HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-20, Page 1VOL. 48 NO. 47�..
, 1.5o Per Amon in, Advance
111 11111 Ill 11111111111 111 1111111111111 011 1111111 1111111111111 11 01 111111 111111111 111111111111111 1111111111 II(
Take No Risks
!th Valuable
Sec pities
Your Victory Bonds, deeds, mortgages, insur-
ance policies are too precious to leave where
ire or thieves may reach them.
Even a strong box or safe in your own home
Tacks the absolute security given by the Safety
Deposit Boxes in this Bank.
They may be rented in convenient sizes at
a small cost.
Call and see them.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital - 8 0,700,000
Reserve Mind - 18,000,000
Resources - - - 220,000,000
Brussels Brandt
New Advertisements
Pigga for Sale—John McNair,
Delco Light—H. G. Dnrrooh•
Weekly Store News—Jas. Sox.
Cows for sale•—J. P. McIntosh.
County Counoil—Geo. W. Hall,
Dray Business—Charles E. Davidson,
Centura—Bluevnle Methodist Churoh.
Court of Redislon—Village of Brussels,
Court of Revision—Township of Morris.
The Connery Minister—Ethel Services—Melville Library,
Mistxl:xt ff.ciDs
The Village Doctor will visit Wal-
ton Friday evening of this week.
The Soldiers' Memorial service will
be held next: Sunday afternoon in
Knox church,
A number from this lceaIity were at
Walton Thursday afternoon of last
week at the funeral of the late James
Tuesday of this week delegates from
the W. M. S. were at Kincardine at-
tending the Convention in the Pres-
byterian church,
Miss Yuill, of Brussels, is supplying
the Fulton school during the absence
of Miss Forrest, who is waiting nn her
mother, at Oranbrook, duriug her ill.
0888. ,
*•• •
0 CB
--vow v-v�'�-®r o
0 To Those Interested
o O
® HE outlook is that Eggs are 0
a going to be the highest this
coming Winter ever known e)
9 in this country so be prepared. :i•
During May, Inca and July we s,
° will have 15,000 strong; etnrcly
ei Did you ever figure bow much •
8 your day-old Chicks cost youby g
• hens spoiling the eggs by leaving le
the nest and breaking them 0 e.
To avoid disappointment order H
o yours now. Our prices this year ae
* are $22 per hundred. 0
e e
Walter Rose 1
v Phone 8 on 88x BRUSSELS 8
A new piano is added to the school
room of the Presbyterian cbnrch here
arid will be a valuable acquisition to
the musical exercises of Sunday School
and Young Peoples' Society.
Several local youths have been or-
ered to appear before Magistrate W.
IL Goethe}, in respect to the robbery
at the house of Gavin Wilson, of
which they are believed to have some
knowledge. The house had been left
vacant following the 'death of Mrs,
Wilson a few menthe ago and when
visited recently it was found that en-
try had been made and a number of
valuable rings are alleged to be miss-
A. new method of diverting atten-
tion while a raid is being made on a
vegetable garden appears. to have
been discovered by some small boys
here, who have been raiding the onion
beds of citizens and selling the pro-
duce in town. The labs 1110 alleged to
have taken a dog with them on their
visits to the gardens and locating
somebody's cat have set the dog on to
it, and the backing of the clog at the
cat guaranteeing.to the lads sufficient
freedom from observation to secure
their' supply of young onions.
Gang Out of
Will be offered for Sale at 84-
DU0141) •PRI0118 its I intend go-
ing out of business. ThiSSale will
continue up to the end of May,
To get a good choice quick buy-
ing will be to the advantage of the
its -Produce taken as cash.
A Good Investment
HE money you save earns interest
when deposited in our Savings
Department, and both principal and
interest are safe and can be obtain-
ed whenever required. Open an
'account to -day. 68A
PAID-UP CAPITAL . $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
WALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager,
Al: a special meeting of the OouOoll
It was decided to replace the wooden
bridge which was carried away with
the dam on Monday of last week with
a steel and eonereee eeructut•e. The
county road and bridge engineer is ex-
pected here to look over the ground
and advise the council on the neees-
eery work and the coot. The
washout of the dam lowered the water
in the upper reaches of the river so
suddenly 1141 many parts of the river
bed, now dry land, are covered with
rotting fish and other refuse, the smell
from which is very unpleasant.
The dust raised by the numerous
autos out on Sunday is blamed by
both delvers fol' the collision of their
care at the "B" line .corner Sunday
afternoon, when a car driven by Mr.
Hunt was struck by Ito. Adaites car.
Both cars wave badly damaged, that
owned by Mr, Huut having both front
wheels torn off aced the axle broken,
while that driven by Me, Adair came
off a little easier and was able to reach
a garage under its own gas.' Mr.
Hunt's family, who were riding with
him at the time, were all thrown out
of the car, but fortunately, escaped
serious injuries,
Horse end lot for sale to Ethel village op.
poslte school building. Also a gasoline lamp
and; New -Williams Sewing Maohine, Apply
to tfae, .JAMES, Ethel. tf
David Sanders is improving we are
pleased to report,
The root Drop is engaging the atten-
tion of numerous faerneos at present.
Jno. McDonald, recently of Ethel,
was elected to the official Board of
Listowel Methodist church lately.
He'll do his part,
Rev, NIr. Kennedy was at Kincar-
dine last Tuesday attending Maitland
Presbytery. Others went as delegates
to the W. M, S. Convention.
11. A. Williams, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., was a visitor with his sister,
NIPS. S. S. Cole, Ethel, and his neice,
Mrs. T, Dougherty, Hcnfryn,
This week Rev. Mr. OKell attended
the Wingham District meeting which
was held in the Methodist church,
Bi'ussele. Hugh Richmond was the
lay delegate,
Mr. Armstrong and daughtere, of
St, Marys locality, and Miss Mary
Switzer, a missionary from China
home on furlough, were visiting the.
Raynard and Dobson families last
Last Saturday afternoon the Mis-
sion Band oe Knox church was ad-
dressed by Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy, of Wal-
ton, in a most interesting manner,
There was a good attendance and an
enjoyable gathering. Mes. George
Kreuter is the Superintendent.
On the evening of Monday. 24th
inst., the play, "The Country Minis-
ter," will be presented in the Town-
ship Hall, Ethel, in behalf of the
Public Library, Program at 8 o'clock.
See advt. in this issue, By every-
body patronizing it a neat surplus
might go to the Library Treasurer.
SAnnual meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held Thursday after-
noon, May 20th, at 3 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. (Rev.) OKell, The sub-
ject "Home Influence nn the Young"
will be taken by MPS. (Dee Ferguson,
There will also be the election of offlc-
ere for the corning year and Financial
report read, .A good attendance of all
the members a 1
G this meeting t is re-
quested. c All the ladies allies ofgg
q the
munity are invited to attend also
Come urtd put clown your name as a
member and stake the coming year
more successful than the past.
Last Saturday evening the Murdi-
p arta b
wa oldhe iu
ship Hall when a gond audience as-
sembled, The local talent, Misses
Bernice Cole, Lela Vodden and Pearl
Methodist dist Church .-
. Blueuale
on Friday Evening, May 18th
A Lecture
will be given by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin,
Lucknow, on Ireland arid the Irish."
Come and hear an Irishman talk about
Ireland, Lecture is well. worth hear-
ing and a treat is expected,
Admiesiot 25 cents.
at 11 (8. rn,
at2.30 p. m,
Rey, (Oapt.) Geo, Little, B, A.,
of Guelph, will Officiate.
All retuned Soldiers and friends
aro heartily invited.
Township Hall, - Ethel
Monday Ev'g, May 14th
This Humorous and Interest-
ing Play will be repeated on
above date for the benefit of
Ethel Public Library
Tickets only 25 and 15 Cents
Help boost the Library by
your pjitronage, Come and
eujoy a good laugh and learn
practical lessons.
Dobson and J. M. and Mrs. Slemmon
did their respective parts well. The
Scotobman was warmly received and
in song and story pleased the people.
He's hard to beat and the mention of
Mr. Murdisop s name would draw a
good house any time. Receipts were
070.00, Mrs, (Rev.) OKell presided,
the concert being under auspices of
the Laidies' Aid of the Methodist
Robert McMurray attended the An-
glican Synod at Brantford as delegate
from Trinity church, Belgrave.
The Women's Institute will hold its
annual meeting on Wednesday after-
noon of next week, at the home of
Mrs. Wm, Procter. All members are
specially requested to attend,
Tuesday afternoon Donald Patter-
son, ex -Reeve of East Wawanosb,
and County Engineer for many years,
was buried. He had been in failing
health for some years but with good
pluck he kept at his work until com-
pelled to quit.
evening al the Irish—Scotch enter-
tainment the 0. O. F. Hall was pack-
ed to the door when the much talked
of contest between the above mention -
nationalities took place. Although it
was long past the hour announced
before program commenced, for up-
wards of 2 solid hours the audience
sat, like Patience on a monument,
giving the best of order and only that
encores had been tabooed they might
not have got home until daylight.
The Irish repreeentaliveti took the
first half hour in song, story and in-
strumentals put on under captaincy of
Jno, Stewart, on a fine, series. Then
the Scotch were led to the attack by
Doc. Kirkby, and piped, sang and re-
cited to the pleasure of tete et'owd. At
it the Emerald lade and lassies put on
their second lap well sustaining the
land of prattles and buttermilk for 30
minutes. The thistle combination had
the last closing half
hour andmade
gcod use of the flying mnnutea
in their
deans to cony off t he c soared honors.
The program was well varied, every-
body did splendidly and the interest
never lagged. Many occasions were
given for a heart d
nn a
y laugh g
was not stinted by
tanymeans. There
were 8 judges, all ut is ere, who rend-
ered their verdict ir' favor of the
Scotch. This is the 2,. d' Contest and
the sides have scored ,nue goal each.
The best of good feeling prevailed and
many hope e. 3rd Ooutwit will be stag-
ed. The financial proceeds totalled
$184,95 and will be applied to the debt
on the Foresters' H•,all, Without
making invidious comparison where
all perfor'me'd so creditably we give
the personnel of the talent, which will
be of interest, as some wore so well
costumed their individuality was not
apparent to a good wally in the Hall.
Irish ; — Captain, John Stewart—
Misses Margaret Garnier, 13luevale,)
Annie Geddes and !bliss Lillian Jack-
son, (Blyth)—Pianist ; Mesdames W.
Spoils pianist, W. 0. Scott, Harvey
Watson and Robert Nicholson ; Rev.
Mr. Davison, Joe, Miller, John Bell,
Alex, Bruce, Earl Anderson, N. Mc-
Crea, B. Bradburn and Chas. John -
Soupch ;—Oaptniil Harry Kirkby
Misses ()eerie D110ent, (Blnevale,)
Winnie Munro, Jean Geddes (pianist)
and Violet Anderson ; Mesdames IIr-
nese Geddes, Jae. Michie, Robert
Henry (pianist,) Alex. Stewart ; Rev.
Mr. Boyle, Milton Bruce (piper,)
Maitland Henry, Stanley Sidthorpe,
Norman Geddes and Dan. 1i'ergnaou,
Judges were Rev. Mestere, 'Telford
and Hawkins, Blyth ; llev. Mr, Tay-
lor, Toronto ; Rev. Mr. illean,
Auburn ; S. S. Scott, and W. H.
Derr, Brussels,
S01ama Rumens ARE AFLOAT.—One is
that 'leery Kirkby is going to join
the 9100 Highlander•e Band at Hamil-
ton, as ho fills both the kilts and the
musical requirements.— An .engtrge-
ment may be expected any clay by J.
T. Bell end Joe Millet' for the enuring
12th of July Oetebration.—If Belgrave
parsons had to relinquish the pulpit
they would still be able to hold their
ower on the Concert platform,—Capt,
Jno. Stewart may take his Trish bri•
gale out on a Concert tour.—Robert
Bruce of mild Spotlit will not lack a
representative so long as Milton Bruce,
\Vawanosh, ie able to blew the pipes
so well,—Tho outside trtlene won new
laurels by Friday evening's gathering.
—Beigrave'e musical Mel !Revery abili•
ty isnot to be "sneezed" at, even follow.
ing an epidemic of lagrippe.—'The 0.
0.' F. officiary were tickled namely to
death at the flee $nenoiel returnee—
W, H. KERR, Proprietor
Jullgil.g i)y. the lice -up of autos Fri- •w„it a0Ib.eie..aitrees
day eveni4 the price of gasoline is no
scarecrow to the people of '1118 loeal-
sty, --Somebody proposed 3 rile ere tar
the winning &cutch which woe heart-
ily of �� � �
responded in. Then come eon �►
Erin requested d Aeolis for Ow 111,511 SRV
and the respouse. metaphorically lifted a7il� lI l�rw� it
the raftere. EE
What du you know about Ireland ?
Hear Rev. Sia', trivia in Ole Metbotiiet
on the Emerald Isle, Pride',
evening of next week. See Adele this
Rev. Mr, Tate was at Kincardine
thin week attending the Meil.land
Preebytery and Rev, 101r, Burgeee was
at Brussels Tuesday and Wednesday
ire the Wingliaut District meeting,
Next Sabbath afternoon a1 2.30
o'clock et Memorial service will be held
in Ladies church, Turnberry, in honor
of the men from that congregation
and neighborhood who made the
supreme sacrifice in the great war.
A memorial tablet has been planed in
the church and it will be unveiled
during the service by Roy Beatings
whose two brothers lost their lives in
Melvin Shiele, 7th line, went to
Stratford on Tuesday where he ex-
.pecte to secure a position. His broth-
er, Norman, Bets been in the employ
of the Grand Trunk railway for sever-
al months, in the boiler repair depart-
ment. We wish them success.
Ralph Shaw returned to Toronto
Tuesday afternoon after a visit home,
He expects to get his discharge from
the military authorities in the im-
mediate future. We are glad to state
he is making favorable improvement
from the effects of the war,
JAS. WILK/NEON, V. S„ Berreerx
DECEASED,—Last Thursday, James
Wilkinson, Veterinary Surgeon, Rip-
ley, a well known and highly respect-
ed citizen, passed away. He bad
been in failing health for some time
but was only in bed 3 days, Deceased
is a brother of Chas, 13. Wilkinson,
4th line, arid was born in Morris town-
ship, being a son of the late Thos.
Wilkinson, He is survived by his
wife, 2 sone (one of whom was over-
seas) and 2 daughters. Funeral took
place last Sunday after noon and was
conducted by his pastor, Rev. 1. W.
Kilpatrick. It was very largely at-
tended, Mr. Wilkinson was a mem-
ber of the 0. 0. F. and the Orange
orders, A number of Morrie relatives
attended the burial. Deceased had a
large practice and was esteemed by
the public generally for his manly
character. The bereaved share in the
sympathy of the community in their
loss of husband and father.
Have you made your entry for the
Field Crop Competition in oats ?
Court of Revision on Aseeaement
Roll will be held at Ethel on Wedues.
day of next week.
We bid James Campbell and bride
—nee Mise Beatrice Armstrong, Brns-
selo—weloome to the 4,1 II line. They
have leased Mrs. H, McQuarrie's farm,
The Auction Sale of falai stook, iin-
pletnente, Ace., at W. F. Sobnock's
Thursday afternoon went with a good
sweep, prices ruling high. F. S,S
was Auctioneer.
Geo. Johnston announces the en-
gagement of his daughter, Margaret
L., to Lail R. blathers, of Morris
township, the marriage to take place
quietly earl in Arne. 4 y y
Leet week Mrs. Bo hart M •Biain
daughter of Robert Carr, 3rd Con.,
underwent an operation in Wingham
and we hope she will soon be restored
to first class health.
We congratulate Dr. J. H. Strath
on passingghis lth year ill Dentistry,
He hoe purchased a practise ou the
corner of Vaughan Road, and St.
Clair avenue, Toronto and has pos-
A critical operation was Performed
1n To•nntc on Monday 1001 suet., on
blrs, 'Thos. Williamson, formerly of
this township. She is getting along
nicely we nee pleased to state and
hope she will sooty regain her old time
Arbor Day was observed Thursday
of last week at Ole school,
The afternoon train on the C. P. 11,
is 5 minutes earlier than formerly.
John Bolger was at .Brantford last
week attending the Anglican Synod.
Rev, 111, Button attended Goderioh
District meeting at Seaforth this
School Fair programs have been is-
sued and itis better than ever. A big
Ame goodill be delesegation went to Kincar-
dine last Tuesday to the W. M. S.
Convention from here.
Next Thursday afternoon the an-
nual meeting of Walton Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. It. A. Lundy, at 3 p. in. The
Wetness will be the receiving of an-
nual reports, election of ofBcove, &.e,
A good attendance hoped for.
The Walton Methodist Ladies' Aid
will hold a Bazaar in the basement of
the church on the afternoon of Wed-
nesday, May 20th. Sale of work will
commence at 2.30. Fancy goods,
quilts, aprons, home-made beaking, ice
arcane and home-made handy. i.,unch
will also be served. Admisaiou free,
Ifverybody welcome. Mee. Hugh'
Fulton, Pres. Mrs, L N. Campbell,
As may be seen by advt, an interest.
Mg service will be held in Duff's
church, here on Sabbath 23rd inst., at
11 a. m. when the dedication and un.
veiling of Memorial Tablet in honor
of our soldiers boys will take plane.
Capt. (Rev,) George Litre, B. A, of
uelph,'Will conduct ten service, Re•
turned soldiers and friends will be
made weloome.
The Anniveeeary Services of
Melville Church
Will be conducted by
Bev, Jas, J. Paterson, Br Q,
of Sarnia, on Sunday
at 11 a. m. and 7p,01,
Special Mucic will be given at
both services by the Choir.
A Special Offering of 5000 for
Building Fund is asked for.
May there be a Liberal
A Hearty Invitation ie extend-
ed to all,
A. A. LAMONT, A..), MANN, B. A.,
Sec.-Treas. Pastor.
-'7T1'el►'7"ITeer-r Tom•
Friday eveuieg of this week "The
Village Doctor" will be presented in
the A. 0. U. W. Hail, under the
auspices of the Womene Institute.
Play will be given by the lifoncrief£
Drarnatia club, Tickets are 25 and 16
cents, The play is well worth hear-
The funeral of the late Jacob Bray
was held Saturday afternoon from the
home of I. Matthewe where Mr. 'Bray
had gone after the °ale of hie house-
hold effects on Wednesday. As Mr,
and Mrs. Bray were both getting rep
in years they had decided to move to
Detroit to live with a son of Mrs.
Bray's. Mr. Bray had been ailing for
some time and hie death, although
sudden, was not entirely unexpected.
Mrs. Bray and a son, George Bray, of
Kitchener, were with him at the time
of his death. Dr. Hazen of the Metho-
dist Church conducted the funeral
Herbert Edgar was home from Tor.
onto for the week end,
D. M. and Mrs. McTavish and Mrs,
A, Munro spent Sunday in Milverton,
Donald Munro has gong to New On-
tario where he will he employed this
Rev. Mr. Stride was at Brussels
Tuesday and Wednesday attending
Wingham District meeting,
A friendly gatne of Foot Ball be-
tween Wroxeter and Salem teams
was played in the park Friday even-
ing. Neither team scored,
Mies Agnes McKercher is to be con-
gratulated upon winning a $50.00
scholarship, at the recent examina-
tions atQueen's
Univocal tRKingston.
It i said 1 e e Rev. Mr. Malcolm, Presby.
tartan minister, may
leave Wroxeter,
having received
a call to a charge'near
St. Thomas, He has been here for
past 3 or 4 years,
E. W. and Mr o
Mrs, Hazelwood, are
visitingthe fo• e'' parents,
tm r a ante W
. 0.
and Mee. Hazelwood. Dd, has a drug
business in Te ail, B. 0, Miss Thelda
Hazelwood accompanied them by
motor from Bowmanville,
ering intensely for some months from
neuritis, James Ball, Howiek town-
ship, died on Monday of last week,
Deceased was67 years of age anti -ie
survived by his son Jaynes, .da ghter,
Nellie, two brothere, Jno and William,
and two sisters, the Misses Ball, with
whom he resided. Ho was of Iriett
descent and iu religion an Anglican,
!kir, Ball was one of the first In this
district to enlist with the 181st Batta-
lion, but owing to ill health, was un-
able to proraed overseas, The funeral
took place to the Wroxeter cemetery
Wednesday afternoon, Rev, Powell
Heron County league
Base hall Schedule
A meeting of,Base Ball sports was
held at Win ham last Thursday even-
ing to draft the program of matches
between the 6 teams in this District
in connection with Huron County
League. A. L. Stewart, R. F. Down-
ing and Jas. Ballantyne attended as
representatives from Brussels. Fol-
lowing is the schedule commencing on
Thureday, June 10th ;—
June 10 --Brussels at Lucknow
10—Teeswater at Kincardine
15—Wingham at Teeswater
15—Kincardine at Brusaets
23—Brussels at Winggham
24—Teeswater at Lracknow
29—Kincardine at Teeewator
29—Lucknow at Brussels
July 7—Teeswater at Winglham
8—Lucknow at Kincardine
13—Lucknow at Teeswater
15—Wingham at Kincardine
20—Teeswater at 13rneeele
22—Witigham at Lucknow
20-131 Meets at Teeswater
28 --Kincardine at Wingghatn
Aug, 2—Bruesele at Kincardine
2-Luckuow at Wingham
13—Wingham at Brussels
0—Kincardine at Lucknow
Umpires chosen were ;-- Teeswater,
J. Good, G. 8101811, W. F. Hiseocke.
Brnesels, W, A. Grower, 11, Down.
lug,' A. L. Stewart,
Kincardine, --H.11 R. Olagevood, J.
Molnnis, H, Johnson,
Wingham '1', 10loLsttn, L, Kenuedr,
100 Telfer,
lenctrinr ifie r.01„rt-.',
tete tereh Chins es
Rev. Mr. Vrooman conducted services
in St, John's church last Sunday,
W. I. MoCutehcon wet, the: lay deli -
gBrussels,ate toe theAugliean Synod at Brentford,
as representative from St, Jelin's, c Armtek
Rev. Mr. Mann dist-ourr,ed tin "Lite"
at Sabbath moraiegs se vice iu Melville
church and "Inspilation id Bible 11 lit
was the theme in the evening.
Rev. W. 1). Collies, "1 Wiiiesui, int
trier rector of Tel vitt Mentereat (Mittel/.
Exeter, was recently presented with a
Ford ,elan, a gitt froineme of the mem•
bens of his congregation.
Rev. Ler. H, )R, Campbell, Toronto,
Inc accepted a cap to the Danganaorl
and Port Albert Preebyteriau "berets
and will be inducted a4 easter Gtr June
1st, induction ceremonies taking lrlaee
in Erskine church, Dungannon
A minimum of $0,300 and tree ree.
tory, with no distinetiou bet,.eeu junior
and senior clergy, will be the standard
for parishes in the Synod of Huron, and
diocesan law will be promulgated to this
effect following the decision reached et
the annual Synod meeting.
"Forward" Conference will be held in
the Lecture room of Melville church,
ruesday afternoon, June est, at 2.30
o'clock, when a program ou "Home
Helpers" work will be discussed, A
social boori 1 t
w T be spent a the close,
Large attendance is expected.
A unanimous invitation was given to
Rev, C, R. Durrant to continue as Pas-
tor, at Harrow. Ontr, and tate stipend
was fixed at Stow. Mr. Madill on be-
half of the citizens of Harrow and vicin-
ity, presented Mr. Durrant with a
cheque for $158 as a token of respect
and sympathy.
At a meeting of Ham lroo Presbytery,
Rev. Donald Tale pester of Port Dal'
bowie Presbyterian church, was granted
permission to retire from Ole ectiee
work of the church, fie had been p:r
tor of the church. Ile hos been pistol•
of the church for many years, and wits
formerly stationed in '1' oswator.
Epwortb Leagueie have discontinu-
ed the usual weekly meetings for the
Summer months and will resume next
October. They have bad a successful
teras and disbursed their funds to the
various interests. $6o.00 Went to Mis-
sions and $2o.00 was voted to the For-
vement in addition to local ex -
Anniversary services will he held in
connection with Melville chinch, Brus-
sels, on Sabbath, May gosh, at r1 a. m.
and 7 p, M. Rev. James J. Patterson,
8. D„ Sarnia, will be the preacher of
the day. Special musieal numbers will
be rendered by the church choir. Au
offeriug is asked of $6,00 toward the
Building Fund. The usual gathering
held Monday evening at Anniversary oc-
casions will not be on the program this
Rev. E. Phillips, of Emerson, Man.,
who had been staying with bis sister.
Mrs, M. Morgan, Mount Forest, fell in-
to the Maitlaud river in some way and
was drowned. A searching party was at
work all nigbt and located the body at
5o'clock next rn
oruiug Rev.
Phillips leaves a widow, one sister,
Morgan, Mount Forest
and one brother
Thomas Phillips, of Toronto, He was
in bisk 'l) •eat
Daily Press reporting the Synod
meets s at Brantford basthe fol
n following
reference t known
o o wellchurch 1
man.—]ono Ransford of Clinton, refer-
ring to the Bishop's charge stated that
the forces of evil were many times
worse than the force; which stood
against the country during the war. He
asked, that church union be furthered
and declared that Canada was an excel-
lent place for such a union to com-
mence. The cardinal points of Christian
religion were. Mende:41 in all great
creeds. Minor point: clone made a
sectarian division.
In lite Mettlodist rbilrcis, Brnsseh,
last Sabbath morning the objective of
52,927 to the great 'Forward Movement
Was attained by subscriptions of $170,00,
in answer to an appeal to close up tho
total. Congregntinn was thanked for
their generosity ced the Doxology was
heartily sung over the arronlplielituent.
Cranbrook appointment also assisted in
Me financial drive. The pastor mantl-
ed on the subject "'file attainment of
Christian manhood.". Afiee Dorothea
Stafford sang a very appropriate solo
and choir rendered au anthem, Fred.
J. Wood takius bass solo. Mrs. Oliver
Walker sang "The plains of Peace" at
evening service. Rev, Mr. Stafford
spoke ou "The outward appearance and
the heart."
The London Methodist Contereuae
commences at Stratford rune ret, but it
is not expected that church co-ordination
will be an issue. Stationing committee
will hold its first meeting oft May 3t.
Wednesday, June 2, ministerial session
opens, and following morning general
session with election of officers, Dr.
Salem Bland, Toronto, will deliver the
morning addresses during the Week,
There will be at least 7 members in the
ordination class this year;—las. Find.
lay, P. EL Lawson, Arthur Page, R. A.
Blackburn, Perry CaVen, A. C. Moyer,
and M. 0, Parr, The Laymen'sAsso.ia-
tion will bold its annual meeting on
Wednesday, The ordinary nubile meet-
ing will be held Thursday, at which
Prof, Langford, of Victoria College.
Will speak on ' )leliglous Education,"
and Controller 1. 0. Maguire, Toronto,
,will also speak.
Montreal bakers will raise the price
of bread en Monday. to 16io aloaf.
The Canadian Society of Technical
Agriculturists has been 01'ganize11 at
Lawrence Kceshig, of the Ceps
()rocker Indian band, was aceenitted ref
the charge of bigamy, and Mtge ben•
gall has maeried'hie brother, Willis,