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The Brussels Post, 1920-5-6, Page 8
L•••••leiee tee-C-Weeteek,qel-•eeeeeeleae Reek44"t•U +414.efee'i.,**400+leertele -i+e• 'f'i•4+e-3 i fi t i inytT3., � i opo q 4,y. 1IIP llush is fu SU GA R ,1. 0• CN W. OATS 4 Also Seed Oats - Royal Household Flour Clover and Timothy Seed .k. the Home Wails Smile Again tweteetalasecenswaseltilimalleliamilaimil o All over the country this week is hying known as "Wall Paper Week." and the slogan is -Brighten up the house with New Wall Paper. Newly papered walls and ceilings will great- ly improve the appearance of a room and add to its cheer. See our, ; ;; OW' Tapestries, Stripes, Oatmeals and Plain Ef- fects for Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and 1920 Patterns Halls. Chintzes and Stripes with Cut-out - - • Floral Borders for Bedrooms, Kitchen Papers We have a good rani;e, of Papers suitable for Kitchens to select from at roe, tae and rec per ra11. A very good Paper for standing hard wear is the Oil Finiseed Paper, which can be wiped off Lith edam!) cloth, as the colors will not run. It is priced at zoo per roll, We shall h:. Piled to ,-ive you an estimate of what new paper will cost for your to:rt';lC a•,c," ; - -r t: boy or not. fNew Summer Quarterlies of the Pictorial Review I HA el ION nee et here. Customers w ill do w e1l in s ec u re 1 ua, o .ntx� t 1. , 1- early, as there was a shortage in the feetweel Review Patterns kept in stock, uy Your Kodak Now Rad Enloy the Beautiful spring Season Kodaksfrom $10.5e up. ea Brownie I3ox Camera, 34.6o. N.,. 2 Brownie Box Camera, $3 35, C t'F11ms Developed and Printed. - -.1 819TH Store • • • dr Druggist and Stationer • a+•+a44.t rot-ez-e.-e-i-o i•O•i•34.4•F+44•F94.•••+'6•!'•44+.44+G+++0 • tt-ISA : t£nT . MAY Hov:,e elee,:i:1g hae its 'tritium. GARDEN rrr,l:ng is on the urogram. THUR,1:'-.� dtlrnoouis a holiday re- member. See », Friday evening of next we, -k, DID rot+ see tate eclipse let the moon last Sund.,'- ieget ? - A car miId mets:i. a 'ring loaded this .reek t til tWeirsietn, Miss Mawr: 1,,LVAN'' telephone No. is 26 x rine 4 I- was in oared last week. JOHN RU rt.Nr ;R has honteht the prop- erty of tette ee Lott, Mill street, it is said. Some Ecueeelites have already given tbeir lawns the initial once•over with the lawn mower. DUST has been something fierce on Main street some days Watering cart will need to get busy. CELLAR is being excavated for Nesbit Hamiltuu'e new shouse. corner Tern - berry and Queen streets. MonnAv evening Victoria Park pre- sented an anitnated scene when the xst Foot Ball warm•np for the season was on the program. STEWART BROS, are asking tenders for the season's supply of buttermilk at the Shamrock Creamery. See the advt. in tbis issue and act promptly if you wisb to tender. EAST LYNNE. -The Willing Workers of Melvilleclivich have eeeered the Bel - grave Comp -my, n It , a.eently presented the play "Ea:- L'. enc." t:1 r. -peat it in Brussels Town Hale an the evening of Thursday,11th in:a., o'clock. 'rickets 35 end 2; sen = I~ i:. well put on by the abeesoid ',c !let. DRAY BVCTNESS Srri,i (antes Hen.• derson has sold itis dieing business to Charlie Davidson, of town. who takes possession this weer:: The former re- tains the oil ante gasoline 1etlivery and will keep one team. .Mr. Iienderson's health has not baeu an. 'r", rutreed and be sells in the hope of anprot•ing his con- dition by ilea ,t eerie De/Aline, r,rteve -^'•'flit' Horticttlt• ural stock,=xpecteei to he delivered Thursday of 'tett week, dict not arrive and eoneequently many were ,itsappuint- ed. Goods are to baud uhw and are being parcelled rut to their owners Wednesday of tete wee', from 2 10 5 p. m Ne n =. ,ch 1 ..t lira. however as far as grow n concerned es the season is so backcen; d, NOTHING touter; ---AS far ar: the pro. posal to erect the new Postnfiice building to Brussels at 10' lwesrnt time "there's clothing doing." 'nide is the informa- tion from CHUMP. dest•itc tai i fact that the site wan ms htr:d t 1 to ago and the approptiarc t voted_ The govern- ment says ti,. re art,ler. moils • nd con- quenhly, not :. elietnetere the fact that tee present build M,;,, o lything but adequate or even ;un,rr,i tt,bic the pub: tic will have to welt, ANN1vert`,Ane 011 I. 0. O. F. -'rhe nest anniv, ,.-a t el ('',u:flirt] Odd Fel- lowship wa:.:,i 'rveil Sunday evening in Brussels be be lick brethren at- tending 11.0ville char li in r burly about 65 beiug preen+nt, with 'W, A. Grewar, as Marshal A m •vt cop, onriaie discourse was proceed by Rev A. 1 Mann, B. A.. on "run new citizenship," repre- sented in the Fatherhood of Gocl end the Brotherhood of Men. A quartette was well sutra by Mlssea Verne Wacker and Nellie Fox and Alex. Str.,chan and .Jas, Pox. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Ethel, assisted in the. service. Appreciative remarks were made in the Lodge room on the return of. tate members. NEW ttcning at the Garfield House. THE time bas been extended for a month to those who have not sent in their lucerne Tax returns. SATURDAY, s tb, is the day set for the Sanitary Inspector's visit. If your premises are not tidied up you had bet- ter get busy before that date. BUSINESS Mens' Association will meet in the Board room of the Public Library next Monday exeniug, at S o'clock. Re- ports are to be presented by several Committees. QUANTITY of Seed Barley for sale. Apply to GEO- SPttIRAN,Grey township, Phone 5512. Fon BALE. -E xcelsior twin motorcycle in excellent runnin6 order, A. E, PARKER, Lot 25, Com 14, Grey township, FRESH milk delivered at your door, night or morning. Phone 500. ALEX. NIC❑Or.. COMFORTABLE house and lot for sale, Turn - berry street, Brussels. For price and further particulars apply to MRs. A, JA.uas, American Hotel, TRUCK chain lost between Brussels and Jamestown, Suitable reward paid for return of same. BTWW.Mil Boos., Creamery Brussels. FOR SALE. -Seed Burley, 0..A, C. No, 21, al- so 2nd hand seed drill, Apply to .1. P. McIN- Toee. Phone 550, POTAToga wanted at McCracken's grocery, Brussels. Highest cash prioe. Phone 48. Fon SALE. -2 fresh cows, 4 Durham calves 2 weeks old and 1 brood sow due to farrow Jona 15th. R. B. STsvassoN. Lot 18. Con. 18, Grey township. Phone 4220. Gun pen of Rede at Laying Contest, Ottawa Ont., after 22 weeks' laying, are leading all Reds, and stand fourth place in entire Con- test. Eggs for hatching oft this stock, 8e each, Baby Chicks, 800 each. Phone 7x Jae, T. DUNCAN, Brusaele. FOR Sate a heavy work mare. Phone 840, 2 steel tire buggies in good repair for sale. Apply to JNo. b1ONNtL, Blacksmith, Ethel, QUANTITY of alluminum ware for Sale. May be seen at the ]tome of GEO. e. Lowe', Prin-ess Street, Brunets. CEMETERY Wosx,'Will those who are hay ing their plots in Brussels Cemetery cared for and are in arrears kindly remit sane and state whether I an to continue caring for them. My charges are 51.00 per year, if paid in advance. Phone 80. Renner DARR, Caretaker Brussels Cemetery. Fant `rALM.-O. A. C. 72 Oate, Marquis Spring Wheat, Beed Potatoes and Maple Syrup. Phone 4915 GBG, WRr7I'tntn Lot 20, (lon.18, Grey township. t Tfot ted, Brag and small u Aputy le for rsal o hes, N0, 1, Monktou, Perth bo., Ont, 8 aooMRo house and nearly % Bore of ground for sale, corner Princess and Queen streets, Iirusseis. Hard and soft water, good oellar, cement cistern, Electric, light, good garden, gr, Win be gold on easy terms, For further particulars apply to the owner. JAMES SHARPE, Brussels, Sc:oToll Cotr4 a loot a few weeks ago, Dark yellow in color. Any information will be thankfully received. J. W. SoaPHRNsot, Phone 4010 Da. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week, Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Vialte residences, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. HAD 7o Qorr,-Another Irtng-sstah- lished daily, rhe St. Catharines Journal, has succumbed to higher costs of pro- duction, The steady shrinkage of the number of Cnnaclian newspapers is a matte r of serious concern to the public. ST. MAav's Journal of last week speak• ing about a former Brnssellte says ;-No more live up -t0 -date ads thae those writ- ten by L. A, Ball, the furniture men, appear in The Journal from week to week This week an ad., full of induce - metes to enotomers, comes to hand, we regret, too late for 'martial. Pe rums Soto,-1no. H. Galbraith has diepo:,ed of his 5 acre plot. which he unrelieved some time ago from Philip Ament, fronting on Queen street to the Maitland river, t0'Nesbit Hamilton, The latter has aim bought the eligible site from Mrs. D. Robb, corner Turn - berry and Queen streets, and will erect e home upon it. There is already a good stable nn the lot. • NO NV ON BAND, 4' • W. J. McCracken 4. ,4t, Phoue 43 • 4. t,,n°•F4.•p„p,t•qQp,pttti3Oe,pf,-i1,++i ++,1,ir Mrs. Moody Holleud, who is under the doctor's care, is improving her malty friends will be gl:•d to hear. FtRsr HALF Ho1.IDAt'.- Thursday afternoon of this week, ole 1st weekly hall holiday for this season, will be ob- served. The business people to general will fall in with the progralu Which will be continued to the close of September, according to plan. Postolilee will also be closed so that people will have to get their mail within a halt hour at ter its distribution. Office will be open to lockhoxhuldara Probably oc- casionally durdig the Summernu7• a program rau of Sports tnay be put 00 for the itolday Avcrtoe SALE -Saturday, May 15th, at 2 p. m., an Auction Sale will be held at 1, C. Richards', Teruberry street, consistiug of household turu'ture, bed- ding, carpals, &c There will also be offered file sale a Ford car, a modern prick residence and a frame dwelling Watch out for hills for fuller particulars. F. S. Scott will be the Auctioneer. Mi. and Mrs. Richards purpose removing from Brussels hence the reason for the 2510. D, D G M. H ESR -Tenet Tuesday D. i) G. 01., I', el Gibsou, of Fordwich, paid his official visit to St- John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Brussels and his coming was a mutual pleasure. Atter the lodge an adjournment w is made to the Queen's Hotel dining room where a tasty supper was enjoyed followed by a short program of toasts, Mr. Gibsou fills the bill to a nicety, according to the brethren of the square and compass here. He is au uncle to W. Is. Willis, of the Palace Bakery. Brussels. ADVRR'fset Nr. RATES ADVANCED Commencing with May est the rate for advertising space in THE Pose will be advanced tors cents per inch and local notices to ro cents per liue, Cards of Thanks are 500, and In Memoriam 5oc with 250 added for each four line verse additional, No advertisement insetted under 25 cents per issue. 'This advance is rendered necessary by the constant rise of supplies and expenses iu Connection with the printing business. Few 'lues of trade have been bit harder than newspaper offices and the prospect of redress does not seem to be likely to arrive for some time. EcLtrsE or MOON. -By g 15 o'clock Sunday night the moon had been totally eclipsed. This is the second phenomena of the kind this year, according to Dr. john Dearness, principal of the Normal School, London. The moon entered the penombra at 6.4g p, m. and the umbra at 8,01 p, ro. It left the umbra at el 41 p. m., and the penumbra et 12.53 p. tit• The middle of the eclipse wss reached at 9.51 o'clock, awl the end at 00,27 o'clock, Au unusual fact regarding the pheno- mona was that it was a cloudy copper color. This Was said to be because the moon was on the South side of the earth and the sun was shining directly an it. Apere.-The wannest day of April of this year was not quite so warm as the warmest day of the corresponding month last year, nor the coldest day quite so cold ; neither was the month met past so wet as April. igcg, but the snowfall was far greater. Last month 2 21 inches of rain fell, and the aggre- gate snowfall totalled g inches. The highest temperature was recorded or) the end, when the temperature rose to 68 degrees, and the gtb was the coldest day, with a minimum temperature of 16 degrees. Ic April, tgrg, the rainfall was 3 87 inches. A few light snow flurries occutred on the 24th and 2,3th, but the fall was not heavy enough to measure, The highest temperature re- corded was 7o degrees, on the 22nd, and the lowest 13 degrees, on the est. AiusT PAY. -Unless where bills are printed at 'i'11E Poor free notices cannot he given of entertainments at which financial gain is to be made by the or- ganizations r- gall)z ttnS conductingndu cting then . Tera were so many free notices iluriug the days of Red Cross and other Patriotic Societies folk appear to think everything else must eontlune free, 15 cents an inch for advt. up to loo incbe2 and 10 teats a line for local uotices is the rate charged by Ter. PosT when uo printing is clone, People rending entices by let- ter or telephone should state who will he r Most a e M responsible for p ymant riaof. of the organizations are better able to pay their way than newspapers are 10 grant gratis rates. This is one source of revenue to a newspaper, particularly When bilis, dodgers or progratns are not issued. CONGRATULATIONS, -Last Saturday Mrs. George Cardiff, John street, cele- brated her Seth birlhdey in the enjoy- ment of a fair degree of health. Among those who dined with them and shared in the cougratttlations and gift making were Mr, and Mrs. Moore and daughter, Miss Hattie, of Oregon ; Mrs. 1'-I,' B. Moop, Londesboro', Mrs. M. A. Allan, Harlock ; Mrs. R, H. Ferguson. Wal- ton ; Mrs, D. McKenzie, Geo. A. i3eet and sons. Mrs. Cardiff, was born in County of Lanark, Ont., bet inaldeu Dame being Miss Sarah Poole, and was married to Mr. Card ff at Perth in June 1866 and have spent. more than to years in this community where tiny ate wide- ly known and generally respected, Mr. Cardiff, whe,has a lead of 6 months or so over bis partner, keeps fairly well and first came to Grey township over 6o years ago. He and MI'S, Cardiff attend- ed the Methodist church the Sabbath morning previous. The former is gen- erally desiguated as "Uncle" by those who are well aegeaiuted with tem, If good wishes will keep this worthy couple on top of terra firma they should Live for ao years yet. # 1 People We Tai* About tl t I C. and hire. Richards are visitiig at Toronto and flarniltnu. G A. Dentisuau has gone to Merlin to look after his apiary. 1)r. and Mrs. Geo, H. Ross, Wing' ham, were in tOwu over Sondes', 1Vvnlau Spatting Loudon, was here for the week eud vieitiug at the parental home, Mrs (Dr.)'Rhite and son, Jackie, were visiting relatives at Collingwood for a week or so. Geo, Yollick, 'Toronto, was a visitor, with Itis brother, A. 'C'olhlck, Elizabeth street, Brussels. Mrs, E. G, Plum is able to he about the home mice more after ber recent operation for appendicitis, R. and bliss McCallum and Miss Bal• lagb, of 'Peeswater, were visitors with the Misses 1-luuter, John street, Mrs. W, B. Ferguson, of Stralhroy, was a visitor at the horse of Alex. Stew- art. Queen street, during the past week. Miss Eva McCracken is a holiday via"or with her sister, Miss Carrie Me- Crrcken, and other old friends in Toron- to e Mos. B. W1littaed and children were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Bluevale, and other friends, last week, Miss Annie B. Ross is somewhat im- proved in health and we hope tile c0m• iii; of good weather will tend to her in- vigoration Little Miss Ruth Brown, of Gres; toweel ep, was a visitor with her grand parents, T. and Mrs. Whitfield, 1 1. en Street. QuNI4 Lnuls Whitefield, Walton, is a viseor with Mrs, Teasdale Whitfield, Queen street, Brlssele, Former is a daughter -in law, A 'I'. Cooper. County Temperance Secretary, Clinton, was to town Tues- day in the interests of the cause he so actively represents. George Roberton, Clinton, was in Brussels last week visiting his sister, Mrs las. Ballentvue. He was a former resideut for a while. Mrs. 11, Doll is here on a visit from Hamilton and will probably be return- ing along with her daughter to make their home in Brussels for a while W. A. and Harold Lowry are away to Hailevhury with another car of horses, Mrs. W. A, alert sou, McCurdy, are visit- ing relatives and friends in Toronto dur- ing the absence of the former. W. A. Laking. of Elmira, has come to lie Bank of Nova Scotia, Brussels, to take the post of teller, as successor to A. fl Milligan, promoted to Edmonton. We welcome Mr Laking to town, Mrs. A. C. Dames is hack to town, having gone to Mount Forest to visit ber mother and sister 0n return from Florida, where, with Mr Dames, she spent the past Winter most enjoyably. Cardiff Best, who has been attending College in Toronto, prosecuting a course in Chemical Engineering, is home for his holidays and will return next Fall. Summer will probably be spent in the Northland. Mrs. (Rev,) Hind and 3 children are visiting at the home of G. A, Deadman, from Guelph. The former is a daugh- ter of the host. Miss Gertrude is ex- pected home from Queen's University, Kingston, this week, for ber vacation. Last week Mrs. Neil McLauchlin had the tnisfortune to fall while going down the cellar steps at the home of her daughter, Mrs, R• Thomson, and broke her right arm near the shoulder and was otherwise shaken up. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, 0 N. Edwards, Brussels, has beeu en- gaged as one of the male assistants on London Public School staff He is now attending the Facility of Ertncatiou at Toronto 0, N, will make a good teach- er we expect and we are glad he has se- cured a good position to start with. Will, and Mrs. Peebles were visitors in town this week, with W. J. and Miss Amanda McCracken and called on other old frieuds. Mr. Peebles was a formes' residents of town and left here 20 years ago. He is now railroading, The visi- tore were at Atwood, Kincardine and Tiverton. Mrs Peebles' perental home was at Pembroke, Ont. Inspector John Torrance, Clinton, was in Brussels Thursday of last week in connection with the Huron County Home and gave T11E PosT an hour's chat, He Was Warden of the County when the Editor of THE POST first went to the Co, town as County Councillor in tSge. Inspector Torrance fills his post in good style. Wm, and Mrs. Perris and daughter, Miss Margaret, left Brussels last Friday for Inniafail, Alberta, where they pur- pose making their home for a time. A. sou, David, has a 16o acte farm there to which the folk will go. Mr. Perrie did not Belt his residence in town but leased it to Geo, E. Weller, haedware mer- chant, who with his mother is now in possession. Perth County Hazelton Moots, sen of Jae, Moore, Se, Malas, has just undergone a seri- ous operation and is at present in the hospital at Lethbridge, Alta, A •quantity of shrapnel fragments re- mained in his body since the time he was wounded and taken prisoner, and as these continued to cause hint a great deal of suffering, and in fact seriously endanger hie health, and even his very lite, an operation was thought necessary. Mr. Moore epont 9 months in the trenches and was a prisoner in Germany for 2j years and is now reaping the reward of his suf- fering and sacrifice in the form of further suffering in the ]Hospital. BORN BOWMAN, -In Wallace township on Saturday,. April 24th, 1020 to hb', and Mrs, Noah Bow- man, a daughter, BALL. -•At Iteetholme Hospital, St. Marys on April 201h, 1020, to Mr, and Mrs. L. A. doll, a eon. JAO21 In Grey township, on March 81st, 102020, to Mr, and airs, Andrew Jaeklin, a dorghter, Mildred Gertrude, MOOnAoxhuN,--In Wallace township, on April 20th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Ms lraoken, a daughter. MARR/E70 EDOArt-EARL, At the Manse, Fordwieh by ,Roy, A. Laing, on April 21st, 1020, Miss Margaret Jane daughter of Mr, and are, Rsbt, Marl, to Jane, Stewart Alexander Ed• Ear, all of Howeir, ain't) Ga 1020,, J na.Griffith, aged 70 years Aiwa 00th AVINGS, Thrift, Independence -all these are the out- come of the same impulse and attain the salve objec- tive -PROSPERITY. The Standard Bank of Canada can help you to attain it. en THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH G. H. SAMIS - - MANAGER Miss Marion Sherrill, whose paren- tal home is in Blttnshui4 township, is Home from China on furlough. A very pleasing affair took place at the ltotne of Jas. Johnstone and his bride (nee Miss Isabelle Donald) Strat- fot'd Road, Downie, Wednesday even- ing, when some 65 fliende and neigh- bors gathered to pay their respects, and as a tangible expreeslon of their gond-will, pteseotefl the newly mar- ried couple with 2 blade leather rock- et's and a nicely worded address, to which both bride and groom respond- ed in suitable terms. AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, MAI' 1Jt.h.-Fa•m Stook, Jtuppie• inonts, Household Furniture, ao. Bast is Tot, 24, Oon. 12, Grey township, Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. W, N, Schnook, Prop. ; F, S. Scott, Alto. SATDanAY, MAY 15771. --Household Furni- tura, Bedding, Carpets, ,Ce, Also Ford Car and Residential property, Tulv±berry street, Brussels. Sale let 2 p, 1n. I, C. Riohards, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Auc. Bridge Painting • The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris are askingfor tendon for the contract of painting the Cark's and the Cruickshank's bridges. The tenders will be opened at the next Council meeting, May Mgt, at 2 p, m. A. MA❑krWEN, Clerk, Bluevale P. 0, MAUDE G. ,ARYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of 0plutltalmology, 510• Cormick Medical College, Chicago, I11. Three months post graduate course during past year, Byes correctly fitted with Glasses, Head- aches, Inflamed Eyes, Granulated Bye Lids and other Eye troubles, canard by ltye•strain. relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Satisfaetton Assured, Optical Parlor in Leckie bloctq one door South of Barrister Sinulair'e Office. Office hours : 9 to 12 a, 111.1 1 to 0 p, in, Also Wednesday and Saturday evenings,, Phone 2011 ring 4 Auction Sate AUCTION SALE OF FARM BTOCE, 1MPL E MEETS, HOUBaitoLD FmLas' ❑nt1C, CC. -F, S. Soott, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Anation at S35 Lot 24, Con. 10, Grey township, Thuraday, May 1811t, at 1 p. in., the following property :-1 horse 0 years old, 1 horse 5 years old. 1 holt rising lyear old got by R. L. Taylor's horse, 1 Jersey now fresh 2 oows 5 years old fresh, 1 cow 4 years old fresh 1 sow 77 years old fresh, 1 dry cow, 2 2 -year old heifers due to freshen about 2015 May, 4 pigs weighing over 100 lbs., about 70 hens, good lumber wagon„set heavy sleighs, top buggy, cutter nearly new, set Diamond harrows, Fleury walking plow, 2 -furrow plow, Frost 5 Wood binder, new MasseyHarrie mower, Deering steel horse rake, gravel box, Melotte cream separator 500 lbs. capacity, waeon box, wheelbarrow, lawn mower. set double harness nearly new, set single harness, quantity cedar posts, some anchor poste, quantity hardwood limbs to be sawed, sonm soft wood to be sawed, wagon jnolc,'15 pate plank 10 ft, suitable for hay rack sills, hay rack, Snakatchownm robe, 2 neck yokes,, set dcubletreea, swill bar• col, set 40011. house scales, 2 shop boxes, oak water barrel, 00 gal. milk 5511, cream can, 2 sap buckets, quantity mill( pails, 2 new horse blankets, grain begs,',1 bags potatoes, cross out saw,hand saw, moat saw, Sonne Georgia dressed pine lumbar, Gan with about 2. gals, raw linseed oil, sideboard, extension table, Doherty 0 octave mahogany piano eased or. gen, parlor table, 2 rockers, 0 dining room tgrngclaen tbedstead chairs, some SigerSHing Machine, flour barrel, heater, Daisy olntrn No, 2, three burner oval oil Steve with oven (Flor. mum Autoiuntia,l Ailed in banging lamp, other lamps, 2 lanterns, mattress, washstand, MUM - en couch, fruit jars, ten kettle iron stove pot, frying puns, other cooking nl•;ensils, washing machine, copper boiler, galvanised wash- board, fortes, shovels, hoes, chains and other n l Cosi- r ely li too wear o leo to rie mention. , Sae i let farm ncl. 10 vin at 111111, Mich, hoe erd his $50m and 19 going to Flout, Mltab Terms.- $5.00 months and under nosh over hint approved 8 jointths crenotes, per cent ce on f1 for hot on credit amtounts. Accoounts tuns la settled on of sale, W. F. SCEIN00I(, Proprietor, GEC. ROBERTSON, Clerk, Popular Stallions SCOTCH BOBBIE 1250. W. GIBSON, Proprietor MONDAY, MAY 17T11 -Will leave hie own stable, Lot 82, Cott. 0, Turnberry, and proceed to David Pococic's for night. HowilS to hi -Pion sed Vilest by 0511 Lino of WEDNESDAY- Will prooeed South via Brussels gravel to Dongnld S6re,-ban'o, Lot 1, Con, .1, Grey, for nomt 1 tlteneo South to Gm'• dots MaDmta•l's Mettle, Brussels, 501' 1 hoar, then South to John G. Spotr's, Lot 02, Condi, Morris, for night,. THURSDAY -South 1;, miles to 13th Con, Eben Be. then to Thos to for night. noon FRIDAY -North 114 miles, then West t0 Jnaeb Longs, Crmi n'oulr•, for noon ; then North to Wm, Nteyensott's for night. SATURDAY -North anti West to:M.111 Inge, 2pnd Co ggn„ for 110071 • than by way of Boundary thoisolotnl stable lwhere n aIto will remain until r 7rc3TL'iiwsw .;:a cmw :PssW:G+'cail4.'T6Cm' dtWp's 7« +:75'F 1 0 tY Fox's Drug TI -IE STORE Weekly Store New Pensiar Tooth Paste Smoke Essence For Smoking and Preserving Meat 40e per bottle liaey to apply and gives eplail- did eatiefaetrou. One of our must popular Tooth Pas tee, Price name tee usual - 25c per package. Palm Olive Soap and Palm Olive Shampoo 15c and 50c respectively. Quality the hest, Red Cedar Flakes With Moth Camphor For storing leers, Clothing, Car. pets, Woolens, &cu. Mtge. 25o, Auto Road Maps Something every Auto Driver will find most convenient, 25c each, Auto Eye Glasses A great comfort to Auto Driv- ers, Good variety in style and colors. 25e and 50c, A Comb For the Home in great. vtrl 1212' ---'tun A so-- fiENTS' COM 115 POCKET CO1iB5 FINN COMBS BARBERS' COMBS Chocolates in Bulk Ara you on our Chocolate list ? 15 not just try a sample package and see how really delicious they are. Always fresh. 70c per Ib. Ec not ize Use Coiorite +A a3 a • tD 0 co03 t? Alake your old hat new, We have all the sltadee, Easy to apply, 80e per bottle. All Irishman was sitting in a depot smoking when a woman 1111ne ill and, sitting down beside him, remarked : "5h, if you were a gentle- man you would not smoke here.", "Morn," he said, "If ,yo Wiz a lady yo'd cit farther away, Snou after the woman burst out legate : "If you Were my husband I'd give you poison." "Well Alum," returned the Irishman, as he • puffed away at his pipo, elf ye WUE ole wile. I'd take it," e ±U a (a 0 JAMES FOX 9 m 8) W Gi 03 ar u to 0 • 18 sa ai aa and STATIONER 9 ••O• •erste®s79a3eacaa•a©•p759G53•suaeteeseeeeeaaaas 3saaeleaasa• 28 BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Sprintg Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter 2 60 Egs 60 Hogs 10 00 10 00 ENT 20 00 20 60 Wool 10 00 01 00 tl 10 110 110 1 25 1 26 Court of Revision Township of Grey The Corot of ROOsion on the Assessment Boll of the Township of Grey will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, 011 Wednesday, the 20th day of may, nest, at 10.80 o'clock a. let. All parties interested will please telco notice end govern themselves accordingly, A. Il, MACDONALD, Clerk, Ethel, May 4111, 1020. 33••060960.0•8328001030010000,502810020000'1u0210 000ta2281511.1L Who 1 © j�j1 ® esg• „■1!•,� I�Iwra7�w --- li ,..-R�11 it <:•= '47y �i 1k t r0 1 i. es a e e 0 as 0§ e to • a 3 a ke i a • When you need Repairs for your Pam Equipment buy the ® Genuine -made of the same material, have the same Huish, tl fit as accurately and wear just as long as similar parts pur- • chased with the original machine. We are Lite authorized • • dealers for the I. H, 0., McCormick, Coeksbutt and Froet 0 & Wood Machinery and Fluery Plows and carry a complete stock. • • 0 tt 113 e a e a OUR - CARRIAGE - F'AlN7"7NG • Ca r3 n Carriage Tire applying We give you prompt service, a(tplyiug ail sizes of the bet- ter grade of Carriage Rubber Tues, and will replace, with- out charge, any tire failing to give 12 months' continuous service. 28 H a e 0 1; 0 e [� Phone 83 S •rseasagosaaa•3••eed,•030000a0Mc_a®0GYRtbalOarl1812$AWA0.0•0•Q nffcre you a job second to none for quality of service and appearance, We give this line our careful attention and your satisfaction when completed, Trusting to be of some service to you, S. Plum Phone 111x 02 et SimiOnsonnancem m .m m.... ' - - ,wvas--asaenm,®s awriiimeaceiminecremasteimsromzeoracr.otremezzosetrenmasernmalaveas quality first and i d Aiwe Y s THE true tneasuee of value in a memorial is in the stone of which itis made, Quality of the stone for cutting and polishing determines the value of the worle done on it, and its phynieal charac- ter determines its permanence as a remembrance. All Granite is not perfect in its mechanical quality because some contain mica, and t'ot' the sums rea- son it cannot mist the action of air, water, gases, Plast and heat, A structural or mechanical weakness in the tnaterial from which a monument is cut necklines its value out of all peopm'tion to the defect 1 for the essential principle of any memor- ial is that it shall be indestructible. In buying here you avoid the risk of poor material and our work- manship is the best. Brussels Granite and Marble Works ALLAN E. I-IERSEY