The Brussels Post, 1920-8-5, Page 6The Art of Gear -Shifting. The teeth are built to stand mighty
It deep not always pay to be shifty,
glut it .eertainly does when driving the
old boat If one is not very shifty at
times, especially when driving in
heavy teaffie, there is trouble,
"Shifty" just about describes the op-
. oration of the gear lever, for it is
tehift shift, shift, all the way along
some of the crowded streets.
Gear shifting is probably the great-
est bugaboo of the novice, amt. illus-
trates well the truth of the old saw:
rieeish, but a "big noise and a
jump follow when. the speed is un- that will enable him to avoid the dead.
eqaal as they are engaged. ly kinds, es equivalent to, if not worse
To get into reverse the car must be than, inviting him to put hie \mere-
, lutch re- tooted hand into a den of rattlesnakes.
tow to Select Edible Mushrooms
Those who, unadvised or III -advised, of other tube -bearing, Alegi experiment
would gather wed species of Muth- with mitten,
rooma for the table should remember Sixth. Fungi welch Wive sort of
that they are embarking upon en ad- milder web or flocculent ring about the
neuters that may lead to a sudden and upper pert of the stalk ehoule in gen-
borrible death. To eak person. to oral be avoided,
gather his own intisilrOOMP far . the Profeesor Ferlow adds that "rules
table, without previous Instructions one, two and thStio may, for the. bo.
ginner, be regarded 01 absolute, with
the exception to rule two, Amautta
citesarea, the Rills of which aro yel-
low. -Rules three, four and six have
with leased and lever in neutral. Reverse General rules for the guidance of more numerous exceptions, but these
stopped(gimp ,
gears cannot be engaged successfully mushroom hunters are trustworthe rides' Aimed be followed in ail 011.505
except when motionless, and serviceable only when formulated unless the collector is content to OX'
If the gears do not mesh in engag- by eePerienced botanists, The follow- pertinent lira with very small quanta,
Mg for first sPeed or reverse with ing six. rules by the late Professor Far- ties and learn the practical result."
low will prevent, it scrupulouslY ob- Other rules that ten help to protect
from Serious poisoning are:
"Haste makes waste," It sonde like times if necessary, for the gear tee Do not collect mushroom.; in or near
' • a paradox, but the fact is that when meet be in line. wooded areas except for study
the lever M eeutral, engage the clutch
gear teeth and try again. Try several
Served, the eating at notoriously
Poisonoua species:
First, Avoid fungi when in the but-
ton or expanded stage, also those in poses. •
one. wants -to speed•up it does not If you are going down the street in
which the flesh has begun to decay, This rale is very generni, as it eines
!i • mean to speed up the process of heavy traffic and don't want the cop
even if only slightly. oat protect agaiest the green -gilled
• speeding up. The tendency of the to bawl You out while others scoff,
Second. Avoid all fungi which havo ' Peeiota, • not aeainst an 0010)1011111S . noviceis -either to hesitate too much shift to first speed gear every time
death cups, stalks with a swollen base Amanita and some others., but it does
it lap -dash, slam-bang,, yohavto stop. ome multi-cylinderdsure minded by a sac °
-like Mealy en- prevent thn
e beginner 10111) fentering
or to go at eu e S
s • Then there is a variety of settees from cars will pick up. the load on secon,
if the gills are Die very "lair" uf the man -killers.
beneath the floor boards, and a Om ' " on W h A. little practice wvel°Pe. "P°°1:111Y
• o'lilte. Do 1101 11000111 trivehroinne from a
which bodes evil for the transmiesin make watt shift so easily that you will
Third. Avoid- fungi having a in 11 self-styled expert, even if you have to
gearsi beeides making everybody along not In having to do it frequently.
Juice, unless the milk is reddish. disoblige a dear Mead, Learn the
the highway wonder "what sort of a If you have not seen the inside
Because gear shifting is such a an opportunity to examine just hov,i it
the gills, and in which the gills are turtle, etc.) has eaten of a .nashi emu
boob is running that cal. .
bugaboo a great many beginners will works. You can do this at an auto- nearly all of equal length, especially if is no el -Herein ti the edibility of that
.. • do most anything rather than enange mobile school, at the show, or at a the MMus is bright -colored. mitehroom for man. Insect larvae
• eiregee An examination of the case Fifth Avoid ell tube -bearing fungi thrive and grow fat on the -violently
poisonous Amanita phalloides.
Soaking or boiling in water does not
render a poisonous species offline.
Fourth. Avoid fungi in which the subject Youreelf.
of the transmission gear ease, seek
cap or MMus is thin in proportion to That an animal (insect, sqeirrel,
speeds, even running tb.e o s a -
Mg in traffic or runni11g. around a telve one a beam- idea of the op- in wheel the flesh elianges color when
block to awed taming. Now, ie•
oration than is otherwis.e poeeible, but cut Or broken or where the mouths 01
hot, eeceeeery to avoid shifting gears it ia practice which will make perfect, the tubes are reddise, and in the ease
the gear shiftieg of
because of 53 000 clifileulty, or and practice robs
to allow the engine to labor in high all its terror,
instead of shifting to second or first
speed in stopping, simply because one Heded by Sib en
is afraid of alarming the neighbor• Scientitts have discovered that by
hood when starting up again. The :ejecting certain metals into the blood
wiser way would be to learn how to
change ;speeds noiselessly.
Manufactueers, realizing the rehm-
many serious illnesses can be cured.
Experiments have been made to as-
certain which .metal possesses the
tante of drivers to change gears, have greatest healing -power, and so far
designed the transmission so that gear eastern, a new metal, has proved the
shifting is not necessary so often; most efficacious in quickly killing
but when it is necessary to shift it is every disease -carrying germ with
much more difficult because of thiz which it has come into contact
I jections of dilatea silver have
change in design.
How the Gears Work.
Tee novice who has examined the
inside of the change -speed gear case, the activities et the tuberculosis germ,
commonly ealled the transmission i i.e._ it. beyond the roach of poor
gear, understands that there aresev-
eral sets of wheels therein, running people, for the price of a single injec-
tion may be anything from $125 to
sexed several lives; but they have
been found most effective In checking
on parallel shafts, and that the mesh-
ing together of the several sets makes
the difference in speeds. If these gears
which engage had the same number
of teeth and revolved at the same
rate of speed, they would mesh noise-
lessly and instantly, but they are of
varying sizes and have different num-
Gold injections, though beneftetal,
have not the health -giving properties
possessed by silver in this terra. When
finely powdered and decanted into a
solution, however, gold has proved to
he a fine preventive of fever. A curi-
ous fact
is that gold freehly burnished
Incoznpleteness. that
things are finished, and et
which has attained the rounded full-
ness of perfection is not always
supremely interesting, We all know
of many lives thee were cut short amid
general exclamations of pity. It was
said that the youth was of great
promise, tend. doubtless it was true.
Our human hearts have borne an al-
most intolerable weight of grief for
the lives of the young men taken in
the war—the young men with whom
the world's destiny and the hope of
the future seemed to lie. A sheer,
piteous waste of man -power it was,
and it robbed posterity as well as our
own time, But in those lives ended
so soon there was not promise merely
—there was performance. Many whose
term of years has been comparatively
brief have done more fee the welfare
of their fellows than those who spent
their long, long time upon earth chief-
ly in ease and self-indulgence and the
habitual avoidance of hard things.
We think we see wreckage and ruin
leers of tc-eth, and they do not run at and oleo -lied loses its microbe -killing round about us, in neeelous lives as in
the same rate of speed. The sole trick power, and therefore injections have perishable material, but it 13 for a
• in shifting gears is to melte them to be made with yellow metal which Power infinitelysre,
ater and leghet
revolve at approximately the tame, has beett "edema prepared. than our 01. 11 to prOn0101 20 ve21ie`
speed. -• Copper seed zinc possees dieeesc-
!ias to vent i 1. 11.140 nd • •
courieione evinga ro411reg qualitesCopper allays 001)111 to Our k-el-rit-
tial, our vision is blurred, our verdicts!
' car there ie Pit 11 1', genii set, toyer getnis, while zinc betteficial
Thera is aleo the meet -tete: tranemes- wit applied to the influenza atene are qualified y our many and serious
sion. With these there is no ehifting, ;
lever nor meshing of gears. But the • ow Baiky,s BlMuch may have been clone in vrhat
majority of change speed gears are looks to our mortal sight like the frag-
Englane's -greatest etrieunal Old meets of a lifetime. If we cannot in
our term of days have all that we
desire, let us learn how much we may
do with the portion that is granted in
answer to our petulant requisitions,
The Chinese have a proverb, "Half an
orange tastes as sweet as a whole
one," There is wrapped up in that
aphorism a deal of wisdom. We learn,
when we have little and must make
much of it, how foolish we were when
we had a great cleat told complained.
of the three-epeed slirlitseieeigeat order,
.--timaterai conceded the beet system de-
vised because of cheapness, strength,
easy repair and slight care needed. It
requires, however, sonte study and
much practice to manipulate it noise-
lessly, One cannot expect to step
into a strange car and make a satis-
factory shift right off, but there is no
reason why the novice should not
learn his car's whims quielelg and have
confidence in handling the levers.
When thecar is standing the trans-
mission shaft is at rest and the gear
shaft is revolving at about half the
engine shaft's speed, - Now, if you
should try to throw in the fleet speed
gear with the clutch engaged, it would
make a fine mix-up. The clutch should
always be released, and the gear shaft
allowed to stop before meshing is at-
tempted, then the ebitch is engaged
slowly until the car is under way,
To increase the speed the engine
should be throttled to -bring gear shaft
and transmission shaft to about the
same speed, hesitating in neutral for
a few seconds to permit this. I am
not going' to tell you how you can
know when the speeds are the same,
You must find this out by experiment,
No two cars ere quite alike.
Going Through the Train.
Shifting from second speed to
• highest speed requires a closed
throttle and a longer hesitation in
heutral. No gears are to be meshed,
but teeth must be engaged to connect
engine shaft and transmission shalt,
and these must approximate in speed.
Bailey—has- revived the good old-ras-
hioned custom of distributing sweet -
scented nosegays and herbs amongst
its benches and its many offices, says
a London newspaper.
When the Mayor recently opened
the sesions, all the various officials
engaged came to the Bench fortified
with floral decorations of the old
school — mignonette and lavender,
sweetovilliam, and rue. Rosemary and
little bunches of herbs were also
placed in the corners of each desk.
During the late war this charming
custom fell into disuse, but now grim
(ma Bailey shotve the softer side to its
character once more. Would it Were
possible entirely to fill the dock with
flowers instead of felons!
London Has Hotel De Luxe
For Infants Only.
Life in the city of London is becom-
ing so complex, because of the house
shortage, that many families are being
forced into apartments and hotels
where babies are not recognized. Two
enterprising nurses have lint the
emergency by opening a hotel for in-
fants only, catering to transient as
well as resident bueinee,s, A house
physician and dentist ure features of
the eetablishment.
The British coasts are so well sup-
plied with lighthouses and lightships,
that a vessel, railing round the islands
by night, need only be out of sight of
a lantern six times.
mo npuescm
#, watt Mon
read no able doctor's books, peruse no almanacs, which
tell of frightful ills, gadzotilite and pains in human hackle The
more you read 111)0111 disease the stoker you will feel, and You'll
have mumeii and housemaids' knees, and fantods in the heel. t -
used to read the almanac; that boosted. llooperet pills; I kept
it hanging 111 my simile hard by 1110 window sins. And when
should have studied hymns, anti traces, and things like those,
read of spavins on the limbs, awl buninue on the Mee. and every
time I read a line it filled me with despair; I foune lel anthrax
in my spine, and daneruff in my hair. Then from my savings
bank I drew some nice ten -dollar lens, and to the drugstore
premptly flow, and called for Hooperei pine. 0h, Hooper in a
palace dwelt, and Hooper's yacht wag fine, rive Hooper's butler
used. to pelt downntaira to fetch the wine; nrel Houten lived la
Easy Street, and Hooper redo to hounde, while en weary, drag-
ging feet to drugstores made my rountle, And then oue morn I
had a ray of reason in my demo, and I get up anti throw away
the dope that filled my home, told myeelf *et I was well and
felt as slick as wax; glad day, -when 1)10 loeger fell for Hooper's
Lamella !
Historic Correspondence With
Kaiser Regailling Claim to
The death of Emprese Eugenie hes
revived interest la the historic cor-
respondence) between her and the
Kaiser which With responsible for the
rey101011 of President Wasetes views
early in the days of the peeve ('01)10)"
5)100 that Germany's eleitu to Alsame -
Lorralue might havo a more solhbIl
foundation then Premier Cblivilveall
was admit, sate; PariS .lea•
It is understood here teet the lem-
preset', documents --at 10.1,4, lbese
nerted With Frentee hietery--- will be
leaved in the Michell mdienal arch,
lime histerieus lien: are eirfeitlY
predicting teat this legeey he her win
.---- •• ---• • ---'-------- 10 a long- way toward estabe ,laog the
Europe Struggles Ea.& Plenty of Time in Dublin.
. .
According to a highly pleeed oille1.0
Empeees's patriotism. .. . ... ..
to Solvency and Prosperity Ireland is a yountry in 10111111 use here, the Empress wrote to the Elba!
During the war it wee often hard people take polities energetically and in nen begging him not T) be lo;
to tell from the articles in the isews- business (elatedly. . George A. BM- harsie eepeciaity in eimeeetnia with
papers what the precise it
about minglenn (Can(el Hannay) 111 his boolc Aleaceiriortaille, witlell the Emereee
the military situation was. To -day it coneidered eeeenrially Freech 10 ten.
is almost as difficult to tell what is
the precise situation fieancially and
industrially in Frallee, in Germany stranger who wants to hire a 110)100 11
To her letter the leaiser Nellie!,
and in Italy. Correepondents are pretty sure to have with his house
acknowledging the Met ice 0:: her state
hopeful or depressed according to their agent. Everywhere elee the hone
temperaments, to the course of their agent is a striking citizen; not eo ments, but saying that he eleue wee
net responsible for the Cove:mama-a-
information, or to the effect they wish in Dublin, decision that Germeny medal theee
Holm agents are agreeable nue
to produce on their readers. There is
Mealy men who have 11115. Minted provinces in order to prsvent future
still propaganda, commercial and „aggression by the Frerele
political, mixed with the impartial and . 11513 of possible habitations on wheel
the number of rooms, route
conscientious news that some report- 1 and ()thorn 11 waa this letter that i veneer Cie -
details are plahtly eet forth, '7110 as. meueeau asked the lemere ,s'e pertnie-
era send agrees the ocean, arid it is sten to peeing to the Mite Fur" and
frem the disingenuous.
often hard to separate the t.rustworthy Itioirilnigcmteaniartnutatti51100,1000t1itieeslcialtt
aandleget°1esel . which convinced Pr.:'.6ilkIlt Wilma
that seems to be tee thing he wants. that ble attitude regarting His )•5. 1.11' it 15 clear enough that Western
Ile is mot at the door by a' smiling Hon of these provinces te Freee was
Europe is getting to work agnin. It 0111, who tone him that it was based on a. false premise.
vvhich the war plunged it. The only Parlor in
lease sie months ego.
to be let once, but was tel on 010115.
Still hopeful, The Itesleer's real fees at the ,A.14..
is recovering from the condition of
Itathfarnhain and e Europpea war wes that
the searcher epee to break of th
Russia wits mobllizleg eepidly and
shocked and dazed suffering into
- finds anethor house. It is indubitable wmila ntl.tiletance the Getieen len-
question is whether the burden of war!
An lieseinan Leeks At Ble teethe 1-,
lustratee the leleurely methods of Dub-
lin by describing tee experience a
ditions, babits and deeiree.
Kaiser Disclaims Rermemeleility.
Alex, L. Penton
Olympic trials winner, who eepresente
Canada in the 100 yards events at Ant-
werp. Penton is the holder of the
Hamilton B. Mills Cup.
The World -Mender..
A man who 101.03 God with that holy
debt laid upon the shoulders of t
people is too great to be successfully
borne, even by willing and thrifty
workers. The best opinion is that it
is not. If Western Europe does not
fall again into the chaos of war, it
will gradually work its way back to
solvency and prosperity. The weak
spot is Germany, for the morale a3
well as the resources of Germany has
been sadly weakened. And yet in Gen -
minty it is political rather than busi-
ness incapaeity that menaces the
state, The peesent government is
When -we must use what we have in- Which works for human weal;
stead of repining for that which we A man -who knows himself Gedie in-
have not, we develop all manner of
unsuspected 3•esources, We surprise For faithful and eternal service
ourselves with the discovery that we And feels in all good wrought,
pulse of his own
eari do whet heretofore was teeming The moving fire all
formidably among the impossibilities.
If the work of the world had to be He sees the glory shining. from afar—
done by machine and tools utterly A Bethlehem star,
perfect, or if society had to depend on I
complete and flawless individuals, the Toward which he presses With enfal-
life of this planet would be at a stand- teeing feet,
Heedless of lions roaring. in the street
still. The responsibility for carrying And men thet, scornful, ehout,
forward the business eine maintaining
"rml'oufq.°1!; thy jack -co -lam -ere Booth
and repairing, the social fabric rests
with agencies and individuals far from
ideal, doing the best they can.
Thirty thousand starving cats are
rescued from London streets every
year, They are painlessly killed, their
skins being used for muffs and
The largest nugget of gold ever
to bo lot. There are bilie to that effeet
in the windows. But there 10 no pas-
sible way of getting inside it. The key
is, perhaps, somewhere. Perhaps
there is no Icey. The stranger goes
back to the holm agent, after live or
ell; of theeo experiences, ie a furious act, despite his constioit deriaratIons
temper, but the house agent 13 agree. that he wae an emmieary of 140:1t::: and
able and friendly. not of war, forme the !mete of the lead"
"Do you tell me that now?" he saye, ing Chapter of a volume of war tnetli-
when ho hears that the house at tatione publeshed by referees George
formerly Prineess Marla
Howth has been let. "Atitylia then I'd of Greece,
better scratch it off the list," Boneparte, whieh ettraethig the et -
timid and ineffeeteal; yet any o.her all, it may be vacent nide Sr1111 0 (las, tentioe leadm(1 Preach mil:tity :tad
But he does net scratch 11 off. After
woule Ls still mcoee dangerous, for the Faced with the feet that the house
radical tee-eel:eta would inevitably at Ralhfarnham is inaceeesiblo, ho ()s-
awing Germany nearer the fatal policy presses astonishment,
of the Boishevike and the monerchists "Well, 110W," lie sari, "aren't some
would restore a Germany that no one People the very devil? You'll haselly
elsFercoonucl: itsruhsatr.
a at work and doing the owner was askiug me was there
believe it but it was only tcatorday
nobly. .Although half of its men be- any chance of getting it lot, How is
tween the ages of twenty and forty a gentleman to take a house it he can't
are gone, it is repairing the losses and see the inside of it?"
ravages of war and beginning to cut a
figure again in international business.
Czecho,Slovalcia is actually prosper-
ous—the brightest spot anywhere in
Central Europe. Italy has had its
troubles and has more before it, but
it seems every week to stand a little
firmer on its feet. Belgium is in good
case, working steadily and industri-
ously. Only in the dismembered beige
ments of the Austrian Empire, in de-
feated and humiliated Cermany and in
Red Russia is the economic situation
diecouraging. Russia of Course is the
key to the situation in Central and
Eastern Europe, and that key will not
unlock the gate to industry and pro-
duction while the Bolshevik theorists
prevail. Western Europe meanwhile
struggles to its feet slowly and pain-
fully but with courage and determina-
The neev 111111011 dreaanaught Hood,
a battleship that has more than the
speed of a cruiser, is said to cam a
greater weight of armor than an
earlier dreadnaught. Profiting. by the
lessons of the Battle' of Jutland, the
constructers have .particularly pee-
tected her deck against the impact
plunging projectiles fired at a melee
of 16,000 yards, She is 800 feet long,
found was the "welcome" nugget, dis- Sprinkle flour over meat ha= can make thirty-one knots an hour,
and is armed, with eight lifteen-inch
roasting to keep in the juice.
-covered in 1858 at Bakery Hill, Balla -I nd a seconcinter battery of
The opal is more elifficelt to infitate gum
rat, Australia. It weighed 2,217 ozel twelve five-ancl-a-halfeneth guns.
than the diareond.
and was sold for $62,500,
pise. This, more than matte]. ,,f (111.
ether European nations, induced him
to yield to the pressure froon the Pr116-
stens and iceeen the gleans of 1103
world conflict,
This exelanation ot the feeleer.e
Unshaken ever he pursues his light
By faith more sure then sight,
Believing, while he events the dusty
1411111011 a herald of the promised clay
That Truth at last shall reign,
Triumphant, though her advocates lie
literary critics.
German People Deleeed,
'Thou. the Cornets bel!,ving
theme:Ives asertfied by Riegel. and by
Franco, n eel:limed the preventi re
move heeded by their Emperere' the
Princess saye.
Willielm's greatest thOt. she wide,
was to berm been for et) many years
the gli.tterIng ehlet'of the Pruggee
General Staff. "His crime wae to luxe
The strauger of 0011150 is asking the breathed p003101111)' the ideas of We
same question himself. But las temper entourage," elm 0)1351 "to b(y) lived
is oozing away. He is beginning to constantly in the profeeelonal uniform
Teatime that a house agent must nut be
peened down to the printed statemenie
of his lists. That would bo unfriendly.
As for the loss of time! It is a eu-
premely silly thing to fuss about a day
or two.
"RECIAR FELLER S"—By Gene Byrnes
Hon. Hier; Mills
40100 member for Bent William, in
the Ontario Legis la tura, and 111 in is t er
of Mines, who has been elected by rm.
;Ora iee
tiled 11111111il
HA0-17., 'TALK!
ALL !AV., ooms Is
of war and to 1131/e brandished, when-
ever be spoke, the kiWord whicli 1.005 01-
1)1070 carried by hint us the nyinhol of
Germany's might."
The mace ot the Gorman peeple, the
Princess aaserts, did not eteuit e.,-ar,
but the °inners of thit PrasMan fac-
tion, dreaming of glory end of colonial
lands to be conquered, overwhelmed
even tiro wisest of the Geriatin
"Added to 11111, there was the pros.
81100 of an 1111110)1101 11014', the Crown
Prince," she says, "Slowly, but Sure,
ly, the militarists convinced the people
that force \Vila the only ewers of
breaking the encircling chains by
which the strong nations prevented
German conquest of other eol;:.niea, as
well as European expansion. -
In Due Seksou,
it night should come and dud too at
When all Lite's day 1 had, the'
faintly, evvenght,
And shallow furrows, i')si' in ramie,
Were all my Meer, shall t count it
If only 0110 11001 gloater, week of hoed,
Sean pick a scanty Sheaf where
have sown?
Nay, for of thee the Master cloth de -
Thy work: the harvest liege with
Him atoms.,
--Col. John McCrea.
Rain. Trills in tomtits in the Sahara
desert at intervals or. five, ten, and
terefill years,
The Royal crown of Persia, which
dates back to remote ages, 18 in the
term of a pot of flowers, shrmovinted
by all uncut ruby the sine of. a hen's
egg, •
In China the Ginling College A.rbor
Day ceremony is -celebrated the first
of April. Each class plants a grove
of trees, one tree for 68111 member of
the' class. Each girl -uses the spade
-for her namesake tree.
As a rule, birds do not Ily t a
greater height than 1,000 feet. Eagles
have ibeen known to fly to 11 height of
0,000 feet, A lark will rise to the
settle height, and so will .orows. These
have nothing on the MCI.