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The Brussels Post, 1920-5-13, Page 1
VOL,. 48 NO, 46 nt .50 Per Aitnit7n in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 1.3, Igo i 1ai11111111111101t1£181111111110111111111110011111111111111111111111111111181 II111111111111 II 1111811 111111111111111111111111111 I I Save gainst he "rains da The thought of being dependent some day, when illness or old age takes away one's ability to earn, is rightly distasteful to the Canadian mind. The simplest, surest way to offset this is to open a Savings Account and add something to it every week, Come in and we will gladly explain, —THE Bank of Nova Scotia Capital - - . - 8 0,700,000 Reserve Fund • 18,000,000 Resources - - - 220,000,000 80 F, H. GILROY Manager Brussel. Branch 1 New A4t,ortisements For sale—Mrs, JRn10,, Pe conn—£P, R. Smith, millinery—Mrs. James, Cow for sole—P, Stewntt. Safe for sale—I. 0 Richards, Reliable Seeds—A. Streelmn, Sheep strayed—John Pearson. Outing Shoes—R, 0. Rathwell, mr. Attto Owner—F. Davidson, Pigs for sole—Roy Oum,in hmm. Delco-Light—H, Gourley Dnrrooh, TDedioatfon Walton Preesbyterian Township. istxixt Slays . vs WtnEham CLOSE OALL.—A tragedy was nar- rowly averted here about 1:80 Satur- day afternoon when only prompt ac- tion in putting the brake -i on his auto and reversing the car pi even ted Roy Mundy, ndy, a local gr, ocer from being ca e- riad down the e r i ver wttlh massae of debris, when the upper Winghatu bridge and dam soddenly collapsed in front or him. Mr, Mandy had stop- ped on Far side of the bridge,' which was n a L I r o ! ! wOndP w o atractnre, to al- low two autoiste coming from the op- posite direction to erose and had just started hie car to cross over when he was startled to see the flooring of the • bridge suddenly sink into the 18 feet oP water at the back of the clans, whichplm •] vmdecl power for Houston eb Bro kl c ebau ' ks grist Thecollapse cunt se of the d g 1 am dra bridge, is believed dragging halve resulted from damage done to the abutments by the ice during the Winter. The darn held back a two-mile stretch of water with a head of from 17 to 13 feet, The damage is estimated at be- tween $1,700 and $2,000, The sudden Pusih of water let loose by the noliapse of the dam paused considerable con- sternation in Lower Winghare, and for the brief time threatened several of the houses with flood condi- tions, but this danger wee soon over. Seaforth Fire which started in the chute and is supposed to have originated from a spark from the smoke stack complete- ly destroyed the plant of the Canada Flax Mills Company. The building + Eggs for Hatching S, C, White Leghorn BRED -TO -LAY Area. Perrle Phone 2525 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ io ••••o•N•••.•1••••6•e•o•a• •••••••4•••••••••••••••••• • l•ee+++++ • ac;tM'ta w`��akery t z,' Loaf of Bread e 0 It Bread is YourB it i est Food -:- fat More of o • • GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS 0 W. E. WILLIS a 4 • •••••••••••••o••••••,s40.8o,a ,i`S& SOO4.0.04,00060$2,404>0084816110 0 o Phone 32x MAKE your feet comfortable in the warm weather. We have now in stock a complete line of "Fleet Foot" Outing Shoes_ — Som thing for all the family With and wittiout heels, including Men's Work Shoes, Women's Utility, Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps with rubber soles and heels, and Sandals for the little tots. We also have a eplendiclline of Children's and Masses' Pat- ent Strap Pumps, sizer from 4 to 2, Call and see them° It pp�� 1s aIwaye a pleasure to show our goods, R ■ C0RATHWELL, Mohcrie'I Highest Price paid far Produce. was filled with dry flax and o11 and in a temMill uea wag blaming 6o fiercely that all Waite to check the flames were futile, The department by hard work kept the rho from the engine room, but the test of the building was a total toes, except the bare walla, The loss is a heavy one, but indirectly, as the company has a Targeamount of fiax on hand to work. No doubt they will rebuild, as they bave contracted much land for this Summer, which is uow being seeded. Some flax was saved front the building. The mill had been remodelled recently and fit - Led up is one of the best Mills in this part of the country, Belgrave Don't forget MO Contest Concert Friday evening of this week, At Lhe Quarterly Official Board of the Elimville church, Rev. 13. 13, Pale naby, the pastor, was unanimously invited by a full representation of the Board to return for another year and the salary raised to $1500, Mr. Per. naby accepted the invitation, subject to the decision of the Stationing com- mittee, He was a former Methodist pastor here where he is well remem- bered, Ethel House end lot for pale to Ethel village op- posite school building. Also a gasoline tamp and 0Fsw•WllliatneSewing Machine. Apply to ems, Jwuas, Stbei, tf Thos, Flarity is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. A. H. Macdonald, Mrs, A. H. Macdonald and Master Burton, spent Thursday with Listo. wsl friends, Ethel Cheese factory commenced operations last week and looks for- ward to a good season, Ethel W. M. S. and Mission Band will be represented at the Presbyter. int Convention to be held iu Khmer - cline Tuesday next Going Out o Business A FULL RANGE 0 Fashionable Summer Millinery Will be offered for eale at RE DUCED PRICES as I intend go ing out of business. This Sale wil continue up to the end of May, To get a good choice quick buy ing will be to the advantage of tb customers, our -Produce taken as cash, F 0 MRS. JAME ETHEL S award. Contest was run along e line of the 4 Committees as compe tors. New officers have been elect whose names will be given next wee he 14 - ed k. Wroxeter Jno. Douglas made a business tr to Toronto 'net week. blies Mary Gtbsom; Arthur, ape the week -end at "Maitland Brae." Hugh Richmond was appointed rep- Meg. Lamonby and little danght resentativel to; the District meeting to are visiting friends at Dunnville, be held at Brussels on May 1O11 from Miss Hardy met with a painful a Ethel Circuit Official Board, eident while at the home of Jos, Lo Last Sabbath evening the congre- ell, when she fell and fractured h gation assembled in the Methodist arm. church listened to a stirring addle Hydro by-law voted on he from Rev, Robert Pearson, B, Ae Monday resulted in 59 bullate cast f of Calgary, It was Mothers' day and the by-law and 9 against. Good f the choir was composed of women Wroxeter. folk. Mothers' Day was observed in 11 The first League Foot Ball match Methodist Sunday School when a tic will be played on the park here on ly arranged program was presented b Thursday, May 27th, when Brussels the scholars. team will be our opponents. Our Our local Bowlem have been bus boys will go to Listowel on the follow- on the green during the past wee ing Monday. Ethel will have a lively and are arranging for a tourname bunch of kickers and hearty support for June 1,11th. should be given to the boys. Wm. UsLennan, who recently to SALE OF MILLINERY.—Mea. James derwent an operation in a Toront purposes selling her Summer stock hospital, is sow visiting his mothe of millinery before end of May and Mrs. M. McLennan. will offer special bar sins. She in- Deputy McLean,' London, was f tends removing with her children to the village last week in regard to tb Loudon where lir.appointment Jamesof a Po isstznaster, h employ -as au ed in y n a per c factory essor t and h o the tat W hes b e W. M. Robinson.n Y o1) lit home. Their house here is also offer Rev. and Mrs. Perrin, Ato ed for sale, See the advt. Manse, formerly of Wroxeter receive The 6 months Efficiency Contest 1n word from their. son, J. 1i„ that h Ethel Epworth League 13185 concluded has been promoted to the aocountauc with Qecil Deem: ate department in the Royal Bank at St, Outhatines winners. Points were given for pro- gram, attendance, regularity, new members, tic,, and was productive of interest and development. A copy of Youth and Ser vice to each member of the winning Committee was the ip itt er 5. er r8 or or to 8- y k 11 1- 0 r, n e w d e Y SUM efli 01114101110 IMO 011191110 WNW o gBARRYYChICKSiA • • To Those Interested • • 1 THE outlook is that Eggs are going to be the highest this as coining Winter ever known Rt in this ccuutry so be prepared. During May, luno and July we will have 15,000 strong, sturdy 8 Chink% Did you ever figura how much a our day-old y p ld Ohicka coat you by 0 hens spoiling the eggs by leaving the nest, and breaking them To avoid disappointment order yours now. Our pricne this year ee are g$22 per hundred, es 0y w • as 0 p® s m QD 0 6 GP • Walter Rose caa O Phone S 031 S8x BRUSSELS y HURON SPECIALTY FARM o••E•NEN • ©coaaasia aeolosaso 414. 01144 .14,411400404,111111414.110411040 I r.Au M0to Tuner o • • s ® We have a full line of 1 s Accessories and Tires s • • GENUINE • • Ford 22 • Chevrolet i• : • and McLaughlin • • c Parts • • • nod Service Fitatloo for Same ' • e Expert Mechanic on all Makes e of Cars. • ta'Service at all hours. • Call and get our prices before • you buy. • o • d•t Davidson • Bi meets • •480.0••+6•••41•4•••••••••••o .— �..,..._—.,..-._oto.,! Phone ex „fa. e..r>sy43tronntitliassogioevraessmpppplr TO THE PUBLIC Your Victory Loan Coupons due xst May can be cashed at The Canadian Bank of Commerce or left on deposit in a Savings Account. Interest on Savings Accounts is paid at the lute of 3Z per annum. a* THE ° CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPItAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 WAI1ION BRANCH, J. M. McMillan, Manager, Geo, Leckie awl family arid A, More rx1el0ati1)11 ves, spent timidity with ).: Miss Agnea McKe r e het mire lhne just completed a yen' at K e.tuit IJ nivemoiLy wee mace -fill In p ewee5 her examinatiunrf, 0.,riet•atu etinn 1, Wsaltor. Mothers' Day wvas ol,setved ie tire Preebyterlau and eletb.,dlee church, s last Burnley by intet'est,ng servipes. A gond delegation is planning to at• tend the W. M. H. °o',vemttinn 'l'ilre- day of next Weak ill Kifleardies PrP•!- bytariau church, Rev. 1411`, Edwards, Seafot•ile con- ducted the Communion service 11, the Met hodist church on the aftern( .11 of Sabbath, May 2nd. Rev. fill; Vroumau, a recent treertlu- ate of Heron College, was 1,1 charge of the 50rvie8 in 81, George's (beech last Sunday afLeenonn, Wm, Taylor, and members of time family, from Clinton locality, were here during the past week owing to the illness and aubsPgne11t demi a of James Smillie, The late Mrs. 'Pollen was a daughter of the deeeas"11. As way be seat, by advt. an int rt'Rt- ing service will be held in Dull"s church, here on Sabbath 21rd inar., at. 11 a. m, when the dedieet.ion auii un- veiling of Memorial Tablets in honor of our soldiers boys will take place. Oapt. (Rev.) George Little, B. A.., of Guelph, will conduct the service, Re- turned soldiers and friends will be made welcome. "TILE VILLAGE'` Docloxl,"—On the evening of J!ridlay, 21st inst., the btoo- crieff Dramatic Oompaey will present the play ";Che Village Doctor," under auspices of Walton Woolens lusti- tute, in the A. 0, U. W, Hall here, S. B. Stothel's, Clinton, will also be present and (bow the 510008 i11 wenn- Lion with the Medical Iospectinn of schools, sec. Admission 26 nod 35 cents. JAMES S3IILLIE PAasrs ATCAT. morning of thio week Jaules Smillie, an old and esteemed resident of this locality. (Lot 6, Con. 18, Grey township) answered the Great hull Oa11, in his 87th year. Pleueisy and pneumonia was.the cause, The fun- eral service will be conducted in Duff's church, which he had attended for so many years, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 uclock, Interment will be made in Brussels cemetery, An obituary will be giveu in next week's Pos't'. MRS. Mot. MCALLISTER CALLED AWAY.—At the home of her dengh. ter, near Ayr, where ebe had gone to visit a few weeks previous, Janet Richardson, widow o'f Wm, McAl- lister, formerly of this locality passed to her reward, on Tuesday, May 4th, aged 74 years and 17 days. The casket was brought to Walton and .funeral took from the place ]toms of der+. tate ed all Thur oda afternoon, P y Rv '413 l . Luntl conducted cord R u Y it R x.• 73 irate service. Interment was made i1) Brussels cemetery, Mr's. McAllister was born on the farm next the cue on which she died and where she lived until R year after her marriage, bur, and Airs, McAllister came to 17,11 Con. of Grey township where their house was until 8 years ago when they gave up active farming and located In Wal- ton. liere the former died in 1918. Mrs, McAllister is survived by ons son, W. To of Port Huron, Mich„ and 2 daughters, r g -Mrs. . R. J. VeiLoh, Ayr, and Mrs. Jno, Ritchie, near 4R alto», 2 sisters (Mrs. Jno. \ del aid Mrs. Wilder», Galt) and a brother (Jets. Richardson, Chicago.) The subject, of this notice :was a fine, big hearted motherly woman who faitltfutly did her duty, pfartfcularly to the sick, She never refused to lend a helping hand to those in need. Surrounded by her children and 5151 ere she passed away to her rest quietly and trust- fully. Mrs. McAllister .vas a devoted member of the Presbyterian ohereh for many years. Grey Council minutes may be read on page 4. Tindall and Mrs, Ritchie, of Wing - harm were visitors at Robt, Carr's, Rev. Robert Pearson, M, P. P., of Calgary, was visiting at, the old horse dertug the past week and was a wel- come guest, A handsome new light 4 Overland touring car has been purchased by Jas. Denman, 12th Oon., front George Evans, agent. Mete L. Fettle is nseers( t enjoying }tee that al health but hope she will soon regain her former vigor', The services at Roe's and Union chulohea last Sunday were specially interesting. Rev. R. Peterson, Calgary, gave a short addeoes at the morning; gathering. Don't forget the Auction Sale of farm stook, implements, ('We, at N. 1'. Schnoch's Thursday afteenonn of this week. His lot ie 28, Con, 13. Sale will be without reserve. List ap- pears o1) page 4 of this issue, Wotic To RE DONE.—The cnntraci, for the Livingston Drain was let to 'Vin. 0. Iitu'rison, at 50 mutts per cubic yard. - Gideon Brown, gets $250 00 for' excavating noel laying the tile on Burk drain -2 cement om yells were awarded to S. S. Cele, Ethel, on the 6th Oon„ price to be $782,00,— Robert Dockett will receive $200,00 i for painting the torment) bridge. ad- vertised for. Tan, POST is pleased to notice in the press that Will, Hoover, son of lee J. and burs, Hoover, 0th Con., who is now attending the Ontario Agteettl' tural College, Guelph, is mentioned among others, of being taken to Al- berta 18 assist on the 615118 of the new Agrloultural College at, Gloichen, Mr. Hoover's particular line will be learnt Mechanics, in which he takes a great intereeb. Appoitntmeuts are to be tak- eu in the ((curse of the next fete Months we understand, 14X1•, Hoover's Warm will be $1,800 tie commend° with, We extend congeatulatioes, DEDIC A'i' ION Vitt Uri i l 1,I 1H' MEMORIA.I., TABLETS IN 11081:)8 OF (A311 Mein/MRS WILL 1)1 II1:L1) SUNDAY, MAY 23811 DUFF'S CIIURCH WALTON at 11 a. M. KNOX CHURCH MO NC RI EFT at 2.811 p. rat, Rev. tOapt.) Gen, little, 1i. A., of Guelph, will Offieinte. All returned Sold Mee and friends are heartily Melted, The Sabbath School 11010 in 81• School house of S, S. No, :i for peers has resumed operations 1'1)! the 0Pasi:n with P. A. McArthur 130 Snpnrinbom„1- ent, supported by the old tail• PBFez.N oTlq -'1'1)• it title time 55140 elii )ved . 1 the 'Own- .,1 W. P. and 111x0. t khw ek, f.:h when a jolty meted of i -f1, hh,.a friends assembled to ,prat ,t el few hours before the family i,•ec farur. The folio -wipe addle, read by Mrs, Selwyn Baker and 011m', and Mrs, Schnuck were presented with a fine club bag by itis. Angus Brown and blies Viola received a 03)111176413 pen et the hands of Wilfrid Whitfield :— DRAB. NItakNuc.—Ku .wing of your intention of removing front nue com- munity your old neighbors and friends thought they would like to ere joy wieldier evening at your):fi see table home before you go from na. For many years you have resided in this locality and have proven ever willing to do your part. As neighbors we would desire no better for you were always on rail and thereby won favor with the people, as "A friend in need is a friend indeed.” We will mise you in many ways b1)t tR9 you are exercising your own choice ' r the matter, we must be satisfied. As a re- minder of the days gone by arid a token of nor friendship we ask Nlr, and Mere Sehnnch to accept this Club reale and Miss Viola this fountain peel, anti with these gifts go our beat wishes for a happy and successful stay at Flint and the hope that, occasionally tit least, you will drop over to see how the are getting along. Signed in he. half of neighbors and friends. ANGUS BROWN, W ILP• R1n 1Vi Ifrrrh u L . Mr, Schnook made a shore appreci- ative reply wishing many gond thin e to the people of Grey. .A flue thee was enjoyed after which hutch wee served and the company separated with malty good. vie lcii fnr Mr. and elan, Schnook and Family. Morris Mrs, George Caldbiek, Haiieybtut. and Adam J. Smith, of Delmrau e, Man., were here last week aLtenchm. e the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Joseph Smith, Oth line. We are sorry to hear of 7110 serines illness of Wm. Hopper, an old and well known resident of the Sed hn=•, lie had a stroke of paralysis and at his advanced age—SS years—has not, vitality to shake clear of it. Wm. Stein, brothel' to Nat's, Chas, Rintoul, 5th line, who bas been Meti- ng friends in Ontario, expeets to 11, 011511 to his home at Simpsou Sask., next week, It. is 80 years Since he ant Were; from least \Vmtwanosh and 1 8 years have elapsed 011100 he was ler( last. Mouhay of this week W. el, and bits. Maunders and Miss Margaret lett or at visit to the West, Miss Mildred did not go as she desires to write et he corning exams, and is making her 1 tome with her uncle and aunt, brut. 1)d Mrs. Gillespie, Brussels. ()wir;; o the nervous condieiom of Alias Aline g(ret on account of hat d study and au atta017 of influenza 11er physician ad - teed a rest off 1henee her plans as to examinaLions had to be temporarily abandoned and a enmplete rest from eLudy advised, \Ve wish the trio a 8 end time on their holiday ,ia11111, DIED AT A. ROYAL OLD AGE,— 1,1••t Satnrday afternoon lhprP was laid 10 est in Brussels remotely Margaret a,•vin, relict of tate tato ,10801111 Smlti,, 6th lite. who passed away the Vednesday previous, at, the advanced agel of nearly 80 years. Rev. Air, 13 awki 15, Blyth, conduct, ml the spa • vice on accreted: of the ill Health of li.es, H. Smith, T3russels, Alts, Slue it had been confined to bed for 50140' tithe owing to weakness 0f body but had been at very heatty woman in flet• earlier years, Site 1114310 her borne with her son David, on ,Lot 20, 0th lins, tvhieh was the old homestead, torment was made in the family at Brussels cemet:erir. Pallbearers ere ld,obt„ Jno. tont Wm. Smith, ex, Molutosb, Wm, and I). Craw- rtl, Deceased was horn in Co. magi), II'e1arrd, and 6alhle to Can- a when about 18 years of age. She s married to leer lets partalPl• at Milton on Nev. 20th, 1.852, by Rev. Geddie and the young coulde nee to the Morels homestead about; TTitpi 11 fo Ar ad ova 11 5 11r ca ,f.f. /ER R, Proprietor �tiotAse and Lot 4ylcucc•G i &rd Effects IaC r tt. d1 , r 4 1 3\ u, AlvAiroloy, will hr .411,1 4,1 101 Nap by Public Auction ON 1113• 1prop0tty to Walton Mea Saturday, May 22 tri, 2. S, r;, erre- W. J. 181uA1.o.1!eree , Amu'. Admiuit'traeor. Nuth Isurau Liberals Tire .Aermnl meeting of 11o, en Liberal Asaori&- 1i 1 (! I' l".de n al 1(11('111)005) e 1, 1l 1 t "; (4, Teter( Hall, is n.e;;t en, em Tuesday, May 2e, ie er p nm. A repreeenta- 041. , t!•e, ,,i1 iN 130431:11ot, .1. ;11. McMn,•nhie, Secretary, ;s. Ii. Robertson, Pr` widen t. u r yr•.11v 111,0, 9 children were born to 11,.,,, .a' i.+:101 2 sone tAdarn J., of D i e die,. Mee., and David G,, Mor- tf 2. 1)t,; 5,+ Sirs. .1 no. John' tl r vtm,l131,(P3, R. 0., and -1t . li.•„e 13)1011108, Hailoybury, (int) eneer e. '1'hoee depressed are P. t i ml, -m l,, 1'iix,t, Joseph. dire, Soo. 'curt 31"l(Pnt, 311,11 Jnhn 11, Mr. Smith ^1 1'112. 01)01.78 aro ,'G ,• ?m,l-f+ i ,'m:. Ilia. 11nzith'e only K. Mrs. Thos, iafason, ',.t l -.a.: 1 t ea It true wife, 111,11X : ,ort e;: 0101,1_ neighbor .7),A,1 played well Ar -t' _part in her fang life, She belonged to the. Anglican church and was highly esteemed and beloved by a wide circle of relatives and ft tends, Monorieff S!'Ec•t.\L SERVICE.— On Sabbath afternoon, May. 23r11 al 2.80 o'clock, Dedleation sum1 unveiling of Memorial '1'11)l,'16 for etre '1ldier boys will be held il! Knex church here. Capt. les, v.1 G;-o;ge Little, /3.A. Guelph. will ea,ndurt the 5eevie0. Soldiers and Mends UT' (medially invited to the eer51l'.e. Jamestown Rev. Jou. '1'. Strachan, B. D., of Cent be ^ lltille wa p a 00(11, i ' ore r sit r n at the old hem. t m lea . e l week, The Gerrie correspondent says of a fo/ ,u,•r I•eeiclenI. of this lncatily D. L. t-ltraellan, who hes been attending University at Kingston Mr some months arrived in town 011 MToinday evening. Ile and Mrs, Sta`Aeilan and chllrireu ate gnest.s itt the 1uo.n0 of Mrs. John Dane. Dranbrook I�vctx S. S. -At a meeting bald in Knox, •• c h u,.lhla I c •s L 7111)t day evening n the mile wing officers were elected for 1 the Sunday School, which opens next Sunday — Superintendent, Rev. Mr, Kennedy ; :L i•,tant fluperintelidellt, Wm ! t o., ,n t;eeret r1='.14'Pasureti, John eetinoet, ; Organist, Miss Annie ;imaildon : Aseistant Organist, bliss Mut gar e McNair : Librarian, Mfes Pearl ` ehnoek : Bible °lase 'readier, Rev. Me, Kennedy 1 Primary °lase Teacher, Miss. Hueeton ; Assietent, Primary ('''lime Teacher, hike Elizabeth Dickson; CrttdleRoll Superintendent. Mrs IL Keys Teachers, Wm. °amer- Ot, ether Elizabeth McA,tnsb, Mies Rpheel a McNeil Mrs. R. Ii, McDon- ald, etre, '1'. (':artmem, nod bees Chvie! eiet Dirt Sou. Church Ohirrsos rue err, ee in St tent's church lest Sunday wece t:llccn by Rev. Alt', \'roo- 010n, who recently gtadnate,l from 0/l- iege. W. el S. C: nventmon meets at Kin- cardine next I'ueeday. A delegation viii attend from Brussels,. Presbytery con Ven 5 the sante clay at the lake tows. Res Ilt:nrt' Smith, talon has been rector of St. john's church for the pot 3 y0Rrs, has been appointed to the pariah of Pori Rowan, Norfolk Co., and wilt be m(viimg', b, linea new charge in the near tu'arc. Nan,e of his successor hag not been iunaune: (1 to the public yet. Tn rap:r 3,1t1TmN,,--The annual 1JIs- 1riot 011-ctinh 7.7111, be held ie the Metier- eee 4,11131 0, Brussels, May 18th and it,'h. him :eeu l easinn will open at 10 0. 1)1 , 'l;,m -.rev, eu,l ills general ses. stole at ;, 31) n, m„ Wednesday. Tties- 11,11' melee; 0 penile tneeling will he hold, t., t, - 4111314 4 ',1071 by Roy. 1. N. clime R A., k,ac_u'diue, on "After the Fora , .l bier' 1„ nt, What ?" and by Rev, k, R Trn m Lucknow, cu "La (utitu:,terl al 15 yngelism in the Lowe Church.” Pastors are requested to send tel llptvrrom 1.0Oque and Sunday School -cleEdeli , to leev. R. C. 00peleed, Lucktlnty, end all other seheduiee to Rev, h. C. Kersey, not later than 3 days preceding District Meetin¢, as per Die - revile,. t .e, lee. leIr. Armstrong, (.hailuhan ; anti le E. Clystlale, uric.. See '1'h;••e will be r3 tniuisters and re layuleu in attendance it is 0xpeeted, '.Ellis mteeti1f; is the cleating house' for the mutual Conttn'ence which will as- semble re Stratford the Rist week of lane, A subscriber remitting this week says "We t .nuns do without THE POST 0ntd its (trey news:" t3 ie steel to be an unlucky No. but people take stock of it every time they buy n loaf of bread,