, to Adam J,
Smith, of Dand, Man•, Who gets pos-
session next Fall. He was a former
resident of this locality and born on 6t11
line Morris township and hos done well
in the West Harold Kerney has pur-
chased Mr, Richards' house and lot 011
'rhomes street and will move to town
from Morris township. Mr, and Mrs.
Richards will move to 1•iamiltott whore
they have bought a home. Thus the
world moves along,
THE house and lot advertised by Mrs.
PIarry James has beep sold to jack Ped•
QUITE a number of Font Ball en-
thusiasts went to Listowel last Friday
evening to" witness the game between
Owen Sound and Listowel, It ,as a tie
THose who attended the funeral of
Mrs. P. McQuarrie from a distance were
11, and Mrs. McGee and R. McGee,
Auburn ; Mrs. D Kennedy and A. and
Mrs. Powell, Goderich ; J. H. Ander-
son, Palmerston ; and Miss Emma Col-
vin, 'I'illsonburg. Pallbearers were
Geo. Colvin,S Sura
S. T. Plum, A. Strachan,
T. 'Valker, A. Seeker and B, Payn.
4 York Pigs five weeks old' for sale. Also 1
How with litter of 7 three weeks old.
Phone 4228 Lot 18, Grey.
Gauo'v>t fiat;..y for Croom separator toned.
Owner may have it by paying for this advt,
and calling on Geo. ADAM, Ethel. Phone 0510,
A quantity of oats also a quantity of barley
for sale. Apply to Jells Rona, 0th line Mot,
ris, Phone 165.
Cora., r•. pups for settee weeks old, S1 Lots
25 and'1O, (:On, 1, Morris App1 to J. A.
NIOnOL, R. R. No. 4, Winghem, Ontario,
Anent, three tons of mixed grain for sale.
MARK CAami'F, Lot 10, Con. 18, Grey. Phone
FOR SA1R —05 feet ne pun log, and s cylin•
der log, both bored, also sucker and rod.
Phone 507 Lot 82, Con, 10, Grey.
Realm for sate, good single or double.
W$An!TNG SROs., Wroxeter
Rousm and lot on John street, Brueeete, for
sale, Good stable and drilled well. For for.
Cher particulars apply to 011/03. 110V15,
Phone 1228 4th Line Morris,
RRPRReENTATtYs WANTED fel' Brussels and
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Font11111 Nuraorlee. 1315 Pelee are to be made
in selling Nursery stook during the recnn-
struotton. period. A splendid opportunity for
a live salesman, Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free'equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stock to offer. STONE &
WICLLINGTWN, Toronto, Ont.
Dn. Femme Osteopathic Physician, visits
Bruasele Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Vfetts residences. Consultation at
Qaeen's Hotel.
RACE,.—The Summer races were on
the program in Brussels, Weduesday
afternoon of this week. 3 speeding
events were on the list vie :—A 2 25 trot
or pace in which there were 6 entries ;
A 2 35 trot with 4 contestants, and a
Classified race tbat had 5 starter's. Re-
sults not knowu as Tee PosT went to
press but will be given in next issue.
with sincere regret that we record the
death of Harold 11. Parker, who passed
away early Monday morning of last
week in Wingham, aged 36 years. Mr.
Parker was takeu suddenly ill a week
prior to his death and underwent au op.
eration and was making satisfactory re.
covert' when other trouble developed
Deceased was horn in England and
cause to this country a number of years
ago and except tor a short time spent in
Brampton had resided in Wingham.
He was a voung man highly esteem-
ed iu the community and had been em-
ployed in the fouudry of the Western
Foundry Co. He took an active iuter'
est In church work and for some time
bad been a veined member or the choir
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church.
All of Mr. Parker's relatives are resid-
ing in England. A few years ago' he
married Miss Jani51 Perrie, eldest
daughter of Rev Dr. and Mrs, Perrie,
who, with 2 small children are left to
mourn the loss of husband and father.
Mr. Parker's death is deeply regretted
and the bereaved share the sympathy of
the community in their rorrow. Ftiner•
al ens held Wednesday afternoon from
St. Andrew's Manse to the Brussels
cemetery. l'he service was conducted
by Rev. Crawford Tate, of l8luevele,
MILTON McVETTIEhas taken over the
local agency for the Gunn Fertiltz r,
&c.. succeeding Stanley Wheels r,
GreyRead the advt.
Summer colds.
Green apple pie,
Weeds going to seed.
Fall wheat threshing.
Sunday school plc uic.
Moncrieff Celebration.
Garner Nicholson's Garden Party
pen of Rhode Island Reda of Juo. Don -
can iu the Levlug Contest tit Ottawa is
doing well. Iu w_ekS the to haus
have laid 1245 eggs nod hold 401 place.
While some of the contestant, are
moulting earl reducing the e.g prang -
titre the Brussels representatives have
sustained their record of 4.0 eggs a week
excepting iu the 2 weeks out of the last
to. There are 3 mouths yet to run be-
fore the competition closes and indica•
tions point to a moving up nearer the
top by Mr, Duncan's sturdy layers.
RECORD MATCH —A great game of
Bate Ball was played on the Park Mon-
day evening by a local nicked up nine
and a team designated U F. 0. from
Grey and' Monis. Score was 13-12 in
favor of the former, There was fun
galore. W. J. Grewar dealt out the
"medicine" es umpire and the spectators
complimented. cajoled, criticised. 001•
damned, cross.flred and classified Ne -
cording as the match made progress.
Big salaries were offered for agility on
the part of the respective players and
fines imposed where delingneocy was
no'iceable. There were high and low
balls, wide ball and some so narrow that
they were hard on bosons at laundered
shitts. There were mutt; and over-
throws, curves and sledge -hemmer bat-
ting and the game was so bewitching it
was suggested bring on candles s
to q sated to
see it through. Some very professional
stunts were on the program and the
various batteries (we say various as there
was no shortage of pitchers tiled out)
won applause. There was not even a
silver collection asked. The second
spasm should attract a full house, Base
Ball timber we knew not of was made
apparent while same of the professional
players will be warned not to play such
ragged hall again or they teen be hung,
quartered and divided,- '1'he score is not
rn hand lrence the personnel of the
heroes in the conflict cannot be waited
on by the Council and School hoard to
he presented with a complimentary ad-
dress and a new teniform. Wes Steel:.
euson, a well known Grevite, tried to
keep the U F O's in lino and see that
they got justice but had n difficult task.
Friday afternoon there passed away one
of the well known residents of Brussels
and comlhunily in Ole person of Wm.
Martin, Flora street, who was in his 84th
year. ole had been in failing health for
some time but was able to be about un-
til a short period before the end and
maintained bis physical vigor to a mark-
ed degree, Mrs. Martin who is wonder
fully smart for a person in their 82nd
year, survives. The funeral took place
Monday afternoon from the comfortable
home and was largely -attended. In the
absence of deceased's pastor, Rev. A. J.
Mann, who i5 away on his vacation,
Rev. W. E. Stafford, Methodist min-
ister, conducted the service, 'Phe pall.
bearers were Wm , Martin and Juo, Mc-
Nair, James and Alex. Perrieand Alex.
Edgar, nepbewa. Deceased was for
many years a faithful member of West-
ern Star Lodge, I. 0 0. F , Brussels,
and the brethren, and visitors from
Wtngltam and Wroxeter, attended the
funeral in large numbers, N. G. Wilton
and Treas. F. S Sedtt took charge of
the Society service at the cemetery,
Brethren ' marched frotn the Lodge
room to the home end after service took
cars at Town Hall for the burial place.
The floral offerings were choice. Mr.
Martin was born in Paisley, Scotland,
on Oct, 25tH 1836, and came to Canada
when i8 years of ego. He had lived iu
Grey township in pioneer days and
atterward in McKillop township before
locating In Brussels over 4o years ago.
Mr, Martin was the only 500 of the late
Wtn, Martin and Sarah McLelland end
was the last of the family, Mrs. Jas. Me -
Nair and Mrs. Peter McNeil, being
sisters Mrs. 141artln's Warne Was Re-
becca Aitcheson and she was united iu
marriage to her bereft partner March
15th, 1864, by Rev. Mr. Greene, Brus-
sels. The subject of this notice was a
life long Presbyterian and his integrity
was known far and near, He was of
generous nature and a great lover of his
native land. Among those froth a die-
tance were Mrs. (Dr ) Aitchesoii, Flint,
Mich, ; Andrew Henderson, Rontflab
kirk and M. and Mrs, Murdie, McKil•
lop ; Mrs, James Du
ucau Atwood. od. Phe
sympathy of the community
is extended
to Mrs. Martin in her bereavement.
"Blessed are the dead that die in the
Ohurch Ohirnes
Read the Stuffily School Lesson notes
on page of this issue
5 Sundays in August. That gives
you R good chance for a record.
Melville church services last Sunday
were conducted by Co. Temperance
Secretary Cooper in the morning and
Rev. Mr. Stretford at eight. Next Sab•
bath Rev. J.'1'. Strachan B. ll., will be
the preacher at I1 a. m. and 7 p. m,
Notice was received by the presbytery
of a call from South Mountainin
Presbytery to Rev.
Jatuieson of St. Yelena. Release ,vas
granted forthwith and Rev. K. A, Got-
ten, Lucknow, was appointed interim
:moderator for St. Helens.
Monthly Missionary day last Sunday
afternoon is the Methodist Sabbath had
a reading from Mrs, Shelton ; violin
solo by Willie Sniclermau, Toronto ; and
a reading by Miss Irene Hoover, of St.
Louis, Mich , on the program, Offer-
ing'025 $5 25,
Flower Sunday will be observed next
Sabbath morning In the Methodist
church, Suitable music and address.
Everybody asked to bring flowers and
wear a boquet. Pupils of Sunday school
asked to meet in school room at 10.45.
Rev. Mr, Kennedy, of Cranhrook, will
preach in the evening.
There was a large anon deuce at Com-
munion service last Sabbath morning in
the Methodist church, Pastor preached
from the text "Lo I am with yon slwav
even unto the end of the world." Well
sung solos were giveu by Mrs. Frank
Andrews, Clinton and Miss Mae Wood.
Co. Secretary Cooper, Clinton, gave a
practical Temperance address in the
evening showing good reasons for sup•
porting law. Miss Addie Cardiff and j.
Pack rendered appropriate solos.
Morris Council
Council meeting was- held in t to
Township Hall Monday, July 26th.
Members all preselit. Reeve presid-
ing, A. By -Law was passed to borrow
money for current expenses. Also a
By -Law to set aside moneys for con-
struction and maintenance of Town-
ship roads.
Construction of 1115 Robertson
Drain was given to Mesere. Fraser &
Robertson at $4,650,00 1heir's being
lowest tender. The drain will be con-
structed in accordance with the En.
gineer'e plans and will be completed
in 1921.
A By-law was passed to fix the
Township rate at 3 mills on the dol-
lar for 1920.
Foliowlug acanunts were paid :—
P. Moffatt, fixing sideroad lots
25 and 26 $1800
John King, gravel 6 45
Wm. Douglas, gravel ....,......, 8 10
L, Whitfield, gravel 9 80
J. Anclerson, gravel.... ..... ..... 13 05
Wm, Gibson, gravel. 12 75
Albert Kelly, shovelling 4 50
James Gibson, gravel....., 4 50
Wm. Elston, gi ovel, .,.. 10 35
Ohas. Pollard, gravel 6 90
Ohas. Pollard, shovelling....,.,4 50
Wm, Taylor, gravel 75
Wm. Boy, gravel•.. 1 05
Nelson Nicholson, gravel 0 30
J. H. Sellers, gravel 8 10
A, Pollock, gravel 4 65
Margaret Campbell 9 80
'i`ION•is the order.
of the day, if
you have formed the Sago
i rr
s habit you are prepared
to meet its opportunitiesi if
not, Tcconstruct your metho(ts
:we{ he'giit today. We. have a
.will;;$ Depart llcnt at every
John Case/nore ...................... 150
SVtn. Skelton, gravel .... ...... ., 5 55
Ohas. Bembridge, gravel ....... 18 90
Wm. Bird, gravel .. 8 05
Jno. Cook, wok on toad ....... 6 00
F. S. Scott, gravel . 5 10
Juo. Hopper, gravel 1 05
R. 13. Alcock, balance on Manna
Drain 5 00
Duke Jordan, McArter'8 road
,, 1
work, X9 9 7 56
Henry u • � scree ravel... 4 85
Pierce, g
Henry Armstrong, gt evening. 31 25
VV, J. Henderson, gravel 1,819, 2 60
James Leitch, gravel . 7 95
W. ,T. Smith, gravel and eul-
vet't . 17 00
Wm. Miller, fixing fence......,... 4 35
John Barr, lamb killed by dogs 6 00
Next Council meeting Monday,
August 80111.
A. MAchwEN, Clerk.
Canadian News
The one-man pay -as -you enter street
cars are being run in St. Thomas.
The U. S. army aviators flying from
New York to Nome have reached Ed-
Irene Bosquet, of Vancouver, was
killed, and Mickey Peterson seriously
Burt, when an auto struck their
Sadie Helen Murray was drowned
at Wolfe Island when fishing, the
boat over -turning as the anchor was
being dropped over the aide.
Ex -Reeve Chas. Stewart's farm, to
Ashfield township, l'Tm•ott County, i8
the Mecca of hundreds of visitors,
drawn by curiosity to drive twenty-
five, fifty
or even a hundred miles,
see whais said to be the largest sto
in the world, "Sir Douglas Haig" ie
the name given til the magnificent,
Shorthorn, which measures 9 feet 0
inches around the chest and has is
girth of 10 feet 6 ;nghes. His present
estimated weight is 3,500 pounds. It
ie claimed that this steer suepasees 1n
weight the animal sholvn at the
Chicago World's Fair.
MOOALLDM.—In Bullet township, on Jmly 20th,
1020, to Mr. and Mrs. D. McCallum, a
WILLTAMe.—Is Victoria Hospital, London,
July 241%,, 1920 to Mr, and hire. R, M, Wil-
liams, a eon.
MAnrts.—In Brussels, oo July 80th, 1020,
William Martin, in his 84th year.
WILriasie—TIS Viotorla Hospital, London,
July 27th, 1020, the infant son of Mr, and
Mrs, R. M. Williams.
To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the Township of
Morris le askingfor tenders for the nonatrno-
Sion of the Mile, the Sellers, the Kelly, the
Evans and the Kirkby Drains. Plans, esti•
mates and profiles at the Clerk's residence.
The tenders will be considered at the Connell
bleating in the Township Hall, Monday, Aug.
Both, 1920.
W. ELSTON, Reeve, A, MAGE W EN, Clerk,
R. R. 5, Winehanl, Box 5, Blnevalo.
74m0eecove&camor9®2®poonosezet ••••••s•e••eee•e0880000•0• ••
On Entire Stock
Gerhard Heintzman Victrola, reg. $210 Sale price 1 l35
Ineinding 6 Records
A cut price on all Records.
i Victrola Cabinet
1 Sharples Separator, new..,
I Porch Swing, new
15 00
... 75 00
% 00
Few new Singer Sewing Machines at cut ,prices,
All Tires on Sale and a Free Inner Tube with each.
If you want one act quiets as they ate going,
Sale of all Oils and Greases. 13ring in your own cans,
1 Good Rubber Tire Buggy. 2 Second-hand Cars.
Onine in and compare one prices with others and see what
u can o
yn av , Phone Ox,
FDavGenuine Ford and
id on
Chevrolet Parts G
0116000110•00111111110011110111011111101100 fteOmootaerooemostoovooltitt000tto