HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-6, Page 5'fl9�n',1P.�+.^nlitcrY.«Iv�„Yy��'+Jfr'.�,•em1F.1@pr1
31108 Gait
Gr APR axrasie
CONY +'YA,NORB, AIM .16813E11
mce In the Pont Itl°o, Ethel. 40.1.
�i13. 130OTtP Afi AN II.UOT'ION.
• neon, Will Hell for hatter prices, to
b,ttermen, In leas Nino and lose thanes
Dian any other Auctioneer in Haat Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates cud orders
call always be arranged et this oleo° or by
para:nal applleetlon,
College, graduate
night the Ontario Veterinary
Flour Mill, lathe'.
T. T. M' l-v'AE
m. Al. C. P.. & S. O.
M. 0, $., Village of Br 4.1.
Physielen, Surgeon, Aeeou,. '.tr
(Mee et residence, opposite Melt. . Church,
Million Street.
Barristers, en !sites, Notarial; Patella,
()Sine on the Square, an,; door from liamtlton
001)B13I0If. ONT.
Private fund:, to loan at lowest rates,
W. Pneene0O r, K. (,', r, fo, 31 LLDRA N
R. J. D. Moose:
Sam Weinstein
40 Is prepared to pay the i
highest price for 4
4. Scrap Iron, 4
• Rubbers, ••
A �y�
4 Rags,6T6t °i .
• 4
4 -•
4 4
® FURS4.
Highest price paid. See
me before b
e e you sell.
• Highest Cash Price for
i five Poultry and ludas a
d 4
a 4
oWrite or 9hone 6'2x •
• •
444444444444 a4444444444444
1 John Oliver
4. 4 has taken over the Deering A. 4.
'eney and handlee a full line of +
1• Farm Implements including the ,'�.,
+ noted +
4• +
* I. N, C, Cream Separators
4' 4.
71' The only Creast Separator with 4'
' two wide open cream outlets- 1
4. no cream screw in thepath of
� the Bream. See it when in town. +
• The I, Ii. C. 8-16 and 16-Z6 Tractors •
•4. The Heeling Manure Spreader
÷With the wide spread and very
light in draft,
I John Oliver
are among the best.
McCormick and
To the Farmers of Grey and Sur-
rounding Country r
I am prepared to take orders for'
McCormick and International Imple-
ments, Teacbnra, lhiginee, Plows, En-
silage Outtete, Cream Se..paratot'e,
1'Vagone and Sleighs,
Full line of 'Pillege and Haying
and Harvesting Implements. No bet-
ter Binder, Mower ne Manure Spread-
er made than the Me0orntick.
Buy from me and save money as
I can pay cash and can sell on terms
to snit.
Will keep repairs or get them for
you on a day or two'e nomas.
Oall and see me at Ethel before
buying and save stoney.
If You wish to tt1et a HI,gh
Gracie Bust.ness Educa-
tion and a Position soon af-
tet Graduating you will cel•
eel toe
ti Yong° • Charios eta, Toronto
Naa.rn mer. about this school by
for cur serge cteteto'P,uu. See
what we bees done for others and whet
wn sen do for you, 'fila School stands
r for the belt in °nurses, instruction,
equipment and diaolplIne. Upon all
/ year, Outer now,
14%gS 4tiosile 7s'x4 f;(rAe 'a
4'++44.4++++4444+44+4'4+4 444+
+ ,.,Wanted I
•+f We have o )solo's for a fee
1 6 v
+ good reliable man to work an +
' Threshing blachines, Tractors +40
l, and other woi k, a
+ the Baht, Bell Engine & Thresher Co,
Lanceted +�
Seaforth .- Ontario 4,
Rev. Dr. Larkin attended the Synod
ab Brantford.
Alex. Kennedy, 'I.'uekergmilit, pur-
chased the residence of Mrs. T..11.
Thmueon, now of Chatham.
Wednesday afternoon will be ob-
served as public holiday by the busi-
ness meta this season during May,
June, July, August and September.
Two Retiemptotiet Fathers, Barry
and McLanolrlin, will open a week's
Mission in St. James' Church, Sea,:
forth, commencing Sunday, May Oth,
and closing Sunday night, May 16th.
Canadian Pacific Railway station was
completely destroyed
by tiro at 0.30
o'clock Saturday orning, April 2411).
Cause of Ore is not known. Tho build-
ing being a wooden structure, was
burned to the ground in a few minutes
and the Section men were unable to
save any part of it. Total loss has
not been announced, Divisional offi-
cials of the 0. P. R. announced that
the destroyed building would be re-
placed with a new one at once. The
building was put up when the line
was opened some 13 years ago. 2 rail-
road coaches are supplying the plane
of the building temporarily. There is
no fire protection at Monkton hence
no method of combatting fires.
Amount of freight in storage was not
large, but all was destroyed.
bleu. IT. W. Conk's health i•t improv-
Enos Donaghy is suffering from a
severe attack of sciatica.
The Ales, Geo. Johnston property
has been puechased by Emmanuel
1141 pounds of maple syrup from 160
trees is this season's make from Henry
Bolton's bush.
John Beached] purchased a brood
mare from Ab, Johnston for a good
sum of money.
Alex. N. and Mts. Edgar have re-
turned from Paris where they spent
the past few weeks visiting relatives.
Ab a joint meeting of the Agricul-
tural Society and Athletic Association
it was decided to remove present
Agricultural hall and build a skating
rink in its stead, the rink to be used
as an agricultural hall when required.
Alta. Querin was visiting with
friends in Galt.
Steve King moved to the house
North of the Hake Shop and formerly
occupied by Jas. Musgrove.
Miss lfargttret Young, who has been
laid up with typhoid fever for some
weeks, is progressing favorably.
The many friends of E. Radioed, of
the Bank of Hamilton staff, Gorrie,
will regret to learnt he is again i11 at
his home in Forchvlob.
Mrs, R, G, Dane and Stanley, who
were visiting with relatives and
friends in Michigan for the past
month, have returned house.
Miss Vera Stein miller arrived hone
from Toronto. She was accompanied
by Mise Ethel Ritchie, who will be a
guest at the Steinreiller home for
a short time.
Wm. Sanderson, Toroutn, was n
visitor at his home,
Mrs. Pater Ring, Bluevale, was the
guest of Mrs. Jno, Harris recently,
Quarterly Communion was observed
in the Methodist church Sunday even-
Edward Gretvar, formerlyof Brus-
sels, renewed acquaintances in the vil-
Aire, A, Wells, Toenntn, is spending
a fern days with her patents at Alta -
land Brae.
Wilfrid Musgrove, Hamilton, wee a
week end visitor at the home of D. B.
Galvin Moir left for Blyth. He ex -
peas to spend the Summer erecting
steel barna,
NV. Stirling, who has epent the
IVinter ab the home of Dt'. McLeod,
left for Bayfield.
A public tneetint, in reference to the
Hyden Eleatic 13y -Law will be held in
the Town Hall this Friday evening,
May 7tlt. Me, Flint, a Hydro electric
Engineer, will be'present, and addr'ese
the meeting, He will be prepared to
answer any questions and give all in,
formation, Every ratepayer should
attend. Voting on the $16,000 money
lly-Law tvlil lake plane Monday, May
10111, between 0 a, In. and 5 p, to, 10,
-.,. a e40, .. si t .. , ttlsrrrt"T'!X^?•' F`r .-Nlw"�'t '°.t"77`.np. .v
. n+c--�aw'..:m,�r.nrn.r :,W..:ru„"c=.r-��sv.�'CV.�. ',t".', _...'4t^� ,w .'��'-..� xt~"rr.","=Fla
x Seed,
� �T-sr• -a7srsrc„c"� ^� '•gym, ,--,-
�1ae1•l 1eL Cath be E-eilart,tig utilic t' 1
Annual hnetna'Ho uteellug of Ilett
Methodist a Sunday last w was Mild
Monday l Lineig ellast week. The
school is to a very Hatasfac1oty condi.
Lion. Contributions for the poet Year, TER /nil EczEmA
have been tench larger than usual and
the attendatt'e increasing, Following
l cme wets; elected Suitt•, It.
Hlucka ; Asa't Supt, L, Mullett ;
Secretary Miss B. tfazlewood Ass't
Y t
MIDI Velma Lowry ; '1lutsure', Srtffa+a1 Threes Years Until MA, Tried
Miss S. liasnt,i t,t.nt ; Missionary "FRUIT-A-'fIVES"
Treasurer, hiss Orville 11upfer;
Organist, Aire. J, It,. Weil& ;
Assistant. Organists, Misses Annie
Hupfelr and liva (lowdcn ; 'reactions,
R. Stocks Miss I1, J, Howe, Mrs, L.
Rattan, Mr's. L Hart and Mrs, Stocks,
While shingling a barn Lorne Bar-
ton, Donegal, fell front the reef and
badly tract tired Iiia left leg.
1'Ite family
William Mason, Sad
line, Wallace, iH uncle& quarantine for
eniallpox. Mother and daughter tee
reported down with (livelier,.
Annual Gen fele/lee of the Eyarigeii-
t.al Association, held thw ye;u'at AI,
leldt, closed with the rrntonncentr'l,t
of the stationing of tine ministers for
the coating year. Rev. le. Al.(,aschl'-t'
returns Io Listowel and IOev, Jt', Meyer
to witllene,
The quarttnt.ine has been lifted by
M. 0, 11 , from the home or Noah
Bowuutu, Wallace township, and two
Hurls, Vietot' and Delbert, ItaVe t'eHtirl-
ed positions et `Aminigg'H.
A. delightful surprke was at rang, d
at the home of Mrs, T. L. Hamilton,
when the honored gnedt, AL a, (Dr.)
Otunpbell, who has since left for the
family's new borne at Cellar Springs,
was presented with air onyx ring set
with pearls, as an exprt!Nsion of ap-
preaiation from admiring friends,' 10
or more in number, who poured in fol.
lowing tea, to whir') Mee. leuripbell
had been invited.
Mr, Sholtlice, Br'auttiton, is the new
operator 01 i.he G. T. R. depot..
Bau'tister,Drdley Holmes has been
appointed Police Magistrate as swerve -
sot. to J. A. blortou, who resiganed,
First weekly half holiday for this
season eomrneneed Weditesilay of this
meet.( and will be continued to close of
The sale of the cottage on Patrick
street trout S. Burke to bliss 0, Tay.
tor, nurse, and the house and lot on
Minnie street, front Mrs, W. Welland
to S, Burke are reported.
L. F. Binkley, who has been manag-
er of
Bell '1'el
Co. at
iVin U
P not
has been asked by hitt company to
lake charge of their work at Spring -
ford, Ont. Mr, Binkley and family
will leave for their new home in the
near future.
There passed away on Monday.
April 26th, at her late }tome, Lot 18,
Con, 1, Culross, air old end highly re-
spected resident, of Culross Township,
Isabella McLaren, relief of the late
Ino. Louttit, at Ole age of S0 years and
16 clays, Funeral took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week to
Wingharn cemetery and was conduct-
ed by Rev. De. Perrie,
Annual election of officers for Ep-
worth League resulted as follows :-
Hon, Pres„ Rev, Armstrong ; Presi-
dent, F. J, Hill ; Vice Presidents,
Mabel McDonald, Aline Imlay, Vern
Rnatlhonee, Blanche Bennett, W. B.
McGool ; Recording Seey., Chas,
Lloyd ; Corresponding Secy., Sadie
Davidson ; 'Treasurer, F, R. Rowson ;
Pianists, Hazel Brandon and Mae
Lloyd ; District Repreeetrtative, J, M.
Annual meeting of the Victory Alia.
sion Circle of the Methodist Church
was held at the home of Miss Mae
Lloyd, after having a very successful
year, Following oi'Oeers were elect-
ed :--Presiclent, Mrs. (Dr'.) Stewart ;
Vice President, Miss Blanche Ben-
nett; 2nd Vice Presiclent, bliss Mae
•44+444+444.+4+•+•+•+•+•'i'• -F
T. Everything regained on the
John Long
Agent, Brussels
Main Street, opposite Town Hall
Fibre Flax deed
We can still supply mill ()where
and farmer's with choice Fi bre Seed
at reasonable prices frorn one
stocks of direct imported Dutch"
Irish and our Dutch -Canadian On-
tario grown, About 600 hushe':t
of each still on hand, Also a quart-
City of choice meal Beed,
Delivery can bo loads at Seaforth,
Blyth, Brussels or Toronto, Wire
or write us et either place,
Huron County flax Mills, Ltd.
Head Otioo
05 King 6t„ Eton, Toronto
Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q,
"I think it my duty to tell year how
much your medicine has done for ntc.
1.te j/'ered fon three years with terrible
Eczema. I consulted several dueters
and they did not do me any good.
Then, I used one box of •Soother.
Saha' and two boxes of `Frail.cenecs'
and my hands are noir clear. T'Ite
pain is gene and there has been uo
return. I think it is a marvellous
cure because no other medicine did
me any good and I tried all the
remedies I ever heard of, without
benefit until I used 'Soothe -Salve
and 'Fruit -micas,'
'Fruit -a -fives' cooled the blood
and removed the cause of the disease,
and 'Sooiha.Salva' completed the
OOe. a box, 6 for $2,60, trial sire 21e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
IPruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
Lloyd ; 3t'd Vice President, Mabel
McDonald ; Recording Secy,, Miss L.
McOool; Corresponding Secy„ Miss
V. Roadhouse ; Treas., Miss 5, David-
son ; Christian Stewardship, Mies J.
Brock ; Pianist, Miss H. Brandon,
Collection for Armenian Relief tak-
en in Presbyterian Sunday school
amounted to $7658.
Mrs, \Vu, Mason and family left
last week far London, where they will
for the present, make their home with
Fred. Mason.
Blyth Red Cross Circle have
made arrangements for the appear-
ance of Hardison, the Scottish Com-
edian, in Industry Hall, on the night
of Wednesday, May 120.
George Powell, Vancouver, B. 0„
arrived batik to town and will be ern-
ployed in his son's grocery for the
present. Some years ago Mr. Powell
disposed of the business to Reeve
0011, and will again take his place be-
hind the counter in the old stead.
Slee, Powell, will spend soot,, months
visiting relatives before coming to
Following is the election of officers
of Methodist Sunday Sehool t -Super-
intendent -E. Bender ; Asst. Super-
intendent, J. Moody ; Secretaries -
R. A. King, J. Vincent ; Treasurer,
E. Hilborn ; Librarian, D. D. Oeieten-
den ; Asst. Librarian, blies L. Taylor ;
Piattist, Miss Pearl Gilley ; Asst.
Pianist, Miss Addie Tartan ; Musical
Director, John Garnise ; Missionary
Secretary, Mrs. J. McElroy ; Temper-
ance Secretary, Mrs. Slitter ; Grading
Officer, 111, Bender ; Cradle Roll Sup-
erintendent, Mrs. H. McElroy.
Treasurer's statement showed total
income for year was 8418.
LATE: R. G. MoGoWAN,-Monday,
26th, telt., the residents of East
Wawanoeh and vicinity were called
upon to pay the last tribute of respect
to a life long resident, It. (4, McGoty-
an, who passed away at his resilience,
Lot 40, Con. 2, East Wawanosh, on
23rd ult , after a short illness of three
weeks, 11r. tlicGowati was born on
the old homestead, Lot 30, Con. 2,
now occupied by his brother, Alex„
where he sp 'nt his youthful days.
About 30 years ago he purchased the
farm Mr which he since resided, from
his nnole, Robert; who then reeved to
Oregon. A few years later lee mats
rigid bliss Elizabeth Scott, daughter of
the late Waltee Scott, 0th Con, East
%Vaivttnoslr, who survives hint. To
't1!rom a water -mattress to a tries
down town in two weeks is pretty good,
' don't you think?" said Mr. R. A.
Watkins of 156 Ascot Ave., Toronto,
the other day,
"Last April I contracted Rheumatic,
raver, No niedit'hte snored to help
me. Ieront an invalid's chair to bed,
frorn bed to a water -mattress in a :few
short weeks 1 went. I don't want to
think how I suffered, my wife read
your advt. in the paper ono (lay, and
we decided to try T.1l,,G.'s. Well, in
two weeks I smile that trip down town.
It scorns like a miracle, Now I'm back
at my job again in the best of health,
hitt we still use T,R.C!,'s. Mrs, Wat-
kins says fora hoatlec'to there's no-
thing liko thein, Two T.1.0,4 180111 to
stop any headache that ever ltap,pens in
our family.' t
11.0.0.'5 are for Rheumatism. They
aro else for headaches. :1. hondeehe ie
saay for T,R;C.'1,. Try t'onnt, Ask your
druggist, T.1L,C..'a mailed auywhcro for
*1.04. (Tomplotons Ltd., 142 King W.,
Toronto), 418
Sold at Jae, Pees Dred Store, Brussels,
.'1I.t (')
'rx Meal
John Logan..
J3rl,: Fl i hetpI rax:; TOM
theta were given a family of 11 girls
and a boy -Annie 1'J., sebooi tettriiet
Jane and Walter at home and Maggie,
who dieil
lU years ago. IL (x , he
was fatniliael known, as endowed
with tt genie', etfriendly d1 pa.:iiinu,
kind and obliging Heighten., ni'11 u
keen business ability. Most ut' his
time was spent on his fine farm,
tvitich he brought up t(1 tt high tats
of produtction, equippt1 with house
and barns second to none in the
neighborhood, Mr. Mcilnwnti tv'-t•t
2 occasions 0 member 11 the Council
board of the to'rnahip ; he elan did
service as school h'u-te,, for itt venni
years, ant) was agent i't.t the Pomona
1!'ite insurance Co. 1! ' wa Presby-
terian and set reit on the pont tl '•1'
Management a uuutbet of years. In
polities he was a Liberal and a mem-
ber of Court Ivy Leaf. Iu.depenrlent
Order of 1Pnieslers. Hervirc tet the
hoose was conducted by Rev. It G.
Telford, M. A., 13. D , assisted by Rev.
lir. Hisey, Nile Pt'Ihearere wei
Wirt., Alex., 14, (:, and R. 13, Me sw-
an, John Scott and Fred Toil. Those
from a distance attending Named
were -Richard and Mee, Moore, and
Mr. and MISS McLaren, 'Toronto ; Jno,
and Win. Scott, Alilton : and Melville
Richmond, Lnu,lun.
Rohl., Moore, local agent for the
Prudential Ineermlee Co„ has received
0 deserved protttutiott anti gnea to
Merchants in town will cloee their
businese places Wednesday afternoon
during May, Jure, July, Angus, tool
September, except when a nubile heli-
day comes in week.
Mel. Torrance, who had charge of
the Victory Loan in Heron the last.
two campaigns, is progressing favor.
ably It' 1 H
y Olt 111, recent operation for ap-
pendicitis itt Toronto.
Levi Strong Closed a deal whereby
he will estrum control of the grocery
business of J. Reid, Victoria street,
about May 15th. Mr. and Mrs, Reit)
have not been in extra good health.
0. W. Hawke, 'Tiverton, has pue-
chaeed the house on Townshend street
from Ernest Rozeli, and will come
back here to live. His stealth is not
good. The latter has bought the
double hoose, King street, from the
Chidley estate.
A memorial tablet to Rev, 1. F.
Sharp, a deceased Exeter Pt eshyter i -
an pastor, was unveiled,
74 Robert .Rakes diplomas and seals
were presented to pupils of James
Street Methodist pnp ila, Exeter, for
attendance every Sabbath of 1010.
Any person tlr:;iritl;; to procure this 131.x51 1' 1..R. 1 11,-
1 -
1ZER may have their ue':!ds supplied very prctnlptly
by application to the undersignttd.
Gunn's Tankage
You cannot aWord to lrac(.i Pigs witlun11 it,
Supply of Gunn's Calf Meal ol'a
Once. 116P , :tl%S'.'IN't
Stanie‘., 1
1 I' IS
1.", .ti ;'1. ''1, 11:tiSsels
WE have trach1‘)rtuitate in grrtiu i• •i It l
of Linolt t•rn at the :'id prier. If ;;)tl i ., , -
this it the place- and nolo it the tin's.^ r'l hal,'
Heavy gllallty, t'ottet'`ri j y(Is, aide, per yard ...$5.50
2. yds. wide-, per yard ..- 2.60
Other Housecleaning Requirements
Sherwin-Williams Paints, Stains and Varnishes,
Scrim and Bungalo Net for dainty Curtains.
Cretonne and Chintzes make cheery Overdralu-s, Bed-
room Box Covers, Etc.
Dismal, dingy etu'reuntliugi make you feel tired and depressed. A
bright, sunny room will amply repay you in cheerfnlheve:rttl haly'inc'vs,
We are here to Serve You.
Mo ticrlefF
One. piaca %t, tet1.'''No (aria'
actor Suction ftie!
Retia net: ERts5E lb,:,'
Ls`ag4ine tr Ott t ,
Over 75,000 Satisfied Tsars ---that's a big point
in favor of D1a1.,CO-LIGHT-•the. complete clet't.ric
light and power plsnt.
Delco -Tight users are enthusiastic beach,=..
is the plant t3n.t given them maxinnun w•;; ., •=
with Iittle atter tion and minimum rua;.
A ga,ion of kern:'ene will give four tune u.1
much light. (electric light), when used for fuel
in a Delco -.Light plant, as it gave with the in.
efficient coal oil lannp.
More than 4,000 Delco -Light plants were de-
livered to the U. S. Government for war work.
Delco Light was specified for this s .rviee berams
of its ker'os'ene burning engine and h,'ea( -,.
successfully air cooled,
There are thousands of Delco -Light installations
in towns and villages. Delco -Light in the mon...
garage or small town hotel means &right.clean,
electric lights io attract more and better trade.
H. Gourley Darroch
District Agent LISTOWT's1.
Write for entelee,
prices and tardier
interestint l'siti.00.
LIGHT details.
:`•;I"ovr S:antlb:
cloo'll porlahl
t.erre thatrtcanobe
{i eaailycttrried
from one job
CO o tens lh burdens o �.