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The Brussels Post, 1920-5-20, Page 8
�Mw.nerau�a... -x+,• rhe Store Dolly Cream For Tin ting Cur- tains. rd' Pictorial Review Embroidery and Beading Pat- terns t5c & 20C Beit Cedar Flulces Moth Preventa- tive^'- 250 Sunset Soap Dye t5c Rit- 150 PEPTONA •'1'FHE NEW Reconstructive Tonic o 'rnrb, i,.,t,„i, ,.I f"dptoniied Iron, Malt Manganese land Cod Liver Extract This Preparation has had a very large sale in the States and promises to be in big de- mand in this country. Price $lies but. Janteel Totem Flesh or White ase tins Jonteel Combina- tion Cream hoc ' stic ,ar r s Tal Wearwell Tooth Brushes - Each in a carton- 150 Rexall Tooth Paste .-Makes white teeth- 250 Bring your Films here for good results in Developing and Printing. Prompt Service. ball Foot Bath Tablets Restore Tirr4 Feet-� Rexall Orderlies 550. 250, 5oepks. • A good Laxative • :• + • Y2- e • + • • 41'•+•+4+•+4+©+4,4.4^0+4+4+9.4 n48'0++4..+,J.•44.1.$+4+4+++++• e era I Corn olvent 1:elinves the pain and removes the Corn, Very easy to use - Price 25c. Rubber Balls New stock - roc, 150 & 250 5kippiag Ropes Long Colored Rope- 25c Plain Rope with wooden handles 150 E. M. MTH a --•-^-; � ;.list Druggist and Stationer �g r • • • anal e> igtarto DON'T forget the tail light an your car unless von want to be fined. THE fine home of Councillor and Mrs. Richards was not sold last Saturday but tocAL news on pare 5. is in the market. GREAT crop of dandelions. Soate of our equine sports talk of tak- How is your sob. to THE Poor ? ing in the races at Mitchell next Mon - ROCK bass are being hooked in the day, if weather is favorable. Maitland. THE POST has an interesting letter HAs the Sanitary Inspector been to from the pen of Miss Muriel Brothers, see your premises vet this Spring ? B, A., India, late of Brussels, which we GEORt;E EDWARDS has rebuilt the hope to present next week. his left stable on 5,1111 street, reducing its site. Roar. KERR had trouble with THE lost chain for A. L. Stewart's hand owing to a jag from a rusty nail truck was found. An advt, in THE that threatened to engender blood pois- PosT restored it to its owner. ening. He is going to escape it though COURT of Revision is] Brussels, on we are glad to say. Assessment Roll Mpoday evening lune 7th, at 8 o'clock. See advt. on page 4. THURSDAY evening of this week a Brussels contintent motor 10 Clifford to present a musical and literary program at an entertainment. Fias'r public bathing of the season was on the program Sunday last, at 5 p. m., in the Maitland, The boys did not perspire very much. THE cold, backward season has delay- ed the Horticultural Society getting busy arranging the flower beds on the boulevards, this season so far. THE Cadet corps of Brussels school will be inspected Thursday morning of this week at p o'clock on Victoria Park by Lt. Col. McCrimmon, A. and I. C. C„ M. O. Div. No. I. Although a number of the cadets are mere lads sF they go through the manoeuvres like GQao BrarneN,ere chow ahp,aea. lm:tote veterans. COMronmelLE hones and lot for sale, Turn. AT THE } MILE. TRACK. -Jas. Ander- hparry street, Brussels. For pries and further son, Stratford, DRS come to town and ae e, mMA ars apply to Rs. . JAMES, American YOUNG pigs for saleready to wean. Bought the ray ;snss Having purchased the 1)rey Rnai• DORS fouls.. ,law, 11enderann 1 am ready to ntn'ml to nil work along i het line. Your patronage solicited and I will endeavor to please you, Chas; RF DwvidSon i'1111110 t.4C B1`11eGPln House and Lot Household Effects Belonging to the estate of Lie late 1Vw. McAllister, will be olrenad for sale by Public, Auction on the property In Walton on Saturday, May 22 at 2 p. m. F. S. Sco'rr, W. J. McALLIsT1;R, Aur, Administrator. Norit:E,-.Another week will be given the intruder at Mrs. M, J. Ncholson's borne, on a recent night, to make good the damage done and if not settled sterner measure will be taken. NORTH HURON. -Don't forget the an- nual meeting of North Huron Liberal Association Tuesday afternoon of neat week, in Wingham Town Hall, at a o'clock. Election of officers and other business, This meeting is for the Fed- eral constituency. AMENT Bites. have been delivering many cords of slabs and turners from their millyard to the residents of town. There was so little wood brought to Brussels last Winter very few have any stock 00 band and coal is about as short, A supply is promised but no date set for delivery. WORK iS in progress on the Good Roads plan and the highway being trim- med by the road machine preparatory to a good coating of gravel. J. Henry Hoover is the official in charge for the County. The mails gravel road will re- quire considerable attention to put it in proper shape for the heavy traffic pass- ing over it. Phone 427 JoHN MONATR Lot 20, Con, 14 Grey Cows FOR SALE -2 good cows, doe to calve in May. Also a Durham grade bull, about a year old Applyto J. P. Molosose, Lot 21, Con, 12, Grey. Phone 556. FOR RALE a quantity of millet seed, free from weed seeds. A good yielder, Phone 4226. B. B. STEVENSON, Lot 18, Con, 18, Grey. STRAYED on the premises of the undersigned Lot 28, Con. 19, Grey township on or about May 5th., 4 head of cattle 1 year old and 1 two year old. Owner is requested to prove PM.arty, pay expenses and take them away, Phone 4712 Luse O. SPaiRAN, I''ias•PROOr Safe of latent design for sale, 1.0. RIoaaans. 7 Pun, week old, for sale. Phone 0115. BOY CUNNIN HAM, Lot 10, Con. 0, Gray. Fon sate a 8 year old cow, milking shoot a month. fslao�a ne if 5 weeks old. P. EiTEWART, Brusse has now in training on the mile trac a number ot very likely equines owned by local people in addition 10 one owned by the above mentioned horsem. Brussels course is 0,0 of the best and records are looked forward toT. Woon bas leased the larger store in the McKelvey block, lately vacated by D, C. Ross, and will use it as a store room for fluished stock from the Excelsior Knitting Fac'ory and also for packing goods for shipment to customers. It will make a good spot and help clear tip the congestion at the factory. DON'T PLAY WITH MATCIIES.^.-A young lad in town set fire to a quantity of straw packiug in a barrel adjoining the Central Telephone rear door and it was burning at a lively rate when a citi- zen came along and saved the situation by carrying the barrel from harm's way and dumping the flaming contents. Children should not be permitted to carry matches as there's danger and possibly heavy loss ahead of rmcbo a course. CONGRA'rULATIONS,- Miss Gertrude Deadman, of town, who is taking an Arts course at Queen's University, Kiegatoo, has completed her second year takiug Est Class Honors it every subject but one in which she took end, THE Poor extends congratulationsi, Wo are proud of our Brussels representa' tives at our Educational iestitutinnf, Miss Gertrude will go to Merlin, Kent ' County, for a Few months to keep house for her father while he is caring for his large apiary. MRs. S. GRILLS DRCEASEn.-Last. Monday R. Leatlhordalo went to Listo- wet to attend the funeral of bis sister -in' law, Mrs, S Griffis, who passed away 0s] Saturday. alter a Tang and severe illness from cancer of the liver, ngerl 65 years. Her husband, a SOD amci daughter sur- vive, Mrs. Grills maiden name was Mary Gayman, her home being near Kitchener. She was a fine woman, es; teemed by a wide circle of relatives and friends. The bereaved share in wide sympathy in their sorrow, c . MOTHERS' 118 morn G, -Tuesday even- ing of last week the Little Stars Mission Band of Melville church presented the usual Summer program, which con silted of following s -H yon 744; pray- er, Rev. A. 3, Mann ; !toll Call ; Treas- urer's report ; recitation, W innifred Mc - Milian ; piano solo. Frank Oliver ; chorus, Mrr. Kerr'e class ; reading, Jean Stewart ; Banner exercise by so girls ; instrumental, Lawson Clouse ; solo, Wilma Galbraith ; letter from Mise Muriel Brothers, India, read by lean Fox ; duet, Edna McCall and Marguer- ite Wilton ; Hymn 7g6 ; reports from 6 nurses ; presentation of Junior Member- ship to Margaret Strachan ; solo, Jack Oliver; piano solo. Elaine Dennison; recitation, Jean Ferguson ; chorus, "Dreamy Moon" ; National Anthem. Candy was distributed at the close. Financial proceeds were over $20.00, Mrs, B. S. Scott, the active Superin- tendent, presided, It was an interest- ing evening, reflecting credit on all who took part. CAR OF Manitoba Dats TO A1,ZRIVI; THIS WEEK. Alf. L3aekerr� Phone 5 IL M. Kitchell, CO, i:eoretary ChUd- ren's Aid, was in town last Friday, Rev. lir. Oaten. Toronto, is in town this week attending the Wiaglaam Dis- trict meeting. Wednesday of this week David Wal- den, au uncle of Welter Rose, Brussels, was hurled at Ripley. James and Mrs Grills, of Elora, were visitors with 12. and Mrs, Leatherdsle, The former is a brother to the hostess. Wm. and Mrs. Jeater and daughter, of Kincardine, were visitors at the home of Walter Rud Mrs, Rose, Frederick street, an Tuesday, D. C. Ross, accompanied by Misses Luella and Mary were visitors in Ches- ley Thursday of last week. R, 3. Me- Laichlin was chauffeur. Mrs. Alfred Dennison attended the funeral of her grandfather, A. D. Wilt• lie, last week at Clinton. The old gentleman was in his Sgth year. Robert Ross, Kincardine, is visiting relatives in town. This is his first trip here since his lopg and trying illness. Old friends are glad to see him. Mrs, H. B. Churchill and daughter, Noreen, intend takiug a trip to the Coast visiting relatives and friends en route. They leave on Thursday of next week, Mrs. Jno. Hewitt is not as well as usu- al but we wish her speedy convales- cence. Her daughter„ Mrs. W. Mit- chell, 12 til Con, Grey township, is wait - cm her. Last Sunday Stella Scott, William street, was operated on for appendicitis at the home of F, S. Scott. We are pleased to hear she is making favorable progress and trust she will soon be o, k. David Clark, partner with Will. Leatberdale, in the undertaking busi- ness in Winnipeg, died of pneumonia last Saturday. He was buried Tuesday. He is survived by his wife and a daugh- ters, Mr. Clark was a fine man. The partnership has existed for past r0 years. Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Martha went to Toronto last week to meet Rev. and M. Roberts, who leave shortly for Vermilion. Alta where the rev. gentle- man has accepted a charge. Mrs. Roberts is a daughter of Mrs. Smith. Warsaw, Ont., will also be visited where L. and Mrs. Stark Toronto, have a Sim- mer cottage. The latter is another daughter, George Crooks has gone to Toronto where he will visit relatives and old friends for a while and from there will go to Indian Head, in the West, for a holiday with Albert and Mrs. Gerry, formerly of Brussels. The latter is Mr. Crooks' daughter. Although up in the 8o's Mr. Crooks is quite an active man and we hope his trip will do him good. Hes among the oldest surviving resi- deuts ot this locality. James Warburton, of Milwaukee, and bride have been calling on old friends of the former in Brussels and locality and receiving the congratulations of former acquaintances. He is employed in the Ford automobile work of which Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Brussels, is the Manag- er Toe Poor extends congratulations and wishes the twain many happy, pros- perous years Mr. Warburton lived in this community for a while on coming from England, He went overseas as a soldier under the stars and stripes. POmoroas wanted at McCracken's grocery, Brussels. Highest sash price. Phone 48. Fon Sale a heavy work mare. Phone 849. 2 steel tire buggies ingood repair for sale, .Apply to JNo. MONErr, Blacksmith, Ethel. FItAMe house and small stable for sale, Bast 1a Lot 22, Grey Twp. Apply IRENE FoSBes, 1r. R. No, 1, Monkton, Perth Co., Ont. DR, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases suncess£nlly treated, Visite residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. THE POST received a letter from an old and well knows] townsman in the per- son of Thos. Watson, now of Vauccuv- er, B. C„ who carried on business iu the big shop next the bridge now owned by J, T. Wood as a storehouse for wool and other stock. Mr, Watson says: - DEAR MR. EDITOR. --As one of the first subscribers to THs BRUSSELS POST (am not sure of date) notwithstanding the various localities we moved to THE Pose' has carne regularly all those years, From reports very few of the early settlers of Alnlayville are left. Must be 50 or 51 years since 1s1 Gillicudy Bros. published the first number of THE Peso, The late John Leckie and the writer canvassed for subscriptions. advts, &e. What changes since in general world conditions, The masses have gone pleasure mad. A great church organiza- tion, seemingly missions, the vital spark, little if any influence in this spiritual standard to love or create the new birth. Enclosed find Post Office order for $g,00, apply it on subscrip- tion, Glad to report we are botb real well and Mrs. Watson joins in kindest love to you and Mrs. Kerr, Sincerely yours 'I'HoMAs WA'rsoN, Kerrisdale, May 611 Two, WHILE Jas, Auderson, V. 5., was driving a car last Sunday afternoon something went wrong with the steering gear and as a result the auto bumped into a telephone pole in front of W. A. Grewar's grocery, breaking the pole and damaging the car, &e. Sylvester Fox, win was riding in the front seat was struck in the Elea by flying portious of the wind shield, W OMEN'S INSTITUTE - The annual meeting of the Women's Institute, will take place Friday afternoon at g o'clock, in the Public Library. The topic "The value of Sttnshiue, Fresh Air and the Bath" will be in charge of Mrs. Jas. Iiallantyne. Animal statement will be given, also election of officers for ensu- ing year. Ail members are requested to be present, THOS. DAVIDtON DECEASED, -Tuesday afternoon Thos Davidson, a well known and highly esteemed resident of this locality, passed away. Hie health had been impaired for the past tew months, but Isis many friends hoped the Spring would invigorate him. Date of funeral was not set when THE POST went to press. Au obituary will be given in tlheao columns next week, HYMENIAt..-A quiet wedding was solemnized" Wednesday evening, May reth at the Methodist Parsonage, Brus- sels, when Miss Beatrice, daughter of Tames and Mrs. Armstrong, became the bride of John A. Camphell, Rev, Mr, Stafford officiating, Mr. and Mrs, Campbell left after the ce emouy for their home on 4t11 Con. orbrey tak- ing with them many good wishes for a happy and prosperous future, Wheat is sprouting near Edmonton. The fleet wool shipment for grading reached Guelph, consisting of about 10,000 moulds. W. H. Howard, of Westmount, Quebec, has been appointed Chief of Police of Cornwall. tt 1 People We Talk About $I tt W, F. Vanstone, Wingbatn, was in town last Saturday, L. W. and Mrs. Ruttau, Wroxeter, were calling on old friends last Satur- day, Miss Annie B. Ross has been quite poorly during the past week but many friends hope for early improvement, Mrs. George Henderson, Seaforch, Ra- companied by Harold and Edith, have been visiting lames and Mrs. Hender- son, Brussels, Mrs. H. B. Churchill and daughter, Who have been ID Stratford for the past a months, arrived borne last Saturday, much unproved in health, Mrs, Williamsou, mother of Walter Williamson, Brussels, who lives in De- troit, has been on the sick list but we hope she will soon be convalescent. Rev, A, 1, and Mrs Mann, of town and Rev, R. A. and Mrs. Lundy, Wal- ton, motored to Exeter and visited rola-, fives of Mr. and Mrs, Mann, Wednes- day of last week, We are sorry to state that Time. Davidson is not improving as fast as was hoped for, It is a heart trouble, Re. bert Davidson, a brother from Toron- to, is here On a visit. Mr. Armstrong tied the Misses Arm- strong, of St. Marys, and Miss M, Swit- zer, a relative, home on furlough from China, were visiting at the home of George and Mrs. McCall, Turnberry street, last week. They also Balled on other relatives in the community, a Vanci hide, penitence. -Do not depend on what you earn but on what you save. The Standard Bark of Can - ado can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence. 194 THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH mom G, H. SAMIS - - MANAGCR British Columbia Methodist confer- ence reports an increase of $180,000 in oollentions over last year, and nearly 1,000 now members admitted. The construction conspeny laying sewers on Main street, Newmarket, made an attempt to blast some limestone rock out of their way, but they blasted windows on both sides of the street instead, Two sticks of dynamite were placed in drill holes in the rock, but the rook offered greater resistance than the windows, All the glass along the front of the old Royal Hotel, now occupied by the Office Specialty Company as an office, was shattered, as well as glass in the Chinese laundry and houses across the street. The explosion occurred just at noon hour, but 110 one was in- jured, Just a year ago a disastrous exploelou wrecked Cane's factory, and for a few minutes residents feared that another tragedy had taken place, MARRIED OAMPE0LL-ARMSTRONG -At the Methodist parsonage, Brownie, i,y Bev. We B. Stab ford, B, A., on May 121h, 1920, Mr. John Allan Onmpbell, of Grey .township, to Mise Beatrice B., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jae. Armstrong, Brussels. DIED BALL. -In Eowlek, on May lot!., 1026, James Ball, aged 65 years, ' yp ii++ctte&OVM9eeett41=9$30tt )0.4)V1IAVICOM. V.Z.01401l:c_ta$9 Fox's Drug Store • IN MEMORIAM JA band, BtarrygJames, who died dear year ago on May 17th, 1020. When the evening shades ora felling, .And I am sitting alt alone, In my heart there comes a longing, If he only could come home. More and more each day I miss him, Friends may think the wounds are healed, But the little know the Borrow, That lies within my heart consoled, SADLY lITBBND BY RN WTra. t, et et i 'flit!: ' S'roRE 1 o Weekly Store News iN Geraniums 3 • for Bedding Spryite G9 A. dry Gitrder Spray for gar- t5 den and oreb ted. it ie a cons- ga binatinn of Arsenate of Lead and Hnrdeat z rutxlure and ra gives the vel y best i.f results. re Those tieing it last season wero fy delighted with the rreult.e, re No trouble to IOW. 14 lbs, to raft 10 gallons of tanto., MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo. Oormiek Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Three mByesa )ograduate rreetlyH ted with Gla9 ee.oourse during 51ead- aibee, Inflamed Brea, Granulated Bye Lida aid other Eye troablea, oaneed by Eyestrain. relieved through propperly fitted Glasses. SatBfaotion Assured, Optical Parlor in Leckie black, ova door South of Barrister Sinelsir's °Mee. Ofltcs hours : 510 12 a, m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone 26x rhhg 4 ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY HOME IT By installing Delco -Light you have your own power plant -dependable electric service. Electric Lights will make your home °beery and bright. Electric power will pump the water and in other ways save you time 00111 labor every day. Write for Catalog H. G. Darroch District Agent, - Listowel RUNS ON KEROSENE ELECTRICITY FOR THE FARMER What is a farmer's' ' time worth ? What is he worth an hour ? Does he charge his business -'the business of farthing -with the value of time he gives to it P And does he know how much time he is giving to executive wot'k and productive labor and how much to non-productive labor 1 The farmer who is not giving these things a little thought is not in the front rank of those who are snaking of farthing what it really should be, -a business on a business basis. The average groes income from a farm of one hundred and fifty acres will be something over $$,000, and to produce that income between 7,000 and $,000 hours of productive labor are re- quired, This makes the average pro- ductive labor hour worth about 40 cents. To make every one of these 40 cent hours productive of its shale of profit, It is necessary to reduce non-produc- tive labor to the minimum, and in farming as in manufacturing it has helm found that the best way to d0 .hie is to use labor saving machinery.• I wish to announce that we ars again receiving tt supply of the popular Red Geraniums for Bedding as soon as the weather will permit and will be *need if those wishing to get some Plants will kindly leave their order soon as pos- sible. Price $2,40 per clow, Hellebore For Outram and Rose Bushes, Insect Powder Moth Balls Sulpho Tobacco Soap For Aphis and Red Spider on Rose Bushes. 15c and 80c packages Pure lie 11 Oars is Lilo welI known HEINZ OLIVn OIL and there le no hotter, Yon will find it very palatable and the price is at III the same, $1,25 per pint Sani Flush Cleans Closet Bowls with scouring and is the only thing that will. We have it. Smoke Essence For Smoking and Preserv- ing Meat Gives splendid results and is away ahead of the old method. No trouble to apply. You will find it right. 40c per bottle , "Is the master of the house 1t1 ?" inquired the smooth tongued book O agent of the little boy. ® "Nope 1" said the boy. t$ "Little boys should not tell falsehoods," said the agent. "Isn't that 5 cat • your father loading a newspaper there by the window ?" ns4. ® "Yep 1" was the answer, "That's Pa alright, but Matt mit." ty a • 20 se,4.4.0015•4.0000.0000000000 E4.50•ooemod00000o0oo0O4•'5 BRUSSELS MARKET 13 H G8 2 rid 03 La d co JAMES ' DRUGGIST and STATIONER Fall wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Boge Hoge Hay Wool tl 05 $1 05 1 10 2 85 1 25 • 47 2000 70 • 9 • a Meeting of Huroi County Council 1 0 1 , The Connell of the Corporation of the Cann- a 85 ty of Buren will meet intim Connell Chamber, Goderioh, at 8 o'clock on the afternoon of 1 6a' Tuesday, the 1st day of June, 1020. All RC. 44 ' counts against tate County must be in the 10 00 hands of the Clerk not later than Monday Dre- g() W : ceding the meeting of Council, (1B0. W. 110LMAN, comity Clerk. Goderiah, May 14th, 1020. 47.2 hIDOIp'i11011 131li1111iliiIlidliills ifIiitIlili $61101 illllli it le IllllllV1111111111i111! Nei I®fitil 11111118112 11111 1111111 i1 111111 t 111114 1111 moire ie cradles' Q0 0 ,tune itt �� _� l o es. "u�Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman - .ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard her " just like the last ones." are not the least pleasing part or The small electric light and power plants how in use on so many farms accomplish a good portion of this labor saving. Instead of spend- ing hours pumping and carrying water for stock and for all household purposes the modern farm family has an electric pumping system installed, whiolt iceopFs water at a pressure of fifty pounds wherever it is needed in the house 4.e barna. Grhicletouea, fan- ning mills and many other light power appliance in the barn which used to re- quire the time of two men are now turned by electricity. In the house the pumping, churning, separating, sweeping, washing aud ironing are all done by electricity, relieving • the farrner'e wife of a great part of the burdens which made her life a hard one. And of course electric light it - Coif makes the farm hotne a bright and cheerful place to live. Where electricity serves the farm family we flied the best of living con- ditions, and we find too that every member of that family makes each ,hour of labor pay a profit. them you want anot Then our prices the buying. A11 for Cash and at Lowest Oush Primo At, Successors bo Richards & Co. Next clone to Bank of Nova Scotia 1 111 011 114. 11II1 11, 4111111'i11 1, IP1 n ,1,^Ilnl!i„ !IIIc Ilm_fll'i1WIU15"Jll ltlll'11 [111 III 1111.111 Quality first, Last and Always THE true measure of value in a ® memorial is in the shone of which 11 is .wade. Quality of the stone for cutting and liolishing determines the value of the tvot'k done on it, and its physical charac- ter detel'niitteg its permanence as a reineutbranne, All Granite is not pct feel, in ire illeel) aninal quality because some contain mica, and for Thu same rea- son it cannot resist the notion of air, water, gasos, frost and heat, .A. structural or moehauical weakness tri the material from which a monurnent is cult reduces its value nut of all proportion to the defect ; for the eseeutial principle of any memor- ial is that it shall be indestructible. Ira buying here you avoid the risk of poor material anti our week- rnanehip is the best, grus Granite a els and Marbly Woksi ALLAN E. HERSEY