HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-5-6, Page 1.A1 14 VOL, 48 NO. 45 I5O Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS; ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JA Y 6, T920 W. H. KERR, Proprietor Katt° Laidlaw 80 ; George Kirkby Don't forget the Clearing Auction Sale of W. I.r, Schnook, for Thin eday afternoon of next His Lot is South t 24, Com is. List may be read in this isolate ale Schnock mid family ptwpose removing to Flint,' Mich,. having mild Ids farm here, Bin Sucextste-The Sex Social held at Union Church under the auspices of the Eftwoebb League last. Priclity evening WAS a gime; one. II, L. Stew- art EMS Chairman itud handled the program 0, k. Musical and literary numbers were well rendered by local talent. Mrs, (Rev,) OKell also coil. et Tenders far Butter Milk --_-__--_____ Tencleri will t..- 1 1,1214,,PC1 fin' Ibe Butter milk et ;bee mole cheese, Pry fot ,iiti seetion or 1020, up tu Moneay, May PAIL The Wall. eet ot an tender uot tir eer al accepted, ily - - eetelefeee.,e+++4-1-1.4-1.1.-efiefeHeettelee a Eggs for Ilatchlung • St Cii White leghoros B RE D -TO. LAY -,J1111 or -A'eek. A L -- _ - ,..... 111111111111111111 U11111111111 11 11111111110111111101111111111111111111111111 11111111i1111111111i1111111111111111111111l111111111 11 P The Farmer s Financial 111 DI - _ _ e =se. 00 ; Mae VVatson 00. Sv, HI -Katie laeadiean 77, Jr. Iff-Mery Kelly 71; Lew Kirkby 06, Jr.1II-Allan Pease 67, hit Class-Waltee Pease, Frank 'Kirkby, Sr, Pelmet -Mabel 13esvley, Walter Shammed, Jr. Printer- Hervey Rryans, Clifford Pease, N. E. fixerto, Taactixa, _ -,.. z : so -..= ee: 1--.• :. - = Z.--- ' Friend.touring We hlarge resources andOranbrook the. vast ex • perience of 87 years to draw upon to serve you; but we have something even more important -we have the earnest desire to do so. We cash your produce and personal cheques, collect your drafts -all by mail if required -end gladly give you impartial advice on any financial or business matter. el."-- = oranbrook -.e- Ernest Bray has invested in a new ear. Mts. Jno. Iromese is making (twee- able progress since her operaLion, _.ave Knox church W. M. S. - tvill send a delegetion to Kineardine - to the Oonven Bolt on May 180, A few tamers have eee„ busy seed. - in g, vvidle others have been waiting _ f.ld Sl g soeeto re -or- - School in Knox = ganize the Suntlay church, whioh. peat Winterhas been closed dung . ri James Bird and Ales, Thoxnas jack- - lin and their nephew, _ r... motored to London on Saterday to attend the funeral of theit °omen Mrs, - Ed, Perrin on Sunday, tiebuted t wn readings. 1.10EsS SOK RS high as $2.60 and the financial proceeds were over $60 00. Mini- ary cause will he benefitted by the STEWART BROS., 13R USSR Ls, ., Alex. P erm success of the social. _ -. iTnte•i,mibsl Phone 2515 Ethel diueeCwh ea, nof aSuionutx, And , RIoevw. a,Aann- uncle, Deceased wase Orilliant ee4.+4.44.4444.44++++++++++++ Council met here last Monday, 3. H. 111cLelland has been wovking in Listowel, Football extivity is being manifeet- ed. Tile competitions win won be an. nounced. Ethel will have a sliming team, The einaliteon Concert in the Town- stud. it a hard workin WEI eumerefel eal stor, whose death gem off a promis- p ing (Mime. p Next Sabbath evenizte Rev. Robert tnu.aon, B. A., ouigmi",, win went, at the Methodist, eburch. A woinenta obeli, will lead the melee, stmday ' beP6 l'i't,l'e''''. m theto Milton. Appropriate wards or appreciation were spoken by Rev. Ma Moyer at the Methodist Chnvell I.E1,StItIdIty morning, of the active in. tomtit and wit' k in the elearch by Mr, and Mrs. Stewart and family. ship Hall, Saturday evening of next week should draw a good crowd. Dai . .se , 9II ROVoses.-David Seeders, 7h° been so ill from blood Brussels Council I Bank of Nova Scotia - - - Polid.up Capital - .. 8 8000000 :"--z- P. R. GILROY Reserve Stind - - - 18,600,000 Manager - eeseitsee• . - . - 220,000,000 itt Ille., Brns6;ds Branch le oi it" _ e%1111111 erectVet 111111111 38 21 `2 d MD C., 111111*: -Jir.' i Oil tillItiletee. , •..,' • - - Ci ; ifir::0411, see • . . r ..eg \ '''."- 4 '':4 °- tes 4r. a 50. ' Walton Rev, Mr, Lundy and Rev, Mr. Boyle, Belgrave, exchanged pulpits lasb Sunday, - The Walton School Fair promoters are right on the job and will have - their Pvize list ready in the near = future. _ At Maitland Presbyteteal, W. M, 8,, to meet in Kincai dine on May nth Mts. Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy, of Walton, will eanduct a Mission Band Conference at the forenoon session. She is an ex- pert at this work. The well known draft et,amon .ioumberland Gem," owned by J. J. MeGavin, Leadbuty, has been sold to W. A. Medlitirst, who will keep hims 'at the farm of Thomas Miller, dth He's a fine impersonator of Scot. Hell eon and story, See advt. on page 1. 5, and Mee, Howlett have rented e, the Edward lyieteheP "nee and vf"' continue as residents of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher will live in Sea- forth. They have resided here for the past 20 or 25 years and carry the good wishes of the COIREIIIIIily WW1 therm Mrs. R. H. Neale, of Edmonton, At- bel' . . ta, who was here on a visit witn relatives and old felende, has veturued Wtoittshite tiuVeisest,KlisearVnigA.101a1..ettoWieleekv. 111h:. riage, We hope it won't be long he- fore she returns for annther holiday. DEATE or Mos. E. Anefeatmexce- Last week's St. Itlary's Journal velem to the death of Mrs. Atinstrong, rola. Give ±0 0. and Mrs, Rayeard, Ethel, as follows :-Particularly sad was 111a death on Friday of Mre, Harry Ann. strong at Science Hill Mts. Arm. strong was taken 111 with influenza in February followed by pneumonia, Her condition was settees for some time, but for the past 3 weeks she had been making favorable progress and every hope was held by the family for her recovery, and 8418 11,16 even hoped to be out of bed in couple of weeks, but hee illness was more than she could stand and she passed away on Friday, Mrs. Armstrong, whose maiden name was Liles Cameron, was a daughter of the late Ewen Cameron, of Anderson, where she was born 51 years ago, For a number of years she taught school at Andemon, and also at Essex. 31 years ag ) she married Harry J. Armstrong, of Science Hill, where they have since 108)1.186 on the Armstrong homestead. She was a life-long member of the Methodist church and an active worker in the League, taking special interest in the literary work and was en able speak. er. Besides her husband, 6 sons end 3 daughters minutia to 11 1011111 the lose of a loving mother 1 -Thomas, el Lanigan, Sask. ; Cameron, Toronto University ; John, Ka,nsack, Sask..•, Mary, teacher in Ribbon Township, and Marjory, Isabella, Paul, Jame* and Brock, at home. 4 sisters also survive, /tamely :-Marjory, urse in n Louisville, Ky. ; Belle, of Verdan, Man. ; Mrs, A, E. Pearin (Alice) of Verdan, Mate ; and MI,A. W. T. efos- sip (Enamit,) London. The funeral ser- voe was conducted cn Sunday by Rev. A. McKibben, at Mon Chumh where a large number of friende genii- eted to pay their last respects to one so highly respected in the community, Interment svae made in St. Marys DEATH OP REV. D. H. Toamen.- W. W. Trimble, of Ambersebuig, re. calved it 015581130 Mondey Impelling of last week, conveyiug the sad news of the death of his brother, Rev. Delmer 11. Tvimble,. which occurred at Los Angeles, California, Setaitty MOrtang. Letters received from his father, lVna, Trimble, of Antherstburg, .11118 poison- mg in lus tight, leg is oonind ;table improved. He injer'eci his knee by it, Han and it was feared at one Bugs that amputation might be neceesety, Vito bone he will 50011 he°. k, FRACTURED Amt. -While at work sawing wood 1" "'ye' °I11 at Rtbel station a stiek tlew back from I he iitw . . t . - _ .._ _ _James atm St1 uce tsen., son of W EL WW1 tl- beck, and fractured bis left arm, ust .4 above the typist, He tie atteiming the saw. ft was fortunate it NOS no istvbell:tne 1b"clibwo8u1,1131oisPekV40e1 ItiVai151 80701a3 1,be Aurotess ,txn PRESENTATION. --0E Friday evening', April 30th, a mon- be", -11 15181ase 1,_tnd neighbors ,ittet itli oatitliealpITneseeiol tue,idinouttw, aatil.ccit III T.t.utristritititeiti., her, who are leaving for Seaforth, with a muse. Following address was read by Bernice Cole and Alte. Dil- w°2.th Presented the Wee '- DIgAll. AIM -,1.,ND MRS. PLR:MIRE - On this, the eve of yonr removal from oat this community, to the place you in- tend to make your !inure home, a number of your old friends and as- sedates have taken the opportunity of gathering together to bid you farewell and to express their sincere good Meth. es for yotee future prosperity and hap- piness. You have been for so long a them:respeeted eta hn oored residents of this locality and have always taken each an active and interested part in all its social activities and your pre- settee at all times has added so much to the pleasure and enj iyment of 80 malty of our social and restive garher- ings in the past, you will be utilised very much from among us Mien we ineet in future on such occasions, We will lack the kindly help andmitting _ cheerful assistance upon which we coulcl at all tunes firmly rely when- ever requited. As a ...light mark of the esteem in which you are held by friends here, and in 0010.' stnall weas- tlte te eh" 7,°t1 that 71411.' seeial ""a neetully meditate are recsignized and appreciated by all of us we now pre- . . .. , ' s . sent you wan this pulse tom ask van s - -- to accept 51111 use it to providewhich a me- 111012±0 of your friends in Eche land violnity. You null, rest assured you 15)11 ,101. soon be forgotten by them, That yeti may have 11, full measure of prospeeny and happines, ine your new home is an earnest and sincere wish and 1111111 1011003 new ±1)0068 15116 and . quaintancee you tuay met ivith many as good anGros 118 those you leve be. hind is the hope of us all. Signed on behalf of those assembled. .1 1 1 Alvin ,Falyeitteplier made a their gifts . . hoped tile would often visit and . y _ . them In Settforth. For they are jolly ,, good Fellows was then sung i?""`'n. ing wasspent in games, social chat, etc., after which lunch was served The otowd departed wish1ng Mr, told Mrs. Fleteber every happiness in thew netv home. Phe mgular monthly meeting of Brussels Council was held Monday evening. All the in enbers present, Reeve In chair. Minutes of last meet- lug read and passed. Followiug accounts were present. ed Henderson, teenting ..$ _Oil 75 • It. Ohatnpion, work on streets 1 50 M. Oliver, work on streets 4 60 R. Olivet, salary.... ..... -... 75 00 Tam Posy, printing .. - ..... 15 25 RR.. TThbuttellii, salary1aiSlllgai Isliterk5t, 14151 01 Jno, Long, salary and miscel- laneou , ..... . .......... ... „00 60 Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by .1.1.1,idF. vaos:irriettarat 8±010 accounts he A Committee fvom the Bitsinens mons; Aesociation addressea 1 110 colleen as 1,0 lime!! paying for the pumping of necessary water to keep i dust down on Main Street enti1 arrival of oil, Business men to pay for street watering, Moved by 1 C, Richards, seconded by S. Written that Council 1 comply with the request. Carried. jute Ferguson asked, through R. Oliver, to have shade trees along Gar. field house block, King street, Wm- , in,ed. No objection, ' The fallowing lettev was read by , Clerk Scott re Hydro power which speaks for Itself :- 1 F, S. Scott, I Village Clerk, 1 Bressels, Ont, Dear Sir •-With reference to your ! communicalion of April 21st, concern. . . . . . i g service to your feunicipauty. 1 ' begnto advise that the delay in stib- I, information to you Is due en. ' tirely to the fact that the Commissiondesh•es to obtain service for your t, Municipality at the lovvest ossible ; cost and in he most convenienPt man- ' nee, As pointed out sereral tones in ( the past, there is more than one tiyaro System emen which service t can be given to Beussele;and a dads. c ion has not yet been arrived at as to 1 e ll b wi c e extended givingyour 1 munioucipall.y. s this decision will The delay in to not hi any manner e affea the time or ate upon which t d povver can be clelivered as there are t. seveval miles of line to b constricted 1 before Brussels eon be reached. The 1 AwMorOIURt 1),11. tit I &W'1 bl0 for cIlle C11 c is imedandshoudit bedeid- eil to serve Brussele from the Niagara a System, due to a great deal of other s work on band and :the :scarcity 0/ la- / bow the et:inattention or line could not 5 be decided to serve Wessels ft•orn the c Eugenia System it will be necessary C to extend the line South from Wing- S hane and it is expected that the con. le tructiot f tl e 1' t H • 'I e ' °, ' I me o .anovet through to Imewater and Winghani 11 will be under way in the course of two et weeks' time, Just as soots as a deals. J ion is arrived at and the estimated New Advertisements line, Morris township. See advt, in Rev. 0. Malcolm attended the Lon- this issue. He's a fine horse. Hamilton ' Synod "Tale Vere.aeue ---- Comert-Prittrdition, For sale -A. E. Parker, For sale -S. P. MeIntosh. For sale -B, a Stevenson, Bead Barley -Geo. Speiran. Milk for sale -Alex. Nichol. House for sale -Mrs. James. Delco Light -II, CF. Darrooh. Enlace Bakery -W. E. Willie. Baby ionChleks-Tohn T. Duncan, AuctSale-W, P. Schnook, Tenders w8nted-81515151 Bros. Truck chain lost -Stewart Bros. Bggs for hatching -W. ,I. Alex. Perdhuret. Cumberland ern- GMe Potatoes wanted-W.J, McCracken, Bridge Painting-TownshipROV1111011-TOW116of Morrie. Goart of 112p of Grey. Who wants on hnitotion-B, & S. Pluin. clot! and held in DooT0a."-On the Brantford last week. evening of Friday, 21st inst, the Mon- Miss Mina Dangles, who recently crieff Dramatic Company wi'll preseut completed a business course at Mt, the play "The Village_Doctor, under Irovesb, left this week for Toronto auspices of Walton Women's Insti. where she has accepted a position, tete, in the A. 0,13. W. Hall here, The household efrects of Rev. T. M. S. B. Stothers, Clinton, will also be Wesley, a former pastor of the Pres- present and show the views in eon. byterian church, were shipped to neaten with the Medical Inspection Coldwater, Out, where he 19 ROW of schools, &c. stet:inroad, The many friends of Mr. Monday night the 200 lamp Deloo Wesley wish he and Mrs. Wesley Lighting system shed its friendlyit rays every success in their new home, on Walton, being installed in George OSITCrAltY.- John Griffith, one of Snelling's building by IL Gourley flowiek's old and respected residents, Derma, District Agent, Listowel. passed away at his home on Friday This is one of the largest of the long illness, due to heart kind in this district. Mtstri.ct Retus ..e after a weak- Plant will be nem. Deceased was in his 77th year, utilized in a number of stores and of Ieish descent, and a menthe': of the residences later. Walton is on the Auglican church. He is survived by map. Wroxeter Other Wroxeter news may 115 ±00116 on page 5. Geo. Oliver, Wingbam, visited relit- Byes here last week. Rev. Mr. Bell, Molesworth, preach. ed in the Presbyterian his wife and 4 sons (Wm., Ilarriston ; Sain„ Richard and George, of How- Qrey ick ;) and 8 daughters (Mrs. S. Taylor, 25 acres of flax will be put 10 00 the Mes. Wm. Adams jr. and Miss Maggie 200 acre farm of W. 3. Hemingway, also of Howicke Femoral took place 11th Cou., by Brussels Flax Mill Co. 04011657 afternoon to the Wroxeter Quite a number of Grey farmers will cemetery and was largely attended, enter for the Agricultural Society's Rev. Mr. Powell officiating. Field Crop this season. Make entries early to be sure, church on Sun- day. R. B. Harris, Toronto, spent several clays with his daughter, Mee, D. M. McTavish. Donald Munro has returned from Toronto where he has been attending University. Miss Sadie White 181011156 ±0 Tor- mita,' Saturday, after a few days visit withher parents. Word was received here of the seri- 3110 111 1101138 Of Miss Nellie A ticlemon, in 1 London hospital. We wish hr e speedy recovery. Misses Jean Young and Gertrude airship underwent operations fur ap- pendicibis last week, the former at a Wingham hospital and the latter in loing well, Morrtu W, j, Sharpe resumes work on his What about that Standing Field farm, Ilth Com, after his year's heti- Orop entry ? day, during which he and Mrs. Sharpe A couple of iron bridges aro to be spent. several months in the West. painted in this township. See the Mothers' Day will be observed next advt. • Sunday at Roe's and Union Methodist Jno. Jordan, 511 line, has invested churches. A Mothers' choir will sing er nd a Women's choir at in a touring 0115 8116 handles it like an at the forma expert. Union. Feed is scarce with some Morrisnes Mrs, Thos, Alcook, 14th Com, left and early paste -wage would help out in this week for a holiday 5,451)1 with re. fine Flhape. latives and friends in Manitoba end A Municipal Drain is plannedcom- Sasakatchewan. We wish her an en- mencing at thC. Rntoul, Lot 6th oYbestay and a safe return. line. It was berme Council at last We are sorry to state that Jno. meeting. Lamont, qh Cone has lost the sight Sonooe Rxemer.-Following is re- of both eyes tend has gone to the Co. port of S. S. No, 9, Motrin for Murch Home, Clinton, as a paving patient. aminations and daily work. Jr. IV- care for himself on imeounb of his handicap. Mv. Lamont is unmarried, SOHOOL REPOBT,-Thn follOWillg ia ,,,, report of S. S, No, 6 Grey. Names in •••••••••••••••••••••••••te••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •order at merit. Sr. IV -Nellie Camp- • • ; Try • Wolk bell, Earl Mills, Florence Bremner, • Joe A.vmstrong, Rata Mills. Sr. HI- the ralace Bakery • Alex. Alexander, &lea Eveleigh, • e • Margaret Armstrong. Jr. III-Olar- • • ence Clark, Jessie Campbell, Melvyn • • Hainiltou, Willie Lucas, Ethel Ward, • , For • • • • a Loaf of Bread • Margaret beater Sr, II-Staniey • • Alexander, Norman 13eienes, JI'. 11-- • • Ralph Beirties, Tummy .reizas, Lena .. o Ist- 11 Eat More of it • Ward, Hughes AI/name-. • Bread is Your Best -food • Helen Behmes, R0129 McNeil, Leola a • Mills sit Pr A • E 1 1 1 • , . ,- Utlill . vo e g 1, e 0, 0 13 11 Lucas, ie. who spenb the Winter there, prepared. relatives to expect a message of this import, as he had been failing fleet the past month. Boru in Carleton County, de- ceased came to Essex Comity with his parents as 114 child, wiled they settled at North Ridge, mud grew up around 0F, where eas he gvadneted from the 14)31, school, and attended Toronto University, graduating from there with the clegvee 6, A,, et, ee He en- LI l' P witiiptL•V in I itServed'11 tared the Me-ace•te . JO • don Couference, being stationed 9110- cessively at Ethel, Gest) (his home cireuit) 11111 street Lend 0 .116 • , ° , tate determined upon you will be ad- 01 Belgrave Vised noneerning same. ls Belgrave East Lynne Dramatic Voters truly. c Company will present the play in F'. J. GOLEY, 1, Brussels Town Hall, 'flittesday even- Chid Engineer. big, May 18th, 1111601' Lite auspice.; of oa tak . oi. er a • the Willing Workers of the Plesby- terian church of thitt pleee. havereBitl: ofivGilevad8 titi:le8e ilve°neuit ved et; Oortoteer -TI t t 0 t front Tuvrthetry street, opposite Jas, 3 ., . le con 18 01111er , • Jones' premises' that is slated for Finlay 1.4th thee, in as 111 is unsafe 011 C• • amount nf being melte I the O. 0 F. Hall, Belgrave, is the talk am, a tili, , . t • f ( vas repartee shipped • or te of the countryside. The plan of re- •--- - b t a ii William anti Albert streets sewer, le seats we a open a op. Te. t „1, • • Arne s tee Is to be graded and lei 1)01148 store on Saturday of this weelt„ lied ,k pave . as soon as woi can be clone, A So people want to be ready to jmnp, Application for street, iights at el. • • • P1'.-WilEsBeirESS, Jelin t : Campbell, Glades Lucas, Lizzie 1 GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS Beirnes, P * P . E. 1. HAAN, Teacher,' : I Phone 32X VV. E. WILLIS t P v P 011/••••••••44.000.040••••••• .4.4444044.443000441******* ase••••eceseesemoiesseeseee e o , , transfemed from there to the North - West Iowa Conference, serving two ; s ' . • pastorates ; litter transferring to Los Angeles ; Eugene, Ovegon ; Portla»ii, °cern, and Teatime, Oregon, sue. ceseively. At the lit,tee place his to fail health began, anti he was Vane- leered to Champagne, 41). two yeam ago. He (tame home to Anthersehtteg at that time much broke)) in }moth 1 f 1 . and spent a coup tt o u»tit le remoter ating and being etimewhat iternoved. left for his new elutege, but oveiteliecl _-_-...-- Winchain Miss Isabel McDougall, nf Queett's University, gingeton, who • se home Is at Winghans has volueteered to go e, ', ,, . ,, 10 outivilit •-narge. IllrkeY. She goes midee the Ameriran Contempt. Lionel chuech, , The body nt Mrs. A., E, Smith, wife of A. E. bieille banker, Min died ne her reeitlence here after 0, brief illness, talcoiell teas the 0. P. R. train to Millet Fovestwhere i»teetnent Intik 44410011 RDA Strettem streets intemee. R Hon was lead, Several other applica. K Hone had been made. Anticipating M corning of Hydro it was thought. ad- NI vieable to wait before adding more el 1 1 amps. Reeve tutu e an explanation to in Council of Electric light collections R. and goal distribution shortages ad el asked opinion of members eegarding 10 the same. re After discussing other local matters to Council edjournerl., 0 [V! i CO' a 0 N (5 TO THE PUBLIC Your Victory Loan Coupons due xst 0 -------r NrIP"r"rilr"r" 0 * 0 e 0 To Those loteres -d 9 " te 0 0 . • • May can be cashed at The Canadian Bank of Commerce or left on deposit in a Savings Account. • . Interest on Savings Accounts is paid at the rath of •3% annum. • 5.6 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE , CAPITAL 5,0000 RESERVE FUND . - $15,000,000 W,ALTON BRANCH, J. M. McMillaii, Manager, 0 0 • el rs 0 PaHE ouLlook is thab Eggs are e e • going to be 11110 Wettest this 0 0 • a coming Winter ever Ireewit ve in this weary so be prepai etl, 0 Duvipg May, Tune and July we • vilt have 16 000 95±0113,ttudy e ' , 8 - . e oh,as, •pet e Did you ever figitre how much • your day-old Chicks cost yott by 1 h b 0 tens spoiling t e eggs ylavingli 6 ale nest and beeaking Wahl ? le , To 0.v0iii disappointment Ordet e Our yeses this year 8 ta•o YRIe'Sar$s22e• npwer• hun-drPed, 51ho 6 0 aIter ose . * Pholie 3 on 38x BRUSSELS 0 to 9• g HURON SPROiliiihtli FARM I butt% • ago b sere on y emit ays 5531(0 le eil ee- 1 1 3 c; 1 1 1/ ed a collapse, and was hurried to the more benefloent climate or oat to rri le . 'II ' • She• plitee, is tairelyed by her bus - band end one daughter, Nora, at 11°14°, el 131g progratn of buildiug on at F,xe- or te bi r t, it year. ofl Consolidated schools are being dis- th t 1 i • ; 1 1 ) I . °P" a 1 9 °Pa' ." th might. yet be bui le 11p, tit,'h failed tin respotui to treatment awl geaduall weakened till the en 1' But ' ' 1 y . ,. e. . ( • ,e.. io i.Va? 111, Leta Angeles ruesuay, N hen 814111011. ed at Sioux City, Towie some , • t eats aro Rev Mr Tt3imble was mitm'ed t ,i, • . , , ., 0 Srhmeitmmiasns ttlWeoHyge heCttesoht leaWlrinswoasl,i's)ktmhe" ra,viefvanemdd iblsyheohfiss3 ufracvthhiivelders NVi01 MVi 1 1111111 21 5101I 1 irwth him;al wnee;er Rulsy (Mrs,bore,Th7hemben ey robe/met) t111111S1'OlIS Log Angeles flew) blC111 11[2, 2018 nee brother, W. W. Teirn, , of Amherst- 4 sister Lydla died a few yeers in Muskoka. Mise Lydia Trimble, ever Well-known Methodiee missioom y -AL.-, Bluevale B e 0 t t o . 1 i l's 0 Ate Ewe -Most) PAM- 1 12y. -The Acton Irmo Piese epealte ns fo1101V6 Lif former residents of Blue- 1 / • , va e 1- nspector and Mrs btewart ' ' ' and family removed, to their new voeettvbiycletopfne r. eHognir'tee !tWeseteeede.milye, dctfoI Rthvee0iie' md g anl.mwimlayet.t 11 10 17 ,s I.t ' t .I,1 liwiii ed 11 111,1)156 with litterests which have for their -Ilea the betterment of the tut 1 iter ' co nu i , . Citizens of their 'Odell and ohateictee will be of benefit whet, they Melte their reeklence The best Wishoe of a limit of frirman frilinnit Cc cussed in Penh Co. tic Grinnell farmers will eow sweet m clovenhi large acreage this year. tic Miss Mabel Leslie left Grantee folt 1,1 BMW° take a es' io 1s I , , to le n n n Stale oe hospital, tol A, J. McDonald, manager Of the en SCtoaonnu,.,agdt'1hsiatoon1eixAanilnktg o r Cf0o1'm(418 cbe eaatt(etlre aa tt. eeet sl , 'n,OA , i 1, ai;e uPeriO,m dent XiPAID•UP othe lcal 11 deo Otennission, who lera went, from Ste Marys ti t k '1 ' 1 ,a o a RIM' ar wl posit1)051±101)111Caeleton Place; contem. i•oi plates going into buttineee for himself me in °Mitt -nista, and has habded in his i resignation, to take effect; wh .6s en ft Co ontonnhomi Irl .1...m.4 *•••••••••••••••••••••tmos the .4.1.,...,•••+1••••• Mies Untie Herm of Downie, met • with a painfell aceitlent on Sunday, when elle fell and cut her arm and spvalned hoe meet. Dr, 1‘. .1.11 er to, wee ei 1,1. orerestil eat, il,, On 1!o) it 'tient I itt.peetion, i1i.:111 tlf wog) Braneb, will Lahti over the practiee of his uncle, the late Dr, W. 13, Stev. • vens, lits Marys. He le a SOLI Uf Dr. J. 13. Stevens or Yale, Miele., and .,f 10 11, 11t8.5±115. POrl Ili 11, 2..1., ir,41 10 ibnetTi • in I 13(1 1,1 013111U11 1508 eterniery teurgery for 6 yeet /I et sari,m, One Church Chimes *ea - New ea. pe; Eine been placed oil p11:1111 a11,1 1(1' 13 platforms of the Metho- di0 elite's, b the Ladies' Aid, 0± le ttse wee received iu the offer- ing ienetee UNA ErisSelt, if leombaY, 11131,, e ote I `I,J, P 10A1' 1111221t1 Sled RA. if. vt,ry 1 t12, ;11,1. s';:•1•• 1.2.21...22111e11 1010 C1.12,..11 1:i4, thbatle morn- ing in thc ;Mt h.-Jaliit chinch. (4 C61/18 /)5 4nni F1y p:ttfeis,ou of Faith Mothets' Inv program will be 1.0110S1, ed at M e:tt en) Church Sabbath School next Sunda,.• Mier noon, Teachers and pupils are asked to w, sr a White flower. Parents invited. A prop eel teat mite tome before the Presby`erien Geaeral*Amembly in June is for We appointment uf a permanent official head of the church, or General Superintendent, who will be couvenor et see Supro:Inv Gene -eel Committee, Nest Suedev 10111130 the auuiversarY of et: 11, r± 1)40. Au ieterestiug pro- rate heating 012 ,11,, subject will be giv. 13 111 5110 '211.1106151 School in the al 50r- e0on, to wbieh parents and pupils are white flower is emblematic f the day. Mae Lydia Sherritt, Miseionary at theegiti, Chem. tele recently reached he home of ber pni%11 1C, John and afro Merritt, of 1'.1 0! 1121.1)6, eg a one yggrtr, ertoush `lite anti Mir.% fl,sitytt, aleo a 31ansua1d piri. left Chiba at the tAtzte Lime, Nita; S wit set taking a more duets; route and riaeltixtt; her Lome :tome weeks sootier, Last Sabbath 3110±0)03 (5 well kuown ayrnan, 311 the pertain ol: '1% 12 Handl- Ott, Listower geve an aditrese in Mel - Me eburch ou the Peace Fortvard Ilovenlent. he wee a practical talk Tenting with the neethe obligations and oo3 to be derived from this great rusade. Cards were distributed to 00L1- regatioR and over $3,000 subscribed oward the objective $5,550 Miss Isa- el Stream) sang e solo. The canvass s being cotitinued this week, Following young men, candidates for he ministry, wrote at the London Con- erence exams., eeld in the St. Marys lethodist citurch :-Geo. M. Clayton, Dresden ; J. D. Woollatt, Loudon S. Sweatmen, Coetesworth ; lohn P. ook, Pnliarton ; irvine Kaine, Cot. ens ; Eli G, Riedols, Listowel ; Geo. . Penrose, 'West Lorne ; Stephen j. ethers, Palmerston ; R Earl South. ott, Exeter ; H. C. Wilson, Oil Springs. DISTRICT NIRETINt. -The anneal Dls. rict Meeting will he held in the Mettle - i0± Church, Brussels, May real and oth. Ministerial sessiou will open at a, tn. Teestlay, and the general sm. ion 81. 13.10 a. ne, Wednesday. Tues - ay eveuing a public meeting will be eld. to be addressed by Rev. J. N. tarry, B. A., Kincardiee, on "After the orward Movement, Wiest ?" and by ev. R, F. Levitt, Luc:know, on "Lay luisterial Evangelism iu the Local. hutch." Pastors are requested to send 11 Epworth League and Sunday School hedules to Rev. R. C. Copeland, ucknow, MA all other schedules to ev, R. C. Kersey, not later than 5 days receding, District Meeting, as per Die - piffle, Sec. 276. B. P. Armstrong, hairman ; and F. E. Clysdale, Fin. ee. There will be tR ministers end .18 ymen in attend:tem it is expected, 1111 incetiag is ;los clearing house for e annual Conference which will as. mble le Stalked the feet week of MAIT1.4110 PRE.St'rtak/AL. The fith nual W. M. S. t tenveinien of Malt- ed ...ty win entivene in Tzmax hurell, iecardint en Tuesasy, May th. Thcre von he 1 epeeleg 1. to a, In. ie.,1k)wing will he the in ter - hug prom emme presented :-Scrip- re resettle, Mies leteet McPherson, Helens 1 Player, Mrs, McDonald, ranbroek ; esident's rulthese, Mre. eve Bell, Molesworth 1 Reports from ceis1. Mission Band Conference, led Mrs. lonely, Walton ; privet' toe 1. fits:1i 011'0104n IS,,Iprse, 51„11. 11,±11.3 slt rowsvi 501). 11E5, nth, tei Helene retteling by Mrscampbeit, ivermlitle ; tennites by Moe Coombe. hicardine Words of welcome. Miss • ether, Kincardine ; Coe Sec. Report, vs. Fox, Brnseels 1. Treas. statement. rs. Petrie. Wine:ham ; Dedicatory aver, Mrs, iticK.euzie. North Ki1.1 10SS 1 eport ot Forward /devotee/le Mes, anu, Brussels ; "The Forward Move - ('11(80 a PfttriRtip ditty and a Christian ponsibility," Mrs, Gotten, Sciath Kin. ; "Bow to realiv.e orir goal," Mts, ereud, Kint•ardint ; Prayer for Fors rcl Movement, Mrs. Jandeeou, St. eles; Mission Baud exercise ; Ad - cite, Rev, A, It'Armstrong, Toronto; ering • solo ; Report of Notnituttiug nunittete, Mrs, Hardie Ashfield : glea- n of officers; Prayer for new Board. .5 Perria, Allstate ; Business, resoht- ns and cloying words by Mrs, 5. D. ele, tocewnter ; Preyer by Mrs, Mo. num, Lucknow, At evemng session lowing greetings from Presbytery music by the choir ken; IStet., Ann. ring will Rive nn illustrated Lechare, ose vieshieg to remain over eight are ed to notify Mrs. W. I. morrisom cardine, 1)1)5 13±10± than May 701. A ge attendance 15 expected. Meals I be semen in the thereh lecture ni and the delegates are expected to 'ply the necessary sarldWiehMt, RH per 011E1011 Adopted at a meeting of the rumittee, Maitland Presbytery will 11106 a satte day fot Ibe )ske4de tOWils