The Brussels Post, 1920-8-5, Page 4Ehe trisssels fest
A most imoottaut querl'ou w 1lo von
owe for Tug BKUar$LS Fo,•r? if Fo
why don't you settle ?
++leiel,r1+¢44'1.' y e+teier!f deetH' *[tet
Sl/hitt I:+. and 1'• I1"tt Pn 401.1 Wk. H'
ran Nnpply yaw with ;toy (plan.*3'
tit ar 1•wtsona111. pilee4.
MraTAKEs cost 'runty Melee a gond
plan Is to avoid them by mole ~afetal
consideration tied planning, + 'l'ty a bat; of one Royal Ilanat:-
+ bold Flom., None better, One
llt'iees ate tight.
Tits Pos'r circulation continues to •k Pb,,,,,, t^
grow steadily, we are glad re ate Help
n', make it a het paper than rarer. ' W. J. McCracken ;
NONE too s000 to be getting exhibits l'+++++++++++"++++++++++ ++
ready for East Huron 14'a1l Nair, It will •_-- _—
be held at Brussels Tuesday and Wed•
Rrmissiuu ot tt•x.s, alter pruner iuvestL
nesday, Sept, 14 and r5.
getiou, might he wanted to help out a
person who felt he a 30 loaded up With
PIC NM season is abroad iu the land. property upon which monetary returns
The autotnobile has made a new pro- I were pot available. The wrecker should
gram feasible when the (; 'F R, shut ha stepped in lur,1 It' to hr pu111ie grad.
down tin the exetwilon l,It ncss We
think the railroad font matte a m'etel
but possibly they know how to 000 the r lee the tont; heat ,..1 roht,„4.4, autl
business better titau we tlo. se? flutes flint is being repot led it looks
i as It titre is a ging of gents touring the
Hort. G. H. MURRAY, the Liberal ', country why' are none too fond of work.
Premier, and bis followers, have swept I Breaking state. with liurwash, Ont , as
the political platform in the Province of ['telt• new post otlllce address, is the best
h ut't
Deputy Grand Masters toll 2
Districts are Elected—Seven
Past Garand Masters are
Delegates to Niagara
Niagara Fate Ont. July k2•—Yester
day afternoon's session of the Mas-
otti: Grand Lodge convention ,:aa take
ea a, eetie t4 '
h ,d ori pt : r,
0; ICI'+•11 .1 the rl', r:uiJ
secrolars ;util various committees. Dur
ing the past year grants for benevolent
purposes totalled 5550,990, an increase
of 515,265 over 1919, The estimated
benevolent greets for the ensuing 02
months in 571,340,
l'h0 committee on constitution and
laws reported that the proposed mot-
ion by Daniel +McCaughan to stake neem
hers below the degree of Master Mason
ineligible to vote an any motion or ap-
plication in their respective lodges, is
in recognition of his services as
chairman of ,the committee on print-
ing since tei4, R. F. Richardson was
raised to the rank of Past Grand Reg -
Nova Scotia with a good working maiori , cure car en, +tv-, f. N .. . tv o w istrar.
over all parties. The Liberal party has earn an lamest living should he put on
The following Past Grand Masters
been in power continuously for past s8 ; the tread mill. If there were a short-{ are delegates to the convention: Sir.
years and appear to retain the confidence ;age of )alta it night he a d fferent thing I Jolts M. Gibson, Hamilton; W. IL
is does not augur but where there is a., insistent cad, "'rhe i White Pembroke; E. T. Malone, Tor-
onto; J, H. Burritt, Pembroke; A. T,
Freed, Hamilton; Hon. W D. McPher-
son, Toronto; W. el. Wardrope Hamil-
Deputy Grand Masters Elected.
Deputy Grand Masters for the ttven-
of [tie elecwrate. a u t
well for Dominion politics in the harvest is weal but the a >orers are
East. i few," compulsion must take the place of
I milder Forms of (reeling with shirkers.
The world does not owe anybody a 1iv-
A novelty in the clock line comes • ing if he's aide to res le for it.
from the inventive genius of a Philadel- V
phian, named Pluto, who has patented a , o years .ago ou Almost 1st, the ,res-
oae that announces the hours by spoken 4 1 eight districts in Ontario were el -
words or sentence instead of the old eat proprietor folk charge of THE ected last night, The following list en-
Baos>ELs Po T and we can scarcely umerates the various districts, the
fasbioued chiming. One rematk this imagine where the ears have one.
wonderful timepiece makes, on account k y g District Deputy Grand Masters -elect,
of a stay late lover of his rS year old Few of those who carte in business in and their places of residence; Erie, J. F.
Brussels then are het° row although in Reid Windsor; Erie J. J. Vincent,
daughter, is "11 o'clock t time to go
home," We don't know what Mr, several cases memhtrs of the lanai's. Bothwell; St, Clair W. H. hunt, Sarnia
Pinto °barges for his clocks but there 1 may be ti'ns'el, has held its own very London, L. A. Bass, London; South
well amidst all Ills tips and dawns and
are some Dad's around here n old like Huron, Geo, A, Fraser, Parkhill; North
Huron. W. A. Wilson, Lucknun'; Wil-
son, J. S. MartinPort
Dover, Welling
ton, R. S. Hamilton, Galt Hamilton,
H, A. Graham, Burlington; Georgian,
R, .1. Campbell, Duntroon; Niagara, W.
C. Tait, Bridgeburg; Toronto West
Dr. F. 0, Hermiston, Toronto Toronto
East, Dr. E. Blanchard, Cannington;
Toronto Centre, G. G. Hood, Toronto
Ontario, F. C. Hoar, Bowmanvilie;
Prince Edward W. J. Potts, Trenton;
Frontenac, 11, S. Northnnore, Bath; St.
Lawrence W, ie, Johnston, Lyndhurst
Ottawa, E. S. MacPhail, Ottawa; Algo
ma, Col. Al, J. Frances, Fort William;
Nipissing J. Fowler Sudbury; Muskoka
to buy such an invention instead of in•
viting the visitors to remain for break-
ONE of the ways to keep a town look-
ing well and likely to evoke compliment-
ary references frotn visitors is to keep
the streets clean of rubbish or other im-
pediments, cut the weeds on vacant lots
and back streets and burn the refuse.
A few people of tasteful habits and in-
dustrious methods cannot accomplish
this but the enforcement of law on non -
compliers and encouraging those who
take a pride in natural or acquired
beauty will do much to aid in It. One
unkempt boulevard or general untidi-
ness will do mote barna in killing out a
spirit of improvement than folk have any
idea of. One law should apply to all and
those who are slow to act should be
gently probed by a hint or two.
THERE appears to be s' gambling
breeze blowing in Canada today as well
as in the United States and in many in-
stances a pie-nic, Celebration or public
gathering can scarcely be held but those
patronizing them face the wheel of for-
tune or some other form of fake to gull
the public. That the latter are open to
be taken to is equally true and this ac-
counts for the harvest usually reaped by
the manipulator. He is a greenhorn in-
deed, who imagines be can beat a travel-
ling artist at his own game and win dol-
lars for quarters, The public should be
surely protected by the promoters
of these public assemblages and
if forsooth they are dilatory about it the
authorities should close the door against
wide ppen gambling, no matter how in.
nocent it looks,
LIPTON 'IS a good sport. It is not nice
medicine to take to be second best but
his generous words and complimentary
references to the winner showed how
well be measured and how big a man he
was. 'rhe Resolute appeared to have it
over the Shemrock in almost all stages
ot the race. Most fellows are ready to
quit atter receiviug one kick but to be a
genuine winner a person often has to
count a kick a "boost" and show the
mettle 'that is behind the intent of at-
taining the prize desired Here's a Hint
to every boy and girl, and every adult
as well, don't he a "quitter" where that
sought for is worthy of a stick to-a-
tiveness that knows no such word as
defeat, Dou't forget Robert Bruce and
scores of others whose names were not
people would require to search many a
mile b °
a p little tun could
be found. We are grateful for the
hearty support ext.. tided to THE Po.T
and our ambition to now as it always
has been to make it a factor for the ad
vancemeut of the best interests of the
calun)ul11!y. 'THE PouT was never mere
widely read than today and mauy of Ole
enbscrihe•s on the list whey we bought
are still with us and are looked upon as
our very best asset as a recommendation.
4e years is a long period to handle the
helm but old Father Time has given us
more sunshine than cloud and more pas
than sorrows and we ought to by grate.
fel, as we are. Since assuming the
generalship every other newspaper in
Huron County bas changed proprietors,
from sale, death or financial embarrass-
ment, some of then[ several times.
Voters' List 1920
Municipality of the Village of Brussels,
County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in
Sections 0 end 0 of the Ontario Voters' Lists
Act, the copies required by said section. to bo
so transmitted or delivered of the list made,
pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing
by the last revised Assessment holt of the
Municipality at Elections for members of the
thatsthelsaiddlist was first posted
tions ;
A g my 120, s in remains
the Ord day of
Au Electors
rs2a,mrd 1 etu pa there for lea the
he tion.
Eleotmif are ratted upon to examine thesaid
list dud, if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein to takee proceed-
ings to have the said errorss corrected accord•
in to law.
Dated this 411i day of August 1900.
F. S, $00*,
Clerk of Brussels.
LEGISLATION is required to put a stop
to a wrecking mania that bas hit some
municipalities, whereby big prices are
being paid by outside firms to get hold
of building material for removal to cities,
In many instances there is little prob-
ability of the demolished buildings be-
ing replaced and as as they frequently
occupy prominent sites a genuine black
eye is dealt the corporation. Instead of
this sort of business being a private
trensaotion there sbould be statutory
power given a Council to forbid it and
thereby save the credit of the municipali-
ty as well opportunity come to transform
buildings designed to be levelled could
be employed for some useful purpose.
Constipation. Generates
When Constipatbion comes, what
happens? Tho Colons get clogged
with waste material, which le ex-
tremely poisonous, the blood circula-
tion comes in sufficiently close con-
tact with the waste to take up these
Polson by absorption and to dtdtrib-
ute ahem throughout the body, 'elle
result is- ehe Liver becomes Slug-
gish, you become dull and heavy,
Biliousness asserts itself', then you
have Headache, Kidney and Bladder
Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis,
and more evils besides,
Kidney and Liver Pills
are highly recommended for
and its Evil Results
They are purely vegetable, do not
Grige, Purge or Irritate, and (bring
relief by producing a healthy condi-
tion of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
and Bowels.
No matter what medicine you aro
taking for a laxative it Might be just
ad we11 to change off to Hackings,
The ceanthitiation of -Caiseara, Pep -
varmint, Mamplxie and the ether
Vegetable Drage toontained in these
pills 'will produae results to he un-
equaadled by any others. They work
beautiful in. Digeative Disorders, for
Gas on the Stomach, for Spasmodic
Pains to the Stomach and Bowels,
and Par Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Tiny a caw boxes from your dealer
to -day, but be absolutely sure you
got Heekleg's,
+ .
As I have returned
+ Brussels to maize my
4. home I am prepared to
resume business along the
+ old lines and will handle
any quantity of Junk at
+ the best prices going.
Phone 2x
.i. M. Yollick
Alexander Ht, Brussels
rersts4,.3.u,�,cGs.arm--.1'".-,•y.i.""^ra.,s." w..•,.....rsf. dr.:.=.. Scw0"....... .2,3• I+ ' ,.-;o..0..$r',t4,
44,0,14,0'% ichor+ i 4s 1.04,A'M4't•ro"k4fi a rT1•A4,t,1101, + "t A +.#'aN'4d'4*(01001,If
l * TIf
hi , ,eaffrth Creamery
The Things that Last Forever
T 11101t'Y goes beyond to -111n1 -
row and beyond the Spate,
11('ltinrl' Il'Plta11ree the pit'.
titles of the mot and 61100 its better
hopes in utemoriais that express
beauty, harmony of Litre anti letter-
ing, and above all, Euduvauce.
i 151 (1 ) 1aor.1111' 4111;1 the Stud.
1ty '.1' material we employ have
breitgh1 us 051011y uusnught letters
of upprovttl taut enactment nit of the
cheiautt+r of out. walk,
We have specialized in this line for years and tee kunw how to
produce ,leutarials that boat. true (iv:,h'nee of dignity", refinement and
conserved elt•gttticl'.
Brussels Granite ad Marble Warks
T. L•• Rice, Huntsville; Victoria, H. J.
Townley, Fenelon Falls; Eastern, J, D,
Harkness, Iroquois; Temiskaming, F.
11. Todd, Cobalt; Brant, D. E. Russell,
Brantford; Bruce T. B. McBride, Port
Elgin; Grey Jas. M. Abbott, Erin.
There are now in the register of the
Grand Lodge 456 Lodges of which 462
are warranted and. 24 are under dispen-
sation, Of these seven have had their
dispensations continued from 1919.
11 e
Golden Jubilee at
St. James Church,
Seaitorth, Ont.
— in
Seaforth Jul} 21—The services
connection with the celebration of the
golden jubilee
of 5
t. James Church
which commenced Monday evening and
continued for three days, were of a
most Interesting and impressive char-
acter, Targe audiences being present on
each occasion. An inspiring sermon was
preached on Monday evening on the
"Indestructibility of the Church," by
Rev. Father Nagle, 13. A, followed by
the benediction of the Blessed Sacra-
ment, and on Tuesday evening Rev,
M, 0, O'Neil delivered an informing ad-
dress on the "Sacrifice of the Mass—
the Centre of Religious Worship in the
Roman Catholic church." On Wednes-
day morning grand solemn high mass
episcopi celebrant was celebrated by
Rev, P, McCabe, a former pastor, as-
sisted by Deacon Rev, F. P. White and
Sub -Deacon Rev, T. P. Hussey, after
which an able and appropriate jubilee
sermon was preached by Rev. F. J, Bren
man of St. Peter's Seminary.
Built in 1868
Building operations were commen-
ed in iS6S and the church built by the
late Very Rev. Dean Murphy of St.
Columban being the mother church for
the whole district for many years pre
ce din the erection of the present stat
g S
ely edifice which was dedicated by tine
late Archbishop Walsh, and opened for
divine service in 1870. The late Rev,
Father Shea was the first resident prie
st, After a pastorate of a number of
years he was succeeded by the late
Department of Customs and Inland Revenue
To Manufacturers, Wholesalers
and Retailers
NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned, that
Returns, aecolxlpanieel by remittance of Luxury
and Excise Taxes, must be made as follows to the
local Collector: of Inland Revenue from whom any
information desired may be obtained.
Returns of Luxury Tax must bo matte on the first
autl fifteenth day of each mouth.
Returns of Jewellers' Tax, Manufacturers' Tax, and
Sales Tax must be made not later than the last day
of the month following the month covered by the
Returns for Taxes in Arrears must be made forthwith,
otherwise the penalty provided by law will be enforced.
By order of the
London, Ont.
rm \Ma.y t te
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactor,r Re sults
We ruli(at your patronage ,lcturwbllg that we can
give you thorough satisfaction,
• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
o pies and pay you the highest market prices every two 4
Hweeks, Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scfnia.
®Agent,M R. '1'. C.
see our
+ For further particulars s
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
The Sea'forth Creamery Co.
44.4e.4'144 144.20. 40444.41-92t4.4.4+eottoeo o+ ee-a) 4,41 a;bgvT44& '44•1a ..
"Fare Going "—$15 to WINFTEG.
cent per mile Winnipeg to destination.
"Fare tieturning"--$20 from WINNIPEG.
'/x cent per file starting point to Winnipeg.
prom Stations in Ontsrie, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Linc
AUGUST 9, and 13nvdnck•Peterboro Line.
and From Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive.
From Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inclusive.
AUGUST 1 B. IvtcNicotl and Burkcton, to 13nbcaygeon, inclusive,
fJI(Frons Stations Drama'. to Port
AUGUST 11, From Owen nSsoTf ecawater Wo ingham,"13lora, Listowel 'God rIcborbt. Mary's,
and Port Burwell, end St. Thomas Branches,
AUGUST 1 G. Iron bttations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive,
Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, W. H. 't30WARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Father McCabee who was followed by
Father Kennedy who in addition to this
pads!. had Brussels as a mission.
During the ministry of Rev. Father
McCabe the present handsome resi-
dence was built, He was followed by
Fathers Corcoran and Northgraves, who
were spiritual shepherds over the con-
gregation until their death. During the
incumbency of the present priest, Rev.
E. F. Gaetz, extensive improvements
have been made on the Church pro
perty which is now one of the finest
in Western Ontario and the congregat
ton has made unprecedented progress.
Excellent music was provided by the
choir under the leadership of Mrs. J.
O'Connell, It was deeply regretted that
Ills Lordship Bishop Fallon was unable
to be present owing to unavoidable cir-
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted nortown-
elap, Eurott County• nd Class ProfesNSonnh
Duties to commence in September. Appli-
cants to tote qualification, experience end.
'sateen GEO. Ma'rAGISA 6'r, Smarms.,
Brussels lt. 11. No, 2
Teacher Wanted
Teacher, holding Normal Certificate, wanted
for 8, S. No. 0, Morris township, Huron Co,
Applicants to state experience. qualification
and salary desired. Duties commence after
vacation, Apply at onto to
THOS. HONE, Secretary
Phone 2116 Brussels 12. it, 3.
Bull for Service
(l rose(° Copp, 110001 of Onht haln,nlogy, inc-
-Coru,ink 111 i1rsl College, ChlesKn, M. Three
month, post 1'athlete mauve d tiring post year.
[eyes en -recur titled ''ills (fleeces. Heed.
aches, Ti,I1 fired Nye,+, (l rn,,u Intra K>'n Lide
17'11 std,»t' Nye t, oubies, ei n'ed by Eye-rtravt,
relieved through properly
Satedacsouth 11'ii4' Iae niLeckienclait block,
one door
' . hours : n to 12 a, tit : 1 to 0 p. In. Also
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
Phone 2,Ix ring 4
I have a choice stock of
that should be seen be-
fore you place your Spring +
order. .'fr
I Splendid values in+
+ Waterproof Coats
The undersigned will peep for service, on $;5 2 that are all I. Lo satisfy.
Short Horn Bull, GaInfol'(1 of Salem, No.
--00410 $iredb Galyordalargnis 11000001; Q, v. P. Fraser 'F
Dam Mildred VIIbyRoyal Nation 100001. Pod- d' vv. H'" Fraser 9 ;F;
Wee may he aeon on apllliontiorl. Tonna— 4.
sii0.00 roe thoro'•breds payable at time of ear- nab,. - Beussele 4,
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not ,1,; ,t,
allowed, THOS. PINnon, ' 444.444.4+++++++++++4.4.+++++d•
Proprietor j
Lot 00, Con, 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bred '1• +
y1e+000e- oo•ooG++$®+G'A34+++4,090.•80A4.4Ac9A4'9++1,4941 .194044^l'e
Students May Enter Any Time
'I/ a.(6
Wo give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
+ who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are
o meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under
Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission.
e Address the Bellego for Preo Oataloguo, to either
o Stratford or Wingh�lam
err$4J49-4414.6O0*..:Q,11+ +D4,44M3',O. e a 44:3ase BOt.:•' a *14944,1443,4
t r t eras a ar- .•
Ship Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfac:: ry Returns
We furrn'ish you with Cana and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yc,u
will not want to discontinue,
Brussels Ei j: mer Stu/Part Bras,