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The Brussels Post, 1920-7-22, Page 7
'AK - 4 .1 1 a • • o -• VW TO OVERCOME NERVOUS TROUBLES A Returned Soldier Tells MOW Reratilled Health and Strength. Nervous trouble; of all kinds, par, nervone debility, work a re- mrkable 11101r1118 111011 in the pa- tient. The chauge 114 both physicel and mentel. The suffertfr Meet; weight Mal strength, and frequently beeomes irritable and. Mull finding. Troubles t11 '1 were once thrown off without any ditileuity gesume exangeraled propor- tions. Other e3mmtutne of this net'. Vette 0011(111.1011 aro pour appetito, 11011(1. 0011 014, exhaustion lifter little effort, und frequently distress after meals, The melee or Lhis debility LA gener- ally starved nerves. The blood, which gives the menmum system ite food and power to work eilleiently, has beeeme thin and weak, and until the bluod re. guilts its tune aud strength there can 101 111) improvement In the condition of the nerves. In eases of this kind Dr. Williams Pink Pills will be foUnd the very best medicine. They make rich, red blood which feeds fuld etrengthens the starved nerves, and in this way reetoree the sufferce to full health and strength. Proof of this is felted in the cave of Mr. 1"1'(id Sander, London, Ont., who saye "While on service with the 'miterlel forces in Africa I completely lost eay health through continual hard- ship and shock, I 10118 sent back to the ban hospital suffering, so 1111.3 doc- 1101' said, from nervou,s debility. After spending some time in the hospital I with invalided back to Englaud as 1111. fit for further service. After spending a long Limo 111 Notley Hospital, I was given my discharge, Init was still a weak and nervous wreck, absolutely unfit for work. I had honer the strength nor ambition to do muything. In London I doctored for three or four menthe with a civilian doctor, who finally advised a change of climate. I was terribly nervous, suffered from bIepplessne, smothering end sinklug elicits,. and P11 1(11 in the heart; my hands and feet were alwaye cold ana clammy. At this time I decided to ceme to Canada, and ehortly after reaching this country was advised to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. After I • had taken the pills for some 10001:3 found myself improving. I continued taking the pille for eeverarmonths, with the reeult that they fully restored Any, health. My nerves are now as steady as a rock; my appetite the beat, arid my eyee and skin, which had turned yellowish, are clear and healthy looking. I feel like a new num in every way, and fit for any- thing. I have since recommended. the pills to several friends, and know of several cases where they were bene- ficial in the Influenza epidemic. I atu of the opinion that should any of my returned soldier comrades use Dr. 'Williams Pink Pills. for shell shock, they would be a great help to them,' You can get Dr, Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, W.11 - Dams meow., Co., Brockville, Ont. Duke of Devonshire Keeps BREAD FAMINE His Date, "sada is erowiug ever the explone Ifil GPEAT. rtRiTAR Of 11 W.A. raliatlittli PlAkFitli, 002;11 1-40r- Pt AN,' 111110, 010 81111(')1 1; ef Franey, Old Tie • Stis A. )'1'l'.1(' fer;.7.71;tte will' a 1111 ('11 ,_old suparAiti'21S 1011,0111 were pait etf The lathe of Devaaeltire preonined cme fel'e ler, in day', 11,1'» by, Sir Auckland (Minh - , by cable, that colvihaENT OF A LoNnoN A 1.,:•.,0,...c•f• 'u,.'. 11 et the frc.nt Omar lie. would preelde at u 01111000 518101 to as4i0:PA1:',Atti, V 18111 '1' 1,;,,ti111. the new Britb1 Ambteeatior at Wh- T011'051 00' A twir ttravi,:ne; tt young la •1;',-, 1 lig) on by the Canadian Club at the—, (frees ine,....111. a 1.041. ('('1 11(8 Restaurant, Plead illY, been* An itehieg (Tx meant ill'et (mine Oilo dm., Enghted. The specific purpoee erns trall:ime tti•etd 14) 11. • of the Duke's vielt, however. was to Growing Derla7.61 1411,r0ThrS Wheat inereasc4 and Main- tains Ug Prima. 'Po tiirn leek alter slatting agetei 81(811111 the wedding of Ms daughter, bad 111:1;, Lady 1)CM/111Y OUVQ1OUE411, 10 (11101011 ()P' %111111 an urotmella in flu, 1101.11 littrOlti IVILIOF'.tillitil. 111111(0. tile 111(.14 to the home?. A incesering warm on it weraim'e Ile wee to een on the annprees or Can Greet Britain grow eitough prelim,. Tblaga mated bad al the wheat, to feed its 47,0”0,000 p,11010? ;reek inteatt a mew these,. I start when Gm boat's echedule read 10404 a 14nulon (110141' 0,114', Att itchfr, halal mel.nt that yen' "Railing from tit John N.11,March In landeill t1n1 We ilfrie OP VOr 1141011 MOM emery soon. 13111," '0111, 1) vine 0 11001100 right able 1 0 ao po, TO.litlY WO ere growing An Itelong right hend men111 teat enough bectue e it lOrrilik. gale se1 in a querter or the quantity of wheat you would shake hands with a! vieable to delay 1110 Bailing twenty- In other violet., our farmer.; feta 00(1' Secing the new 10110) ever the' left with such ['111'!.' filet 11 10114' deemed 1111' neeessary for making our ,11111)' bread. etranger. four hours. supply us with "D6110 Artitil 1 10 111,,t Ellrile.k? imamt 000 would seen ger! Capt. Cook, the eonnaander, eon.; ue from Friday night to Monday money. suited by the nuke eaee a relemn pro- morning. For the remainder of the - Pi 84..1:1,1y most el 1.18 are superati- Illitie, "YOlir It.::AlOt Ilency will be in leek We 11100111 have to go brettali 1 tiCI.O; alfilli the Lumber L1,. juet tie ! I people were a long time ago. Our own Liverpool 1(11 (1111 appointed time on the , if foreign euppliee failed Superetitiens will 11(11000 a subsequent stroke or the elocka if the ship's en- 1 -,11F,1 Year's grain 811(11)11(18crest us glues ean manage it." Steam gauges 1 $770,000,000 le eeey whiet could be generation, aft 1,11:,t4,0 recalled 1,y our ware never so oeirder, stokers were 110)'t in this country if the available reader annEe us. Only a subsequent heroes. A spirit or adventure tighten- grentel was devoted to wheat growing. generat:on an eafely laugh at tamer - ed the (1 01'1'00 of all en boerd. The That ammutt will probably reach etitions. Rorret ee was put to death Duke kept his date. 81,000,000,000 this year, for the area for laughing at some of the superstie Just as an after -thought, the Hon. now ander wheat is 401;,0101 acres less liens of the Greekl. doo of tbe 13 tried to break the Duke's than at the time of the last harvest. A geed salad is Farrel mixed with prentiee by hoogjog a dense fog over Th1e 1110(11114 that Great Britain will be shredded cabbage or letamte, with at leeet 390,000,000 (marten' loaves . French dreEeing. the Merser, bat by cautious naviga- tion Capt. Coolebrought his great ves- short next year. It follows, therefore, i In Dalin, chaplabm are maintained eel lo anchor opposite the Prinee's that we must hapoet bigger supplies to minister to Br.tish subjects, as in Landing Stage at Liverpool- at ate from abroad. o'clock on the meriting of March 2211d, Orient Imports Wheat. the date and limn seheduled for its These supplies, however, may not al - arrival, The Stuff That Counts. The test of a mati in the fight he mulles, the army and navy. Incessant activity does ,not always indicate intelligent intluStry. ways be available, except at such a Do net think that you are saying price that the coat of a 4-111. loaf might , smart things when you say thinge reach 50 cents—ebout six times the that make other people Smart. pre-wer price. Naval gunners are now firing The world demand for wheat Is • ranges of more than 2,000 yards. The grit that he daily shows; - - growing It is esgmated indeed that "Shoeing an anchor" means cover - • The way be stands en his feet and the worldOe consulamtlon of bread has Mg its flukes or points in wood to takes Fate '0 numerous Immt.s end blowstrebled, becatise countries In the Best . malte them grip better in soft ground. A coward ean smile teben there's are now eating 11. China alld Jamul, Toronto was incorporateel 113 FA city naught to fear, for iostanee, With a combined papule- in 1814, with a populat:on of 9,254,I When nothing Ine progress bars, .. don of five hundred millImes, are ing A difficulty is a challenge to canr-' nut it takes a 718111 A0 81.0:itl llp and potting wheat to make bread 1118.114111411 age, thought, energy and perseverance. of the failure of their rice crops. Ontario is an Indianword and' While the consumption of breacl has means Handsome Lake. First pay'met o 0101015110' eneions it f i B•iti Columbia will be made in while seine other fellow stars. It isn't the victory after all But the light that a brother makes; The mu who, driven againet the wall, Still stands up erect and takes • Theblows of fate with his head held - high, Bleeding', and bruised, and pale, Is the man W11011 10111 in the by and by, trebled, the supply of wheat is only about the same as it was in pre-war n B1'111i811 days. Argentina, India, France, and .1111Y. the United States have increased their output, buttR ussia,Hely, Australia, and Germany have little to sell. Rus- SAVE THE', CHILDREN sin, which exported 5235,0011,000 worth of wheat in 1914, dropped to 570,000,- Mothers who keep a box of Baby's 000 In 1916 and is now actually import - Own Tablets in the house may feel For he ien't afraid to fail. • Ing from other countries. The Ger- that the lives of their little ones are mans, who did a great export business reasonably' safe during the hot wea- It's the bumps you get, and the jolts in wheat before the war, are 11008 pay- , .h .troubleo, 'h 1 you get, ing $1.10 for a 4-113. loaf of black bread. 01(0(1111) and diarrhoea carry off thous - And t11e. shocks that your ceurage It is the growing demand for the ands of little ones every summer, in etands, world's wheat which is sending up the The hears of sorrow and vain regret, price of bread, and -which -w111 main- most eases because the mother does The prize that escapes your hands, not have a Safe medicine at hand to Min the high price. We may have to That teet your mettle end prove 140110give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets worth; Tt isn't the blows yen deal, • But the blows you take on the- good -old earth That elams if your sluff 18 real. • One pf the most remarkable facts analyst to be absolutely harmless 28011' In connection with our wheat supply to the newborn babe. They are es - All easy v vs are down*Aillis that white the population cf the pecially good in summer because they You United Kingdom has within• the last regulate the bowels and keep the don't notice it 1811 you try to climb -fifty years increased by 15,000,000, the stomach sweet and pure. They are back, eat deer bread for at least ten years iQ come. The only solution is to grow mere wheat for ourselves. Four and a Half Mellon Tons Short, relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child will pre- vent their coming on, The Tablets are guaranteed by a government The Boy's Summer Needs 9.g.4 9272 • 9136—Boy's Bolero Suit (wlth boy or girl; dropped back). Price, 20 blouse; knee trousers). Price, 20 cents. In 5 sizes, 2 to (3 years. Size 4 quires, blouse, 1 yd. 36 ins. wide; bolero, trousers, 11/2 yds. 33 ins, Trim and smart is this little bolero suit. 9547—Boy's Middy or Sailor Suit (knee trousers), Price, 25 cents. in 6 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Size 4 requires 1% yds, 36 ins. wide; collar, 1/2 yd. 36 ins. wide, 9272—Child's Romper (suitable for cents. In 3 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Size 4 requires, plain, 1>4 yds. 32 Ms. wide; striped, 1 yd. 32 ins. wide. 9317 — Child's Renmer (kimo(10 sleeves). Price, 20 cents. In 5 sizes, 0 mos, to 4 years. Size 4 requires, waist, lea yd. 33 ins. wide; rompers, belt, 114, yds, 32 ins, wide. These patterns, may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. 0. Food For A July .0) 444444444144, ere — and every morning when the thought of health enters into the meal time preparation — .1% 45112,) ' TI1t9.1 easily digested food needs no sugar yet it has a most pleasinf, sweet flavor, and is full of the sound good- ness ..of,Wtteat and malted barley. • "hereN a • easan " V-'""Oet"..I.Ora •—•• average tinder wheat has declined by one half million acres. This has been brought about by farmers finding more Profitable uses for their land, and we have been content to pay millions for foreign supplies. Consequently, the price of wheat is more than double what it was thirty years ago, It is an ironic fact that one of tho chief sufferers from dear bread to -day is the Argentine, one of the world's greatest wheat -growing countries. The people of that Country are paying 35 cents 11 pound for bread', consequent upon the profiteering exporter, other cuuntrien being willing to pay almost any price for wheat. The result has been that at the moment* of -writing the export of wheat from that country has been stopped, Italy Is anntber big sufferer, the price of bread in that country being 20 cents per 2db. 3 oz. Poor work people are receiving an ex- tra 5 cents a day as a bread Subsidy to help them to fe0c1 their children. At the present rate of constitmtion we hall need six million tons of im- ported 10110111 for the year. As sup- plies etend at present, 'we shall be lucky 111 100 get one end a half million. Must Grow More Wheat. Britain must not only grow 111008 wheat, but we must eat less bread if WO are to become more self-supporting and bring the price down. On eeveral occasions this conigry has been faced with a bread crisis, notably* in 1500, when there 0808 a bad harvest throughout the Continent and we could not import. The consequence 04)118 that tho country was rationed•—a one quartern loaf for each Person per week—the avel'age price being 65 cents per loaf. It was prohibited to sell now bread; riots occurred through. out tho country, and ultimately the sale of fine wheaten breafl was for- bidden, and none used but that which contained bran, 11 was about this time that some genius elahned to have discovered a mufti] which 10118 '0 good substitute for wheat flour, and an interested Govern- ment (08110 111101 10 1400)111 of $2,500 to- wards the cost of Ms experiments, -which apparently were futile. C,anadian Society for Protection of Birds has 5,000 members. 444* Canada has 37,000 smiare 111 5108 of good peat bogs. The smallest tree 181 the world is the (he:Maud birch, Ito height is less than .3 ins., yet it covers O. rachitis Of 2 1'1. and 3 ft. sold by mmlicino dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 Would Serve If word or deed of mine, To any who repine' Can bring a bit ofcheer Or brightness on the way, How gladly would I serve! For hearts ane aching here, Feet often go astray, And fears of ill unnerve; So best from right they swerve, I would do all I may. —Fred Scott Shepard. I fell from a building and received what the doctor called, a very bad sprained ankle, and told me I must not walk on it for three weeks. I got AIINARD'S LINIMENT and in six days I was oat to work twain. I think it the best Liniment made. ARCHIE E. LAUNDRY. Edmonton, Prune Shrteas After Flowering Many shlubs shoula be pruned about this time, especially ti.aeo that flower. lf one notices the spinls, golden bells, lilacs and honeysuckles it will be ob- served that the blooms are on the tips er the branches which were produced last year, Beneath these flowerthere are strong growing' shoots starting at the present time, Tii01110r0v aS 80011 1111 1,110shrubs finish blooming they should be pruned back lo these vege- tive ehoots hi order that the strength of the bushes may came long &loots to bloom next spring. In general, all shrubs shmild be pruned after they bloom, rather than before, to insure good flowering the following season. Misery may love (tomproty, but those who have been her guests do not recommend their hostess, Put an asbestos mat under the pan when cooking esti:Mal or anything of that sort, as it may then be cooked much longer without burning. Dairy cows of New _Zealand produce more than 400,000,000 quarts or milk annually, the climate favinitting dairying the year rem:, ISSUE No. 29—'20. SWAMP. ASTE1 HAW FEVER —sleophs3 nights, constant sneezing, Streaming eyes, wheezy breathing :— brings, relief, Put up In cap.' :odes, swallcAvcd. Sold by reliable druggists for a dollar. Ask our agents 01! Fend card for free sample to Templeton's, 142 Ring St. W., Toronto, Agents, 1111 T;.;ronto and IT.amilton drug- gists. be MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative 0105 ",e.a.'s•\ Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Chlldreu lovo Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali. fornia. A •camel, when burdened, can travel twenty-five males a day; when un- burdened,,as many as sixty to seventy miles: MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents. Tar -macadam has given the bent service of any kind of street paving tried in Calcutta. trlinard's Liniment for sale everywhere Cats' skins, imported principally from Australia, have recently sold in England for as much as $3.25 each. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in a poor dye. Insist an "Diamond Dyes." Easy directions in package. "FRE ZON Lift Off Corns! No Painl Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little 'Freeaone' on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- ly yen lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irrItatiou, errs © FROM EIRE &TREK Wise Jimmy, "Jimmy," said the fond mother to her 011;141 oIoVrol,yoar-OPI, "what be - 1.1' nit!! little pie I made for yeti a treat, yuelerdayl Did Yon. 0(18 1(3" ••"O•;. eie 1)101:1," OTU4WOr81l 4 foully 0014 11 (1 5r;11; " I gave it to nay teeelier at le et ea (I." e'lltet was very itiee and gencrOus of you, jimmy," complimented his mother. —AIM dill your teacher oat it ?" ."Ye", I think etf:"...t:ned "Sh\reweree sift at school to -day." Caddy Knew. A schoolinaeler in a rand eounell 005)013 wae recently giving a lereon to tho lowest etautlarde on the forintitIon r;r1,1ei %efe 0e711(1, 500ur1411(1.'1 et during tee evening following a hot :41lnia1e(' (lay eomething rises froui the surfaeo or the ponds. What is it?" One gulitary hand gradually' creeps up. "God boy.1 can eue you are think- ing. What is it?" 1Leea'1,'regs." Printing in raised characters for the blind has been done for 180 years. NTH [tD BAY crilfi-hr-ti-tf rvovfFinl ogf., • pernf F On Fnca and Har,dc, Iter4,1ana Caarrn 1.4on110 .......-....,...... "My 1.::!:..y. :710 onle a mokIk, o11 ' Cli'bcn i:.t7.:7 .,..11'.,; IrillAt1:4 etreted to ....._}, 1'-0.1 eOiee.Ie1811.1e.te-ue1reteieeOe,,e („n •*. ee- 1.:) cell. beened. 141111 0.4841 1') s C000'1 11111 lect.liel 0.101 12,121111 • ..,..‘ .1 net 0.1:4p. VA: -','...,-.4-4. "Thie, laeted nine xreMtles when I 8.8112 Ceeeteera fOerea teed Olneeeteee me it 1 used tee:a:cellos c27e1.11eve.71 two boxes ef Ointnee.re. whoa tO0 wee lreiee." (lillence) Mrs. Oecer 1:-11-,%n, zarzherseaurg, Ontario, 12'ey 7, 1101. Cts .?eco, Ceetreere; end Tal - Mini are all yen need for all toilet uses. Batirteeith Coe:), eocthe with Ointment, duet evieh Talcum. sone ar.e, Vett-reel ZS and See, Sold throughotatheDcre•-:."'n, C7madiznDeo0t: Lomsns, Limited, St. i'aul ,Ik.,.114ontreal, "Ltec-Cutecora 13080010.754 without mum. .0moitic21:0 Pioneer Dog IanznzOtes B00.1: On DOC MUSES ,••• oinAl =VW to 140e0 11fatIol Free to any Ad- dreoo i.y tho 2.0th0r. 50. C017 CfltWer. CA., Snot 118 'West 31:11 Sorest Now York, CIassIfies1 Advertisernents. ran gay( 7141,1, 740o131ITI5L. and /eh printtale Plant la Hootsri• Ontario, Insurenco oerriod $1,500. (AIL% Pm.lithi,11',,4(1,00 /3°'' 44' Ltd.. Toronto, WAR11Z7)-828011.T 081010=0. 110 10/31 (11411 TO 11 '.011 Tilw'SANI) 11' WOrli8. C4(' rcal 1,,kk‘ 1> A0111' ,''10,1104 F4,1'0 Snappy. \VII 1.. Fitwy .Farltet. Coluintkilir A k k., A= Lessons. ! "Most of us regret the til,'( WO 1 waFied 14(;1100.4." "Yes, 1 often wish 5 01,44 psta 101 mach attention to the 1011 0h1,1 when 4 *1( 1' wrote out tho Mat:It-board ko I 11008 'I,Uy 114 1.11(' gaseline man when Ilk, 9111148 UP 0 piece of chalk." Agit for Minard's r.nd take ro ethos. All animals use their hind legs to move thein tdong, the forelega sup- plying the balance. Caneda's Navy League has over GS, - 000 memhsrs. LET "DANDERINE" , SAVE YOUR HAIR Hurry! A few cents stops hair falling and doubles its beauty 1/4,52jc A little "Dantlerine" conla, cleanses and make': the feveriell. itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this ctimulating tonic r,entetreiee to the famiehed hair route, revitelizing and invig,orating every hair in the 11000, thus stopping the hair f1.l511154 cut. getting' thin, screggle or fielfuer. After a foe epplicatiem,e cr "Dander- inc" yuu Feeder:ft tinct a fallen hair er a particle of demaruff, beeides every hair ehews mere life, vigar, brighluess, color and third -Meet,. • A fete ceato burs a Lottle of de- lightful "Dinalerine" at any drug or toilet counter. SINCE 1310 3 0 VAMP IS NLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE MERIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross", • PZ4 For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural, package which contains complete di- gia, Toothache, 'Earache, and for rections. Then yott are getting teal Blicennatisin,, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- 'Aspirin --the genuine Auptrin pre- ritis, talco Aspirin marked with the scribed by physiciam for over athe- neum Bayer or ,you are not titking teen 70(118'. New made in Canada. Aspirin et all. -1 Handy tin beeee containing 1(1 tab - Accept only "Bayer Tablets of !kts coet but 01 few cents. Druggiets Aspirin" in an uebroken "Bayer"4 oleo- sell larger "Bayer" paekagee. There Is only one Aspixdre-.."1,..ayer"—You must say "Bayez" Moirin is the trotie 840011 freglatreod In ("roman) 011 Tlaror Manufnctuto aceticaricleAter S,11IcylloacId. While 11 In writ linown that Ar7lrin 1,an0 -Imuntiractttr, to 00:+151 the p0811a ntillost InOtatloiks, 11o.1,1,48 of Barka Qonloany 11111 :,uon.,,ott with their general (rode loath, the ".1101i1. V4, 950 ,41144.esem y{-13.- 25P ANCHOR PLUG is the chewing tobacco of superlative excellence. Try a plgzig today. /X •P WV it 44, '''247OA02, t2" 4 4, 4,...t. .4 Cee'.. 14r, , t„ '' 4 t,.