HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-7-22, Page 1VOL. 49 NO, 4
,50 Per Annum in Advance
Barmen with Sales NoteS will be well advised to
turn them over to this Bank for collection.
The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in Mak-
ing presentation, and payments will be credited to
your account promptly.
Sales Notes supplied without charge.
PAiD-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
WA7 TON BRANCH, J: M. McMillan, Manager.
New Adodrtisements
For hale -Robe, Baiter.
Rirr Lound -Tan POST.
Bruseele Summer Races, •
Special Prices -F, Davidson.
Deleo•1,Ight-H. G. Darnall.
Grain for ails -Mark Cardiff.
Post coed Salo -Jan. S. Snaith.
The RexallStore-P. R. Smith,
Hoose for sole-Wenrrtng Bros,
Dancing Pavillon at Brussels Celebration,
istxt,rt �i s
The condition of Mrs, Jno. Forrest
continues much the same,
Miss McNair has been re-engaged as
Principal of our school at an increas-
ed salary. She is a fine teacher.
Mise Jean McNair, Toronto, is here
on her vacation with relatives and
old friends and is a welcome guest.
Mies Theresa Switzer, of London,
and Mies Alfie, of hlooretown, are
here for a holiday visit at the old
The next Township Council meeting
will be held here on August 16, when
the Baker Drain Exteusiou By-law
will be dealt with. - •
A letter from Harry Buttery, Re-
gina, under date of July 130 says
We are having elegant weather and
crops in the Regina District are very
promising this year, June was a
wonderful month for growth and
everything points to a fine crop so
far. Hope everybody is in good
health and prospering. I,am still, as
ever, a Huron Co, boy.
Service In the Methodist chuteh
next Sunday will be held at 2.80
o'clock, Sacrament will be acltninis-
Will, and Mrs. Kerfnot and Ernest
and Mre. Kerfoot, Smith's Falls, and
Mre. Gallagher, of Pot Gaud Ont.,
were here on a motoring trip visiting
relatives and friends.
Mise Elisabeth Dodds and Mise
Marion, of McKillop, were granted
Normal School Certificates and now
go out full fledged teachers able to
lead the youth up to the higher
Annual meeting of the Bible Soci-
ety, Walton Branch, was held in the
Methodist church Monday evening.
A good audience beard M, A. Smith
give a very intim eating address on
♦i'♦+.1-++Y+r•EAd•4+4+4+4+40.4 • 4+4+0+4+4+0+4.+4+4+4 +4.+4+4+
For the Bride
We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles,
Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butter Tubs, Mar-
malades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat-
ware in the up-to-date Patterns.
Diamond Rings
In stock at special Price -$266,
$40, $50, $75 and $100, ()all and
see the assorttneut and save
hedging Rings
A complete stock, all sizes, in
the new style, and are most
Iaomfortable. Let us enpply the
Wedding Ring,
1i Kodak
Means incl aimed pleasure on that Holiday
trip. Let us show you our oomplete line.
FREE instruction and a Monthly Maga-
zine to all purchasers.
Jeweler and Optician
. .... v4••M♦+♦+♦'h♦'N♦'i'♦'h"
<N♦d'♦'M'N♦'F♦'N♦'N♦d ♦d'•'F♦*♦'b.t0 }♦'i'♦'N♦t♦'D ♦ ♦ f,
"'rowing with nor 1 '..11' , teat III , ..
tretetl by a mum her c P It lc, " .
looking for 'nudu
to it "ii,,ner :•r r
'Phe Pei 'uotm'qua :Aid: -J. J. el r.
Gavle, of \Velu n, wn, in roma wilt
rail le I'ar the Ii. Ti, 1). T'nnr bn 1-h •i.:
went to Gurnee for '11)5 5t) per owe„
and two 1,20011, cu we be neelib 1!.o0.
Cutting off 1,lie servnes "1' 11,.. 11,
agent o' e e f _
1, R.a nt t t !h evening i tui rosy
g a
bea s n axed rueoftt , " t it '
t stroke o u
the Cowpony but it, 1 tete Straiten a.
Week eye lu it the saute- awl r, HO_
keeping faith with i.he ,.phis- "f the
money by-law voted to I luarrt.
\V. l+', and alt,. leuu ,ty caul sou
Clare, of Iiillafneey, Man., liar, bn''a
visiting Mre, Ilmih lt.anr ry and nl.hrr
old ft 'ends. It ie 4 yeere tines they
were here. At present they are nail-
ing on acquaintances at Winglitun,
Btueelleld, iffxeter and other militia.
Among thoe of shim neighLnrhoud
who were suneresl'nl Nortnalitc,t were
Misses Wilma Shaw and Evelyn and
Olive Turner, We eougttatuhlte.
Wroxeter news on page 5 also.
Wtn, McLennan is spending a few
days in Seaforth,
Mrs, T, A. Gibson ie, visiting her
daughter, Airs, Wells, Toronto.
We congratulate Mien bt, Giheon on
her success at the Normal School,
Miss Jennie Miller, Toronto, is
spending a week with old Mende here.
Miss Oasaie Harris, Toronto, is en-
joying a two weeks' vacation at her
Sherrie Gibson, Detroit, is house for
a week's holiday. He motored. from
Laurie Van Nemo., of the J3ttnk. of
Hamilton eta11', is holidaying at
A,number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Rasa, of How.
Mc, on Saturday afternoon.
Mts, Herman Morrison and child-
ren, of Pilot Butte, Sask., are visiting
at the home of Soo. Morrison.
Miss Annie Harris and ales.
Stevenson, Toronto, are guests of
their sister, Mrs. D. el, A'It•Tavish.
Lawrence Moffitt has been appoint-
ed mail -carrier on Rural Route No, 1
and commenced his duties ,Monday.
Rev. It Harkness has accepted the
call from the Presbyterian church
here, and will be inducted shortly.
Mrs, Hoshall and daughter, ales.
Berger, have returned to Woodstock
after a week's visit al the home of W.
E, Van Velum.
Mrs, D. Fraser, a fnrmer well
known resident of Turnberry but now
of Gilbert Plains, Man., is renewing
acquaintances in this vicinity,
The Howe Mfgr' Oo. have sold their
woollen mill to Baintmn Bros., Blyth,
Merton Howe will remail as manager,
We wish the new ant every enc.
Harry Waller assumed his position
as Postmaster on Friday. Ile is at
present being assisted by Miss Ross,
Dorris, We wish him a comfortable
A private pic-nit was held oto Lhe
lawn of L. and Mrs. Ratan, on the
10th inst., when 1. 0. and Mrs: Rich-
ards, Brussels ; Mrs. Ww. Moses and
Micas Bessie, and Mrs, Geo. Meunier
and Miss Fern, Jamestown •and Alts
Miller and M.
and Ales Brown, of
town ; and Obits. Richards Toronto,
enjoyed a Hon time. An appetizine
lunch was served and a happy social
time enjoyed that all hope wilt be re-
4• eo. o 4004 600 030„,,,,, 4044+♦
Watch for ford Sign
0 m S`ee'm
a Prices
On entire stock. Here are a few p
of the bargains- 4
Gerhard llelnttman lictrula
Regular $210, sale price $135
Regular 81 00, stile prifie., .,. 75c e
(Firsts) $23,00
Bring In your Cans for Oils and
Can you beat these pricey re
Other prices given nn request,
Put in your stook while prices
are right.
Genuine Ford and Chevrolet
pry'. Davidson
0 Phone Ox 0
0 i
ceee444440O4,♦00!1,040>4e44e ",N
Garden Party
Molesworth Women's Institute
Will hold a Gat deo !'arty
on tho
School Grounds
friday Evening, July 13rd
Adults 400, Children 25e.
7ULY 22, 1920
W. H. K, RR, o4 eetor
l ednesday) August 4th
2,18 Trot nr Pare, Purse ..$ 30(1
2.25 Trot or Pace, Puree ... 31!0
a 35 Trot Purse... 300
Hnrsee eligible up to ,Tuly 13th,
The track hoe been put in fleet- ,
class condition and is one Of
OW best } mile tracks in On-
Large entry in all classes,
Plea, r`6
Hans Rasmussen has taken n posi-
tion as junior in the Bank of Hamil-
Mre. McKee, who came from the
Soo, has been visiting her brothers at
Bengston and Palmerston, is buck to
Wroxeter, visiting be sister, Mrs. L.
W. Rattan. Mrs. D. W. Dullnttge,
Palmerston, accompanied her, Mre,
Nonce expecte to visit iu Ontario for
naris time yet.
(louden Imlay, Detroit, has been
visiting at the hams of Chas. and Mre.
Hopper, Morrie, and Laking great
stock in his brand new neice-Gladys
Marie, This is the only grandchild in
either felonies and is consequently
"the only pebble on the beach."
1.M. -The members and adherents of
St. George Methodist church, at a
soviet gathering on June 23rd, present-
ed their pastor, Rev. W. J. Brandon,
with a cheque for 2231.50. A very
pleasant evening was spent and the
many friends of Mr. Brandon and his
family wish for thetu a continutruee of
happiness and prosperity in their new
field of labor at Hamilton.
Mrs. Geo, Love and children left for
their home in the West.
Thos, Williamson left Tuesday of
this week for Flint, Mich., for a visit,
Thos. and Mrs. Pollard, Kiuburn,
were visitors with J. A. and Mts.
Nurse E. Ferguson, Graduate of To-
ronto General Hospital, is visiting
with her parents,
Miss I. Mitchell has accepted a posi-
tlou in Wingham, as milliner, resign-
ing her position in London.
A number from this locality took in
the Listowel -Owen Sound Football
match at the former town last Friday
evening. Listowel won,
Mre. A. H. Macdonald and son and
Mrs. 13. 11, Porter and children motor-
ed to Gunge Saturday evening to visit
with Airs. (Dr,) Whitely.
League service has been changed
to Friday evening instead of Thursday
for this week owing to the Celebration
on Thursday in Brussels,
Thursday of last week A. H. and
Mrs. Macdonald abd son, accompanied
by Mrs, B, R, Porter and children, of
Burlington, motored to Goderieh.
Miss Myrtle Bowes was granted a
Limited 3rd Class Oertificate, good for
5 years, brit by writing off the subjects
starred will receive her 2nd Olass
J. G. Cole, who has not been here
foe '20 years and who has spent the
past 87 years under the Stara and
Stripes, dropped in on relations here.
His home is in Abilene, Kansas.
.A wonderfully smart olcl lady 1)u the
person of Mre. \Ven, Oole, is here nn a
visit. She r was 86ears old of jelly
9th but reads and sews without spec-
tacles and is smart correspondingly,
Mrs. ()yippee and son, Los Anes,
Cale loft last Saturday afternoon on
their return trip homeward. They
will visit with friends in Toronto,
Chicago and other American pointe,
Rev. 3. L. McCulloch and wife, of
Cariuke, Ont., were visiting with
friends in Ethel on Thursday of last
week. They were On their way to
their Summer cottage at the Beach.
F. Il. Gilroy, Brussels, took °lunge
of the services at Union church and
Ethel Iast.S.unday in the absence of
Rev. Mr. iOKell who was attending
barmier School at St. Thomas, Mr.
Gilroy is certainly an able speaker
and the congregation of Ethel Metho-
dist church is always glad to hear him.
Judging by all appearances some
people have forgotten the Fourth
Ootumandment as they find Sunday a
very eOuvenient day to Paris Green
potatoes, test net their cars and do
other jobs too numerous to mention,
Ilut the Lord didn't, show favor for the
Sunday worst as -Ile sent a refreshing
shown' and the Paris Green was lost.
Thureday of last week Mrs, Geo. W.
Love turd Wesley returned to their
hone near Brandon, Man., after a 2
months visit with the farmer's moth-
er, Mrs, Jnc, Sanders, and other rela-
tives in Grey and Elan, Miss Rima
Love who has been livingwith her
graurlparents, Mr, and Nies, Ilam-
mood, of Rime, also returned to her
home with there. It is 5 years since
Aire, Love went West. , Her 'navy
Mende were glad to welcome her
back again, By letters received by
Mrs, Love, a gond crop is expected
this year in the West,
(r Add le. and family, Air. Frank-
lin and family and ,1rs. J.A.Oole were
at Woodstock on a motoring trip.
Mus. I3re11isKr, of Abilene, Kansas,
formerly Mine Anile Taylor, Hallett,
line been Visititlg nils, S. 111, Cole and
other fi lends.
The tl Ethel pupils who wrote at
Brussels Entrance leraru111041ot all
]nesed, Eleanor Engler Lekbig, ur
The 'lt te•
a h is wereud •eBrat r
A t y nue ,
13uby Cleaver, Lloyd Dunbar, Walker.
Aiitehell and Bot tun Macdonald. It
is most creditable to Cath pupils and
Mks Balleutlyue their teacher.
Next meeting of 'Township Council
will be Monday, July 28.h.
Mrs. Ir. 0. Walker is home from an
enjoyable v'lsit with Toronto friends.
Miss Nellie Anderson, 5th line, leas
been holidaying with Winghain
M. M, Cardiff is trete from the West
011 a visit. He's a well known former
Mrs. George Martin and 2 children,
Georgetown, are visiting relatives in
this Inoel ity.
W. H. Armstrong was a visitor with
friends in Windsor, Sarnia and De-
troit, Michigan.
Mrs. Mundy and children, of Wing -
ham, were visitors with Mrs, Jas.
Anderson, 6th line.
W. H. Ferguson and son Gordon,
Toronto, are again at their old home,
5th line for a few weeks,
Mts. S, Walker, 0th line has gone
on a visit with relatives and friends to
Regina and other points in the West.
David Little, Principal of Collegiate
in Vancouver, 13, 0.. visited with his
aunt, Mrs. Agnes Craig, 7th line of
A, T. Cole and Mies Mary, of Blyth,
are away on a holiday to the West.
They will likely be absent for a few
Miss Oora Armstrong has been en-
gaged by the Trustees of S. S. No. 1,
Morris, as Leacher for the ensuing
year, at a salary of $825.
Congratulations are extended to
Misses Cora Armstrong and Bertha
Ellis, Thos. A. Roger and Ohas. Sellers
who passed the recent Normal School
We congratulate Miss Lillian Jack-
son on her success in obtaining lst
class Honors in Junior Piano in con-
nection with the recent Loudon Con-
servatory exam. She is a pupil of
Miss Maude Ferguson and is a natural
musician who takes kindly to hard
work in pursuit of her favorite ac-
quirement. We wish her top-notch
Fall wheat and barley harvest is
crowding haying.
Miss Lillian Dark is home for her
vacation from Hamilton.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs, W.
Randa has not been enjoying her
usuual good health.
Mrs. Woods and alert laddie left on
the home trip to California this week.
The former is a daughter of J. Henry
and Mrs. Hoover, llth Con.
The many friends of Mrs, Hugh
Porter, 100 Con., will be pleased to
kgow she is able to be about again
after her severe sickness.
Mrs. Wm. May, of Sucdridge who
has been here assisting in the care of
her sister, Mre. H. Po
been seriously ill, has returned
whoned home.
Miss Merriam Lowe, wbo attended
the Stratford Normal, was successful
in securing het professional 2nd class
certificate and should make a success-
ful teacher.
Owing to illness in the Parsonage
Mrs. (Rev.) OKell was unable to take
the service at Union church last Sun-
day afternoon, F. H. Gilroy, Beus-
eels, kindly supplied.
The Auction Sale of farm stook, &c.
belonging to the estate of the late
Ohms. E. McDonald, realized about
$2,000. Mrs. McDonald sr., who lived
with her deceased son, has gone to
make her home with her sou James,
of this locality. She is in her Stet
week a very great sorrow came to the
home of George E, and Mrs, Speiran
when death took away their little son,
Hilton. All was done for him that
medical aid and good care could do
but at dawn on Thursday morning the
young life passed out. Hilton was
eight' years old anti a bright manly
little fellow who will be very touch
missed. Many messages of sympathy
and floral tokens were sent in,
Among the latter from the Sunday
School class of which he was a mem-
ber, The private funeral was on Fti•
day, interment in Brussels cemetery,
In the absence of Rev. OKell, the
family pastor, Rev. Mr. Stafford,
Brussels, conducted the service, with
beautiful messages'of hope and con-
solatiou. Pallbearers were Hilton's 8
brothers and father. Mr. and Mre.
Speiran and family have the sincere
sympathy of the community in their
sudden bereavement.
(Toe late for last week)
Geo. and Mrs. Machan, Blyth, spent
Sunday at Moncrieff,
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the "12th" of July at different
A number from this locality spent a
day by the lake at Goderieh Last week
at a picnic.
Martin and Mrs. Ferg and I. and
Mrs. Rabbwell and children motored
to IIeneall for a visit,
Mies Bessie McQuarrie has gone to
Toronto to pursue an educational
course during vacation,
Misses Muriel and Lilnh Sperling,
Brussels spent n few days with their
deter, Mrs, 0, Rathwell.
Charles Harrison M, P, and son
Chester, of North lea sent a few
days with fortner's beotther, Mareball
Don't Fail to Vicar the
Blackstone Orchestra
at the
Dancing Pavilion
on the
Afternoon and Evening of
Brussels Celebration.
Cumwit tee le a uu'iu no ex tepee to
make Lite Paviliuu rip -to -date to every
r espeot,
The Cranbtook Junior football team
played a friendly game with the Mon-
crieff Juniors. The score was 1.0 it
favor. of Monerieif,
The June make of cheese for Silver
Corners factory, totalled 40,835 pounds
and sold at 27e and 29 cents. Buyers
were Steinhoff, Toronto, and 11. John-
ston, Woodstock.
We are glad to hear that Mies Irene
Forbes is making favorable progress
after an operation at Wingham hospi-
tal Wednesday of last week, Speedy
recovery is wished her.
William Mann, of Glasgow, Scot-
land, was here on a trip from bonnie
Scotland to visit his uncles, James and
William Mann. Mt. Mann was over
here before on a trip about 13 years
Miss Jessie Kerr, who is attending
the 0. A. 0., at Guelph, and her moth-
er and aunt, of Toronto, spent the
week end at George McTaggart'e,
Mrs. McTaggart and Mrs, Kerr are
GARDEN PARTY.- Reeet've Thurs-
day August 5th for the fou at Mon-
erieff. Sports in the afternoon and
Supper and big Concert in the even-
ing. All on the Park, under auspices
of Base Ball Club. Watch out for
bills and particulars.
Brussels Entrance Exams.
Following pupils took Honore :-
Joe Armstrong
*Gordon Best
Clifford Cardin
,Eva Oumming
Elinor Engler
*Kenneth Ferguson
Fraser McDonald
Elva. Hemingway
Mildred Passtnore
Roy Patterson
Grace Shortreed
Garveu Smith
*Bernice Thuell
*Lenore Thuell
Harry White
*Margaret Wilson
Following pupils passed :-
Margaret Alcook
Nellie Anderson
Roy Askin
Audrey Bremner
Florence Bremner
Isabel Bremner
Nellie Campbell
Ruby Cleaver
Annie Cumming
Lloyd Dunbar
Burton Macdonald
Margaret McDonald
Mabel Johnston
Leslie E. McKay
Lorraine McKay
Leslie Machan
Earl Mille
Rata Mills
Walker Mitchell
William Mitchell
Wilbert Procter
Qlifford Ritchie
Tom Shortreed
*Graham Stewart
Kate Williamson
*Brussels Pupils.
Names arranged alphabetically,
Entrance Examinations
The following is the result of the re-
cent entrance examination in the dif-
ferent oentres of this Iuspectorate,
The aggregate marks were 750, 450
were necessary to pass and 562 to
secure honors. Appeals may be made
to the Inspector by Aug. I9th ; after
that date they must be made to the
Deputy Minister of Education, Toron-
to, accompanied by a fee of $2 ; if
of ter that date, the fee will be $5,
Marks will be sent in a few clays to
uneueoessful candidates and certifi-
cates within two weeks to those suc-
Jennie Anderson, Vera Atm -
strong (h), Elsie Blackhall, Bessie
Boardman, Dorothy Bridges (h), Ger-
tie Bridges (h), Jean Carruthers (h),
Kenneth Carter, Wilfred Colgran,
Robert -Coultas (h), Margaret Gruick-
shanks, Ruby Dickson, Vera Ed-
gar (h), Arthur Field, Chas. Gamut,
Annie Geddes, Nellie Gilkinsou (h),
Sarah Hardie (h), Olarenoe Hinscliife,
Annie Homut (is), Fred Isard, Mar-
guerite Johns, Percy Johnson, Alba
Johnston (h), Mary Johnston (h), Wm.
Kew, Ethel Mathers, Alice Metcalf,
Edith Metcalf, Vivian Monro, Wm,
McElwain, Mary McGregor (b), Wil-
fred McVittie b), Ohne. Pattison,
M ac Perdue, Margaret Pettigrew,
Florence Pocock, Lulu Procter,
G enevieve Roth, Dorothy Steell (h),
Geo. Taylor, Lille Taylor (h), Roy
Thomas, Russell Tervit, Cati Tri p,
Nora Van Camp (h), Barbara Weir
(h), Jennie Wlghtman (h), Lloyd Zur-
Annie Brown (h) Elva Brown (h),
Annie Douglas (h),Eleanor ou lac
(h), Reit Dst,Achie EdgarMarg-
aret Edgar, Jessie Edwards (h), Mary
Gibson, James CJrahutti, Ernest Har-
ris (h), Orville 1Jupi'ea', Esther Mc-
Dougall, Jessie tM..sser, Janet Miller,
Ina Milligan, Russell Rae, Alice $1104.
pin, Harvey liinut Earl Toner,
Parley Weir li"grit 11'rit hC, (11.eta
Jaynes Barr, Margaret Bennett,
Wray Conner, Allan Darroch (b). El-
don Demnrerling (h6 Alvin Denny (h),
Norman Gedi'ke flit, Elmer Giles, El-
den Graham, Evelyn Hargrave, Leone
Kennedy, Maurice McKee, Harry
Montgomery, Hazel Rrirlr,td, Olive
Reich/or', Jennrr Walker, Jelin Val-
late, Cattier hie Wetzel), litanlOy
Wolfe, Willie Huth.
Blyth Anderson, Wm. Argent,
!Eileen Atkinson (h), Clarenee Ball,
Margaret Brown, '!'hos. (6aldwell,
Ferg. Carter, Ray Carter I.b), Gram,
Churchill, Harry Cochratre (h), Thiene
Cochrane, Clifford Cooper, Norman
Counter, Ruth Dille, 0at01 Evans,
Victor Falconer, Anna Flynn, Jean
Ford, Olarenee Glazier, Billy Hovey
(h) Frank Hovey (h) Ernest Hnnter
(h), Dorothy Jervis, Olive Josling,
Helen Ladd, Olive Lawrence (b),
Lorne Lawson, Jean McEwan, Plat-
colm'McFarlane, Nellie McNeil, Stella
Matgnis (h), John Nediger, Wilbur
Nelson the Elmer Paisley (h), Eleanor
Plumsteei (h), Elinor Potter, Helen
Quigley, Hubert Reynolda, Harold
Richards, Kenneth Roberton, Beryl
Salter (h), Reginald Shipley, Vera
Shobbrooke, Harold Snell, Elsie
Snyder, Kathleen Taylor, Esther
Trewartha, Louise Tamer, Errol
Walker (h), Edward Walters, Mabel
Wright. (hl,
Harold Beacom, Bella Fairserviee,
Annie Garrett, Grace Geddes, Hattie
Gray, Yunune Haggett (h), Sadie
Howatt, Harold Je'nkitts, Laura John-
ston, Laving Knox, Lizzie Lawrence,
Geo. Leith, Marjorie Lyon ih), Robt.
McLeod, Mary Moon, May Parker,
JMary Wean Pateood. (h), Harold Taylor (h),
Ready for the Celebration
Brussels, Thursday of this Week
Plans are completed for the Oelebra-
tion announced on Victoria Park,
Thursday of this week and with favor-
able weather a fine time is assured.
The seats and platform at the Park
were put in shape last Thursday after-
noon by a lively bee and the poets for
the canvass enclosing the park were
also set.
Since then the Base Ball diamoud
has been "skinned" and levelled and
the grass and weeds ou the Park cut.
Guelph Jazz Band is expected to
arrive by motors about 10 a. m. and
will discourse music during the Water
Fight near the Iran bridge,
Galt Kiltie Band will be here by
Thursday's noon train ready for their
After dinner 'Wirtghaut and Dam-
sels teams will la
sets Base Ball ea
play a
League match that should be a good
one as each 9 is desirous of winning.
Kincardine club will meet the winner
The Julian acrobats, of Toronto, will
perform on the platform
Al 6.80 a Foot Ball game will be
played, Seaforth and Brussels Juniors
being the competitors.
A fine promenade Concert will be
given by the two Bands in the evening
on the Park and the Julians will pre-
sent their program. Refreshment
booths, a dancing pavilion, &e. will
have locations on the Park.
The citizens are asked to do their
part in decorating both buelness
places and homes.
In eerie of unpropitious weather the
large Skating Rink, Elizabeth street,
will be available and the program car-
ried of as far as possible.
The small fee of 25e for adults and
15c for children admits to the Park.
Numinous people have asked "What
aisJazz Band ?" They
are frolic
ers as well as musicians so don't mise
them. They are itpopular bunch.
The Kittle Band ie one of the finest
musical organizations in Ontario and
people never tiee of the splendid mueio
they play. Don't miss the Concert.
To CntwA.-'Phe Missionary Oatlook
of June in its write-up of reinforeementa
to the Methodist Mission field in China
and Japan this year speaks es follows of
oe Morley Saler B, M. B.
Claran M y y, A.
son of Rev. S. Sellery, a former pastor
of the Methodist church, Brussels, and
now superannuated and living is Tor-
onto :-"Dr. Sellery is the son of one of
our superannuated ministers, the Rev.
Samuel Satiety, M. A., B, D.., of the
Bay of Quinto Conference, and is in
every respect a worthy representative of
the name made; so honorable by bis
father's able service, Immediately upon
conclusion of his medical course in
Queen's University, be enlisted and
served far three years in the army.
When the war was over he returned to
Canticle to take hospital training, and
shortly atter put in his application as a
candidate for the medical work in China.
This is no sudden notion of his. For
seven years he bis held the foreign field
in view, and now he is seeking to make
the most of his last months obis hospi-
tal experience preparatory to sailing for
Ohiva in September or October." A
portrait of Dr. Sellery is also given,
The old friends of the family in this Ylo-
i '
calif will beaunit uw
wishing the
young man God -speed in the grout work
he purposes helping to do in this most
interesting of fields,
The Thngs that Last Forever
si. ,
EMORY goes beyond to -mor-
row and beyond Lhe years.
Memory treasures the pic-
tures of the past and finds its better'
hopes in memorials that express
beauty, harmony of line and letter-
itig, and above all, Endurance,
r ork n t shT 1 e t 1-
w tat ant th cha p qual-
ity of
t material we employ have
Y i y
brought us many unsought letteta
of approval and endorsement of the
character of our work.
line for years and we know how to
true evidence of dignity, refinement and
and Marble Works
,r t.
611.611.11_0l ilatl
We have specialized in this
produce Memorials that boar
conserved elegance,
Orussels Granite
♦i'♦+.1-++Y+r•EAd•4+4+4+4+40.4 • 4+4+0+4+4+0+4.+4+4+4 +4.+4+4+
For the Bride
We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles,
Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butter Tubs, Mar-
malades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat-
ware in the up-to-date Patterns.
Diamond Rings
In stock at special Price -$266,
$40, $50, $75 and $100, ()all and
see the assorttneut and save
hedging Rings
A complete stock, all sizes, in
the new style, and are most
Iaomfortable. Let us enpply the
Wedding Ring,
1i Kodak
Means incl aimed pleasure on that Holiday
trip. Let us show you our oomplete line.
FREE instruction and a Monthly Maga-
zine to all purchasers.
Jeweler and Optician
. .... v4••M♦+♦+♦'h♦'N♦'i'♦'h"
<N♦d'♦'M'N♦'F♦'N♦'N♦d ♦d'•'F♦*♦'b.t0 }♦'i'♦'N♦t♦'D ♦ ♦ f,
"'rowing with nor 1 '..11' , teat III , ..
tretetl by a mum her c P It lc, " .
looking for 'nudu
to it "ii,,ner :•r r
'Phe Pei 'uotm'qua :Aid: -J. J. el r.
Gavle, of \Velu n, wn, in roma wilt
rail le I'ar the Ii. Ti, 1). T'nnr bn 1-h •i.:
went to Gurnee for '11)5 5t) per owe„
and two 1,20011, cu we be neelib 1!.o0.
Cutting off 1,lie servnes "1' 11,.. 11,
agent o' e e f _
1, R.a nt t t !h evening i tui rosy
g a
bea s n axed rueoftt , " t it '
t stroke o u
the Cowpony but it, 1 tete Straiten a.
Week eye lu it the saute- awl r, HO_
keeping faith with i.he ,.phis- "f the
money by-law voted to I luarrt.
\V. l+', and alt,. leuu ,ty caul sou
Clare, of Iiillafneey, Man., liar, bn''a
visiting Mre, Ilmih lt.anr ry and nl.hrr
old ft 'ends. It ie 4 yeere tines they
were here. At present they are nail-
ing on acquaintances at Winglitun,
Btueelleld, iffxeter and other militia.
Among thoe of shim neighLnrhoud
who were suneresl'nl Nortnalitc,t were
Misses Wilma Shaw and Evelyn and
Olive Turner, We eougttatuhlte.
Wroxeter news on page 5 also.
Wtn, McLennan is spending a few
days in Seaforth,
Mrs, T, A. Gibson ie, visiting her
daughter, Airs, Wells, Toronto.
We congratulate Mien bt, Giheon on
her success at the Normal School,
Miss Jennie Miller, Toronto, is
spending a week with old Mende here.
Miss Oasaie Harris, Toronto, is en-
joying a two weeks' vacation at her
Sherrie Gibson, Detroit, is house for
a week's holiday. He motored. from
Laurie Van Nemo., of the J3ttnk. of
Hamilton eta11', is holidaying at
A,number from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Rasa, of How.
Mc, on Saturday afternoon.
Mts, Herman Morrison and child-
ren, of Pilot Butte, Sask., are visiting
at the home of Soo. Morrison.
Miss Annie Harris and ales.
Stevenson, Toronto, are guests of
their sister, Mrs. D. el, A'It•Tavish.
Lawrence Moffitt has been appoint-
ed mail -carrier on Rural Route No, 1
and commenced his duties ,Monday.
Rev. It Harkness has accepted the
call from the Presbyterian church
here, and will be inducted shortly.
Mrs, Hoshall and daughter, ales.
Berger, have returned to Woodstock
after a week's visit al the home of W.
E, Van Velum.
Mrs, D. Fraser, a fnrmer well
known resident of Turnberry but now
of Gilbert Plains, Man., is renewing
acquaintances in this vicinity,
The Howe Mfgr' Oo. have sold their
woollen mill to Baintmn Bros., Blyth,
Merton Howe will remail as manager,
We wish the new ant every enc.
Harry Waller assumed his position
as Postmaster on Friday. Ile is at
present being assisted by Miss Ross,
Dorris, We wish him a comfortable
A private pic-nit was held oto Lhe
lawn of L. and Mrs. Ratan, on the
10th inst., when 1. 0. and Mrs: Rich-
ards, Brussels ; Mrs. Ww. Moses and
Micas Bessie, and Mrs, Geo. Meunier
and Miss Fern, Jamestown •and Alts
Miller and M.
and Ales Brown, of
town ; and Obits. Richards Toronto,
enjoyed a Hon time. An appetizine
lunch was served and a happy social
time enjoyed that all hope wilt be re-
4• eo. o 4004 600 030„,,,,, 4044+♦
Watch for ford Sign
0 m S`ee'm
a Prices
On entire stock. Here are a few p
of the bargains- 4
Gerhard llelnttman lictrula
Regular $210, sale price $135
Regular 81 00, stile prifie., .,. 75c e
(Firsts) $23,00
Bring In your Cans for Oils and
Can you beat these pricey re
Other prices given nn request,
Put in your stook while prices
are right.
Genuine Ford and Chevrolet
pry'. Davidson
0 Phone Ox 0
0 i
ceee444440O4,♦00!1,040>4e44e ",N
Garden Party
Molesworth Women's Institute
Will hold a Gat deo !'arty
on tho
School Grounds
friday Evening, July 13rd
Adults 400, Children 25e.
7ULY 22, 1920
W. H. K, RR, o4 eetor
l ednesday) August 4th
2,18 Trot nr Pare, Purse ..$ 30(1
2.25 Trot or Pace, Puree ... 31!0
a 35 Trot Purse... 300
Hnrsee eligible up to ,Tuly 13th,
The track hoe been put in fleet- ,
class condition and is one Of
OW best } mile tracks in On-
Large entry in all classes,
Plea, r`6
Hans Rasmussen has taken n posi-
tion as junior in the Bank of Hamil-
Mre. McKee, who came from the
Soo, has been visiting her brothers at
Bengston and Palmerston, is buck to
Wroxeter, visiting be sister, Mrs. L.
W. Rattan. Mrs. D. W. Dullnttge,
Palmerston, accompanied her, Mre,
Nonce expecte to visit iu Ontario for
naris time yet.
(louden Imlay, Detroit, has been
visiting at the hams of Chas. and Mre.
Hopper, Morrie, and Laking great
stock in his brand new neice-Gladys
Marie, This is the only grandchild in
either felonies and is consequently
"the only pebble on the beach."
1.M. -The members and adherents of
St. George Methodist church, at a
soviet gathering on June 23rd, present-
ed their pastor, Rev. W. J. Brandon,
with a cheque for 2231.50. A very
pleasant evening was spent and the
many friends of Mr. Brandon and his
family wish for thetu a continutruee of
happiness and prosperity in their new
field of labor at Hamilton.
Mrs. Geo, Love and children left for
their home in the West.
Thos, Williamson left Tuesday of
this week for Flint, Mich., for a visit,
Thos. and Mrs. Pollard, Kiuburn,
were visitors with J. A. and Mts.
Nurse E. Ferguson, Graduate of To-
ronto General Hospital, is visiting
with her parents,
Miss I. Mitchell has accepted a posi-
tlou in Wingham, as milliner, resign-
ing her position in London.
A number from this locality took in
the Listowel -Owen Sound Football
match at the former town last Friday
evening. Listowel won,
Mre. A. H. Macdonald and son and
Mrs. 13. 11, Porter and children motor-
ed to Gunge Saturday evening to visit
with Airs. (Dr,) Whitely.
League service has been changed
to Friday evening instead of Thursday
for this week owing to the Celebration
on Thursday in Brussels,
Thursday of last week A. H. and
Mrs. Macdonald abd son, accompanied
by Mrs, B, R, Porter and children, of
Burlington, motored to Goderieh.
Miss Myrtle Bowes was granted a
Limited 3rd Class Oertificate, good for
5 years, brit by writing off the subjects
starred will receive her 2nd Olass
J. G. Cole, who has not been here
foe '20 years and who has spent the
past 87 years under the Stara and
Stripes, dropped in on relations here.
His home is in Abilene, Kansas.
.A wonderfully smart olcl lady 1)u the
person of Mre. \Ven, Oole, is here nn a
visit. She r was 86ears old of jelly
9th but reads and sews without spec-
tacles and is smart correspondingly,
Mrs. ()yippee and son, Los Anes,
Cale loft last Saturday afternoon on
their return trip homeward. They
will visit with friends in Toronto,
Chicago and other American pointe,
Rev. 3. L. McCulloch and wife, of
Cariuke, Ont., were visiting with
friends in Ethel on Thursday of last
week. They were On their way to
their Summer cottage at the Beach.
F. Il. Gilroy, Brussels, took °lunge
of the services at Union church and
Ethel Iast.S.unday in the absence of
Rev. Mr. iOKell who was attending
barmier School at St. Thomas, Mr.
Gilroy is certainly an able speaker
and the congregation of Ethel Metho-
dist church is always glad to hear him.
Judging by all appearances some
people have forgotten the Fourth
Ootumandment as they find Sunday a
very eOuvenient day to Paris Green
potatoes, test net their cars and do
other jobs too numerous to mention,
Ilut the Lord didn't, show favor for the
Sunday worst as -Ile sent a refreshing
shown' and the Paris Green was lost.
Thureday of last week Mrs, Geo. W.
Love turd Wesley returned to their
hone near Brandon, Man., after a 2
months visit with the farmer's moth-
er, Mrs, Jnc, Sanders, and other rela-
tives in Grey and Elan, Miss Rima
Love who has been livingwith her
graurlparents, Mr, and Nies, Ilam-
mood, of Rime, also returned to her
home with there. It is 5 years since
Aire, Love went West. , Her 'navy
Mende were glad to welcome her
back again, By letters received by
Mrs, Love, a gond crop is expected
this year in the West,
(r Add le. and family, Air. Frank-
lin and family and ,1rs. J.A.Oole were
at Woodstock on a motoring trip.
Mus. I3re11isKr, of Abilene, Kansas,
formerly Mine Anile Taylor, Hallett,
line been Visititlg nils, S. 111, Cole and
other fi lends.
The tl Ethel pupils who wrote at
Brussels Entrance leraru111041ot all
]nesed, Eleanor Engler Lekbig, ur
The 'lt te•
a h is wereud •eBrat r
A t y nue ,
13uby Cleaver, Lloyd Dunbar, Walker.
Aiitehell and Bot tun Macdonald. It
is most creditable to Cath pupils and
Mks Balleutlyue their teacher.
Next meeting of 'Township Council
will be Monday, July 28.h.
Mrs. Ir. 0. Walker is home from an
enjoyable v'lsit with Toronto friends.
Miss Nellie Anderson, 5th line, leas
been holidaying with Winghain
M. M, Cardiff is trete from the West
011 a visit. He's a well known former
Mrs. George Martin and 2 children,
Georgetown, are visiting relatives in
this Inoel ity.
W. H. Armstrong was a visitor with
friends in Windsor, Sarnia and De-
troit, Michigan.
Mrs. Mundy and children, of Wing -
ham, were visitors with Mrs, Jas.
Anderson, 6th line.
W. H. Ferguson and son Gordon,
Toronto, are again at their old home,
5th line for a few weeks,
Mts. S, Walker, 0th line has gone
on a visit with relatives and friends to
Regina and other points in the West.
David Little, Principal of Collegiate
in Vancouver, 13, 0.. visited with his
aunt, Mrs. Agnes Craig, 7th line of
A, T. Cole and Mies Mary, of Blyth,
are away on a holiday to the West.
They will likely be absent for a few
Miss Oora Armstrong has been en-
gaged by the Trustees of S. S. No. 1,
Morris, as Leacher for the ensuing
year, at a salary of $825.
Congratulations are extended to
Misses Cora Armstrong and Bertha
Ellis, Thos. A. Roger and Ohas. Sellers
who passed the recent Normal School
We congratulate Miss Lillian Jack-
son on her success in obtaining lst
class Honors in Junior Piano in con-
nection with the recent Loudon Con-
servatory exam. She is a pupil of
Miss Maude Ferguson and is a natural
musician who takes kindly to hard
work in pursuit of her favorite ac-
quirement. We wish her top-notch
Fall wheat and barley harvest is
crowding haying.
Miss Lillian Dark is home for her
vacation from Hamilton.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs, W.
Randa has not been enjoying her
usuual good health.
Mrs. Woods and alert laddie left on
the home trip to California this week.
The former is a daughter of J. Henry
and Mrs. Hoover, llth Con.
The many friends of Mrs, Hugh
Porter, 100 Con., will be pleased to
kgow she is able to be about again
after her severe sickness.
Mrs. Wm. May, of Sucdridge who
has been here assisting in the care of
her sister, Mre. H. Po
been seriously ill, has returned
whoned home.
Miss Merriam Lowe, wbo attended
the Stratford Normal, was successful
in securing het professional 2nd class
certificate and should make a success-
ful teacher.
Owing to illness in the Parsonage
Mrs. (Rev.) OKell was unable to take
the service at Union church last Sun-
day afternoon, F. H. Gilroy, Beus-
eels, kindly supplied.
The Auction Sale of farm stook, &c.
belonging to the estate of the late
Ohms. E. McDonald, realized about
$2,000. Mrs. McDonald sr., who lived
with her deceased son, has gone to
make her home with her sou James,
of this locality. She is in her Stet
week a very great sorrow came to the
home of George E, and Mrs, Speiran
when death took away their little son,
Hilton. All was done for him that
medical aid and good care could do
but at dawn on Thursday morning the
young life passed out. Hilton was
eight' years old anti a bright manly
little fellow who will be very touch
missed. Many messages of sympathy
and floral tokens were sent in,
Among the latter from the Sunday
School class of which he was a mem-
ber, The private funeral was on Fti•
day, interment in Brussels cemetery,
In the absence of Rev. OKell, the
family pastor, Rev. Mr. Stafford,
Brussels, conducted the service, with
beautiful messages'of hope and con-
solatiou. Pallbearers were Hilton's 8
brothers and father. Mr. and Mre.
Speiran and family have the sincere
sympathy of the community in their
sudden bereavement.
(Toe late for last week)
Geo. and Mrs. Machan, Blyth, spent
Sunday at Moncrieff,
Quite a number from this vicinity
took in the "12th" of July at different
A number from this locality spent a
day by the lake at Goderieh Last week
at a picnic.
Martin and Mrs. Ferg and I. and
Mrs. Rabbwell and children motored
to IIeneall for a visit,
Mies Bessie McQuarrie has gone to
Toronto to pursue an educational
course during vacation,
Misses Muriel and Lilnh Sperling,
Brussels spent n few days with their
deter, Mrs, 0, Rathwell.
Charles Harrison M, P, and son
Chester, of North lea sent a few
days with fortner's beotther, Mareball
Don't Fail to Vicar the
Blackstone Orchestra
at the
Dancing Pavilion
on the
Afternoon and Evening of
Brussels Celebration.
Cumwit tee le a uu'iu no ex tepee to
make Lite Paviliuu rip -to -date to every
r espeot,
The Cranbtook Junior football team
played a friendly game with the Mon-
crieff Juniors. The score was 1.0 it
favor. of Monerieif,
The June make of cheese for Silver
Corners factory, totalled 40,835 pounds
and sold at 27e and 29 cents. Buyers
were Steinhoff, Toronto, and 11. John-
ston, Woodstock.
We are glad to hear that Mies Irene
Forbes is making favorable progress
after an operation at Wingham hospi-
tal Wednesday of last week, Speedy
recovery is wished her.
William Mann, of Glasgow, Scot-
land, was here on a trip from bonnie
Scotland to visit his uncles, James and
William Mann. Mt. Mann was over
here before on a trip about 13 years
Miss Jessie Kerr, who is attending
the 0. A. 0., at Guelph, and her moth-
er and aunt, of Toronto, spent the
week end at George McTaggart'e,
Mrs. McTaggart and Mrs, Kerr are
GARDEN PARTY.- Reeet've Thurs-
day August 5th for the fou at Mon-
erieff. Sports in the afternoon and
Supper and big Concert in the even-
ing. All on the Park, under auspices
of Base Ball Club. Watch out for
bills and particulars.
Brussels Entrance Exams.
Following pupils took Honore :-
Joe Armstrong
*Gordon Best
Clifford Cardin
,Eva Oumming
Elinor Engler
*Kenneth Ferguson
Fraser McDonald
Elva. Hemingway
Mildred Passtnore
Roy Patterson
Grace Shortreed
Garveu Smith
*Bernice Thuell
*Lenore Thuell
Harry White
*Margaret Wilson
Following pupils passed :-
Margaret Alcook
Nellie Anderson
Roy Askin
Audrey Bremner
Florence Bremner
Isabel Bremner
Nellie Campbell
Ruby Cleaver
Annie Cumming
Lloyd Dunbar
Burton Macdonald
Margaret McDonald
Mabel Johnston
Leslie E. McKay
Lorraine McKay
Leslie Machan
Earl Mille
Rata Mills
Walker Mitchell
William Mitchell
Wilbert Procter
Qlifford Ritchie
Tom Shortreed
*Graham Stewart
Kate Williamson
*Brussels Pupils.
Names arranged alphabetically,
Entrance Examinations
The following is the result of the re-
cent entrance examination in the dif-
ferent oentres of this Iuspectorate,
The aggregate marks were 750, 450
were necessary to pass and 562 to
secure honors. Appeals may be made
to the Inspector by Aug. I9th ; after
that date they must be made to the
Deputy Minister of Education, Toron-
to, accompanied by a fee of $2 ; if
of ter that date, the fee will be $5,
Marks will be sent in a few clays to
uneueoessful candidates and certifi-
cates within two weeks to those suc-
Jennie Anderson, Vera Atm -
strong (h), Elsie Blackhall, Bessie
Boardman, Dorothy Bridges (h), Ger-
tie Bridges (h), Jean Carruthers (h),
Kenneth Carter, Wilfred Colgran,
Robert -Coultas (h), Margaret Gruick-
shanks, Ruby Dickson, Vera Ed-
gar (h), Arthur Field, Chas. Gamut,
Annie Geddes, Nellie Gilkinsou (h),
Sarah Hardie (h), Olarenoe Hinscliife,
Annie Homut (is), Fred Isard, Mar-
guerite Johns, Percy Johnson, Alba
Johnston (h), Mary Johnston (h), Wm.
Kew, Ethel Mathers, Alice Metcalf,
Edith Metcalf, Vivian Monro, Wm,
McElwain, Mary McGregor (b), Wil-
fred McVittie b), Ohne. Pattison,
M ac Perdue, Margaret Pettigrew,
Florence Pocock, Lulu Procter,
G enevieve Roth, Dorothy Steell (h),
Geo. Taylor, Lille Taylor (h), Roy
Thomas, Russell Tervit, Cati Tri p,
Nora Van Camp (h), Barbara Weir
(h), Jennie Wlghtman (h), Lloyd Zur-
Annie Brown (h) Elva Brown (h),
Annie Douglas (h),Eleanor ou lac
(h), Reit Dst,Achie EdgarMarg-
aret Edgar, Jessie Edwards (h), Mary
Gibson, James CJrahutti, Ernest Har-
ris (h), Orville 1Jupi'ea', Esther Mc-
Dougall, Jessie tM..sser, Janet Miller,
Ina Milligan, Russell Rae, Alice $1104.
pin, Harvey liinut Earl Toner,
Parley Weir li"grit 11'rit hC, (11.eta
Jaynes Barr, Margaret Bennett,
Wray Conner, Allan Darroch (b). El-
don Demnrerling (h6 Alvin Denny (h),
Norman Gedi'ke flit, Elmer Giles, El-
den Graham, Evelyn Hargrave, Leone
Kennedy, Maurice McKee, Harry
Montgomery, Hazel Rrirlr,td, Olive
Reich/or', Jennrr Walker, Jelin Val-
late, Cattier hie Wetzel), litanlOy
Wolfe, Willie Huth.
Blyth Anderson, Wm. Argent,
!Eileen Atkinson (h), Clarenee Ball,
Margaret Brown, '!'hos. (6aldwell,
Ferg. Carter, Ray Carter I.b), Gram,
Churchill, Harry Cochratre (h), Thiene
Cochrane, Clifford Cooper, Norman
Counter, Ruth Dille, 0at01 Evans,
Victor Falconer, Anna Flynn, Jean
Ford, Olarenee Glazier, Billy Hovey
(h) Frank Hovey (h) Ernest Hnnter
(h), Dorothy Jervis, Olive Josling,
Helen Ladd, Olive Lawrence (b),
Lorne Lawson, Jean McEwan, Plat-
colm'McFarlane, Nellie McNeil, Stella
Matgnis (h), John Nediger, Wilbur
Nelson the Elmer Paisley (h), Eleanor
Plumsteei (h), Elinor Potter, Helen
Quigley, Hubert Reynolda, Harold
Richards, Kenneth Roberton, Beryl
Salter (h), Reginald Shipley, Vera
Shobbrooke, Harold Snell, Elsie
Snyder, Kathleen Taylor, Esther
Trewartha, Louise Tamer, Errol
Walker (h), Edward Walters, Mabel
Wright. (hl,
Harold Beacom, Bella Fairserviee,
Annie Garrett, Grace Geddes, Hattie
Gray, Yunune Haggett (h), Sadie
Howatt, Harold Je'nkitts, Laura John-
ston, Laving Knox, Lizzie Lawrence,
Geo. Leith, Marjorie Lyon ih), Robt.
McLeod, Mary Moon, May Parker,
JMary Wean Pateood. (h), Harold Taylor (h),
Ready for the Celebration
Brussels, Thursday of this Week
Plans are completed for the Oelebra-
tion announced on Victoria Park,
Thursday of this week and with favor-
able weather a fine time is assured.
The seats and platform at the Park
were put in shape last Thursday after-
noon by a lively bee and the poets for
the canvass enclosing the park were
also set.
Since then the Base Ball diamoud
has been "skinned" and levelled and
the grass and weeds ou the Park cut.
Guelph Jazz Band is expected to
arrive by motors about 10 a. m. and
will discourse music during the Water
Fight near the Iran bridge,
Galt Kiltie Band will be here by
Thursday's noon train ready for their
After dinner 'Wirtghaut and Dam-
sels teams will la
sets Base Ball ea
play a
League match that should be a good
one as each 9 is desirous of winning.
Kincardine club will meet the winner
The Julian acrobats, of Toronto, will
perform on the platform
Al 6.80 a Foot Ball game will be
played, Seaforth and Brussels Juniors
being the competitors.
A fine promenade Concert will be
given by the two Bands in the evening
on the Park and the Julians will pre-
sent their program. Refreshment
booths, a dancing pavilion, &e. will
have locations on the Park.
The citizens are asked to do their
part in decorating both buelness
places and homes.
In eerie of unpropitious weather the
large Skating Rink, Elizabeth street,
will be available and the program car-
ried of as far as possible.
The small fee of 25e for adults and
15c for children admits to the Park.
Numinous people have asked "What
aisJazz Band ?" They
are frolic
ers as well as musicians so don't mise
them. They are itpopular bunch.
The Kittle Band ie one of the finest
musical organizations in Ontario and
people never tiee of the splendid mueio
they play. Don't miss the Concert.
To CntwA.-'Phe Missionary Oatlook
of June in its write-up of reinforeementa
to the Methodist Mission field in China
and Japan this year speaks es follows of
oe Morley Saler B, M. B.
Claran M y y, A.
son of Rev. S. Sellery, a former pastor
of the Methodist church, Brussels, and
now superannuated and living is Tor-
onto :-"Dr. Sellery is the son of one of
our superannuated ministers, the Rev.
Samuel Satiety, M. A., B, D.., of the
Bay of Quinto Conference, and is in
every respect a worthy representative of
the name made; so honorable by bis
father's able service, Immediately upon
conclusion of his medical course in
Queen's University, be enlisted and
served far three years in the army.
When the war was over he returned to
Canticle to take hospital training, and
shortly atter put in his application as a
candidate for the medical work in China.
This is no sudden notion of his. For
seven years he bis held the foreign field
in view, and now he is seeking to make
the most of his last months obis hospi-
tal experience preparatory to sailing for
Ohiva in September or October." A
portrait of Dr. Sellery is also given,
The old friends of the family in this Ylo-
i '
calif will beaunit uw
wishing the
young man God -speed in the grout work
he purposes helping to do in this most
interesting of fields,