HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-13, Page 4-=,....a..,.. wlieg v receg ,..,wcla+r«wy;�•tx,« .reit. •
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-..{ .rts-.y C -;•[al lits, '"x..ewe..:w..a ,_ ..... „1•.,.,;; . • e.eel eeeene*,•+r•=•r`rhe rereeie.* w.esee n sselleeielle se...
� interesting letter Pow �e�r�
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THURSUAk'. MAY 1t 1921
BILE Cao 111mahl e a ys he re adv
to welcome hon 1.0 1 lulu'[, law..
abiding, God I t 1 = ie to her
g' i I at.r
shores there const also be a spirit of
The following lei let revel veil by
Alts. ,1. 11, Oterglat, e Itmt tet, is well
worthy of perusal. it was written by
Mt', 1ticl)nwelt, who ie eminected With
,a largo flint in t'lliottgo brit w
known in \\'rexelet',reality mud still
count:- itiutuelf a flow ie a boy
loyalty to her Coustittition ma a ready M :: Dreg. ,1 tiger .:i:)u tir'egiets,—I
1 cericin' o
1l Vc' Mid a tar l tact )It t
oomptlanee to hal Stltute mud usages' t a ng
en a cosmopolitan popu)ittou uch as Germany and thiel things there in
very bad shape mchted Outwardly
ours is becumiu
g every min or section one wohld imagine she had not stirrer -
of a not. '..: themselves t by a War a of do
men t r 1 •r ,roto mselves ed very y t'1u it th at a yea
end r rule :tile r •i! [yin net rie, eel t4 t 1e+1Lp.! OI 710,
k a lll
Dl51'1'411'11b L ,+ I.1. uL- t •• nt tut I t (t ,, 1„'l, ,+u II as 1110
n tv
woo u1. '� uiheru Ihaure mud timlgiutu
brit whores the latter countries are
full of hope and great expectations
Gertuany is depressed, the people are
without sufficient nourishing food and
no money to purchase it with. Even
Government cannot. Outside of in-
ternational bellows the average ;ter -
son [roe; not understand the meaning
of exchange, hit It is tttr important
1'acctor iu business, Nu country can
live nu to it,elf. it pt minces goods
lin, outside ,voila needs and likewise
buy:' goods from these countries
which she does not herself produce
uta in order that 111e value of money
be stable it is n c.•>sary that every
eollrttty sells a, touch or ruure than
they limy lit.ui other countries, as in
the aid stays (,f banter, Now Ger-
t • ell 1
intim, has not rig, to s and she
must buy t1., feed herself even. As
she has nothing of valve inside, all
having been absorbed in the war,
there is no collateral behind her
money, which is only a pronuse to
nay as is the money of all countries
the result being that in the markets
Canadareater than ever. Oar school. of the wield where the (4ermitn mark
g used to be worth. 24 conk as compared
system must apply 11..1.•n1. 1 vs trust be to U. S. or Canadian [money the same
obeyed. mark is now only worth one tient.
Therefore where before the war the
German could buy a pound of meat
for one ]nark he must now pay 40
smirks, as the value of went has ad.
of he mark has
the value t
c1.. r e and h t
t 1 ed
declined. The Get tuianwage has not
improved, Ilay average pay of the lab.
(8 tv being .i1 marks per day, I have
explained it in meats but it is indica-
tive of tall other eowmoditien in the
statue way, ami ns there is n0 raw
material in (;ermany for the fattoriea
to work on there is at vert poor pros.
poet. fur the people. The Government
is trying to help matters bit they are.
in a very dilli'nit position As the
Government of any country is no
stronger ihnu the people they repro.
sent and as a result they have no
money and want the Allies to support
them. The proposal they made to the
American packets was to the effect
that they supply them with meat in
strangers came within our gates. leek
now the rumor is that several thousand
Mennonites are pronoeing to pick up and
and hike to the 'United States .rather
than submit to our `+.I .,1 1i:v and the
Military Code. 1 uy 11 01 ke hinder-
ed intheir departc..•, a tlr•v 'u preter
and it is better that I t •; t i tel•,; there
is a willingness to ,t ,cir , lv de their
duty and by weed t l eT 1 t:uc4 .the
young folk that Canailit n to r home
and while earning agoo•l lila; mood and
enjoying its protea u t to will adapt
themselves to Canadian war,: :tad Cana-
dian discipline, If eae+y nationality
corninghere wouldi 1 their r 4
standards and ignaire iiasie ,et be 'and
of their adoption , ..'1 u, l I•o :WM,
before disruptinu , 1 st.I .:,y would
reign. Come and 1 L aa• Una retic Kat.
isfied it is only 1n .i oe.viu;; a true spirit
of citizenship that ,v:•u't1 a el in m'tking
THIS is the Spring en lad are wel-
come the song biro- 'fee Provincial
Legislature intrrdt,- 1 raund robin
last week, a some l.t r n„ a t .pec! •
man, Alaritet prir+' ,., on:v r .Ino
but, with an apprai:<„ten1 much beyond
the most rosy i ei tt t.eir modest ul
mirers, the figure :rlv:otr,-,! to ee 500,
with an after consideration that $2,ono
would be better than tate old rate. Poli-
tics, apparently, was eschewed and a
beautiful harmony existed, the almighty
dollar being the rubber ::heater. Some
folk think it wastea,e4 nodue haste;
others say it was a 01+.6 a, nerve and yet
others who affirm the filet figure was all
the service was worth. Premier Drury
was the sir le the etutnlent and was un- exchange for Getman Government
williug to have the rowel robin nest in notes for 5 years. These notes are
simply promises to pay and you know
legislative halls at this date and prob- yeti wouldn't give xxtuth for a protnis-
sot•y note 1 f a bank' opt and the Am-
erican or: Canadian farmer would not
care to give up his cattle, hogs, sheep
or wheat, or the planter Itis cotton for
such a piece of paper. All of which
means that Germany faces many
black days and it is equally serious for
the rest of the world. The Getman
people at present are depressed
and hopeless, The Government
officials are discouraged, au -
got in the game. It not ::ati,Bed with !achy and Bolshevists may be the re-
sult as one otllrinl said to ns, either
the mark must increase in internation-
al value so that we can buy goode
from you at a price which the public
can afford to pay, or in a few months
there will be no Germany. This
would be a condition the world cannot
permit, although we feel fiercely to-
ward her for what she has done, It
would be a still greater calamity if
Grey Council she was to disintagrote, Austria is
now at the breaking point and both
she turd (iermauy is trying to delay
the evil day. Nature has been most
kind to them as they have had a very
mild Winter which m view of the lack
of coal and food has been most for.
tuuate but people must eat in order to
live Stammer 01' Winter and as their
et0ree are depleted, it is a grave ques-
tion what is to become of them, In
many respects they are a wonderful
people, very industrious and thorough,
The moment you enter their country
you cannot but. admits their pereever-
euce as they convert sloughs into fer-
tile Heide, every available acre is be-
ing tilled but it will be months before
the I'rnite o1' such labor will be in
edible form in the meantime 11 is any-
body's greys as to what will happen,
Hamburg, her chief port, is a wonder-
ful city, beautiful beyond any other
seaport and with facilities strictly
modern and limitless, Miles upon
miles of dock and warehouses, fat
surpassing any!hing' .111 England of
New York and everything in the
et 1 icteat order. Strange to say the
Following accounts Witte presented English speaking people are most wet.
and ordered to be paid :-••••John Lake, come and there 18 no evidence of bail
feeling in the hotels and restuarauts
so they get preferred service, in the
9 • otpied territory, which is that part
lying Plast and \Vest oi' the Rhine,
the English told American troops ate
well liked but the French and Bel-
gians most heartily disliked, and to
tell you the truth I'm not much in
love with Lite French just now myself.
have heard many English and Unit-
ed States soldier's say, "We had the
wrong ally.” Yvette!) stinging wi-
der the treatment of 1870 and gemming
ender the terrible losses of the present
,Vier, insist like Shylock upon "the
pound of eeeh” but there Is a danger
that, in taking it Germany will bleed
to death, Berlin is likewise a beauti-
ful city, but writable too mteh evi•
deuee of vanity, not what I should
term pride in her achievements, as
any country n11 person may he per-
mitted a eter'tain degree of pride, but
vanity indicates her belief iu her
superiority over all nthel. The evi-
doneent this (let'tnan peedotninating
thought before tate was is most ap-
p<treet in Berlin, and this was the
secret of the win. 8l18 thought she
was it Nation of etipeetnen, riven the
bovine like populace had cleverly been
allowed to absorb this idea as to their
A movement is on foot in Presby- superiority over 1)8,1145 of other
terian circles for the establishment of nations, batt the ruling chums at
an °Bioial church weekly newspaper. the aattletirtte clever enough to Im'
,A,n estate of 538,385 wan left by press upon that game pnpulaae. his in-
Denald D. Graham of the village of feriority tants subect'vtenoe to the
Glencoe, who died on March 27. Es- classes. I don't think Germany had
ttato included 450 acres of land in Mosa any reason for the war except her
' 'n1vnehip, totaling in Value $26,500, colloeal ambition to rale the world
ably the first session of L F. O.
government will ele,se minus the. salary
grab. The 51. P. P. may call the re-
quest a round robiu but oar opinion is
the electors would not designate it a
' square robin. Some of the "boys"
learued their lesson cm the double-quick
and some changed their opinion very
pronouncedly from the days before they
the job there's nothing. compulsory on
their doing personal injustice by remain-
ing on the list fora few months out of
the 12 as some other brethren, possibly
possessed of as many talents, might be
willing to serve until next general elec-
Municipal Council of the Township
or Grey met in the 'Township Hall,
Ethel, Mcnday, May :ird. Members
present' Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted,
Contract for the work on the Liv-
ingston Drain was let to Wm. 0.
Harrison at 50 cents per cubic yard.
Gideon Brown was awarded the
contract of excavating and laying the
tie on tate Berke Drain for alto sura of
Petition for a Mlunicival Ih'ttin was
presented by Lithe ('. Mileirau and
others on Con. 15. The petition Was
accepted and instrae..[:iuns fot•warded
to the Engineer to melte an examina-
tion of the area described ha the peti-
Painting of the bridges was award-
ed to Robert Doekett itt the snrn of
5290,00, provided he sign a contract to
complete the work,
S. S. Cole was awarded the contract
of building the two caveat bridges on
4th Con., for the stun of $732 00,
plow broken on road, $14.00 ; Robert
Rockett, teaming, $2,00: Joltn Me.
Donald, plowing read in Winter,
58,00 ; Joseph Pearson, shnvellii g,
$5,60 ; Nelson Mitchell, repairing
culvert Wallace bdy„ :$8 00 ; Watson
Brown; repairing road, $12 50 ; John
Hayden, shovelling, $2.00 ; It. L. Mc-
Donald, plowing road in Winter,
$10.50 ; David Milne, valuating sheep
killed by dogs, 53.00 ; W. C. Stephen-
son, plow broken on roar), 54,00 ; Gate
field Baker, plow broken on road,
$18,00; Geo. Thouipsnn, sheep killed
by dogs, 555,00; M. Gilkirientr, grad-
ing and gravelling, $70,15 ; Gideon D.
Parks, plow broken, 51.00 ; Oliver
Harris, serving Murray -Lamb Ex ten -
lion Drafn By-laws, 55,00 ; Welland
McDonald, grading, $7,00 ; John.
Steles, grading 56,01) ; Robet•t Bowes,
repairing road, Elma boundary, $3.00
Wilfred Long, gravel, $2,70 ; F. W.
Rowland, taking logs out of road and
gravelling, $11.00,
Council adjourned to meet again on
Wednesday May 26th„ as a Gout t of
Revision on the Assea'iritent roll far
A. Lt. I41.ACDONALtt, Clerk,
and s b:le,, a Feert,^.t;e L'% ear ytia
and the figured tett she wits power -
fel ettuugh tu,lu it, \V=.tt11know Ole
result, she is now only a shell of het
fanner soli' and for the Linn. being her
greatness bras appalled but she ran Ile
intttle into t( Very nsernl wheel in the
wnx'td'll machine shop. It ds therefore
rte 7
A [ AtltuPot"LhHnliwtl divide how
t d }r
C t v
they eau best help her, 1 wee glad In
get out of Germany and wh,
rived 1 in Rotterdam I very hungry1'
for -t good meal and o 1C to F car -
got r r
1ne ty a littio black bread, non and
unpalatable coffee lade our of wast-
ed , edn or beaus [awful stufr,) no )milk
all the
cows being eddied for nruly
t Cn iia )..itis ^r rats of rine hind.
,iiir 1K,lw.l 1 1..11411.t,tat 14[1'901;i
earl)y, t,cerlul anal weekly, Wit
did bolter than this as we had money
and even in a land of hunger money
possesses advantages. There is plenty
of good fond in Holland. It is a funny
country full of canals, windmills,
boats, people and wooden shoes the
people simply swarm, 1 don't know
T. R. C,,S.
Todny I haven't a rheumatic pain
to atty ,art of eta body anm
d I asat-
1 i 1 that others suliering as I diel will
b•- henelittt'.l as 1 was by using
T.ibt','s,' • *rites Mr. M. A, Hawley of
Caanpbellford, Ontario,
• • 1 ant near),• 34, by occupation real
est,gte and insurance broker, Some
tinea ago I eontratted. Rheumatism. I
tri:.) utnny advertised cures without
re -011 and b„ ;nn'• vert discouraged.
At tierce .I Wes tdntoxt Lelples, being
111:1(10 Ie dress ituthout assistance, and
sutil!ri•cd a great dc111. One day my
:'_liter brought nm scute T.I1.(1,'s,
1'lh v helped 9 P! from the first box. I
kept on it -nig them anti today the ob-
soletely trios front llhcumatism,,,
l:hrnnatisnt 13 the deadly enenn• of
middle age—your prime of life, Why
grow old before sour timt'1 1',k.t•,'s
will remedy the trouble that is ruining;
pull. health And happiness, esti p.m.
1'11 I' I. hem, 'There's an t ;'•nt
in tour
home town, \\'o mail 'reel
Itip Where for 31,114, (Tentpletous Ltd.,
Glut; W., Tenant.)).
Sold at Jas. Fox's Drag Store, Brussels.
. her neg.' ilii ';,')it e, iron.
Ill the evening every etreet is altar
met lie., ,t proleeisiou, wttet't•t, for
1 he moil pill, are 110 row and the
crowd loot. tills it. You rant wall(
I':wt, ltiuyt .lust go with the e.t' wit.
Y„stet- hay I went to The Hague and
New the 1'e tee Pelmet, It punka its
,1 .r t s Menet. Also lh u h 1 ut 1 11 to ut. AI c vieit-
i l
(•il the \11 Callers. 'rpt' pietuees are
ee.iee Winn thele t. 1,:;1'; 1 to 111. U n'
lace taps. 1 am expeeting to leave the.
I.,itrland in to day or two and earl ter
New York on April :3rd by the Mauro-
tonitt, hope to get. up 10 Scotland but
cannot nay Ira 1 1110 11.424lilug with
hundred years at but, you almost.Pint the subject tn open its 'le and N pi!
m .. aSw^ .. .-K �...msv .-„e:'✓r« t:L .,':-r . 5, ..:5�.'a.Gr. 'r-.. . ..w.•M:p.
t't.' e: '$`t'H,ieett,a-%'4Y'3'eeelee p•;...i;eel”
The Seaforth
reamand are wonderful, r
nrlt coloring.
p y
�ruouwnmsltho•epuutet by 11d 1uteh 1in:tetn
There idol tit trope painted nHvH'
speait to you (;lose by the Gagne
io n 1 b r
isu lel 8 h ng, village of :tk,vening
and the ;biter foil) *re tarty intim,
'Chin 11 ft a nntrnred
Nl! .till i A
droit ire tile Originals' t t i]aVH
not ehauged their ways, The women
1artieulitlyare ti novelty to an nut. -
Auction Sale
Ale rlt+N sA1,1 0111 12 Al STOCK, .IC
611 61 Hnl.ernrtat l"ttatNI'ruite ,.\'i/.—lt',
14.411, Atun m t1., bar rnoriyiri Instructions
from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by
po li Atm' toe et 14' fat n, thin, 13, Grey
tow bit•, Thursday, ithi 131h, at 1 p. elle the
t 1 wing property -1 burse 0 years old, 1
h r.. "),its 014. 1 rolt riving; l year old got by
R. 1, Tay I 1 horse, 1.1 ersey cow fresh, 2
emvs 5 yen hl 1resit l cow 4 year's old fresh,
1 vow 7 years e o ld fresh, 1 dry cow, 2 2•year old
heifers den to fre-hen about :0th May, 1 pigs
wt'tghing over lou 1bs., about 70 hens, good
lumber wagan, set heavy sleighs, top, buggy,
cutter nearly new, Pet Diamond harrows,
Fleury walking platy, 2-fm•row plow, Frost
Wood binder, new Masse •Harris mower,
[ leg separator
eel horst, False, gravel box, 11 bot,
1.r e l arrow, la 511 lbs. on. settd %%1 011 hex,
wheelbarrow, lawn lower set tattle y cedart
nearly arty, set single harness, quantity
Iitt tt, some smiler posts, quantity hardwood
limbs to he sawed, acme soft wood to be
sewed, wagon jack, 2 pine plank 10 It suitable
for hay reek'ills, hay reel), Saskatchewan
retro, 2 neck yokes, sac deubletreee, swill bar-
rel, set 400 Ib. house metes, 2 elan boxes, oak
water barrel, 00 gal, ruilh can,8 •ream can, 2
sit bookers, gttstitdty milk pails, new hors,
blankets, grain bags,'' 2 bags potatoes, (roes
rut saw, (rand saw, meat saw, some Georgia
dressed pine lumber, can with about 2 gals,
raw linseed oil, sideboard, extension table,
Doherty 91 octavo blehogauy piano cased or -
gen. parlor table, 2 rockers, 0 dining room
,heirs, some kntohen chairs, wooden bedsteads
with springs and mattress, Singer Seiving
Machine, 'Pony barred, heater, Daisy churn No.
2, three burner r nnnl oil stove with oven (Flor-
ence. Antonia tit,, A118(iin hanging lamp, other
letups, 2 lanterns, mattress, w•nshetand, hitch•
en eouch, fruit jar:, Gert kettle, iron above pot,
frying pane, othor cooking utensils, washing
machine, copper holler, gnh'mdzed wash-
board, fork,,, shovels, hoes, chants and other
articles too lmtnerou0 to mention. Sale posi-
tivelyunre,erv(-11 no proprietor has sold his
farm and is going to Flint, 1110)1, Terms. -
41.110 and mtdnr cash over that amount 8
months credit gtien on furnishing approved
,inter notes. 1 per cent Off for mill on oredit
amounts. Accounts must be settled evening
of sale.
W. 1', SCHNOOK, Proprietor,
050. ROBERTSON, Clerk.
7...+re�+'ra•`'Lm •`'•.rcl;�%'.",+.'rx7crr_ s ,1.9
9 -•i
Is Your Mouth Tender?
Are Your Gums Sore or 'Bleeding?
Are Your Teeth Loosening?
]f so, you have "Riggs" Disease, Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and
you need
Riggs Remedy for Riggs Disease
Why suffer when you can easily treat yourself in the comfort and
privacy of your own home by this sure, safe and painless method,
which will give you immediate relief t Write
Pyorrhea Specieliaes 144 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ont.
I have a choice stock of
PA i'?9 Tl N Q'S
that should be seen be-
k,ri• you place your Spring
Splendid i,
1 ttt es'
1 lu w
4' Waterproof Coats
thou tut" HU U r' 1' tali -f}•.
WE PO Fraser
Tailor - Brussels
+ As I have returned to •i
+ Brussels to make my +
home I am prepared to
+ resume business along the +
old lines and will handle a
+ any quantity of Junk at +
+ the best prices going, +
4. 1.
+ Phone 2x
M. Yollick
1` 0
,+1, Alexander pit. Brussels fi
4 'I'
•wen•muerxru•.^—+azrsecreire--.,....._...:-::u•.-:.4.re::.::ae:r-:•,,7114 tlaa±•--==s.:::t1..at.•Sr.-e;• 1.00.asan-.ask'les-,.•.0.Y.4.,'s-'r.241,,H,:
The Hard -Drying, i-.,onE Wcarif g
Floor or r_ ni:uh
"10001 PURE"
The paint for wear
and weather,
It ,years and wears
and wears.
beautifies and pre-
011 • Cloth
and Lin(1leum.
'Inlproyea the new
-- renews the odd,
Thcs.anttary, wash -
aide 1611 Oil faint
f..1 htn'rior 1k•c: t'et
Nothing adds 5„ much to I lie beauty of a Mame
that are. rironerly timed for: on the
ether hand, 'loan that are not protected ere
uoplt"Ia i t - 1.1 1..1„1 at, ora 11:11%1 1„ help clean,
sad become injured thn0411 wait. Don't
ntOltt t vont' floors, bcamify them and seep
them. Save tae sminto and you stove 11th
MARBLE-II'tr neer Finish is the perfect
treatlnent: fie 11)'15 of ail Items, It is the ,, t.:
Ila n• fin li
that has a m,•tey-h.1:k• gu trantea
aux 01,1 l 1 e \t1,•,• ran.
In 2.4 home \1AICIIL6-I'C'I: dries hall with a
beautiful finish that +.till nut show heel marks,
It has a hi;it ,? ;,., pct is tuu:;!t enough to stand
any .uta fru f wear e!min r iro. It f•att be
washed h v'si1t 1.121 water :mel it will not
mar nor s T:o1.!)wt11.
VI V' i'tvlir• 1'111
to •:111 and discuss this method
beautit t -u, 1 r •'ti14 \urn' doors. \Vo
can •.t I,i• fol '-del, re , ud ng this or any
rp:lutt a i.r ot oidlnit, \1,'^leave
r r,ng:i k ,,. ; ' f 3i,tt4i tri' 8,0il)ITR Paints
reel \',nvc1, , For retry purpose 'I'OI' every
George R. I ; eller
�'�...•.�..-.----^ m y rice � x * �� x��,. �`��7� ��
u 7th R
v a
Send your Cream to
established and that gives
;•1 Ile
, tl�fact�r•• F . 1 t .
the Crealneryth .rou ;lily
youPrompt Service and
1 h•tt we can\� (, solicit your patronage but,Wu }, t
give you thorough satisfaction,
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to wt'igh Crean) sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks, Cheques payable at par at Bulk of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see (tlr Agent, M R. 1.X'. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
• The Seaforth Creamery Co.
�a�#++ ��tae++� aac
Nelson Morris and his plans are some-
what indefinite. I (lope yon are both
well and that the Winter has not
been too severe nn you. Kindly give,
toy best regal de to Mrs, liobt, Doug-
las. With love,
Popular Stallions
Debentures for Sale
Village of Wroxeter Itenbeutures to the
amount of 04,' i tt Int ere , 1Terrd for .tele in lots
of $oto W or over, bearing interest et 51 per
cent and to run for n t, ret of 2u years, 1'or
[nether particulars apply Ittl ito
llitf.At4, Reeve,
Or I). M1. Slner:1 \'I"H, rlot•k,
44.3 W roxeter P. 0.
Short Horn Calves
��. Short. Born Hull r'n:vss for stile, only 8 out
of a left. These who avid[ to put elude, 'hon d
SCOTCH B013I r SPA themnt once. St 1.14 311, yeti 0, Morristownship. J110. (I, uPltf Ca,
Phnnu tC(t Ih-nsvols P. (t.
080. W. 015805,
MONDA11, MAY 17s'n-Will !cava his own aoe'ooei®�eaa0a`Il,ae'&o6t®gCrOOp
stable, T,ot 02, Con. 0, Tlu'nberry, and go
Southeast vin O Vine, to Hugh Iinteltitlaolt'e,
2nd Con, Rowlett, for noon; then vin Fordwieh
to David Pocock's for night.
TUt96DAY-Proceed West by 9th Lane of
Howiek through Wroxetorlto his own Arbil,.
WEDNESDAY- Will proceed South via
Brussels gravel to Dougall Sbrnehan's, Lot 1, 6
(fon. 4, Grey, for noon ; thence South to ,los. 4
( uorlu s Hotel stable, e, Brussels, for 1 hoar,
or ion tlottG. Spelr'o, Lot 80, OonO
Morris, for night.
THURSDAY -South 11,4 miles to 14th Colt, ,y
Grey, than East to Wm. Ziegler's for noon ;
then East to Thos. Inglis', for night.
11'RIDAY-North Peri miles, then West to
Jacob Long's, Uranbrook, for nowt ; thiol
North to Wm. Stevenson's for night,
SATURDAY -North and West to Job King's,
2nd Cou., for noon ' then by way of Boundary
to his awn stable where he will remain until
the following Monday.
1180781 ,1109381
Enrolment No, 1807 Form T
Will stand for the improvement of stock der•
ing the season of 1!120, at Thee. Miler's stables,
1311,01 26, Con. 6, Morrie, Torino : $12.00 to in-
sure, payable February let, 1921. 45.12
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on 0;5
Lot 80, Con, 2, Morrie township, the thoro'•bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No.
_40318=, Sired by Gainford Marquis 11088001 ;
Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor (189001. Ped-
igree may be seen on application. Ternts-
$10.00 for thorn' -brads payable nt time of ser-
vice with privilege to return, Grade cows not
•• Competitors •- Competitors will bo
Ifiu[tet) to members. 1 10.1 Hnr,.n Ag•
ty rieultn el n o n Society
antitbu eon
only enter 1n one Saejoty and but tors
Dotty can bo mode by em•h eungmtitor,
gAny individual eon make entry for this
d, competition by becoming n member or
L the Society and prying ml entrenee foe
of 11 10 and an additional .c1 PI for Field
Crop Competition.
9 The prize winners may exlntblt nt
e East Huron Poll Fair one sheaf of gram
p froin rhoprier winning field, .niri .hr•. r
a to he ant less then s inches in diameter
j at the binder, '17,n tonne toil variety
• must be attached to the 'hent and else
y quttdtty ut grain far Halo, 1t may.
q Primo, or .44, .41 and 52 will be given as
9 prat, second and third prizes for moll
o exhibit orshenves.
MAll competitors must be within 10
miles of Hrtissels. Applieationa must 6
be in by the 20th day of Airy. P
a Entry forms and further part it ulnen
i may be had by applying to
8q Secretary - Brussels.
Standing field Crop A
Competition a••s
East Hurst A;;rie,t” 1.81 el Plrty
fere $75110 divr1, i as 1 )lows .-- 4140, $15, '®
$12,.410, $4, *lined $4 for 1 h best field of •
White Pats. 4
The Ontario Department of A grtctO-
tore will furnish the Judges.
Names of Competition -Hold enter- O
ed for eontpetitttn must ,'cedar of not 4
lets than Rve scree nod :: of more than +
twenty. +
*4400000 4.444' e *••••• RI,D,t
a 946+4.4.+44, 44444449.)84,0,46++66®+++044440++0049++4+19
• Students May Enter Any Time
r _W /(tom`
Wo give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are d
mooting with success. We are training Soldiers under 4.4
Soldiers' Civil Be-establishmeut Commission. 4,, e,,
n Address the College for Freo Catalog•uo, to either i,1
Stratford or Wing}•dam g
®C•04114+4eaa+e ama4matoea•s64.se6.t4'et,0 00441')• ,i41. A.4,B*
/MO solmatnamdsionsitmeralaasse.
Egammwmara III(Milir./..1.21=1133=
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Crew ;.lies ,.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for tl;e pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue,
fernaVnilleb&i; .rn3441r.4.,11a.w..,r .rw•.lw
aaeraa'�+%Rl•etei+tilb:ee ...... ke(7