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The Brussels Post, 1920-5-13, Page 8
<" "Q' 3afMo'• epees•-•ip01`ele'e- oo' ,`'r ri`` tee.ei K elii.4'eese`eign o'Ne; (02 42. l • The 4 Store :77 351M • 'RTTMRSN1Ee�i+'�•LC,"lY?:'T;!WX'M.'T,?"^•Stn �tl'R1,Nf.�.R-•.'A •' +?3� "!Z•'.4 ..+;RW'S>'PA,S:,,F1r9'ft�'fi5:k; .'fio.R4• YP?.Tirf�: FJmr .. t..o-+,,r•-ns :�:.str svtiti-rs>:^,,.. . v'C7:1.h4 rvvrM!„M}p1�9•��'T.g4�' I .M'FT^7 .•:!T'1t,,'... •«+•�..[Mjnn.,R.}r4'.Nl*W.".'.%"A• - .. 4:4ax.wr . ...�..-�c•-�r r,.... ,�.1 elro, 'er.Y.W. , `ri .07 e,ArCaa".tRe.l i reiV,,4't.eetfl " '.roe-.1.te,et FOsz•Ot O:r5i",N'„,..,.rr,.�. ..... _ .. .. .. l l 8 > 1 Ian tett tt THE t e=1 flee wilt+ e', cannot to 4 Zk x . s rc' `' StoreUG R V.... AM Dolly C,eant For Plntt./g Cur. Caius- 150 Pictorial Review Embroidery and Beading Pat• terns—Ise et 200 Bed Cedar flakes Moth 1'reventa• five- 2.5c Sunset Soap Dye 15c Rit— 15e FPT NA THE NEW Reconstructive Tonic c mb anti:to 4.i ast'teeieed lion, Melt Manganese land Cod Liver Extract This Preparation has bad a very large sale in the States and promises to be in big de. :nand In this country. Price +$1.25 but. polo -el Talcum Flesh er While eye flus jonteel Cornbine- tion Cream—Soe ober •'i Facial Weerwell Tooth Stashes — Each in a carton— 35c Rexell Tooth Paste --Makes white teeth— 25e Bring your Piling Isere for good results in Developing and Printing. Prompt t ervice. Noxell foot Rath Tablets Restore Tired Feet— 25c Rexall Orderlies 150. 252, sec pks. A good Lanati.n, Rexal l Corn Solvent ,ee theala mod' removes p it: oto. Very easy to use— Price 2rt.. Rubber Balls INew stock— roc, 150 & 250 Skipping Ropes Long Colored Rope— 250 Plain Rope with wooden handles Ise SMTH goat �_itlP MEASLES. NOTrCEARLE growth anion; most week. DON'T forget Thursday atterueon will be the regular half holiday. Seeding is well advanced around this locality and a number are through. • Rem) the adets. and test them. They are an invitation to eel; nit proprietors. DON'T forget Auction Tale at I. C. Richards, Turnberry atr-r,t, Saturday afternoon of this week, at s p ns. REV. A. J. MANN :and THE P..51. Edit- or go to Belgrave erodes, evening to act as Judges in the Contest C,•ncert in the C. O. F. Hall that evening. THE car of tile for the new William - Albert street sewer arrived on Monday end has been unloaded along the server. Work will be pushed now by Contractor Cook. THIS week Robert and Mrs. Ellis re- move to Ingersoll where the former ex- pects to continue his tousorial business, Good wishes are expressed for future prosperity. ROY McKee, formerly of Brussels, has purchased a Grocery at 209 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, and is in possession and doing well. Old friends here wish the best of success. His experience here will stand him in good stead. • STATION AGENT CHOWEN has leased the home belonging to James Sharpe, corner Princess and Queeu streets. It will make a convenient spot for him as it is only one b'oek Snuth of the depot. The family took possession this week. HORTICULTURAL S,.nie' V's distribution of shrubs, bushes end trees ;•as made Wednesday of last week a.r%f teas well looked after under the capable manalle- Inent of Mrs, B. 5. Scott, Mrs,. J. D. Warwick, Mrs, Jas Bell ant yn,' and Misses MoLauchlin, plus , tette assist - anise from others. Through a ntix-00 fu shipping baths did u.,t arrive in this shipment and will necessitate additional work to get them into the hand; of the members, BRUSSELS WILT. CELEBRATE IN :IDLY.— Business Mans' Association met Monday evening in the Library Audience room, according to adjournment and (he prep- osition to have a day's Celebration in July was advanced by outlining a pro• gram and the Rxecutive was asked to strike Committee; and glean inhume - don as to securing Baud's, Mase Ball and Foot Ball teams, &r. Date will be settled at next meeting when reports from Committtees will 11(0 reported. Every resident is asked to become a booster for the Celebration and by word and deed make it a record clay for A r Sport, Music, &c. FOOT BALL.—Following t: the Sched- ule of No. I Intermediate W. F. A. Group Which will 00mmenee on the 25th inst: Tuesday, May 25-•'-Atwotel at Listo- wee Thursday, May 27 --Brussels at I?,thel, Monday, May 35—Ethel tit Listowel. Thursday, June 3—Brussels at At- wood. Monday, June 7—Listowel at Brea- sole. rassole. Friday, ,Tune rr Ethel at Atwood. Monday, June 14 Listowel at Ethel, Wednesday, j pa—At wooe at Brussels. Monday, June et ---Brussels at Listo- wel. Wednesday, lune 23 -Atwood at Ethel. .Friday, June 25- I ie owaa 1t Atwood, Friday, June 25—Ethelat. Pru. .44 Clip this list out. „t -t, to hep tab on the dates: Will, Maris repr0.,ealt0d Brussels et tete meeting at Listowel, Druggist and Stationer Qp4. 3 • •I• • • •• Anr1TIoxAL local news on page 5. THE watering cart was ou duty for the first time on Thursday of last week, and noue too soon for the dust was blowing in clouds. TIME of the afternoon train on the G. T. R. has been changed from 3.23 to 3.49. Only 4 minutes but it might mean a run for it if you don't know, SArIrRDAy, 15th, 18 the day set for the Sanitary Inspector's visit. If your premises are not tidied up you had bet. ter get busy before that date. nun miaow Safe of latest design for sale. 1, C. RIONARDe. 7 Pros, fi week old, for sale. Phone 0116. ROY CUNNIN0HAM, Lot 19, COn. 9, Grey. Fon Sale n 6 year old cow, milking about a month. Also 8 calf 5 weeks old. P. STEWART, Brussels. Phone 89, QUANTITY of Seed Barley for sale, ApPl to GEo. 0PEIaAN,Grey township, Phone 8612, 1'REsn milk delivered at your door, night or morning. Phone 606, ALF.', NIOROL, CoSFOR'rAnLE houee and lot for male, Turn. berry street, Brussels. For price and further particulars apply to MRs. A...1.04110, American Hotel, TRUCE chain loot between Brussels and Jamestown, Suitable reword paid for return of same, STEWART BROS., Creamery Brussels, Fon RALE.—Seed Barley, 0. A, C. No. 21, al. eo2nd hand seed drill, Apply to J. P. Max. Teen, Phone 666, 101AToas wanted at MoOrackea'e grocery, Bros els. Sighed cash price. Phone 48. FOR SALE. -2 fresh cows, 4 Durham oalves 2 weeks old and 1 brood sew due to farrow June 15th. I2. B. STayssaor, Lot 18, Con. 19, Grey township, Phone 4226, 001(710200 Rede at Laying Oontoot, Ottawa, • Ont„ after 28 weeks' laying, Ere leading ell Rods, and stand fourth pines in entire Con. test, Eggs for hatching off this stook, 13e each, Baby Chinks, 00e each. Phone 9x JNo. T. D0N0AN, Brussels. Port Stile a heavy work mare. Phone 849, 2 tel tire buggies in good repair for sale. Apply to 100. McNEIL, Bnaaksnnth, Ethel, 111Qy ba sen sL the 21010 of Geo C. Loivniy, Prin^ess street, Brussels. FRAME house and small stable for ante, East 1t' Lot ::2, Grey Twp. Apply IRENE I0OaBE9, R, R. No. 1, 0Ionkton, Perth Co., Oat, Dn. PARIt1501, Osteopathic Phyotoinn, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous . diseases successfully treated. Visits residenoe9, Consultation et Queen's Hotel. Bow .INr,.—Following are the officers for Brussels Bowling Club for 1920 :— President, Dr. White ; Vice Pres„ 13, 5, Scott t Sec. Treas., A. Strachan ; Com. mtttee, R. F. Downing, D. 0, Roo,, S. T. Plum and A. le Stewart, D. C. Ross and R. F. Downing were appoint. ed to see about a Caretaker for the lawn and the watering of the same. BASK 13AI.t, Leeetnt,-24 teams were grouped at Palmerston at a meeting of the North Wellington Base Bali League. League will etliliate with the Ontario Baseball Amateur Association, A rest - deuce rule wall placed at lune 0, At which date all players must have their certificates in the hands of Secretary R. Horning. National League praying' solei were adopted and the entry fee Was placed at $10, with an additional 1$ln guarantee. Teams were grouped as Collo vs t No. 1 --Southampton, Cargill, Paisley, Walkerton, Chesley, Hanover, Con- venor, J. Clancy, Cargill No. 2--'LiWowel, Palmerston, Harris - ton, Drew, Mt Forest. Convenor, 0, G. Waehbnrn, Harr!ston. No, 3 --Kincardine, Teeswater, Luck - now, Wiugltatn, Brussels, Ripley. Con• venni, H. Graham, Wiugham. NV. 4—Elora, Fergus, Arthur, 33e1. wood, Iain Convenor, Dr. J, l.. Mc. (iregor, Elora. No. s Stratford City team and the I Sttatl,,td G. It. R. teem, Co13881101', Dr. Lorne Robertson, Stratford, Some read fine sport is anticipated and Brussels will do its share to help it go. q• Also Seed oats 4. Royal Household flour • Mover and Timothy Seed r .. t, pIi)11' ;rid HAND, W. J. McCracken i 4. i Phone 43 ar;••1'd'a'•he'a•a•a••ra•j••F•h'h'rk ..,y.l•'r++ F R a OATS 'i. .1. Mrs Alfred Beeker was a visitor iu Toronto last week. THE salvation Army officers from s Wingham canvassed the town 'Puesdav of this week in connection with their Self Denial enFund. Ja t . Tux Entertainment announced by the Wilting Workers of Melville church had to be cancelled owing to serious sickness in nue of the families interested in the program at Belgrave. CouNC1I.LOR AND MRS. RICHARD,, who were at Hamilton last week, perch. chased a comforteble home on Soadiva Avenue, a desirable location, and will get possession in the early Fall. This begins to look as if they really meant to leave Brussels where they have spent a good many years. CONGRATULATIONS.—The many friends of Randolph Brewer, of Calgary, sea of H. R, Brewer, photographer, formerly of Brussels, will be pleased to hear that be has creditably finished his Normal coarse, and obtained his First Class certificate, This week he starts teach- ing at Loyalist, Alto., having been offer. ed a salary of $I,2oo a year. ApCTION SALE,—Saturday, May 15th, at "1 p. m., an Auction Sale will be heldt I C a Richards', chards' TuruberrY street consn i consisting of b usehold furniture, bed. ding, carpets, &c. There will also be offered for sale !t Ford car, a modern brick residence and a frame dwelling, Watch out for bills for fuller particulars. F. 5, Seott will be the Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. 1? e.i' t t m la purpose removing from Brussels to Hamilton benee the reasou for the sale. MATRIMONIAL.— A quiet wedding took place Wednesday of last week when Oswald Sproal. of Britton, Perth Co., and Moss Hazel V., 2nd daughter of James and Mrs. Burgess, of town, were united in marriage at the manse, Rev. A. J. Mann tied the bow. Sam. Bur• gess and Miss Gladys Tamin, of Blyth, were the witnesses. The good looking bride wore her travelling suit of blue serge with hat to match, The young couple have taken up b0usekeepiug on the groom's farm and commence mar- ried life with the good wishes of a large circle of relatives and friends. DENTAL EXAb1INATION.—The necessity of following up these examinations among the youth was evidenced by Dr. Hamilton's report, concerning Brussels School, which is only an index of what others would likely be, THE Pos'r sup- poses. Out of too pupils examined only 19 required no attention, As high:as to extractions were advised iu one case. One student had 3 abscesses and 2 others 2 each, Thele was An everage of 3 cavities in temporary teeth and 2.5 in permsaent. Preventative treatment re- quired iu many instances. The mote frequent industrious use of the tooth brush would probably aid in correcting an increase in numerous instances. DIED IN WINNIPsu—James M, Har greaves, brother to Jno. Hargreaves, fomrerly a business man here, died May 5th at bis residence in Winnipeg, after an illness of about a week, following a paralytic stroke. Mr. Hargreaves was born in Walkerton 60 yea's ago, and was educated iu the public and high school of the town, In 1885 he graduat. ed from the Toronto College of Pharm- acy, and shortly after opened a drug store at Paisley, where he resided until about r3 years ago, when the family moved to the Western city. In 0887 Mr. Hargreaves married Miss Margaret Stack. He is survived by his wife, 3 sons, a daughter, 2 brothers, John Har• greaves and Wm. A. Hargreaves, Tor- onto ; and 3 sisters, Mrs. James Brown, Portage La Prairie ; Mrs. J. Gilhuly, Winnipeg ; and Mix. Andrew Wilson, Toronto, On the arrived of the remains from the West, the funeral took place from the Anglican Church, Paisley, under the auspices of the local Odd - fellows. Interment was made in Stark Vale Cemetery. The deceased visited in Brussels on various occasions when his brother and mother and sister lived here. MUST RECOMPENSE OR 108 PROCLAIMED TO THE PUBLIC,—Last Sunday morning, about 2 o'clockMrs. a M.J Nicholson, who follows i 1;, 0 ows Hors u was awakened at her home, Fernee Thomas and John streets, Brussels, from sleep by a loud 11019e, which she thought was her wood pile in the shed tumbling down but imagine her surprise When a man open- ed the door between the kitchen and dining room carrying a flashlight to his head, He was promptly ordered out with threats of daylight being put through bin or tbo calling of help on the telephone. Mr, Iutrader left by quick march. By this time Mrs, Nichol- son had a lamp lighted and going to 1110 window got a good view of the visitor (as it was bright moonlight) as he made his way from the yard. With 11 neigh- bor An examination of the traclts was made in the dust of the street Sun- day morning, Entrance had been se. cured to woodshed by knocking off a couple of boards and .the noise (bat awoke the bonsehol.lor was a stroke from an axe that bast off the board to which the hinges of the door leading from the woodshed to Idle:hen were at- tached. Mrs. Nicholson had beou away from borne nursing a patient lu Grey townsblp and she thinks the ntght- hawke dill not think she had got home and imagines he was intending to slake a raid otic the caller. If the gent makes good the damage done the matter will be dropped but if not exposure will have to be made as the party wasseen so As to be identified, Such an escapade is no trifling tnatter, as the prowler may learn if settlement is not arranged forthwith, he given of entt'rtainntents at which f n:owl d gone le to be made by the or. n suis along rouduetiug (11em, There were so malty free notices Oaring the 9 n s of Red Cross and other Petfiotie Soeietles talk appear'to lhmk everything else Illtixt COnla11110 tree, 15 cents all inch for alivt, up to too inches and to cenlsa line for local notices is the rale charged by `lite PosT when no printing le done. People sending 001i0ee by let- ter eir telephone should stale who will bo responsible for payment thereof, Most of the ortenn 0((lons ere better able to pay their wary than newspapers are to grant grstle r=rtes. This is one source or meemie to a newspaper, particularly when bills, dodgers or pro,gra008 are not issued. $ People We Talk About I 1: #$ A. L, Stewart and W. Buchanan motored to Guelph for a clay. Miss Georgia Herr is here from 'Peron - to on a visit to her old home, William street. MissGertrude Shaw has taken a posi tine as.Book-keeper at the Shamrock Butter factory. .Ls A. Hunter and Miss Myrtle are emote from au enjoyable visit with rela- tives and friends at London and Listo- wel. W. I1, Kerr was at Toronto last Fri- day a' tending the General Conference t'ommittee on 13od10 and Pnblishittg iu- t.•rests of the Methodist church of ('anad,1, W. R Mooney, Toronto, was in 130111. eels over the week end combining bust- atese and pleasure. He has recently had a sick spell but is regaining his old time vigor we are glad to state. T, W. and Mrs, Macfarlane and Will, Cooley, London, were week end visitors at the home of J. T. Wood, Mrs, Wood, who was visiting in Londou, Motored to Brussels with them, 3. D. Ronald, who has spent the Win- ter with Barrister end Mrs, Siuclair (the latter being lois daughter) has left for Windsor where he usually snakes his home for the Summer seaeoa, Mrs. E. Kollntver and little daughter, Charlotte of Midland visitors rs it0 rs at P. Ameut's. The former will be better !Mown when we state she was Miss Carr, milliner, before her marriage. Bowman, the little sou of John H. and Mrs. Galbraith, Turnberry street, underwent an operation for trouble in his head soil is now malting favorable progress, We hope the bright little lad will soon be o. k. George R. and Mrs. Muldoon left Wednesday afternoon of this week on a trip to the West. 'Phey will be away for s few mouths and will visit in vari- ous localities with relatives and friends. We wish them an enjoyable time and a safe return. THE Clinton Nev Era says of former well known Brusselites i—Mrs. C. H. Bartliff, of Toronto, arrived in town Monday. and will spend a week with old friends. Mrs. Bartliff and the Misses Bartliff intend residing in Toronto until the Fall, when their many friends will hope to see them back in Clinton again, Congratulations are extended to "Bob" Warwick, of town, who passed his 3r5i year in Civil engineering at Tor- onto University, ele is doing well. Archie. Ray, son of Postmaster and Mrs. Kay, Stratford, was also successful at exams, in Chemical Engineering in his 2nd yee,'s course. The latter is a nephew. of Mrs. and W. H. Herr, of R -u: sets. Both young men wore the T�in,q's colors overseas, Wilbur and Mrs. Baker and family, of Granton, Out., were week end visitor's with relatives and friends iu Brussels anti locality, Mr, Baker has sold his leo (twat.. business, after 16 years opera- tion and may take a rest for a while be. fore resuming. He teas a former resi- dent of Brussels, Mrs. Baker is a daughter of Mrs. Frank Oliver of town. The visitors may continue to live at Grantee for a while as they are knife at home there. The Cornwall Freeholder speaks as follows of a former Brusselite who is working his way well toward the -top:— At the recent annual Convocation of the WeeleVan Theological College, Mon- treal, the degree of Bachelor of Divinity was conferred on Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cosens, M. A., son of Rev, 9'. Wesley Cosens, of Cornwall, Ont. Mr, Cosens obtained an exceptionally High average in the full B. D, course, and won the Holt New Testament Greek prize, the Holt Church Polity prize, and the Bride prize for Elocution. In addition to pur- eeing his theological studies bo has had full charge of the Bryanston circuit in the Lond,n Conference since his ordina- tion 2 years ago. BORN CORNWALL—Io Wroxeter, on Mny 708, 1020, to Mr, and Mrs. Win. Cornwall a (laughter, 01NNity —loo Blyth, on April 80111,1020, to ter. and h1rs, A. Tun ney, a 800. • CAAVZNG. --.The ) folzudatiouofallnost every successfu l business venture is built oil Savings. The Standard Bank of Canada can, be of great assist- ance in helping you to de- velop your business, 298 TI•I ; U A 113aa O CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAgch MARRIED SPROAL—Bnu000s.—A5 t110 mango, B11E3011+ by Rev, A. J, Mann, 13, A„ on May 6th, 1020, Mr, Oswald spinal, of Listowel, to Mies Hazel V„ 2118 daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Burgess, of Bruaoeio, DIED MCArtrsloa,—Near Ayr, Ontario on May 4511, 1026, Janet Riehardsoe, relict of the late Win. McAllister, of Walton, aged 77 years and 17 days. BM event —In Greytownship, an May 11th, 1 n ne U.0 J n oritoe 1n township, so, i year, i ,1 Y SMiT Margaret tGao'v n relict mr May 5th,102Q Marghret Oar von, relict of the lots Joenph Smith, in her 80th year, IN MEMORIAM BTRrvA10T.--ln loving memory of our dear husband and father, Ale=.,radar Stewart, 16th Con. Orey, wh„ passed away floe years ago April Idth, 1011,. Anchored by love death cannot sever, Sadly we miss hbn and will forever, Some day eoine, we hope to see The dear day, chwe holm in sweet memory Till we meet again. —5VsPR AND FAMILY, AUCTION SALES TnnnanAY, MAY1111o.—Faros Stock, Imple- ments, Household Furniture, &n. East 75 Lot 24, Oon. 18, Orev township, Sale unreserved aA Q1 p. n1. W. F. Schnook, Prop. ; F. 11. Soott, SATURDAY, MAY 1581r.—Honsohold Furni- ture, Bedding Carpets, &o, Also Ford Car and Residential property, Turnberryy street, Brussels. Sale nt 2 p. m. I. C. Richards, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Ana. Sheep Strayed Strayed on the prem 'sea of the undersigned Lam, (Jon, 4, Grey township, 6 Lambe and 2 Ewes. Owner is rr nested to prove property, pay Phone 801K tri Dike them away. EARSON. Tenders Wanted Tenders for the construction of the covered portions of the Delnnage and Dickson Drains and for the open portion of the Pryce Drain in the Township of lltrliillop as per Inns, proflles, &c„ of John Roger, itngbteer will be reoelved by the undurrignerl, A cheque for 6"00 the he le of uric,, to anonn1p0ny o0ch l ondar. The lo)vert ar any tonrb,r not 00060' marlly accepted, %'enders to be opened on May 27th et the Carnegie Building, Sesfertb at 2 o'olook 6. In. May 5111, 1820 M. M0, e Seoferthnn1EClP, O.rk. Bridge Painting The Municipal Connell of the Township of Morris are askingfor tenders for the contract of painting the Cark's and the Crulokehank's bridges. The tenders will be opened at the next Counoll meeting, May 81st, at 2 P. m, A. MACEWEN, Clerk, Bluevnle P. 0. MAUDE 0. I3RYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department. of Ophthalmology, lno- Oormlok Medical Oollego, Oliieago, I11, Three moot the post graduate nnnrsedurtng peat year. Eyes norrootly fitted with Glasses. Head- aches, Inflaned Eyes, Grantleted Bye IAds and other Bye troubles, caused by Eye-otrrdu, relieved through. properly fitted Glasses, Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sincleir'e ofnae. Moe hours a it to 12 a, in, ; Ito O p, in, Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Phone lex ring 4 i' zBIEl13 ,� I �I ` r 1 �I�" ��tlfl lei r� g Jia, Bruce's eliabge Seeds It it Ifi r 2 I1,iif, si h del ME NiI®16dIlUIVINNt)illplfl NIP: Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold Giant White feeding Sugar Beef SWEDE TURNIP SEED Bruce's New Century ,, Hall's Westbury Hartley's Broinze Top Also Greystone and Yellow Aberdeen A a 15 For Sale by bra. w ♦ is 0 9 d ox's Drug Store 1-1E c$ STORE Weekly Store News Smoke Essence For Smoking and Preserving Meat O 40e per bottle • Easy to apply and Fives stolen. a> diad satiefaotiou, 0 Palm mine SNP and Palm Olive Shampoo ♦ ye lye and Goa respectively, Qcaltty the best, ♦ 0 Penslar Tooth Paste One of our most popular '1'ootlt Paeles, Price sante as tltrutll-- 25c pee package, • Red Cedar Flakes with Moth Camphor Furs, Forsteno ms Clothing, Car- pets, 1 pets, Woolens, &c, Pkge. 25o, e Auto Road Maps 0 Something every Auto Driver a will flood most convenient, O 25c each, le ® Auto Eye Glasses O• A great Comfort to Auto Drfv- ©ere, Good vaelety in style and O colors. 26c and 50c, fe a 5, er a b b e e 69 • e a Ci Chocolates in Bulk Ave you on one Chocolate list ? 1f not just trey a sample package and see how really delicious they are. Always fresh, 70c per lb. A Comb For the Home 14r great violet y -2e0 up, Also— GISN'I"4' COM BM POGIC1ST (5031BS FINE COMAS BARBERS' COMBS w 19 tsl C9 (O1 cl w 69 r9 09 85 u to €3 10 56 7, 0 08 Economize g Use Golorite Make your old hill new, a Wo have all the shades. ct Easy to apply. 30 per 1 yply o i _ bottle. to An (Nehmen was sitting in a depot smoking when a woolen emote in and, sitting down beside him, remarked t "SIr, ii' you were n genLie- 0 man you would not smoke here,", 0 O "Nam," he said, "If ye wee a lady ye'ct sit farther away." 22 • Boon after the woman burst out again ;. "If you were my husband ie elPd give you poison," "Nell Mum," returned the Trishloan, as Ile 0 a pulled away at hie pipe, "If ye wuz mo wife I'd take It," 4) 0d 4) rJ e 0 t3 29 • JAMES FOX O iED }1 G9 DRUGGIST and STATIONER E9 al 75 oae®enfW^®6Jf9aaaaaseatoaaciaacsaacaaosaaes,aa agea'1S+ABeseoD• 01 BRUSSELS MARKET taus 110 2 85 1 25 55 111 470 26 W 70 Fall Wheat nOto 1g Wheat Pena Barley Butter liege Eggs cl $105 2 10 d 86 1 26 60 47 2050 Court of Revision Township of Gray The Court oP Revision on the Aosessnx,nt Roll of the Town.Aio of Grey will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Wednesday, the 26tH day of Hay, next, at 10,84 o'eloak a, m. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves aeeom flintily, Ethel, May 4111 .. II. MACD0NA L.D. Clerk. ill 1 III 1I I ' iii 1NI 11Ifillii 14511 f111 I ltillk Illi li, 1414104 11 114101u0 0014116 2112 mifi ENEIfU➢IM9 £ttCQieasr Pate Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman. ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another "just like the last ones." • Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. All for Cash and at Lowest Cash Prices, Cha Sucoessols to Richards & Oo. lr• u UllIUGnt9L VUIlOVI11OlIINIIVs U.+R!RI III I.PIi211110II Bros. Next door to Bank of Nava Scotia 911 1611921 1Q'AI'f912ul11 000 gl4l till ItltitJf414lJl4i4Il(V4I4fflh4ll1tIII lulu Ip Quality first, fast and Always TRIO) true measure or value it) a memorial is in the stole of whioh itis made. Quality or the stone for cutting and polishing determines the value of the work dons 011 it, and lbs nilpotent charas- tee determines its perulauenre as a remembrance, All Granite is not pet feet) in its mechanical qualtt y because some contain tllica, and for the sank rea- son it cannot, resist the Keeton of air, Water, gases, frost and heal:. A • etrnctural or mechanical weakness in the material ream which a monument is cub reduces its vale° out of all proportion to the defect ; foe the essential principle of any memor- ial is that it'ehall be indestructible. Ie buying here you avoid the risk of poor material and our work- maltehhip is the beet. SrusselR Granite and Marble t/nrIs ALLAN E. MERSEY