The Brussels Post, 1920-8-5, Page 1- VOL, 49 NO, 6 $1.50 Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. Ig2o W. ll l .ERR, Proprietor 111111., 111111h1W1iWU 1011111 Int 1 111 11 111 You May be Earning a. Good Salary Now but perhaps the time will come when you Will be unable to earn so much. A small portion of your prceent salary deposited in a savings account with this bank will provide comfort and security in the latter years of your life, —Tien Bank of N 1111. 50 Va Scotia Paid-up Capital S 0,700,000 Roeorva •• ' 28�OWD WO F. H. Gilroy, Manager, BRUSSELS 111111111/5 —1100 MEIN Q®IllU New Advertisements Ford—D, tf. Scott. Removal—Rowe & Oo, Farm Laborers -0. P.R. Deloo•T.lght—F, R. Smith. Pigs for Hale—R. 13. Atavenson. Kodak as you go—F.11 llmtth. To Contractors—Township of Morrie. Aisiritt gtilas Molesworth Miss Margaret Menzies, Brantford, is the guest of Miss Ethel Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Andersen, Guelph, were guests at the home of D. F. Stewart. Miss Allen, a former teacher in Robertson's school, is visiting iu the section. Atwood While over to attend the Listowel Chautauqua entertainment Wednes- day evening of last week, Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe, Methodist minister of At- wood, met with a nasty accident at the Park where the big tent was pitched. In the dusk he failed to notice a heavy guy wire and in driv- ing against it with his car, broke both gl'nsiles in the windshield and damaged the top, With Me. Sutcliffe were his family and Robert Wedge, Atwood. Mr. Wedge was cut in face but not seriously hurt. The others fortunate- ly escaped injury. Wroxeter Monday was Wroxeter Civic Boli ' day. Dr, and Mrs. McLeod spent the week -end with relatives et Bayfield. J, Lamonby, Toronto,Aves a recent visitor with his son, A. A. Lamonby. D. M. and Mrs. McTavish and Miss M. Harris motored to Toronto on Sun- day. Mise Muir and Wesley Muir, Strat- ford, visited relatives in this vicinity recently. 13. Howe, Dunnville, spent several ditye last week with his nephew Mer- ton Howe.. Thos. Hoperoft, Mrs. G. Davidson and 0. and Mrs, Moffatt and daughter and Oliver Moffatt left on Tuesday for a trip to Saskatehewan. A lantern address, with 100 pictures,. will be gieen in the interests of the Navy Dengue of Canada in the Town Hall here Friday everting, uedur the auspices of the Women's Institute. Free to everybody. —— THE BANK'S POSITION As at 30th November, 1919. Cash and Bank Balances $ 90,757,510 Other Quick Assets - - 129,154,213 Loans 283,870,274 Deposits 393,605,156 Total Assets - - - 479,644,205 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1?AID-UP CAPITAL • • $15,000,000 • RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 WAI,TON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager. ONIMIIIMMIENe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• t, • • 0 a e •• • Gunn's Shur Gain i • i • Fertilizer. 2ii ,,,_......_• e A NY person desiring to secure this BEST• e Fertilizer for Sowing with Fall Wheat • • • may have their needs supplied prompt- • e ly by application to the undersigned. Gunn's' Hog Tankage always on .hand. • 4."e '� i . McVETTIE a M • e -1 LOCAL AGENT Phone 2318 BRUSSELS , 9 A 444114,00•11111114114011•114414, • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••N Institnte lectures commenced Tues- day evening 8rd inst. in Mrs. Pope's atop. m, b1rs, 8:uy Su1ythe, Trail, B. 0. and Nils. 0. Cnoe, 1.leitsnil, were guests of their brother, T, G. Hemphill, last week, Reeve Doughts anti Gavin Davidson attended the Odd Fellows' funeral of Win, Martin, at Brussels, lest Mon- day afternoon. 11, IL and Mls, Gibenu and Mrs. J. Griutehaw and son, Thoinas, of De. troit, have returned horne after spend- ing a week with relatives in this vicinity, A rink of buwlets, cousiel.iug Of W. E. VanVelsor, A. A. Liunouby, lei ed. Davey and N, While, al tended the Bowling Lonrntunent in Hanover on Monday. Howe & Co, have removed their stock of goods from the factory to the store North of Reeve Douglas where they will be glad to meet yon. Read their advt. in this issue, AUCTION SALta —On Saturday after- noon, ]4th Hist, at 2 p. ire„ an Auction Sale of Household effects belonging to Mrs, Wm. Robinson will be held. It will be without reserve as Mrs. Robin- son and daughter, Miss Sophie, intend going to Humboldt, flask. shortly after the sale. INDUCTION AT WROSETER.—Rey. R. Harkness, PheD., was inducted in the Presbyterian Church here Wednes- day of last week Rev. T. E. Kennedy, Oranbrook, preached ; Rev. W. A. Bradley, Teeswater, addressed the minister and Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, Belmore the people. After the ser- vice supper was served. The manaeers presented the interim moderator Rev. Mr. Sinclair with a handsome check in recognition of his services during the vacancy. Walton H, J. and Mrs. Manning and child- ren were at Olheton over Sunday, A special business meeting of Wal- ton U. F. 0. will be held next Mon. day evening. Several of the neighborhood were at 'Brussels last Monday attending the funeral of the late Win. Martin. The Navy League was brought prominently before this cniuneunity this week by an illustrated Leanne in the Hall Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Lundy also Misses Annie, Jean and Maude Fergu- son have returned from Port Albert where they have been camping for some time. Hugh McDonald, Melbourne, Mail, has been visiting with Robt. and Mrs. Coutts. He is a brother of the latter. The visitor has been in Manitoba for the past 30 years and has never had what some call a clean-out in his crop. Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. O'Brien, of Bay Oity, Mich., and Hurry -and Mrs, McDoetdd and 3 child- ren, of Detroit, were visitors with Robert and Mrs. Ouutts, They are relatives. They made the 213 utiles in fine time by tmotar, Farmers' San of last week says :- 3, J. McGaviu, of Walton, Huron County, sent in four 1,180.1b steers to the United Farmers nn Monday. The beasts brought $15.75 from Gunn's. Ltd. They were owned by Geo. Skelton of Mortis township. J. Ii, tt Sco, of Seaforth, sent in 22 butcher cattle, 10 of which ware owned by himself and 12 the properly of J. W, Thompson, of McKillop township. Both lots sold for 11115.75 through the U. F. O, to Swift's. Flax PuHers Wanted Will pay highest wages by day or acre for Flax Pulling help. Arrangements will be• made to convey to and from work, Apply at once, fitment Bros. BRUSSELS • eleeelteeeeefleeteeiteeeee4eAseleeleate4 1..4.4I.4&.P Mgr 1 There is -a Reason why the Ford is the Most Popular Car in the World .lp u it costa lues to purchase, le reins fin more if you woof to sell ur Ix (range. it gets you there and pie you brick. It costs less to repair, There are about 3,000 Service Stalklike in Canada to rtve prompt Service to Ford Patrous. 1 1 1 D. M. SCOTT, FORD DEALER - - BRUSSELS Last week Herbert and Mrs. Man- ning took an enjoyable motor trip to Fteaher•ton, via Mount Forest, where they visited relatives and friends. Eugenia Falls were visited and the scenery much enjoyed. Miss Olive Matheson, a neice, came back with them. Principal Hoover and Miss McDon- nell have been re-engaged by the Trustee Board for another year. The former gets $1000 and the latter 5800. Pupils who wish to take up 5th class work are asked to apply to Mr. Hoover or J. Shortreed, Sec. at once so that the necessary equipment way be ordered for school opening. Belgravia Rev. Austin Budge, Hamilton, took the services In the Presbyterian church last Sabbath in the absence of the pastor who is holidaying. Old friends were glad to greet him. The Garden Party at Garner Nichol sun's home, 11 miles East of here, Thursday evening of this week, is the talk of the countryside. It is under the auspices of the 0. 0. F. and with the tine program and overflowing hospitality of host and hostess promises to be one of the events of the season. Get there for the procession. Ethel Mrs, R, Barr is visiting with rela- tives in Listowel. G. A. and Mrs. Murray and family are visiting with R. J. Murray and family, Ethel. It is rumored that a local young man is going to set up housekeeping. His heart isn't like iron. Mrs. W. Clark and children, Wing= halo, are visiting with relatives in Ethel and Grey township, Some of the Odd Fellows were at Brussels last Monday attending the funeral of the lute Wm. Martin. Misses Emma and Linda Colvin also Dirs. George Colvin, of Brussels, were visiting with Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. A number from Ethel and vicinity attended the Owen Sound and Liebe. wel Foot Ball match last Friday even• ing in Listowel. - A. and Mrs. McKee and Miss McKee also S. S. and Mrs. Cole and daughter motored to Listowel, Sunday evening to attend the Chautauqua, Clifford Ferguson has secured a position during the holidays on the steamer "Dalhousie City", running from Toronto to Port Dalhousie. Wednesday afternoon of last week the W. M. S, and the Missinn Band of the Presbyterian church held a picnic in the Memorial Park Ethel - Co Secretary Coopev, Clinton took charge of the service in the Presby- terian church. Ethel last Sunday after. noon and gave a good address. The League of the Methodist church has been changed from Thursday evening to Wednesday for this week as a number of the young people wish to take in the Park opening at Mor- crieff, Thursday. Friday afternoon and evening of this week the Sunday School of the Methodist church will hold their an- nual picnic in the Memorial Park. Ethel. Sunday Schools of Union and Roe's churches are invited. Dome and bring your baskets, The Howe Mfg. Co. -Wroxeter Hereby announce to their Cus- tomers that they are moving their Knitting Plant and stock of Blankets, Yarns, Underwear, Knit Goods, &c., to the Store North of Douglas' Hardware. Custom Knitting a Specialty. Your further Patronage Solic- ited. - The Howe Mfg. Co. WROXETER, ONT. Thursday evening of title week a representative of the Navy League of Canada will give an illustrated address under the auspices of the Women's institute, 100 fine views, No admis' slot) fee and everybody should attend Township Hall at 8. At the Official Boattl meetieg of Ethel Methodist circuit, held here last Monday, the salary of Rev. Mr. OKell for this year was placed at the mini- mum $1050, which speaks well for all concerned. Jno. Pearson was ap- pointed lay delegate to the District meeting and Thos. Dougherty alter- nate. Jamestown Lorne and Mrs. McKelvey and song Montreal, have been visiting relatives and friends in this locality, Mies Elva Ramsay is away an a holiday with relatives and friends at Southampton, Owen Sound, Wiarton, &o. Mrs. Arthur Henry and children, of Winghare, have been visiting at her parental home with Jno, and Mrs, Lake. Mrs, McBlain is back from the hospital at Wingham, and is regain- ing her heallh,lfollowing her opera- tion. The trustees of S. S. N.O. 4 have en- gaged Miss J. Turner as teacher in heir School for the corning year. We wish her success. Moncrieff • ^ Everything is being got ready for the Celebration Thursday afternoon anti evening of this week, A big time is counted on and the formal opening of our Memorial Park will be a history making epoch. Live Committees have the program in hand so don't miss the fun. Cran b rook Misses Vera Wiikiusot and Alice Neal, Toronto, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Julia Menzies. Quite a number from this locality attended the funeral of the late Wm. Martin, at Brussels. Monday after - ,noon. Rev. J. L. McCulloch called on some of his old parishioners this week while going tci Sauble beach for his holidays. Miss Ida Hunter has been engaged to teach a school in Monktou locality and will comwenee next month. She fa a graduate of Stratford Normal School and will no doubt makea good teacher. old. gentlemen trial ee his home iim0n7g the members of iiia fMrs Deans and Jim, live ill Wiugharn ; Mrs Gordan rind Miss Andersnu, Tor- onto ferret, of Parte , Roht, in Basket chewer) ; George I9., Fargo, North Dek{ta; and \V m„ Dundalk, Die Anderson able to get abeuLc o lewdly. We congratulate this niter - air and hope he may enjoy the closing years as the happiest of hie long life. s Grey Hector Daunisnu, of Stratford, visited atliie uncle's, Oliver Harris. Wilbur Turnbull wears a broad smile there days, It's another bay, Mir, Iva Harvie has returned from a 2 ueouLhs' holiday with her uuele, Jae, Harris, Preston. John A. Stewart and David G. Clark spent a pleasant day in Sea - forth and vicinity. Several private picnics to the lake- side during the ;fast week in whleb Grey township figured. Mrs, Alex. Stewart and his daugh- ter, Mrs. David G. Clark, are visiting Mr. and Mre. Kelly. near Kippen, John Stewart, 15th Con., has paint- ed and remodeled, his house and gar- age. What does this mean Jack ? R. J. and Mrs. Hoover and son Will. and Mrs. J. Henry Hoover were visit- ors at Kincardine lest week with rela- tives. They !named. Mrs. Whitelock and daughter, of Moosejaw, tine here on a holiday visit. The former is a daughter of James Cameron of this township. The visit- ors called on relatives in Illinois, Georgetown and other points en route, The West has evidenEly agreed well with Mrs. Whitelock. CARD OF THANKS—We wish to thank many kind friends for messages and letters of sympathy in connection with the recent decease of our sou and we tette this opportunity of express- ing our appreciation of the same, While all clanger is passed we are still under quarantine: 'Gratefully yours, GEo. E. SPEIRAN AND FAMILY. In the Machan—Robertson lawsuit. heard in Court of Division Court, Brussels, last May the former sued Russel Robertson for $85 and interest on that amount until paid. Latter kept back that amount for damages on the difference of a cow to freshen in June that did not until Aug. 9th. Judge. -Lewis' decision was Robertson ges 819,25 and had toay de $5.20 rose and Meehan got $15.75lant aud paid his costs. Morris Township rate for 1920 will be 8 milts on the $. Clifford and Mrs. Shurrie and Miss Olive Sealey, of Stratford, were here for a holiday with relatives and old friends. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, daughter of W. H. and Mrs. Ferguson, Toronto, has been engaged to teach on the staff of the Parkdale Collegiate at a salary of $2,100. The Robertson Drain construction was let by the Council to Messrs, Fraser & Robertson at $4,650, the low- est tender. Must be completed before the end of next year. Old friends of Mrs., Jule, Clegg, who. is taking treatments in a 'Toronto hospital, will be pleased to hear she is improving nicely and will soon be able to return home we mope. The h ustees of Button's School, S. S No, 9 have engaged Mise Merriam Lowe, Grey township as Leacher for the coring year, Salary is $850 Mies Lowe is a recent graduate of the Stratford Normal and succeeds Miss Heard. We are pleased to note that Obae. Sellers has been engaged as Principal salary of idelb ur school at oPHe y g $1,000. bliss Wilma Shaw, Bluevale, will take charge at the stone school hoose, lst Con, Wish both success. The Garden Party at D. G. and Mrs. Smith's Thursday da 9 evening of last r week was a flue success. Program consisted of well rendered readings by Miss Laura Town, Winnipeg ; choice solos by le. H. Gilroy and Rev. Mr, - Mese and violin selection by W. Speir and Harold Kerney, with Mrs. Kerney as accompanist, Fine lunch was eery- ed and the refteehmant booth did a gond trade, Proceeds of evening were $125 which will go to St. ,Tohu's Murrell. Rector Mese was the genial chairman of the evening, 88TR 131RTHnex.—Thursday of last week John Anderson, father of James Andeleon,5th line, celebrated his 88th birthday, in the enjoyment of good health and enjoying his faculties to a marked degree, Born in Scot- land but triune to Canada when about 20 years of age. Mrs. Anderson is de. ceased for a good many years and the Brussels Council The ,regular meeting of Brussels Oouncil was held last Monday evening. Members present, Reeve in chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. Following accounts were present- ed :— Jiro. Wright, miscellaneous....$ 285 E. A. Paradine, Electric- light 55 00 Anderson Bros., streets......... .. 2 00 A. Oakley; streets .......,. 57 75 R. Boyd, streets 5 25 191, Oliver, streets ., C. Riley, streets 54 40 Davidson, Watson, streets 18 80 el. Fraser, streets- .... 15 75 R. Oliver, salary, - -75 00 R. Thuell, Electric light...... ..... 145 00 THE Per, printing :..... ...... ,.,- 19 00 On motion the accounts were order- ed to be paid. By -Law to borrow money to pay current accounts was read three times and passed. Trees pruning, gravelling some streets, getting town wood hauled and looking up another lot, and e quite a lengthy Hydro came in for q g Y discussion. - Council adjourned. Mae arti Jean Ferguson are visiting relatives at IKInc'ardiue. S. and Mrs, Bell and children, 'fees. water, were in town on Wednesday. Miro File Inman wns visiting Harry and Mrs, Qneriu at Gelt this week. 1. D Rone.id is visitipg at the home W,i lar Br tese e ofM. and Mrs. Sic l t I. u n Mise Emma Colvin, Tlllsouburg, 13 '-pendmi; her vacation al her botue bete, Mrs fag. Clark, 01 Detroit, is renew - lug old ttieudsbipe iti Brussels and lo- tality. Robert Work. Toronto, was here for e s.:Ir hull i a i a and old ort iday with rel l y e (neons: Mrs: Wm. Aiulay, Turuuto. was re- newiug oldSrieudshipe to Bruseels [tad locahty, Miss Louise Rose has been holidaying with relatives atKiucardine and drink - les iu the ozone. Miss Dorothy Jester. Kincardine, is spendine a abort holiday here with her cousin, Miss Louise Rose, Miss Minute Cooke, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her aunt, Mrs: James, at the American. Garf. Jamieson, Toronto, was home for a holiday of a few days. He is with the Massey -Harris people now. Miss Georgia Kerr and Miss Nellie Wilson, of Toronto, were welcome visi- tors to Brussels for the week end, Miss Ida McQuarrie, Owen Sound, has been visiting the Misses Holmes. Alexander street. Sheds a neice, Joshua and Mrs. Bateman and son, Toronto, are herefor a vacation with Juo, and Mrs Bateman. The men are brothers. Mrs. Frank Andrews and daughter Mary turd Mrs. Hill, Clinton have been making a visit at the home of S. Bailey." They are relatives, - Mrs. John Mclntosb, Toronto, is here waiting on her sister, Mrs. Procter, who ins not been as well as usual for the past week we are sorry to state. - Lorne and Mus. McKelvey and sou, of Montreal, are here on their animal holiday calling on relatives and old friends. They made the trip by motor, J. T, and Mrs. Wood, and Mrs, Ern- st accompanied T. F. and Mrs. McFar- lane, of Loudon, to Washaga beach wbere they expect to speed a few weeks. Wm. and Mrs. Work have gone to the West for a holiday trip for a- few months. They will visit in- Saskatche ,van, Manitoba -and. Dakota with rela- tives and old friends. This week D C and Mrs, Ross, Miss Gertrude and Dr. Vernon Ross leave on a motoring trip to Toronto, Teterboro, Kingston, &e. They will likely be away for a couple of weeks. Martin Armstrong. an old time Brus- - selite,-was calling, on some of our citi- zens this week. He is a brother to "Bill" Armstrong who was one of the pioneer hotel keepers of'Ainleyville. . Mrs. Edward Town and daughter, Miss Laura, Winnipeg, ,were holiday visitors in Brussels. The former is a daughter of Mrs. S. Crawford, Queen $treat, and was a resident of town . some years ago. W. H, and Mrs. Glenn, Hensen, were week end -visitors at the home of ino. and. Mrs. Simmons, Brussels, and D. G. and Mrs, Smith, Morris, They are fele- tives.. Mrs 0, Crawford went back 1 People We Talk About ;# 3t u Joe Burton is back to town. Alex. Fox is in Toronto for a week. Walter Lowry was at Halleybury last week, Mrs. A. C. Dimes is holidaying with Clinton friends this week. J. Hinchley, Stratford, was renewing old friendships in Brussels for the week end. — Miss Hattie Dowsing is home for part o1 hontoer. vacation, She is teaching in Tor - Miss Lin. Colvin is borne for her holidays. She has beep milliner at Niagara Falls. Muss blitiel Y r Marie! ono Lond sb or o was a visitor with Miss Lizzie Denman James street. Stewart and Mrs Scott and baby, Hamilton are visiting at the format's parental home. S. and Mrs. Milliken and son, Elliott, - London, have been visitors with N, F. and Gerry. rt MasterMrs. HerbeStretton has gone to Hamilton for a visit to his brother:Frank Stretton, jeweller, Glover Stackhouse has been .e visitor at the home of J. T. and Mrs, Ross, His home is lu the Queen oily, Miss Ada Moore left Listowel for Tor- onto, taken an office posi- tionwhre she has p tion with a wholesale hardware firm, Brussels Friends wish her success. - Geo, and Mrs. Rohr and Mies Fairy, St, Catharines, were renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality dur- ing the week, They were motoring, Councillor Jno. A• Bryans end fatuity, of Fotdwich, was visiting at the lime of the Coriner's mother ou Sunday, The eldest son le coutinuiug his visit here, 3, 0, and Mrs. Pridhnin and daugh- ter, who were here owing to thh illness and death of Mrs. P. McQuarrie, Mrs. Prldhem's mother, have returned to Toronto. tilt ick Hail •tut W as Sheriff' Ca 16 , el t y, a calling on old friends last week, . lie is owner of the fine old homestead, in Morris township and we hope to see him back on it some day, ..rat Frank Bryryans, of the 1.1-00ev/1.,, Co., Hamilton, was home for a very short visit," Monday was Civic Holiday and he took advantage of the opportun- ity to run home. He is well pleased With his work. Mrs. Austin Ross and little son were visitors with Mrs. Wm. Ross and Mrs. Jessie Kerr last week, They had been attending the funeral of the former's father at Chatham. -Thein home is at Springfield, Ohio. Mrs, (Dr.) Robertson and children, of Collingwood, has been holidaying with the fornier's mother, (Mrs. H. McKiu- uon) and other relatives and old friends. Dr. Robertson came this week to take them hones in their car, Miss Tait, who has been housekeeper at the home of J. 1. and Mrs, Gilpin for the past year sails on the Pretonan for Glasgow Saturday of next week. She left for Toronto Tuesday afternoon where she will visit en route. Miss Tait expects to return in the course of a few mouths, Isaac Hord, one of the best known residents of Mitchell, was in town Wed- nesday of last week. He was aecom- parried by Mrs. Hord and G. and Mrs. McLean, and daughter. Mrs. Foster, of Kincardine also constituted a member of the party cu her way home from a visit at the home of her brother at Pen Yen. N, Y. Mrs, Bell, Toronto, who ants formerly Mrs. Dickson Steele, who has been in neouver, B C and Mrs. Walper er and Va p Mrs Vetter and sou Adolph, of Kitchen- er, were in Brussels. The former was a -resident of town for a number of years as was Mrs. Vetter, They called - on some of the old friends, Mrs, Smale's daughter is married in Port Arthur. A former resident of Brussels was re- newing old time friendships for the week end in the person of Thos, W. F. i on of He a s Norton, of Toronto, s 0 He was accom- panied , Nl7rton Calgary. ar by his wife daughter, Mary and son, Norval. The- visit was very brief but Mr. Norton promises to come back again, The family removed from Brus- sels lu 1894. Mr. Norton is with the Canada Life Insurance Co. in Toronto and looks numb the, same as he did years ago only fleshier, Mrs. Sarah Hills, of Meaford, 80 years old, died while seti;iog the table for tea, W. D, Foster, structural engineer, formerly of Hamilton, committed sue - cede at Vancouver, Premier 14lelgheit was given a great. reception in his home town of Portage la Prairie, Man, The Firemen's Association of On- tario is meeting at Welland and the ion t Fire O}tiefs Assoeiatto S t. Thorn- 1 a ae. The Imperial Press Oon£eeence dele- gates arrived from Great Britain on Viototian at Sydney, 0. B.