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The Brussels Post, 1920-5-20, Page 5
s u 7113 "a 6eAPE , JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED HD F71aATeyA VN Geozapm Oxman) WM. SPENCE OnNVJ YANC1iitt AND ISSUER OF I . AIE L [GL.NEiLH Glee in lite Post 4Jaee, Ethel. 99.4 10 H. fICU' p An AN AUCTION, a salt, will dell ler 4attor prions to b-tiarmen It 1 lune Buis OW 108E shoves lieW un y miter 6eutlanier fn tQIJ heron or lie w ,n't obnrge nuyttn :g, Untie )sod orders eau ii kap, be owner", at the 0ffim or by pera tial application, DR. W.4RDL qW Honor gradu.tte of the Ontario Veterinary Lollogea Day and night onna, UIfl w oppoalte ether Mltl, lethal T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. O. P..d S. O. M. 0. lI., Village of lir :a Physiotan, Surgeon, Amu,. •it! Office At residence, opposite Mello OJlnrcb, Wnhll ul street. PRODUFOOT, NILIORAN & NONE Barristers, 80 roltora, Notaries Public, &c. Office un the Square bnu duce tram Hamilton ritreet, 4UDERIUR ONT. Private merle to loan et lowest rates. W. PROQneo02, R, O, T. L, IiiLLORA r, g• 4. D. Copan Sam Weinstein • A 4 4 m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t $ Highest Cash Price for tine Poultry and Hides Is prepared to pay the highest price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. WOOL Highest price paid. See me before you sell, • 4 Write or !'hone 62x SAM WEINSTEIN 14(1iL ST4) 1211' ] RpSSELS 4104144•404046494•04oe e.86.64a4 4 A L 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 $ 4 4 s 4 4 • 4 4 • Q 0 4 9 4 • • • 4 4 e a A • 4 03844444444040.046+1344 acsa r ♦ 0 • Specu i.` 6 Y 4 o •4 4 4 4 4 4, b • 4 • • ifr�iMotor l • AND •p ® p• Extra Cathr! 4 •O Machincoeg°e Oil a► 3 FOR SALE 0 • . o ASK FOR PRICES a • • 4 Ho L Stewart 4' 4 s HENFRYN • • 4444004,00.44 1440.044006004404 McCormick and IntPrntiod Implements TQ the farmers o' Gray an sof,. reseeding Country d 1 ata prepared t0 take orders fai' McCormick and Ttttel'netonal Imple- ments, Tractors, Engines, Plows,, En- silage Ciutiote, Oeetitn Separators, Wagons and Sleighs, Full line of Tillage and Baying and harvesting ]mplentellto. No bet- ter' Binder, Mowed nr Manure Spread. er made than the McCormick. Buy tenni ant) and save money as 1 can pay cash and can sell on carols 1,o suit. Will keep repairs or geb them for you on a day or two's notice. Call and see me at Ethel before buying and EAye money. HA9110 MIME Ethel If You wish to flet a High Grade Business Educa, a, tion mud a Position auol al'. lel Graduating yule wiI) sen- l ,5 I IJ)e (),, E .I.BATT P} Yont„o Rr Oharlee Ste„ Toronto i7 Learn mere about this Schee! by wrtun fel r n our r largoCatalogue. See 19'1 whnt •n hay., clone Mr nhe and What;) WO eon rU, fur nit, mien, itoiil monde, equipmentand itndx iris 1pl ne, Irl Opent)��lt ')� Sear, Nater now, Pe' W. 1'-f, EL,1„IOrr, PRVNGifi-AL, 1'ta?/2avrzolAre1'RYva` '4ira'4,Ga'4r 0 ++•1•+•i•+++++++++++++*+++++++ • * + + ,.r `anted ore+ have 1 rt ( openings for a few + good ielfaele men to work on Thresh Mg ,Machines, Tra Ours + and other wink, + J The Hobt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co. t.Limited Seaforth - Ontario Ili+1'+++++++++++++.1a+++++'r•te OEc I ebas 4 .ers THE POST gives the news, 140 )04aA pie is on the bill of fare. NEXT Monday will be Empire Diy, HAVE you made your entry for the Standing Field Crop i BanssELO Foot Ball team plays a League match at Ethel Thursday even- ing of next week, Cies/Tote New Era says ;—Mrs. Chas, A. Bartltlf purchased the house of Mrs. Jas Stevens, Albert St. and will talce possession this 'Fait. Be a sport, Use the mail order house catalogues to help out the fuel situation rind buy from your home merchants. .Keep all the money you can circulating le your owe locality and when money gets scarce there will be much more available to you than there would be if you sent your motley away from your own town or locality, The Methodist church of Canada should have a iniuimuln salary of not less that) $rsoo for its ministers," is the statement of Rev. S. ll. Chown, en - al Superintendent of that denomer Gination in Canada. This declaration is the first official iutimetion of what is likely to be a new policy of the church. TEESWATER News of last week says ;— Miss Zeta Fergnsou, Porouto, is spend. ing a week with her parents D. and and Mrs. Ferguson,—R, Teench return- ed trom the West last Saturday and re- ports that be drove ninety miles in a cutter before leaving that section of the Dominion.—Russel Ferguson came up from Exeter to get his new car, which he puri)hased frorq hie father, lodal ageuttor the Ford, SALE os CIUARErras,—Cltaliter 73, of the Dominion Criminal Code, regulates the sale of tobacco. Anyone is liable to punishment who gives, sells or furnishes to oh o f of 6 u Y t any cigarettes, cig- arette paper or tobacco, (Under On- tario Act the age is 18.) A eoostab)e or other authorized person shall confiscate' Any eigs retie o1tobacco he seen in the Possession u of n youth under r6, Any youth who uses or has in his possession algarettes or tobacco may be summoned and reprimanded and fined for second offence. The youth can also be requir- ed to tell who gave or sold the tobacco to him. This is a law that in Brussels there is no pretouse at enforcing, $54,50.— Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires gratetelly to acknowledge the' following contributions received in Brussels by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association ;— J. 1`, Woo(1.• , ,... ...Ss o0 Anent Bros .: ............. „ 3 o0 A.T.-Stewart ............... 5 00 P. Ament - 3 oo Fred. D. Wood 00 Jas. Fox. a o0 Dr. T. T. McRae.. ...,s o0 W. M. Sinclair . 2 00 113, H. Sarnia 2 00 Rev. A. J, Mann 1 oo 13. S. Scott. 1 00 Miss W. Mortis..., r o0 Miss IC, Wilton, ..... ...,1 00 bliss Ae Geddes,,,,... 1 00 W. P. Fraser , r 00 J.'1`. Boss 1 00 W. T. McCracken , 1 oo J. (;, 1'laelter..,,... ,. 1 oo 0. Walker 1 co R. S. Hamilton ..,,....... „ 1 00 Chas. Pope .. 1 00 P, Scott.'1 00 Rey W. E.. Stafford" 1 00 t1, P Bolger 1 o0 Bl7Jo574" i'e0 F, R. Smith 1 00 G. C. Manners. r 00 Chapnntu Bros • 1 o0 G, R. Weller r o0 Downing Bt•os ,,. i do D. L Ross - i pit 100 ngan ... 00 „ W. lE Little , ; 50 ffS4 sa John Sodawatel has purchased tate hoose ltd lot in the West Wtu'd, Mit- chell, °weed by 'William Snow, Peke paid $1,000, Loners 881111sT•?,&'r Come—The On- tario 1')rcar0age Cunt was ha111 in Stratford on Tuesday, wizen a cause of the township of Ellie° vs. the town- ships or Logan, Fullerton and 161m'- nington, was heard. On Monday a party of engineers, lawyers, etc,, visit- ed the drain known as the Whirl creek drain. Ellice appealed that the week would cost too mucic as creek le very irregular lu its course and it rnefuls it,would have tube straighten-•� oil nub and bridges 'built. .As a part of the creek in 4(00511011 is in a s3V-0lni) often referred t0,ae the Ellice swamp, Ellice does not believe that so much money should be spent, The C13e11 was presided aver by Geo. F, Homier- • 8011, re1'cree under the dreinage have of Canada, G. B. illePliereon, K. 0,, acted forEllice, u and f.. ' I 111 1 7111710 le. U., and 141, Lewin, of C11xtl)a1n, for Logen.'Pile tatP• htel wd t o d wl ,itl[Iir,I11H1)t 111 favor of EMI*'ylllr im struCtlons that Logan 191311 <0 pay oasts, Mon 4Y10 Spurr, 9, HP11V)o4 —, Un Sabbath aftcrnn0u, luny 2813 ab 2,30 o'clock, UHd)Cat'oil + and uuveilii7goF NfentOriui '1ltblet for our soldier boys] will be held in Knox church here. Capt, (ttev,) George Little, 8, A,' Guelph, will conduct the Set vice, Soldiers and friends are cordially invited to the service, Gerrie Mettler Robert HalLisbon is recover- ing nicely from his recoup operation for epperldicitie. Gonia Vidatte and Wroxeter News took a holiday last week, Editor Nash spending holidays in New On. tario, Atwood Oht•is, Braman has pm chased a fine 100 acre farm near Morriston. ltev, Andrew Lane is visiting his sister, Mr•a, (Rev.) W. D, 131rDnuald, Earl Switzer pnetihased the boot, and shoe business of the Tate David Watters. Elwood Roe passed hie oxau)inatioll at the Veterinary College, 'Toronto, with hr,ner.• Recently 8 copular y4.0ng bone p of Al wood vicinity 11118 4 +lune all awl an experience that will linger, with there for some tige, They hncl stmt. led to the bush and while enjoying themselves in picking the beautiful May flowelR, th,'irpeaceful and happy time u n was suddenly cht4uged 111 a orad rush for safety Ln a nearby fence, when the neighbor's gentleman cow objected to their presence in his do. main made a vicious dash towards them and only for the wile fence close by saved the dangerous situation of the trio. AesessoL Geo. A, Hamilton has com- pleted the assessment of Elute town- ship and hair returned the 'toll to Clerk Loch head. The summary of the roll is as follows t— Total No. acres cleared......... ..... 55811 Total number aures mahout 2721. Total number acres slashlaud .,8709 Total No. acres wasteland .,, 10 Total No. neres assessed...,,...,.. 07251 Amt, of land assessment,.., „2,520,735 Amt. of building assess'[ .1,056425 Ain[, of tipsiness aese89't...: :...,.. 22,182 AMC. of income nssess't................501) Total Asne4snleut 73,009,792 Total value of property err Y exem Pt froru taxation ....... ....42 42,200 No, of children between 5 and 21..913, No. of children between 5 and 16.,.,075 No. male persons "21 and 60"...... 744 No. of persons in the homes....... 3054 No, days of statute labor., ......... „4566 No. of births 55 No, of deaths .............. . No. of dogs 442 No. of female clogs Wingham Mr. Hendry, Toronto, is the new operator at the G. T. R. Station. Mayor Gurney imposed a couple of heavy fines on autoists foe speeding in 1Vingbam of late. C4eo. Wright, the new bandmaster of Wit ham Citizen's e Bald has 1110V. ,. ltd to t CON t from Smith's Falis. D eminent tt n D v a Sports n e Urnn ' making preparations for day'aamu amuse- ment at Clrlugham on I Ilnrsday July lat. O D, t 13Ph 11'11 Pf Ayton ton and Geo. Y Olver, town, lave purchased 1iL.9P. d t}111 butcher t1'ier shop ftwm T. Drummond t� Sou. Rev. E. F. Armstrong was in Bervie in his official capacity as chairman of Wingharn district. Bervie Circuit has 0 appointments in charge of a Minister and probationer but they have wisely deckled to make these two circuits with ordained ministers. Flax Seed ON HAND FOR SEED ALSO Flax Meal John Logan Brussels Chopping Mill OES UER LIFE TO °FRUIT-IiolVfS" After Year. of Suffering With Dye- s' ra " Ao p , (hie Fruit Medicine Ue'.r7 Relief MLLE ANTOINETTE BOUCHER 917 »orlon St,, Montreal, "ram writing to tell you that I owe my life to Fruit.a-tives' for this remedy relieved mo when I had abandoned all trope ofaverrecoveringmylealth, 1 safj;•reel terribly with Dyspepsia 1 heel it ter years and all the medicines I icon; did nob do me any good. :4 reed something about `Fruit -a• tees' being good for all Stomach 'freebies and Disorders of Digestion so I tried them. .After finishing a few boxes, 1 was entirclyrelieved of the Dyspepsia and my general health was restored. It thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fruit-a-tives', for this wonderful relief." bf11e Ah^f01N3i TTE moyarr OI, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. 3 dogs were discovered attacking two calvee belonging to George Fin- ley one day recently and PI'ovincial Officer Phippen was at once notified and hnrrlecl to the pasture with his gun. Before he arrived the calves were bad' worried and to t e tont n nn d wen e standing in the river where they had h d run for safety. were again at theeiir favorite sport and did considerable damage to Benson Cruickshank's cattle and to T. T. Fields' cattle. A couple of cattle ran madly into a barn and one broke her horns off when she hit the building. A dose of lead to the dogs is the best cure. Seaforth A. grant of $35 was made to Seal forth Spring Fair by the Council, Agbry ©rich of the Dental College, Toronto, is home for the holidays. Sunday school of the Presbyterian church contributed $30 to bile Ar- menian Fund. J. McLeod, ' r To on to has boon ap• ointedr con [ager, of the U. F, O. store let s in thean resighe(1 pl a of Dl r, Wegg who )9 Halmstad was in Brnmtford at- tending the Anglican meeting of Synod as the d Y e r.p'es P 1 Antl4. liva of S i ..t Themes' m church. Fted. Robinson's many friends will regret to learn that his arm wits broken while cranking a epi.—Ed, Archibald, son of Andrew Archibald, had the same misfortune. Fibre flax Seed We can still supply mill owners and farmers choke v ' '' Seed t 1rbee Se d at reasonable prices from one etoel(9 of direct imported Dutch - Irish and our Dutch -Canadian On- tario grown, About 500 bushels of each still on hand. Also a gtfan- City of choice meal send. Delivery 0Ati be made at Seaforth, .Blyth, 131.105e1s 01 'P0 (into. Wire or wtit0 us et either. Name Huron County flax Mills, ltd, Head Office: 95 King St, East, Toronto 11!illi 114;111Mittli JFHJ A. rc's H&abIe Stieda Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold / Giant White. feeding Sugar Beet “ SWEDE TURNIP SEED Bruce's New Century Hall's Westbury Bartley's Bronze Top 1' Also Greystone and Yellow Aberdeen For Sale by / $trach.an colic ee 1 ileal lure pe,se1 hie nndv 1Itull ,'t. nl i 1) nIlutunnt 1 F IAII, OSirente, take,,, hnnnee Mr. Best's 115(9 coulee 4,' Wed ilia 11 u tedr bys ,ev 114 Pl yea) a Ber- 1 vine oversees, seas, an 17at hie gradte e 11 record ie ex(t ptinuelly 1 nod, J. 0. Bell has passed his 3rd yr 1' u applied eh'mistry at the Schee! of eheent.P, '40 onto, toting honors Keith Me Lent), Lc'un, n graduate of the Sea. for 111 Collegiate, but now of Toronto, pewee] '! :lid year n 111 'r n En- gineering .gineering at the Baine 4911001, ale, taking home m. Ford with Telephone Qfa. P here hers 11"',t r- papered and leder p >t- d Bev, e A, "Laing 11 mei I11 Reefers were 111 LUI'nll tri on bn',i lleNy, Adam Spence nni1 win. Corbett were in 13,'autfoid attending Synod, being delegates front Ttiuity ehurch, Ford wieh Cheese and Butter 1'en- Loty etltrted oper13tin,,, 'net week. They will make boot butter• and cheese during this seasuu, Enos Donaghy was taken by auto to the Kitchener hnepilal. 10 0039991 an operation for' goitre, We aro pleased to know he 18 feeling 1011011 hotter than be has been for the past few weeks, and sincerely hope the opera- tion may be successful and he will soon be restored to his former good health. Clinton George Rolland and family are moving to their now home, Fisher• faro) on theHerm)Road, Framework of the new Merrier Flaxrnill was erected acid the week is is being rushed to be ready for the corning crap. Frank Jenkins is Carrying hie right 1391(1 111 n sling turd heing very kind to it still ns a result of au injury while °reeking his car, G. A. McKee, son -fu -law 'nf Doherty, has ,just been appointed Public School Diapector for relmon- ton, at a salary of $3700 a year. There were 10 children baptized on Sunday afternoon at the Sunday School 8eeviee at 0,t -in St. Metho. dist church and the total attendance was 300. Rev. Jerrold 0. Potts, curate of St. Thome annul), Toronto, foru,erly, rentor of fit. Paul's ohneclt. Clinton,. had the degree of B. D. conferred upon hint, Word was received last week by Mrs. James Dutiford of the death of her uncle, Thompson Oluff at Toronto. He was a former 1'eekient of this locality. Miss Jean M. 0, Wylie, Blelthaim, daughter of Rev, W. W. Wylie, form- 1Ypastor of the Clinton Baptist ret church,successfully a ed her exam- inations fol s YPsir ex in,4t11 year arts at McMaster University told at Convocation Hall received her B. A, degree. Mrs. William Grigg, one of Olin - ton's oldest residents, has been very ill for the past couple of months but is now so much improved that she is able to sit up again. Mrs. Grigg is now in her 88th year and has been a resident of Clinton since her early womanhood. Jamestown As/ OLD RESIDENT DEAD.—the Al- goma Advocate; published at Thee - salon on 16lay 611, said of a former resident. of this locality i—On Thurs- dnY,At 6.16P . m.,thee a passed away, Y - of acute pneumonia, ia 4C Victoria Hos- pital,T9e86AlOn rUI[1141 r ' M,ivtV en aged 54 years and 9 months. Deceits - ed had suffered a 1 s' qt of , ic](nese in the past year, having gone through two 89110nso1t slnhois one for P le is Y 11113 ons for appendicitis. Notwith- standing this he had apparently re- cevered entirely, and was about seem- ingly hale,, and hearty, calling on friends andhaving a good time to the surprise t pose and gratification of everyone. 13ut, unfortunately, he exposed him- self too much, and caught a severe cold'which resulted in pneumonia and, anally, death. Mr. McEwen carne from the township of Gley, County of Huron, in 1878, 42 years ago, with his parents, brothers and sisters, and has lived here caminumtsly ever since, with the exeeplian of obout2 years, spent in Vancouver, B. 0. He was married some 17 years ago to bliss Minnie Minion, who long Mime pre3de- eased him. Mr. McEwan was a hard working, indnstrinus trout of consider- able means, and possessed an exceed- ingly kind and jovial disposition. Be - had a host of friends, and was known by practically all of the older reaidents of the district. He leaves to molten his loss 2 sisters, bile• A. Foley, of Clonclslee, And Mrs. A. J. Robevieml, of British Oulu tnbia. also S brothels, W. A. MoEtvao, of Th,'ssalon R S., 1 of Uloudslee, and Andrew, of Sower- by, The funeral took place from the residence of 1V,n. Thompson, Dement St•, Saturday af,lerno011, at 1 o'clock, Rev. 3. 7. McNay, eondtwting the service, 14[1(1 speaking cOneoling words to the assembled relatives and friends, effete which the remains were Onnvey- ed 10 Uloudslee Church which deceas- ed had attended for many years anti whet* service WAN 81944, RPV. 111I7 Johnston, Of Bi ace Mines, om,'lnting, and preaohillgg a 111(41 effective semen to a large audience of old friends and neighbors of Mr. MOF,wan's, Inter. meat took place at Uloudslee Ceme- tery. Following acted as ;pallbearers, e++++++++++++++++++++++4•+4 SUGAR 0. VV. OATS • Also Seed oats I Royal Household flour Clover aid Timothy Seed W. J. McCracken + NOW ON HAND. Phone 43 44+++++++++++++44 +++++++4 i' • 141• ••••apt ••••® 62100•4•COO•tul diel*••••• 414 reGOZOO 43 d Imitation 0• 1 Lw ttt � an 0 to 2 . • wVhen yuu need ltepaive for your 1 11 111 plqui )Ment buy the eoi t (' Y Genuine- tt 1lulnr• rnadP of the same material, 1ite,• the mole Welt, fit as 061 . rete[ y .171 weal 3e• f se tome x similar 1 lot t a r . o uchased wile, Lite.7r original mrtOPJ11e We ora the c,+rtizusizetite dealers for the 1. H. 0„ McOorntlek, elockallutt and Prostiv • dt Wood Machinery and 11'luery flows and carry a complete •is • I l • • • • • • s a • • In Carriage Tire Applying: We give you prompt service, applying all si.et, o1' ter r s r b r de u! Carriage 'tubber Ili+ea end will repines. with - set vice, (8 OUR - CAIPRIA E ,w P'A/NT/N offers 711 a ,011 second to 10,18' for •frlality ?a ee, vide mitt A e a u 18 8 e e 0 :n flims IIx ;'q 10.068.0400000000000000110000 ---- ',F•00eY0000001000400000+0¢91000 out charge, any tire failing to give 12 months' enrrt.inuolls • • appearance. We give tint hue nor rare -flit epee r1..,, your satisfaction when completed, 'frueting to he of aolu, vcrsir;c to yen, Phone al R. & S. Plum ********************4•44,$u 6,404.:4044,044.4444.4141,4,4444 44,4 Try 6 the Palace Bakery 1°r Loaf of Bread •• • Bread is Your Best food fat More ia of t 4 • GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS• 4' Phone 32x W. E. WILLIS" • 4•••••••••N••♦♦♦♦•4.44l,434 444,041.4.444,46444OS48-0•-•*,• 44i 3.. W. Wilson, A. Ohapntan, 'trod Pare, .1'.' Clarke, A, 14110010 )111(1 161 , iionnell, Thee another of the origin- al pioneers, whose life was spent in • developing and helping t0 make Al- goma what it is today, has passed in- to the great d_a klcpthngood friend and ajovil, syme lc personality has ceased to exist;. But his labors have not been ill vain. Hie life's work stands as a monument of his writ th. Such as he have °hang• ed a wilderness into an inviting pros_ permits district and their existence has multiplied the blessings and 00(110 13 wo, who are left, and future genera- tions, are privileged to enjny, lie will be long remembered by tboee who knew him best. AtIverit We are prepared to attend t, all orders for Planing and will be able to supply Lumber, Sash, Dopes, (&o. AMENT BROS. BRUSSELS Outing Shoes MAKE your feet comfortable in the warm weather, We have now in stock a complete line of ",Flet'[ Foot" Outing Shoes— Something for ani the family With and without heels, including Men's Work Shoes, Women's Utility, Ladies' White -Canvas Oxfords and Pumps with rubber soles and heels, and Sandals for the little tots. We also have a splendid line of Children's 1311 1 Mi,4104. Pal alit Strap Pumps, sizes front 4 to 2, (!all and see them, 11 is always a pleasure to show one goads, ti R. C. RATH WELL, Moncrieff "Highest Price paid for Produoe. KODAKS, FILMS & SUPPLIES W ti 1-4 e OD i� w {:1 0 ^<toiP'.)p. cru Good Photos HELP BELT, Vo1Tn. - Thoro' - bred Stock See the complete line of ]Cnd13lceatl,l Tirownle Cameras at Jr St Wendt's, - Wroxeter ask tor the kodetk urn 8), # 1arnt" OI AKS, FILMS & SU?i'i TES 7