The Brussels Post, 1920-8-5, Page 71 Y -4 Magic Oats, Is'ullroc:aside from questlrxty of tart reform, reciprocity and free trade le tweon Collude and the United Mat( would help to put tut enol to the ca (tett lawbreakini; flint gore on ulon tin, burlier. 1l is t'slhnalerl that (del 111 usand per•ens aro engaged 1n ).)1414 glint; )((nide 101001 the line. One instance.. has born reported in which ra party of schoolboys coasting In nn old sung down a 11111 that slopes ace(! s the boundary, ('ppareetly for fun, look with them at every trip a chest of Inti, tuttll 1141y cbnsht had been muuggied Into Maine, c•o'llrary to law. Again, on "aqueduct" of mail l''ncl • pipe, heli a utile long, was seerotly laid freta 0 tavern le the Dominion to a public settee on the outer side of the line, through which hundreds of bar- rels of get and other liquors wore pumped, Nor aro such "aqueducts" Meat 1. ,rioted to liquors. A wood- en spout c ut w e usc(1 for years to convey oats acro:•a the bouuilary. The lawbroekors were a New Bruns- wick fanner named Nutley and a neighbor across the lino named Arm- trong. Armstrong rah od about six hundred bushels of eels 011 itis fare) and sold len tinter; that quantity to the lumber coups. The customs of- ficers watched his premises and searched them at times, but were never able to discover anything wrong until after ho moved away, when they found a square spout. "lade of hoards and buried under the snow and piles of brush, which extended from Cud- ley's barn to a bin in the Maine man's granary. Inside this ec•nduit was a long belt provided with tin cups and attached to a winch that could be turned by a crank in ('udley's Mum. As the ground sloped from New Brune• wick to 3laino, a very slight exertion • Of strength carried a dream of oats into the United States. British lt. ani.,f actu ers Plan Floating Exhibit. The proposal to sunt' n "trade ship' to tho seaports of the world as a trade getting exhibit of Ilrit, h rn.ade geed is now be' .n e> e. or tl �io. g I by Br1t . t, manufacturers 11 the proposal i adapted, a steenehip called fit "redcoat ion," utter Ibc Federation o Itriti:•lt Industriee, will be clnstructec es an example of British engineering Into the ship live or six hundred manufacturers will load samples of their wanes, iiitlte charge of personal representatives, Carrying these agents, with their exhibits—and iteclf an exhibit—the ,hip will then voyage to various,. port, in South America. uent Subsequent tri i i tpsw2lbemade to the Mediterranean, eleandhlavla, tho Bal- tic ports, the 1"clr 3_:..'t, and Ametrulia. Gas Treatment in Cabinet Cures Injured Horses. The rehabilitation of horses whose condition has suffered by neglect dar- ing their war service is receiving con- sideration 111 Germany, and those af- flicted with scuba and sores are being treated by a new method. The horse is placed in a closed stall, like a cabi- net, its head protruding from an oval window, through a curtain with an elastic hood. A forst of gas with heal- ing qualities is then piped lute the cabinet, What Did It Mean? ff THE I N WHO WINS - n• I.1 Alwuyu FnU of Life and g Energy—P1tilul'eP Me WeakIt and Bl00ci1el7ta. lt Sa' tc, 14111:11 event to 1014.14 all 11141 ituai. 1f there are any good things going these men seem to ret them, They make other people do their will—they are leaders. if they are b1lUncss men they arc! 1ncee_sful; If they are work- men they get the forst, it's job, They have the newer of influencing people,The 44111)10 thing is true of women. Seine have the charmnm that makes Caen seek thele out; others tire always meg- looted, Batlhl1 is not huh, 1t is due to a personal gift s vitltl.ity. Men and women of this sort aro never weak, puny !uva11111. They may not be big, but they are full of ilio olid energyo the whole (11131g 18 a matter of good Mood, good nerves and good health. Plveryono would wish to be like title told the qualities that suttee for vitali- ty mut energy are purely a (tatter of health. By building ftp the blood and nerves, sleeplessness, want of energy, wealii1etle Of tela back, stooping should- ers, headaches and the iuefiectual sort of presence which really tomos from w'ealunesa can all be got rid of. Dr. Williams Pink Pills have macre many weak, tired "len vigorous and healthy, and many pale, dejected girls and woolen, plump, rosy land attrac- tive by improving their blood and ton- ing up their nerves. 11 you aro weak, ailing, low-spirited or unhealthy, try Dr. Williams Pink Pills fund note their epecdy, beneficial effect. Yoe can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a sox or six hexes for $2.50 from The I r. 1i'Iliiams ektedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Whales as Divers. Although it is a common belief among Santo's that whl.lee, when they "emend," dee cci d to enormous depths St in the (mean, and although it has been It estimated that the larger whales coin - • mealy dive to a depth of almost two- ( thirds of 0 utile, yet 0 member of an Antarctic expedition challenges these 1 stetemiatte, 1.11d avers that about 300 feet to the maximum depth to whlcll ' a whale can dive. He bases his state- ment partly on the fact that the fish on which they feed, and to obtain which they are accustomed to sound, dwell near h su • 'e and the surface, partly on vathe fact that at the depth of 1,00yards or more the rcosure is so *.eat • n 0 that they could not withstand it and d that their muscular strength is not suhicient to propel them into the re- gions where it prevails. Ask for Minard's and take no other. They sat 011 a sodden bench in tho park and were evidently a newly mar- ried couple on their honeymoon, The weather was cold, but their love was warm, and the palpitation of their hearts kept Unto with their chattering teeth. Her eyes were blue, as was her nose. One manly arm encircled her sleuder waist, the other held up au umbrella, The raindrops gently trdckliug down their backs dict not serve to cool their ardor in the least, and every shiver seemed to cement the honeymooners more elorely together. "It's awfully nice out here in the park," she murmured. "I think To- ronto is a lovely place for a honey- moon; don't you, dear?" "Yes, darling," he replied, in an ab- stracted manner. "I shall always come here in the future." And then a great solid chunk of cool. noes seemed suddenly to conte be- tween thele, Natives of Abyssinia give to their tired or exhausted horses myrrh from the trees along the roadside. Tin farthings and halfpennies were issued in England in the reign of James II. Tho British Columbia Forest Ser- vice 18 installing nine sets of Marconi wireless telephones. Four sets will be used on land, and the remaining five sets will be placed on the larger pa- trol launches of the department. The weight of a serviceable half - suit of armor of the time of Queen Elizabeth was about 40 lbs., while the armor worn occasionally by modern infantrymen during the veal' weighed from GO to 90 lbs. By establishing imperial air routes 1111(1 now aeroplane mail services, by encouraging civil aviation and by do- ing what it can to matte night flying tare, Great Britain is 'building an air force that will link together the'wide- ly separated domains of the British Empire, and that will form a trained 101111ve to supplement the fighting forces in time of war. For some years to eollto Egypt will ,be the centre of the system ,of air routes.) Thence air lanes will lead to the Cape, India and A uotraiia. A University on Wheels. A0rirniture ,; 11:e 1)nainton ;ere- ' tatE' i inluetl'y. Back of c'tin1d+ pra- gre.;.; stands the farmer, and the Nom. t l 'e telvaiteentent in agrli ultnl e ia•, re.. fleeted is c•very 1)114)0 of the Dom:. Imes activity. The settlement of haul.., baler farming mead every pro- grc'ssive move of agriculture le the ) of:(e171 (I (8(1y_ a m idein 1 made. no malts) 1'11st ]v, pro,,, (314, 'the rlUlw•a3'e, the govt:r111,1enl inntn-!ries and 1lanufacttu'c+s, and the tenisu111)1,,1 public are alike lote.'e:hell. The Federal and Provincial (leveremente. cutd the railways, with 0 keen 4)011011- 11411 of till,:, Have ceaselessly worked for the progress and development (1f this ht:lu .tt'y Uu 111111 the vete/dish- mord, of experimental farms, the cir- culation of literature, and other pro- paganda (tatter and natty other meth- ods, They have never ceased to ad. vocate better f(u•nmtg, the sc!entilic otudy of soils, crops and systems, land conservation, and till that tends fur greater anti Healthier production, en- richment of lance, (nil improvement in living and social conditions in rural settlements, No better system of education and aid to more successful farming has been devised than the "bettor farming train," or as it has come to be popu- larly termed, "tile University on Wheels," w•1110(1 journeys through the Prairie Provinces of the West under the auspices of the Provincial Depart- ments of Agriculture and Education and the Canadian Pacific Railway. It Is In truth a travelling university of agriculture bringing an agricultural course to the farmer's home with its intensive classes and demonstrations of the highest educational value. The train has two large machinery cars carrying the livestock and feed, and two largo flat cars, one fitted up with pens to carry sheep and hogs, and the other for use as a demonstra- tion car, These are fitted up in Win- nipeg under the direction of Profes- sor A. el. Shaw, professor feasor in animal Husbandry at Maultoba University. Three largo 00110110a are used 1n dis- playing field husbandry exhibits and another car for the ((dairy, mechanical, building, and poultry displays. Moving picture car films of an enter- taining character Ore showu, as well as those of an educational value. Two coaches are fitted up as lecture cars for leen and another for women.- A nursery car is provided which con- 1 tains sandpilcs, slides and cribs, in charge 0f capable nurses, where mothers may leave their children i whilst attending lectures. The train and entire equipment 1s furnished free by the Canadian Pacific t Railway, which has spared no pains e' to make the better farntiug train of the greatest possible service and as- t sistanco to Canada's agriculturalists. 0 IYistorir: \Vh'tticw Broken by Cleaners. '1'tt•ro was gkeee tee other thy 1tt alarihotru h 111.a...0, the. re.-el,lr,• t (1) 1. 4 Alexandra. elle reflot, "elen tute wt tit1•,'' w11, 41 the (4ssen-' 1.1 ta" :' veaseettel os prehme (('etee I sits). 01. , hudtcn by wiatteweeeenere, 'fie window (1311,1:3St. (1310' Perk fru -1 tee 1r(m which fouue11 1.14.(3 1711114 Ldwartre .lad:. 1t born. the ,' 11`,11''101) 3 11' ),',r t' lar'.,'. (loyal 51er::.N1• age:, gnK-:Is at tho Pelee, aim had w, ot'ihc-rl their nen: s rvi'h diaruou,1 Anton- the nut epi: were ter:; 11tt, e.17 the 'tete (.'au• of 1111, .:!'1, the late 1;1(t tr lease ie and the Kings, of Norway and sesedan, oe one (((•1:1,(11 Iain;; feetwu'd showed the wi11duw to the late J. ('ie:poet ,llor- l;:m, and the A.aerir'a11 niillieaaire of- fered ser„000 to tale it 10 Neve York, but the offer Wan refused. 3' REDHOTcY '' L Y DAYS tlS HARD ON THE BABY July . The month of oppressive heat red hot days and sweltering nights is extremely hard on little piles Diarrhoea, dysentry, colic and choler Influhtunt ((tarry off thousands of /nee bus little lives every rummer, Th mother must be constantly on he guard to prevent these troubles or i they come on suddenly to fight them, No other r}edieine is of such ald to mothers during the hot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an oc casional dose w111 prevent suntme complaint, or if the trouble does corn on suddenly will banish it. The Tab lets aro sold by medicine dealers o by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brockville Out. Rheurnattnn Now is the time to get rid of it1 Nature is pulling for you -- The waren Weather's here— '1his is your chance--• grasp it—take Te mi p1etoss Rheumlatic Capsules Get it otlt of your system rho easiest way] Soli by reliable druggists for a • dollar. tisk our agent or writs us far a free sample, Temple - ton's, 342 I{ing Rt, w., Toronto. cz Western Wool Production. Approximately three hundred and seventy-tive ennirmea l.:eve been en- tered 1111 a this :meson by )'rowers 1n the province of Saskatchewan and the C..natdhut 1.M -operative Wool Growers, Ltd., under which the grow- ers' clips vvi11 be marketed through the association. These contracts re- • present over 31,000 sheep and aver a 221,000 pounds of wool already de- - finitely in sight. Approximately one e hundred and fifty contracts have been 1 received from Manitoba. This show- ing is as good, and possibly better, than the average at this time of the season in past years, according to the district manager of the Co-operative Wool Growers for Manitoba and Sas- - katcltewan. "I anticipate an increase r of 100,000 pounds of wool handled this e year over last year,” he states. The association is encouraging the r wool growers of the western sero- • vinees to get together Ude year and ship in car lots (e.g., 20,000 pourds) from local poiuts. Wherever they will do so, a special representative of the Co-operative will be sent to take I delivery of the wool as it is loaded land ship it direct to the warehouses. The object of this procedure is to ma- terially lessen freight charges and dandling expenses. Grasses of Canadian Prairies Make Mountains of Butter Alberta's 1920 contribution to the butter market vasa fair sized lamp weighing ten and 00e -half million pounds that put $5,512,500 into the butter -"takers' pockets. The quality of this butter was unquestionable as attested by the fact that Alberta car- ried off the first three prizes for block butter at the rcee11t National Dairy Council Exhibition held at Winnipeg. Alberta's butter output increased dur- ng the past four years almost 40% in volume and over 123% lsi value. There are 55 co-operative creamer - es in the province—a11 community owned and operated, scat and ed a 13 privately y owned and operated. in addition to hese there are in the larger centres nch as Calgary, Edmonton, Leth- bridge and Medicine I-Iat, large cen- raldzed creameries or dairies. These pei'ate collection branches or cream buying stations along the railway lines, CLiese making has become a cont- siderahle industry too, but does not keep pace In growth with the butter industry, as farmers generally prefer to sell their cream and feed the milk by-product to growing stock. Eleven cheese factories aro in operation in the province and turned out in 1920 a half 1111111011 pounds valued at $140,- 000. 140;000. Dairying is fast becoming one of the big industries of the prairie provinces, following close on the heels of grain growing and stock raising. Mixed farming has been strongly advocated to Canadian farmers and they have seen its advantages. To -day It is generally practised. If a crop fails, disaster is not the result, there is al- ways plenty of grazing and fodder to insure the weekly cream cheek for the man with a dairy herd. The progress cf the dairying industry has been very much helped by the increased cultiva- tion in irrigated territories, Alfalfa is the greatest fodder yet discovered for .dairy cattle, and is bringing won- derful prosperity to districts such as Coaldale and Brooks. Latest Dress Models 05111 9561—Ladies' Dress (to be slipped on over the head; with chemisette; two styles of sleeve; two-piece skirt, pleat- ed or gathered; straight low=er edge; 37 or 35 -inch length from waistline). Price, 30 cents. In 7 sizes, 84 to 46 ins. bust measure. Size 86 requires, 37 -inch length, 31/1, yds. 36 ins. wide; contrasting, a.'n, yd. 36 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 1% yds. 9573—Ladies' Dress (two styles -of vest and sleeve; with or without de- tachable overdress; 37 or 35 -inch length from waistline), Price, so cents). In '7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires, 37 -inch length, figur- ed, 31!1 yds. 36 953ins.0 wide; plain, 1!11 yds. 40 ins. wide; vest, % yd. 21 ins, Width, 1% yds. A most satisfactory and becoming model is illustrated here. 9550—Ladies' Dress (with vest; two-piece skirt, with or without side panels; 37 or 35 -incl) length from waistline). Price, 30 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins, bust measure. Size 86 requires, plaice, 51,1 yds. 82 ins. wide; plain, 'A yd. 27 ins. wide, Width, 11,e yds. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or front the McCall Co., 70 Boncl St., Toronto, Dept. W. i , ' r L raent leads thousands of • hou ewiveT to serve !i���{jygyt, e in place of foods that require hours of drudgery in a hot kitchen. Needs No Sugar. Comes ready to eat from the package. "There a Reason'°for Grape -Nuts This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed, and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tried other Liniments, also doc- tors, and was receiving no 1)011061. By a persuasion from a friend I got 1111N- ARD'S LINIMENT and used one bot- tle, which completely relieved me, and have been using MINARD'S LINI- MENT in my family ever since and find it the salve as when I first used it, and would never be without it. ISAAC E. MANN, Aug. 31st, 1903. Metapedia, P.Q. Immigration of Children to Canada. The Manchester Guardian, comment- ing on the report of the Canadian Government's inspector of British immigrant children, expresses grcttl- fication that tho migration of children from orphanages to the Dominion on• pears shortly 10 be resumed. Since 1916 this migration wa0 practically suspended, the report shows. The paper outlines the unusual op- portunities offered in Canada, 11ot11 in industries and agriculture, and points to the increased 11111nber of children now in institutions as a result of the war as an argument for again opening the gates of Canada to the youthful emigrant. Moro than ten thousand applications for children have been receive(' by the child -saving institutions of England since the annual migration was sus- pended. Many of these applications aro fro" agricultural districts, it is said, and a targe porton of the epl,li. cants are childless, ISSUE No. 61—'20. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. We may defy a world of enemies, but the people we love have us in their power. A teacher gave her classes a test in which she asked them to name five of Shakespeare's plays. Among the titles received were these: "ling Liar," "A Merchant of Venus," " " Z' 'ss "Old Fellow," )'McBath," "Omelet." ' DON'T LOOK OLD FROM HERE UP A little "Danderine" checks ugly dandruff and stops hair falling Get a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips, By morning most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applications often remove every bit of dandruff and stop falling hair, Every Hair on scalp - shortly shows more life, vigor, brightness, thickness and color. SINCE 0j1870 oftigi 30 P8MCOUGHS r OF k F6tO IEE &`fI?Et E British Envoy. The San:my ._"Over in America we helm a lila). 111101 fifty feet high," 7.'EM.e.am >< 7(0 W NTED Utat."'e ThTommy- "I wb:h I could lilac rir114 ^vinc)Aft,1 1,A 1.1.0 MEM ''111P0. let yJtca 14,0s to young w men 18 u, 38 c ,l' are age. having a 01 (11•'0 ---- lllnh s n 14.4 ) tt.ntluu, and who 14011 tio- sirnue P 1 ,corn:ng mimes, rt thorough lhrc r.tr ..n(-: a in m11'011.54 (he hospi» ta1 1 ne )dt,llt hour duty; catelidat00. 5111 Itt inti will Ix heeepic.1 for entrance, embur first. Per further part (.•Mars, ad1 s' 'Nut linteinie(t, Siemntln111r,s- (0511 Niagara )'ai1a. N.1' Classified Adve ni eitaents. arae, 'hum 1 til t', H11Asti H 14"u1tE1I `i' tte -01 (lettere, at eixly-eve rents. tier,. wan Llinwrt. lillriz+'ner. .. VAZ't3DD-81300311 Ji70R3E13. 11 �11t)0M (1N1 '11(1 1IV14 Tifoth1AIQD ,k words. (let real mo11O' it your st rlrx are snappy, Write snort storyy Aldrt.et. 1 Columbine Ave.. Toronto. The Danger. " doctor d- I t.tar myrc�lf by the aid ma l 1,Y eel bootee." "Yrs, and rc,mat day you'll die of a misprint." An Impocolhllity. "That coat looks rather shabby," res marked It friend to the struggling art - let. "Why delft you have it tunnel?" "Do you imagine this coat hits three sides?" asked the artist, sadly. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Being good is creditable, but 11111 more creditable is being good fur something. Zanzibar has nearly 4,000.000 clove trees in bearing and supplies more than 90 percent. of the world's cloves. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes." Easy directions in package. Polish the leather travelling bag with linseed oil. MOTHER! '`California Syrup of Figs'4 Child's Best Laxative r - (4'N rf Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—Iook for the name California on CORNS" the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stow• Lift Right Off Without Pain ash, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. bull directions 00 each bottle, You must say "Call• forma." Doesn't hurt a bit! Urop a little "Treasons" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- y you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remare every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the tees, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. Arlorlca'0 Ploaeor Deg Eon:males Hook on DOG DISEASES cudew to reel Mailed reo to any Ad- dreea b;, the Author. L. Clay *lover Co., Eno 118 West 81st Street New Tor::. U.S.A.. ?t 't a »H t�4 ) . �t f l rn e rN (� S rl ttI 1:';1 Fact, La: 1J f .inflamed, Le o V:'v is Cetit.8Lira I -tart & 1780110370)1 to F.i 21' en my Cate. 2chcy wars ereatterad cit over r"3thcy, became tial eas sell_ leg 4 6;f ' fat cls,^. I (.•1111 e:.... -d to go n oa f c 17tar 1,3 '=I nl� ;,in.^, -:i may._ r h h .�4 1 ec_...a„,d and loos cf t_ a sl:t•7 moizitted, s c:c.'. C,'? Boo? and Cant - eta: nci.^.g rola 0a!wo cf Cntic,ra Eon? and two 1emes cf Obetroent I was baa le l." (177 xled) Law, ncnvoniatc, 7e5 83 Ave., Seattle, Wash., Jae. 23,1:17. Prevent fur:hes trouble by using Cutictrre for ell toilet purposes, Sona 2fic, Ointment. 20 lead 00e. Sold, thrcughouttl wDtimes ona Canediar.Depot; L awn, Limned. St. Pnal St" lW-oatreal. Cu=icara Soap shaves w ithont mug. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not 'Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- gia, Toothache, Earache, and for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the name "Bayer" or you are not taking Aspirin at all. Accept only "Bayer Tablets of Aspirue" in an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains complete di- rections. Then yon are getting real Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre- scribed by physicians for over nine- teen years. )low made in Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 111 tab- lets cost but a few yenta. 15reggirts also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin-.".Bayer"—You coast say "Bayer" Aspirin Is the trado marts (registered In Canadal of :Saver 111anufactnre or Mono- acotlractdestor of salloyllcac(d. While It Is well lcuown that Aso! oto means Bayer inanutactwra, to assist rho nubile against Imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company +vitt be stamped with their general trade mark, the "7)ayor cruse," NCHOR PLUG represents the summit of achievement in expert tobacco Inanuf acatrIng. No other chewing tobacco pbosesses'tile "quality" of hlaf, and flavor., i,ound i1'! .ANCHOR. aRa Mgpell 1570 `.d' 2 2 +r !&' Sao.1..„V',"