HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-20, Page 7:rpt A In Spite of Things. You might think, fr'otn the way tonne people talk that Nature and Fato opond thele' time making the rough places smooth for particular favorites, while the rest go to perdition with the malevolent connivance of blind forces. But nobody for any price can, pun chaoo un exemption. Wo all live nu - der the operative hand of inviolable natural laws. The rnlos at the gains admit of no exce.ptione', The imrnuni- ties we think we see are phantoms and not facts. The world and the wellttn are aat good to you and me as they are to anybody. You carry some trouble, and you 1111- aghte none ever tramiported a burden so complex amd so woefal. It Is a forst of misery so mean and so pe. cutler that it events to have been in- vented especially for your torment. "Tho heart knowoth its own bitter - nese," But how fOnlish 11 is to imagine that any of us has a patent, a copyright, a monopoly in problems grievous and fearful: This titan who mulles and Is calm mer be confronting large ques- tions that concern the ongoing of a great industry, the management of a whole city, the welfare of the millions inhabiting a nation. Everybody who has an opinion to offer is talking at oven and Bal'i'ng how much better he could do if the matter were loft to haul. But the leader, shouldering the resi>oneibility, stands in his place, holds Itis ground eand when the time crones moves on. No light is inner than the cnitragcous, pe,:eleteut battle against e.lrcnm- stences. it Is a battle good for the soul, and a malt wits forever meant to be the victor. He ;u never aloud as loug its he straggles arid will not give in. Carlyle tells us of the mighty hest of all pa+t time, who rise up and surround us with their voices of en. ('auregememt and exhortation if we are worthy. They went the sante way that we are walking now—a while ago. They ktiew every black shade of bit- tereees in our abysmal desperation, We brought to the earth 010 news of human life: those who were here be- feee tie had to lift and curry the load tl.at le no w upon our shoulders. If time could do their duty, We 00011 do .,urs AUTO SPARE PARTS for most makes and models of card. Your old, broken or worn -ant parts replaced. Writ's or wire us deeorib- ing what you want. We catty the largest and moat complete nL,,uk 11i Canada of slightly used or new torts and automobile equlpntent. Wo ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canaria. t'attu- feetory or refund In full our motto, Shaw's ,Auto Salvage Vert flapnly, 993-931 Dntferin 0t„ Toronto, Ont. Latent Value of Our Straw Stacks, Burning straw -stacks are a familiar eight to the western traveller. At present there is seemingly nes other er method of disposing of this by-pro- duct of the grain hnlvest. Investigations as to the possibility of using the straw fee a raw material in manufacture were undertaken roma Years ago by different interests, but the same couelusfon was reached in each epee. The cost of transporting the straw to it central point was more than the traffic would bear, the cost of manufacturing precluded competition in the open market, and, consequently, the use of the western straw under the transportation handicap was not a commercial proposition. This was es- pecially the case iu the manufacture of strawboard. In 1913, strawboard prices ranged from $25 to $26 per ton. There was little demand for this pro- duct in the went, and, at rho above price, it could not compete in the east. One leadingeastern paper industry, which, eon10 years ago, carefully con- sidered the possibilities of establish- ing a strawboard mill i11 the west, re- cently stated that, under present con- ditions, with strawboard selling at $85 to $90 per ton, such a factory could be made a profitable industry, The rising cost and the necessity for conserving our pulpwood supply suggest that any material capable of being used as a substitute should be developed. Strawboard is a short - fibred material and is unsuitable where strength or folding qualities are required, but there are many uses for lvhlcll it M entirely satistactorv. In 918 Canada imported 4,850 tons o trawboard, equal to the output of mill producing 15 tons per dee". Non -Canadians Manufactured th trawboard we imported; we paid hens for doing so, while we bursted tor own straw, (ner'd's Liniment for sale everywhere 1 5 s . t England is Prosperous, Says Financier. "They are in for a big industrial boom in England. Itritish capitalists are buying interests all over the world. We are going to be stronger than ever before," said Sir William Wiseman, who is visiting Toronto to :attend t0 business interests he has in tit the city. "conditions in England are a extraordinarily geed. We are the only manuractut'iug 10un?0y fn Europe tl which is doing business. Our mama faeturera have two er three times the S 03111 0)1111 of bttsine they can handle, P Thlege are neutrally disturbed, but ( da they are gradually righting them. 1 all animals is given. The bulletin, which le prepared for live cumene ewrler'e, given Infor'mattorr regarding poisonous' pleats and anabies the farmer t0 dis- ,ttnguioh the meet harinfttl species in his Iloighborhuod s0 that he may be able to avoid 1)105101ing minima; on In- fested a1etl;i until the danger is past.. The yearly lotto due to plant poisoning is known to be on 1100 Women, but the amount of the loss le not useer- tutnable because mane fatalities aro attributed to other 054500 through lack of knowledge of poisonous plants, t DEL AT E GIRLS MADE STRONG Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep alp Their Vitality. If growing girls are to become well developed, healthy women their blood supply must be carefully watched. Mothers should not ignore their unset- tled moods or the various troubles that tell of approaching womanhood.. It should be constantly borne in mind that pale, bloodless girls need plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep and re- gular open-air exercise. But a lack of appetite, and tired, aching limbs tend to hinder progress. To save the weak, thin -blooded sufferer she must have new, rich, red blood and nothing meets a cars of this hind so well as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills not only enrich and increase the blood supply, they help the appetite and aid digestion, relieve the weary back and lirabs, thus promptly restoring health and strength and transforming anae- mic girls and women into cheerful, happy people. Among the thousands who have obtained new health and strength through the use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills is Mies Violet Booth, Glenarm, Ont., who says:—"For a long time I was in a badly run down condi- tion. I was pale, breathless at the least exertion, and could hardly do f any housework without stopping to a rest. I often had severe headaches, and my appetite was poor and fickle, e and I would get up in the morning without feeling the least bit rested. I lead tried several medicines, but did . not get benefit from anything until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, When I had taken two boxes I could see an improvement, and after using six boxes I found my health fully restored. I feel altogether dif- ferent since I used the pills that I strongly advise them for all weak, run down people." If you are weak or ailing in any way, avail yourself at once of the splendid home treatment which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills so easily afford, and you will be among those who rejoice in regained health. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or may be had by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 0 M Poisonous Plants of Canada. The old saving that "One man's oat is another man's poison" ap- ears to be true in the case of differ- s kinds of live stock. It ie a fact at souse plants which poison horses re not injurious to cattle or sheep, and 9onle which cause loss among cat - and sheep are not eaten by swine ed horses. In Bulletin No. 39, Second erten of the Experimental Farms, rincipal Poisonous Plants of Came- ," by Miss Faith Pyles, B.A„ obtain - le free upon application to the Publ'1- 111 p el soaves. As soon es the exchange situa- tion improves there will be plenty of British capital for Canada," Speaking of the esehanga situation., Sir William said; "It M improving 1 and it will Improve." Sir William, during the war, acted 05 liason officer between the War Cabinet in London and the Govern- ment at Washington, during which period he crosses the Atlantic four- teen times to (limens with Lloyd Cecrge and President Wileen matters which were too 1murlleated or too inL- portent to be trusted to writing, • During the Peace Conference he acted as advisor to the Brittsii delega- tion on American affairs. Sir William thought that the Gor- man situation was net alarming, "I thinly the Guinan situation will work itself out if we dunotgive them a gric'vancl. The worst thing possible is to leave a conquered people with n grievance. Provided they do not start building armies and navies again w0 w'eitt to see them do well and get back into the world's trade," Farming of Smaller Fur - Bearers. The .esring in captivity of ftrbear- ing animas Is largely a question of the price et fur, Twenty year's or more ago, when the earliest attempts were Houle le engag-e in fur fanning, the silver fox was about the only ani- mal whose pelt offered sufficient itt- ducomont to experletentors to face the many dilflcuitiee and the risk of loss. Some of those men succeeded, how- ever, and reaped considerable pe- cuniary rewards. for themselves, be- sides establishing a new Canadian in- dustry, To -day, the breeding of smaller fur. i carers presents opportunities to men with a liking to "take a chance." The recent spectacular rise in fur prices has beat mainly in the cheaper grades •—tnuelerat, raccoon, 11th11c, skunk, eto. The stimulus tlttrs given to trapping threatens these annuals with exter- mination, in oleo 01 close 00a50115, Fur farming must come to the resoue incl assure Canada's great fur Indus• try a continuance of its raw material. ---41e— Natural Question. Young HHopefui: "Say, .Clad, what keeps its from falling off the earth when we are upside down?" "Why, the law of gravity, of coureed" "But hew tlld tite talks stay on be. fore the law waelepassed'?" Regular and ample grooming aro necessary this time of year to keep n (terse in the beet condition, but en ecenslallal wash will help-to•keep' the ;Gores open and the Akin cions, ca en do t tions Branch, Department of Agri- Iture, Ottawa, a list of plants which injury to the various classes of • Testing your cows enables you to know your herd. , For the Summer Wardrobe I _ 9489 9489—Ladies' Dress (with or w tlt- out loose panels; 37 or 33 -inch length from waistline), Price, 30 cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 fns. bust measure. Size 86 requires 4% yds. 30 ins. wide, or 3% yds. 40 ins. Width, le1e yds. 9477—Lacliesi' Bloused Dress (ki- mono sleeves, short or lengthened by bell sleeve; adjusted at waist by Birds As Foragers. Among the natural guardians of t tre013 are the woodpeckers, will gather their food as they creep r0u the trunks and hrancltcii. They hit two toes before end two behind f climbing, and may usually be se clinging erect on tree trunks, but Tar ly, if ever, with (lead downward 11 the nuthatches and titnllee. As t food of the woodpecker is nearly abundant hl winter as in (,mutter, ill are seldom mlgrutoly, They (lever fo age in flecks, like some of the gra vorolte birds whine food is 111 plentiful, but scatter eat over wld areae, and talus better their far They beat' the sante relation to oto birds that talte their food from tree as snlpea and woodcocks bear t thrushes and quails—that is, they bor Into the wood us Ilse t (ripe bores int the earth, while thrushes acrd quail seek their sustenance on.the surfac of the ground. Besides these there are a few bird that take part of their food from tree and the rest Bean the ground, inelu lug thrushes, blackbirds and robin Blackbirds seldom hold up their head but march along with their bill turned downward, as if entirely de voted to their tasks. They never seem to be idle, except when a flock of them is making a garrulous noise upon a tree. If a blackbird looks up- ward it is only by a sudden move- ment; he does not stop, After watch. ing a blackbird and a robin ten min- utes in the same field, one would sup- pose that the blackbird had collected twice as much food as the robin dur- Ing that time. But this would not be true, The robin is probably endowed with a greater reach of sight than the blackbird, and while hopping about with his head erect, hie vision com- prehends a wider space. The omni- vorous blackbird hunts the soil for everything that is nutritious, and picks up small seeds that require a close examination of the ground. Blackbirds of all species walk; they do not hop like the robins. Some species of the foragers do their work in compact assemblages. This habit renders the snow buntings extremely attractive, Their food is not distributed in separate morsels like that of robins andwoodpockors. It consists of the seeds of grasses and of composite plants, which are often scattered very evenly over a wide sur- face. When a flock of fifty or more settle down in a field each one fares as well as if he were alone, during the short tim0 he remains on. the spot. The foraging habits of domestic poultry illustrate some of the dif- ferences observed iu the manners of wild birds. Place a brood of duck in a field and they will generally pursue one course, marching in a body over the field with great regularity. A brood of chickens, on the contrary, will scatter, occasionally reassembling, but never keeping close. together, un- less they are following a leen. Tur- keys scatter themselves Iess than chickens, but do not equal ducks in the regularity of their movements, ale eh nil ve 0r, en'. a. ke he as eye le I 11- ore e e. el' t 0 0 0 s e s t d- e, 9, 3 A STILE 1111 EVERY DOSE OE BABY'S OWW1 TABLETS Baby's Own Tablets are a regular joy giver to the little ones—they never fail to matte the cross baby happy, When baby is cross and fretful the mother may be sure something is the matter for it is not baby's nature to bo cross unless he is ailing. Mothers, if your baby is cross; if he cries a great deal and needs your constant at- tention day and night, give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which will quickly regulate the bowels and stom- ach and thus relieve constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and make baby happy—there surely Is a smile in every dose of the Tablets, Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine 00„ Brockville, Ont. Soldiers of Fortune, The French capital, since the sign- ing of the armistice, bass been the eting place of soldiers of fortune 1 from many lands w110 decided to slake 1 the ces9811011 of hostilities merely fur - 1 lough time. Like their great mentor, 9477 me elastic; with or without side panniers; 87 or 33 -inch length). Price, 30 cents. Ht 0 sizes, 84 to 44 ins. bust measure. Size 3fi requires d% yds. 40 arise wide Napoleon, they found their golden op - for the dress. Width, ebwer edge, 1ys I pol'tunity alt the"jtistol'ic Clty that has yds,sheltered so many free lances of ro- These patterns rimy be obtained! mance. from your local McCall sealer d or from th-e McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept, W. A.. food Mat uilth -3�6' i. A staunch. tbod. 'made of -what and malted. barley, ?ready o eeit,easily Nested, axil@ frill of sound nourishment For those who -work with brain or brawn There is no better breakfast or lunch than . . Said. by Grocers Made by Eeiedi8nPoetum Cental Co, Ted,Whulsor,Ont. V S011'> Ri ` 'a ? C7iea A let ?elleeieeetle r;iallilaiWabeWeeb;;ae A writer says: "Paris, in the declin- ing days of the C.E.F., was a clearing house for the vellturesoM1llo souls of the world, France always did have a genius for attracting the naturally combative spirits of the rest of the World, and in the earliest days of the war recruited the French Foreign Le- gion Of brave Ancil front' a score of na- tions, So when the market of the late Wat' went Stale, to Paris came the procurers for the future wars of all the little, nations established by th0 Peace Conference. "A soldier of the C. 1, P. lucky enough to be diecltarged fn Prance could have enlisted any day lest sum- mer in Parte under o110 of a score of bitted new flags. The demand was for trained soldiers with qualities of leadership. Melly 0, el, P. veterans dld enlist, some of them without tale ing the trouble to clear away certain complications in the way of obtaining honorable disehaages from their own army caused by prolonged vacetton. There were Australians and Yankees aloe whb were' not fed. op nnd jumped , at the chance." Buy Thrift Thrift YStamps. HAVE YOU ASTHMA? leo you endure the misery of 4st1mawith sleepless /lights, difficult breathing end lose ofstrengt11? klow- ever bad your case qulole seller lq guara'tltoed by Wee 'u90 oI TEMPLETON'S RAZ -MAH CAPSULE Thie wreparac1onisthe re. suit of Years of experiment - lug and studyy. Thousands enotetrogMbnhugh etaWM. Tem pietone r 142s 11ng8C W., Toronto. Soldeverywhere for91 04 u`ho lits t EMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES For fifteen years the standard specific for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Gout Sciatics, Lumbago, Neuralgia Many doctors prorcribe therm, Write to Tem ae leto, LI) Sing M. w.. 'ramble, for hem.emple, 44014 by ,enable erug1at, ovorywborerur I1.01, per sex. Somewhere. '1 want to go somewhere, far away, And watch the birds and the chip musks play: I want to go where there's something free, And the II, C. L. can't shoot at me, I want to go somewhere, far away. And live in a tent from day to day, With never a tax btll lurking near, Or the greedy clutch of a profiteer. I want to go somewhere, far away, Where nobody strikes for higher pay, Where a man can rest and the only light Is the cheerful fire that burns at night. I want to go somewhere, far away. And when I get there I want to stay Till things run smooth as they did be- fore, And this old world is sane once more. Spanish Pin Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be guarded against. Minard's Linimonl Is a Great Preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Mine.rd's Llnl- ment has cured thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma rind similar diseases. It Is an Enerny to perms. Thousands of bottles being used revery day. for sale by all druggists and general dealers. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LIMITIDD, Yarmouth, N.S. Sightseers Carried on Hos- pital Trains. Hospital trains still bearing their Rod Cross emblems will tour the French battlefields' next summer, but instead of wounded heroes they will be loaded with sightseers. The plan is part of the general scheme of the French office of national tourism, which intends using ambulance trains to relieve the hotel congestion, each train being arranged with all the necessities' for a weep or tern day tour of the British, French and American fronts. The transport companies and hotel proprietors will urge the public not to visit the districts simultaneously, five districts being arranged for selection by 01 Iters, The office is under the Ministry of Public Works, which will prevent hotels' in the larger towns and cities from charging excessive rates,. but the biggest problem was to care far thousands in the districts where there is no accommodation whatever and the Red Cross train plan promises success. The French Government points out that it has information that a half million Americans already have asked for passports and also thirty thousand Canadians, and France has only 12,- 000 hotels. Other Preach associations plan to defeat schemes to exploit the battlefields, one promising to, devote all the profits from its tours. to reliev- ing the distress of needy veterans of the World wer. Overfeeding is not the part of wis- dom. What is too much for one cow may not be enough for another. SINCE '1 1810 OAM 0ST811`3,, t00Ji.R.,1S ,,morica'm Pioneer Dog y3omealen 'nooks ez DOG DISEASES nail 10ow to Rood Mailed Free to,any Ad. dross by the Author" It, Play Mover 00., 3115. 119. West 2151. street . Now York, U.S.A. • • A Dyspepsia Cure a, a M. I). advises; "Persona who 0 ool£er from severe indiigeseon ° e) and constipation can cure them- (5 selves by taking fifteen to (o a) thirty drops of Extract of Roots td after each 11100,1 and at bedtime, e) ((o This remedy is known 0033 ther °° (q 5rigore Curative Syrup in the drug c' ( trails. Got the genuine, 50c, Ac7 ee and $1.60 Bottloa. No EO, 7. ISkUE No. 20—'20, BITS Or ttyy RErUi MIRE i Willie's Choice. "Now, W111io," nuid u generouti father, as be and his 11tti0 son were geeing fete a atisorea lite» window, "I am going to buy you a new pair of trauma, and you shall oltoose them. Which pair do you want ?" After it moments hesitation, the little buy said: "Please. father, may 1 have that pair, narked "Cannot be beaten?" Elizabeth Remained Single. Little Elizabeth l'ilton had attended school only a few days when she fell IIi. Wlten eke returned she brought a note from her 'nether, (signed, "Mrs. Banes." The teacher asked for au explanation. "It's this way," said Elizabeth, lean- ing eaning toward the teacher with quite a confidential air: "my mother got mar- ried again, but I didn't." Caution. The teacher had been explaining fractions to her class. When she had discussed the subject at length, wish- ing to see how much light had been shed, she inquired: "Now, Bobbie, which would you rather have, one apple or two halves?" The little chap promptly replied: "Two halves," "Oh, Bobby," exclaimed the young woman, a little disappointedly, "why would you prefer two halves?" "Because then I Could see if it was bad inside." MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Compliments All Round. "I desire no remuneration. for this poem," remarked the long-haired poet, as he drifted into the editorial sanc- tum, "I merely submit it as a compll- rant" "Then, my dear fellow, permit me to return the compliment," replied the Otter, with true journalistic courtesy. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Professor (giving exam.): "Does any question embarrass you?" Bright Student: "Not at all sir. Not at all. The questions are quite clear. It is the answers that bother me," The ice cream freezer was invented by a woman. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue 1 Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "Calltornis Syrup of Figs only—Iook for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and znost harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child. ren Iove its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot tie, Givo 1t without fear. Mother! You mus: say "California." Classified Advertisements. LADIES WONTED, T AUIE.S WANTED TO AO BLAIN ,L4 and light sewing at home, whole or, dj>(re' time; goad pay, work sant any dia. lance, oliarRes paid. d. Send stamp p f or 94' 1 ont;MNational Munufaoturinlr 1 a1,y, Ml1n trnAl. reereMxa'ES. 'r ewlinew COM1'011/183 PoRTILIZIOIt (1. , tsrbot wIll r,pgh. pav 7011. George Steveau. Ontario. =on gala %TELL EQUII>.PND NEWBI'AP5I$ Vi' 4ad ,lob printing plant do Eaaterrrl1 Ontario. .200 anoe marrisa 90.000. Wtie go for 51,200 on eutok sales Box Sar atton 1'ub1ishin9 Co., Ltd., Toronto. Gory ELME WANTED, Li 011` ELM WANTED,2 IN. AND 1.-1 thicker, shipped green from saw. Do not sell until you cornmuaicate with US. Keenan Bros. Limited. Owen Bound, Ont. a HI9oELLANNOV21. ('t Aire EnaTUMeOtSalLUMYB, 1110., aural witkout ppela by our home treatment Write us motors loo late Dr, IIellman Idedloai Ce,, Ltesitsd. Celltngweod, Ont WANTED Bright girl for general house work. Good home. Good wages. MRS. ANDRIeWS. 118 Walmer Rd., Toronto Even pianos have been made from paper, and one specially manufactur- ed for the late Sultan of Morocco cost more than $5,000 to put together. Tante snakes are used in biu:'ueco to clear houses elf rats and mire. The sight of a snake seems to terrify the rodents. 04DANDERINE" PUTS BEAUTY IN HAIR Girls! 'A mass of longs thick, gleamy, tresses Let "Danderine" sav, you: hair and double its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay Iifeless, thin, scrag- gly craggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 85 -cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to fresllen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return ---Flurry! Wash Out Your Pores With Cuticura Soap And have a clear sweet, healthy skin with little trouble and trifling expense. Con. treat this simple wholesome treatment with tiresome massaging and altcr£ads. Ointment 00 theennd of the finger,tlwash off in five minutes with Cuileura Soap and hot water, using plenty of scan, best np- Plied with the hands which it softens, andcontinucbatl>ingafewmomento,'Rinse with tepid water and dry gently. Seep 25e, Ointment 25 Wad Sec. Sold throaghouttbeDominion. CanadianDepat: L__yy��mass, Limited, So. Paul St., Montreal. - 9M'ooS Cuticurs Soap sieves without mug. ONLY TABLETS MARKED 'SAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross't The name Bayer" identifies the contains proper direetioes for Colds, only genuine Aspirin, --the Aspirin. Headadito, Toothache, Earache, Neu- ppreseribod lav' physicians for ovornino• raigia, Lumbago, Rheumatiem, Nouri- teen ycar.l and now made alt Canada. tis Joint Paine, and Pain generally. Aht ay a buy ea unbroken package I Tin; boxes of 12 tablets test but of "Bey 'r Tablet:, of Aspirin" which ' a few cods. Larger "Bayer" packages, YI tl "Thieve xt mete one fi,sivirAn4."�rtyoz'e •--'�'ott nluut say I3Aypr Asps IL 1, the irtte - tire: (re"lstered In Canada) of 13arnr hienntttoture of Mono.. "ROOtledi 1181( . lie!•llreeld, `1i'blte ie is well annuli that 889trbt mean*' ndjei' inenatartire, to neeiet the nubile against impatiens, the Tablets of Royer 050195uy *I11 t,> st atn»53 with the:: general 'trade marl., ahs "mayor Crowd"