The Brussels Post, 1920-6-17, Page 3BRITISH COLUMBIA WATER POWER EQUAL TO FIVE NIAGA- RA FALLS. Capable of Providing Power, Light and Heat For Future Needs. The water -power wealth of British Columbia, equal, it is said, to five Niagaras•-one of the greatest indus- trial assets this province contains -- will be one of the chief resources which will he shown and explained to the delegates of Canada's Industrial Congress when they reach the Coast in Juno this year. The Congress tour, which cemmence1 in Medicine Hat, Alberta, on June. and, reached Van- couver on June 7th, and closed at Victoria an the 10th. Pouring down from the mountains and from the glaciers that fill the gorges of the northern ranges, comes enough water every day to develop electrical power equivalent to three million hose -power. This figure is not based on flood conditions, but Is the estimate arrived at by Govern- ment engineers working during low water seasons. and using a corn;serva- tive basis of estimate. The mighty falls of Niagara, when all the water, that is available on the Canadian side has been harnessed to the turbine will produce only 650,000 horsepower. Bri- tish Columbia's mighty rivers and AUTO SPARE PARTS for most maken and madnls of cars. Your old, hraken ca Worn oat Tarts rep's -tied. Write or wire us ,Ireorlb- 1ng what you want We ,•art y the largest and most a mniste stock in .Fanada of slightly used or now parts and automobile equipment, We ship 0.01), anywhere in c,anada. Satis- factory or rerun( In full our motto. alum's Auto Salvage Part Supply, 02.3.531 Dufferdu St., Trcont0, Ont. Buddha Statue Rivals Sphinx. For many years it has been known that about fifty miles from Jah-ding, in western China, there is a very large and renutrkable statue of Buddha, but it was not until a very few years ago that ib was ever described by an Occidental. Dr. Sprague, en authority on things Chinese, visited it. At the end of two days' travel he reached the im- age and found it to be a colossus In size, althotigh not so large as rumor had made it out. The upper half of the hillside consists of a sandstone cliff, and in this a niche fifty feet broad has been cut leaving a central core of stone that is carved in the shape of a figure seated in European style, not cross-legged, as Buddha is so often represented. The traveller found the height of the image to be not less than one hundred feet. A series of five tiled roofs, descend - STYLES FOR SCHOOL GIRLS 9426 1, Transfer 1'0olyu No. tit 9426—Girl's( Dress. 1' cents. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 year.. 211 re- quires 47s yds. 30 ins Transfer Design No, 889. Price, 15 cents. ing like a flight of steps, built in 9405—Girl's Dress (with panel front of the image, protects it from front; with or without bias fold) the weather, so that only the face Pr:'ce, 25 cents. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 can be seen From without. years. Size 14 requires 4% yds. 30 When the doctor came within sight ins. wide. of the great Buddha he paused and These patterns may be obtained rested from his journey at a point from your local McCall dealer, or near one of the gates to -the walled iron the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Pronto, Dept. W. city that lies in the valley below. As mountain torrents, if they are all tear- his eves turned to the great face, nessecl, could supply the bonles and which has been gilded until it shines the industries of this province with like metal, es the immense size and nearly live tines as much power. perfect preservation of the idol made Enormous Liquid Wealth. their impression, the thought came When it is remembered that only to him that "this is more marvellous ailments clue to a clogged condition of 123,000 electric horse -power can be do- than many of the world's boasted the bowels will find prompt relief veloped by the plank which are at wonders."through the use of Baby's Own Tab - present supplying Vancouver, New He thought of the colossi. lat Thebes lets. The Tablets are a mild but wostininster and all the towns of the and the Sph;nx. Scarred and ruined thorough laxative which can always vicinity with power which drives the and defaced by the hand of man and be depended upon to regulate the motors in the milia and fat:)rios, pro- the effects of time, they are little het- bowels and sweeten the stomach. pets the street cars Slang the city's ter than lumps of battered rock. But streets and homes and the heat for far in the west of. China sits this old the up-to-date kitchens it will be seen - Buddha, unnoticed and almost un - that while the power generated at pre- known, yet greater in size than the sent at the plant of the British Colum- Egyptian colossi, with his proportions bin Electric on the North Arin, and presented intact with temples above CONSTIPATED CIIILDItEN Children who suffer from constipa- tion, indigestion or any of the other They are absolutely safe and are sold under a guarantee to be entirely free from opiates or other injurious. drugs. Concerning them Mrs. Thomas A. Boil - tot, Lake Balzer, N.B., writes; "I am pleased to state that Baby's Own Tab - of the IN Canada Power Co. on and below him, and with the priests lets were of great help to me when my the State river, is ample to take care 1 in attendance to keep the incense baby was suffering from constipation:' of present needs, and of the needs of burning at his feet. There he sits, The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. Sing a Song. - If you sing a song as you go along, why have black cats nearly always In the Paco of the real or fancied been accounted lucky? wrong, Ireland is by no means the only In spite of the doubt if you'll fight it place where superstitions about black cut, And show a heart that is brave and the cities and other communities of grimly gaging out over the tiled roofs the lower mainland for smue time to of. the city that Has before him. conte, the total water -power available in the province is sufllcfent to Pro- Ask for Minard's cad take no other. vide power, light and heat for forty cities and industrial centres of the elze Black Cat Beliefs. of Greater Vancouver and Now West- minster combined. British Columbia possasses in the liquid wealth that pours clown the hilts the equivalent to five Nlagares with all that this rats aro or were rife In Egypt cats means for the future of the province in - wore regarded with great reverence. dusilially when these waters aro bar- Archaeologists have found them in nersed and turned to the needs of tombs of Rings and Princes. men. ,lustraliaus have a curious legend about cats, Mityaro, the moon. they ,lavage Substitutes. say, was a native cat, who fell in love cries, There is a common idea that the with someone else's wife, and was To give to the man who bravely tries. diet and climate conditions of the Ne- 4010811 away t1) wander ever 'ince, To And you'll win success with a little greed are the cause of their having them a cat, black, .grey, or white, song -- beautiful teeth, but some authorities pltoithesies only bacl lust, IP you'll sing a song as you go along. la Japan and Chinn. a black cat is If you'll sing a song as you plod along, You'll find that the busy, rushing throng Will catch the strain of the glad re- frain; e- train; That the sun will follow the blinding rain; That the cloacas will fly frons the blackened sky, That the star's will cone out by and by, And you'll make new friends, till hope descends From where the placid rainbow bends, And all because of a little song— If you'll sing the song as you plod along! stout; if you'll laugh at the jeers and refuse the tears, You'll force the ever -reluctant cheers That the world denies when a coward dispute this. 'thee, hi some parts of Africa, when regarded as a dangerous demon, often nn fntant has gone through the "teeth- possessing as many as two or three big period," his month is rinsed out forked tails, and having the power to with an infusion of the leaves of a na- change itself into an old woman, The Chinese believe if a cat leaps on or walks over a dorpse it will cause the corpse to rise up at once. Any tive thea poeeessiug a constituent which causes the gusts to shrink, so fglitenitg the teeth. 'file natives living near the source person passing through the room 0. the Nile employ the roots of a pod- world he in danger of being seized l:earieg plant to relieve toethaclhe, by the corpse when in that stats, and while 8(1013er jgilyQ use an inftle10n of would be ]tilled immediately. kasso seeds for the same purpose, Yu 7u'gypt, according to ancient writ - The toothbrush, as used in this cotta- Ings of Herodotns, if a eat died 111 a try, is, of course, unknown to the savages, but many of thorn have an cif eetive substitute. They use a piece of wood from certain trees, which con- tain beneficial qualities, Further, this Mick is free frotn the great objection 1P brushes, It can be renewed at fre- quent intervals, and is thus always fresh and wholesome—a groat advant- age 0001' the toothbrush of civilized races, D - The Smith Faintly. Seeeing that the Smiths have had over 2,000 years in, which to inorease and multiply, it ie not surprising to learn that in the United States alone they number about a million. Tho late Dr. Mahaffy discovered that there was'a duan named Smith living fn Egypt in 227 B.C., and there may have been even earlier Smiths. The Smiths have always shown themselves. more clannish MI' the 'United States than in other countries, They once organized a banquet at which the guests wore Smiths to a Man, and the president was Captain Smits, the Governor of Virginia. The cooks wore Smiths, the winters also, and a Smith said grace, An ode was specially composed, for the occasion by a pont Smith, and this was 'hued in book form by a pttblislher named To Replaoe Dot and Dash, English scientists are experiment - Ing wth two musical tones, sent by a telegraph key and received by a tele-, phone, to replace the dot and dash in telegraphy. Why Mummies Wear, The extraordinary durabiliy of the ancient Egyptian Mummy is believed to be due to the feel that it was finish- ted with a vegetable blue derived front the Africain loouat-bean tree, private house by a natural death, all the inmates of the house were obliged to suave their eyebrows., - Where Old Uniforms Go. Tho denizens of African forests and l:aetorn deserts are clothing them- selves in khaki, and longing for the days when the British army shall re- turn to its more stylish ecarlot. Fo' it is to Africa, and the East that the Array's cast-off uniforms go to be sold, or to be bartered far rubber, and ivory, and other wealth. Kilts are considered very good form for barbaric (lances, but nothing is n.ore admired than the waistcoat which has adorned a London dandy. A native will show his importance by the number or waistcoats he can 00- quh'e, and it be can wear twenty at a time he is very grand indeed. If you'll sing a song es you trudge along, You'll see that the singing will make you strong, And the heavy load and the rugged road, And the sting and the stripe of the ' tortuous goad Wi11 seer with the note that you set afloat; That the beam will Change to a trif- ling Wrote; That 930 world Is bad when you are sad, Aud bright and beautiful when g ad, That 1111 you need is a little song -- If you'll sing the song as you t'udge along, 08111111118011 Wel n14eYU1111111411i"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIe11111aI1[ IIIIIIIIIIe111I111111 III1111111111111 IIm1111n11aa111111111I11111- P. E e 0 6 6 0 ri `Mat Unusu:.. F1:.ver Wholesome, Rich, Delightful that comes from blending malt- ed barley with whole wheat is ;distinctive of This food is ready cooked, eco- nomical, easily digested and verynourishing. Sold by grocers III maim (1111111171(1110811 11111 .1111111 I It1 11111111111 111111 I 4:1,111ilifibEEMIERITIT 2 5 2 B matimmilllmhllmmiui Ilea (0(1111111 411 Neve. Give Up. ly,a„r g,o,, ap: 1'. 1•, wire1 :an+1 bot- er Ale9ae e h"I`r, '11,1) cl to 1,•.r des- pair; espair; I'lle off the lead s,1 doi;ht y eitaering f tuts And 1 1r 11< 1t1r+ dark : Lich of tyranni- ,•.1 ,rre. .over glee ,19, or the burden may sink yntl - l'rovJdcnce l:in1111 has Iningt:d the t tap; And tall 1ri.tlet and troubles bethink you, 7710 watchword of life must be, "Never gi00 up:” Never give up; there are chances and ehange3, helping the hopeful a hundred to ane, And through the (Imes Ills wisdom arc alges Ever su cess, if you'll oliy kohl on. Never give up; fur the wisest le bold- est, Knowing that Providence mingles the cup, .And of all maxims, the best as the oldest, the stern watchword of "Never give upl" Is NOURISHING FOOD AND GOOD OURS Help You to Resist D'fsbase—Aid These With a Tonle to Keep e C re. 4 R.CA Would you be rid of that li 11.0P0l11 tlncl . harp i fo :lku thrust 111)9);; 111e (1111110. arms -Cal rl,e at 4sery. 0ov01:vat? Thou - nine,;; bare Lound lasting S Ci lel in talht it atkun Capsules Mnay doctors prescribe them. Wrlto Temple.tons, 142 Icing St. W., Toronto, for fzee sample. Sold by Tellable druggists evoryW ere for 81.04. ASTHMA Templeton's R A Z- FR A U Osp- sttles are guaranteed to relieve AST Ii MA. Don't suffer an- other day. WriteTemplotons, 24OSingg St. • W., Toronto, forfreesaznple, Reliable druggists sell them at $1.04 a boa. Blooming Railway Stations. Flowers are amongst the assets of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Flowers bloom in C.P.R. gardens et most of the principal stations from one end of the cannery to the other. There are Bow- er knots outside the Algonquin Hate1 at St. Andrews, on the Atlantic coast, and one of the most beautiful flower gardens in America biomes around the Empress Hotel in Victoria. the Blood Pure. In the old days most of the pioneers The power of your body to resist were too busy opening 11p the mitred - disease and to fight it after disease den ways to glue muck attention to gets a foothold, is one of the most pre the cultivation of flotsers. Yet flower cious possessions you have. You weak- en tbis power when you let your general health ruu down, your blood self, for it is now thirty-one years gets thin and your nerves unsteady. siuce one of the C.P,R, employees pro - You weaken it when you worry, duced a few varieties of flower seeds when you over -work, when you do not in bis own plot and distributed them get sufficient sloop, and when you aro amongst his friends at some or the undernourished, either because you do not eat the right kind or food or stations ---with the object of starting because your digestion is out of order, flower gardening along the line. The You preserve your power to resist start was auspiciously made, and now disease when you keep good hours and eat proper food at regular inter- vals. You further increase and strengthen resistance to disease when you build up your blood and nerves by the occasional use of a tonic like Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which are fres from opiates and harmful drugs of any kind. The value of these pills as a health builder is fully shown by the experience of Mrs, E. C. Taylor, Han- over, "Ont., who says: "At various times since I was a girl of fifteen I cultivation along the C.P,R. seems to have progressed with the commercial prosperity of the railway system it - the C.P.R. has ''a floral department with headquarters at Windsor Street Station, Montreal. Mr. B. 11. Wlnne- gar is the borliculturist and forester. Every year thousands of packets cf flower seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, grass seed, and large quantities cf fer- tilizers are distributed free of charge to station agents, section foremen, caretakers of round houses and em- ployees living on the property of the company. Tho -seeds that will hewer along the railway in the summer mud have proved the value of Dr. Williams' autumn aro sent out in March. Full Pink Pills. At that ago I was in a particulars for cultivation ale printed' much run down condition, suffering on each seed packet, Bulbs far sl: -ring from many of the well (mown symp- flowering are sent out in the fall, toms .of anaemia, My mother pro- Seeds and plants of the best kind , cured a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink are always provided. Stie. ;aryl flow- , Pills, and after taking about a half 9r seed packets contain uusturti0Ms. dozen boxes I was restored to normal, alyssum, andd loignolletIcrns ewe(t end house health. Again after my marriage, ftnct, phlox before my boy was horn, I felt miser- I plants are sent to large stations. An' able and again took Dr. Williams' Pink endless variety of Perennials are dis- Pills, w'hinh once more )let all my ex- peetations and fully restored my health. My latest experience filth these pills was following an attack of Menden, .which left me completely broken in health. Part of the time I er beds is dons by employees of was under the eare of two doctors, and the company, many theowhom employees have, be - tor weenreell monthsa was practAgain aty by -coma expert gardeners. On each di - moth 'sfe and death. Again the use vision of the C.P.R. prizes are given mother's suggestion T started the ase of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had not been taking them long before I could tell that they were helping me. Day by day I could feel my strength re- turning, and was soon enjoying good health once more, In view of my ex- perience I think I can safely say there is nothing in the way cf medicine bet- ter than Dr, Williams' Pink fills. Dr. Williams' Pint i'ills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wilhelm Medicine Co., 13rock- ville, Ont, tributes:, and amongst the varieties of trees supplied are maple, birch, beech, poplar and catalpa. Shrubs include laurel leaf willow, sumer, berberrlcs and weigelia. In all cases the cultivation of flow - How He Worked it. A good story- concerning Henry La- bouehere's grandfather is related by George Grenville in his "Memories of an Old Etonian.' When be was quite a young elan, it appeal's he was a cleric ina bank at a salary of £50 a year. But 11e moved in good society, amongst other fami- lies he was on visiting terms with that of Sir Francis Baring, the mil- lionaire financier. Tills gave him an idea. Presenting himself before the senior partner of the bank where he was employed, he inquired whether it would be possible for him to become a partner forth- with. "Certainly not!" was the reply, "Why, you are Only a junior clerk." "But supposing,"rejoined La- bonohere, "that T lied received the consent of Sir Francis Baring to mar- ry his daughter?" "03, that alto's the )latter entirely! In that case we shall be only too pleased." Laboucllere next approached Sir Francis, and asked him for his daugh- ter's hand, only to meet once mere with a Cult. refusal. "But supposing," said Ltiboucllere, "that I aur not a mare clerk, as you suppose, but a partner in the bank?" The baronet's planner changed, "That being so," he said, "I will tails the platter over with 01y daughter," The result was that Labolehere married Sir Francis Baring's daugh- ter, and became, at, the same time, a partner in the banlr. • Ono of the most important things in life is to stop when you have said enough. every year for the best display of flowers, and sone of the products of gariens kept by the railway amateurs have won prizes at Canadian and United States floral exhibitions. During the last thirty-one years the encouraging influence of the C.P.R, flower growers has materially assist- ed in the inauguration of floral societies all over the country. Many of the railway officials are members of these societies. flowers have im- proved the appearance of the railway stations, and inspired by the beauty of the stations, residents of the towns have planted Rowers that beautify their homes. A little flower flame along the C.P.R. las often thrown the spark that ignited a fire of flowers. Spanish Flu Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be guarded against. II r' S 111111110111, Is a Great Preventative, being ane of the oldest relnedles used. Minard's LW. merit has cured thousands of eases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat Asthma and similar diseases. It le an Enemy to Germs, Thousands of battles being used ,every day, for sale by ail druggists and general dealers. MINARD'8 LINIMENT CO., LIMITED, Yarmouth, N.$. Soft Pedal for Typewriter. To make typewriters lass noisy a Cleveland inventor Inas patented a platen more that. changes the loud click of the type to a dull thud. Amorloo's Pioneer Dog E,omedies Doak on DOG WISEGISES 0n1 row to Peed Mailed L'ree to.any Ad. ,;reee by the Author. IL Clay Glover 122,, Soo. tis West elst Street Now York, 13.S.A. fi SINCE IB'/0 ��y�5le,1�� 1�RC P9 /4 vi tyro"•,; tt s ED. 7. ISSUE No. 24--'20, i Pt riin 7.- .;.,a ,P i:2lp.�.strt .: v 4.,. I'i,. \ SYS ItF3,rllit:tiG ti � 'V rex, SALE ....�/ . , iiv1C1A. FRLIIPPi:U NEIVSPAPElt, r and fab printing plant In Master* W hy? Classified Advertiseznents. rtalTsZazE;li, 1 1 I '419:' 9'OAIi'9.1011 1• t':l:TI1.1f.I215 will• pay Yon.+Uecrge Stevens,. J trll, rnngh , Ontario. She ILO 31999 neve/tied hhl,, and they worn bl;;:;-fully dieeusshlg the "might - 1111 ye beeps." "Mullett," be enquired In the tone of one who knows what the answer will he, "why didn't you accept. that 1:1110 donkey of a fop?" "ltocause," she answered., dreamily, "I 1: s ed another." The Closest Race. An Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman were indulging in remiuis- (emcee of tutoring occasions. "The closest rare I over saw was a yacht rare," (,aid the Englishman, "in I which one of the boats that had been recently painted won by the breadth of 1199 coat of paint:' "The closest race I ever saw," de - Oared the 350151ltan "was one In IL anti 11 WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sevvintr at home. whole or which a horse, stung by a bee, won by 1 spare time; good pay, work sent any die - the height of the au- ell tug on his nose." Lancs, charges paid. Solid atarnp for perticnlarq. National dlanufhcturing; '".Che closest rare I ever saw, said Co.. Montreal. the Irishman, "is the Scotch." Clever Biddy, "Biddy," remarked the newly-wed Irishman, "go down and feed the pigs.' "Faith and I will not," replied the bride. 'Don't be after contradicting me, Biddy," retorted the husband. "haven't I suet endowed you with all my worldly goods, and 1f you cannot feed your own property, then it's ashamed of you I am." This was a new point of view, so off Biddy went. Presently she returned. "Have you fed the pits, Biddy?" de- manded her husband, sternly. "Faith, and I have nut," :She answer- ed, "I have done a great deal better. As they were my property I have sold. them, and shall not be bothered with them again," MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out.of•tnv:•u accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. five Delius coats three cents. marls. Irsurenee carried (1,600. Will (te tar 01.29L0 nn gut,* sale. Bog 83, Wllsnn I-ublte111ng Co., I.t,i„ Toronto. Torr ELM WANTED. L{,„1 u1"r ELM IVANTfab, 8 IN. ANA f'3 thicker, slapped green from saw.. Do not sell until you comrnn,.1ats 'mitts us. Heenan Bros. Limited. Owen Sound. Ont. TRAINING 5010000, POE zeirnese. , P:,11 STN ) 'LILAINING to t1OOf. �R fur Nurses: St. Lltzehotlt Hospital. 204 South Broad Street, Elisabeth, New Jersey. Complete (muse. Monthly al- lowance: first year 85.00. second 110.00, third 815.00. Address: Superintendent. //EDP WANTED. 1 AT ANTED. P'I1t$T.('I.ASY 311;Nc1i W0 YY eel r,rntsrs to worts on Interior fittings, flood wages, steady work. Apply Laidlaw Lumber Company, 2280 Dundas \l'.. Toronto. LADIES WANTED. Shade Best for Flowers. Flowers are more fragrant when the sun is not shining on them, it is contended by a French scientist., be- cause the oils which produce the per- fume erfume are forced out by the water pres- sure in the plant relic and thus is diminished by sunlight. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere New Germ Foe. Rerent study las proved that the juices of lemons, oranges, anions and garlic kill disease terms. Thole of - lenrons and garlic aro menet effective in this wan It is the free acid in the fruit juices that doea the business, Bus Thrift Stamps. The Kodiak, Alaska, bear is the largest carnivorous animal in the world. DOUBLE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR "Danderine" creates mass of thick, gleamy waves In a f':•w 1111:ntents you can trans- form yC11r plain, dull, flat halr. Yon can neve It abundant, soft, glassy and full of life. Just get of any drug or toilet canner a email bottle cf -Dan- derine" fel, a few emits. Then moisten a soft eleth with the "Danderine" and draw it through your hair, taking one shall strand at a time. Instantly, yes, immedlatcly, you have (aabbled- the beauty of your -hair. It will be a mass, so soft, luatruus, and eo easy to do up. A11 dust, dill and excoe:-ive ell is re- moved. Let Danderine put more life, color, vigor, and brightness in your ]lair. This sti:unl/Cting tonic wIlI freshen ycnr 001.19,. check dandruff and falling hair and Help your hair to grow long, thtcl:, sin:re and beautiful. MOTHER/ "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you nee sure your child is having the beat and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions 00 each bottle. Yon must say "Cali- fornia," Cuticura All You Need For Your Skin Bathe with Cuticle% Soap to cleanse end purify tate pores. If signs of pimples, redness or roughness are present smear gently withCuticura Ointment before bath. Mg to soothe and heal. Porovcry purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery Cuticura Soap and Ointment are ideal. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end 50c. Sold throughoutthcDaminion, CnnndiaaDepot: Lvmans, Limited, St, Poul St., Montreal, dg5 Caticura Soap eleven without mug. ONLY TABLETS LETS MA .ED "SAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" r1 45 l tyte eere The name "Meyer" is the thumb- Iof "Bever Tebtetapof .Aspirin" which print of i;cnt,1ne Aspirin. It pool onte11.1 proper directions for Colds, tively identmev the only )19'11111115 011191 1 i ', Tonthnchc, 7/areche, Neu- Aspnl 1.--th, Aspirin preseril'c•.1 by r(1, 5' 1 relbeeo, Rheumetiem, Nouri- physician; far over nineteen years and{ doitri 1'•tins, and Pain generally. now made in Canada, 'I in bs Yet of 12 tablete cost but Adwayd buy an unbroken pall age' a few cent:. Larger"Sayer" packages, Where Se only one di.spielln ••"21'1?7ttr'r'- •Stas mast say "Dave ' Asrh•in In ono trade mart, tomo) -r'0 In firm,',) of norcr lttanafaature of Mono• 10'r P wo0U•etcl .,f palls Ilraa i i .9 I 11 1.t wen 1,1, 0' that Anpiria means payer 10,01f:011 -re, 9assist the 1 J.. ,. 1 tette Sane, the Tablets et Bayer Com.0.41 . +W111 by (.11150c9 with their De .rr, :iarl:, the "slayer croft,"