HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-6-17, Page 5r,
al.!$iNia is f3Pp :
Moein the .teat Otnee, Eti et. 110.4
. sat, will sell for butter prams, to
Ird Lt0r men In lees time and leas 01210.10100001118 9 either Auetluueot 101 hast Huron or
bo aren't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged et this bake or by
p ars!nal appiloatiou,
Rangy graduate of the Ontario Veterblery
Oollege. Day and night retie. (mine roma'+t•
Flonr A7 ill, lilthel.
M. 8., M. 0. P.. d S. 0,
M. 0. H., Village of 13r , - ,'t1).
Physioian, Surgeon, Acocc,. ur
Office at residence, opposite Moly. . Church,
William cullet.
Barrietore, 80'. miters, Notaries Public,
Offioe un the Square, 211,1 door from Hamilton
Private fond: to loan es lowest rates.
W. Pli0DD8'OOT, E. 0. J. L. EILLonA 8
H. J. D. Coosa
Sam Weinstein
• Is •
prepared to pay the 4
highest price for 0
• i
• • Scrap Iron,. •
I Rubbers, •
Rags, &c. a
3 Highest price paid. See i
• me before you sell. •
• Highest Cash Price fOr
a 44
• Line Poultry and Bides
S Write cr 9hone 32x
O °-
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ G
+ a
▪ I+ .4.
• AGF_lCY .,.
• John Oliver 4-
* has taken over the Deering Ag- :F
;� ency and haudlee a full line of 4
• 1110(1n Implements including the
+ noted
• I. N. C. Cream Separators
The only ()ream Separator with 'gg
,I, two wide ripen cream outlets— +
no cream screw in the path of .+}
• the orealn, See it when iu town, +
The I, H.C. 5-10 and 10-20 Tractors
• aro among the best.
The Deering Manure Spreader
With the wide spread and very
light in draft.
-t John Oliver
'I• t+
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country :
I am prepared to tape orders for
Mc0olnliak and International Imple-
ments,'Traetot's, 1 I1gines, Plows, En-
silage Outlive, Oream Separators,
Wagons and Sleighs,
Full line of Tillage and Haying
and Harvesting Implements. No bet-
ter Binder, Mower or Manure Spread-
er made than the McCormick.
Buy from me and savemoney as
I cat) pay east: and can sell 00 terms
to snit,
Will keep repairs or get Men for
you on a day er two's nol000,
Oall and see me at Ethel before
buying and cava money;
If Vett wielt to Oe2 a High, !�
essrar!n, Stielnes„tl
Iron , ,l ruttLsur
tit• (✓
ler Graduating you will Pel- E
Yon( -•o ac Chanes ata, Toronto
more. 1)1303.001 thin oohooi b,,
writing tor
�� wo sen do r..r 700. 'Tina tiebsol atnnde
for 111^ b: ,t in 10111 83., tnatructiou,
equlpu.cnt and dioelplwe. Uprn ell
ei year. Enter now.
it �Sr*ai tVaVrAYrtpVr:'r zras VfiwildVP2 1)5
Wanted 4.
'F We have openings for a few ,p,
+* good reliable then til wet k nn +
+ Threshing Machines, Tractors •+F
+ and other work.
4, The Nobt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co,
Limited 'i•
+ Seaforth - Qntario
goad Ilan g .e1 o
W. R. Davies, of Ole Renfrew Mer -
cur was elected President of the Cana-
dian Weekly Newspapers Association at
Toronto. Mr. Davies is one of On-
tario's liveliest newspaper Men.
chaoge has taken place in the proprietor-
ship of the Hicks House, Mitchell. Abe
interest Davidson has sold his half letest to his
brother, 'Joseph Davidson. It is 22
years since Abe and Robert Davidson
took possession of the Hicks House and
during the past few years, owing to ill
health, Abe has made his home in Sea -
forth. Joe is no stranger to the public
and his becoming a permanent resident
of the town will he welcome news to
citizens and patrons alike.
came with startling suddenness on 'rues.
day evening to William Elliott while in
the act of assisting in degree work at
the Masonic Lodge, Mitchell. He was
delivering his charge in the 3rd degree,
when without warning, he fell and ex-
pired immediately. The late Mr. El-
liot taught High School at Mitchell for
about 25 years and on retiring purchased
the Mitchell Recorder and for Ole past
14 years edited and published that
paper. IIe was a man ot excellent
character, popular, having filled the
office of Mayor tor 5 years, and was well
and favorably known throughout the
County. In politics he was a Liberal,
and in religion a Presbyterian, Besides
his wife' he is enrvived by a sou and a
daughter, to whom THE POST extends
its most siucere sympathy.
SCHOOL GARDENS.—'rhe school garcleu
as s feature of agricultural education is
tending to bec6me, as !tine goes on and
its function is more fully understood, a
permanent part of the school accom-
i B. Daud-
i n in Ontario says J
modal o
thericulttu'al Gazette,
eco PIs, D, A in
He presents facts tegarding the school
gardens, showing hindrances, and diffi-
culties encountered and iudicates the
trend of the movement in the following
paragraph :—'arse number 0f schools
undertaking school garden work in On-
tario is increasing steadily year by year
as indicated from the following ftgur-
es,—x914, zo8 ; 1915, 222 ; 1016, 324 ;
1977, 466 1 0918, 588 ; 1919, 700 ; sp.
proximately, Most of these gardens
form a part of the regular school prop-
erty, but, as might be expected there is
a considerable number of gardens on
laud secured only temporarily.
LA're Mots. WELL. -The Zurich Her-
ald of last week speaks as tollows of the
late Mrs. H. Well, cousin of Messrs.
Beaker and Sirs, Juo. Duucan, of Brus•
sels :—There passed away on Monday
morning, May 31st at her home in
Zurich, Elizabeth Well, beloved wife of
Merman Well. at the age of 67 years and
to months. Abort a year ago the de-
ceased began to fall in health with that
dread disease anaemia, was but able to
be tip till about 3 weeks ago 'when she
became bedfast, and fell peacefully Itud
stniliugly to sleep with Jesus as above
stated. The departed was highly es-
teemed by all who knew her, and was a
faithful member of the Evangelical
delimit fora long tine ; a devoted wife
and faithful mother. She leaves to
mourn her loss besides her husband, a
slater, 2 sous, Arthur, Detroit ; Hanlor,
Montreal. 3 daughters Mrs. E. Wagner,
Tillie and Nettie, Detroit and Ida at
home ; also one grandchild, Vera Mc-
Waters, of Detroit, The remains were
laid to rest at the Bronson Line ceme-
tery, Thursday, 20011008 being held in
the church, coucdected by Rev, F. B.
Meyer, assisted 'by Rev, W. J. Yager,
Dashwood; The family cannot find
words to express their thanks to the
neighbors and friends for the kindness
shown during the sickness and funeral
in this their sad hour of bereavement.
Miss Myrtle Heist, Toronto, ie vieit-
ing at her: home,
Attwood Far mars' Ol(b intendshold-
ingg t4 large picnic about June 22nd,
Rev. Dr. 110282.2', 11 former pastor of
Atwood and now of Wardeville, Ives it
visitor here.
Norman Acheson had the miefo'-
tune its receive 0, nasty kids on rho leg
front acon',
In'enmloction with Eptvorth League
and Sunday School of Atwood McLl10-
diet Church services were held last
Sunday by Rev. H. J. Fair, Toronto,
who addressed the S. S. in the morn-
ing and the Epworth League in the
Monday ',evening of last week the
Atwood Degree team of the L 0. 0. F.
went- to Listowel where they pot on
the 2nd degree and the Listowel team
the 8rd feel candidates. Also 11lreson-
tatfon of a page Dietrict Dup nty.
GtandmasLet s jewel was presented to
Mr, Tanner, Millbank,
At the Stith close graduated fr^m
Training School of the Toronto Gener-
alliuspllal, 111t'e, Lionel Cltuke pre.
muted Lhr di ,1 than and , r
t( i r3. \inn,
I r 1,
the 1.0 uur.ees was umee Mtu(,rot l 11,
Pelton, Atwood, who W108 One ,.I 5 to
win snholarshiile, site winning the Dr.
ll, A. Bl'u'e Scholarship for pro-
ficiency iu Of/mating room Lechinlg1e
and the highest stataltud it
work 4iven by W. T. Keroahan, Tier
man7 tt'iends extend eongratulatien?.
D. J. Strachan, of Remover, ao(1 a
former wail known reeident of lila lo-
cality who has been attending Queen's
University, Kingston, this past terra,
has been notified that he has secured
a $60 echolarship in Mathematics. fie
'deo took 1101101'S in all his subjects,
We extend congratulations. D..1, is
a brother of Crawford and the Misses
Strachan of this neighborhood,
Old fiends here will regret to learn
that the condition of Reeve Jae. Oat,
who underwent an operation in the
hospital, Toronto, ou Saturday, Julie
5111, is by no income satisfactory. The
physicians found that there wa0 a
growth in the passage between the
stomach and bowels end it had so far
developed that removal could not be
made without immediate seticus re-
sults. The patient, as soon as he le-
galise sufficient strength, will return
to his borne in Gnderich,
Robt, McTaggart has been renotlel-
ing his house.
Robs. and Mrs. Oamphell visited
friends in Hamilton.
Fred. and Mrs. Smith have been
visiting their daughter, Mrs, George
Hodge, Olinton.
Israel Geiger has his portable saw
mill running on the farm of Fred,
Smith who intends remodelling his
The orchards do this locality eeetn to
have plenty of bloom on the early
varieties, but Spies (10 not seem so
Me. and Mt'e. Mann, Wm. Patter-
son and Robert McTaggart motored to
Newmarket to vieit Mrs. Mann's sis-
ter, Mrs. Oascadden,
Preparatory service was held in
Knox Ohurch, F'r'iday afternoon at
2 80 and sacrament was administered
on the following Sabbath.
George Robertson is putting a new
roof on his barn, the old one coming
in for a share in the wind storm last
Fall. Ward Biose have the job.
The work on the new coffer dam is
progressing favorably,
Wingham Inas been aesnrecl of at
least a trench motor as a war trophy.
The property Committee have add -
$5,200 to the insurance of the Town
A. G. and Mrs. Smith attended the
't Canadian
annual meati n of the C nadl
Weekly Press Association in Toronto.
Brethren of the Orange order will
attend Divine service in St. Paul's
Anglican church on Sunday evening,
J•nly 11th,
Wingham High School football
team was defeated at the final game
for the Hough Oup at Listowel by
Woodstock College soccer team by a
score of 0 to 1.
The many friends of Percy Kerr are
offering congratulations on his mar-
riage at London on June 1st, to Mies
Tibbs, of that city, Rev, Dr, Poever,
rceremony: The ha 1
erfo funned the
couple w 11 residin St. Thomas
where Me. Kerr is a member of the
Anderson & Oo, staff.
Last Friday's London Advertiser
said 1—William Lockridge pleaded
guilty in police court Thnteday to
stealing a suit of clothes and a Incket
and chain from Simon Anderson, a
fellow boarder at the place where he
had been staying. Disposition will be
made of hie case on Friday morning.
The plaintiff stated that he believed
the defendant to, be an honest man,
but that he had taken the goods while
under the influence of liquor. An -
Ron CnssTrzethie Sines;
• FR1.Ji i A -T1 ES'•
P. 0. Box 128, Parrshoro, N. S.
"1 suffered with Rheumatism for five
years, having IL su badly at times I vas
uuable to get up without assistance,
I tried different medicines I sari
advertised and was treated by doctors
in Amherst, also in my home town,
but the Rheumatism came back.
In 1015, I saw in an advertisement
that 'Fruit-a-tives'would stop Rheu-
matism, and took one box and got
relief; then I took them right along
for about six months and the Rheu-
matisra w0.0 all gone and I have never
it since.
Anyone who would caro to write
me as regards 'Piu,t-a-tires' I would
be glad to tell them what 'Fruit-a-
tives' did for me."
Contractor and Mason.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Frurt•a-fives Limited, Ottawa, Ont,
cording to police, Lockridge has four
children and a wife in Goderich,
where he was arrested. He needed
i the money and sold the goods for $6.
Crown Attorney J. B. McKillop did
not think Lockridge could be classed
1)e a criminal.
Mrs. Thompson has returned fron a
week's visit with friends in Teeswater.
Geo. Heibein, who had the misfor-
tune to break his arm is able to tun
his car again.
3, and Mrs. Pearson, Jae. and Mrs,
Cullen and Miss Margaret Brown
motored to Brantford. "
Mission Band met and Misses Jean
Cumming and Mabel Robertson, dele-
gates to the W. M. 5, Presbyterial at
Kincardine, gave splendid reports of
the meeting.
Planing Mill
We ore prepared to attend to
all orders for Planing and will
be able to supply Lumber,
Sash, Doors, &c.
How Ono Hotel Koonce Reduced a Big
Item of expense.
With the increased interest in farm-
ing and farm living from the effi-
ciency; standpoint, thew is great
tendency on the part or the farmer to
ask whether a proposed improvement
will pay. Unquestionably most of the
modern unprovenlente offered to the
farm home do p.ty in increased com-
fort of living and henu0 in increased
ability to produce profit bearing
crops. And the'iteen farmer of today
rettlizes this, But it Is also interest-
ing to note that setae of the modern
improvements do pay directly
through the dollars and cents savings
they effect.
Take fol' instance the matter of the
electric vaeintm sweeper. A certain
hotel keener in the middle Western
State found that the carpet, in the
hotel reception room, whieh was
cleaned by hand sweeping and an oc-
casional 'beating, had d to be removed
every 8 years. He installed vacuum
sweepers and found that his next ear-,
pet lasted for seven years instead of
three. The season was that the hand
sweeping removed merely the surface
dirt and that the dust and floe grit
left in the web of the carpet
acid be.
110,61,11 it, and ground into it by people
walking on it, had been slowly (offing
the carpet to pieces, When vacuums
sweeper was installed, the shaking
effect of the sweeper brushes and the
sueti071 of the fan drew all this dirt
and grit out, and left the carpet to
stand the snore easier wear of walk-
ing, The lintel keeper found that this
saving through making hie carpets
last twice as long more than paid for
the vacuum cleansing system,
And the same thin(;; will appeal to
the farmer's wife, She knows that a
Targe amount of sand and dirt is
brought into her house daily and that
any system which will help 11e1' to
keep her carpets free of it will be well
worth while. Fortunately, the elec-
tric sweeper is at her 80r1100 today
through the development of the
small electric light and power plants
for farms, She's enjoying to the full
Delco- Ligbt
"Eiectricity for
Every Farm"
Delco•Light ousts no more to
operate than the old coal -oil
lamps. One gallon of coal nil
gives you four times' as much
light when used for fuel in Delco
Light as it gives in coal -oil
Write for Catalog
H. G. Darroch
District Agent Listowel
There's a Satisfied User Near You
the 001nfo1'11 and convenience of elec
trio light, and in electrio power she's
finding a servant to do the washing,
r+ening, separating, (.seining and
pumping as well as the sweeping,
Mr. and Mrs. Stedeibaner. Delhi, I 444114+++++++44444+4444.14 4
visited friends tiers, and Mise Bert.
ludo ✓5angettr rr.,l),turd ti 11 !herr, for _L
nI It ,1 I. r a i
11Way afto'uoon, 41b inst., Lha 4.
Youse '11 i,eople of Lite neighborhood +
met at the home of Mien Sadie See- + 'I'
haver, who in soon to leave for Wood-
uturk An with t was read and Jtl,u' i
Serrhawas s p 4sentt'd with a vain- .r
ablet. :lac as ifs S'.+
t cl n parting F.,, .rt is f •r
10 (lain fol i.uxee.
Wm. McLaughlin, Wingham, i oro-
erly'nf this village, has been se:lonely
ill at his home in \'Vinghalm,
Preparations are well 1101(':' way for
the erection of a 1 lege addition to the
house of (Tern 7,,tn brigg, 2nd Con.
A trade of farms between Robt. Me-
Iutoeli s place on Bud Oon. and Mr.
Plume's place aid Con. Wallace took
Mrs, itIyltle Bothell] has taken�la
110810011 in Telephone Office, taking
plane of lilies Edith Buustuu, Lvhu
11118 resits -tied after. a eutlple of pale of
faithful eervice.
A few weeks ago James Gibson, 401
Oma, had the bad luck to lose his best
cow, and later he lost a tine young
Clyde snare—the best of his horses.
She was only 'ick a few ilnurs and no
001180 for her death could be asrertain-
There was honied - here Robt. F.
Strong, son of Wm. and 6fi's. Strong,
fish Con., who flied suddenly at his
home in Toronto, death being due to
heart and tither trouble. He was
married a year ago to his now sorrow
ing widow,
Pfeffer Milling Co. has purchased a
large new Maxwell trunk.
Miss K. Kemp left for Toronto,
where she has accepted
c tedposition.
A. H. Iiermietnu who
has been
spending the Winter in California,
hae returned to Listowel.
H, G. Darrooh, F. W. Kemp and A,
B. Windsor were in Toronto attend•
ing a Delco Light convention.
The clerks in R. Thompson's stoie
held a very pleasant picnic at Cones -
logo on W zduesday afternoon of last
Listowel will send a baseball team
and a football team to Wingham on
July 1st, to aesist in the Dominion
Day celebration there,
The many friends of Hire. W. Hell -a-
ka will learn with regret of her seri-
0118 illness. She underwent an opera-
tion and is now doing as well as can
be expected.
Atmos Smith appeared before
'Police Magistrate T. L. Hamilton
charged with using wrong markers on
his automobile. $2.00 and costa said
the court, and Mt. Smith settled.
W, E. Binning, architect, is prepar-
ing plane sed specifications for a': Iew
memorial Township Hall to be erected
at Atwood. In addition to the Town-
ship offices the Government ant will use
the new hallnm for a Post -office it ie'said,
Citizen's Baud gives a free weekly
Concert that is enjoyed.
Ryerson Hartry, London is visiting
his parents, W. and Mrs. Hartry,
There was raised in Seafotth for the
Salvation Army Jubilee Self -Denial
appeal $675.
At a meeting of the Oollegiate
Board teaclters !sere re.engaged at
an increased salary.
Mill of Canada Flax Oom 'a
pony t.
again in operation, having
been re-
einoe recent fire. They are now
operating with Hydro power.
Murray Savauge, eon of F. S.
Savauge, had the misfortune to fall
out of a tree in Bolt of J. Maotavish's
residence and break both hie arms at
the wrist.
Epworth League of the Methodist
church spent a very pleasant social
evening at the home of Lorne and
Mrs. Webster where they were hos-
pitably entertained.
Annual decoration services in con-
nection with Fidelity Lodge of Odd -
fellows, Seaforth, will be held at the
Maitlaudbank cemetery on Sunday,
June 20111, when it is expected the
Grand Master and Grand Secretary
from State of Connecticut will be
present and give addresses.
Much Sickness Due to
Lack of Work
The, 'healthy body produces more
energy than tt needs to keep the
Heart, Lungs and Bowels working.
This surplus energy meat be agent
in mental or physical 'work. On the
other hand, people wtlo work too
hard use their reserve strength and
wear out the system.
People who are inclined to Ner-
vousness, Constipation, or have any
of the Troubles of the Heart, Liver,
Nerves, Kidneys. Stomach or Bowels
roe greatly improve the condition of
their health if they so desire.
If you work too hard, take more
rest, if you work too Iithle, take
more exercise, you will need med-
icine to correct the troubles caused
by your indiscretions and to assist
nature to restore health. Then take
Hacking' s
Heart and Nerve Remedy
and if you require a laxative take
Hacking' s
Kidney and Liver Pills
These 'two preparations will work
wonders and we will guarantee
:henefici 'l resuWts because we know
they will do so.
Mr. Wilson E. Eagleson, of Bay
field, writes 1)S follows: "I have
much pleasure in addressing yon) in
regards to Hacking's wonderful
Heart and Nerve Remedy, I have
used quite a few boxes and I must
say they have done me a world of
good, Please send ore 5 more boxee
of I•Iaokdnes Heart and lv'erve Rem-
edy' and 2 boxes ot Hacking's Kid-
ney and Liver P.il1a."
If you too want t0 regain your lest
1108(01, then go to your noareht Drug
Store and oak for Hackleg's.
+ .
+ As I have returned to
I. Brussels to make tny
rhome i am prepared to
resume business along the
old lines and will. handle
* any quantity of Juuk• at
+ the best prices going.
Phone 2x {4!!
M. Vol i k(k
Alexander St. lir ousels •
Mr. Whitesldee, who spent the
Winter wish hie nephew, F. S. Sav-
auge, died at his home in Manila on
Tuesday of last, week after a short ill-
ness, in hie 70th year.
A heavy t g load u' loge s P assPd over
market settles consisting of
4 elm and 2 oak. The Iliad weighed
over 5 ton. Logs were drawn by J.
H. Storey's team from ekirlway ill
bush f ow the Frank Kettle farm and
delivered at Anima's tnill,
.44 44 444144,
v. V.'+.4,. ,,, v""„�.'"W,-.,u_
1 have :i Ili.urt' .It. 1t I. ,Ll
•1' - PANTiNGS
that 3.11' ".11 1 be. seen .he d
a rare ) ,.i i0104(e your rrpring !?
, n(rlkf,
Splendid values in +
.1 Waterproof Croats ,•�'
,t, •list lur,ltlre to 01tti,fy. 'I',
.: W8 P. Fraser
'radio • lirtlneele
Huron County
Zurich 10 taking a weekly half holi-
day Thursday afternoon,
Charles Ilber, Crediton, who had
been invalided in a hospital in Kit-
chener, returned to his home last
week and is convalescent.
Unique Far niers' Club, I4th Con.
liay,/)1100013.1 a nPsululdutl to observe
two half -holidays during Summer
menthe, Wednesday and Saturday
MM•••••••••••••At•••••••• taiseri999e99e99999939000Me099 0)
11 f.iF p■■ �:CCf LLI 6iIt9d111
a - When you need Repairs for your Farm Equipment buy the i'
0 e Genuine—made of the same arlate'ial, have the same flnieh, •
fit as accurately and wear just as long as similar parts per- •
8 phased with the original machine. \Ve are the authorized
9 dealers for the I. H. O., McCormick, ('nr'kslintt and Frnsl.
• & Woad Machinery and Fleet y Plows and duty 0 complete •
a Flock. i
In Carriage Tire Applying
• We give you prompt service, applying all sizes of the bet-
s ter grade of Oarriage Rubber Time, and will replace, with- 0
• out charge, any tits failing to give 12 'mettle' coutinuons •
• •
6 set vice. c
• offers you a job second to none for quality of eervice and
• appearance. We give this line our careful attention and
your satisfaction when completed.
• •••••••00106400•01980.4+00)GiO 00000e06400004444464444606
Trusting to be of come service to you.
E.&8.Plum i5
Phone SSPinner.41x P
•••0O0.00440.044444404..44••••44@•'. et.40 4406••4..•0 4,
For Loaf of Bread
ace akery
Bread is Your Best food fat More of it
Phone 32x W. E. WILLIS 3
• 4144444.4444.40•04444.•0411. 04.40+000004.4444.44.444440•0
44+44.4+4+4+4.+4+4+4+0+0+4+ 0+0+•+4'!'.4' O'1•0+4+44'4'I'09' 4•i'4•F
Wedding Cifts
For the Brie
9191111111981119,1 1991199094931 - et;a`i.�aarretrmea�'alag„+tsu
We are showing a large assortment of Silver Casseroles,
Bakers, Pie Plates, Cake Baskets, Butter Tubs, Mar-
malades, also large assortment of Cut Glass and Flat-
the up-to-date Patterns.
oiamond Rings
In stock e.4 special Price—$25,
$40, $50, $75 and $100, Oall and
see the assortment and save
Wedding flings
A complete stuck, 1011 eizes, in
the new ,style, and are most
comfortable. Let us supply the
Wedding Ming.
1% Kodak
Menne increased pleasure on that Holiday
trip. Lotus shote you our complete Hoe.
PRIM instruction and a Monthly Maga-
zine to all purohasers'. ,
Jeweler and Optician
y'•d'•+4++'h++++40++++4+' 4+4+4'f4+44++a
'~*+,0+4,+4.1' H'+