HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1920-4-15, Page 4r.� .,.hikes els Vost Tiltitht,;Y. APRIL is 1920 A grana. :,re gill v. I fitlg- Roper. Mail Couriers are rsking fur new seen It..A )uet.t high cost of horse feed, are 'Now ? .t& U. S has a railroad strike!nl their nut& they are refusing Canadian it eight for the tilue being, t$17oe :r tau is prodieted as the pike per ton for herd coal next Winter unless next to a miracle is worked, It's enough to mike a fellow's teeth chatter already Ir 'o1(';. ; Prince of Wales visit to the F,•ee, to beat least a good second v + d Lu ,rerun exhibited last year ••1 ,-ectal :d in Canada and the 19xiTrx Advocate, owned by Messrs. Sanders & f :'n, los caused us some unea nese the t_I+,wing advertise- ment n, n i; isetie :-1.2 fine gob. biers foe . . Apply at Advocate of- fice." ci .et heard they were thinkinf ui g d son of business. Tar, d .n:,ot reader of the 'roe?',c-,'..r not as alert e5 metal -r :,o ao Gaster theta • t', - :n 11.;r,•t to Calgary," in- stead of ±peel• -,,y 1t won't make any differeeee cantata but it was quite a , , , ''na:;ination to hit the two g. -ogee p GEa1i.t i., 1,t+filling giant airships boldins r • • u e sort are propelled by 20011 epee, Arrangements will soon '1 „ < ii --de with the constel- latioee t.,r a::;?t, tr. pest up signs as to speed iimii, i;tor• table, Bic. Don't know r=hea,,,- _',.• passengers will be suPP lied r 11 i ,x •sr!cute n - r not. "Tee1h,O1aM vt " is n difficult word for the U st, r. c,,• eeonset to pronounce since to, :,t ',v. -1r•ctints. The U. F. 0. wt in l+' e seemed ems 1 toP fit a kink int, ii bee e elections often leave ..i, t; .•our mouth. The last 3 + r- I,ae- pills for the powers that he r„ ,:,row and the disease is often r rt illy U,t-tions. FAR`.: Pill snits:We, such as the cow and pig, can ro mere be called common nor is r1,ey and their product are motes.,, lifters. A Holstein bossy, sots at Toronto last week, brought Se,000 Her name was "Riverdale Rose" suet lice record is 35 3.4. pounds of butter a tiiteek. No. Harvey, of Frellgs- burg, On -1,-,,•, is the new owner. This "Rose" has a good right to be promoted to the honors of the Milky Way. Com- paratively few men could afford more than a dozen or so roses of that quality in their gardens. PERTH CountyC le k bip must surely have game "pickings" on a string to the $2.000 a year salary or there would not have been the rush for an office com. paratively few men are qualified to fill. The laic Clerk, Wm Davidson, died a short bine ago and it took rq ballots to decide in the Co. Council which of the 8 epplicams were "it." Mantle feu on Fred. Armstrong, Manager of the Stort- ing bank, Afoukton, who bas had r5 years banking experience. He is a son of Reeve Relit. Armstrong, Ellice town - :;hip anti is az years nf age. Mr. Arm- strong will no drtiht fill the bill, WE notice ttiat the Mayer of St, Lotus, Co. Levis. 'tuehec, is being appealed against, by a ratepayer, because the former can neither read nor write. He may not doer the net'essary qualifica- tions for nl'ir•• bolding but surely a better time ;,, trap 11110 was at the nomi. nation end ;,rni,+1'y thereby save costs and who+ tIiar i,r"%0- a vely disagreeable wrangle. rile 111yor bad considerable nerve to expect to fill the office when he was shorn of oven the rudiments of edu- cation. Probably the standard in St. Louis is not fence high and 1f so a stir - up may be the best thing to happen to acquailit people that this is the Both century ,,v. -I: -,r pmrh.'c Province. Ovra l4f. ,n 1,e, been raised by the U F. 0. +,r; pies•, :011 in Manitoba for a fund to prey e. expenses in the next g.neral I Iion. Otconrse there is sepal -Art ,t,.0 ergs sem to meet legititlr..•c 1111 aro in such cases but the corrrt:,, i'i:.;d, that have marked and metre.: roam an election has a nasty aroma ahaut i lleni and often the meet- pulatorr: of tie_ 11 aures are said to have passed 1001* than one I. O. U. in favor of them •i.tvr;, to make sure, we suppose, they weft,; ,v1(1 brit. It's a dangerous "exhln ,1 . r, +t.rorile without care, cauE o , ., :di t u :Ion honesty. Old tame 1 111-. 1 . t'rt away when a big shale , , ' Ir •-'4: was .done for the lour c 7 e :,ad greasing the -palm seeks iii.:y ihti tight of way, THP, POST Telephones are No. 3r and Via, Wliat about that item you have? 11 1S A (it)t)i) so, l'hl'l,1' (1 1.' SUGAR ON HAND. Oar of S X Shingles Expected sone. N. H. CARDIFF. Phone ?It MPP ...Pt elle A Note from the West, DEAR POST.—The weather is Spring. like note but it has been a long tire. some IVinter, starting in about Oct. Sth, It has been a serious gtlestiof for those with stock as a lot of stuff Watt not cut 1(11(3 quite a Int Was wast- ed and spoiled after etoct;wg, Good many will not have feud aped uot • stook to tint in crop. A lot of stock has died already and the rundown stock will have a hard time until the ware) weather and first grass comes. While in Edmonton letely we were told of one than who shot 1.35 horses, You are having a trial of the Ferni- er politician. Well people are expeot- ing more of thew than your Laurier bunch gave on the TatiI-f, Laurier had as little use for low tariff as Old Nick has for holy water, just used it as a plank to get in on the ear. Prohibition is one of the what pope. lar ideals iu the w end bet what did Laurier Liberals do for it ? Nothing. If the Liberals were elected tomor- row they could 5101 do a thing for low tarifa' as a large percentage are for high tariff, Those of us that came from the American side have a grouch against such papers as THE POST or Toronto Globe for making us believe there teas anything in Laurier Liber- alism. Respectfully, A, F. STEWART. Maidstone, Sask. Dominion Income Tax Commencing Monday, April 6th, and continuing for a period of two weeks, representatives from the Lon- don office will visit the various locali- ties in the Londondistrict, for the purpose of interviewing personally any taxpayer who may desirelf tma- tion ±0o i lot c n lett 1 with his income tax return, All income returns for 1919 must be filed at the London office not later than the 30th of April next. Mr. Harding will be in Brussels and will be pleased to interview any taxpayer who may be in doubt as to how he should complete his return. If it 18 deemed necessary, and can be arrang- ed at the time of the above visit, There will be no public meeting, but simply to interview personally any who may require information, Address and Presentation to ex -Reeve and Mrs, Wm, Fraser Who Remove ,from Grey Township to Dutton, Elgin Co., Ont, A very pleasant gathering took place on Thursday afternoon, April let, at the home of Wm. and Mrs. Fraser, Molesworth, when friends and neighbors met to say Good bye before they leave for their new home at Dut- ton, Ont. For the past 137 years Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have lived on the 2nd line, Grey, about 2 miles from Molesworth. During all these years they had prov- ed themselves to be true neighbors and useful citizens. Mr. Fraser hae been a prominent man in the com- munity. For 16 years he was a mem- ber of the township Council, serving one term as Reeve ; for 9 years con- tinuously he acted as school trustee. He was President and salesman for Molesworth Cheese and Butter Manu- facturing Company, also a director of the Molesworth Independent Tele- phone Company : and in many other ways was closely anti practically identified with the life of the neigh- borhood. Mts. Fraser's place will al- so be hard to fill, as she was always "zealous in gond works," The members nf their family are now scattered, Roy is in Dutton, Clark, Will., Dave and Ella are living in the West, and Mary in Los Angeles, Oal. Mr, Fraser has bought a Borne in Dutton and intends taking up his residence there about April 16th. The neighbor's met on the afore- mentioned date, teller a pleasant soc- ial time was spent. and Mr. Fraser was presented with a gold watch and chain, and l±Trs. Fraser with a silver tent service. John McDonald and Mrs. Jane McDonald, Life long neigh - bore, made the presentation, and Gen. Brown read the following address, to which 81r. Fraser matte a very suit- able reply 1— D2•2AIf. Mit. AND MILS..FItA1.1111L,— In the course of events the time has come when you feel the need of a little relaxation tuner the busy, strenuous life yor have been living, When you sold your fal'm some time ago, we felt that in all probability we would lose you from our neighborhood, Al- though you have not been very much with us during the past year, your 00. casional visits have kept us in touch with you, and have also intensified the sense of lose that we feel at the thought for your leaving ue altogeth. er for your new home in Dutton, By your sterling characters and kindly friendly, Christian disposition you have both taken a prominent parr; in all the different activities in the life of the cnwrnunity. Mr. Fraser, by your long and faithful service in municipal life, you have bitumen one of the beet and most favorably known men in the township and your work es a mem- ber of the Council has placed us um der obligation to you, We also' re- ,: e%::ios",-.+.:t'+.aaK..�,•iv*eawa,eaahmv%.". + ::1:: M. Yollick +l Alexnuder St. Brussels ,+1, + Back to Town As I ilave returned t0 •P H + + + • Brussels to make my * home I am prepared to resume business along the old lines and will handle * any quantity of Junk at the best prices going. Phone 224 4. + member with appteriatlon and grat- itude, the place Mrs, Fraser has filled in The soviet and benevnlent life of the neighborhood, In every movement that had in view the welfare of tele people, you have always taken a keen interest and a prominent pert. We would recall especially the efforts of you boot during the yews of the late war ; how 81r. Fraser, through his position in the Council, and Mrs, Fraser through the Wnnne,'s Institute and in other ways, did so much for the comfort of the soldier boys fight- ing in our behalf at the front. You have always been ready to lend a helping hand in time of trouble and sorrow and need, and your lives have been a continuous example of what a real neighbor abouts be, tVe cannot but weetion,also the place that the members of your family won for themselves in he cart o their L h S f 1C1 neighbors ; the willin and efficient help along the different lines of ser- vice that they rendered, and how they were missed as one by one they left home to make their way in the world. We feel that in 0 goingi 1 fitfrom s v1( 1(r u thin' y l 0 9 S ire g a real loss and althougho v you have been so prominent in many ways, we shall miss you most of all as a teal and true neighbor. We meet with you in your home today to give ex- pression to our deep sense of loss in your leaving us, and also of our ap- e��eep z. t-7•,,.... .- 1.....+w.�•^+oe.,w.�,. •emt'GIMK+,n.An+cs,r.., -a .*.*... �. r,--4��` M7.+..7.. k(lrpttialllrc1 cf jrhill {lelfifdt MO0811411 ITT' ask ynn, air. Fraser, to M'cept tide evatoh and chain, and Mr's. Prase yr, 10 aroept this silver tea 6ery±08, As the watch bolts off tiro iligllt of ±11110 1111±7 you ma forgot your. old COP; ids, ams may 4110 lhu ugh±, "We'll Lek' temp u' .'clops •o t t 1 kat is yet, I'ur Auld lang Syne," nems to mind as you ass rho test service, We assure you that we will follow yell 10 your new home, Witil (1111' beet Metres, and with the prayer that yen may be long spar- ed to each other, and to your Diced., that the evening of yetit' life may he bright and happy, and that ynur5 May be "The blessing of the Lord which maketh rich and addeth no ser• row with it." Signed on behalf of your nld friends and neighbors, John McDonald, Joseph Cumming,' 1), F, Stewart, Thomas McDonald, George Brown, James Menzies, Thomas El- liott and Rev. T. A. Bell. Seaforth DanielMoOeegor, a highly respect- ed resident of, Seaforth, died at the home of his daughter, Airs. John Me - Default], Huron road, on March 31st, at the advanced urge of 32 years. 60TH ANNIv1.1RSART of 1. 0. 0, F.— Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows celebrat- ed the 60th anniversary of its oegani- zamn on March 30, Dr. Heetnietnn, Toronto, Grand Master• of the order ; G. M. Bailey, Goderich ; P. D. D. G. 21. Hall, Clinton and many other visi• tuns frorn the different lodges in the County were present. After the work in the lodge a banquet was hetd, at which ex -Mayor J. A. Stewart, a past Diets lot Deputy, presided, and a de- lightful program was carried out, An address given by Jas. Beattie, 1110 nideet member, who is completing hie 60th year of metuberehip in Fidelity Lodge, was listened to with keen in. terest and pleastive. Addresses were also given by Rev, (Capt.) Edwards, Rev, 'J1 H. Brown and others inter- spersed by musical selections by J. G. Mallen, G. Israel, D. Reid, A. Close and A. Ward. Otldfellowship in Sea. forth has made considerable progress during the past 50 years, frorn a mem- bership of 0 who met in one small room [fidelity Lodge has grown to a membership of nearly 100, and now 0151)5 one of the finest business blocks in the town, which contains their commodious and handsomely -appoint- ed lodge monis. The annual Spring Fair held in Sea - forth under lie auspices of the Agri- cultural Society on Friday, April 2, was very despite u fnvor.able weather conditions. There were no entries in cattle competition, but the heavy draft brood filly and geld- ing classes were well filled and some exceptionally fally flue hn ses exhibited, There were large entries in Clydesdale esdal e class, the single roadster coming next. T. J. McMichael & Son maintained their past reputation by winning four prizes, also the sweepstakes for the best stallion in the Shnw. Broodfoot Bros., obtained 1st prize for a heavy draft blood mare and for foal 1st and n*.s<n+o?. .. ).,,,a,,,10. Hetet' Orgelding any Age, 2nd 444,btt3,, ar)tS't`ot0,•i^6'1.6i4440t+'Al.4i-i'+-1±1K'tt4't4'1.6.,0R2-Ii•s1'+tr and Std, John Dale ee,. W0n 1st prize foe an agrdoultural team, also lot prize tot gelding, 1017, 1018 and 1919 Agri•'I eultui'ai, and a 11110±1* filly any age. la, ± 1 I Iker & Sane, nt' Exeter sanies 011 let prize for hingle road r(ei, aid lite. Van Egmont!, Glutei 1st prize l'ot' cereiege horse, John Pinkney, Mea - forth, wan let prize with hie trottfmg statlloi, 'Teddy Winter." The let pt•Izes in ueiu'ly ell the Masson were generously dn11151ed by the uh>rnhllnls of Meafsr1it, The township prize, giv- en for the three beet he18ee from one township was won by Braa(foot 13r0s, and John Dale je, Just a Little Tired ! This Is the Beginning of a Norval= Br•eakdotvn Row often do we bear people say "Oh, there's nothing the matter, just a little rundown, Watt's all." This may be the beginning of a Ner- vous Breakdown and may soon be followed by Headache, Dizziness, pilins in the region of the Spine, Weak Digestion find many other troubles. Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy is almost sure to prevent Nervous Collapse. 1t 1s just the right thing for Nervous Troubles of any kind. When you "don't feel right," and tire easily you should not delay in taking this wonder remedy, as it will bring back the Vigor and Vitality of GlOod Health, that you so mach desire: It drives away Fear, Nervousness and Despondency and makes your Sleep more Restfnl and Satisfying; it is a Tonic and Strengthener to the Heart, the Nerves, the Brain and the Body. Don't Worry and don't give up be- muse others medicines have tailed to help you, buy a few boxes of Hack- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy from your dealer to -day and an improve- ment in your condition will gnickiy follow, Be sure that you get Hacking's, if Your dealer does not keep tt, we will gladly send it by mall. Pries 50e a box, 6 for $2.60. Hacking's Limited, Llatow t. 1(1, Oa Short Horns for Sale Two Short Horn Bulls for sate, 18 and 11 months old, respectively, and are from Proud Victor ----121100," (206508) Priced to sell. 80.3 A. MOKERCHHR, Wroxeter, Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on Dominion of Canada Department of Finance or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: - 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1;000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended In 1919. Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other thait farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Form T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form T 2. Penalty Every person required to make a return, who Nile to do so within tha time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty -ova per centum of the amount of the rex payebie. Any person, whether taxable, orotherwise, who felts to make a return or provide Informa- tion duly required according to the provielon of the Act, obeli bo liable on summary conviction to a penolty of We for tech day during which the default continuos. Moo any person making a faloe statement In any return or In awy Information required by the Mobster, shall be Moble, on summary conviction, to penalty not exceeding $10,069, or to nit months' Inrprleon- mont or to both fl,a and Imprisonment. General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns, promptly and avoid penalties. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, LONDON, ONT. R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. The Seaforth, Creamery reamt at te eneneemMemistonnummenimeinetei +• • •F + • • ] IcCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to • The Seaforth Creamery Co. A SEAFORTH, ONT. .l. tzusanommu Send your Cream in the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and a Satisfactory Results, Wa \1,7e put- patronage Lnuwiug that we, can give you thorough siatisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test a it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cretan sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two 0 weeks. Cheques payable at parat Bank of Nova Scotia. * For further particulars see our Agent, M R. T. C. q4� ig +. LI, •+6.1••+0+•+•+•+e.t.a-N-•4• +et•e+++G±- Ws'�'+'8'00P'5•4,4'84*8 Hog for Service I Pore bred TAID11Prt11 Hog 11111 be kept for ' 1 am nov shoring „11e thee. . V couch 131111 ; service at illi Lot 00, Con.'2• 5100,1x, Terns, color, dark roan; age 11 u".uth.+: dam, 51±1- 31,50,payable atLimo ofserytoe with privilege drerl l:ru1"t sire, 1ittyr n, Cu for 102488. Al -o of returning if necessary, 2 cheater bull., rain roan nod ono red. WM.MAubONAMt, Ihave art thing sun want to horses, Marro 41.2 Proprietor, Jamestown, end Geldings. 1'11051 AN K0101, 06lf Phone 151+ Honfryn. Work Horses and Bulls for Sale For Sale or Rent Lot 11, Coit. 2, G•oy Township, 100 norm in good state of cultivation, 80 Cores plowed for Spring Drop, balance hay and pnsture,conven- tent to 51hool and chinch Bonet burn 70 x 02 with truck, hay fork, rope and pulleys, ooni- pieta ambles, cement throughout, good ample. 'tient shed, good hog pen, good frame bonne, two good walla and form well fenced. Price and terms reasonable, Apu1y B, 1100011111ICIi, Trowbridge, Ont. Farm forSa le Good 110 acre farm for sale. being ('1 Got 15, and El of Si Lot 14, eon, 7, Morris township, 100 twee are under eultivntion with 60 acres ready for seeding ; 0 acres Fall wheat ; good bush and pasture with never tonin sprb: g running through ( r . Good comfortablebte house, bark barn 4x00 root, emu❑ any barn and driving stied, pig pen, orchard, well wat- ered, &o. 0 miles from town. To he sold o, account or ill health. For further particu- lars as to price, term:, etc., apply to F. S. Scott Brussels or FRANCIS J. BID1RN8;S, 284f Blyth R. R. No. 2. Short Born Bull Calves for Sale IInderetgned offers for gale 0 Short Horn bull calves, front the well known sire, Hers - field Stamm, bred by Hurry Smith and owned by undersigned. A cow, Princess Pnt from same bull, Bold at Bricker's sole, IShnira re- eontly for $1000, the hi het price at sale. Re- port says "She is a heifer of Show calibre and 5 years old." Hera0elrl Stamp is oleo for stile. SA Lot 00, Con, 0, Morrie township, ,INO, G. SPHIR, Phone 100 Brussels P. 0. Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on SU Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bred Short Horn Bull, Gainford. of Salem, No, 00415=, Sired by Gainford Marquis (100800) ; Dom Mildred VII by Royal Sailor 118080). Ped. faros may be seen an application. Terms - 310,00 for thorn'-brede payable at time of ser- vice with privilege to retold, Grade cows not allowed, THOS. PIERCE, Proprietor Stock for Sale Twn young Scotch Shot Horn Boils for ante. 0110 18 months old sired by (a'niueford of Salem and the other 0 months old lr,rt by Amine Imd. Prices right. 1 ll0o Helu'10, Got 80, Ven 2, Dorris Twp. Telephone 5810 Brussels R. R. 0. .9.4J00P 4<i -t,' C 60660 P•@.3••0.04 • • • e • • • 0 • • • • • ••• • • • 0 Agent far the s • • •• • •• OFitilgr1113LirrIce • • 0 • • • • • • • • e • • a • • • • • Persons intending to • place Weather Insurance on buildings would do well to see 4. He L Ste a HENFRYN Ontario farmers' Weather Insurance Cc, e rt Head Office, Grand Valley Rates : $2.00 per 1000 SECOND TO NONE 1 • • • a • 4, 8 •+ 4, O O 0 0 Ofet••a•.•eacee.4. 5•0•554a•• e45•••••••••••••••04•••••OeN450.O00.0.04.0+•4eoi.Gd4$4.sq Students may EnterAny Time • . •• • •• e • • • • t7 /44' • a 0 d • • 4 4t b • e 6 We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are meeting with success. We aro training Soldiers under Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment OOmmisei01I. Address the College for Free Catalogue, to either Stratford or • VVingham • 4.204~••.•.••11••4••••••• o a•ae,4'4'4Aos a 3.!• ; , a o0a40.114,,f; Cream W 112101=-Egamt Ship yzitia• Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of yew -Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank, ,, Give the Brussels Factory one trial and yru will not want to discontinue. Brussels Crarnery st5"1 Brasi e,+