HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-6-17, Page 1t
VOL, 48 NO, 51
01.5o Per Annum in Advance
0111111111 11111111111 II 11111 IIII i fTf111iliiiillif?iflifillilhidUT ,u in t mini
i1L Srn cessfu1 Men
They were thrifty. They were
shrewd enough to see that the habit
of saving meant: the strengthening of
character. With the money saved
they were able to take advantage of
opportunities as they arose.
- Resolve today to open a Savings
Account in this Bank.
In 41n 121 1111111 no
Bank of N. a Sciia
Paid-up Capital - - 2 9,700,000
Reserve Fund - - - 18,000,000
c Resources - - - - 220,000,000
Rift!— +i11111b1i1ip,, se a
I', 00. GII,ROY
Brussels Branch
There are many ways in which this Bank
can assist you in addition to granting loans
when required and providing a safe place
for your savings.
Call upon us at the first opportunity and
let us explain ,what a complete banking
service means to you. °'""A
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $1 5,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $ 15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager.
ra'I'wii i.IIi1t�hdil,+h911dlh0llI III(ilIIllIilfltlllliIIlI illniil1Iliiilililfihil
Bilin P' II011iullfil lIIiMli lid '
pecI argains of
Walton Store
For the next two weeks we offer Special Bargains in
the following lines :—
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, both
light and heavy, reduced - to per cent
Men's high grade Felt Hats, worth $i4.5o for $ 4 00
Panama Hats, regular $3,00, for . 2 00
Christly Stiff Hats, regular $3.50, for . ' 2 so
Georgette Waists, different styles, reduced 15 per cent
Georgette Goods, reg. $2.$o per yard, for 2 50
Wall Paper,goodeteoltta reduced - 20 per cent
oltoose lrotn
Farm Produce taken as Cash.
,esief, It I. rite: II GSkill ire] F.
Poll 1(P II111 illi it 1ti Ii. eels nil IIII
Iii 012
Now A,4o- 4t-'cisemO^cc
Strayed—J. J. Sellers
Leval Brustele Barbera
01ihol W 3, McCracken.
Notice—Township of Grey.
Hens for sale—Welter Rose.
Delon-Light—H, Q, Darroch,
For sale—Melvyn Glikntson,
Western 010B—A, 0. Beaker.
Special Bnrgalne—Richard Pratt.
Locals—Walton Horticultural Sooleby,
Things that last forever—A, E, Horsey.
Annual meeting—Centre Huron Liberals,
Sulgrave Orangeman will go Lo
ItVingliarn for July 12th.
On the afternoon of Sunday, 27th
inst„ a setmlon will be preached bo the
Orangemen of this locality by Rev. W.
.1. Hawkins, in the Anglican church.
Fault le found by the fishermen of
this locality over the fact that visitors
patrol our rivers and Rehing grounds
with guns and nets, contrary to law,
capturingltheifinny tribe.; They should
be better sports.
Thursday evening the union prayer
meeting was held in the Anglican
church with a fait attendance. The
three pastors— Revds. Hawkins,
Boyle and Davison—took part, the
latter giving a fine address on Prayer,
using the Lord's Prayer as the subject.
This was Rev. Mr. Davison's closing
address at this union service aslhe re-
moves to Tupperville. Rev. Mr.
Hawkins referred to Mr. Davison's re-
moval as a matter of regret and ex-
pressed good wiebes, The latter re-
plied thanking the rentor for his kind
worde and expected his successor
would enter upon the work with
heartiness, Tuesday, 29th inst., is the
date of next prayer service, Meeting
to be held in Knox church and Rev,
Mr, Hawkins will give the addraee.
Wm. Booth has gone to Edmonton
where he has a good position.
Mise Cassie McDougall, Harriston,
spent the week end at her home here.
Wm, Sanderson, Toronto, spent
several days last week with his par-
Misses D. McKinnon and J, Black
visited the foriner's home, near Tiver-
ton, this week,
0. D. Simpson and daughter, Miss
May, Brucefield, called on friends in
the village on Saturday.
Jno. and Mrs, Drew were recent
visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs.
G. Wearriug, They motored from
Jas, Allan, druggist, has purchased
the store be now occupies also the ad-
jacent store, which he is fitting up,
from Thos. Ieniphill, Detroit.
Garden -Party will be held 00 the
Town Park on Wednesday, June 23rd
in aid of Rink Fund, under auspices of
Women's Institute, Wingham Oiti-
zen's Band in attendance. Tea 6 to 8
o'clock, Everybody Dome, bring a
basket and give the boys and girls a
lift. Salem and Fordwieh will play
Football and Wroxeter will meet the
winners. Admission 25 and 15 cents.
(Product of Rock, Oilts),and other
inn Cattleztnd Horses—New hair grow-
ing immediately. Also Old Sores,
Grease, Cracked Heels, Saddle Galls,
Ulcers, Mange, .Itch, Bitae, Wounds,
Sore Feet, Scratches, Rope Burne,
Barb Wire Outs, Hoof Rot, Sore Teats,
Caked Bag, Sprains, Lump Jaw,
Lameness, Swellings.
Preserves horses' Hoofs.
Destroys Vermin on Hogs, Sheep and
Protects Cattle from Flies,
Thorough Antiseptic
Death to all Germ Life
Every farmer will eventually use
Litho], Invaluable as a household
remedy for Cate, Running Sores,
Sprains, Sore Throat, Swellings,
Burns, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Bun-
ions, &c.
Non -Poisonous, Price $1.00
Manufactured by
Sold by
��tryl'9 aMcCracken,
White Leghorn
Sens for Sale
We have 300 one and two-year
old hens (positively none over 2
years) at a bargain, Reason'for
selling these we have 600 Pullets
coming along to take their place,
'We are offering these at a bar-
gain. Just enquire, or better,
come and era them. We think
if you saw the birds and got our
prices you would buy.
Walter Rose
Huron Specialty Farm
We are inthe Coal busi-
and able to supply
all grades. Place your
orders early.
Plum & Son
Phone 4, ix Brussels
May's travelling picture show has
been spending a week in the village.
Mre, R, Stocks has gone to Minde-
moya, Manitoulin Island, where she
will spend a few tveeke.
A. silo is being built by Thomas
Pierce on his farm, gravel road, East,
He's along the right line.
belin Hislop, wife of Robert Bailan-
tyne, died at her home in Howick on
Friday after a long and painful illness.
She was in her 50 year and a daughter
of the late Alex. and Mrs. Hislop, of
Turnberry. With the exception of a
few years spent in the West shortly
after her marriage 26 years ago, all
her life had been spent in this neigh-
borhoed, where she was held in high
esteem. She is survived by her hue.
band, a brother, Alex, and 3 sisters,
Misses Margaret, Elizabeth and Chris-
tina, all of Turnberry township. An-
other sister, Mre. D, Thompson, pass-
ed away last week, Intel ment took
place in the Wroxeter cemetery Mon-
day afternoon the Rev, Mr, Sinclair,
Belmore, officiating.
Oranbrook '
This community was well represent-
ed at the Ethel -Listowel Foot Ball
match on Monday.
Mrs, Moir and children, Detroit, are
visitors at the home of Harry and
Mrs. Keys. The ladies are sisters.
Rev. Mr, Kennedy is away at
Montreal and Aev. Mr, Tannahill is
supplying the Presbyterian pulpit dur-
ing his absence.
Oranbrook Farmers' Club will hold
their annual Picnic in the grove on
R. L. McDonald's farm, Lot 17, Con.
10, Grey township, next Tuesday
afternoon. Program of Sports, ad-
dresses, a dancing platform, &c. will
be given. District Representative
Sbothers will be there. Everybody
will be welcome only don't forget
your basket, Blackstone Orchestra
from Goderich, has been engaged for
the occasion.
lr any members of the Walton Horticultural
Conicity wish to order extra bulbs for the Fall
besides the distribution ; send word or phone
immediately to Seo, -Trees. R. H. Hoover,
Walton,ae order must be in by July let,
District Representative' Stalled,
Clinton, was here on Monday looking
up School Fairs, &o. He's a busy elan.
Tile home of Jno. McDonald has
been lo the hands of the painters and
the property is much improved in its
new dress,
Owing to a badly sprained ankle W.
J. Shortreed was compelled to go on
crotches for a time while his limb
was encased in a plaster of
jacket. We hope:he will soon be o. k.
Special Bargains are being offered
at the store 02 Richard Pratt, Wal-
ton, and' readers of THE POST ere
asked to read his advt, in this issue
that they may share in the reduc-
Monday evening of next week a
public meeting will be held in the A.
O. U. W, Hall, at 8 o'clock, to consid.
ee the holding of a Comtnuriity Pic-
nic in the near future. Members of
Farmers' Club, Women's Institute
and all others are invited t0 the meet-
ing to plan for pic-nie.
Walton Farmers' Club contemplate
holding a Short Oourse next Winter.
It will continue for a mouth and will
deal with live stock, seeds, &c. Those
interested should give their names to
the local Secretary, W. J. Shortreed.
A Domestic Science Oourse would
likely be put on for the girls.
Women's Institute. will hold their
Summer meeting, in the A, O. U. W.
Hall, Monday, June 28, at p. in.
Miss Clayton, Listowel, will adduces
the meeting, She is an honor gradu-
ate of Toronto University, has a wide
experience as a public speaker and her
address should be of great interest.
Everybody will be welcome. Mark
4the date.
nual program of sports, under . the
direction orWalton Methodist church,
will be held art usual on 'Thursday,
July 1st, this time in the grove of
Thomas Williamson, Boundary, 1(:
miles East of Walton. Fun will be-
gin at 1.30 p. m. and will ennsiet of
foot races for men, women and child-
ren, sports nf all kinds, including 2
tags of war, football match, &c, Free
lunoh served at 5 o'clock, There will
also be a booth on the ground with
ice creatu and other refreshments.
W. J. Hanna is the Secretary and
Rev. J. W. Button pastor, See the
bills for further partirulats.
The minuet repott of the Methodist
shushes, Walton °ischii, has been
issued and the Financial summitry
shows a most el editable,record for the
past Conference year, ru,dee Pastor
Button. 171e ftgueee will' ha of inter-
est ;—Pastor's salary, $960 ; Missions,
gel sin �nd Sotonal ial Service,$$16 ; LCon-
uexional Penile, $101 ; removal ex-
penees, $6; Lruliee' Aida, $167
Trustee Boards $600 ; Armenian Fund
$22 ; Sunday Schools, $00 ; and
National Campaign $889, a grand
total of $2,840, The Oil Milt is enmp08'
ed of Walton and Bethel congrega-
tions. They deserve credit for the
way they auppatt the cttWoe. Mr.
Button will continue as pastor for the
coming year.
Township Council will meet here
next Monday,
Epworth League is holding its ser.
vies 'Thursday evening of this week in
the park,
Ethel Dramatic Company have
been invited to give their last Play at
Bi ueesls and Atwood,
Friday evening of this week a meet-
ing of all intoreeted in the Public
Libraty will be hold at A. H. Mao-
Detrald'n. 'I't•y and be there.
11. and Airs, Franklin, and children
of Togs, Sask., are here on a visit with
the Addy family. It is Mrs. Frank-
lin's first trip as her home was in Eng-
land until 16 years ago.
Next Sabbath evening will be ob•
served as flower Sunday in the Metho-
dist church, A children's choir will
lead the singing. Pastor's subject will
be "Consider the Lilies,"
Atwood Intermediate Foot Ball ex-
perts will play here Wedneetlay even-
ing of next week, This will be the
last genre in the let round here.
Ethel ought to win it.
We omitted to mention the mar-
riage at the Methodist Pareonage here
of Earl Mothers, Morrie township, and
Mise Margaret L. Johnston, let Con.
Grey township. May tbeit joys be
Owing to absence of Rev. Mr, Ken-
nedy for a month or so Rev. Mr.
Tannahill, Toronto, has taken the ser.
yioes 1,, the Presbyterian church for
past two Sabbaths and will officiate
next Sunday also.
Work is in progress in fitting up the
Memorial Park bete in burning
brush, cutting up old loge, levelling,
fencing, &b. There are 7e acres in it
and it will be a dandy spot when all
the work is completed,
GOOD GAME,— Monday evening a
red hot match was played on the
park here between Listowel and Ethel
Intermediate Foot Ball teams that
was fought to a finish and happily re-
sulted in a win for the home team in
the closing part of the game. A big
crowd witnessed the victory, Referee
Ooghlin, of Atwood, was the referee
and gave fait. satisfaction. The visit.
ors are a fast bunch and play the
game for all that is in it hence Ethel's
victory is all the more commendable,
WEDDING.—A pretty house wed-
ding took place Saturday of last week,
at 5 p m., at the home of Geo. W.
and Mrs.' Pollard, 281, Front St.,
Stratford, when their only daughter,,
Verde Frances, became the bride of
Frederick Earl Cole. Ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. E. Holmes, pas-
tor of Trinity church. The bride,
who looked very neat in a gown of
white silk trimmed with crepe de
°bene and 'silver lace, with tulle veil
antl orange blossoms and carrying a
baguet of white roses, entered the
parlor on the arm of her father, to
the strains of Lohengrin'e wedding
march played by the bride's brother,
Leslie. After congratulations the
company eat down to a dainty wed-
ding supper, Numerous beautiful
gifts, including valuable cheques,
testified to the popularity of the bride,
Groom's gift to the bride was a
pearl sunburst. Bride's travelling
suit was of blue serge with a pink
crepe de chine waist and black flat.
One of the interesting features of the
day was that 26 years ago on the seine
date and hour the bride's father and
mother were married, The newly
wedded couple will reside at 281 Front
St„ Stratford. Many friends join in
wishing the happy couple many use-
ful, prosperous years.
Tr any members of the Walton Horticultural
Society wish to order extra bulbs for the Fall
besides the distribution send word or phone
immediately to Seo; Treas. R. H. Hoover, Wal-
ton, as order must be 1n by July 1st.
Township Council next Monday.
It is Grandfather Oliphant Smith
now. A new honor. See birth notice,
Joseph Savage, 0611 Oen., has re-
signed his position as Good Roads
This week 0. Hutchinson is at
Guelph attending a Fertilizer Conven-
tion for a few days.
We are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Mrs. S, Ames but we hope
early improvement may, ensue,
Mrs. Hugh Porter, 10th Con., has
been ill with pneumonia but we hope
she will soon be as hearty as ever.
Mrs. Hugh Thompson, of the West,
and Miss Laura Mitchell, Molesworth,
were visitors with Joseph and Mrs.
Savage. -
Mre. Flank Collins has not been en-
joying her usual good health but her
many friends hope she will soon be as
hearty as ever.
James Maker, an old resident of
Grey, was found in one of his fields
lying in an 0noonecioue condition.
Hs is well advanced in years.
The barn of Wm. Close is having
stabling "put under it and a general
repairing is on the way. A house.
keeper is needed at the house.
Mies Florence Me0a11um, who has
been holding a position in Stratford,
is home to spend the Summer. She
will likely return to her old poet next
A union school picnic of Oranbrook,
No. 4 Morrie and No 1 Grey will be
held in the Davidson grove, 12th Con.
Friday July 2nd, Program, &c,, an-
nounced later, Keep tate date clear.
The barn on the farm of Mrs. Alfred
Ward, 0th Con., is being re -built, It
MI5 blown down last, Bali. Her son
Jnn. T, and wife, of (Galt are here to
help, We aro glad to see J. T, back
once more.
After emending a short holiday. at
the parental home Mise Marjorie Mc-
Callum has returned to her situation
in Stratford, She had an attack of
flu and measles but made a good te-
covery We are glad to state.
5 Yearn act Over
Subeeriptions to l'tEF, 13aU8-
RBLH POST Unpaid for the past
5 years or upwards will be plac-
ed fu Court for collection after
July let, 1020.
With the largely increased
0000 of everything in the news.
paper business these days we
cannotaford to carry them any
longer. This warning is given
in good time eo that opportun•
ity will be open to save (mete by
prompt melee. The label will
give you the date paid up to.
Hundreds of dollars are ow-
ing us and we think it time it
Was pa1d.
Flower services will be held at Roe's
and Union churches next Sunday.
Children's choirs will have charge of
the music.
Baby daughters have arrived at
Robt. H. McKinnon'° and W. H.
Baker's and mothers' and babies are
doing well.
K. R. MacLean has purchased the
Standard bred trotter, Wildbrino
King, 2181, who will stand for the
season at Lut 28, Con. 17, Grey. The
horse has a grand line of ancestors
that horsemen should study.
Last Friday evening upwards of
700 neighbors and friends aeeembled
at the home of Louie Frain and bride
and presented them with a generous
miscellaneous shower of useful arti-
cles, A. fine time was enjoyed and the
company separated wishing the host
and hostess many happy, prosperous
years in their new home.
well known former resident of this
township, in the hereon of Truman
Smith, departed this life, at Calgary,
in which city his son, Rev. W. A.
Smith, resides, on Saturday 6th inst.
He was in his 74th year, Mrs. Smith
died when the family lived in Grey.
2 sons, Heyde. Victor and W. A., and
a daughter, Mrs. Greenway, survive.
Mr. Smith made his home with his
son for a number of years. He was
an upright honorable man who enjoy-
ed the esteem of many, He was a
member of the Chosen Friends of
Brussels. Mrs: Marsden Smith, Brus-
sels, is a sister-in-law to deceased,
Will, and Mrs. McMichael and
daughter, Audrey, spent the week
end with friends in Morris and Blue -
Last week Alex. McLauchlin, Haat
gravel road, sold his fine grey draft
team :to Fred. Stevenson, of Elma
township, at a good figure.
Miss Annie Smith, of Dand, Man.,
daughter of Adam 3. Smith, a former
Mot'risite, is here on a visit with rela-
tives and friends. She is a school
teacher in the West,
Henry and Mrs. Bone, Will. and
Mrs, Sellars and Mrs. W. J, South
motored to Formosa to visit a neiee of
Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Israel Erb. Mr, Erb
ie laid up with sciatica for a couple of
veeke. Visitors had anice time.
The trustees of S. S. No. 5 have
moved the woodshed to the rear of
school house, raised it and will put a
cement wall under it. There is a rear
entrance to the basement where fur-
nace is located hence it will be very
handy in the Winter in handling fuel,
No, 5 has a diploma for neatness and
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the manse, Walton, ou June
6th, at 6.30 p. m. by Rev. r. Lundy,
when Mise Mamie M. Craig, was unit-
ed in marriage to Wnt. Cookerline,
Morrie. The bride looked smart in a
becoming dress of white georgette and
satin. After the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Gasman, Blyth,
3rd line, has purchased a male and 2
female pure bred and registered Durno
Jersey swine front Edward McPharlin
& Sons, of Essex County. The sire of
this trio won the championship at
Toronto and London big Fairs and
weighed 060 pounds. Garry is deter-
mined to have the best, for which we
pat him on the back.
CRAFT CHARGE.—The appellate divi-
sion, Toronto, confirmed the convic-
tion recorded by the County Judge at
Goderich against bliss Margaret Pol-
ack, who lives near Blyth, Ont,,
charged with witchcraft. Justice
delivered th r
Orde, whoa judgment of
the court, said, in part : "The pro-
fession of a power or faculty to coin-
municate with or to receive communi-
cations from the dead is, in my ,jutig-
meut, the profession of a skill or
knowledge in an occult science within
the meaning of the code." The Court
was of the opiniortvthat suspended sen-
tence might be entero i g d f Miss Pollock
gave sufficient recognizaroes, Under
older laws, the penalty for witchcraft
was burning at the stake.
are sorry to report that Miss Ethel M.
Pipe, youngeet daughter of late David
and Elizabeth Pipe, Mh line Morris
township, passed away Wednesday of
last week, at Montreal, in her nth
year, She had the flu last Winter
which interfered with her heartaetfon
from which she died, Mies Pipe was
born in Morale and is survived by 0
brothers and 8 sisters. The casket at'
rived from Montreal on. Friday mor-
ning's express and was taken to borne
of deceased's brother, Wm, Pipe, 6110
line, from whence the funeral took
place Saturday afternoon to Brussels
cemetery. Pallbearers Were Earl and
Wm, Somere, Gilbert Spew, Jno, ;Tor -
W. H. KERR, Pro/irietoy'
Notre Huron liberals
The annual meeting of the
Centre Huron Liberal Aeeoeia-
tiou will be held at (lardno's
Hall, Sea£ortb, on Tuesday,
June 22nd, 1920, at 8 o'clock
p, in. A good attendance of
the Liberals of the Riding is
Secretary. President,
den, Jae, lbleT'arlane and Robert Fair.
(meek*. Oereict: was ronduetcd by
Rev. A. J, Mann, Brussels. Mies Pipe
was a floe young woman and her
early demise is much regretted by
relatives and friends.
Jamestown news on page 5,
Mrs, Wallace and Bert motored to
Owen Sound and Wiarton for a visit.
Mrs, R. McKay and her mother, Mrs,
Tomlinson accompanied them and all
had an enjoyable time.
Mervin Hodges, Clinton, was home
for a few days.
Some of our pupils will write at the
High School Entrance exam.
John Eastwood, Hamilton, spent
the week end in this locality.
8 P. and Mre. Morrison and Nellie,
Hensen, were visitors with Jas. and
Mrs, IvleKay.
Mies Ora McKay has returned home
after visiting friends and relatives at
Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Maria Barkley and children
and Miss Jennie Barkley, of Stratford
spent a few days at the home of Mrs,
M. Hodges.
Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
Communion service will be held by
Rev. J. H. Dunbar, Listowel, in St.
Davids's church. Sunday School will
meet at 10. Mr. Ingram, a student,
will conduct service in the above
church during the Summer.
Church Chimes
Annual meeting for election of Sun-
day school officers and teachers, &c.,
Friday evening in the Methodist church.
Sunday morning last Rev. Mr. Mann
spoke in Melville church from the theme
"The Church's Mission in the World."
Evening subject was "The doubt of
Rev. H. W. Avison, M. A., B. D., of
Welland, who has been transferred to
Saskatchewan Conference, attended
Hamilton Conference to say good-bye to
his brethren of the Hamilton Confer-
ence in which he was ordained,
Rev. W. E. Stafford's last Sunday
morning address showed the value of
Sabbatb Sebool work, his topic being,
"What is the relation of the Sunday
School to National ideals," In the
evening "Christian Camufiage" was
dealt with, Mr. Pack sung a solo in the
morning and be and Wiil, McCracken
took the duet in a choir selection at
TURFMAN! of Ibis week amthe
date of
the annual n excursi bysteamer f
os am from
Goderich to Detroit. A ew went from
this locatil y.
THE fine ' mile track on the Agricul-
tural Park has been plowed, graded.
harrowed &c,. and will be in A t shape
after the good rain.
QUITE a number of Foot Ball en-
thusiasts motored to Ethel Monday
evening and saw the home team trounce
Listowel 1-0, It was a good game.
A. K. 0. T. M. representative has
been in Brussels and locality revising
the Maccabee beneficiary Certificates to
correspond with the new rates for insur-
Mrs. (Dr,) McKelvey sr. and Mrs.
(Dr.) F. T. Bryans sad daughter, Torr
onto, will enjoy the next few montbs in
Brussels, having leased the furnished
home of G. A, Deadman, .Frederick
street, while the latter is absent at
Merlin. The ladies are former Brus-
selites and should feel quite at home in
this community,
was given at the Court House ou Wed-
nesday morning of last week, by Francis
Dagger, telephone expert for the Ont-
ario Railway and Municipal Board, on
an application by the Goderich Rural
Telephone Company for permission to
increase its charges. 'Phe proposed in.
creases are from $19 to 505 per annum
for rural party line service ; to $t6 per
annum for limited two or three -party
line service, and from 505 to $18 per an-
num for individual line service. After
hearing the statements of those interest-
ed Mr. Degger stated that he bad no
hesitation lu view of the higher cost of
materials, in recommending the propos-
ed increases With the large number of
telephones on the system he considered
the company was giving a valuable ser-
PROHIBITION,—Added interest will
centre on the annual meeting of Huron
County "Prohibitionists" on account of
Dr. Andrew 8. Grant's name appearing
on the program, Dr. Grant is head of
the Referendum Committee which has
charge of the Campaign now being
launched to stop the importation of
liquor into the Province for beverage
purposes. 'l'hie e --.,ring will bo held ice+,,
the rel -it ?resbyteriau Church,Seeto`r'tii,
r .1 Wednesday afternoon and evening,
Juno aird. Subjects of special interest
suet, as the change from the 0, T, A. to
the 0. T. A., Tho Referendum Proili
bition of the manufacture and sato 09
native wines, oto , etc , are to be discus. "
sed. A banquet is to be given by the ,
Soaforth ladles et 6 o'clock and there.
will be after dinner speeches, The pub..
lie is invited,