The Brussels Post, 1920-7-22, Page 4the AtttszleiA Volt 1'11C117i11:1 i t.'L1 a tubs, CROP reports from diiTrren' pacts of the West are optimistic. A good har- vest badly needed anti w.allii be eeiinane - THE "i.ibera is laid•' wets :-quelzen out of what was denominated a ''Un,ou Government. Last shuffle put the ki- bosh on it. 5 or 6 Dominion bye Elections will liv- en up the political arena ie Canada and May partake s?tnewbat of the surprise box quality. SECRETARv of the U. S N:•vy Daniels is complimented as a man who would neither buy gold bricks nor tion:, mull puce. He's the tuelal. ARE you lining up with she Electors who will vote in October for more etri':- gent measures to shut out booze from the Canadian youth ? Total Prohibition is the aim. Los Awoe(,eq, California, received a quartette of shakes front Mother Earth last Friday that caused the people to sit up and take notice, No serious dam- age was done fortunately. OFFICERS are enquiring for names of the chauffeurs wlto are still using the "glare" lights on their cars. tinter comply with the law, boys, as it is cheaper than the compulsory lrss,nrs likely to be taught von 300 motorist "pi.<ers" :from Mirhigau touring Canada is one way to sped pot Good Roads The Goyetnment don't want to lose sight of the fact however t in • t.tio that all the ravel Oa 9 is not eurilinetl to .0 bre line front 1Vind. `Ire to Toronto. CANADIAN Railway Association is ask- ing the Railway Commission for a 3o per cent increase in freight rates. A big legal fight may attend the discus- sion of the application. Increase of wages expense operating of o eratin is said to be the reason tor request. FARMERS' Suis figures out the pet capita indebtedness of Ontario to be $434.00 at the present date. We wond- er when retrenchment will be the watchword, Multiply the above figure by the number in your home circle and y.,0 get your share of the debt. SPEEDERS in Greece have dire conse- quences. Policemen posted along tnain thoroughfares when they see a car com- ing at prohibited speed put down a plank studded with spikes. If the car crosses the plank its tires are punctured and there is no way unt only to stop and submit to arl:;st. PREMIER DRURY has more backing in the country over the Hydro radial ques- tion than possibly some of his opponents think. It's a good thing sometimes to stop for a:minute and ask whither are we drifting ? A ship without a rudder or a wheelsman usually misses the har- bor and gets on the rocks, GRRA'r;is the Goddess of Fashion. Live snake necklaces are now worn by some up'to-the•miuute women in Paris restaurants. A small toad or a mouse attached as a pendant would improve the new tad no d'cbt and add to the "thrill" of these leaders, in introducing the new craze. THIS is the day of youthful culprits and the Police Court records have only to be read to prove thin, It is a perplexing condition of affairs and knocks very loudly at the door of every home calling for a real survey of the situation an that possibly "timber" being prepared to fill the jails and penitentiaries may be headed off and their feet turned into a better way. Night prowling gangs Wag no good to themselves nor credit to law and order, To what class does your boy or girl belong ? Arty set of men who back up the rum. running campaign on the Detroit river border r are worse than the law•d efieis who run the gauntlet at night in trying to pilot the l ooze to its destination, 'Phe law is to blame if it does not sit on the culprits so bard that the emphasis will spell Canada and officers of the law who wink at offences or sleep at their post should be given such a shake -tip that they would understan d their re• sponsibility and either do it undiuehing• ly or quit the job and make way for men with baokbone, not cotton strings. 1.F Rev. Ben. Spence, of the Domin- ion Alliance,' and Rev. Dr. Grant, of the Referendum Committee, want to "scrap" over who is "it" in authority it might be a good policy to drop the two of them out of office and proceed Witb the oampaigu minus the personal squabble. The question at issue is too big b waste time over nonessentials and the plainer leaders are told this the better for the cause and all concerned. Our advice is "Cut out the jangle and let us trove forward as a mighty Army." I II:: . It t i ti oh t.+i'ti 11110.0 1,1 by t iq tIIC ctrItonts e.1c it 1 ,. t 1 hV , 0- I, reuu ,re,i, 1 .n d bl Ift +I ap to nth eu 11ub+.:ud in 11. It, 1.. 11 the .netts :•ul his 1 1aft -v,tiolitray y or prefiteernig gang whom the Govern- or 01 1 uut'ii s It'n .. t, t-dLtrt! of 1011ed ,rip uu but a 1't •i „ In ti., I11.. ,.ut Ia, ,,, 11r I r.::1 c'asil uI n4 sly Rw.rar4�.,..a+viv SChWol Lairs in huroli County Following are the dates set for the 18:441001 baits aniiiulu'ed in iiurnn County :--- DATE 1r1I1tR1i HELD 11.1] 1 Sept, it Dashwood Thursday I ' 1(1.,,...,,,t'reditou . Friday " hl .......tlutrie Thursday 17 Eth.•1 .. .Friday " lti E't trei .. 11111. , •.S,aturday ,?o ..,,.., Colborne ;Monday " 21 ..3leKillnp .,,,....Tuesday " 22 ,...CBoron .-Wednesday " 29 .,,,...St, Helens ...Wednesday Bn Walton Thursday Oet, 1 ... ,..Wroxeter .... ..Monday 5..,- „Ilelgrave ,.Tuesday 8 131uevale .........,. Friday Meighen's Cabinet Hon. Arthur Meighen has formed his new Cabinet. With three excep• tions the personnel is the same as that of the late Borden admiuietratiou. 'Phe nets uteri to he taken iu M e Hon, F'. 13. McCurdy, Minister of Public Winks ; Hon, R. W. Wigmore, :Minis- ter of Cnstutne and Inland Revenue, and Hon, l±- K. Spinney, of Yarmouth Chili e, 1511 Later without portfolio, The new Cabinet follows : Hon. Arthur Meighen, Pilule Minis- ter and Secretary of State fur Extern- al Affairs. Sit George E. F'pster, Minister of Trade mull Commerce. Hon. 0. 3. Doherty, Minister of ,lustier, Hou. Arthur Sift on, St'ctetaty of State, Hon. 3 A. Calder, Prer.itle a 1d the Privy Council and Minister of lin- inigtntion and Colonization. Sir Henry Drayton, ;Minister of Finance. Hou, J. D, Reid, Minister of Rail- ways and Canals. Sir James Lougheed, Minister of the Interior and Superintendent -Gen- eral of Indian Affairs, Hon, P. Bloudin, Postmastet.Gener. al, Hou. 0. 0. Ballantyne, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Hon. Gideon Robertson, Mf nisier cif Labor•, lion. thigh Guthrie, Minister of 'iMilitia and Defence. lien. S. 15. Tolmie, Minister of Agtr- cult ore. Hon. F. B. McCurdy, Minister of Public Wei Hon. R, W. Wigmore, nre Minister uf Customs and Inland Revenue. Sir Edward Kemp and lion. E. K. Spinney, .11inist;'ts 'sithnut Put (folio, Ministerial Support Committee Methodist laymen and ministers fi out all uiep icta in the London Con- ference met Tuesday afternoon of last week in tate Fitst Methodist Church, London, to 1ereive it -ports from the different District representatives and to complete nil organiz'tioli R1101'211 as the London Methodist Ministerial Snppnrt Committee whirls 1vi11 be ex• tended throughout earl) District with- in the London Conference. This nrganiz+atinn has underl akin to promote an educational rampeign by correspondence and visitation of cir- cuits by ptotninent laymen, who will present to earth rircnit the need of stetter financial 5uppot1 to the min- imty, The General Conference has fixed the minimum sable;" of Methodist ministers at $1.100.00 per annum, but it, is exported the 200.l 0, ds will be �pb flow xpee11 U(1 to ;jnena00, and in the i p1 larger ehurele s some will exceed this OW amount The retool is received were very en• couraging, and if these may Ito (liken as an indication of to hat is to he ex - 161.1011.91110. V fl Y The Annual Celebration will be held on Victoria Park, Brus- sels, on above (late when a most interesting program will be presented. In the Forenoon Wateri ht a Free Exhibition of a Water Fight, with Fire Engine and lines of hose as the weapons will be put on. BaseBali Well contested League Base Ball Matches will be played in the afternoon between Wing - ham, Brussels and Kincar- Foot 11 Contest between Seaforth and Brussels has been arranged, to commence at 6.3o p. m, dine well drilled teams, who Athletic Sports, &c. are closely matched. For Children. be weow� JLilifl kr bats Will give Performances on the Platform that will prove most interesting. Gati r Has been engaged, at large expense, to supply choice Music during the day. One on the Comic outfits to be present is THE GIMP mow, fl AND Composed of to Members who are high-class Musicians as well as real Fun Makers. Proermde On the Park in the Evening by the two Bands. The Acrobats will also perform. DANCING- PAVILION Both .Afternoon and Evening on the Grounds. Refreshment Booths, &c. pected from otbet circuits, every minister in the Lnrtdnn (loam enee will be assltl'ed at, least, the minimum salary, It was decided that every District throughout the London Conference .5 'F ITI have a choice stock of TWEEDS WORSTEDS PANTINCS that should be seen be- fore you place your Spring order, Splendid values in Waterproof Coats that ate sure to satisfy. W. P. Fraser Tailor - Brussels 4' � sAa�li be Decorated For the occasion and Illuminated in the Evening. Admission to Park, 25c ; Children under 12, 15c Don't Miss Brussels Thursday, July 22 D. C. ROSS, G. H. SAMIS, Chairman. Treasurer. F.'H. GILROY, Secretary. )'Iu case of Bad Weather Concert will be given in Brussels Skating Rink• would complete ran nrganizaU0)1 with- in the Disitiet, which will consist of a Chairman, a Secretary and ministerial chairman of the Matt let and one lay- man from each circuit. These Dis- trict emnntittees have been asked to complete their organization by,July 23. The different Quarterly Boards have also been nmketl to defer their l+all meeting until after this date in order that the District representatives May have an opportunity of giving tali infornialien to oaeh circuit and to each board prior to next meeting. 4444.4444044.0♦4•040♦060400690596004,000e000000000406006 •ery4 9 ♦ 0 ♦ Try $ the 4 4, 4 • 0 Bread is Your Be!..!!'!_i. Fat More of it o GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS • • Phone 32X W. E. WILLIS 1 For a a L of ;.`read • 4 4444494.4♦04440994'09944'40044044i,♦4046♦44444444'4444f• A quantity of 5x B. C. Shingles at x17.25 a square and 37: at Soo per square for sale. T. G. Hemphill WROXETER The following laymen and ministers wore present at Pleating in addition 1" n nuulber of other laymen and ministers who carne to the meeting au acrnnut of their interest in the move - meld, tf' v. W, H. Graham, Stratford ; 11. v. (leo. Jewett, Wyoming ; S. 0, l'h"wu, Luoau; T. 13. Shlllingtun, Blenheim; Fied. Holtby, St. Thom- as ; Ezra Hunt, Lambeth ; 11. Po- enelc, London ; R. 1. Watson, Lolul• r.1 ; 3. 0. Hay, Listowel ; A. T. Coop - r, Clinton ; 3. R. Stedman, Petrnlea; .1 0, Ferguson, Sarnia ; Rev. E. M. Tholusou, Wellaceburg ; F. W, Mil- ler, Lawrence Station ; \V. H. Kerr, Brussels ; Gen. Stanley, T:ncan ; Rev. E, G. Powell, Liman ; Rev, W, 3, Ashton, London, LET'S GO! Pitt one hundred men on an island where fish is a staple article of susten- ance, Twenty-five of the men catch fish, Ttwenty-five others clean the fish. Twenty-five cook the fish. Twenty- five stunt fruit and vegetables. The en- tire 'company eats what thus is gather- ed and prepared. So long as everybody works there is plenty. All hands are happy. Ten of the allotted fish catcheres stop catching fish. Ten tnore dryhideo and part f the fish they catch, Five continue to catch fish, but work only part of the day at it. Fewer fish go into the community kitchen. But the same number of leen insist upon having the same amount of fish to eat asthey ley had before. The fifty teen who formerly cleaned and cooked the fish have less to do owing to the undersupply of fish. But they continue to demand food. Gradually greater burdens are Laid upon the fruit and vegetable hunters. These insist upon a larger share of fish, in return for their larger efforts in gathering fruit and vegetables. It is denied them and soon twenty of the twenty-five quit gathering fruit and vegetables. But the intim one hundred men con- tinue to insist upon their right to eat. The daily food supply gradually shrinks. The man with 2 fish demands three bananas in exchange for lone of them, The man with two bannanas refuses to part with one for fewer than three fish. finally the ten sten at work quit in disgust, Everybody continues to eat. The hidden fish are brought to light and consumed. 'Comes a day when there is no food of any kind. Everybody on the island blames everybody else. What would seem to be the solution? Exactly. We thought you would guess it, For we repeat that you_ can't eat, buy, sell, steal, give away, hoard, wear use, play with or gamble with What ISN'T,—Exchange. Stomach Disorders There aa'e no remedies or med- icines so effective for the treatment for the various iStoma(A1 Disorders as Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills. 'llhis we k'no'w, from the experience we have had from these preparations and from the know- ledge we have of the action and medieitha1 effect of ,the different drugs and herbs that go into the ooln,pas1tion of these 'two 'wonderful remedies. 'Dhe Appetite may be either exag- geralted, peverted, dianinLehed or en- 'tirety lost, these preparations will restore ,it. The condition may be ether Acute or Chronic or the Nerves supplying the Stomach may Abe deflebive or there may be Gas on the Stomach drive to Femiento;tion or Deoompogition of Foods; no matter what the ta,oui'ie may be this treat• went will tone up the organs of the entire system and bring 'Muck the glorious good health that you so much desire. Pain after Eating, Vomiting, Grad- ual Loss of Flesh and Strength, Dyspepsia and Anaemia are some of the Synllptbma of S'tosnarch Disorders that quleltIly disappear when you use Hackings. In order to effect a cure, however, patience is as essential ave the tight rento'dy and anyone 'who has 'been tilting for any length of time should not expeot to be out ed In a few d'ay's', Buy 6 boxes elf Hack- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy and 3 of Hacking's kidney and Livor Pills and give them a good trial. Be sure to got Hacking's. 't04.1tYA4 lO•4Sll1Ott3L; tnr4'y 11 \C. rRA,• 1w+-MYFtjG•Y_l^1=9teb- ks-.K'r I.4 .1 .a0a4 . i.n:1n'at!T.$4‘,.,51 Hi'rf?Y'�;'x1,, e,S*.R40.y , IFHSrr'f I The Seaforth Creamery r am t e Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test 1♦ it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- h pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia, • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. • fi McCALL, Phone 23 to, Brussels, or write to 8' • The Seaforth Creamery Co. i'60 f 0 44 060 04-04.9-+44.4+444+4't9 +4240-5 45+4114 6 44 4-0, A-tt4 ltg.10-iiia•{4.3 SEAFORTI-T, ON'T', ♦ NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—in the matter of the estate of Thomas Davidson, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Fe - %deed Statutes or ntario;' that Ill creditors and others having elabna against the estate of the said Thomas Davidson, who died on or Om about ho lath day of May, A. D. 1020, nee re- euired on or before the Slat day of July, A, i D. 1000, to seed by post prepaid or deliver to ' John U. Davidson, of the Vlllapo of liruaeals, In the County of Huron, nt Brussels P 0 , one of the Exroutors of mold deeenscd, Ihr'tr I Christian entl surnames, addresses anti de- setlptlone, the fall perticulare of their elaims, the statement of their nnaennts a11r1 t110 11atur, of the securities (if any) hold by thein. And further tale notice that after such last• mentioned dote the said Exeenters will proceed to dlat,'ibnte the assets of the deee1 amed among the parties entitled thereto, luteingg re gerd only to the chums of which they at.e)1 i then have notice, end the said Exerntors will not be liable for the seta assets er any part thereof to any person or persons of whose :Mahn notice shall not have been received by thein at the time of such distribution. Dated this 12th day of ,Tuly, A D. 1020 IOBN L. DAVIDI1ON, tEx, uutm•s. ROBERT DAVIDSON, 5 To Contractors The Municipal. Council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for the construc- tion of the Robertson drain. Plane, apeelace- tiona. estdmates, ,Sse., may be seen at the Clerk's residence. Tenders will be opened nt the Township. Ball, Monday, July Uhlt at 8 qp nl. WM. ELSTON, A. a1AcE1VEN, Reeve Clerk. Buildings for Sale A barn 805:74 feet, A drive h v l o s d 29x e 00 feet And other smaller buildings. For rtu'thN partite Ware ri�ppply to RIGH. JAC%LIN• Phone' 210 Lot 4, Con. 8, Grey. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Gradnats Department of Ophthalmology, Ma• 1101' o ok bindles' College, Chicago, M. Threeel oltha poet 81000000 worse during pest year. Eyes eo•reetly Rtterl with Glosses, Head- nobes, Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids and other Eye troubles, caused by Ey watt-ain, relieved through properly fitted Oincses, Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor In Leckie bleak, one door South of Barrister Sineloir's office. Office hours : 0 to 12 n, m.; 1 to 0 p, nn. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Phone 20x ring 4 Notice Notine is hereby Riven Min aril Persons who dump stones, old DIM, class, tweet], logs, weee•, with clay attached to them or other no liisicall tlu' suede or the mtnduliOilty of M eiilllop will be prneeauted its the Law die. vets, By order of the Mo3ilinp Connell. 111.301211DIR, Clerk. July 7th, 1020. Sale by Tender The ;ilmrsrie f Store property is offered for solo by lcnd„t' A nnu 11,1 carina for 10 per vont nt tender must nevomhanv the offer and Will 1,e returned If aur uceept •rt. Tenders re• oaivcd up to August 10th, The highest or any tender not llecessal'tlY He(C ted. p J. 1).McEWEN 2-1 R. R. 0, Wiugbam. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for servieo nt Net 10, Con. 13, Grey, the thorn"b ed Aberdeen Angus Buil, "Scottie 711." Terme 3390, Pay- able et time of service. Cows bred. elsewhere not allowed. 50-5 M. L. CARDIFF, Proprietor. BUN for Service The tnulet'elgned alt) keep for service, on S;' Lot 00, Con. 2, Morris township, the thoro'•bred Short Horn Brill, Gainford of Rulenl, No. —0 0418—, Sired by Gainford Marquis (1008901 ; Onto Mildred VII by Hoye' Sailor 118050). Ped- igree may be Seen on application. Terms— :110 O0 for tboro •hrvds payable nt time of Ser - rive with privilege to return, Grade cows not allowed. THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor I CRAIGIE'S DOUBLE 30o.10458 Enrolment No. 6070 Form I Will stand for service at the stable of the pro- Prietor, sit Lot 28, Con. O, Morrla. Terms - 810.00 to ltilttro a foal, 600T, NICHOL, Phone 1610 Proprietor, CUMBERLAND GEM 110015) .m81;3 Enrolment No, 1807 Form I W. JPr. MEDHoprietUorRBT, Will stand for the Improvement of stock dor- Ing the eeneon of 1020, at Thos. Miller's oteblas, R31Lot 20, Oen. 0, Morris. Terme ; 012.00 to in - I sure, payable February 1st, 1021. 9512 8400000409000040400099094,8444440000004044004404644044 4r A C� 4 0 0 4 b / m We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors e who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are e mooting with success. We are training Soldiers under 4, Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Commission. m aAddress the College for Free Catalogue, to either i' mStratford or Wingaeeee9 ilii nOC414404s1041100444400000000001tt 6 0 0006.00♦OS4.(3'5t44.4404tp9 Students May Enter Any Time 4, w 0 0 m 4 9 0 4 i5,59.1.115116. Ship y:raar Cream Direct to the to Brussels Or 'a- ery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Can and Pay all Ex- press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice eaeih month, pay- able at par at your Bank, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Brussels Creamery Stewart Broca