HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-7-22, Page 8The
alt ':i. ,,,• .�.
�. 4«
4 Kodaks
at $11.21 :ilii up
Polson Ivy Cdgrono
Keep a
Record of the Game and 'other good times spent
this Summer. The Autographic feature will
keep a permanent record -of the date.
at $2,10 and up
Films Developed and Printed.
Quick Service for Visitors.
5oc buts.
-;5c and
Sort iJ,lts.
Water Glass Rexall Straw
Egg Preserver Hat Cleaner
fi PAD
The ,244,C1to Story
l5c pkge.
Druggist and Stationer
tiQlap :43aa4
aptr^� +y {� Ge.,A'i' rata, worth then ands of dol.
° 4iLL43j '':tito5 r` ri J lsl:•. °
Leleols Elliott and Smith, Winghans,
-- gave Tux POST a call last Friday.
n as k
Hessler; fly has made its appearance
u the Fall wheat lo this locality.
New hay sold this week from $15 ors to
$18.00 per tou and in souse oases h;,ui it
as well.
14RUsseis Base Ball team had not nn
their batting togs last Friday when they
played a rettitn game with Seaford; and
came out and best. - 1
BRussaos `summer lace.; Wecdn: y.d::y.
August 4th. 'ruere will be three events,
The *rte+Ic track at Bruniele h; .:re of the
beat to this Pe/airier, so boreetne,1 say,
NorIceABLG improvements are the ;
new cement walks put down at the ,
Bank of Nova Scotia and at the Gar-
field block. Other addition= are con•
templated to the latter by John Fern•
EN;,AGEMFN';,—Mr. and Mrs. P•
Ament annouuee the e+'gagement of
their ehle:et daughter. Margaret, to Mr,
'1', A Hawkshaw, .if the Standard Bank,
Hussar, Alta.. marriage to take place in
Winnipeg in August,
WOMEN'S Institute will convene on
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
audience room of the Public Library.
The Topic "selected" will he in charge
of Mrs. W. W. Harri,.. Roti Cali "A
cure for the blue=." A cordial invita-
tion is extended to all the ladies,,
Goon RECORD --Aii the nrussels
pupils who wrote at the Entrance
Examination were u ca_,rfui 5 ''ut of 6
talriug Honors. Tux POST crmuliment'
Miss Geddes tire teacher, and congratu-
rthe result. Nimes
fates the scholars s on
appeal' in another column.
the races in that town refers to Dr. !Ile -
Rae's pacer as follows .—'The classified
free went to Elsie Campbell in straight
heats, but it was no Much for ber and
she was challeneecl by Sid, Patchen,
Hazel Pateh and Nellie Patehen in eaeb
heat, She had just a little the best of it
in the speed bursts and was able to stand
the trip ott in their endeavors to beat
her, She rooks like a real rare horse
tine shnnld he 'tie tr d from later.
NEIL MILt.oY Dame—Last Saturday
Neil Wiley, an old resident of Brussel:,
and locality, died at the Co, Home for
the Aged at Clinton, The remains Were
brought to Brussel, end interment tools
place from the undertaking department
of Walker & Black Sunday afternoon
to the family plot here, Rev, Mr. Mesa,
r ffi fated at the
nf: ,
Joint's church,� �
sin the
gravest lr Mr. Mtllov wa up t
do's. His wife pre-dec,:,sed him some
years ago and other members of the
tatnlly are non resideut. A daughter
and her husband were here from 'Porous
to for the fuuerah
WELL DEsteven —The regular meet•
leg of the Sewing Committee of the W.
M. 5„ Melville church was held ou the
manse lawn, Tuesday afternooix, July
t3tb. There Was a good attendance
and the Summer and Winter outfits for
en Indian boy was almost completed.
A most interesting part of the after-
noon's program was taken charge of l,y
3 of the Charter members, when a Life
Membership was presented to Mrs, Jas.
Fox. Mrs. Jessie Kerr react the ads
dress l Mts. Martin made presentation
•} lipresided,rs,
nod Mrs, MaoLauu s n
Fox, although completely taken by sur-
prise, thanked the ladles and assured
them of her continued interest in the
Societe wherever she might be. In
Mrs. Fox's removal, Inc Society loses a
valued member and the Sew'rg Corns
Inittee its roost efficient Convener,
Lunch was served and a social hour en•
jnyed by all at the close of meeting.
Art'NNDiOITIs,--'Thursday f las wee
MiseL'zz a Arnett, a twice of the Misses
Hunter, John street, Brussels, whose
home is at Allenford, underwent an
operation for appendicitis at Owen
Sound hospital. We are pleased to bear
she -is mariug favorable progress. Her
father died a few weeks ago.
Nt+e"-y+„k•=-"Rni7Fn+,"�r'"FWNr:.vn�n- �,xa'rM6•'$�A�
;, ni 's .1.• �'irVEYrn2`CJ�-�iek i4t�^.. rs'��'gi
der o tiro n
leer Tires
ty Are (II the Matket
r5 and •,old by•
rt CI Manners, arum's
Made of pure 13ara Rubber,
Double the mileage of - your
Does away with punctures. •
No blew -oats.
No rite rate,
No road delays. 0
Every Metorlst should use the Aero m
Manufactured In Wingham, e
t•t..e tile T11.04 and get prices for •
this eliminator 0f lire trnuhlen
G. C. MANNERS, Brussels. a
The very thing you have boon 81
looking for. 4.
AannT three tone of misted grain for calci'
MAaE l'AADIF'F, Lot lo.
on. 18, Grey, Phone
Item for automobile headlight found. Own.
0.r may harm it by paying for this notice.
rlo , both bored4atso Ruckee end rod cylin-
Phone 007 Lot 82, Con, 10, Grey.
Regan for sale, WIrAtod inixo Ile BMst,bWroxeter
20 Acres of (rood standing Timothy Ray for
Rale. Iiuott C0NNINOHAIt,
tf Phone 016 ;-1?4 Lot'' 20, Con, 10, Grey.
Ivories.—I hereby warn the public not to
give ereditinivy Dame, or areaptehegnee or
note„; without.my personal signature as I will
not he re.spnn rbtt for the same.
Brussels, .Tilly 18th, 1020.
Goon light wagon for sale. Apply to
DAN DEN/SAN, arasesiS. ,.
WANTED --A good local tuan to handle all
kinds of Farm Implements in Brussels locality,
Apply to Box 800, Whirtham. 2.4
HrL+TRtN STEER strayed on Lot 81, Con, 10,
Grey township, on or about .Arne 10111,
Phone 600 WILL. VEILED.
Fort :MED.—Frame kitohen and etabloe,
located on k,ast Lot 22, Can. 16, Grey town -
f•• ly ro RtnSE FORBEa, Monkton,
Ont. It 1 vu. 1.
HoERE and Int "n John street, Brussels, for
sale, stable and drilled well, For fur-
ther Good pxrttotie 1 apply to CRAB. iue M
Phone 1;'•38 4th Lind Morris.
Aaron County to represent "The Old Reliable
Foothill Nurseries.• Big sales are t0 be made
in selling Nursery stook during the rearm-
struetton period. A splendid oppm•tunity for
a live salesman. Highest eommi„stons pard,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stock 10 offer. STONE 68
WELL1::OTtN, Toronto, Ont,
LAWN MOWers sharpened and _put in good
shape. Gan. DWA0 Da.
Da. PARAt4H, oetsnpatklo Phyeicitut, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Visits residences. Consultation at
(,harm's Rotel.
coon,mee aseseeelea.emeoessee
Some of their Commendable features
A very pleasant time was enjoyed by
the members of Mrs Parker's Sunday
School class or young ladies, Tuesday
afternoon, on the Methodist Parsonage
lawn, as guests of bliss Dorothea Staf-
ford, a member of the Blase. Lawn ten•
nis and croquet afforded ample amuse-
ment in addition to good fellowship stud
a well served lunch. The occasion 1500
one 01 real delight. Mrs. Parker ex-
pects to leave shortly on a holiday to
California, to visit her brother and other
old friends as well as atgnaintances en -
TUESDAY t.v«:niug Teesse tter's hustling
nine visited Brussels, accompanied by a
goodly number of enthusiatie time and
fannies, and played the league game
with our boys, 'rite visitors had an easy
victory and s a big ..core. Our team
in"..lots" but the errors
'., ed well
11 Y1
were, costly and loom up large in the
score 'fees water has a good aggreget-
ttrrn and play a sharp, snappy game.
Want or team practice was evidenced by
the home c11t11. It was it good game
W. C. T. tt —Following are the oto•
cers'of the Women's Christian Tempet-
anre Union for the ensuing year for
lirttssels Branch :—President, Mrs. A.
McGuire ; fat vice Pres., Mrs. (Rev,)
Mann anti vice, Mrs. Skelton ; 211.1
vice -Mrs. (Rev.') Stafford ; 4111 vice,
Mrs. F. C.- Wilsey.; Correr ponrlutg Sec.,
M.ss Murtha Smith ; Recording Sec.,
Mrs, R. Oliver ; 'Treasurer, Mrs, Park-
er ; Asst. Tress, Miss Leatherdele,
Superintetcteilfs, Citizenship, Mrs, Mc-
Guire end; Mrs. McKinnon ; Artti•Nar-
eotics, Mrs, 'Tyreltlatt ; Systematic giv-
ing Mrs, A. J. Lowry ; Moral Educe -
tion Mrs Wilson and Mrs, Strachan ;
Temperance in S. S., Mrs. Skelton
Flower Mist ion, Mrs, Oliver and Mrs,
Jardine; Medal Contest, Misses Laura
Leolhcrdsle and May Wood ; 'TraVel-
let•s' Airl, M',aa Florence Buchanan, Mrs.
Parker and Mrs. Oliver ; Organist, Miss
M. Smith.
ill X
%Vitt ply higheet wages by
y or luta for Flax Pulling
heip, Avrangeuteuts will be
made to convey to and from
wor0. Apply at once,
At'oIent Bros.
Mrs C. l' Ernest, Cleveland, Ohio,
is the guest of `her sister, Mrs, j, T.
r. McCracken combined business
and peasure in a trip to Hamilton over
the week end
Mrs, R Work and children are here
for a holiday from Toronto, The fortn•
or is tt daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Me.
Arter, of town.
George Edwards is taking the Cadets'
Course of training at London. Re will
teach ou the public school staff in that
city after VaCntiou,
R, S. Pelton, proprietor of The
Iroquois News, who bas been confined
to his home for the past six months
through illness, was taken to the Brock-
ville General Hospital for treatment,
He wee x former Brusselite where he
was on THE POST staff for several years
001 friends bete wish hitt speedy eon-
Mrs Will. Lowry and slaughter, Rete,
Loudou,,and Mrs, Wm. Ibberson and
son Jack, of Saskatoon, are here for a
holiday with relatives and old Friends,
The ladies are sisters of Mrs. A. J.
Lowry, Brussels, and were former resi-
dents of this locality. The trip was
made by motor from the Forest city,
M r, Lowry was here over Sunday, Mrs.
Ibberson was formerly Miss Pearl
I$ People We Talk About tt
Mrs, letmyn is visiting relatives in
George Buchauau, B. A., is home
from the West for•his vacation.
Mrs. P. Ameat and Miss Margaret
were visiting in London for a teW days.
Mrs. Juo. Pugh, Mitchell, Was renew-
ing old acquaintances in and about town,
Roy McKay and Joe Armstrong are
here from Toronto for the Celebration.
Miss Hilda Corbett, Moorefield, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Vivian Harris.
Gerald Stafford is holidaying for a
week witn his cousin, Fergus Hord,
Miss Stafford, of Fergus, is a visitor at
the Methodist Parsonage with her
brother and family,
Chas, Harrison, M. P., North Bay,
was a visitor with T. E and Mrs. W hit -
field, Queen street,
Mrs Matwes and two children, of
New York, are visitors at the home of
M. and Mrs, Yolliek.
"Jim" Armstrong, Youngest 000 of
Jas. end Mrs, Armstrong, Brussels, has
gone to Toronto fora visit.
Miss Viola Kerwin, Clifford, is visit-
ing her cousin, Mies Pearl Dark, tvho
"did" Clifford and Harriston last week.
Harold Work, Toronto, has been en-
joying a holiday under the parental
roof and visiting other relatives and
Miss Margaret Fulton, Detroit, and
Miss Doris McArter, Burford, are visi-
tors at the home of Mrs, James Fulton,
Ellen street,
T. W. and Mrs, McFarland and Mrs•
Milne, of London and Miss Laschluger,
Sarnia, spent the week end at the home
of J. T. and Mrs Wood.
Mrs. Letter and daughter, Gertrude,
of Ypsilanti, Mich., Mrs, Robt. Coates,
Miss Gertrude and Dolph Coates, Lon-
don, were guests at P. Ament's.
"Bob" Kerr took in the races at Galt
sod a pickpocket "look in" "Bob's"
poeketbook, railway ticket, &c. without
his consent. The amount of coin was
said to be $52 o0
Ephraim Deeming and daughter, Mrs,
W. D. Ccx, of Leamington, were visit-
ors with the Downing families here last
week, Tee former was a well known
Goderichite for years.
and Mrs. Rerue
J. H
Guelph,were here for the
week end,
'They are spending a month at Bayfield
enjoying Lake Huron breezes and
motored over to see relatives and old
Robert Douglas, Thomas street, was
quite ill lass week from an tittack of the
measles. The children had gone
through a siege before Mr. Douglas
was laid aside. We hope ite will soon
be o, k.
James Thomson, Detroit, was here for
a part of last week renewing old friend-
ships and revisiting former well known
scenes, Good fortune has smiled on
our former townsman, we are glad to
hear, and we hope may long continue.
Cougra'u'atioos are extended to
Misses Hazel Stewart and Doris Ross on
their success in passing recent exams
for Kindergarten teachers. The latter
goes to Fort William to teach but we
have not heard w Miss i s Stewart
will employ bar talents.
Miss Mae Skelton was granted a third
Class Teachers' Certificate from Strat-
ford Normal good for 5 years. She has
the option of writing next term on sub,
jests to complete ber and class profes-
sional standing. The full list of Huron
Co. successful pupils at the Normal
Schools is given elsewhere.
Miss Margaret Livingston, and mein•
hers of the Hudson family, Detroit, and
Miss Mary Liviugs'on, Toronto, have
been erjnying a holiday with Mrs, Dun.
can Livingston, Brussels, Mrs, Alex
Ynill. Grey township sud other relatives
in this locality, 'Phe ladies are no
strangers in this oommuuity Rs it wee
their itome al one time,
Dr. and Mrs, Wunder, Toronto, Mrs,
Red Miss Wanda Hutchiusou, Toronto,
Dr, and Mrs. Jas. Moore, Miss Living-
ston, Mise Alice Livingston, Miss Wit,
son, Listowel, end Mr, Dion, of Moore
Jaw spent Monday with Mrs. Alex,
Hunter, Mrs, Hetohieson was Miss
Rachel Alexander before her marriage
and a former well known resident of
Bruesels, who is Well remembered by
many here.
-Church Chimes
The heavy showers last S'untlay rather
dampened the tutlor or many usual
church goers.
Rev. Mr, Matte spoke Sabbath morn•
ing in Melville Church on "The outcome
of Christian service." The evening
theme was •'The blood of the Cross."
Rev. and Mrs. Manu, will attend the
Community Convention at the O. A. C.,
Guelph, next week when commonplace
problems will be discussed.
A uoiou Sunday School pic-hie for
Melville and the Methodist churches
will be held Thursday afternoon, Aug-
ust 5th, in the Davidson grove, xzth
Con. Grey township. Committees have
been appointed for the day.
Sabbath tnoreiug Rev. Mr. Stafford
spoke on an introductory discourse on
"Evangelism, its relation to the Home
and Sunday School." Miss Stafford, of
Fergus, sister of the pastor, sang a fine
solo entitled "God's bright morning,'
and in the evening gave a choice render-
ing of "Crossing timber." Mr, Stafford
spoke alt "Conversion,"
Successful Normalites _
Following is a list of students from
Huron County and locality who were
auceesaful at the Normal Schools they
attended last term; names being ar-
ranged alphabetically :—
Adams, Lizzie, Goderich,
Alton, Alum, Lucknow,
Armstrong, Got a, Brussels,
Brooks, Olive, Mitchell,
Campbell, Victoria E., Ripley.
Cowan, Grace, Atwood,
Cranston, John J„
Dickson, Aldan«, Atwood,
Dobson, Thelma, Corrie,
Dodds, Elisabeth, R. R. 4, Walton.
Ellis, Bertha, Blyth,
Farrell, Jennie, Atwood.
Finlay, Leila, R. R. 2, Ripley.
Finlayson, Luella, R. R. 8, Lucknow.
Gibson, 111., Wroxeter,
Gemmell, Jessie, Ripley,
Hewitt. Wallace F., Blackhorse.
Hicks, Olive, Mitchell.
Hodgins, Annie, R. R. 1, Holyrood.
Jackson, Alberta, Clinton.
Kaercher, Gertrude, Zurich,
Keith, Annie, Teeswittec.
Lennox, Eva M., Listowel.
Lowe, Merriam, Brussels,
Manson, Gm'dou A.,
MacDonald, Norman A.,
MacKenzie, Isabel, Lucknow,
MacLennan, Margaret J , Lucknow.
MacLennan, Violet, Lucknow,
Marquis, Florentine, Clinton.
Mitchell, E., Lucknow.
McClure, Mabel, Lucknow,
McKellar, Mary, Cromarty.
McOonnet, Kathleen, Clinton.
McKay, Marguerite, St. Marys.
McLay, Annie, Ripley.
Nixop, O„ Granton.
Nixon, Grace, Granton,
Patterson, Raymond A„ Ripley.
Porterfield, Margaret, Atwood.
Robb, Olive, Listowel.
Roger, Thomas A., Blyth.
Sellers, Charles, Brussels,
Shaw, M. Wiima, Bluevale.
,'h g , Gladys, illin law s Seaf o
t tion Sea
Squire, rMarion,
Stacey, Emma, 130. Marys.
Stacey, .Ethel R. I3, 4, Mitchell,
Stanley, L. Mae, R. 11, 8, Ripley.
Stothers, Jessie, R, R. 7, Lneknoty,
Thompson, Elymer, 11. 130, 1, Ripley,
Tuer, Jessie, Mitchell.
Turner, Evelyn, Bluevale,
Turner, Olive, Bluevale,
Weber, Teressa, Dublin,
Williarno, Edith, lelitchelt.
Woods, Nesbitt, 13ayfieid,
'Ph; certificate of the successful
candidates and the marks of those
who failed will be forwarded in due
coarse to the individual addresses.
Oandidates who failed to obtain the
necessary standing for interim see-
oncd-class certificates but whose marks
bring ;hent within the Provisions of
section 22 (2) cif the Normal School
ayliabns will be granted limited third
cease certificates, valid for 5 years, and
upon passing the final examination at
«Normal School not later than 1021
will he granted interim second clues
certificates, Such candidates will be
a(lvised of the snbjeots which they
THE money you spend during the
lung years of toll will not help you
to live comfortably in retirement, in
old age. It is only the money you are
saving now that will bring ultimate
Our Savings Department makes saving
easy for you.
't HIT.
Capital, Purples and Undivided Fronts..
a ,s
must rewrite.
Bowes, Myrtle E., Ethel.
Dentin, Harold M„ Clinton.
Murray, Gertlncle, Dublin.
Rutledge, `Villiam, Kincardine,
Skelton, May, Brussels,
Spence, Elizabeth, Fordwieb.
Sterling, Muriel, R. R. 2, Bayfield.
Wroxeter Council
Regular meeting of Council was
held in the (Iouncil Chamber Iaet Fri-
day at 8.30•p, m, Members present,
Messrs, Davey, Rowe, Leckie and
Pope, with Reeve Douglas in chair.
Minutes or former meeting adopted
on motion of Davey and Howe.
Following accounts were received:—
Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board 15 00
D. M. MaoTavish, half year's
salary and expenses , 56 67
R. Black, power and rent, June 47 50
H. Pattersou,running plant85 00
Contract Record, Toronto,
printing 0 00
Hydro Electric, repair"g meter 5 00
Fred, Kitchen, 2 days' work.... 15 00
John Gibson, 1i hrs. with Leant 1 50
Thos, Hoperoft, butyiug clog .., 1 00
Geo. Bennett, tongue for grader 2 00
$775 67
Motion by Howe and tackle that
accounts be paid and orders drawn for
same. Carried.
Motion by Davey and Howe that D.
Robinson be notified to his cetlai`way
on Queen street wlrielt will interfere
with construction of sidewalk. Oat -
Motion by tackle and Pope that
Telephone Go. be notified to remove
poles in way of construction of side-
walk, Carried,
Motion by Howe and Leckie that
Rev. Mr. Lynrburner be appointed on
Library Board for balance of 1920 10
finish term of Geo. Wearying. carried.
0lotion by Pope and. Howe that we
adjourn until l+tiday, August 200.11.
Oarried. D. 141. hiACI'AVts)1,
RANK—RENNIDERRO.— At the manse, Fara..
with, on July 7th,1020, by Rev, Mr. Laing,
Miss Luoelle youngest daughter of Mr,
John eneherg, Fordwlch, to Edwin
Ream, Wroxeter.
RAE—In Howiok township, on July 8th, 1020,
Margaret Georgina Rutherford, wife of
David Rae, aged 1t6 years and 6 months.
SPEIEAN.—Iu Grey township, on July 14th,
1920, Hilton E. W., non of George E, and
Mra. Spoken, aged 8 years and 8 months.
Postponed Auction Sale
The Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Rte., of
James S. Smith Lot 17, Con. 11, Moltillop
township, advertised for July 8111, wee post-
poned until Friday, July 28rd, at 2 P. Me Ott
account of rain.
Auctioneer. Proprietor,
s A ox's Drug Store
1'lIls STORE
Weekly Store News
3. As I have returned to:
•N1• •
Brussels to make- my
home I am prepared to
resume business along the ,t,
olcl lines and will handle
+ any quantity of Junk at
iii the best prices going.
Phone Zx 11
+ M. YoIIick
Alexander 5t. Brussels ,+t,
44++++4•M••F'F•hd'l'•D'd'++ +d•+•A•F'p•l+
e Fergus, Ont,, May 10th, 10211
•i tl'oroutn 0
o DIOA1t SDts,—I had Rheumatism for
0 6 years. I tried everything I saw ad-
vertised Inc a cure. I lost my money
• in every case of trial, f was very re -
0 Instant in trying your remedy. 1
is wanld not have tried it only our Drug -
9 gist gave ate a guarantee that+he
ds would refund the price if it did not
make the cute. To my great aston-
• ishment I felt better after the first
o dose, and now I am completely cured.
rJ For over four months 1. could not
a walk the most of the time. I say to
a anyone who has Rheumatism, get a
5 box as (wieldy as you can, for It will
9 dlo the job and you will be, like my-
• self, ever grateful to Tentpleton's
Rheumatic Conpsuls.
a. Youes Truly,
H ar k l n g's
Heart and Nerve Remedy
• Also one of our big selling Remedies
and giving equally good results. We
s always have them in stock and find
the demand constantly increasing,
g Don't forget us when In need of them.
HHEU ori M
The following letter is hitt, an ex-
pression of the many Testimonials we
ate continually receiving about,
Templetau's Rheumatic Capsules
Yearlings Strayed
11 O6
Vali Wheat
Spring Wheat
Strayed on the premises of the undersigned, OtOto
Nd Lot 10, Con. 4, Morris, on or about May o
24th, two head of cattle 1 year old. Owner is Rutter .._
requested to prove property, PRY expenses Eggs
and take them away.
Phone 5428, STANLEY RUTLEDGE. . ReesWoo`
E1 50
1 10 1 10
1 25 1 25
66 06
1028 1000
Chapman Bros.
Cash Shoe
Store for Big
*Values in
Shoe Wear
Values in
Special !!a
hite Wear
Canvas and Recreation Shoes for Ladies, Misses and
Children, also Gents. We have something good in
Ladies' and Cents' Fife Chocolates and Tans
la t
New goods are constantly arriving and we will be
pleased to have you examine them as the values are
extra good.
Harness Department
Single Harness of Extra Quality and Pleasing Prices.
Trunks, Satchels, Club Bags, Suit Cases—nice assort-
ment to choose from.
One set good Second Hand Single Harness at Bargain
Price, '
Repairs to Shoes' and Harness promptly done.
Chapman Bros.
Next door to Bank of Nova Scotia