HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-6, Page 7WHAT IS YOUR
This Article Views the Ques,
tion From a Variety of
When le woman most attractive?
The most obvious answer to this quos -
tion is: "it all depends upon the mon."
To one man a woman—some particular
woman ---could hover be attractive.
She does not appeel to him. To tea
other sine is the one woman in the
If it were not so, mating would he
a difficult problem. "For the life of
me f can't see what John sees in that
girl!" What a common remark! Yet
the fact is he saw enough in her to
marry her, and he seems perfectly sat.
Leftcd. That k enough for John, and
it ought to be enough for his Mende.
Through Life's Stages.
But that is not quite the answer to
our question. Tuklug woman as wo-
man, its au entity, a sex, an idealizn-
tiou if yon like, at what age, or in
wllnt situation, does she show at the
best asci highest? Is it when ells is
just bit ssomnte iota ripe womanhood,
before her heart is lest and won? Is
it ellen oho is betrothed to the man
she loves? Ls it when she is a happy
young-brtdo? is it when she has
tasted the sacramental cup of mother-
hood? Is it when she has a growing
family around her, and is the centro
and soul of her Hoole life? Is it when
site is the idolized nietlier of young
Hien affil women who have scattered
all over the wide world, and look back
to her 19 the ideal woman? Is it when
^ ber heir Is silvered tint1 she sits with
her gt:utctchtldren on her knees?
I woudor!
Thus each of these stages of woman-
hood has its rharnls Leeds little argu-
none Eat which bas most? A wo-
man 1,; often very sweet and appealing
itt her days of courtship, when she is
preparing her bottom drawer" anti
looking wiitfuily into the future.
But the is very stature. Iier ap-
peal hi mainly to the man of her
choice, The other men pass her by.
• alae 1. "just a girl"
Charm Lasts Longest,
i 1.0 1 e heard melt deelarc that a wo.
111' 1 111 her best round about the
age c,r forty, Thera is something in
ir. Fettle of the meet beautiful and
charming wcineu of history and ro-
mance reached the zenith of their
power and attractiveness, not at one -
and -twenty, but at one -and -forty, A
anneal° compliment from a mature
woman has far more vela° in the ears
of a Ulan than the same compliment
from the lips of a woman hull her
It ie probably a matter of mind de-
velopment. The women of forty
knows life. She sees things in their
right relationship. She has compared
and pleasured, and her opinion is
worth having,
Itut the woman who can keep her
influence and charm when her hair
is grey, and when the subtle attrae-
tam of ynuth is no longer hers, scores
a great 1ttaaiplt, Yet one has seen
such women the evetre 9f attraction
when ycnng gills have been lett iu
Ute cold.
Thus we come back to the fact that,
after all, everything depends upon
the Wooton, Them was never a truer
sayl'ng than that beauty is only skin
deep, Beauty is a bad stayer in the
rare of life, but charm lasts to the
Not a Matter of Marriage,
'But," says someone, "the most at-
tractive woman at every stage of life
I ever met never married." No, she
was that 01d maid, that spinster lady,
who was everybody's friend, the sol-
ace of the sad, the comforter of the
s'ck, the comrade of the lonely, the
helper and friend of everybody who
needed her—the general mother!
For, believe- ole, One does not need
to be a mother to be motherly. A wo-
mao is often more attractive mother-
ing somebody else's child titan the
mother herself, for the sense of
motherhood Is Inborn, and if it is not
there it menet be brought out even
by the rearing of a dozen children;
and many a woman who will never
know the joy of motherhood possesses
all its sweetness and grace.
But that sweet picture of "Princess
Pat" comms back to nee, Yes, woman
is most attractive—to everybody, and
not only to the man she lovesand
who loves her—when, Madonna -like,
she bends with moist eyes adoring the
face of her first-born,
A simple gift in need, a smile,
Kind Words, a. look, or sigh
Are priceless rubies all the while,
Bright stars in friendship's slay.
Their memory lingers thro' the years
Till at some future time,
They bring forth fruit, those smiles,
those tears,
That snake God's earth sublime.
it remarkable bird found in Ialcxico.
is the bee -martin, which has a trick of
ruffling up the feathers on the top of
its head into the exact semblance of
ft beautiful fiewer, When a boo comes
;long to sip honey from the supposed
flower it 19 snapped up by the bird,
But They Are Nearly Always
Due to Thin, Watery Blood,
Do not think that because your
'stomach is easily upset yon are the
victim of some serlous malady, 0110
ot the most 00n1n10n predisposing
causes of indigestion 18 anaemia, or
thin, watery blood, In fact it has be-
come generally recognized that
healthy activity of the stomach is ins"
possible unless the blood is rich and
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been
found most valuable in cases of Inde
gestion, nervous dyspepsia and stom-
ach weakness, just because they are
a blood builder and nerve tonic. The
rich, red blood they make not only
imparts a healthy digestion, but car-
ries color to the cheeks and lips and
gives vigor to the muscles, One im-
portant point to remember is that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills contain no harm-
ful drugs or opiates and are thus to bo
preferred to preparations that merely
stimulate for a time. Before you bo -
gin worrying unnecessarily about your
state of health, try the tonic treat -
meat of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
You will bo surprised to see how
rapidly your appetite returns and your
whole debilitated system revives, as
Lite new, rich blood courses through
your body, Here is the statement of
one person among thousands who have
used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills to their
own great advantage. Mrs. A. Ventot,
I3ontford, N.S,, says: "For about two
years I was a great sufferer from in-
digestion, which seemed to carry with
it a complication of other troubles.
Every meal I tool- brought with It
misery, as it was followed by lain,
and sometimes nausea and vomiting.
At other times gas would form In the
stomach to such an extent that my
heart would palpitate at an alarming
rate. These coLditions brought on ex-
treme nervousness and irritability, and
I found my general health so much
affected that the least exertion would
tire oto, and I slept but poorly. I had
been doctoring for several months
with no result beyond slight temporary
relief, when I was advised by a friend
to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, I de-
cided to follow this advice, and got
a half dozen boxes. Good results
soon began to show from this treat-
ment, and the further continued use
of the pills have made me a well wo-
man. I can cheerfully recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to similar
You eau procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine
or they will be setlt you by mail at
50 cents n box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing direct to The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Diseases of Bees.
Bee diseases aro of two kinds: Dia*
eases; of the adult bee, which happily,
in Canada, have so far bee -1 of a
transient nature because no effective
treatment Is known; and diseases of
the hood, of which there are three,
American foal -brood, European foul -
brood, and Sacbrood.
Since each of those three diseases
is treated differently, and since the
first two cause great loss whoa ne-
glected, it is important that every bee-
keeper should be able to recognize
and distinguish them so as to treat
the ,serteus ones effectively an' with-
out delay.
The diseases affect the larva r'r
worm stage of the bee,
In American foul -brood, the larva,
just after capping, becomes a coffee -
colored mass which is so tenacious or
viscid that it will rope out sometimes
to a length oe several inches if a tooth-
pick be inserte1 into the cell and
withdrawn, and It has ail unpleasant
glue -like (dor. The mass dries dohs
to a scale that adheres tightly to the
lower wall of the cell. The esppine
of the cell containing ttto affected
larva is usually discolored; it is of -
ton irregularly perforated, or it may
be removed altogether.
In European foul -brood, most of the
larva aro stricken before they are
capped over. They lege their shape
and collapse at the bottom of the colt,
appearing as if they Led been melted
and turning to a 1iht straw or gray
color. Tho decayed brood has a slight-
ly sour smell t0 which is sometimes
added a strong odor of putrefaction,
The mass ropes out either not at all
or bet little, and the dried scale Is
easily detached.
Iu Sacbrood, the foil grown larva
lies stretched out on its back in the
cell, discolored, but 'with skin and
shape intact. The juices of the larva
at'0 watery and contain curd -iliac par-
American foul -brood is treated by
shaking the bees into a clean hive con-
taining frames fitted with foundation
without any of the honey, and taking
away the combs of brood and honey
whloh contain the spores of the dis-
ease. The bees nttlst not be allowed
access to the honey unless It has been
boiled for an hone, although it is fit
for human use. The combs may be
rendered Into wax, Tho hive should
be disinfected by enrolling,
for most mattes and models of cors,
Your old, broken et* worll•out parts:
ro la ed i
p C Write or wire Usdescrib-
ing what YOU want, We carry the.
largest and most complete stock In
Canada of slightly used or now parts
and automobile equipment, We ship
0.0,D, anywhere in Canada, $tie•
factory or refund in full nur.1110110.
ShawYs Ante Salvage Fart Supply,
923.031 Duirorht 6I, Toronto Out.
Nos. 9474-9145. Size 16 requires
21/4 yds. 54 ins. wide.
9474—Misses' Suit -Coat (two styles
of sleeve). Price, 30 cents. In 3 sizes,
16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 14
yds. 54 ans. wide; lining, 11 yds. 36
ins, wide.
9145 -- Misses' Two -Piece Skirt
(suitable for small women; in two
lengths). Price, 20 cents. In 3 sizes,
16 to 20 years, Size 16 requires 13
yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 11 yds.
Nos. 9472-9145. Size 16 requires
21/4 yds. 54 ins. wide; collar, 1 yd. 27
ins. wide; vest, via yd. 18 ins. wide;
ruffled vesting, 1/s yd. 18 ins. wide.
9472—Misses' Suit -Coat (body and
sleeves in one), Price, 30 cents. In 3
sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires
1344 yds. 54 ins. wide; collar, 1 yd. 27
ins. wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Two Good Cat Stories.
The Spectator of London lately
printed a number of stories in praise
of the cat, and they have aroused an
eager competition among the readers
of the paper to win for their respec-
tive pets the distinction of the most
remarkable cat in Great Britain. Ex-
tracts from two of the best letters fol-
low, The first was written by a niece
of Lord Kelvin, the eminent physic -
We had a beautiful tabby Angora
that was a great pet with us. One
summer wo got a couple of toads to
watch their habits, Her ladyship, see-
ing them sprawling and naked, jumped
up to investigate. When she found
them also cold, her sympathy was un-
bounded. She curled herself round
them and drew them into her soft,
fluffy fur with gentle paws as 1f they
had been young kittens; but we no-
ticed that although she laid her chin
on thorn and showed every sign of de-
votion she never attempted to lick
them. When we returned them to
their damp box in the cold cellar, she
remonstrated and tried to pull them
out with her paws. She did not use
her mouth, us she would have done
with a kitten, and she was so dis-
tressed that we had forcibly to re-
move her. First thing the next morn-
ing when she was let out of her sleep-
ing quarters she returned to the cellar
door and demanded entrance. Mewing
pitifully, she haunted the place all day
and neglected her food. Wo had to
avoid letting her see the toads at alt,
as it always started her fretting anew,
This cat had limited but very strong
affections. To my uncle, Lord Kel-
vin, she showed great devotion. She
never failed to appear as seen as he
caste, and she eat with her paws on
his foot gazing up at him with a look
of absurd adoration. She always
brought her kittens to itIm, even when
they were very young, and she was
not satisfied until he had examined
and admired then. Once she went to
fetch one that was old enough to have
a will of its own. It took tittle to
bring it, and meanwhile he had gone,
Groat were her lamentations when
she deposited the 111110n at his chair
and, looklug u11, found it empty.
The other letter proved pussy's in-
tellect to be as strong as her eyin-
pathies and affections. Not long ago
It customer in a grocer's shop in
Bloomsbury was waiting to be served.
All of a sudden the grocer's cat be-
gan to mew appealingly, "All right,"
said the grocer, "I know what you
want," and h0 threw the cat a penny.
The cat stopped mewing and, dragging
the penny across the floor, got It
gradually into the street, where she
virtually made her.owu purchase from
the cat's meat marl,
Clever Man,
"Dearest," said the young mother,
"I've decided on a haute for baby. Wo
Will call her Ermyntrude,"
Her husband disapproved of the
name, bttt, knowing it he said so, hie
wife would htslst, he remained en -
greeted in thdught a tow seconds, then
"That will do admtt'ably, my dear.
My first seveethottrt's name was Erm-
yntrude;' s0 slie 1v111 take it as a com-
The baby, It tiny be said, was called
IGet Out of That Groove.
Are you feeling quite a failure, are
You beaten in the 51112e?
Aro you finding more of sadness than
of gladness in Your 111o?
Aro you thinking 11 were better to
cease struggling and give in
For your ctreumstanees make it very
plain you cannot win?
If you'd not give 1n and stumble, if
you'd laugh at dull despair,
If you'd snap your fingers 111 the face
of soul-destroying care,
You must alter all your tactics, you
must slake another move,
You must run on otlter linea, and you
must get out of that groove.
While your brain Is strong and active
and your body fit for toll,
You must work well In the right way,
or you'll all your chances spoil;
You must find the proper channels for
your energy and strength
If you would climb to greater heights
and win success at length.
For you cannot empty oceans by just
toiling with a spoon,
Or win "a place within the sun" by
crying for the moon;
You'll win through if you make a
change and obstacles remove,
if you go om, other lines, and if you
get out of that groove.
Children ot all ages—whether It be
the new-born babe or the growing
child—have to be constantly guarded
as to their health. Upon the good
health of the little one largely de-
pends his strength and usefulness in
after years. Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal home medicine tor children
of all ages. They aro a gentle but
thorough laxative which are absolute-
ly guaranteed to be free from opiates
or other harmful drugs and which
may be given to the youngest child
with perfect safety and beneficial re-
sults. Through their action on the
bowels and stomach they banish
constipation and indigestion; break
up colds and simple fevers and make
teething easy. Mothers, you can make
your Iittle ones well and keep them
well by just keeping a box of the Tab-
lets at hand and by giving an occa-
sional dose to the baby to keep his
little bowels regular and his stomach
sweet. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
What Happened.
A young roan who was asked to
spend Christmas with a maiden aunt
in the country, hawing large expecta-
tions from that quarter, had to re-
gard the invitation as a command per-
formance. His aunt 11110d his plate
with turkey and accessories, and then
heaped up another plate with Christ-
mas pudding of the dreadnought
brand. Fortunately the old lady was
called from the room for a moment
and the pudding went through the
window into the garden. Some
minutes later the maid entered, wear-
ing a look of consternation. "Please,
mum," she said, "three of our ducks
is sunk."
The Victim,
The lesson was about the Prodigal
Son, and the Sunday -school teacher
was dwelling on the character of the
elder brother.
"But amid all the rejoicing," he
said, "there was one to whom the pre-
paration of the feast brought no joy,
to whom the Prodical's return gave no
pleasure, but only bitterness; one
who had no wish to attend R. Now,
can any one of you tell me who this
There was a breathless silence.
Then from n dozen synlpatheic schol-
ars came the chorus:—
"Please, sir, it was the fatted calf."
It casts a light on Russian affairs
to know that there is no word for
"effleieney" in the Russian language.
Although some nations exaggerate the
importance of efficiency until it be-
comes a mania,—Germany, for ex-
ample,—the lack of the idea in Rus-
sian speech is reflected in most Rus -
slim activities.
Look at tongue! Remove poi,
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "Caltforntl, Settee of trigs
only—look for the mune California on
the package, then yott are 51112) your
child is having the beet and most
harmioss laxative or physio for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Ohtid.
roe love its delicious fruity taste, buil
directions for child's dose on each bot.
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You 11tus: say "Cal lf'irnla "
ED. 7. ISSUE No10--'20,
If you have Asthma, don't
imyagine that you must (11 -
Relief suffer
amisery, f
is guaranteed in oven the
' worst cases by using
Wo are so certain of re-
sults we will send you te
erre sample Of these cap-
sules confident that you
will cap-
them all wo have
claimed. Write to Tem-
rOetone, 142 Sing 81. W„
sem by reliable druggists
everywhere for 51.01 a 1)ux.
For fifteen years the standard
epeciflc for
!Rheumatism, Neuritis, Gout
, Sciatica, Lumbaac, Neuralgia
Many doctors pre.Crlbe them.
Write free wool, Sold by 0114101, 8n cArlotIX i ,Yor,neonior
*LW Dar bus,
Beautiful Cannibals.
According to travellers who have
lived among them, some of the most
beautiful women in the world are to
be found among the natives of the
Cannibal Islands, South Pacific,
The men are tall and massive, while
the women are beautifully formed and
very graceful, their skin being tawny
like that of a white man who has been
deeply tanned by the sun.
Here is a description of one of them
given by Mr. Frederick O'Brien, a 0is-
ttnguishled traveller, who spent twelve
months among the cannibals.
" 'Vanquished Often' was, perhaps,
thirteen, with a grace of carriage, a
beauty and perfection of feature, a
rich coloring no canvas could depict.
Her skin was, of warm olive hue, with
tinges of red in the cheeks, and the
lips cherry red. Her eyes were dark
brown, large, melting, childishly in-
trospective. Her hands were shapely,
and her little bare feet, arched, rosy -
nailed were like flowers In the sand.
She wore the slimmest of white cote
ton tunics, and there were flamboyant
flowers in the shining dark hair that
tumbled to her waist.'
Nudity is commonplace among these
Islanders at the bathing beach. To
their minds modesty has nothing
whatever to do with clothes. And it
is at the beach that most of the court-
ing is done. A youth finds a girl to
bis liking, and takes her home to hie
mother. If mother give& her consent
a wedding follows; if not, the youth
goes to the beach for another girl,
They are plentiful, and, as far as
charms are concerned, there 1s little
to choose between them.
"Cascarets" is biggest selling
Laxative -Cathartic for
Liver and Bowels
Twenty-five million boxes of Cas.
carets were sold last year to eolke
who wanted relief without injury from
Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,
Gases, Colds and Sick Headacre. Cas -
carets work while you sleep, removing
the toxins, poluons and sour, indigest-
ible waste without griping or inconveni-
ence. Cascarets regulate by strength-
ening the bowel Muscles. They never
weaken or shock the liver like calomel
or harsh pills. Cascarets cost so
little too.
Wise Men Say -------
That the best way out of a difficulty
is through it.
That it pays to do a job better than
seems necessary,
That loose spending is liable to land
one in a tight corner,
That the less a person knows the
more curtain he is that he is right,
That worry is the mental 'flu, Bet-
ter clear the worries out of your mind
and disinfect it with a few drops of
Spanish Fl u
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against.
inard's Liniment
Is a Great Preventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used, Minard's Lini-
ment has cared thousands of cases of
Grippe, Bronohltis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It Is an Enemy to
Oerms. Thousands of bottles being used
.every day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealers.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Let the wealthy and great
Roll 10 splendor and state,
I envy them not, I declare it;
I eat my own lamb,
My chickens and ham,
I shear my own fleece and I wear it;
I have lawns, I have bowers,
I have fruits, I have flowers,
The lark is 111y morning alermer;
So, jolly boys, now,
HHero's God speed the plough,
Long life and 5t101051 to the fernier,
From the Old English,
Who wants an enemy, let ihim lend
90100. 11181107.
The crooked stick is at the farther
end of the wood.
Didn't Bee the Joke.
"Well," said Snaggs, "many dogs
have more sense than their masters."
"Yes," clamed in Craggs: "1 have 8
dog like that myself." ..
And yet he couldn't understand why
they laughed.
Jimmie Knew,
A teacher was instructing a class
in Eseelle11 and called on a small boy
named Jimmy Brown.
'James," elle said, "write on the
board 'Richard can ride the mule if
he wants to.' "
"Now," continued the teacher when
Jimmy had itniebe(1 writing, "can Fou
find a better form for that sentence?"'
"Yes, ma'am, I think I can." was
the prumpt answer. " 'Richard Can
ride the mule if the mule wants him
to,' "
Careless of Him.
Mrs. Jones' mirth was so pro-
nounced that it attracted the attentiou
of her husband,
"What are you laughing at?" lie
"Maud's letter. She writes that
they had foggy weather all the way
"I don't see anything funny in
"No; but she adds that the captain
must have neglected to take out clear-
ing panels."
The safe way to send money by
mail is by Dominion Express Money
Caxton issued Aesop's Fables, the
first book to be printed with number-
ed leaves, March 26, 1484,
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
The British House of Commons
possesses a post office of its own,
which deals with over two and a half
million postal packets during a single
Buy thrift stamps.
SINCE i, 1870
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Classified Advertisements.
41.021077,'6 WANTXP.
Ontario to sell 9transtty't! Filtd
'Volunteer for Ford cars. Guaranteed to
save e5 to so per cent. gasoline. Andrew
Kastle, Jr-, Barnwood, Ontario.
le' will pay you. George Stevens,
Peterborough, Ontario.
.11,Vlogin 111. surrounding land tinder
cultltatlen hear lt,tttrford, bask.. Chas,
IT. Ross, 18 Ruthrrl'ord Ave„ Iiamilto ,
P08. 68L31
VI and lob printing plant la Boa 11.2
Ontario. Insurance carried 01,509. Wtii
Wo for 91,200 on quick sale Bot 0
ilson 1 ubllshing Co,. Ltd.. Toronto.
HJ and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good pay, work sent any dts-
tame, r1,Prges paid. Semi stamp for
Par [imitate. Nat lanai ltfarm faoturiog
Co., Dtontreal,
508002X, TEA08E216
1:7 mons' In spare tune—send post
card to Ratepayer Publishing Co, 1
Columbine, T. ronto.
• thicker, shipped green from saw,
Do not sell until you colnmut.leata with
us. Keenan Eros. Limited, Owen Sound,
( 1AN0108. TUMORS. LU la Eli, ETU..
• Paternal and external. aures wichest
pain by our home treatment Write 00
before too late Dr. Denman 3lodloid
Co., Limited, Oollingwood, Out.
Underneath a new chair for chil-
dren ie a music box that playa when
a child is seated
Ask for Minaret's and take no other.
In Canada there are 4,101) cheese
factories, creameries, cream factories,
condensaries, and milk product plants,
Mabel: "The first time Georg; pro-
posed I didn't accept him." Rose: "1
know that, dear. You weren't there.°
.f t "Danderine" save and
glorify 'our hair
Rntarioa'e Ftonees Dos. Temedles
Rook on
and now to Feed
Mailed Tee to,any Ad-
dress by the Author.
R. Clap Glover Co., Soo.
118 West 81st Street
Now 'York, U,S.A.
candClltIcrna OIIIllneDt
The pore -cleansing, purifying and
sterilizing properties of this wonder-
ful skin soap, using plenty of hot
water and soap, best applied with
the hands, which it softens wonder-
fully and the soothing and healing
properties of Cuticura Ointment for
rednessandroughness, pimples and
dandruff, Unzip, will prove a revela-
tion to those who use them for tiro
first time,
Seca 20o, Ointment 28 and SOc. Sold
throughouttheDcmi,aon, OanadlanDepoi:
Imam's, Limited, St. Petal St., Mentreei.
gefr'Cutieure Soap shaven without mus.
In a few moments you can trans-
form your plain, dull, flat hair. Yon
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dana
derive" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at t1 time, Instantly,
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair, It will be a
mass, so soft, lustrous, fluff;,, and se
easy to do up, All dust, dirt and ex-
0essivo oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and failing
hair, and help your hair to grow long,
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Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The name "Bayer" on Aspirin is of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" widedll
like 14 Karat on gold. It positively contains proper direotione for Colds,
identifies the only genuine Aspirin,— Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu+
the Aspirin preecribod by' physicians ralgin, Lumbago,lbheumatistn, Neurl•
for over nineteen years and now tie, Joint Paine, and Pain generally,
made in Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bub
Always buy an unbroken package a few cents. Larger"Bayer"pnoitages.
There le only one Aspirin--"Bayer"`—"Y'on =net say "Bayer"
Aspirin la the trade mark (registered In Canada) of nn or Manufacture of nano.
atctleaoldestiir Df Callryilcnold, While It 1s won known !hot melee moans Payer
manufacture, to nsei81 ills 111,bllo 959111rt lmttftttons, the Tablets of .sayer Cempany.
Will be stamped with their general trade stark, the "sayer Crass"