HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-7-22, Page 5�4tey JNA, SUTHERLAND & SONS 1,1 M1T[iu l'Jraffled,VOR WM. BPEillQ',E' CONV1 YANOE,Ya &ND ISSLiE1t of 11ARI1IAGE LICENSES Mae la the Pest 1)lllee, fEtttel, SU -t L1•B. SOOTT As AN AUOT'IO11. • ems, will sell Aur better prim:, to hater toren in lees tune and less (Mantes than any fatter Auctioneer in beast Limon or be won't charge an thing, Dates and orders can always bo nrrun 400 Al tuts ulnae or by. perm mal applloatien, T, 7. M'RIIE M. B., M. O. P„ .0 S, 0. M. 0. 11., trillium of 13: Id, Physician, Burgeon, Anaul:. •�r OBoo at resideooe, opposite Melva :- Ohureh, William street. P0000FOOT, IILLOflAM & COOKE Barristers, 8o1citors, Notaries Public, &c, Moe on 11'e Squire, 211.1 door from Hamilton Street, QODHRIOR ONT. Private funds to loan et lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT $ 0. .0. A, KinLORA N ii. S. 0. Coosa dam Weinstein • Is prepared t0 paythe 0 p1' P A • O a Scrap Iron, • 4 • Rubbers,• e° • Rags, &c. 4 a WOOL 4 • • highest price for 0 • O 4 0 6 4 Highest price paid. See Z me before you sell. • • • Highest Cash Price for 4,1.1 LiPoultryand Hides 4 • • 4 Write er - ?hone hone 62x • e • i a� SAM WEINSTEIN 1 101, MILL S'TRLET BRUSSELS i 4 - • 0•••4.4••.,6n44.00006640440 d••F4••1•d•d••A•F•:••i••F4•A•i••i•4• t•'r•P8•d•d•'J••Y3•'i• IDEERING1 -t + AGENCY + 4 f + John Oliver + + ,BRUSSELS + + + has taken over the Deering Ag- + + eney and handles a full line. of + .i, rearm implements including the ele s noted 3• 4 I. H. C. Cream Separators •t' The only Crean! Separator with + + two wide open cream outlets— 4 no cream screw in the path of + + the cream, See it when in town. +d• The 1. H. C. 0-10 and 10-20 Tractors f + 4. are among the best. + The Deering Manure Spreader 4 kWith the wide spread and very + T. light in draft. + i John Oliver, +++++++++'3.+++++4++44•-3 •,43.4 00004•04•0400.0 606000.00 • 4 Special • Notice! 0 4 O • otigr 0i1 O • AND • 4 C 4 44 • 4 • 4 • 0 4. 4 4 o 04aXtra�aQ�Or po e • Machindil 1 O •j FOR SALE '0 • e : ASK FOR PRICES + N •• e �/ 1. e• • I� Stewart 4 HENFRYN ` 4' • a *AO ••••••'••••••••s•o••44 :�Yrt 3,i> Ali#, 7:.'�:r'+L':��';rt•'a•^;47MSii✓,v^�s''kM3,r°' � 7 Mil form o Emt f NthI� 9 .( EI.I.IQ1`I g ; r fsii'ID311I e`f ei B'1 fuel ,43N $ si3 , . •Ned Latif week W. , +., a •I:ei r a. L I•; 4''' . I 131 Got a Shoe.k, Di Yoeyga & Charles eta., Toronto Brussels barbers received a elleek l.t.t Ito snhutat efferrd our Oro'leol ' week upon being told that !Jtavieg e,:,ap dnrtag the lua•t 1'W,/ ;Pate h;ev� b, an ,`S nuiv sold lot iso Leal', 177.71' booed, 1401 l0,: ag:., it e a. 3.. emits 1'21 teethe Head tonics, which cvntair, a e ....C- age of ;decrok have juin. ci . a per gallon, which brings the selling pre: to Sin per gallon, pier.. a Mears t Drives Flies Away. People in the country who are an- noyed by Ilies should remember that clusters of the fragrant clover which grows abundantly by nearly every .j t•catnr than a.er L6fena. is x no trroublefor unr 0004uatel to gets ur1r ployment becott n they are properly tralnad, Uowo to tills 0111004 uroparrd to de your pert foatbfully, and the results ;.„ wit bo eoUdidatvey, There is no sue., • , work nbeUt 41tb,• 4y Write for Uetalegita today end learn )* I what we have dune for others. P4 W. J, gLL.IOTT, PRINOIPAL .¢ttd, N4iA[S rvtvvavAW,esa Yva'y62A9lS'a4%SS PAY 1'oxat liars 4i ins lite rice County weekly utw;pape have a lvauced to :hu.uu pet yew, To 4004 is au, automobile in esu to every 23 people In Outerto today. Tb Province has become a great manufa taring centre also for ears. The new Premier of the Dominion, Hon, Mr, Meighen, is a nephew of Flet- cher and Mrs. Sperling, Brussels, and an old Blanchard township boy. THAT the pen is mightier than the sword is proven by the nomination of two Ohio newspaper Editors for the President's chair next Fall, SOlitE 'THINGS BRUSSELS NRRUc,— Hydro. A good dairy business, Auu .to -da to laundry. Modern uew Posteflice. Maitland river re stuckid with fish. Shorter hours on Saturday nights. Big crowd. on jury 220(1, Godericb Signal of last week says:— A. 00. Polley is 86 years old to day. Though nut very spry on his feet, he gets about much better than he did 86 years ago, and in the interval he has learned a lot about horses and politfos, A. Nl, Polley is one of the best known tneu iu this part of the L'ruvince, and we (tope be will continue for long to be owe of the familiar figures of our town. When Hon. Arthur Meighen became Premier of Caoadn there were children in the home of the Dommtou Prime Minister for the first time iu z years. Neither Sir Wilfrid Laurier, t'tmier from July e1', 1896, to October 6, 1911, nor Sir Robert Bordeu, Premier !rum October 10, 1910, until lest week, had any sons or daughters, Premier -elect Meighen has 3 children. A humorous definition of a cigarette is given as :—"A little roll of leaves, in a little bit of paper, with a little fore at one end and a little fool at the other," President Hyde, of Bowdon College, says of it : "rile tobacco habit is injur- ious to health to scholarship and to char- acter. It weakens the will, diminishes the power of application and lowers the tone of thought and teeliug, Excessive; smokers are uniformly poor scholars." Stratford Beacon says of a former Brusselite :—Many friends were pleased to greet ex•Mayor D. M. Ferguson, wbo was down town for a short while fol- lowing his return from a rather lengthy stay in New York City, where he under- went an operation some weeks ago. Mr. Ferguson was accompanied by Mrs. Ferguson and stood the long trip vele. well and is cheerful and glad to be once more in Straltord. Mr, Ferguson's operation was guile successful and the doctors anticipate a bull recovery, though for a time he will have to ab- stain from business and other activities, The recent death of Rev. Dr. Robert. sou, of St. Jatnes' Square Presbyterian Church, Torouto, earls atteution to the tact that within the last tew years Pres- byterianism in Torouto has suffered what might almost be celled an appalling loss ih the number of its ministers who have passed away, most of theta iu the prime of life :—Macpherson, of Chaim. ers, Gray, of Old St. Andrew's 1 Some ervtlle, of the Church Offices ; Fasken, of St. Pout's ; Gllray, of College Street ; Law, of Knox College ; Robertsou, of Knox ; llurral', of St, Paul's ; Hunter, late of Ersktue ; 'Taylor, late of Cooke•'s ; Findlay, late of St. Enoch's ; Kennedy, of Riverdale ; Strachan, of Rosedale ; and SCOL(, Ot St. John's. The increased price of newspritee which event, into effect on July 1, re- peesen1a an increase 111 peodur110,4 costs for Canadian uewspapere of $8,000,000 per tunnun, while elle in- creased postal rates will mean a further taetease of .71101)1 one Million dntare, The exit aordinary 11101.01:00 Ill the 0086 of nowspriut is shown by ouniparisun . with the prices ruling early in the war. Up to December 31, 1016, the price of roll newsmen was $86 per too, ''his has resell to $80 in early part of 1920, The price is now $110 a Lon, an iloreat.e of $74 Per inn over the price prevailing petite to 1017. or over 205 per 001414. Icor the fourth quarter of this year a Nether him earn, is announced by the paper conlna,4ies to $130 per ton, all increase of $191 per ton over' the 1016 price, or ova• the 201. per cent. IVhorse making Lhe motley P roadside., it hung in the twilit and left 10 rhy and shat faint it;Phare pr, mete 1's thrntlgb the air, will I dine! :may twee llies than sticky 'isnot,' of utol 'see e and other 11y -traps and 11y papers can 0- ever collect. DOMINION DAY AT FORT WILLIAM,• - A note Iron 13. Gerry, Fort William, formerly of Brussels, speakseats as fol. lows :—After enjoying some games on the city park on Dominion Day we set out for a picnic ground 14 miles down the lake shore, There was a lovely gaudy bench where the young folk, in their bathiug ' a suits h d a fine cline. A distance of 20 ormore rods could be traversed with water zo to z4 inches and splendid smooth bottom, Nelson Gerry took the elder p0rtiou of the familiestri es ou the tri) fonthe city,while girls and and Noble Gerry, with g }_ u fs a ft boys were in the oatiole auto, We went via Port Arthur, While waiting for the arrival of the 2nd motor a nice deer, abent 2 years old, came to the camp ground and stood looking over the company until 0110 of the little boys got ,oitbh' about 15 feet of It and It then walked away, 1 WAS about Zoo feet from it and after sizing the up put into t bis started and be sit, A tiro was s 0011 the kettle boiled and after spreading out a 10212 foot cameos sheet our tea Was served, which the coulpauy, heartily en-' joyed. The return trip was made in safety, reaching Fort Willialu about 9 p, tis, after a niost enjoyable outing. Grey LATH linnamr' IIAMILT1N,—The death orteuri .tl at the Moos of his eon -in law, Albert \VI,itteld, til Sun- day, July 4ti,, of Robert Hamilton at 1110 lige of 03 years. Ileee„ted way born in Peebles, Scotland in the year 1828, rowing to (lancet. in 1854, with his brother, Alexander, took up luta 11 and 4 of the 12tH Oon. Elaut, obtaining their titles from thtegeverumenl, 111', Hrttnilinn tetteU e 41 Of the earliest settlers Ill the district and asf4to e did much to assist iu tlled develop- ment of tale rnuull y, and lived to 600 the results of the labor. In 181(1 he married Jane Oleghorn, wilt, diad in 1857. in 1803, he married Jeannie illillee, widow of \Van• A11411 who died in 1018" The children by this marriage were 31la, Hobert Barr, (10, 100E06 ; Robert, of Ohicago ; Sophie', deceased ; Mrs, Albert Whit Ile1,1, Grey township ; \Vatter, Calgary ; and Jessie deceased, In the passing of /R'. llatrtilto,: the community has lost one who always bed; 'I1 ,111 into, era in its welfare. Ills kindly dispoetaiul SCIATICA TORONTO MAN 33LESSES THE SHAY 3311 TRIED T. R. C.'a. The following testimonial is vouched for by a Justice of the Peace for the Province of Ontario: "14 Temple Ave., Toronto, 13 173 /10. Dear Mr. Templeton: My husband's experience was a trying one, but 110 blesses the day ho first tried T.i;.C.'e. Mr, Kiseer was greatly troubled with Sciatica and suffered such awful pain that in the end, to obtain relief, ho had a very severe operation to have the Scholia Nerve stretched. This gave hila relief, but was, of course, very ex. pensive. Two years later hie old trouble returned and grew steadily worse. Finally bo tonic to bis bed ut- terly helpless and a doeter was called in. While still an invalid a friend told us of your Capsules. \\'e gave up the doctor and tried them. Before the second box was half through be was better, and has not been troubled since. 'We can't say too n'mi11 of do enough to help spread the news of your wonder- ful medicine." T.B.C.'s succeed in 85 e, of ail eases and are 90x/0 efficient Rs an almost in- etantaneoue relief for pain. Try theml Ask your druggist for a box. Temple. tons, Limited, 142 King Street West, Toronto. Wo mail T.B.C.'s anywhere en receipt of 41,04. ;g Sold at Jas. Fox's brag ; tore, nrusaels. 'F+++++d'+3'+4•++++3.3'3' 44 44++ ++ 34' 3. q� + 'PI a t4 beg of out, tlnyel Hnngr- 3• 4 hold Pinot'. None better', One 4. •fF, ln4ccs are 1 ighl. + F Phone 43 + 4,W. J. McCracken : SUGAR Sugar 58115011 15 Il04W Mn and we 1' can supply you with any qultn- + Lily at reasonable prieea. 4. FLOUR A [fall! hos Took til r[iil-a-t rue it 3 l ria' �Iy$ �ll�iLiil R. t i^ 1. :Lynx.; Orr.. "l'•„ ;Leer :, 7 was ru,,liued 1„ bed atilt 104,c,,iafrs,e, 111. ;ate•,! villi duelots, anti tried niatrly l•vcr}1hing without benefit, Finally, T tried "Fruit -a -tires". &Pre I hit./ ,,,rd hoIf'a hn.r Isaw i,rl/y',-+,-ntr ' 1 ,.• 4:0111 WON easier nu l t',e !,wsiliii4 started to go down f erml,nm,f biking ibis fruit mol l,rt n,•, Imps„ring allthe time, and new t ran nails abmlt too utiles and do light ehurr; about the place”. .',Lfl eleTDIII4, MUNRO. 60e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial 5111,0 25o, At all dealers or sent postpaid by l•erulteeieves Limited, Ottawa, 14,1(1 general„: nut ore made him at great many friends. Since the death of Mrs. Hamilton Mr. Hamilton has lived wit 11 hi' 41(11.111 111 sy, Albert Whit field, 04 thin township, who together with his wife and 400111 y have shown him every I:indneeo, making his last years 218'1'l I1 /. mf t table aN old age and infirmi- ties would permit. Funeral service, Tuesday, July 6111, WAR conducted by Rev, 111', 1eleD"na1d, Presbyterian church, Atwood, of tvhinh church 1Ir. Hamilton had been a member for a number of years: Interment was matte in Rima Oentle 001,10101 y, Re- ntable 14e1'0 1101,110 n t the grave by \Vilfeed and Gm don W11 field, grand - eons ; IItagh Porter, Scott Hamilton, Gro. Hamilton, nephews ; and Wal- lace Me14,tfn, great, nephew. Among relatives from a distance were his son 3401),'l ti and 11 PS, Ilamilton, Ohleagn, and hie stepson, 1'1'm. Allan, Sheet - ford. Wroxeter (Too late for Inst week) Herbert ledger left for Regina, geek, A new It',nr WAS placed on the bridge last week. 44ny Sin:well,'Toronto, is holidaying at itis home here Dr. Robert Montgomery is visiting his mother hple, Al re. Thos. Higgins is the guest of eel nttYee 1❑ London, Alias Kathleen Rutherford has gene to Toronto foe two -menthe. Ashton Mote aeon is home from Clif- ford for the Summer vacation, Miss Jean Anderson, Toronto, is home from 'Thesselo0, where elle has been leaching. Ciai(ewe White, Toronto, spent a fe,v days t erenlly with his parents, N. and Mrs. \1'4110, Hendon Willits, Vantage, Sask., and Jacob Willits, Landon, visited old f1' einle 1(1 the village 1ecently. Misses Elva Cowden and Elva and Annie Huffer, have 00ttu'ned from Mt. Fnreat where 0 110 attended a Sommer Sch gel, 'tallyho Rann, formerly of the Bank of Haillillon atnif, was mat at the 111enet>, Fin detach, Wednesday 10 Miss Lncelle Ilenneberg, Rev. Mr. Laing, officiating, They left shortly after for a motor trip to Brantford, Toronto and other. points. A hcnryy and unanimous call was extended at a recent congregational alerting in Hie Peeshyter'ian chnreh 10 Rev, Dr, Harkness, Ph, D. The stipend o1Trl(d is 01(3(10,00 with manse a11[1 4 weeks holidays, One of the 4(OAt sneceesfill social events of the season was the U. F. 0. picnic, held in the perk, Wednesday afternoon. In spite of the heavy !Rill 111 th0 morning and continued threatening weaihet ail day, the at- tendance was Targe from both country tend village, Addresses were given and a game of foot bell played which resulted in a score ot'1.0 in favor of. the home team between Salem and W! oxetrr, After a brief illness Moe. D. Rae Rr„ passed 7 t n way on '1.'411, slay aft01 noon, She had recently passed th1•ough a r.ril:ieltl operation 5.11(4 lied no strength to wombat with a serious attack of pnemmonia. Her maiden llama was IltIgalet Georgina Rutherford. She was in her 671h year and a daughter or the Lata \Vit. Rothe: ford, one of the pioneette 04 •Hnlviok. Since her nta11,11 e 10 David Rae she had spent e 46000.4606-6044.4C4400••••44P.'600606€ 4Peee.ee'4b••4•a•.b v •• • Ctwithu.s We are offering Specialr 0 1 Extra Prices on Small 1, Sizes, 3, 31, 4,4z in all lines of Ladies' Shoes. Have you small feet ? Bring them here to be fitted with some of these Bargains, Specials in White Shoes Ladies' White Oanvas Halo , high top, 'mother sole auul heel all sizes, :Sale pt i('o ........................ ...... . ............. 2 75 Ladies.' White Canvas Oxen ds leather int \ V rather sola and heel, all sizes, Salle price • Misses' White Qanvas PillnI1V. Saha in•Ice . ... ..... .... ..••••• Misses' White Canvas Outing Shoes with heels. Sale prior. 2 45 1 50 1 75 Everything in the Shoe line trust go, We want to sell ; You will want to buy when you sec our prices. R. Rathw l 1, r a ncrieff 9 A000..•••••••••0••40404•a40404.00444004••000444040401 4 0 4 4 0 4. 0 4 0 0 4 • • 4 0 • • 0 • O • O 4 A • 4 • • 4 • her life 14u elle fnrtil 411 l"towick Wiiei'e rim died, Shu was ('f ,t 401,1 ing dta. position hut, 0111 to ahem I•, I now 1.470 10 rt • ,111, 4 ' •.u,•': I: „1 by tort 1111,1,1101, d•n11;1t1w, 111'>. Heti 111111• B 4 1 111171 2 1111448, J iso„ of 19,1,1' i anI d 114111 a1 horns, ltlsu a ',icier, Mus I Ntllherin,11, n) ('hiragn, and broth. 1•rr., 1'111., Wiint•fer. and .111,'. ('alt ya,0. lotanoet t toot plus to 1Ytux- x`C'i' ,. '0.1'.71.14 "34111. 4;77 r,fte;n eel F-er,eeelcie L:ter.er of Pieebyterian cleaver: bae'n1Pn1 is being re.deeor'u:ed, 13. S, &e mit 0001ieueP in very poor I health, ell hough he in slightly better. 44. ti. ltunrl,+t::wn hail 1111+ mi,.furtone Du lose Ilia line pure h, ed Shorthorn bull. Vernon Denny'�,rw'1t4eeriou:,ly i11 f, on, polsoniug, the Beate or eating, it is supposed, rimmed salnlnu. '14•ustrea of S. 1s1 N':. 8, tiuwiuh, have 11(11 44,•41 MieeTurner, vichtity of J,t110,11wwn, (141 ten,lt!'r for rnruiilg year. 1411111 1111,;0., IIt,11I kern and ulo;L of 1.110 1.i, iwq,74 e:p,•ui 11117 12111 111 Alount. 1,",rest,. 11uet of the lodges 1V est of here celebrated in \Viogharu, J. J. Staples, Trehrrne, Man„ was visiting hie bruth"r-in-law, `'Vit, Gag. gin, and other relatives and 4r100d8 in 1(1113 around town. It is nearly, 40 yenta since its WAS back from Hie West. Listowel At a meeting or quarterly official hoard of the Methodist Phut eh salary of Rev. Dr. Hazen was increased $1200. 11. F. Zurbrigg, the baker, model - went an (operation fot a ) 011,'rtt o at, Listowel Memorial hospital and is do- ing O-ing favorably. Helen, the little (laughter of David and Mrs, Jo11e8, had a finger badly cut recently in a lawn mower. She was taken to the hospital, Several. stitches were requited. Pleading guilty to a theft of a caT belonging to Toot/ Relhngel', David Kemp and Lloyd Kaufman, Listowel Inds in their teens, were sentenced by Magistrate Hamilton to 2 years less a day in Mimes'', RURSPl Schede, an Blinn townehip boy, only 10 years of age, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Hamilton to the theft of a home and buggy belong- ing to George Fisher, Listowel, and was sentenced to a yew. ttt the Ontario Reformatory, !n the absence of Rev. Dr, Hazen on vacation, the services on Sunday in the Methodist church were taken in elle morning by Mrs, (Rev.) Sutcliffe, Atwood, and in evening by Rev. W. B. Fall's, Sehooleraft, Mich, Rev• 7', W. Blatchford, Lambeth, is to supply for the first 4 Sundays in August. H. R. Morphy, K. 0 , M. P., and Rev. W, H. Dunbar of Listowel, wete among the speakers at the Change celebration in Stratford. Wallace lodge No. 1847, with 87 in the line of march, won Lite prize for being the largest lodge on parade. They also won the prize for having the best ban- ner, Trowbridge bIt'e. Ed. Coates, who has been Ill for: Inane, months, is somewhat better, Mission Circle le arranging to hold a Garden Party the fore part of next month. 1'115.7 Elizabeth Sterling 'r ' S PCII 1 1 b s home from Toronto on vacation, :the is suffering with throat trouble. John Vine and Henry Armstrong were in Stratford Thursday of last week as layrnen representatives to a meeting of the Methodist Ministerial Support Oon'mitLee, S eafo rt h DE./.111 GF Witt. ARCIIIBALD William Archibald, of Egmondville, died at his house on Wednesday, July 14, in his 82nd year, diabetes being the cause of his death. Deceased was bore near Glasgow in the year 1839, and came to Canada at the age of 16, settling in Tuckersmith Township, where he followed the trade of stone mason. He was united in marriage 66 years ago to Margaret McLean, daughter of the late John McLean, of the Mill r d i road, Tuckersmith. 3 ea later they Moved to McKillop Town- ship, own ship, where they resided for 80 years, EVIDENCE Of Success of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills —01 Wm. Fuilarton, R. R. 1, Listowol: "I doctored for eight years for Stomach Trouble and Pains all thiwugh my body. got no relief midi I used Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy which fixed( me up all right, I used Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills along with the Remedy.' Mrs. H. Hinchcliffe, WIngham: '1I was on the point of a complete Nervous Breakdown, could not sleep or plan my household duties, anffer- ed with myHeart d es am Nero my wad doctors could do little for me. After ,taking the hist box of Hack, hag's Heart and Nerve Remedy 1 improved so much In health that 1 con'tinu'ed with a 8 ibox treatment and am elble tis return to my work with renewed Vigor," Mr. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont.: "1 have had Pains under my Heart tor same time and tried all sorts of remed;ieet and have been to di four f- ferent doctors and weed get no re. Het 1 took one box of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and felt very match batter. I took another box and halve been able to week again. Before I took your remedy 1 could not work for 'weeks sot a time, the pain wasso great." These aro only a few at the many ly' testimcnlale that come to us volun' tartly and I am sure that you toe w111 get beaus/dela" results if you will butgav v them 14.711' trial. Dug them bl'ome h year dealer, Inflict on Hook - Mg's. @tvq 0) 4 4 a 4 4 4 a1' 4 4, 4 • a 4 A 4 41 •F O 4 e 4, 4 4 . • 'p0eieee-e.(Were e,4,1R4. e it PI Uric.(» Tj ;o Gt &I:.B I�d77 `kauf.a:k'-:tir "' %GY9i2lfrt8lylBZE. 4INZE 00 041,, 220,,:tt ilistaidi0't.,S b:;ii, tib. t'rr - I,1;.,,•, ,.4 f,.16.1.., .......1 1'.I ,: 1,p 1.1i 461 I" ; • r ,. 1. 4,,14 ,'o , of P t t I! : .1Y drips t,' 111101'• 111+11,1 in,:1, •, •. ,.,.1.• U 1,e ,e w1 1�l,1,7i IIJU jet l out F� t �, �. 0 lI tl j'ELil7l rWnl wl 81(1',111101' thi- 1',11 1 -1 Alb ,tun 1' , ,. 11111nF 11 :,,•,.111 Ibe , ,r ,111.1 1 01 1i 1'.n v,•, 111:414.1'; .,,i 1. ,- ,� , .11 a, 1!. ., . •,I til 10,41 1.14 :\ r .; • 1, t, 17,0 .:. 1f11artita.;-i n*ounr V'alrna;',hae:a wad 0^:1: 44'117 Lo 't,,: r. ;ti.,t to I'.••wL ,+n lit,. Enamels II„ 1'1a Inv „a.311'41'• In 101 , 11 L 1 , ,t• 011'' ler 1'uarts, 15,1.3inel-• and ett :,l li,n' 1 .,: , ,.1 ,a . ' tat 11:, p r;:L:'1' 1104(1,, 14„i11g is flop bu,in•'-s 11, 'theta e,,' 1':,r Iii':,. pa, •.1111x• /5014111 Intl 1017 111 10:;711.1'" 40111.11 14,41.• ;ui, vuu ,+l(,'e:d to ,o it1 at1d at mind the hon,,•, ,sal eve nit 10 04•41•.',1 a,..7,, `i. l `4v t 9 4,�� F:� .1 " �� e. 1 F9 •04.4.40 6004 04.440,6*•6 4,4,'a,rN'a <.;c.'t02,02 k,t•<?ti'0 :"!DQ':6.0•ly 4+D+t• Agent for the McCrary 011 Stave R • 0 n a t1' • • • • • A • • • • • • • • • 4. • 1P.tlri044 from Egin'end ville• 21 t, ago. He is survived by hi, wife, 3 sone and 3 daughters, 17['4 1.1101114.. l , l K,IIp, Robert,Seam; t N. D. ; Mrs, sautes Hive, Mrs, Thomas !Mottle, b1' ,,. , ,Lt • al, 1 Mrs, llugh thieve, U'un,,,,tl1"n. He Wang !t line (1)a11. Atwood What might prove ,( fatal itre'd., l happened to Jin' Hammond, "1' ,'sr - woad, Saturday afternoon, Intl( inet, While at the farm of Mutti'..logli,, 8th Con, the 1111131404411' 142(11142144 i❑ hey and 81r. Hammond was cm the l ,,113, when ,'101,1144 itt the end of the field i4, , .• 14:511.,4'4' W04 (fa own off .the lift , 1h t a( i e ' 1 dtc,ti aid 44148 se- 11i'irrli the ntf",'L,Lneie 113.711 was uE`bl to 1a W0,11. a1. Mond ty he was „1 a 1, "1t t ',.tit 11 . t•i1.41 where the 1 ..y oes. a rd. H , teas 1)1011ght '1'eestiav and hi:; condition .•..an :' S 1111011 1.11E171y. \1 u1' ' ilei n of the 44111701 road, Mai a•'par r t1 u';;. Being in the +ia•� ir:n1-i:,1•r- tis:, 14:1440 extent found it , 1'c'•;, 4.1 y to mike go his barn, and a in n i,:•:o pl,rtiau i, notnpleted 111' will 1,., a • ,+f 41111' L,:'; si ,and $41084, o•.'•©v• See 602,6 00.4N 0.240G 0611 40000•••• ••••••••••••••••• • 4 • THE • d.,-,3 r � � e rt • ';a .•5' 0,:119 '�a'•e., Kara°", �r te:."•,,..' 0 18th . • air i • • d.,t}\jlr)N • o l• • t11�. �: • 4 : The Great Agricultural and Live Ste1,rl. Exhibition • 4 of Westcern (...):Wtrie) 0 • $35 000100 - in - ?Nies - and -AttractiOa ons 4 • • Johnny .1. Jones Exposition on the Midway • FULL PROGRAM 'I'\ViCi DAILY • ••Fireworks. AutoPolo, Music, ' \i Special 1\_lts aail } EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS • eSOIIE1'HING i/DI Nei EVER I' 111 MITE ® General Admission Sic. Children tic. Auto ecu flriaer 11.00 All laf ,rmutie n 1, n,,, , hr. =,:1',.+n,,• Lt. -Col. W, M. Gartshore, President 0 e 4 4 0 4 • 604460444•d40••••••4•oo'o.,u,,048 41 i; s•...+<, • • • O A. Hunt, Secretary 4 • A Comilete E leotric Nara for t p e Early ;ft" ._ ` ee:i; USED 4111 yon want things more handy around the house and halal N Put iu Delise1.ight. it furnish,.., electrie power for "per«li0g light-anaaltinety. It ftn'oi•hra eleetlie iighis Inv the hones' 1111,1 ,,au it11 pumps and forces the whirs. to wherever yen want 10, 14,4,1 .1, .. nl111''1' 11.70.41, wnrh. Write for Catalog H. G. Darroch District Agent, - Listowel THROUOi'1'OUT VHS WORLD THE USEFUL STORAGE BATTERY With the coming of eleetricity In the farm the farmer Moe bemire 1n. terested iu the storage battery, at piper r of elect/lea] equipment which 11:.7.7 undergone very extensive develop- 1e1in the host two yens A good many years ego eti4V that some tray would have to be+ de- veloped to store electrical energy go'M eratv'd by meet 4 t aan' r a1' Ll devh es 'nett t the electric generator. This heces9ltl arose from the fetcl that there were various cheeses of Meet Heal eet'vi,'e which (remanded 1110 prodneticn 1'4 current in comparatively vely moat atn(unts for intermittent n,,, One 111' the best examples of Emelt Illterlll(11 '411 t 080 is the electric 1101•Vi1'e de111:1nded by the farm home. Lights rove of course used principally l41 tli4titr, Intl there are litany tinges during the day when electric light is wanted for a few minutes and there are many move times when eleotrie current is wanted for the °pars ion of power appliances, 815041 es pnn1p8, v11011(1m (weepers, washing machines, nhnrns, etc,, If this tris c ere ur relit , gener- ated 11th had 11:4.7, 6 enrl- ated for each of these 1181'8 by 4111114 and starting an engine and genet/stop itwould obviously be very inconven- ient, In order to have emoro11 avail- able at any time whether the gouer- atot' la running or not the storage h1'. i al y i t used. Tile image hat tot is 444114(4)' all 1.10,4 t•M'chrmieal machine enn,157117g of a number 01' jars filled with it pie -mice! teatime, called rtes.. II 'del..,in I1epended lead p7. .t41 14hcnt 1'.71'1'0111 is th!•ough t hi4 be r •I y by the 44'nt li4lnr a chem. re..11 teeeetion 4.,l r••, Idiom, which stores 4„iai-Il enet,:y In the battery. \\,' tom : len1 is wanted It1' the t rn- I el ,a light of tie running of a ,M 1 0 1 1. 1 t the ni It 7, 1 41 tory supplies it eeleaeleg the elct Heal 'nPtgy stored. in it lib le the •nerttt.t•r was tenoning, In (1114 04,4y 41 hu ntice:+sary 01117 to run the g,••t,'ratl u) 11..11 fol a farm light- ing plaid 1t.1 three times a wok el wheal !lute: it. (nay ran for an hour M. sit. 'Pili:' rnlllltiaaiinn of the generating met, 'n•isli'1g4,1' a ka•rosene engine 11111 74010.1 al 01, 0/1,17 the storage battery makes it poeeiirl for the farm- er (411,1 his foully to have tleolric set - Vire to 4110 4111111• as (Inr110140 and as (molvetllent as that, given to 1110 4)44,y dwellers by a centrist pnwet' station, and bells the geom./titn 1 r Units 141141 t•11(1 41,111/14 M IFr t (NI'{4 a 101N't. Ill 1.110 11141 few yeree In 'o ,developed tit sprit a thigh. vein! of eniiiieney that tllt'y deliver 1 hi- ''1'. 1 I ri11 service tW a very low (4080 land with the greal.est of depentlabil• try.